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Showing 47,851 through 47,875 of 89,930 results

Liquid Smoke

by Jeff Shelby

The third novel in the Noah Braddock series!Private eye Noah Braddock has finally found peace in his once tumultuous relationship with Detective Liz Santangelo and has called a tentative truce with his alcoholic mother, Carolina. So when lawyer Darcy Gill demands that he look into a hopeless death row case, he's more interested in catching some waves before San Diego's rare winter weather takes hold. Then Darcy plays her trump card: the man scheduled to die-convicted of killing two men in cold blood-is the father Noah never knew.

Liquid Snakes: A Novel

by Stephen Kearse

What if toxic pollutants traveled up the socioeconomic ladder rather than down it? A Black biochemist provides an answer in this wildly original novel of pollution, poison, and dark pleasureIn Atlanta, Kenny Bomar is a biochemist-turned-coffee-shop-owner in denial about his divorce and grieving his stillborn daughter. Chemicals killed their child, leaching from a type of plant the government is hiding in Black neighborhoods. Kenny&’s coping mechanisms are likewise chemical and becoming more baroque—from daily injections of lethal snake venom to manufacturing designer drugs. As his grief turns corrosive, it taints every person he touches.Black epidemiologists Retta and Ebonee are called to the scene when a mysterious black substance is found to have killed a high school girl. Investigating these &“blackouts&” sends the women down separate paths of blame and retribution as two seemingly disparate narratives converge in a cinematic conclusion.Liquid Snakes is an immersive, white-knuckle ride with the spookiness of speculative fiction and the propulsion of binge-worthy shows like FX&’s Atlanta and HBO&’s Random Acts of Flyness. Transfiguring a whodunit plot into a labyrinthine reinterpretation of a crime procedural, Stephen Kearse offers an uncanny commentary on an alternative world, poisoned.

Liquidation (Vintage International Ser.)

by Imre Kertész Tim Wilkinson

Ten years after the fall of communism, a writer named B. commits suicide, devastating his circle and deeply puzzling his friend Kingsbitter. For among B.’s effects, Kingsbitter finds a play that eerily predicts events after his death. Why did B.—who was born at Auschwitz and miraculously survived–take his life? As Kingsbitter searches for the answer—and for the novel he is convinced lies hidden among his friend’s papers—Liquidation becomes an inquest into the deeply compromised inner life of a generation. The result is moving, revelatory and haunting.

Liquor: A Novel

by Poppy Z. Brite

New Orleans natives Rickey and G-man are lifetime friends and down-and-out line cooks desperate to make a quick buck. When Rickey concocts the idea of opening a restaurant in their alcohol-loving hometown where every dish packs a spirited punch, they know they're on their way to the bank. With some wheeling and dealing, a slew of great recipes, and a few lucky breaks, Rickey and G-man are soon on their way to opening Liquor, their very own restaurant. But first they need to pacify a local crank who doesn't want to see his neighborhood disturbed, sidestep Rickey's deranged ex-boss, rein in their big-mouth silent partner before he runs amok, and stay afloat in a stew of corruption in a town well known for its bottom feeders. A manic, spicy romp through the kitchens, back alleys, dive bars, and drug deals of the country's most sublimely ridiculous city, author Poppy Z. Brite masterfully shakes equal parts ambition, scandal, cocaine, and murder, and serves Liquor straight up, with a twist.

Lírio de Tigre de Bangkok (Lírio de Tigre de Bangkok #1)

by Owen Jones

Lírio de Tigre de Bangkok Quando as sementes da vingança florescem! Lily nasceu no nordeste de Isaan, perto do rio Mekong, filha única de chineses-tailandeses que possuíam uma loja em sua pequena aldeia. Seus pais tinham um amigo próximo que a Lily chamava de Tio, que costumava sorrir e levar presentes para ela quando ela era criança. No entanto, quando ela tinha apenas onze anos, a natureza dos presentes mudou e havia sempre um preço a pagar por eles, o que Lily odiava. “Experimente contar a seus pais e você vai ver o que te acontece.” Um acidente do destino na escola deu a Lily uma ideia de como acabar com o problema de uma vez por todas e foi então que seus pais perceberam o que estava acontecendo na vida dela. Logo após o incidente, o pai de Lily morreu. Alguns disseram que foi de vergonha. A própria Lily recebeu uma compensação que ela queria usar para mudar sua vida. Sua decisão foi ir para a Universidade em Bangkok. Foi lá que ela percebeu que a compensação, que parecia uma fortuna na aldeia, não seria suficiente para financiar sua vida universitária na íntegra e ela desceu para o lado mais sórdido da vida em Bangkok. Um serial killer está tirando a vida de homens em Bangkok e a cidade está com medo. Não é apenas homens marcados na morte, mas uma marca registrada de flores que é deixada no local de cada assassinato. A imprensa diz que este é o serial killer mais assustador desde o assassino de crianças canibais, Si Ouey Sae Urng dos anos 50. O medo assombra a cidade e ninguém sabe quem vai morrer em seguida ou como as vítimas são escolhidas. A polícia está desconcertada e os cidadãos de Bangkok se escondem atrás de portas fechadas com medo de suas vidas.

