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The Bully Who Loved Me Completed Series (The Bully Who Loves Me #6)

by DR Love

Meet the Bullies: * A hotshot publicist * A hot professor and coach * A celebrity hotel rescue consultant * An ex-military escort * A star football player Each with their own story and how the women they tried to dominate, eventually tamed and dominated them. The Bully Who Loved Me Boxset contains: The five full books in the romantic comedy series with flat-out crazy scenes, situations, and even hotter salivating scenes. Intended for mature audiences or something technically mature at 18 and up and is a New Adult College Bully Romance that is complete.


by Mark Haddon

Del autor de El curioso incidente del perro a medianoche, una novela para niños en la que luce de nuevo su personalísima imaginación, cargada de sentido del humor y geniales detalles de fantasía desbordante. De pura casualidad, Jim y su mejor amigo Charlie descubren que dos profesores de su instituto se comunican en un incomprensible idioma secreto. Presas de la curiosidad, se confabulan para desentrañar un misterio que, día tras día, se vuelve más inquietante. ¿Qué significan palabras como spudvetch o snekkit? ¿Quiénes son los Centinelas? ¿Y por qué, de repente, los ojos del profesor Kidd destellan con una fluorescencia azul? ¿No será que el señor Kidd y la señora Pearce, con su extraño lenguaje codificado, son asaltantes de bancos, espías de una potencia enemiga, o incluso alienígenas que preparan una invasión de la Tierra? En su afán de hallar la respuesta a todo este enigma, ambos amigos acaban viajando al espacio infinito, donde vivirán la aventura más emocionante y peligrosa que nadie habría podido imaginar. Reseñas:«Una aventura divertida y trepidante.»The Bookbag «Una extraordinaria aventura cuya intensidad no decae en ningún momento.»The Irish Examiner «Excelente diversión para los lectores jóvenes.»The Daily Mail «Una alocada aventura, vertiginosa y completamente increíble, aunque nadie dudará de una sola palabra.»Publishers Weekly «Una aventura desternillante.»The Bookseller «Den un ejemplar de este libro a todos los niños de entre 7 y 11 años. ¡Más, por favor!»The School Librarian

Bum Bum Bum

by Nicolás Giacobone

EL AMOR ES UNA FUERZA DEVASTADORA Tras El cuaderno tachado, internacionalmente aclamada, Nicolás Giacobone entrega una novela explosiva Un hilo trágico une el destino de las cinco personas que tienen voz en esta hipnótica novela. Agustina es una actriz trans que lleva demasiado tiempo encadenando proyectos fallidos y cuya capacidad de amar es tan grande como su voraz deseo de venganza. Verónica es una aplicada guionista televisiva que ve cómo se le escapa de las manos el talento que creyó poseer. Matthew es un hombre simple cuyo matrimonio se desmorona por culpa de sus obsesiones cada vez más desaforadas. Paula es una genial escritora secreta devorada por su propia obra, que atesora en un viejo laptop sin procesador de textos. Juan, pareja de Agustina y en su día rutilante artista conceptual, desconoce que lo van a asesinar en las afueras de Nueva York. Bum bum bum es una historia visceral y extrema, coral y elíptica, llena de anhelos y violencia, habitada por personajes desorbitados que se preguntan dolorosamente quién son. Un libro, en definitiva, desbordado de vida y pasión, pero también de mugre y soledad. Sobre Bum Bum Bum se ha dicho:«Nicolás Giacobone escribe con ferocidad y belleza. La prosa de Bum Bum Bum nos involucra con los personajes en un viaje adictivo de venganza y redención, a tal punto, que sentimos la necesidad de reparar identidades fragmentadas, curar heridas, y acompañar a esas voces tan disimiles y tan unidas en este relato coral, cuya trama completará una lectura decisiva y fascinante hasta la última página».Agustina Bazterrica «Hay dentro de Bum bum bum una rutilante, y desesperada, anatomía del fracaso y la redención».Jordi Soler «Voces de carne y hueso, de mundos ajenos entre sí, tejen el relato con gran profundidad y ritmo, dupla imbatible».Miguel Prenz Sobre El cuaderno tachado se ha dicho:«Una primera novela que ya quisieras tú. Trata de un guionista encerrado por un director en un sótano... Esta gente no se corta, y por eso el libro de Giacobone es tan interesante.»Alberto Olmos, El Confidencial «Un thriller intelectual y claustrofóbico lleno de humor.»Rosa Belmonte, Mujer Hoy «Ágil y original.»Daniel Gigena, La Nación «Fascinante y deliciosamente diábolica.»Léonard Billot, Les Inrocks «Una novela frenética, atravesada por la ira, repleta de humor negro.»Éric Neuhoff, Le Figaro «Una obra sobresaliente que te hará cosquillas en las sinapsis.»Christian Endres, Die Zukunft «Una prosa que va mucho más allá de las virtudes de Birdman: refleja a la perfección cómo nacen las maneras de narrar más novedosas.»Nicola Bardola, Abendzeitung München «El cuaderno tachado es una de esas obras particulares que merecen especial atención porque encierran, secretamente, la rara joya de la literatura.»Sara Prian, La voce di Venezia «Para mi próxima obra maestra, no dudaré en encerrar a Nicolás Giacobone en mi sótano y obligarle a escribir una novela tan traviesa, ingeniosa y espléndida en su conjunto como El cuaderno tachado.»Joshua Ferris

