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Circle Series 4-in-1: Black; Red; White; Green (The Circle Series #Bks. 1-4)

by Ted Dekker

Rare is the story that takes readers out of this world and into another.Rarer still the story that captures heart, soul, and mind...leaving the reader forever transformed.This is that story.Dive deep and enter the Circle.The Circle is an epic story of evil and rescue, betrayal and love, and terrorist threat unlike anything the human race has ever known. It beings when a man named Thomas hunter finds himself being chased down an alley after working the late shift at a coffee house. When a bullet grazes his head, he awakens in an entirely different reality. Now every time he falls asleep, he wakes up in the other reality--and every choice he makes impacts the fate of two worlds.At long last, all four novels in this groundbreaking series have been brought together in one adrenaline-laced volume.Four novels. Two Worlds. One Story.

Circle Series Visual Edition

by Ted Dekker

More than a million fans have read The Circle Series. Now dive deeper and see it in a whole new light--introducing the visual edition of the epic novels Black, Red, and White. Thomas Hunter is a failed writer selling coffee at the Java Hut in Denver. Leaving work, he suddenly finds himself pursued by assailants through desert alleyways. Then a silent bullet clips his head . . . and his world goes black.From the blackness comes an amazing reality of another world where everything is somehow more real--and dangerous--than on Earth. In one world, he's a battle-scarred general commanding an army of primitive warriors. In the other, he's racing to outwit sadistic terrorists intent on creating global chaos through an unstoppable virus. Every time he falls asleep in one world, he awakens in the other. Yet in both, catastrophic disaster awaits him . . . may even be caused by him.Enter the Circle--an adrenaline-laced epic where dreams and reality collide. Where two worlds are on the brink of destruction with one unthinkable solution.

Circle Trilogy 3 in 1

by Ted Dekker

Three novels. Two worlds. One Story. Enter an adrenaline-laced epic where dreams and reality collide.Black - An incredible story of evil and rescue, betrayal and love, and a terrorist threat unlike anything the human race has ever known. A virulent evil has been unleashed upon the people of Earth. The only man who can stop it is Thomas Hunter, an unlikely hero whose life is stretched between two worlds. Every time he falls asleep in one reality, he awakes in the other. Soon Thomas no longer knows which reality is real. Yet it quickly becomes apparent that his choices in each world impact the other--and that the fates of both rest in his hands. Red - In one world, Thomas Hunter is a battle-scarred general commanding an army of primitive warriors. In the other, he's racing to outwit sadistic terrorists intent on creating global chaos through an unstoppable virus. Thomas must find a way to change history--or face the destruction of two worlds. White - Thomas Hunter has only days to survive two separate realms of danger, deceit, and destruction. The fates of both worlds now rest on his unique ability to shift realities through his dreams. Thomas and The Circle must quickly decide who they can trust--both with their own lives and the fate of millions. And neither the terror of Black nor the treachery of Red can prepare Thomas for the forces aligned against The Circle in White.

The Circle War: Wingman, The Circle War, The Lucifer Crusade, Thunder In The East (Wingman #2)

by Mack Maloney

Flying over a shattered nation, ace pilot Hawk Hunter comes face to face with his greatest enemyThe United States may have defeated the Soviet Union in the Battle for Western Europe, but the Russians ended World War III with a nuclear sneak attack that shattered America into a collection of warring states dominated by criminals, fascists, and pirates. Air power rules all in the New Order, and pilots like Hawk Hunter are the only form of law. One of the most decorated pilots of the old US Air Force, he flies for the Pacific American Air Corps, a loose group of flyboys who have taken it upon themselves to safeguard what remains of US borders. Flying his U-2 over the frozen tundra late one night, Hunter detects something on his infrared camera: fifty jet fighters, accompanied by a full-scale invasion force. And their sides bear the emblem that frightens him most: the red star of the Soviet Union. World War IV is about to begin. The Circle War is the second book of the Wingman series, which also includes Wingman and The Lucifer Crusade.

