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Mantra 6: Brimstone

by Russel Hutchings

HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO TO PROTECT YOUR COUNTRY? John Devereaux, an SAS Warrant Officer, is seconded to the Australian Secret Intelligence Service and handed a mission that will test him to his very core – both professionally and personally. The operationally deniable mission: infiltrate into Cambodia via parachute in the dead of night, alone, and assassinate two high-value targets guarded by two-dozen elite soldiers. From the relentless jungles of Cambodia to the chaotic civilian-filled streets of Sydney and Bangkok, to the secretive dens of Moscow and the extravagant French Riviera, explosive SAS and ASIS action uncovers a shadowy and powerful organisation that brings us face to face with the Russian Mafia, and an assassin getting intimate. Unbeknown to Devereaux, the Director-General of the Secret Intelligence Service, is testing him for a far more important role – to head an off-the-books clandestine cell buried deep inside this secret organisation and known only as MANTRA-6. Devereaux&’s mission has only just begun … Mantra 6: Brimstone is the first in Russel Hutchings' explosive new thriller series featuring operative John Devereaux.

Mantra 6: Nitrate

by Russel Hutchings

John Devereaux and his MANTRA-6 team are now fully operational.On the frozen landscape of Northern Russia, four figures dressed in arctic camouflage uniforms, break into the Polyarny Naval Base near Murmansk – Home of Russia&’s Northern Fleet. Their mission, to steal 60kg of highly enriched Uranium-235 and hand it over to the Russian Mafia. Rogue nations and despots – North Korea, Libya, Iran, Al-Qa&’Ida, Hamas and Hezbollah, all want their hands on this lethal cargo… Let the bidding begin! MANTRA-6 is on the hunt.God help anyone who gets in their way!Mantra 6: Nitrate is the second book in Russel Hutchings' explosive new thriller series featuring operative John Devereaux.

Manual de inquisidores

by António Lobo Antunes

Una sólida y magistral novela sobre el transcurso interno de la dictadura, de cualquier dictadura... Una dictadura concreta, la del profesor Salazar, instrumento literario de otros autores portugueses, como Cardoso Pires, da pie a Lobo Antunes para construir una sólida y magistral novela sobre el transcurso interno de la dictadura, de cualquier dictadura. A través de los despojos de la memoria de una caterva impagable de personajes -amantes, colegas, empresarios corruptos, el médico de la policía política, viejos militares descontentos-, que se relacionan con un ministro del dictador, una prosa magistral -y extraordinariamente musical- va llenando al lector de una indignación profunda que le hará reflexionar sobre el poder, sobre el poder del Estado, sobre los estados del poder. «Yo querría que mis libros recrearan la vida tal cual es, que renovaran el arte de la novela, que fueran espejos en los que se reflejaran nuestras grandes miserias y nuestras pequeñas grandezas...» Reseña:«obo Antunes cartografía Portugal como si estuviese examinando a un paciente en una mesa de operaciones.»The New Yorker

Manual de perdedores

by Juan Sasturain

Una joya de Sasturain. Esta novela policial se publicó por primera vezen episodios en el diario La Voz, de Córdoba, y había sido escrita ochoaños antes. Es una obra del género negro «a la argentina», ambientada enlos días de la dictadura. No, no vamos a contar la historia de manual de perdedores.Solo Sasturain puede.Para contar una historia de los días de la dictadura y hacerlo con unavoz que no es explícita y que no falsea nada, la realidad solicitadesencanto. Y para salvar la experiencia narrativa y el talento de JuanSasturain, que se atreve a tirar, como una colilla, una desesperadaironía.Etchenike en acción. El personaje tiene el encanto maduro de losantihéroes de Chandler y de Hammett. Tiene más un sesgo porteño que dejaoír en cada una de las réplicas una larga tradición de perdedores con eloro de la última palabra en el puño o en la lengua. Los acontecimientosse precipitan, como suele decir. En Sasturain ni la lucha ni la acciónterminan, pero nos reservamos el derecho de decir el subrayado esnuestro. Si el lector es sin duda el que más gana, sacándole a estashistorias tan cercanas lustre y placer.Cada una de las escenas, cada una de las respuestas, cada uno de losgestos de Etchenike en este «Manual de perdedores» son cosas que seatesoran en la memoria para ese instante -raro y feliz, uno de losconsuelos de lectura- en el que estamos a la altura de nuestros héroes.