Lírio De Tigre De Bangkok Em Londres: A Tigresa Acorda Novamente! (Lírio De Tigre De Bangkok #2)

by Owen Jones

LÍRIO DE TIGRE DE BANGKOK EM LONDRES por Owen Jones A Tigresa acorda novamente enquanto estudava em um hospital infantil em Londres. Lírio de Tigre de Bangkok em Londres Depois do efeito devastador que sua violência causou em sua própria vida e dos cidadãos de Bangkok em seus primeiros dias como estudante de medicina, a vida de Lily se acalmou e ela se estabeleceu em seus estudos. Depois de dois anos, ela ganhou uma bolsa de estudos para trabalhar no Hospital Infantil Great Ormond Street, em Londres, e se mudou para lá sem Ron, que continuou seus estudos em Bangkok. ‘Lírio de Tigre de Bangkok em Londres’ retoma sua história no segundo ano de dois anos como estudante de medicina no hospital. Ela ama seu trabalho lá e se dá bem com a equipe e com os pacientes infantis, mas ela não tem amigos fora do trabalho. Em um de seus dias de folga, ela lê um artigo no Sunday Times sobre rede organizada de pedofilia em Londres envolvendo o próprio establishment do país e isso a deixa furiosa. Ela pode ignorar isto ou se envolver. Sua primeira reação é evitar o despertar do Demônio que a possuiu em Bangkok apenas dois anos antes, mas quando ela encontra outras vítimas de abuso infantil, parece que o dado foi lançado. Esta história não é para quem tem estômago fraco, mas não descreve atos de abuso infantil. No entanto, faz referências frequentes a cenas notórias de abuso infantil, especialmente o infame "Abatedouro de Carnes" em Piccadilly Circus, no centro de Londres. Que vergonha para os nossos chamados líderes, que preferem proteger os abusadores poderosos do que os impotentes abusados! Muitas das questões levantadas ainda estão sob investigação policial no momento em que escrevo, embora poucas pessoas esperem que algo venha delas.

Lirio Tigre de Bangkok: Cuando florecen las semillas de la venganza (Lirio Tigre de Bangkok #1)

by Owen Jones

Lily nació en una tranquila aldea al noreste de Tailandia, cerca del Río Mekong y en la frontera con Laos, en una familia china propietarios de una tienda. Ella tuvo una infancia muy feliz, hasta que, a la edad de once años un viejo amigo de la familia, que ayudaba a sus padres en la tienda, comenzó a abusar de ella. A ella le tomó dos años encontrar una solución y ésta surgió de un evento fortuito en el patio de su escuela. Ella vio una película porno que algunos muchachos estaban mirando en su iPad, y que tenía que ver con sexo oral. La siguiente vez que él la tocó, ella le ofreció hacer lo que había visto en la película. El hombre no despreció la oportunidad. Lily le arrancó el pene y se lo dio a comer a sus gallinas en el patio. No obstante, esto solo convirtió una forma de tormento en otra, porque la gente ahora la rechazaba, impactada por lo que ella había sido capaz de hacer. Ella se convirtió en una marginada y contaba los días en que ella pudiera tener la oportunidad de irse a estudiar en Bangkok, usando el dinero que le dieron como compensación del abuso que había sufrido. Ella no conocía a nadie en Bangkok y no estaba acostumbrada a las grandes ciudades, así que comenzó a rondar a una variedad de hombres, a quienes iba por compañía y por el dinero, ya que le quedó claro que lo que ella tenía era una fortuna en su aldea, pero no era suficiente para cubrir sus años de universidad. Ella tenía cinco novios regulares, pero no le gustaba ninguno de ellos y sospechaba que algunos era pervertidos también, porque a ellos les gustaba vestirla como a una colegiala, un papel que podía asumir con facilidad porque ella era en cierto modo pequeña y delgada. Fácilmente podía pasar por una chica de trece sin maquillaje, incluso cuando tenía dieciocho años. A la mayoría de sus novios les gustaba que ella luciera como de trece años. Un día, algo cambió en Lily y ella empezó