Circles in the Snow: A Bo Tully Mystery (A\sheriff Bo Tully Mystery Ser. #Bk. 6)

by Patrick F. Mcmanus

Bo Tully, sheriff of Blight County, Idaho, has dealt with small-town crime throughout his long, storied career. Now, contemplating retirement after years on the job, Tully is faced with perhaps his most perplexing case yet. When area bald eagles start getting picked off by a ghost-like killer, and when a prominent local rancher is murdered by an arrow with eagle fletching, things gets complicated fast. In this fast-paced whodunit, Tully has a vast array of suspects to chose from-including the rancher’s gorgeous, bird-loving wife who mysteriously leaves for a ranch in Mexico the day of the murder; the beautiful chef at the local house of ill repute, who is well-known as a budding ornithologist; and the ranch foreman, who is rumored to be having an affair with his boss’s widow.Will Tully put the pieces of the puzzle together, yet again? Will sending his dad, the former sheriff of Blight County, along with his number two man, down to Mexico help solve the mystery? And what about the mysterious large circles in the snow that Tully finds around the ranch-with no footprints leading in or out of the area?It all adds up to another engrossing series of twists and turns. And in the end, Tully gets his man . . . or woman . . . or does he?Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade, Yucca, and Good Books imprints, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction-novels, novellas, political and medical thrillers, comedy, satire, historical fiction, romance, erotic and love stories, mystery, classic literature, folklore and mythology, literary classics including Shakespeare, Dumas, Wilde, Cather, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Circles of Confusion

by April Henry

Why did dear departed Aunt Cady have an exquisite old painting buried beneath World War II paraphernalia? And how can a painting so dramatically shift Claire's perspective on everything from her uninspired love life to her ho-hum job in the Oregon state custom license plate division? A sophisticated art expert tells Claire the painting isn't valuable. Why, then, is she being followed, her hotel room getting ransacked, and her life being thrown in a state of havoc that reaches back to her quiet home in Portland? The closer Claire comes to the truth about her inherited masterpiece, the more questions--and trouble--she uncovers. Though offers of help are arriving in very intriguing packages, Claire is caught in the middle of a dangerous tug-of-war that can leave her either richer in body, soul, and bank book--or broken, battered, and pushing up daisies.

Circles Of Deceit (Virago Modern Classics #53)

by Nina Bawden

Circles of Deceit is narrated by a painter who specialises as a copyist, this is his story: 'bothered by bills and artistic conscience in about equal measure. . .susceptible to, bullied and badgered by women.' Major figures on the canvas are Clio, his child-bride; Helen, his first wife; his mother Maisie. They confound lies and the truth in a subtle weave, while the silent agony of the painter's son is a poignant reflection on the busy web of deception. And as the copyist transcribes his modern versions of Old Masters, so the past keeps breaking through the surface of the present, until fact and fiction like art and life, meet in a remarkable conclusion.

El Circo

by A.J. Griffiths-Jones

Era el año 1985 y el Circo ambulante de los O’Hare recorría el país. Sus espectaculares actuaciones asombraban al público de todas partes con sus entretenidos payasos, acróbatas que volaban por los aires, un fortachón y un temerario motociclista, solo por nombrar algunos. También estaba Sheila la Psíquica, una adivina residente y consejera, que tropieza por la vida de un desastre amoroso a otro. Por supuesto, ningún grupo tan cercano estaría completo sin un par de secretos ocultos, y quién mejor para descubrirlos que Sheila, con su sexto sentido y su olfato para reconocer un buen misterio. Pero para algunos miembros del clan, el tiempo se está agotando… Y la carrera para descubrir el mayor misterio de todos ha comenzado. Este misterio te hará reír y llorar en igual medida, e incluso puede hacer que vayas a visitar el circo.

