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El libro de los muertos (Doctora Kay Scarpetta #Volumen 15)

by Patricia Cornwell

En la decimoquinta entrega de la serie policíaca protagonizada por la brillante y mordaz doctora Kay Scarpetta, la forense se ha instalado en Charleston, donde ha establecido un moderno laboratorio en el que trabaja con su equipo: su sobrina Lucy Faranelli, Rose y Pete Marino. En esta ocasión, Scarpetta viaja a Italia para investigar la cruel muerte de Drew Martin, una joven y famosa tenista cuyo cuerpo mutilado ha aparecido en el venerable centro histórico de Roma. El asesino es apodado el Hombre de Arena por el macabro residuo que deja, una de las escasas pistas halladas en la escena del crimen. Las contradictorias pruebas dejan estupefactos a Scarpetta, a Benton Wesley (psicólogo forense amante de la doctora) y a los carabinieri italianos. Pronto, Scarpetta y Wesley descubren una inquietante conexión entre la muerte de la tenista y el cuerpo no identificado de un joven en Carolina del Sur. Todo indica que se enfrentan a un asesino más mortífero de lo habitual.

El libro de los sueños

by Juan Carlos Martínez Barrio

Un misterioso libro lleva consigo una maldición que afecta a su dueño para toda la vida... si no le mata antes... Burgos, 1929. Dos amigos, Gustavo e Ismael, deciden emprender un negocio de compra-venta de libros antiguos. Para inaugurarlo han adquirido un espectacular lote y parece que la fortuna les sonríe. Sin embargo, al regresar de un viaje, Ismael descubre que Gustavo se ha suicidado, dejando tras de sí una carta de despedida y un libro, El Libro de los Sueños. Intrigado y abrumado por la muerte de su amigo, el joven librero no tarda en sumergirse en la lectura del volumen. A partir de ese momento su vida no volverá a ser la misma. Atormentado por horrores sin nombre y acosado por unos acontecimientos tan inexplicables como perturbadores, Ismael deberá averiguar la verdad que se oculta tras la muerte de Gustavo y desentrañar el origen del terrible destino que lo persigue, implacable, desde entonces.

El libro de Sarah

by Scot McClanahan

Un héroe literario marginal, hermano de sangre de Flannery O'Connor, Charles Bukowski y Harry Crews. Esta es la historia de un naufragio, el del matrimonio del narrador con Sarah, su primera esposa y madre de sus dos hijos. También es un autorretrato demencial donde Scott McClanahan se pinta como un alcohólico notable y paranoico que emprende la ruta hacia el desastre a través de los paisajes inhumanos de Virginia Occidental. Pero este libro es también una bella canción de amor, una nota de despedida que le sirve al autor para recordar los detalles más íntimos de su enamoramiento. De esta novela, a medio camino entre la ficción y las memorias, se ha dicho que toma el lenguaje de los poetas románticos ingleses y lo pone en boca de un paleto de los Apalaches. No puede ser más cierto. La crítica ha dicho...«El libro de Sarah es la canción más triste que hayas escuchado. Es el último trago de whisky de una botella que ha dado demasiadas vueltas. Sus protagonistas son el amor verdadero, la paranoia, el demonio y Dios. Tiene lugar en aparcamientos y locales de striptease y en centros comerciales. Es a la vez ficción y autobiografía, y tampoco es nada de eso. Es una lectura brutal.»The Fader «El libro más divertido que leerás jamás sobre el divorcio. De acuerdo, también es uno de los libros más divertidos que hay sobre cualquier tema. Está escrito de una manera valiente y espontánea que mágicamente convierte la risa y la tristeza en la misma cosa.»Medium «McClanahan escribe como si fuera el hijo literario bastardo salido de una cópula accidental entre Flannery O'Connor y Harry Crews tras una larga borrachera de bourbon y de que algo hubiera ido mal en el parto.»3am Magazine «Leer a Scott McClanahan es como si te golpeara en la cabeza un luchador de MMA colocado con metanfetamina cocinada en una autocaravana sin agua corriente y aparcada en un bosque de las afueras de Kentucky.»Donald Ray Pollock «El libro de Sarah es un grito salvaje sobre el amor y las heridas y el odio y la ternura y la ira. Es una crónica de cómo se forma y se rompe una pareja. La escritura de McClanahan es tan íntima que te dan ganas de meterte en el libro y salvar a este hombre de sí mismo, pero no puedes. Esa imposibilidad es lo que hace al libro tan memorable, tan poderoso.»Roxane Gay «Una de esas raras novelas desternillantes. Es un libro divertido de verdad, de verdad de la buena, pero solo porque los humanos (y los pugs viejos y tuertos) son divertidos. También es dolorosamente triste, pero solo porque la vida es a menudo triste y dolorosa.»Playboy «El relato de cómo el autor -conductor borracho, quemador de biblias, amante de las alitas de pollo, joven habitante de Virginia Occidental y padre de dos hijos- intenta enderezar su vida es demoledor y genial. Un libro divertido y oscuro, conmovedor y verdadero. Os gustará.»Vice «El libro de Sarah es la historia de un matrimonio reventando por cada una de sus costuras: alcohol en exceso, ordenadores destruidos a martillazos y visionados compulsivos del clip de "November Rain".»Rolling Stone