Bum Steer (Jenny Cain #6)

by Nancy Pickard

Hours after the Port Frederick Civic Foundation got wind of a highly unusual bequest: a $4 million Kansas cattle ranch, director Jenny Cain hops a flight west. She arrives at the hospital room of the gravely ill benefactor, Charles W. "Cat" Benet, to find that he's already dead. Murdered. Could charming Quentin Harlan, the ranch hand, be Cat Benet's killer? Or did Cat's estranged daughters, unhappy ex-wives and their jealous second husbands have something to do with his death?

Bump in the Night

by Isabelle Holland

From Library Journal: When disintegrating divorcee Martha Tierney awakens from a drunken stupor one morning, she discovers that her eight-year-old son Jonathan has failed to arrive at his fancy private school in Brooklyn Heights. The ensuing kidnap-for-kiddie-porn crisis (the kiddie-porn part only peripheral) ensnares Martha in guilt, anxiety, withdrawal symptoms, and incipient self-awareness. Battling alcoholism becomes as important to the plot as locating Jonathan. Squeaky-clean material, with divorce side-effects, a naive-but-not-naive kid, an antiseptic murder, and an upbeat ending. Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc.

The Bum's Rush: A Leo Waterman Mystery

by G. M. Ford

Seattle PI Leo Waterman continues to deliver on the lively promise of his first appearance in Who in Hell Is Wanda Fuca? In his third case, following Cast in Stone, Leo stumbles into a battle for the riches of a young pop star, Lukkas Terry, who died of a seemingly accidental heroin overdose. While tracking a missing member of his group of homeless friends, known as "the boys," Leo is given some help from Selena Dunlap, a skid row alcoholic who says she's Lukkas's long-lost mother. Leo checks out her story and believes it, especially when some hoods come looking for her. Who might want to deprive Selena of Lukkas's estate? His manager, music impresario Gregory Conover? Or his spacey girlfriend, Beth Goza, now pregnant with his child? Leo coaxes his homeless pals out of their boozy haze to help him find the answer and trap a killer once again. Leo exhibits just the right mix of grit and wit, surviving two murder attempts and the unpredictable antics of his offbeat pals, whose surveillance work is invisible because, as he observes, society has trained itself to ignore them. Ford demonstrates real skill with Leo and his "residentially challenged" cronies in this fast-moving tale, portraying them sympathetically but without sentimentality.

Bun for Your Life

by Karoline Barrett

Two bakery owners get mixed up with murder in the first adventure in the all-new Bread and Batter Mystery series... As the co-owners of Bread and Batter Bakery in Destiny, New York, Molly Tyler and Olivia Williams have plenty on their plates. Molly is recently divorced and looking for a place to live, but they're also both preparing for Destiny's annual Apple Harvest Fair. The bakery has a booth where they'll be selling not only delicious cupcakes and cider doughnuts, but also tote bags and t-shirts emblazoned with the bakery's logo. Tensions rise at the fair when local orchard owner Calista Danforth discovers organizers have assigned her usual booth to Bread and Batter. Although a heated argument ensues between her and Molly, the bakery manages to rake in lots of dough. But when Calista is found strangled to death with one of their t-shirts, Molly is named the prime suspect. Now these two friends must whip up some answers quickly before the future of their business crumbles...

