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The Business of Strangers

by Kylie Brant

A WOMAN WITHOUT A PASTShe didn't know her name, didn't know her nationality. The newly manufactured "Rianna Kingsley" only knew that her martial-arts skills and weaponry and assassination techniques went far beyond the average person's....A MARK THAT BECAME A DEATH WARRANTThe men who'd tried to assassinate her all shared one common trait: a tattoo of a winged horse, exactly like the one on her ankle. Where had it come from--and what did it mean to her survival?A MAN WHO WAS MORE THAN A STRANGERIt was dangerous for Rianna to share too much with anyone--much less the criminal hired to kill her--but she couldn't resist Jake Tarrance's arms, his bed. With her shadowy past hot on her heels, would Rianna's business with Jake be passionate...or deadly?

The Business Trip

by Anastasia Amber

“If you want to win for sure, invent your own game and don't tell anyone the rules.” - Ashley Diamond. Deserted hotel, four random guests and one innocent victim. The killer is obviously one of them, but the truth is hidden behind the seven seals. A detective thriller in which a trivial business trip of four managers turned into a game of chance, where only the best of them could win. And if the judge is incorruptible, he leaves the players no other choice but to get rid of him. Author's note: All events and characters are fictitious, and any resemblance to real or living people is coincidental.

Business Unusual: And, Business Unusual (The Simon Bognor Mysteries #10)

by Tim Heald

In the dullest town in England, Bognor becomes enmeshed in a civic club murderEnglish politicians love to prattle on about the honest mettle of towns like Scarpington—mid-sized cities full of ugly buildings, ugly people, and a surfeit of wholesome values. In hopes of learning more about just what the nation&’s heartland is up to, the Board of Trade orders special investigator Simon Bognor to relocate to Scarpington and not to return until he knows what makes the place tick. It does not take long for him to find the answer. Like everywhere else he&’s ever visited, Scarpington runs on a toxic mixture of greed, sex, and murder. Bognor is sitting in on the meeting of the local Artisans&’ Lodge when the keynote speaker keels over dead. Bognor has seen enough murder to know it on sight. As he looks for the culprit, he discovers dark secrets beneath Scarpington&’s homely facade—and a civic character that would horrify even the most depraved of politicians.

Busman's Honeymoon: Classic crime for Agatha Christie fans (Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries)

by Dorothy L Sayers

They plan to have a quiet country honeymoon. Then Lord Peter Wimsey and his bride Harriet Vane find the previous owner's body in the cellar.Set in a country village seething with secrets and snobbery, this is Dorothy L. Sayers' last full-length detective novel. Variously described as a love story with detective interruptions and a detective story with romantic interruptions, it lives up to both descriptions with style.'I admire her novels ... she has great fertility of invention, ingenuity and a wonderful eye for detail' P. D. James(P)2015 Hodder & Stoughton

Busman's Honeymoon: Classic crime for Agatha Christie fans (Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries)

by Dorothy L Sayers

The thirteenth book in Dorothy L Sayers' classic Lord Peter Wimsey series, introduced by crime writer Natasha Cooper - a must-read for fans of Agatha Christie's Poirot and Margery Allingham's Campion Mysteries. They plan to have a quiet country honeymoon. Then Lord Peter Wimsey and his bride Harriet Vane find the previous owner's body in the cellar.Set in a country village seething with secrets and snobbery, this is Dorothy L. Sayers' last full-length detective novel. Variously described as a love story with detective interruptions and a detective story with romantic interruptions, it lives up to both descriptions with style.'She brought to the detective novel originality, intelligence, energy and wit.' P. D. James

Busman's Honeymoon: Classic crime for Agatha Christie fans (Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries)

by Dorothy L Sayers

The thirteenth book in Dorothy L Sayers' classic Lord Peter Wimsey series, introduced by crime writer Natasha Cooper - a must-read for fans of Agatha Christie's Poirot and Margery Allingham's Campion Mysteries. They plan to have a quiet country honeymoon. Then Lord Peter Wimsey and his bride Harriet Vane find the previous owner's body in the cellar.Set in a country village seething with secrets and snobbery, this is Dorothy L. Sayers' last full-length detective novel. Variously described as a love story with detective interruptions and a detective story with romantic interruptions, it lives up to both descriptions with style.'She brought to the detective novel originality, intelligence, energy and wit.' P. D. James

Busman's Honeymoon

by Dorothy L. Sayers

Amateur detective Lord Peter Wimsey and mystery novelist Harriet Vane are finally wed, but their honeymoon is interrupted by – what else? – a murder that they must solve. Adapted from the play of the same name. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.