El libro secreto de Dante: El código oculto de la Divina Comedia

by Fioretti, Francesco

Intrigas, teoremas y sorprendentes revelaciones sobre el poema más importante de todos los tiempos. ¿Dante ha muerto realmente a causa de la malaria, como todos creen en Rávena? ¿O bien alguien tenía motivos para desear su muerte y silenciar con ella un secreto? Atormentados por esta duda, la hija del poeta, sor Beatrice, un ex templario llamado Bernard y un médico, Giovanni da Lucca, inician una doble investigación para aclarar lo que ha sucedido. Intentan con gran ahínco descifrar un mensaje codificado que Dante ha dejado escrito en nueve hojas de pergamino. Al mismo tiempo comienzan a seguir los pasos de sus presuntos asesinos, descubriendo que mucha gente alimentaba una profunda animadversión hacia el poeta. No será fácil encontrar la clave del secreto oculto en la Comedia y descubrir quién quería impedir que el poeta terminara su obra. Pero ¿por qué Alighieri había decidido esconder con tanto cuidado los últimos trece cantos del Paraíso? Teoremas refinados, intrigas complejas y verdades que desvelar se celan tras los versos de las tres cantigas, como la identidad del Lebrel o el anuncio de la llegada de un misterioso vengador... Con el trasfondo histórico de la crisis política y económica del siglo XIV, El libro secreto de Dante entrelaza sucesos reales y personajes creados, tejiendo una trama llena de misterio e inquietantes interrogantes. La crítica ha dicho:«Es una novela policiaca que no tiene desperdicio, sin olvidar jamás el gran original que la ha inspirado.»Il Venerdì di Repubblica «Entre secretos y golpes escénicos podría ser El código Da Vinci de este verano.»Vanity Fair «Proeza del dantista Fioretti que juega con los enigmas de la Comedia.»Corriere della Sera «Después de El código Da Vinci, estamos listos para pasar el verano debajo de la sombrilla con otro rompecabezas.» «El libro secreto de Dante sitúa en el corazón de un thriller histórico un misterio que afecta al trabajo del Sumo Poeta, revelando un código de lectura que abriría el camino a nuevas interpretaciones.»Corriere Fiorentino «Misterios. ¿Será acaso el nuevo éxito editorial del verano? Fioretti investiga acerca de la muerte del poeta con un equipo digno de CSI.»Il Riformista «Novela de misterio filológico más que literario. El libro sumerge a un ex templario y a un médico en un siglo XIV duro y fascinante, peligroso e inmenso. Y al lector en un vórtice de capas, espadas y misticismo.»Famiglia Cristiana