The Circular Staircase

by Mary Roberts Rinehart

This is the story of how a middle-aged spinster lost her mind, deserted her domestic gods in the city, took a furnished house for the summer out of town, and found herself involved in one of those mysterious crimes that keep our newspapers and detective agencies happy and prosperous. For twenty years I had been perfectly comfortable; for twenty years I had had the window-boxes filled in the spring, the carpets lifted, the awnings put up and the furniture covered with brown linen; for as many summers I had said good-bye to my friends, and, after watching their perspiring hegira, had settled down to a delicious quiet in town, where the mail comes three times a day, and the water supply does not depend on a tank on the roof. And then -- the madness seized me. When I look back over the months I spent at Sunnyside, I wonder that I survived at all. As it is, I show the wear and tear of my harrowing experiences. I have turned very gray -- Liddy reminded me of it, only yesterday, by saying that a little bluing in the rinse-water would make my hair silvery, instead of a yellowish white. I hate to be reminded of unpleasant things and I snapped her off. "No," I said sharply, "I'm not going to use bluing at my time of life, or starch, either."

The Circular Staircase (The Miss Cornelia Van Gorder Mysteries #2)

by Mary Roberts Rinehart

The first novel by Mary Roberts Rinehart, America&’s queen of crimeThis is the story of how a middle-aged spinster lost her mind, deserted her domestic gods in the city, took a furnished house for the summer out of town, and found herself involved in one of those mysterious crimes that keep our newspapers and detective agencies happy and prosperous. So says Rachel Innes, the spinster in question and one of the most remarkable heroines in American crime fiction. With the irresistible encouragement of her niece Gertrude and nephew Halsey, whom she raised after her brother&’s death, Rachel ignores her better judgment and rents Sunnyside, a sprawling Elizabethan mansion owned by a bank president, for the summer. The first night passes peacefully. In the morning, the entire staff quits. Late the third night, a sinister figure lurks outside the patio window and Rachel hears a heavy crash on the circular staircase at the east end of the house. The fourth night brings a dead body. From there, things only get worse. The dead man turns out to be Arnold Armstrong, ne&’er-do-well son of the owner of Sunnyside. Aunt Rachel has never seen him before, but Gertrude and Halsey knew him all too well. When the investigating detective directs his attention to her niece and nephew, Aunt Rachel decides to solve the murder herself—and walks straight into a web of deceit and treachery so intricate she might never find her way out. This ebook features a new introduction by Otto Penzler and has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

The Circular Study

by Anna Katharine Green

I am not an inquisitive woman, but when, in the middle of a certain warm night in September, I heard a carriage draw up at the adjoining house and stop, I could not resist the temptation of leaving my bed and taking a peep through the curtains of my window. First: because the house was empty, or supposed to be so, the family still being, as I had every reason to believe, in Europe; and secondly: because, not being inquisitive, I often miss in my lonely and single life much that it would be both interesting and profitable for me to know. Luckily I made no such mistake this evening. I rose and looked out, and though I was far from realizing it at the time, took, by so doing, my first step in a course of inquiry which has ended---- But it is too soon to speak of the end. Rather let me tell you what I saw when I parted the curtains of my window in Gramercy Park, on the night of September 17, 1895. Not much at first glance, only a common hack drawn up at the neighboring curb-stone. The lamp which is supposed to light our part of the block is some rods away on the opposite side of the street, so that I obtained but a shadowy glimpse of a young man and woman standing below me on the pavement. I could see, however, that the woman--and not the man--was putting money into the driver's hand. The next moment they were on the stoop of this long-closed house, and the coach rolled off.

Círculo (Mind Games (Juegos Mentales) #2)

by A.G.R. Goff

Un asesino en serie que se cobra la vida de jóvenes homosexuales recorre las calles de Cape Town. ¿Son los asesinatos sólo la maldad de un loco religioso o hay un motivo mucho más enrevesado en juego? A medida que el inspector Brite se acerca a la verdad, los fantasmas de su pasado siguen apareciendo. Ahora, resolver este caso se está convirtiendo en una obsesión que se abre paso en su mente analítica. CÍRCULO (Circle) es el libro nº 2 de la nueva serie de thrillers psicológicos Mind Games de la autora A.G.R. Goff, que comienza con CAPAS (Layers), la historia de una joven que intenta averiguar la verdad sobre su madre biológica.