Busman's Honeymoon

by Dorothy L. Sayers

Everything is perfect when the newly wedded couple Lord Peter and Harriet arrive at their honeymoon cottage. The honeymoon takes an untoward turn as the house owner is found dead and they start investigating the death.

Busman's Honeymoon: A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery With Harriet Vane (The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries #11)

by Dorothy L. Sayers

In this installment of the &“literate and delightful&” Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, Harriet Vane&’s honeymoon with the dapper British detective is marred by murder (Chicago Tribune). It took several near-death experiences for Lord Peter Wimsey to convince Harriet Vane to be his wife, but she has finally relented. When the dapper detective marries Britain&’s most popular mystery author—just a few short years after rescuing her from the hangman&’s noose—the press could not be more excited. But Lord Peter and his bride have no interest in spending their wedding night surrounded by reporters. They sneak out of their own reception to begin their honeymoon early, out of sight of the world. Unfortunately, for some couples, calamity is inescapable. On their 1st morning together, the newlyweds discover the house&’s caretaker bludgeoned to death in the manor&’s basement. If they thought finding a few minutes alone was difficult, they&’re up against even steeper odds. In a house full of suspects, identifying the killer won&’t be easy. Busman&’s Honeymoon is the 13th book in the Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, but you may enjoy the series by reading the books in any order. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Dorothy L. Sayers including rare images from the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College.

La búsqueda

by Charlotte Link

Varias adolescentes desaparecidas, un cadáver en los pantanos y ninguna pista... el nuevo thriller de Charlotte Link, la reina del suspense europeo. Noviembre de 2013. Hannah Caswell, una adolescente de 14 años que había ido a visitar a su abuela, pierde el tren de vuelta a Scarborough. Temiendo que su padre se enfade, Hannah acepta que la lleve Kent, un vecino suyo de 19 años con fama de mujeriego. Cuando Kent la deja en la estación, ella intenta localizar a su padre para que vaya a buscarla, pero no lo consigue. Hannah decide entonces salir a la carretera y alguien la llama desde un coche. Desaparecerá sin dejar rastro. Octubre de 2017. Kate Linville, detective de Scotland Yard afincada en Londres, vuelve a Scarborough para vender la casa de su difunto padre. Pero los últimos inquilinos han destrozado la vivienda y Kate, muy afectada, debe contratar a alguien que arregle los desperfectos. Entretanto se alojará en casa de un matrimonio que alquila habitaciones. Se llaman Goldsby y su hija Amelia de 14 años ha desaparecido. Reseñas:«Una trama impecable; una autora que conoce todos los resortes del suspense; una lectura perfecta para un largo fin de semana de invierno.»Toni Hill «Un intenso thriller en el que la autora sacará nuestro lado más sensible al ponernos enla piel de unos padres que viven la pesadilla más horrible que puedan tener: la desaparición de su hija.» Sobre ¿De quien te escondes?:«Charlotte Link demuestra una vez más por qué es la autora de más éxito, con más de 29 millones de ejemplares vendidos.»Dpa«El libro perfecto para una larga y oscura tarde de otoño.»Krimi-Das Magazin «Charlotte Link vuelve a acertar de pleno [...] Realista, apasionante y brutal, a esta novela no le sobra ni una de sus 544 páginas.»Bild am Sonntag

La Búsqueda - Una Aventura De Dane Maddock

by David Wood Paz González Kovacic

149 AECAl escapar justo antes que las legiones romanas los invadieran, un soldado cartaginés lleva consigo un antiguo secreto a un lugar desconocido.1925Percy Fawcett comienza su última expedición al Amazonas, pero ¿cuál es su verdadero objetivo?Dane Maddock está de vuelta. En lo profundo del Amazonas, un grupo de universitarios encuentra el horror más allá de sus peores pesadillas y desaparecen sin dejar rastros. Le pidieron que realizara una atrevida misión de rescate, Dane y Bones deben rastrear el verdadero camino de la última expedición de Percy Fawcett, pero el secreto que se encuentra al final de la búsqueda es aún más letal que los enemigos que los buscan. Desde las calles de Londres, a las islas remotas ubicadas en el Atlántico, a las selvas mortales del Amazonas, Dane y Bones deben infiltrarse en un secreto perdido para la historia, en su búsqueda más mortífera.