A Lição do Seu Dom

by A. D. Justice Ju Pinheiro

Sophia Vasco Será que algum dia ele me perdoará? Esta pergunta me assombra todos os dias e noites. Ele me marcou com o seu toque ao ponto que nenhum outro homem jamais se assemelhará. Dominic consumiu minha vida. Até o dia em que ele descobriu a verdade sobre mim e tudo mudou. Nada é como parece e tudo saiu fora de controle. O peso do mundo agora recai sobre meus ombros. Preciso corrigir isso. Dominic Powers Alguns dizem que carma é uma puta. Posso dizer, por experiência própria, que um Dom traído é muito pior do que um bastardo jamais pensou em ser. Eles acreditam que me enganaram. Neguei ao homem dentro de mim o seu lugar de direito e fui confundido com um idiota. Quando acabar com eles, eles sentirão o chicote da lição do seu Dom. Isso não acabou

The Licence of War

by Claire Letemendia

This second thrilling novel featuring Laurence Beaumont, the seductive, sardonic protagonist introduced in The Best of Men, blends history and fiction in a seventeenth century alive with intrigue, passion, violence, and wit, from the embattled court of King Charles I at Oxford where poisonous rivalries fester, to stately country estates and the colourful underworld of thieves and whores. 1643: England is descending into a bloodier Civil War, and Beaumont, born a nobleman's heir but with a shadowy past as a mercenary turncoat and spy, has been hired against his will as agent to the King's new Secretary of State, the manipulative Lord Digby. Still madly in love with the bewitching Isabella Savage, Beaumont is sent by Digby into enemy-held London to track down his counterpart, Parliament's twisted spymaster, who nourishes his own, very personal desire for revenge. Already Beaumont suspects he can trust no one, not even Isabella, who has deep ties to Digby. As power struggles seethe within the Royalist camp and Beaumont's tenuous faith in the King's cause is further eroded, he becomes haunted by nightmares portending two deaths: of the King, and of the Prince of Wales, for whom Beaumont cherishes a strong, protective bond. At home, as his father's health weakens, Beaumont's duty is to choose a respectable wife and carry on the ancient line, though to give up Isabella will devastate him. Worse yet, a visitor from his mother's Spanish past appears with a long-buried secret that could ultimately destroy the Beaumont family.

Licence Renewed: A James Bond Novel (James Bond Ser. #0)

by John Gardner

Official, original James Bond from a writer described by Len Deighton as a 'master storyteller'.The first of John Gardner's novels featuring Ian Fleming's secret agent.Bond has been assigned to investigate one Dr. Anton Murik, a brilliant nuclear physicist who is thought to have been meeting with a terrorist known as Franco. Together they plan to hijack six nuclear power plants around the world and start a global meltdown, unless Bond can stop them...

Licence Renewed: A James Bond Novel (James Bond #16)

by John Gardner

Official, original James Bond from a writer described by Len Deighton as a 'master storyteller'.The first of John Gardner's novels featuring Ian Fleming's secret agent.Bond has been assigned to investigate one Dr. Anton Murik, a brilliant nuclear physicist who is thought to have been meeting with a terrorist known as Franco. Together they plan to hijack six nuclear power plants around the world and start a global meltdown, unless Bond can stop them...

Licence Renewed: A James Bond Novel (James Bond #16)

by John Gardner

The first of John Gardner's novels featuring Ian Fleming's secret agent.Bond has been assigned to investigate one Dr. Anton Murik, a brilliant nuclear physicist who is thought to have been meeting with a terrorist known as Franco. Together, they plan to hijack six nuclear power plants around the world and start a global meltdown, unless Bond can stop them...Read by Jeremy Northam(p) 2011 Orion Publishing Group

Licence to Kill

by John Gardner

Official, original James Bond from a writer described by Len Deighton as a 'master storyteller'.Bond has lost his licence to kill. After he took revenge on the CIA agent who handed his friend over to the master criminal, Sanchez, M revoked his double 0 status and he's considered a rogue agent.With MI6 trying to bring him in and only the support of Q behind him Bond goes after Sanchez. Boarding his ship, Bond tricks his way into Sanchez's inner circle and discovers the secret of his wealth. But Bond is walking a tightrope and it is surely only a matter of time before he slips ...