Bundle of Trouble

by Elle James

Sylvia Michaels had raised her son for four short months beTfore he was cruelly snatched from her arms. Desperate and alone, her investigation led to Texas and the ranch of multimillionaire Tate Vincent. The ruggedly handsome bachelor was an intriguing man…and the father of a child who looked suspiciously like hers!But what was supposed to be a joyous reunion was shattered by a hail of gunfire—and an empty cradle. Now both parents were on the hunt for the kidnappers and the child they each claimed as theirs. Tate couldn't deny that Sylvia fought with a mother's passion, and Sylvia couldn't help but notice that the protective man made the perfect father. But would their dream of a family be shattered before it even began?From Harlequin Intrigue: Seek thrills. Solve crimes. Justice served.Discover these action-packed stories in Elle James's The Outriders Series. All books are stand-alone with uplifting endings but were published in the following order:Book 1: Homicide at Whiskey GulchBook 2: Hideout at Whiskey GulchBook 3: Held Hostage at Whiskey GulchBook 4: Setup at Whiskey GulchBook 5: Missing Witness at Whiskey GulchBook 6: Cowboy Justice at Whiskey Gulch

Bundle of Trouble (Maternal Instincts Mystery #1)

by Diana Orgain

First-time mom Kate Connolly may have found the perfect work-from-home mommy job: private investigator. After all, the hours are flexible, she can bring the baby along on stakeouts, and if you're going to be up all night anyway, you might as well solve some crimes . . . Kate imagined she'd spend her maternity leave crooning lullabies and snuggling her beautiful new baby. But then she receives a disturbing phone call telling her that a body has been pulled from the San Francisco Bay, and the police think it may be her brother-in-law. Now, in addition to trying to solve the mystery of how one six-pound baby can generate ten times her weight in laundry, Kate finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation with multiplying victims. And when her husband is detained in connection with the crimes, Kate must crack the case faster than you can say "diaper rash" to keep her little family together . . .

Bundle of Trouble

by Diana Orgain

"Cigars all around"( LOUISE URE, SHAMUS AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR) for the new Maternal Instincts mystery series.First-time mom Kate Connelly is bringing up baby- and bringing down a killer.Kate Connelly may have found the perfect work-from-home Mommy job: private investigator. After all, the hours are flexible, she can bring the baby along on stake-outs, and if you're going to be up all night anyway, you might as well solve some crimes. But when a body is pulled from San Francisco Bay that may be her brother-in-law, Kate must crack the case faster than you can say "diaper rash" in order to keep her family together.

Bundori (Sano Ichiro Novels #2)

by Laura Rowland

The sequel to the acclaimed novel Shinju again features detective Sano Ichiro as he trails a serial killer stalking feudal Japan. In 1689, an all-powerful shogun controls the state, surrounded by bitter machinations and political intrigues. When an ancient tradition suddenly and brutally reappears, Sano risks everything to bring the killer to justice.From the Hardcover edition.

The Bungalow

by Sarah Jio

In the summer of 1942, twenty-one-year-old Anne Calloway, newly engaged, sets off to serve in the Army Nurse Corps on the Pacific island of Bora-Bora. More exhilarated by the adventure of a lifetime than she ever was by her predictable fiancé, she is drawn to a mysterious soldier named Westry, and their friendship soon blossoms into hues as deep as the hibiscus flowers native to the island. Under the thatched roof of an abandoned beach bungalow, the two share a private world-until they witness a gruesome crime, Westry is suddenly redeployed, and their idyll vanishes into the winds of war. In a timeless tale of enduring passion, The Bungalow chronicles Anne’s determination to discover the truth about the twin losses - of life, and of love - that have haunted her for seventy years. Sarah Jio has written a sweeping story of thwarted love, murder, and a long-lost painting.