La búsqueda del tesoro (Salvo Montalbano #Volumen 20)

by Andrea Camilleri

Una nueva demostración de la admirable capacidad para analizar la naturaleza humana de Andrea Camilleri, además de los habituales momentos hilarantes que han hecho de los casos de Montalbano una lectura de culto para aquellos que aprecian las historias impregnadas de inteligencia y sensibilidad. Una repentina calma chicha se ha adueñado de la comisaría de Vigàta. Con su sempiterna acumulación de papeleo reducida a la mitad, Salvo Montalbano puede dedicarse a la lectura de su adorado Simenon, mientras que el siempre industrioso Catarella se aplica con tesón a resolver crucigramas. Sin embargo, la deliciosa parsimonia pronto se verá interrumpida por uno de los casos más espeluznantes que se hayan visto nunca en la zona. Todo empieza cuando los octogenarios hermanos Palmisano, conocidos por su exaltada obsesión religiosa, se fortifican en su casa del centro de Vigàta, desde donde disparan a diestro y siniestro contra cualquierpecador que se les ponga a tiro. En un momento de arrojo, Montalbano se introduce por una ventana y desarma a los ancianos, pero el panorama que se encuentra le hiela la sangre: un verdadero bosque de crucifijos de todos los tamaños y, sobre una cama, una muñeca hinchable, mutilada y desgastada, una escena testimonio de una profunda desolación. Intrigado por el hallazgo de una réplica idéntica, Montalbano se lleva la muñeca, sin sospechar que ha dado inicio a un juego de tintes macabros. Una sucesión de cartas anónimas lo invitan a participar en una búsqueda del tesoro, y a medida que Montalbano se involucra más en el extraño desafío, comprende que ha caído en la trampa de una mente profundamente perturbada, y que para salir del oscuro laberinto en el que se ha metido tendrá que llegar antes al centro del mismo.

Búsqueda desenfrenada

by Dawn Brower Anggena Beberaggi

Un verdadero amor y odio romance rencoroso como Wes y Tori luchan entre sí el camino hacia el otro Vitoria Miene vive en Nueva York, en el lado opuesto del país, como su mejor amiga. Después de pensarlo detenidamente, decide empacar todo y mudarse a Seattle. Solo hay un problema con su plan: Wes Novak. Él la odia y hace todo lo que está a su alcance para hacerla miserable. Wes nunca ha detestado a nadie tanto como a Vitoria. Él cree que ella es el mal encarnado. Si ella no era la mejor amiga de la prometida de su hermano, nunca tendría que volver a verla. Desafortunadamente él ve más de ella de lo que él quiere. Tanto es así, que está empezando a tener problemas para apartar sus manos de ella. Wes y Tori luchan en cada paso del camino. Arden en los brazos del otro tanto como discuten. ¿Pueden dejar de batallar lo suficiente para encontrar la única cosa que ambos quieren, amor?


by Jason Starr Ken Bruen

5 [IMPORTANT / VALUABLE] LESSONS YOU CAN LEARN BY READING BUST:1) When you hire someone to kill your wife, don't hire a psychopath.2) Don't use Drano to get rid of a dead body.3) Those locks on hotel room doors? Not very secure.4) A curly blond wig isn't much of a disguise.5) Secrets can kill.

Busted (Novella)