Licence to Kill

by John Gardner

Official, original James Bond from a writer described by Len Deighton as a 'master storyteller'.Bond has lost his licence to kill. After he took revenge on the CIA agent who handed his friend over to the master criminal, Sanchez, M revoked his double 0 status and he's considered a rogue agent.With MI6 trying to bring him in and only the support of Q behind him Bond goes after Sanchez. Boarding his ship, Bond tricks his way into Sanchez's inner circle and discovers the secret of his wealth. But Bond is walking a tightrope and it is surely only a matter of time before he slips ...

License Renewed

by John Gardner

JAMES BOND returns to save the world from nuclear holocaust! JAMES BOND has a new adversary, the laird of a Scottish castle, a satanic master of destruction! JAMES BOND has a new playmate, Lavender Peacock, whose sensuous body's every move makes him an offer he can't refuse. JAMES BOND has a new car, a new brand of cigarettes, a new gun. Only one thing remains the same. His secret 007 status. His license to kill...

License to Dill

by Mary Ellen Hughes

From the author of The Pickled Piper comes another Pickled and Preserved Mystery...Piper Lamb knows how to make fruits and vegetables keep for months. Unfortunately, it's the people around her who are expiring too soon...After her fiancé left her, Piper came to Cloverdale to rebuild her life and open up her shop, Piper's Picklings, to sell pickles and preserves. When her ex decides to drop in for a visit--just as things are heating up between her and a local Christmas tree farmer--Piper finds herself in a jam.But there are other visitors to worry about...An Italian soccer team is set to play the Cloverdale All-Stars in an exhibition game. Their manager, Raffaele Conti, was a bitter rival of Piper's dill supplier, local farmer Gerald Standley. After Conti is found dead in Standley's field, Piper must work to clear Gerald's name and find out who relished killing Raffaele before the town is soured by another death.INCLUDES RECIPES!

License to Quill: A Novel of Shakespeare & Marlowe

by Jacopo della Quercia

License to Quill is a page-turning James Bond-esque spy thriller starring William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe during history's real life Gunpowder Plot. The story follows the fascinating golden age of English espionage, the tumultuous cold war gripping post-Reformation Europe, the cloak-and-dagger politics of Shakespeare's England, and lastly, the mysterious origins of the Bard's most haunting play: Macbeth. You won't want to miss this fast-paced historical retelling!

License to Thrill (Spy Girls #1)

by Elizabeth Cage

Jo, Caylin, and Thresea have nothing in common—until they’re handpicked to form the intensely cool trio known as the Spy Girls. Now they’re jet-setting all over the criminal world in search of truth, justice, and a really choice hairstylist. And on their first mission, the girls head to London to keep keep the superfoxy son of an American ambassador from blowing up the world!

License to Thrill: License To Thrill/you Only Love Twice

by Lori Wilde

Las Vegas PI Charlee Champagne has an Elvis impersonator for a father. Her mother, Bubbles Champagne, a dancer with the Folies Bergere, died when she was young, leaving Charlee to be raised by her grandmother, Maybelline. Charlee's funny, flip, and fearless-except when she's around black widow spiders and handsome men. Investment banker Mason Gentry falls handily into the last category. He bursts into Charlee's life with the announcement that his grandfather has taken half a million dollars from their company, and he thinks that the senior Gentry might be with Maybelline. They go to her grandmother's ransacked trailer, and soon find themselves dodging bullets and being followed by thugs. But neither the hired muscle nor a memorable episode of mistaken identity can deter them from finding their grandparents. A by-the-book banker and a book-them-any-way-you-can detective find out that of all the calamities life throws at them, love can be the most dangerous of all.