The Manual of Detection

by Jedediah Berry

In this tightly plotted debut novel, an unlikely detective, armed only with an umbrella and a singular handbook, must untangle a string of crimes committed in and through people's dreams.

The Manual of Detection

by Jedediah Berry

In this tightly plotted yet mind-expanding debut novel, an unlikely detective, armed with only an umbrella and a singular handbook, must untangle a string of crimes committed in and through people's dreams. In an unnamed city always slick with rain, Charles Unwin is a humble file clerk working for a huge and imperious detective agency, and all he knows about solving mysteries comes from filing reports for the illustrious investigator Travis Sivart. When Sivart goes missing, and his supervisor turns up murdered, Unwin is suddenly promoted to detective, a rank for which he lacks both the skills and the stomach. His only guidance comes from his new assistant, who would be perfect if she weren't so sleepy, and from the pithy yet profound MANUAL OF DETECTION. Unwin mounts his search for Sivart, but is soon framed for murder, pursued by goons and gunmen, and confounded by the infamous femme fatale Cleo Greenwood. Meanwhile, strange and troubling questions proliferate: why does the mummy at the Municipal Museum have modern-day dental work? Where have all the city's alarm clocks gone? Why is Unwin's copy of the Manual missing Chapter 18? When he discovers that the greatest of Sivart's cases - including 'The Three Deaths of Colonel Baker' and 'The Man who Stole the Twelfth of November' - were never solved correctly, he must enter the dreams of a murdered man and face a criminal mastermind bent on total control of a slumbering city. THE MANUAL OF DETECTION will draw comparison to every work of imaginative fiction that ever blew a reader's mind. But, ultimately, it defies comparison; it is a brilliantly conceived, meticulously realised novel that will change what you think about how you think.

A Manuscript of Ashes: A Novel

by Antonio Muñoz Molina

In this &“beautifully wrought&” novel set in Franco-era Spain, a university student stumbles into a decades-old mystery (New York magazine). It&’s the late sixties, the last dark years of Franco&’s dictatorship. Minaya, a university student in Madrid, is caught up in the student protests and the police are after him. He moves to his uncle Manuel&’s country estate in the small town of Mágina to write his thesis on an old friend of his uncle, an obscure republican poet named Jacinto Solana. The country house is full of traces of the poet—notes, photographs, journals—and Minaya soon discovers that, thirty years earlier, during the Spanish Civil War, both his uncle and Solana were in love with the same woman, the beautiful, unsettling Mariana. Engaged to Manuel, she was shot in the attic of the house on her wedding night. With the aid of Inés, a maid, Minaya begins to search for Solana&’s lost masterpiece, a novel called Beatus Ille. Looking for a book, he unravels a crime. One of Spain&’s most celebrated literary figures, the author of Sepharad and In the Night of Time weaves a &“rapturously gothic&” tale that is both a novel of ideas and an intricately plotted mystery (The New York Sun). &“A brilliant novel by an important writer unafraid of ideas, emotions and genuine beauty.&” —Los Angeles Times &“Already a contemporary classic, this work . . . is an enigmatic gem in the very best metafiction tradition.&” —Library Journal

El manuscrito

by John Grisham

Bienvenidos a Camino Island, donde todo puede pasar... incluso un asesinato durante un huracán que podría convertirse en el crimen perfecto. NADIE LO CUENTA COMO GRISHAM. Cuando el huracán Leo se desvía de su curso previsto para dirigirse hacia Camino Island, en la costa de Florida, la mayoría de sus habitantes decide abandonar la isla. Solo un pequeño grupo de irreductibles elige quedarse, entre ellos Bruce Cable, el propietario de la librería Bay Books. El huracán avanza destrozándolo todo y dejando casas derrumbadas, hoteles y tiendas destruidos, calles inundadas y una docena de muertos. Uno de los fallecidos es Nelson Kerr, amigo de Bruce y autor de thrillers. Pero los indicios sugieren que la tormenta no fue la causa de la muerte de Nelson: la víctima recibió numerosos golpes sospechosos en la cabeza. ¿Quién querría matar a Nelson? La policía local está sobrepasada por los efectos del huracán y no se encuentra en condiciones de ocuparse del caso. Pero Bruce comienza a preguntarse si algunos oscuros personajes de las novelas de su amigo podrían ser más reales que ficticios. Y en algún lugar del ordenador de Nelson está el manuscrito de su nueva novela. ¿Estará allí, en negro sobre blanco, la clave del caso? Bruce empieza a investigar y lo que descubre entre sus páginas es más impactante que cualquiera de los giros de las tramas de Nelson... y mucho más peligroso. La crítica ha dicho...«Otra joya de John Grisham.»Observer «El mejor autor vivo de thriller.»Ken Follett «El manuscrito tiene el habitual sello distintivo de Grisham: una trama trepidante y escenas llenas de tensión.»Independent «La perfecta mezcla escapista de acción detectivesca, entresijos del mundo literario... e incluso un poco de romance.»Mail on Sunday «Entretenimiento de evasión [...] con elementos de los thrillers más tradicionales de Grisham.»The New York Times «Una novela de intriga que juega al gato y al ratón. Grisham es un escritor irresistible. Su prosa es fluida y fantástica.»Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Manx Gold