by Karin Slaughter

From Karin Slaughter comes a fast and furious tale in which no one is quite who they seem. This electrifying eBook novella featuring Will Trent is a prequel to Slaughter's upcoming novel, Unseen. Detective Will Trent is standing in a Georgia convenience store, waiting on an obstinate Icee frozen drink machine. To the surveillance cameras and bored staff of the Lil' Dixie Gas-n-Go, however, Will appears to be someone very different--the menacing ex-con Bill Black. Going undercover as Bill, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent is about to infiltrate the most corrupt town in the most corrupt county in the new American South. But first: his Icee. Everything changes in one horrific instant, as all hell breaks loose at the Lil' Dixie. A cop is shot. A bag of cash goes flying across the floor. A young woman disappears while a killer takes off in a battered pick-up truck. Within seconds, Will is in pursuit. Includes an exclusive preview of Karin Slaughter's thrilling new novel of suspense, Unseen. PRAISE FOR THE CRIME FICTION OF KARIN SLAUGHTER "Karin Slaughter is one of the best crime novelists in America."--The Washington Post "Crime fiction at its finest."--Michael Connelly "An absolute master."--Chicago Tribune "Slaughter writes with a razor. . . . Better than Cornwell can ever hope to be."--The Plain Dealer "Slaughter will have you on the edge of your seat."--Seattle Post-Intelligencer "One of the boldest thriller writers working today."--Tess Gerritsen "Move over, Catherine Coulter--Slaughter may be today's top female suspense writer."--Library Journal (starred review)

Buster: A Dog

by George Pelecanos

Pelecanos breaks new literary ground with the story of a dog's life—from the dog's perspective—on the streets of Washington, DC EVER WONDER WHAT GOES ON IN THE MIND OF A DOG? Buster is the story of one dog’s lifelong journey, as told by the animal himself. A strong and proud boxer, he spends his early days with a loving family in a public housing complex in Washington, DC. Abruptly, he is taken away by an abusive, alcoholic man, plunging Buster into a challenging, nightmarish existence. Over the course of his life, he will experience homelessness, tragedy, a harrowing stay in a shelter, and acts of kindness, including his adoption by an older gentleman grieving the death of his wife. At his peak, Buster lives with a young marijuana dealer who runs a profitable but dangerous business in the city. Along the way, Buster befriends other dogs and witnesses the best and worst aspects of humanity. As the seasons change, and change again, he begins to understand the finality of existence and in turn learns to appreciate the gift of life.

Busy Bodies (A Claire Malloy Mystery #10)

by Joan Hess

[From the back cover:] "Leave it to Claire Malloy, devoted amateur sleuth and owner of the Book Depot in Farberville, to start out having tea and end up investigating a murder. When Zeno Gorgias, an avant-garde artist, moves into town, the whole neighborhood is up in arms. His "interactive art," complete with a nearly nude model and a coffin in the front yard, is attracting a mob of noisy gawkers. But Zeno's local reputation suffers a much worse blow when his estranged wife storms into town to have him committed to a mental hospital. And before the night is out, even stranger things happen: the volatile artist's house goes up in smoke, a dead body is found inside the coffin, and the artist is promptly arrested for murder. Now, Claire starts snooping where she doesn't belong to become the busybody who finds the real killer." Look for more books in this humorous, well plotted series about a widowed bookstore owner who solves more crimes than her policeman boyfriend would like.#1 Strangled Prose, #2. the murder at the Murder at the Mimosa Inn, #3. Dear Miss Demeanor, #4. A Really Cute Corpse, #5. A Diet to Die For, #6. Roll Over and Play Dead, #7. Death by the Light of the Moon, #8. Poisoned Pins, #9. Ticked to Death, #11. A Holly Jolly Murder and #12. A Conventional Corpse, with more to come.

The Busy Body

by Kemper Donovan

'A hugely entertaining character who is wry, gossipy and completelycompelling. Full of twists and turns worthy of a classic mystery novel' ALEX MICHAELIDES, author of The Silent Patient'Gripping . . . with a wonderful detective readers will be dying to meet again'SOPHIE HANNAHHow to put a positive spin on a murder mystery...Meet our narrator: witty, nosy, a professional weaver of lies - aka ghostwriter for the richand famous - and now, lander of The Dream Assignment (that is, a politician's tell-allmemoir).Enter Dorothy Gibson: recently toppled Presidential C andidate, aka that woman, the mosttalked-about person in the country right now... for all the wrong reasons.Add -- an invitation to the middle of nowhere, one well-heeled neighbour dying underSuspicious C ircumstances, a secret investigation -- and an unreasonably beautiful man.The result -- a story even our ghostwriter wasn't expecting. And for once, it's all hers...