Lirio Tigre de Bangkok en Londres: ¡El Tigre despierta de nuevo! (Serie Lirio Tigre #2)

by Owen Jones

Lirio Tigre de Bangkok en Londres por Owen Jones El Tigre despierta de nuevo, mientras está estudiando en un Hospital de niños de Londres Lirio Togre de Bangkok en Londres. Después del devastador efecto que el abuso tuvo sobre su propia vida y la de los ciudadanos de Bangkok en los primeros días como estudiante de medicina allí, la vida de Lily se aquietó, y ella se dedicó a sus estudios. Después de dos años, ganó una beca para trabajar en el Hospital de Niños de la Calle Gran Ormond en Londrés y se mudó para allá, sin Ron, quien continuaba sus estudios en Bangkok. ´Lirio Tigre de Bangkok en Londres’ lleva su historia al segundo año como estudiante de medicina en el hospital. Ella adora su trabajo allí, y se lleva bien con el personal y con los niños pacientes también, pero ella no tiene amigos fuera del trabajo. Uno de sus días libres, lee un artículo en el Sunday Times sobre las redes organizadas de pedofilia en Londres, que involucran el establecimiento mismo del propio país y esto la indignó Ella no pudo ignorarlo y se involucró.. Su primera reacción fue evitar el resurgimiento del Deminio que la poseyó en Bangkok solo un par de años antes, pero cuando ella conoció a unas cuantas víctimas de abuso infantil, la suerte parecía estar echada. Esta historia no es para los aprensivos, mas no describe los actos de abuso infantil. Sin embargo, con frecuencia hace referencias a escenarios notables de abuso infantil, especialmente al infame ‘Meat Rack’ en el Picadilly Circus en el centro de Londres. Muchas de los casos expuestos aquí aun están bajo investigación policial al momento de escribirse este informe, aunque pocas personas esperan que de ellas surja algo. ¡Para la vergüenza de nuestros llamados líderes, quienes prefieren proteger a los poderosos abusadores que a los impotentes abusados!

Lisa Jackson's The Abandoned Box Set

by Lisa Jackson

Two unforgettable fan-favorite stories from the master of romantic suspense, Lisa Jackson. Sail Away Adam Drake has been falsely accused and is hell-bent on clearing his name. Only his former boss's captivating daughter, Marnie, holds the key to proving his innocence... Million Dollar Baby Chandra Hill has given up on having a family. That is, until a baby is left abandoned in her barn, and she finds herself connecting immediately with both the baby and the handsome emergency room doctor who looks after him...

Lisa Jackson's Bentz & Montoya Bundle: Shiver, Absolute Fear, Lost Souls, Hot Bl ooded, Cold Blooded, Malice & Devious (A Bentz/Montoya Novel)

by Lisa Jackson

In each of her gripping bestsellers, Lisa Jackson has brought readers to the edge of their seats and proven herself a master of romantic suspense. Now the New York Times bestselling author of Hot Blooded and Cold Blooded delivers her most powerful novel yet, bringing back New Orleans detective Reuben Montoya as he matches wits with a twisted psychopath whose very presence makes his victims SHIVER. . . Every Serial Killer. . . A serial killer is stalking the streets of New Orleans. The victims are killed in a ritual fashion, a series of numbers tattooed into their bodies. There are no clues, no connections except one: a crumbling old asylum that was once the scene of unspeakable madness--and is now the calling card of a new kind of fear. Is Searching For. . . "Solidifies Jackson's status as the queen of the modern-day suspense thriller." --The Providence Journal Kristi Bentz wants to write true crime. All she needs is that one case that will take her to the top. She finds it when she enrolls at All Saints College after learning that four girls have disappeared in less than two years. "Expect the unexpected." --The Clarion LedgerA First One Dead Body. . . A prostitute lies strangled in a seedy French Quarter hotel room. Miles away, in a rambling plantation house on the sultry shores of Lake Ponchartrain, popular late-night radio host Dr. Samantha Leeds receives a threatening crank call. All in a day's work for a celebrity. Who would think to link the two? His Vengeance Will Be Repeated... A woman's slashed, incinerated corpse is found in a seedy New Orleans apartment. Her killer is certain there were no witnesses, unaware that his every move was seen by a beautiful stranger--from her bed in a bayou cottage on the outskirts of town. . . And Repeated... "Taut, twisty. . .Malice displays the skilled Jackson at her best yet." --The Providence JournalThe perfect moment is here at last. The humiliation and pain he put her through is about to be repaid. Soon Rick Bentz will know the torment of losing the person he loves most--and better yet, he'll have to watch. . ."Gripping. . .Jackson heightens the creep factor." --Publishers Weekly"Terrifying. . .A Creepy Thriller." -Publishers WeeklyWhen New Orleans detective Reuben Montoya is called to investigate a murder with his partner Rick Bentz, he's shocked to recognize the victim. Camille Renard, an old high-school friend, was found on the altar of St. Marguerite's cathedral, dressed in a yellowed bridal gown and viciously garroted. . .