by Agatha Christie

Previously published in the print anthology The Harlequin Tea Set and Other Stories.Two cousins, Fenella Mylecharane and Juan Faraker, are engaged. When their eccentric uncle dies, they eagerly return to the Isle of Man for the reading of the will. Having grown up hearing tales of buried treasure on the island, they are excited when the will reveals that their uncle found it. But where?

The Manx Murders: A Professor Niccolo Benedetti Mystery (The Niccolo Benedetti Mysteries #3)

by William L. DeAndrea

Niccolo Benedetti takes on the mysterious case of two battling industrialist twinsIn Harville, Pennsylvania, two brothers are sparring. A common enough occurrence, but these ones happen to be elderly, twins, and industrialist millionaires. The two have feuded for years over all sorts of issues, including a woman they both loved. Now Henry Pembroke has built a bird sanctuary, while his twin brother, Clyde, has decided to breed Manx cats. Henry argues that Clyde&’s cats will kill his birds, and in an attempt for revenge, he blocks a new air-cleaning device that Clyde wants to produce. After nearly a lifetime of fighting, the brothers call on renowned Italian detective—and larger-than-life artist-philosopher—Niccolo Benedetti, together with private investigator partner Ron Gentry, to help solve their differences. But what begins as a property dispute takes a lethal turn when one of the brothers is kidnapped and a secretary is murdered. In this quiet town, Benedetti, a lifelong student of evil, suddenly has more than enough to study.

Many a Twist: A Cork County Mystery (A Cork County Mystery #6)

by Sheila Connolly

How far would you go to protect your family?Pub owner Maura Donovan hasn’t seen her mother for over twenty years, so when she suddenly shows up in Maura’s pub, Maura’s not sure what to expect. Her mother has moved back home and has taken a position working with the new owners of the Crann Mor hotel just outside Skibbereen. Creating a new lift for herself was working out fine—until her new boss is found dead in the gardens, dumped down the hillside behind the hotel.Now, Maura must leave no stone unturned to clear her mother’s name and rebuild their fragmented relationship. However, in County Cork, things are rarely as they seem. Longtime residents, including the employees of Maura’s pub and the deceased hotel owner, have dark, bottled-up family secrets that must never be uncorked. Worse, someone is willing to kill to keep them that way.Maura Donovan tests the bonds of love and family in Many a Twist, the charming and atmospheric sixth County Cork mystery from New York Times bestselling author Sheila Connolly.

The Many Aspects of Mobile Home Living: A Novel

by Martin Clark

In this masterful debut, Martin Clark proves to be the heir apparent of great Southern raconteurs and the envy of more seasoned novelists as he takes us on a frantic tour of the modern south. Hung over, beaten by the unforgiving sun, bitter at his estranged wife, and dreading the day's docket of petty criminal cases, Judge Evers Wheeling is in need of something on the morning he's accosted by Ruth Esther English. Ruth Esther's strange story certainly is something, and Judge Wheeling finds himself in uncharted territory. Reluctantly agreeing to help Ruth Esther retrieve some stolen money, he recruits his pot-addled brother and a band of merry hangers-on for the big adventure. Raucous road trips, infidelity, suspected killers, winning Lotto tickets, drunken philosophical rants, and at least one naked woman tied to a road sign ensue in The Many Aspects of Mobile Home Living, one part legal thriller, one part murder mystery, and all parts all wild.