The Busy Body: A Witty Literary Mystery with a Stunning Twist

by Kemper Donovan

"A delight from start to finish. If you like Agatha Christie, you&’ll love this.&” - Alex Michaelides, # 1 New York Times bestselling author of The Silent Patient Veep meets Agatha Christie in this intelligent, wildly funny, literary mystery for fans of Richard Osman, Anthony Horowitz, and Nita Prose! The host of the "All About Agatha" podcast injects the spark and fizz of a Golden Age murder mystery into the present-day, as a ghostwriter is chosen to collaborate on a presidential candidate&’s memoir, only to discover just how much trouble a smart woman with time on her hands can get up to . . .&“I tell other people&’s stories for a living. . . . I nip and tuck their excesses, soften their hard edges, polish whatever an armada of editors and publicists deem unsightly till it sparkles.&” It&’s a dream assignment. Former Senator Dorothy Gibson, aka that woman, is the most talked-about person in the country right now, though largely for the wrong reasons. As an independent candidate for President of the United States, Dorothy split the vote and is being blamed for the shocking result. After her very public defeat, she&’s retreated to her home in rural Maine, inviting her ghostwriter to join her. Her collaborator is impressed by Dorothy&’s work ethic and steel-trap mind, not to mention the stunning surroundings (and one particularly gorgeous bodyguard). But when a neighbor dies under suspicious circumstances, Dorothy is determined to find the killer in their midst. And when Dorothy Gibson asks if you want to team up for a top secret, possibly dangerous murder investigation, the only answer is: &“Of course!&” The best ghostwriters are adept at asking questions and spinning stories . . . two talents, it turns out, that also come in handy for sleuths. Dorothy&’s political career, meanwhile, has made her an expert at recognizing lies and double-dealing. Working together, the two women are soon untangling motives and whittling down suspects, to the exasperation of local police. But this investigation—much like the election—may not unfold the way anyone expects . . ."Kemper Donovan&’s voice is original, captivating, and assured." —Taylor Jenkins Reid, bestselling author of Daisy Jones & the Six "A gripping and highly entertaining mystery, with ingenuity and flair aplenty, and a wonderful detective character that readers will be dying to meet again." —Sophie Hannah, New York Times bestselling author "The Busy Body is a thoroughly modern, Agatha-Christie-esque mystery set in a sumptuous corner of moneyed, Maine wilderness. It's a delightfully escapist, page-turner." —Kimberly McCreight, New York Times bestselling author of Friends Like These

Busy Body

by Raymond Flynn

Someone disliked Eddathorpe's distinguished industrialist Sir Jeremy Blatt enough to bash him on the head, pack him into a lorry and despatch him on a North Sea ferry...Detective Chief Inspector Robert Graham has too many suspects: several wives, one of them Sir Jeremy's own; the exploited employees of his frozen-chicken empire; a son who despised him; even a policeman...And that is without taking into account the animal rights protests and the unwanted help from Ron Hacker, Graham's favourite ex-detective superintendent, newly installed as Blatt's security chief. Graham picks his way through a sorry story of cold-blooded murder, warm blooded love and unchecked greed to uncover a solution that surprises even him.

Busy Body: Eddathorpe Mystery #4

by Raymond Flynn

Someone disliked Eddathorpe's distinguished industrialist Sir Jeremy Blatt enough to bash him on the head, pack him into a lorry and despatch him on a North Sea ferry...Detective Chief Inspector Robert Graham has too many suspects: several wives, one of them Sir Jeremy's own; the exploited employees of his frozen-chicken empire; a son who despised him; even a policeman...And that is without taking into account the animal rights protests and the unwanted help from Ron Hacker, Graham's favourite ex-detective superintendent, newly installed as Blatt's security chief. Graham picks his way through a sorry story of cold-blooded murder, warm blooded love and unchecked greed to uncover a solution that surprises even him.

The Busy Body (Mysterious Press-highbridge Audio Classics Ser.)

by Donald E Westlake

A mob boss's right-hand man must track down a missing cache of heroin The corpse isn't anybody special--a low-level drug courier--but it has been so long since the organization's last grand funeral that Nick Rovito decides to give the departed a big send-off. He pays for a huge church, a procession of Cadillacs, and an ocean of flowers, and enjoys the affair until he learns the dead man is going to his grave wearing the blue suit. Rovito summons Engel, his right-hand man, and tells him to get a shovel. Inside the lining of the blue suit jacket is $250,000 worth of uncut heroin, smuggled back from Baltimore the day the courier died. When Engel's shovel strikes coffin, he braces himself for the encounter with the dead man. But the coffin is empty, the heroin gone, and Engel has no choice but to track down the missing body or face his boss's wrath.