Lisa Lutz Spellman Series E-Book Box Set

by Lisa Lutz

This e-book box set features the first four books in Lisa Lutz's bestselling Spellman series, including:· The Spellman Files: Meet the Spellmans: a family of sleuths for whom eavesdropping is a mandatory skill, locks are meant to be picked, past missteps are never forgotten, and blackmail is the preferred form of communication. The gunshot that set off the race of irresistible and hilarious novels in the Spellman series--The wisecracking Spellmans truly put the "fun" in dysfunctional. · Curse of the Spellmans: The knockout sequel to The Spellman Files features the same lovable family chaos--and even more bizarre twists and turns--as Izzy undertakes some recreational surveillance of her own. Nominated for the Edgar Award for Best Novel of 2008. · Revenge of the Spellmans: Third in the critically acclaimed series, Revenge of the Spellmans gives us another dose of smart-ass antics and a gut-busting glimpse into the Spellman world. This time, Izzy is not only on the case, but also on the couch--in court-ordered therapy. While Izzy decides whether she wants to stay in the family business, she tends bar and takes on the case of Ernie Black's not very suspicious wife. · The Spellmans Strike Again: The fourth Spellman novel is packed with the most family drama yet. Izzy finally agrees to take over the family business, and the transition is not a smooth one. This book proves beyond a reasonable doubt that no matter how much Isabel shrinks her head, she will never be able to follow Rule #1: Act Normal.

Lisa Marie Davis's Greatest Hits (Dreamspinner Press Bundles #34)

by Lisa Marie Davis

Settle in for some sweet romance--and a little suspense--with the best of Lisa Marie Davis in this collection. In Here and Now, HIV-postive Jaxon Hawke is content with his orderly life, but Cyrus Carson threatens to upend everything, if Jaxon will let him in. Five years ago, Ayden Judson sacrifice everything for his father's company, in In His Arms Again, but when Simon Gibson crashes into his life, Ayden will have to reconsider his priorities. In Shadows from the Past, Chase Churchill is hiding from his family's secrets, including his serial killer father, and determined not to let anyone too close, until the murders begin again and Chase has to keep police officer Kayne Kennedy safe. Thirteen years ago, Jasper's world changed when his sixteen-year-old sister disappeared and then was found murdered, in Jasper's Journey; now Zander Macon believes the original investigation wasn't handled properly, and someone is willing to respond to their questions with lethal force. In The End Game, the bloody memories of Micah McQueen's first love affair still haunt him, and getting involved with his boss Harrison Harper seems like even less of a good idea when Micah's past returns. Finally, in Sweet Lyric, Lyric Spencer has been running hard when a job interview with Jonas Lamar almost leads to sex, but despite their instant attraction, there's still plenty of issues to work through before they can build a future.See excerpt for individual blurbs.