The Bungalow

by Sarah Jio

A sweeping World War II saga of thwarted love, murder, and a long-lost painting. In the summer of 1942, twenty-one-year-old Anne Calloway, newly engaged, sets off to serve in the Army Nurse Corps on the Pacific island of Bora-Bora. More exhilarated by the adventure of a lifetime than she ever was by her predictable fiancé, she is drawn to a mysterious soldier named Westry, and their friendship soon blossoms into hues as deep as the hibiscus flowers native to the island. Under the thatched roof of an abandoned beach bungalow, the two share a private world-until they witness a gruesome crime, Westry is suddenly redeployed, and the idyll vanishes into the winds of war. A timeless story of enduring passion from the author of Blackberry Winter and The Violets of March, The Bungalow chronicles Anne's determination to discover the truth about the twin losses-of life, and of love-that have haunted her for seventy years.

The Bungalow Mystery: The Bungalow Mystery (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #3)

by Carolyn Keene

While driving a motorboat around the Twin Lakes, Nancy and her friend Helen get caught in a dangerous storm. Luckily, they are rescued by another teenage girl in a rowboat. They soon learn that their rescuer is Laura Pendleton, whose mother has recently having passed away. Laura has come to meet up with her new guardians, but something isn't quite right about them. Nancy investigates the situation, and soon she stumbles upon a shocking surprise in the cellar of a bungalow!

The Bungalow Mystery (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #3)

by Carolyn Keene

Beginning in the late 1950s, the first 34 Nancy Drew books were revised and condenced. This is the unrevised version, with 25 chapters instead of the 20 of the later version. While trying to help a friend out of a difficulty, Nancy has a perilous experience in and around a deserted bungalow, from which only her bravery and quick thinking save her.

Bungee Jump (Orca Currents)

by Pam Withers

Thirteen-year-old Chris and his family are setting up a bungee jump in his backyard. It's a real large-scale bungee jump off a bridge that connects his backyard to a small island owned by his family. Not only is it going to be the coolest attraction around, but it also provides Chris with an opportunity to watch a real engineer in action. Chris would be excited about it if things didn't keep going wrong. The rumors of hauntings on the island, once the site of a hospital for children with leprosy, are getting out of control. And there are mysterious mishaps on the bridge. Chris worries that all of these problems will keep customers away. And if the bungee jump isn't a success, his family will lose everything.


by Andrea Maria Schenkel

It had been a normal day at work. Monika was locking up, ready to head home, when the man arrived. She didn't see his fist until it was far too late.Bundled into a car, tied up and taken in darkness to an old mill in the thick of a forest, she has been flung into a bunker. It is only now, as time passes and she sees her attacker in the light, that she notices the startling resemblance to someone from her very dark and buried past.Someone she never wanted to see again.

The Bunker Diary

by Kevin Brooks

The Bunker Diary is award-winning, young adult writer Kevin Brooks' pulse-pounding exploration of what happens when your worst nightmare comes true - and how will you survive? <P><P> I can't believe I fell for it. It was still dark when I woke up this morning. As soon as my eyes opened I knew where I was. A low-ceilinged rectangular building made entirely of whitewashed concrete. There are six little rooms along the main corridor. There are no windows. No doors. The lift is the only way in or out. What's he going to do to me? What am I going to do? If I'm right, the lift will come down in five minutes. It did. Only this time it wasn't empty...

Bunker Man

by Duncan McLean

It is the North-west coast of Scotland and there's a stranger in town - a shambling silent hulk of a man, face hooded even at the height of summer. He hangs around school playgrounds, laughing; leers through bedroom windows; camps out in a filthy old concrete pillbox. Meanwhile, Rob and Karen, newly married, settle into their new life together. Rob has been taken on as a janitor in the local school and begins to hear about the hooded man. Unpleasant things begin to happen. Unspeakable things. It is time for a showdown. It is time to find the Bunker Man.

Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery (Bunnicula and Friends)

by James Howe Deborah Howe Alan Daniel

This book is written by Harold. His fulltime occupation is dog. He lives with Mr. and Mrs. Monroe and their sons Toby and Pete. Also sharing the home are a cat named Chester and a rabbit named Bunnicula. It is because of Bunnicula that Harold turned to writing. Someone had to tell the full story of what happened in the Monroe household after the rabbit arrived.Was Bunnicula really a vampire? Only Bunnicula knows for sure. But the story of Chester's suspicions and their consequences makes uproarious reading.Since its first appearance in 1979, Bunnicula has been a hit with kids and their parents everywhere, selling over 8 million copies and winning numerous awards.