The Busy Body: Sneak Peek

by Kemper Donovan

Be one of the first to read this sneak preview sample edition before the full length novel comes out!Veep meets Agatha Christie in this intelligent, wildly funny, literary mystery for fans of Richard Osman, Anthony Horowitz, and Nita Prose!"A delight from start to finish. If you like Agatha Christie, you&’ll love this.&” - Alex Michaelides, # 1 New York Times bestselling author of The Silent PatientThe host of the "All About Agatha" podcast injects the spark and fizz of a Golden Age murder mystery into the present-day, as a ghostwriter is chosen to collaborate on a presidential candidate&’s memoir, only to discover just how much trouble a smart woman with time on her hands can get up to . . .&“I tell other people&’s stories for a living. . . . I nip and tuck their excesses, soften their hard edges, polish whatever an armada of editors and publicists deem unsightly till it sparkles.&”It&’s a dream assignment. Former Senator Dorothy Gibson, aka that woman, is the most talked-about person in the country right now, though largely for the wrong reasons. As an independent candidate for President of the United States, Dorothy split the vote and is being blamed for the shocking result. After her very public defeat, she&’s retreated to her home in rural Maine, inviting her ghostwriter to join her.Her collaborator is impressed by Dorothy&’s work ethic and steel-trap mind, not to mention the stunning surroundings (and one particularly gorgeous bodyguard). But when a neighbor dies under suspicious circumstances, Dorothy is determined to find the killer in their midst. And when Dorothy Gibson asks if you want to team up for a top secret, possibly dangerous murder investigation, the only answer is: &“Of course!&”The best ghostwriters are adept at asking questions and spinning stories . . . two talents, it turns out, that also come in handy for sleuths. Dorothy&’s political career, meanwhile, has made her an expert at recognizing lies and double-dealing. Working together, the two women are soon untangling motives and whittling down suspects, to the exasperation of local police. But this investigation—much like the election—may not unfold the way anyone expects . . ."Kemper Donovan&’s voice is original, captivating, and assured." —Taylor Jenkins Reid, bestselling author of Daisy Jones & the Six"Kemper Donovan has created a hugely entertaining character, a ghost writer and amateur sleuth, who is wry, gossipy and completely compelling. The investigation into a murder disguised as a suicide is full of twists and turns worthy of a classic mystery novel." —Alex Michaelides, New York Times bestselling author of The Silent Patient"A gripping and highly entertaining mystery, with ingenuity and flair aplenty, and a wonderful detective character that readers will be dying to meet again." —Sophie Hannah, New York Times bestselling author"The Busy Body is a thoroughly modern, Agatha-Christie-esque mystery set in a sumptuous corner of moneyed, Maine wilderness. It's a delightfully escapist, page-turner." —Kimberly McCreight, New York Times bestselling author of Friends Like These

The Busy Woman's Guide to Murder

by Mary Jane Maffini

Mona Pringle, the local 911 operator, is calling Charlotte Adams with her own emergency: Serena Redding, a high school "mean girl" who used to torment Mona, is coming back for a reunion. When Mona talks about how good it would feel to kill Serena, Charlotte doesn't believe she means it. But when a woman who looks like Serena is killed in a hit- and-run, and another former mean girl is also run down, Charlotte realizes she needs to look both ways for the now-missing Mona.

But For You (A Matter of Time Series #4)

by Mary Calmes

Sequel to BulletproofJory Harcourt is finally living the dream. Being married to US Marshal Sam Kage has changed him--it's settled the tumult of their past and changed Jory from a guy who bails at the first sign of trouble to a man who stays and weathers the storm. He and Sam have two kids, a house in the burbs, and a badass minivan. Jory's days of being an epicenter for disaster are over. Domestic life is good. Which means it's exactly the right time for a shakeup on the home front. Sam's ex turns up in an unexpected place. A hit man climbs up their balcony at a family reunion. And maybe both of those things have something to do with a witness who disappeared a year ago. Marital bliss just got a kick in the pants, but Jory won't let anyone take his family away from him. Before he knew what it felt like to have a home, he would have run. Not anymore. He knows he and Sam need to handle things together, because that's the only way they're going to make it.

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