The Many Deaths of the Firefly Brothers: A Novel

by Thomas Mullen

In award-winning author Thomas Mullen's evocative and spirited novel, we follow the Depression-era adventures of Jason and Whit Fireson--bank robbers known as the Firefly Brothers by an adoring public that worships their acts as heroic counterpunches thrown at a broken system. Late one night in August 1934, following a yearlong crime spree across the Midwest, the Firefly Brothers are forced into a police shootout and die in a hail of bullets. Or do they? Jason and Whit's girlfriends--Darcy, a wealthy socialite, and Veronica, a hardened survivor--struggle between grief and an unyielding belief that the Firesons are alive. Wild rumors spread that the bandits are still at large. Through it all, the Firefly Brothers remain as charismatic, unflappable, and as mythical as the American dream itself, racing to find the women they love and to make sense of a world in which all has come unmoored.

The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester

by Maya MacGregor

&“Look no further for your next favorite read, because The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester has it all: a gripping murder mystery that will keep you turning pages, ghosts, romance, and a treasure trove of queer characters with depth and heart. Here&’s something rare—a suspenseful story that also feels like a hug.&” —Sarah Glenn Marsh, author of the Reign of the Fallen seriesIn this queer contemporary YA mystery, a nonbinary autistic teen realizes they must not only solve a 30-year-old mystery but also face the demons lurking in their past in order to live a satisfying life. Sam Sylvester has long collected stories of half-lived lives—of kids who died before they turned nineteen. Sam was almost one of those kids. Now, as Sam&’s own nineteenth birthday approaches, their recent near-death experience haunts them. They&’re certain they don&’t have much time left. . . .But Sam's life seems to be on the upswing after meeting several new friends and a potential love interest in Shep, their next-door neighbor. Yet the past keeps roaring back—in Sam&’s memories and in the form of a thirty-year-old suspicious death that took place in Sam&’s new home. Sam can&’t resist trying to find out more about the kid who died and who now seems to guide their investigation. When Sam starts receiving threatening notes, they know they&’re on the path to uncovering a murderer. But are they digging through the past or digging their own future grave?The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester explores healing in the aftermath of trauma and the fullness of queery joy.

The Many Lies of Veronica Hawkins: An addictive and deliciously glamorous thriller with a shocking twist

by Kristina Pérez

'Glamorous, shocking and deliciously deceptive. The kind of sharp, exciting and sophisticated mystery I just adore' CHRIS WHITAKER, author of We Begin at the End'A richly drawn and riveting tale of friendship gone wrong, with too many secrets, twists, and lies to count' SARA SHEPARD, author of Pretty Little LiarsGone Girl meets The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo in this deliciously gripping novel set in the world of Hong Kong's super-rich, where everyone has secrets... some of which may get you killed.__________________________________________When Martina Torres arrives in the glamorous and vibrant metropolis of Hong Kong, newly married to her high school sweetheart, the world seems to be her oyster. But looks can be deceiving. Adrift in a foreign city, with no job and no friends, Martina chafes in her new role as Expat Wife.Her luck changes when she meets Veronica Hawkins. Beautiful, sophisticated, and very, very rich, Veronica is the epitome of Old Hong Kong - the last surviving member of a British mercantile dynasty that built the city during its colonial heyday. Martina can hardly believe her fortune when she's taken under Veronica's wing and into her confidence, with Veronica helping her to find a new apartment, a new career, and most importantly, a new self.Veronica transforms Martina's life and then, shockingly, she dies. She disappears over the side of a yacht during a party attended by Hong Kong's most influential people - yet somehow there are no witnesses.Was it murder? Suicide? A terrible accident? What really happened to Veronica Hawkins?Somebody knows but nobody's telling.__________________________________________'A twisty thriller with rich and complex female friendships. I tore through this one' KELLEY ARMSTRONG, No. 1 New York Times bestselling author'A joyous, addictive exploration of materialism and excess, beautifully conjuring Hong Kong in all its societal layers. This is a delightfully dark novel which brings to mind The Great Gatsby in early 21st Century Hong Kong' LISA BALLANTYNE, author of The Innocent One'Smart, suspenseful, and utterly addictive' KAREN M. MCMANUS, No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of One of Us Is Lying'Vivid, immersive and compulsive, the layers of detail are gorgeous, and the quick wit and devious twists mean that you know everyone is lying, but it's a rollercoaster ride to find out what they're lying about' ALEXIA CASALE, author of The Best Way to Bury Your Husband 'A smart, twisted story filled with secrets and lies played out in the vibrant, glittering setting of Hong Kong' MARINA MCCARRON, author of The Time Between Us'With its richly drawn setting and thorny, complex characters, this story of two women, a friendship, and a fateful night keeps you guessing to the end' KATE ALICE MARSHALL, author of What Lies in the Woods'A thrilling expose of ex-pat life; deliciously dark and compelling' KATE MAXWELL, author of Hush