El círculo mágico (Punto De Lectura Ser.)

by Katherine Neville

Una historia de misterio, intriga y acción por la autora del best seller El ocho. Ariel recibe en herencia unos viejos manuscritos de gran valor que encierran un importante secreto relacionado con los objetos sagrados de las tribus de Israel. Quien consiga descifrarlos será depositario de una sabiduría tan antigua que se pierde en la memoria de la humanidad, será capaz de encontrar el origen de los mitos, los ritos, las creencias y los símbolos de todas las grandes culturas de la historia y dilucidará las claves para la interpretación del futuro. Así, tan pronto caen en sus manos, Ariel se convierte en el objetivo de todos aquellos que codician su poder. Para salvar su vida sólo puede huir en busca del origen de los manuscritos y su significado. Las pistas que va encontrando parece que cada vez la alejan más del desenlace: las runas teutónicas, los mitos griegos, las Sagradas Escrituras y la sapiencia de los indios americanos parecen girar en un círculo vicioso. Lo único que le quedará por hacer es buscar un refugio desde el cual pueda penetrar en el corazón del misterio y averiguar el secreto que ha viajado tantos siglos para ser desvelado. La crítica ha dicho...«Una de las pocas narradoras contemporáneas que supo salpicar sus obras de las dosis justas de esoterismo, historia oculta y misterio.»Javier Sierra

El círculo negro

by Antonio Velasco Piña

Tras la Revolución Mexicana, una sociedad secreta llamada "el Círculo Negro" se encargó de tomar las decisiones para que ningún presidente del país pudiera llegar al cargo sin su aprobación... Durante siete décadas, México fue gobernado por una sociedad secreta llamada "El Círculo Negro", a punto de extinguirse. Una novela de Antonio Velasco Piña en la que ninguna verdad queda oculta.Antonio Velasco Piña, escritor siempre empeñado en brindar a sus lectores una visión no oficial de nuestra historia, narra en esta novela los secretos de un régimen que, tras la Revolución, gobernó México durante más de siete décadas y estableció una serie de rituales en torno a la figura del presidente. Dentro de sus filas, una sociedad secreta llamada el Círculo Negro tomaba las decisiones y ejercía el máximo poder sin salir a la luz. Ningún presidente del país podía llegar al cargo sin su aprobación.Al sentir su muerte próxima, un anciano, que es el único miembro sobreviviente del Círculo, revela los secretos de esta sociedad. Ninguna verdad queda oculta: desde Plutarco Elías Calles hasta Carlos Salinas de Gortari, desde Lázaro Cárdenas hasta Ernesto Zedillo, así como la revelación del fin de una era en la política nacional.

El círculo oscuro (Inspector Pendergast #8)

by Lincoln Child Douglas Preston

Un monasterio remoto del Tíbet. Una amenaza de tiempos lejanos. Un artefacto misterioso con enorme poder de destrucción. El inspector Pendergast se enfrenta a un enemigo que nunca ha visto nadie. Con Constance, su protegida, Pendergast se ha instalado en un monasterio aislado del Tíbet. Allí se dedica a profundizar en sus estudios y a perfeccionarse en las artes marciales. Sin embargo, su tranquilidad se interrumpe cuando los monjes se dan cuenta del robo de un artefacto único y misterioso, un objeto que lleva siglos encerrado bajo llave en una caja que jamás se ha abierto, y le piden a Pendergast que lo recupere En su búsqueda, el detective y Constance se ven obligados a embarcarse en el transatlántico más grande y lujoso jamás construido. Pero en poco tiempo el crucero se convierte en un viaje hacia el terror. Porque la fuerza que ha liberado el misterioso artefacto podría destruirlos a todos. Reseña:«A la hora de descubrir al terrible villano, lo más importante es haber encontrado, antes, un gran héroe. Lo supieron Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie y Raymond Chandler, entre otros. Lo saben Douglas Preston y Lincoln Child.»Rodrigo Fresán, ABC