Lisa33: A Novel

by Dan Allan

It’s circa 1999 and the first sex chat rooms are in full swing. Late at night as his family sleeps, “Tag,” a lawyer trapped in the golden handcuffs of a loveless marriage, makes his inaugural visit to the newly launched He can’t believe what he’s stumbled into. This freewheeling world of lonely misfits engaged in unbridled sexual activity is both shocking and intriguing. When Tag encounters the witty, insightful, and occasionally scathing “Lisa33,” he feels a chemistry that has eluded him his entire marriage. Late-night honesty builds into sexual and emotional obsession, the kind that makes you think you are capable of changing your whole life. But what Dan Allan’s characters fail to anticipate is how hard it is to translate fantasy into reality. As personal discontents begin to intrude on this virtual erotic eden, Lisa’s longing for something better collides with Tag’s inability to step beyond the boundaries of his own very narrow life, and Lisa makes a heartbreaking choice. A heartfelt, profound, and highly original novel that both satirizes and utterly transcends the Internet craze, Lisa33 captures the longing for transformation through fantasy and brings to life the hilarious, weird community of self-invented characters who step into chat rooms in order to step out of the loneliness, fear, and sorrow of real life.

The Lisbon Crossing

by Tom Gabbay

Summer 1940. With Europe in the iron grip of Hitler's war machine, stuntman Jack Teller arrives in neutral Lisbon on the arm of international screen legend Lili Sterne. The German-born actress has given Jack the job of finding her childhood friend, Eva Lange, who escaped Berlin one step ahead of the Nazi terror. But he's not the first to come looking for Eva. The man who preceded him-top Hollywood detective Eddie Grimes-ended up dead . . . on the night he found Eva. Following leads that take him from the glittering nightclubs of the Estoril coast-where he rubs elbows with the likes of Edward, Duke of Windsor, and his scheming wife, Wallis Simpson-into Lisbon's dank and seedy backstreets, Jack searches for answers among the deceptions and lies of the dangerous city. A shattering discovery along the way takes him to the perilous boulevards of occupied Paris and propels him into the heart of a nightmare, where his actions could change the course of the war.

Lisey's Story

by Stephen King

INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH STEPHEN KING AND APPLE TV +Perhaps Stephen King's most personal and powerful novel and audiobook, LISEY'S STORY is a beautifully textured suspense narrative about the wellsprings of creativity, the temptations of madness and the secret language of love. Read by Mare Winningham.Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark.Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure.Lisey was the light to Scott Landon's dark for twenty-five years. As his wife, only she saw the truth behind the public face of the famous author - that he was a haunted man whose bestselling novels were based on a terrifying reality.Now Scott has gone, Lisey wants to lock herself away with her memories. But the fans have other ideas. And when the sinister threats begin, Lisey realises that, just as Scott depended on her strength - her light - to live, so she will have to draw on his darkness to survive.(P)2006 Simon and Schuster Audio

Lisey's Story

by Stephen King

*Soon to be an Apple TV+ limited series starring Julianne Moore and Clive Owen*INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH STEPHEN KING AND APPLE TV +Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark.Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure.Lisey was the light to Scott Landon's dark for twenty-five years. As his wife, only she saw the truth behind the public face of the famous author - that he was a haunted man whose bestselling novels were based on a terrifying reality.Now Scott has gone, Lisey wants to lock herself away with her memories. But the fans have other ideas. And when the sinister threats begin, Lisey realises that, just as Scott depended on her strength - her light - to live, so she will have to draw on his darkness to survive.

L'isola del tumulo maledetto

by William Meikle Ilaria Grandi Myeditor

Alcune leggende sono vere... Una vecchia storia narra di un'entità maligna radicata nelle viscere della terra. Quando una spedizione di archeologi ignora la saggezza degli abitanti e dischiude un vecchio tumulo su una remota isola nelle Ebridi scozzesi, si scatena un orrore che va ben oltre i loro incubi più oscuri. Qualcuno sopravvivrà al massacro di Island Life? William Meikle racconta una storia terrificante che vi impedirà di chiudere il libro finché non volterete l'ultima pagina!