Bunny Call (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #5)

by Scott Cawthon

Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length tales that will keep even the bravest FNAF player up at night... <P><P> When left in darkness, rage festers. Years of frustration with his family culminate in a loathsome vacation for Bob, who plots a sinister prank to frighten his wife and kids. Matt redirects the residual anger over his many failed relationships into a video game, and ends up birthing the horrible consequences. In room 1280 of Heracles Hospital, something evil is keeping a man alive, a man with gruesome burns all over his body and an iron will to live. In this fifth volume, Five Nights at Freddy's creator Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length stories from different corners of his series' canon, featuring cover art from fan-favorite artist LadyFiszi. <P><P> Readers beware: This collection of terrifying tales is enough to unsettle even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans.

The Bunny-hop Hoax (Nancy Drew Notebooks #64)

by Carolyn Keene Michael Frost Jan Naimo Jones

Nancy's friends are sad because the class hamster has gone missing. Poor Nibbles. But then Katie brings in a bunny named Bun Franklin to be the new class pet! Everyone is thrilled, and now they can began preparing for the Spring Fair. But soon enough someone starts wrecking the class's Spring Fair projects, and everyone thinks it must be Bun Franklin! Mrs. Reynolds is afraid he can't stay. But Nancy is sure it's not Bun--how can she prove it? It takes a lot of clue hunting and sleuthing for Nancy to realize that what she's uncovered just may solve two mysteries at once!

Bunny Lake Is Missing (Femmes Fatales)

by Evelyn Piper

The classic novel of suspense is &“a headlong story of nerve-wracking tension, psychological validity and emotional drive&” (Oakland Tribune). Blanche Lake is not like the other mothers who come to collect their children at the local nursery school on New York&’s Upper East Side. She lives alone, has a job, and has never been married. It&’s the first day of school when this story begins, and Blanche is eager to see how her daughter, Bunny, has fared away from home. But her expectant waiting becomes a mother&’s most dreaded nightmare: Bunny never materializes. Neither teachers nor students recall the small girl, and soon Blanche is engaged in a frantic search for any trace of her missing daughter. And the worst part is . . . no one believes her. In this fraught and at times freakish tale of suspense, Evelyn Piper takes us deep into the psyche of the 1950s to explore American fetishes, fallacies, and fears around motherhood and sexuality. Blanche emerges as a new kind of heroine—a hard-boiled mom with gun in hand, willing to take any risk to find her missing daughter. &“A classic thriller—a riveting revisit to the dark side of the fifties, where the tension beneath the calm surface has an undertow that drags the reader into its grip. Prime pulp—pure pleasure.&” —Linda Fairstein, author of The Bone Vault

Bunny Lake Is Missing

by Evelyn Piper

Blanche Lake, a single mother who has just moved to the city, leaves her four-year-old daughter Bunny at nursery school for the first time. When Blanche returns to the school from work that afternoon, there is no sign of Bunny. Furthermore, no one at the school remembers having seen the child there. The police are helpful at first but soon they suspect that Bunny does not exist and that Blanche is mentally ill. Every time Blanche tries to produce evidence of Bunny's existence she cannot find it, or it is of no use. Psychiatrist Dennis Newhouse, the lover of the woman who runs the nursery school, attempts to show Blanche that Bunny is not real, but he finds himself falling in love with the distraught mother. Meantime, suspects and odd characters abound. An over-the-hill writer, an adolescent stalker, Bunny's absent grandmother, the proprietor of a doll hospital, and employees of the nursery school all influence Blanche's frantic, determined search for good or ill. Alone and beleaguered, she must depend on her mother love and her own wits as she risks everything to bring Bunny home.

El Buque

by Gillian E Hamer Debra Jansen

Thriller policíaco, desarrollado en Gales del Norte, con un toque sobrenatural. Sarah Morton espera que descubrir la verdad acerca del naufragio del Royal Charter en 1859, silencie los demonios de su pasado. Pero, atormentada por visiones y atentados contra su vida, Sarah teme que el buque pueda reclamarla como su víctima final. Desarrollada sobre la dramática y peligrosa costa de Anglesey, El Buque es una historia de codicia y perdón - de cuando los tesoros del pasado evocan los crímenes de hoy.

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