by Manuel Ríos San Martín

Un thriller diferente y aterrador que tiene a la televisión, las redes sociales y las tribus urbanas antisistema como protagonistas. En Londres, en una sociedad hiperconectada en la que la gente vive obsesionada por la pequeña pantalla, la violencia y las redes sociales, un concursante muere en directo en un programa de televisión. Inmediatamente se convierte en trending topic mundial. ¿Podría ser intencionado? El inspector Jellineck, un policía desencantado, áspero y harto de la vida se hace cargo de la investigación. Es el único que piensa que el incidente puede ser algo más serio de lo que parece. Patrizia, una chica en guerra con el mundo, está convencida de que es necesario hacer algo rotundo y se vincula a un grupo de jóvenes activistas que quieren cambiar el rumbo de la sociedad. Y entonces, una interferencia en la señal de televisión anuncia: «Os voy a joder la vida. A todos.» Círculos es una novela interactiva en la que el lector tendrá la oportunidad no solo de leer el texto, sino de completar la experiencia lectora con acceso a redes sociales y documentación online. Los lectores dicen...«Se lee sola, es rápida, muy fluida y dinámica, prácticamente es una novela que se ve, todo su lenguaje es visual. Las redes sociales juegan un papel fundamental. Hay ciertos pasajes interactivos que te meten de lleno en la trama de la historia. No dejes pasar esta novela, es totalmente diferente y adictiva, no defrauda. Para Círculos, un nueve.»Blog Reading my room «El escritor mezcla sucesos muy recientes reales con otros ficticios que nos proporcionan la inmersión completa en este mundo tan apocalíptico. Por lo que la novela va marcando un halo de miseria colectiva, ambición y deshumanización que estallan en un final inesperado. Porque no sabemos cuánto de lejos estamos de ese futuro y porque nunca es tarde para recuperar el alma, leedla. Os apasionará.»Blog Rumbo al Párnaso «Círculos hace una apuesta arriesgada, ya que usa las redes sociales como herramienta en el desarrollo del libro. Los protagonistas tienen su propio perfil en twitter e instagram y en el mismo libro vienen capturas de tweets, que sirven para situarse un poco más en la historia. Arriesgado, sí. Pero novedoso y sobre todo, original.»Blog Life Through The Books «Círculos, pese a ser un thriller trepidante, no deja de ser una novela crítica con la sociedad actual donde las redes sociales están ganando cada vez más protagonismo... Recomiendo Círculos a todos aquellos que queráis un buen thriller con toque futurista pero que a la vez se puede extrapolar a la sociedad actual.»Blog Gozar de la vida «Círculos es una novela tremendamente visual sobre el poder de las redes sociales, sobre elinflujo de la televisión y sobre un futuro cercano al que podemos vernos abocados [...] Círculos es una advertencia y una invitación a la reflexión.»Blog Entre mis libros y yo «Felicidades al autor por el libro. Muy apto para todos aquellos jóvenes que quieran aprender y saber más sobre el mundo de los medios de comunicación, su funcionamiento, lo que hay detrás, cómo se toman las decisiones..., mientras se lee sobre un misterioso y original asesinato.»Blog Lectora por el mundo

Circumference of Darkness

by Jack Henderson

This electrifying debut thriller delivers a gripping tale of Big Brother gone mad amid a modern world on the verge of endless war. Brimming with high-powered suspense, here is the brilliant, frighteningly believable story of three masterminds locked on a breathtaking collision course--the outcome of which will determine the fate of the United States.