by Luca D'Andrea

El thriller de «terror más negro y existencialista» (La Repubblica), ganador del prestigioso Premio Scerbanenco, por Luca D’Andrea, renovador de la novela negra europea con más de 300.000 lectores en 42 países «Maligna, frenética, despiadada. Cruda y violenta [...]. Un regalo que vale una consagración definitiva.»La Stampa «Un thriller de cotas altas [...]. Negrísimo.»La Repubblica Cuando la joven Marlene descubre en el invierno de 1974 que está embarazada de Herr Wegener, su marido y el hombre más temido de todo el Tirol, comprende que debe escapar si quiere criar a su hijo lejos de la violencia. Pero en su huida tiene un accidente de carretera del que la salva Simon Keller, un agricultor de montaña que vive al estilo tradicional tirolés. Mientras este la cuida en su granja remota, Herr Wegener está decidido a defender como sea su reputación ante el Consorcio, la poderosa organización criminal a la que rinde pleitesía. La caza ha sido encomendada a un sicario infalible, tan frío como mortífero, apodado el Hombre de Confianza, que no se detendrá hasta cumplir su misión. Pronto Marlene no sabrá qué amenaza es mayor: su marido, el asesino sin nombre o Lissy, el misterio más oscuro de la granja de Keller. La crítica ha dicho...«Hay hambre de terror italiano. Y nadie como D’Andrea para saciarla.»Noel Ceballos, GQ «Avanza con profundidad y con una precisión extrema, excavando en el pasado y en la psique de los personajes [...]. Una historia potente, que captura y confirma que estamos ante un narrador sólido y original.»La Lettura «Una indagación acerca de qué le sucede al carácter y a la mente humana cuando tienen que buscar el modo de darle sentido a lo intolerable.»Literary Review «Un thriller tremendamente disfrutable y una demostración brillante sobre cómo se cuenta una historia.»NB Magazine «Venganza, redención, muerte [...]. Emocionante.»Stern «Cada vez son más los autores del género que te atrapan con un lenguaje atrevido desde la primera línea y crean personajes potentes en conflictos de vida o muerte. Este es el caso de Luca D'Andrea.»Sächsische Zeitung «Quienes disfruten con las fábulas oscuras tienen que leer este libro.»Publishers Weekly «Maligna, frenética, despiadada. Cruda y violenta. El lector se aventura fascinado por una naturaleza severa, con personajes de aristas picassianas, donde nada es lo que parece [...]. Un regalo que vale una consagración definitiva.»La Stampa «Un thriller del terror más negro y existencialista. Una trama que atrapa al lector, sin pausas [...] y hasta el final.»La Repubblica


by Luca D'Andrea

Un llibre per a addictes a les emocions fortes i a les pulsions humanes més negres i més fosques. "Un thriller de cotes altes [...]. Negríssim." La Repubblica Hivern del 1974. La jove Marlene està embaraçada del seu marit, Herr Wegener, l'home més temut del Tirol. Com que vol criar el seu fill lluny de la violència, la jove decideix allunyar-se'n, però durant la fugida té un accident de carretera, del qual la salva en Simon Keller, un agricultor de muntanya que viu a l'estil tradicional tirolès. Mentre l'home té cura de la Marlene a la seva granja apartada del món, Herr Wegener pren la determinació de defensar fins al final la seva reputació davant del Consorci, una poderosa organització criminal a la qual ret homenatge. Per fer-ho encarrega a un sicari infal·lible, fred i mortífer, conegut amb el renom de l'Home de Confiança, que la busqui. Amb el pas del dies i a mesura que es tanca la persecució, la Marlene ja no sabrà si és pitjor l'amença del seu marit, la fixació de l'assassí implacable o Lissy, el misteri més obscur de la granja de Simon Keller. "Hi ha fam de terror italià. I ningú com D'Andrea per sadollar-la." Noel Ceballos, GQ "Avança amb profunditat i amb una precisió extrema, excavant en el passat i en la psique dels personatges [...]. Una història potent que captura i confirma que tenim un narrador sòlid i original." La Lettura "Una indagació sobre com canvien el caràcter i la ment humana quan l'individu ha de trobar la manera de donar sentit a un fet intolerable." Literary Review "Un thriller que et farà gaudir de valent i una demostració brillant de com s'explica una bona història." NB Magazine "Venjança, redempció, mort [...]. Emocionant." Stern "Els qui gaudeixen de les faules obscures han de llegir aquest llibre." Publishers Weekly "Maligna, frenètica, despietada. Crua i violenta. El lector s'aventura fascinat en una natura esquerpa, amb personatges picassians, on res és el que sembla [...]. Un regal que val una consagració definitiva." La Stampa "Un thriller del terror més negre i existencialista. Una trama que atrapa el lector, sense pauses ni treves [...] i fins al final." La Repubblica