The Many Mysteries of the Finkel Family

by Sarah Kapit

Fans of the Penderwicks and the Vanderbeekers, meet the Finkel family in this middle grade novel about two autistic sisters, their detective agency, and life's most consequential mysteries. <p><p> When twelve-year-old Lara Finkel starts her very own detective agency, FIASCCO (Finkel Investigation Agency Solving Consequential Crimes Only), she does not want her sister, Caroline, involved. She and Caroline don't have to do everything together. But Caroline won't give up, and when she brings Lara the firm's first mystery, Lara relents, and the questions start piling up. <p><p>But Lara and Caroline’s truce doesn&’t last for long. Caroline normally uses her tablet to talk, but now she's busily texting a new friend. Lara can't figure out what the two of them are up to, but it can't be good. And Caroline doesn't like Lara's snooping—she's supposed to be solving other people's crimes, not spying on Caroline! <p><p>As FIASCCO and the Finkel family mysteries spin out of control, can Caroline and Lara find a way to be friends again?

Many Rivers to Cross: A Novel (Inspector Alan Banks #26)

by Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson a "master of the police procedural" (Mail on Sunday) returns with the twenty-sixth instalment of the #1 bestselling Inspector Banks series.A skinny young boy is found dead--his body carelessly stuffed into a wheelie bin. Detective Superintendent Alan Banks and his team are called to investigate. Who is the boy, and where did he come from? Was his body discarded, or left as a warning to someone? He looks Middle Eastern, but no one on the Eastvale Estate has seen him before. As the local press seize upon an illegal immigrant angle, and the national media cover the story of another stabbing, there is a less newsworthy death: a middle-aged heroin addict found dead of an overdose in another estate, scheduled for redevelopment. Banks finds the threads of each case seem to be connected to the other, and to the dark side of organized crime in Eastvale. Does another thread link to his friend Zelda, who is coming to terms with her own dark past? The truth may be more complex--or much simpler--than it seems . . .

Many Rivers to Cross: A Novel (Inspector Banks Novels #26)

by Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson, the acclaimed author of the bestselling series Stephen King calls “the best now on the market,” returns with a gripping, emotionally charged mystery in which the revered detective Alan Banks must find the truth about a murder with possible racial overtones—and save a friend from ruin. In Eastvale, a young Middle Eastern boy is found dead, his body stuffed in a wheelbarrow on the East Side Estate. Detective Superintendent Banks and his team know they must tread carefully to solve this sensitive case. But tensions rise when they learn that the victim was stabbed somewhere else and dumped. Who is the boy, and where did he come from? Then, in a decayed area of Eastvale scheduled for redevelopment, a heroin addict is found dead. Was this just another tragic overdose or something darker? To prevent tensions from reaching a boiling point, Banks must find answers quickly. Yet just when he needs to be his sharpest, the seasoned detective finds himself distracted by a close friend’s increasingly precarious situation. He needs a break—and gets one when he finds a connection to a real estate developer that could be key to finding the truth.With so many loose ends dangling, there is one thing Banks is sure of—solving the case may come at a terrible cost.

Many Rivers to Cross: DCI Banks 26

by Peter Robinson

The 26th instalment of the Number One bestselling series'The master of the police procedural' Mail on Sunday'The Alan Banks mystery-suspense novels are the best series on the market. Try one and tell me I'm wrong' Stephen King***A skinny young boy is found dead - his body carelessly stuffed into a wheelie bin. Detective Superintendent Alan Banks and his team are called to investigate. Who is the boy, and where did he come from? Was he discarded as rubbish, or left as a warning to someone? He looks Middle Eastern, but no one on the East Side Estate has seen him before.As the local press seize upon an illegal immigrant angle, and the national media the story of another stabbing, the police are called to investigate a less newsworthy death: a middle-aged heroin addict found dead of an overdose in another estate, scheduled for redevelopment.Banks finds the threads of each case seem to be connected to the other, and to the dark side of organised crime in Eastvale. Does another thread link to his friend Zelda, who is facing her own dark side? The truth may be more complex - or much simpler - than it seems . . .