Licensed for Murder

by John Rhode

Licensed for Murder, first published in 1958, is part of the series of mysteries featuring private detective Dr. Priestley. Author John Rhode, a pen name of Cecil Street (1884-1964), was a prolific writer of mostly detective novels, publishing more than 140 books between 1924 and 1961. Licensed for Murder concerns the new managers of an English country inn, who, during the inn's renovation, discover the grisly, burned remains of a man behind corrugated sheeting in the inn's main fireplace. With the man's identity impossible to determine, Superintendent Jimmy Waghorn calls on the now elderly Dr. Priestley for much needed assistance in solving this gruesome case of murder.Noted American mystery critic Anthony Boucher praised Licensed for Murder, writing in the New York Times that the "detection is competent; the murders have novelty and ingenuity to recommend them; and the background details on the management of a village inn are fascinating. Slow and heavy, but kind of nice."

Licensed to Marry

by Charlotte Douglas

By day these agents are cowboys; by night they are specialized government operatives. Men bound by love, loyalty and the law-they've vowed to keep their missions and identities confidential...THE MISSION: UNDERCOVER HUSBANDNo woman had ever looked more beautiful to Kyle Foster than the trembling female he rescued from the wreckage of an explosion. But he never dreamed he'd marry Laura Quinlan just days later! When traces of the bomb led to a security leak inside Laura's top-secret laboratory, a stricken Laura made Kyle a shocking proposal-marry her, and infiltrate the lab to find the traitor. As a Confidential agent and single father, Kyle would do anything to make the world a safer place. But living with Laura could prove a deadly distraction. Kyle's daughter loved her. Kyle's own heart was in jeopardy. And now the enemy knew it...


by Caroline Bock

Everybody knows, nobody's talking. . . . Seventeen-year-old Skylar Thompson is being questioned by the police. Her boyfriend, Jimmy, stands accused of brutally assaulting two young El Salvadoran immigrants from a neighboring town, and she's the prime witness. Skylar is keeping quiet about what she's seen, but how long can she keep it up? But Jimmy was her savior. . . . When her mother died, he was the only person who made her feel safe, protected from the world. But when she begins to appreciate the enormity of what has happened, especially when Carlos Cortez, one of the victims, steps up to demand justice, she starts to have second thoughts about protecting Jimmy. Jimmy's accomplice, Sean, is facing his own moral quandary. He's out on bail and has been offered a plea in exchange for testifying against Jimmy. The truth must be told. . . . Sean must decide whether or not to turn on his friend in order to save himself. But most important, both he and Skylar need to figure out why they would follow someone like Jimmy in the first place.

The Lie: A Novel

by Hesh Kestin

A provocative thriller about a dynamic Israeli lawyer—famous for defending accused Palestinians—whose views are tested when her own son is taken captive by Hezbollah: “The Lie is what great fiction is all about” (Stephen King).Dahlia Barr is a devoted mother, soon-to-be divorced wife, lover of an American television correspondent. She is also a brash and successful Israeli attorney who is passionate about defending Palestinians accused of terrorism. One day, to her astonishment, the Israeli national police approach Dahlia with a tantalizing proposition: Join us, and become the government’s arbiter on when to use the harshest of interrogation methods—what some would call torture. Dahlia is intrigued. She has no intention of permitting torture, but can she change the system from within? She takes the job.As Dahlia settles into her new role, her son Ari, a twenty-year-old lieutenant in the Israel Defense Forces, is kidnapped by Hezbollah and whisked over the border to Lebanon. The one man who may hold the key to Ari’s rescue is locked in a cell in police headquarters. He is an Arab who has a long and complicated history with Dahlia. And he’s not talking. Yet.A nail-biting thriller that “will stay with you” (The New York Times Book Review), The Lie is an unforgettable story of human beings on both sides of the terror equation whose lives turn out to share more in common than they ever could have imagined. “An utterly riveting thriller that is likely to rank as one of the year’s best…The Lie has everything: memorable characters, a compelling plot, white-knuckle military action, and an economy and clarity of prose that is direct, powerful, and at times beautiful” (Booklist, starred review).