A Circumstance of Blood

by Jeannette Batz Cooperman

A problem student is suspected of murder in this contemporary mystery thriller set at a Jesuit school by the author of The Broom Closet. Fr. Colin McAvoy, a Scottish Jesuit priest and principal of the Matteo Academy, wants to create a wholesome learning environment for as many students as possible—whether or not their parents can pay. Then Colin receives a new pupil who puts his charitable convictions to the test. Graham Dennison has been accused of trying to kill his mother. Colin wants to refuse him, but the funds they could raise from Graham’s lawyer father would do a lot of good for the academy. To put his mind at ease, Colin brings in an old friend, journalist Sarah Markham, to develop a profile of the young man. She’s not convinced Graham is violent at all. But when another student is found dead from a possible drug overdose, the entire school is thrown into a panic. Now it’s up to Sarah to get to bottom of the murder. Was she wrong about Graham? Or is something even more sinister afoot at Matteo Academy?

The Circus (Inspector Carlyle #4)

by James Craig

When the body of journalist Duncan Brown is found in the back of a rubbish truck, Inspector John Carlyle is thrown into the middle of a scandal that threatens to expose the corrupt links between the police, the political establishment and the hugely powerful Zenger media group.Hunting down Brown's killer, Carlyle finds himself going head-to-head with his nemesis, Trevor Miller. A former police officer turned security adviser to the Prime Minister, Miller has dirty money in his pockets and other people's blood on his hands. Untouchable until now, he is prepared to kill again to protect his position - having failed once already to dispose of Carlyle he is not prepared to slip up again...


by Alistair MacLean

Bruno Wildermann of the Wrinfield Circus is the world's greatest trapeze artist, a clairvoyant with near-supernatural powers and an implacable enemy of the East European regime that arrested his family and murdered his wife. The CIA needs such a man, and recruits Bruno for an impossible raid - on the impregnable Lubylan fortress, where his family was held. Under cover of a circus tour, Bruno prepares to return to his homeland. But before the journey even begins a murderer strikes twice. Somewhere in the circus there is a communist agent with orders to stop Bruno at any cost...

Circus Act (The Nancy Drew Notebooks #42)

by Carolyn Keene

Come one, come all, to the greatest show in town! Nancy, Bess, and George are attending Little Big Top circus day camp, and now they're preparing for the big show. Bess will help Splatter the elephant make a painting, George will be an acrobat, and Nancy will perform with Celeste the Hopscotch Poodle. Then Celeste disappears while Nancy is taking care of her. Was Celeste dognapped by the Flying Tremendoes, the kid aerialists? Or by Orson Wong, who claimed the poodle made him sneeze? Or maybe by Katie Zaleski, who wanted Celeste for the TV program she's taping in her basement? One thing's for sure -- there's big, big trouble at Little Big Top!

Circus Games: An addictive political thriller (Inspector Carlyle #15)

by James Craig

Who is the man with no head? Commander John Carlyle has enough on his plate with a dead film producer and a runaway actor, not to mention the alcoholic boss who's accused him of harassment. The last thing he needs is a headless corpse in the cells of a recently closed police station. Does the killing have something to do with the station's dark past? It seems more than coincidence but Carlyle has to identify the victim before he can solve the murder...Praise for James Craig:'A cracking read' BBC Radio 4'Fast paced and very easy to get quickly lost in''Craig writes like an angel'

Circus Games: An addictive political thriller (Inspector Carlyle Ser.)

by James Craig

Who is the man with no head? Commander John Carlyle has enough on his plate with a dead film producer and a runaway actor, not to mention the alcoholic boss who's accused him of harassment. The last thing he needs is a headless corpse in the cells of a recently closed police station. Does the killing have something to do with the station's dark past? It seems more than coincidence but Carlyle has to identify the victim before he can solve the murder...

The Circus Mystery #3

by Helena Willis Martin Widmark

Jerry and Maya, classmates and best friends, are on the case again and ready to solve the latest caper in this international best-selling seriesCircus Splendido has come to Pleasant Valley! But so have pickpockets who are stealing wallets, cell phones, and jewelry from the audience as they watch the performers under the big top. Once again, the police chief asks Jerry and Maya to help him collect clues and sniff out suspects. Will the friends be able to crack the latest caper in town?

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