The List: A Good Morning America Book Club Pick

by Yomi Adegoke

A GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICK!Recommended by The New York Times • Vogue • People • NPR • Cosmopolitan • Rolling Stone • Publishers Weekly • The Sunday Times • and many more!In this sensational, page-turning debut novel, a high-profile female journalist’s world is upended when her fiancé’s name turns up in a viral social media post—a nuanced, daring, and timely exploration of the real-world impact of online life, from award-winning journalist and internationally bestselling author Yomi Adegoke.“Brilliantly written, intricately plotted and incredibly clever. Once I started, I could not put it down, and I am sure I'll be thinking about this book for a very long time.” — Abi Daré, New York Times bestselling author of The Girl with the Louding VoiceOla Olajide, a celebrated journalist at Womxxxn magazine, is set to marry the love of her life in one month’s time. Young, beautiful, and successful—she and her fiancé Michael are considered the “couple goals” of their social network and seem to have it all. That is, until one morning when they both wake up to the same message: “Oh my god, have you seen The List?” It began as a crowdsourced collection of names and somehow morphed into an anonymous account posting allegations on social media. Ola would usually be the first to support such a list—she’d retweet it, call for the men to be fired, write article after article. Except this time, Michael’s name is on it.Compulsively readable, wildly entertaining, and filled with sharp social insight, The List is a piercing and dazzlingly clear-sighted debut about secrets, lies, and the internet. Perfect for fans of Such a Fun Age, Luster, and My Dark Vanessa, this is a searing portrait of these modern times and our morally complicated online culture.“Topical, heartfelt, provocative and wise, Yomi Adegoke’s characters are tenderly realized . . . the entire cast of this ultimate millennial novel springs vividly to life.” — Bernardine Evaristo, Booker Prize-winning author of Girl, Woman, Other “The List asks ‘what if?’ and the answers will surely get people thinking. A vibrantly told exploration of the messy interface between virtual and offline relationships. A page-turning tale!” — Charmaine Wilkerson, New York Times bestselling author of Black Cake

The List

by Michael Brissenden

Sidney Allen is a Fed. Part of the Australian Federal Police's K block, a unit doing whatever it takes in order to stop terrorist attacks on home soil. But when young Muslim men on the Terror Watchlist start turning up dead, Sid and his partner, Haifa, have to work out what's going on. Sectarian war? Drugs? Retribution? <p><p>For Sid, there's nothing unclear about a bullet to the head and a severed hand. Someone is sending a message. Deciphering that message reveals a much wider threat and Sid and the agency have to decide just how far they'll go to prevent a deadly attack. Time is running out ... for them and Australia. From the brutal battlegrounds of Afghanistan, to the western Sydney suburbs and the halls of power in Canberra, THE LIST is a page-turning thriller where justice, revenge and the war on terror collide.

The List

by Florian Dennisson

A man confesses to four murders—but will tell the police nothing more—in this stunning psychological crime thriller.I killed them all. The stranger who walks into the police station says it again and again, but the only information he will provide is a list of the victims&’ names. Yet when officers go in search of the bodies, they find only empty rooms, forensic traces of blood, and more questions than answers. Could the victims in fact still be alive and held captive in some unknown location? Sgt. Michael Monroe, an expert in nonverbal communication, has just returned to the force after an extended leave. Sidelined from the investigation at first, Michael keeps fighting to be added to the team. But it&’s not only his professional expertise that makes him especially qualified for this case—he has found a clue that may connect the suspect to a shadowy cult, one that Michael himself is all too familiar with . . .

The List: A Novella

by Mick Herron

Dieter Hess, an aged spy, is dead, and John Bachelor, his MI5 handler, is in deep, deep trouble. Death has revealed that the deceased had been keeping a secret second bank account—and there’s only ever one reason a spy has a secret second bank account. The question of whether he was a double agent must be resolved, and its answer may undo an entire career’s worth of spy secrets.

The List: A Slough House novella

by Mick Herron

'Mick Herron is an incredible writer and if you haven't read him yet, you NEED to' Mark BillinghamDieter Hess, an aged spy, is dead, and John Bachelor, his MI5 handler, is in deep, deep trouble. Death has revealed that the deceased had been keeping a secret second bank account - and there's only ever one reason a spy has a secret second bank account. The question of whether he was a double agent must be resolved, and its answer may undo an entire career's worth of spy secrets.

The List: A Novella

by Mick Herron

Dieter Hess, an aged spy, is dead, and John Bachelor, his MI5 handler, is in deep, deep trouble. Death has revealed that deceased had been keeping a secret second bank account--and there's only ever one reason a spy has a secret second bank account. The question of whether he was a double agent must be resolved, and its answer may undo an entire career's worth of spy secrets.

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