The Lie

by Mike Mitchell Petra Hammesfahr

Nadia and Susanne look uncannily alike, but one of the women is seriously rich and the other is destitute. When Nadia asks Susanne to spend the weekend with her husband so that she can sneak off with a lover, how can Susanne refuse the outrageous payment on offer? Nadia and her husband barely speak to each other and he will be working most of the weekend. Easy money, or so it seems.One Friday afternoon Susanne drives Nadia's Alfa to her beautiful suburban villa with its indoor pool and glass doors opening onto the sloping lawn. This first stay is followed by others, as an apparently harmless game becomes a deadly web of lies.Petra Hammesfahr, born in 1951, has not had an easy life: she left school at thirteen and became pregnant by an alcoholic husband at seventeen. She published her first novel when she was forty and has since written over twenty crime and suspense novels. Petra also writes scripts for television and film. She has won numerous literary prizes, including the Crime Prize of Wiesbaden and the Rhineland Literary Prize.

The Lie

by C. L. Taylor

Haunting and compelling, this psychological thriller is perfect for fans of Gone Girl, Girl on the Train, and Daughter. Jane Hughes has a great boyfriend, a job in an animal shelter, and a tiny cottage in rural Wales. She's happier than she's ever been...but her life is a lie. Jane Hughes does not really exist.Five years earlier, Jane and her best friends set off on what was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime, but it rapidly descended into a nightmare that claimed the lives of two of her friends. Ever since, Jane has tried to put the past behind her and lead a normal life. But someone out there knows the truth about what happened-and they won't stop until they've destroyed Jane and everything she loves.

Lie Beside Me: A Novel

by Gytha Lodge

He&’s lying next to you. He&’s not breathing. . . . And the killer might have been you. Detective Chief Inspector Jonah Sheens is on the trail in this explosive crime novel from the acclaimed author of She Lies in Wait and Watching from the Dark.&“Secrets and self-sabotage abound in this gripping psychological thriller.&”—The GuardianLouise wakes up. Her head aches, her mouth is dry, her memory is fuzzy—but she suspects she&’s done something bad.She rolls over toward her husband, Niall. The man who, until recently, made her feel loved.But it&’s not Niall lying beside her. In fact, she&’s never seen this man before.And he&’s not breathing. . . .As Louise desperately struggles to piece her memories back together, it&’s clear to Jonah Sheens and his team that she is their prime suspect—though they soon find she&’s not the only one with something to hide.Did she do it? And, if not, can they catch the real killer before they strike again?In this gripping novel, a young woman finds that trying to make sense of her life&’s bad choices might prove the most dangerous reckoning there is.

The Lie Direct

by Sara Woods

A client of Antony Maitland is accused of murder and of living a double life with two wives. He's guilty of neither, but Maitland can get him free only if the psychological gambles he takes in the court room go his way.

Lie Down in Green Pastures: The Psalm 23 Mysteries #3 (Psalm 23 Mysteries)

by Debbie Viguie

Even though they work right next door to each other, Cindy and Jeremiah come from two different worlds. Cindy is a church secretary; Jeremiah is a Reformed rabbi with a mysterious past full of danger and excitement. Together they have faced down a serial killer at Easter and a murderer of homeless people.The two unlikely companions continue to forge a strong friendship as they explore personal history and faith with each passing adventure.This third volume in the Psalm 23 Mysteries series finds Jeremiah and Cindy matching wits with an unscrupulous land developer. In a fast-paced story set around St. Patrick's Day, murder invades an idyllic landscape, challenging them to save hundreds of teens even as they try to discover the source of their unexpected danger.

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