Many Rivers to Cross: The 26th DCI Banks Mystery

by Peter Robinson

The 26th instalment of the Number One bestselling series'The master of the police procedural' Mail on Sunday'The Alan Banks mystery-suspense novels are the best series on the market. Try one and tell me I'm wrong' Stephen King***A skinny young boy is found dead - his body carelessly stuffed into wheelie bin. Detective Superintendent Alan Banks and his team are called to investigate. Who is the boy, and where did he come from? Was he discarded as rubbish, or left as a warning to someone? He looks Middle Eastern, but no one on the East Side Estate has seen him before.As the local press seize upon an illegal immigrant angle, and the national media the story of another stabbing, the police are called to investigate a less newsworthy death: a middle-aged heroin addict found dead of an overdose in another estate, scheduled for redevelopment.Banks finds the threads of each case seem to be connected to the other, and to the dark side of organised crime in Eastvale. Does another thread link to his friend Zelda, who is facing her own dark side? The truth may be more complex - or much simpler - than it seems . . .(P)2019 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

The Mao Case: Inspector Chen 6 (As heard on Radio 4 #6)

by Qiu Xiaolong

Now a BBC Radio 4 Drama Series.Tucked away from the building sites of modern Shanghai are the beautiful mansions once owned by the smartest families in 1930s China. They have since been bought by rich businessmen and high-ranking members of the Communist Party. All except one. The owner is an old painter who holds a glittering party each night: swing jazz plays for his former neighbours, who dance, remember old times and forget for an evening the terrors that followed. But questions are being asked. How can he afford such a lifestyle? His paintings? Blackmail? A triad connection? Prostitution? Inspector Chen is asked to investigate discreetly what is going on behind the elegant façade. But, before he can get close to anyone, one of the girls is found murdered in the garden and another is terrified she will be next.Chen's quest for answers will take Chen to a strange businessman, triads, Chairman Mao himself and a terrible secret the Party will go to any length to conceal.

Maoshan Taoist: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Zhenyinfang

Maoshan Taoist

Maoshan Taoist: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

maoshan taoist

The Map: A Jackaby Story (Jackaby)

by William Ritter

Perfect for fans of Jackaby who are desperately awaiting the release of its sequel, Beastly Bones, this novella-length story follows the rollicking events of Abigail Rook’s birthday celebration. Abigail hopes that her birthday will slip by unnoticed and uncelebrated, but her employer, detective of the supernatural R. F. Jackaby, has other plans. Using magical party crackers that teleport the pair to unknown destinations in time and space and a cryptic map that may lead to a forgotten treasure, Jackaby intends to give Abigail what he considers to be the best gift of all--adventure. Abigail and Jackaby must tame an enormous (and carnivorous) rabbit, defend a castle, and master a dirigible if they want to find the treasure and get back to New Fiddleham alive.

A Map of Betrayal: A Novel

by Ha Jin

A Christian Science Monitor Best Book of the YearFrom the award-winning author of Waiting and War Trash: a riveting tale of espionage and conflicted loyalties that spans half a century in the entwined histories of two countries--China and the United States--and two families. When Lilian Shang, born and raised in America, discovers her father's diary after the death of her parents, she is shocked by the secrets it contains. She knew that her father, Gary, convicted decades ago of being a mole in the CIA, was the most important Chinese spy ever caught. But his diary, an astonishing chronicle of his journey as a Communist intelligence agent, reveals the pain and longing that his double life entailed--and point to a hidden second family that he'd left behind in China. As Lilian follows her father's trail back into the Chinese provinces, she begins to grasp the extent of his dilemma: he is a man torn between loyalty to his motherland and the love he came to feel for his adopted country. She sees how his sense of duty distorted his life, and as she starts to understand that Gary too had been betrayed, Lilian finds that it is up to her to prevent his tragedy from endangering yet another generation of Shangs. A stunning portrait of a multinational family and an unflinching inquiry into the meaning of citizenship, patriotism, and home, A Map of Betrayal is a spy novel that only Ha Jin could write.From the Hardcover edition.

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