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Miedo: Hay algo entre ellos… (Saga Olvidados #Volumen 5)

by Michael Grant

A pesar del hambre, de las mentiras y de la plaga... están decididos a sobrevivir. «Una historia emocionante y llena de tensión, narrada con un estilo trepidante que no te deja descansar... Adoro este libro». Stephen King Ha pasado un año desde que todos los adultos desaparecieron... En la nueva y precaria vida que han construido comienza a arrastrarse la que probablemente sea la peor encarnación de la Oscuridad: el miedo. La vida en la ERA se quiebra cuando la Oscuridad pasa a ocuparla, al ennegrecer por completo su mundo en forma de cúpula. En la oscuridad surgen los peores miedos, y se cumplen las intenciones más crueles. Sin embargo, en los momentos más terribles, los habitantes de la ERA conservan la voluntad de sobrevivir y el deseo persistente de cuidar de los demás en su grupo devastado. Cueste lo que cueste...

El miedo de Montalbano (Comisario Montalbano #Volumen 9)

by Andrea Camilleri

Seis irresistibles narraciones nos devuelven el universo del comisario Montalbano en toda su riqueza y esplendor, para deleite de los lectores adictos a su particular manera de entender la vida. A plena luz del despiadado sol siciliano, con un humor no exento del realismo más implacable, surge un caudal de sentimientos irrefrenables: el odio que provoca una venganza cuyas consecuencias han de durar décadas en Mejor la oscuridad; o los resquemores que despierta en todo el cuerpo de policía de Vigàta el comportamiento aparentemente ingenuo, pero cargado de miradas salvajes, de la joven Grazia Giangrasso, en Herido de muerte. Y para arropar al comisario en su ardua tarea, no faltan los elementos de siempre: los desencuentros telefónicos con su novia Livia, las entrañables broncas con Mimì Augello, la perplejidad que siempre consigue producirle Catarella, el inefable telefonista de la comisaría. En esta ocasión, a los personajes conocidos se añaden otros nuevos, como el formal y distante comandante Verruso, antítesis de un Montalbano que descubrirá, con sorpresa y admiración, la dignidad y valentía con las que su nuevo aliado custodia un terrible secreto. Como es habitual en él, Montalbano aprovecha la resolución de los casos para exponer el contraluz de las cosas, de los acontecimientos y circunstancias que rodean los hechos, como si éstos fueran consecuencia de una condición colectiva, de otros dramas y otros padecimientos largamente sufridos, que escapan al control del individuo. Y todas esas dudas, miedos, tentaciones y contradicciones no hacen más que subrayar, si cabe, la profunda dimensión humana que ha hecho de este personaje el favorito de millones de lectores en todo el mundo. La crítica ha dicho...«Algunos de los cuentos más interesantes y divertidos del comisario Montalbano.»Messagero Veneto «Hay autores cuyos libros suscitan admiración, sorpresa, emoción; los de Andrea Camilleri suscitan todo eso [...].»ABC Cultural«Camilleri ha demostrado que se puede conciliar armoniosamente lo serio con lo humorístico, lo grave y lo ligero, con comprensión hacia las debilidades humanas.»Babelia

Miedo en la sombra

by Héron-Mimouni

En la prisión de mujeres de Fresnes, la muerte merodea por los corredores y las celdas. El miedo planea sobre el lugar, como consecuencia de unas muertes sin resolver. Suicidios…¿o asesinatos? Louise llevará a cabo una investigación que pondrá en peligro su vida. ¿Sabe demasiado? ¿De dónde provienen todos los indicios que ha logrado averiguar? ¿Quién amenaza a esas mujeres encarceladas? Tras los muros de piedra gris de la casa de arresto penitenciario de mujeres, el pasado de Louise resurge para atormentarla. Sin embargo, tendrá que servirse de sus recuerdos para lograr la fuerza para enfrentarse a un enemigo invisible. Miedo en la sombra es una novela de despiadado suspense, que narra una historia policíaca, a través del prisma del mundo penitenciario.


by Jennifer Crusie

La vida de Maddie Faraday sería perfecta de no ser marido infielsu desconfiada hijasu inquisitiva madresu infeliz mejor amigasus vecinos fisgonesy ese tipo a quien entregó su virginidad hace veinte años y que acaba de aparecer en la puerta de su casa.Pero las cosas aún pueden ir a peor -ni se imagina cómo-, porque en breve estará metida de lleno en todo tipo de chismorreos, chantajes y hasta en un asesinato. Parece que la vida en el sur de Ohio no es tan aburrida después de todo...

Mientras duermes

by Alberto Marini

¿Estás seguro de que vives solo? Mientras duermes, Cillian está a tu lado. Es el portero de tu casa y no es precisamente una buena persona... Cillian, portero de un edificio de Nueva York, disfruta hundiendo a las personas que le rodean. Clara, la vecina del 5B, es su próximo objetivo y no parará hasta destrozarle la vida. Cada mañana Cillian juega a lo que él llama la «ruleta rusa»: pone su vida en el abismo, buscando una razón para vivir un día más. Es incapaz de ser feliz y su único consuelo es impedir que los demás lo sean. Clara es su antítesis: una mujer alegre, a gusto consigo misma, que responde con una sonrisa a todo lo que le ofrece la vida. Su indestructible vitalidad desquicia a Cillian, que llevará su juego al extremo. Un juego más difícil de lo que él nunca había imaginado.

Mientras mi preciosa duerme

by Mary Higgins Clark

Neeve Kearny debe de ser la única persona en Nueva York preocupada por la desaparición de Ethel Lambston. Ethel, una famosa reportera de ecos de sociedad, es una de las mejores clientas de la lujosa boutique que Neeve posee en Madison Avenue. Pero el ex marido de Ethel, así como el sobrino y los magnates de la moda ridiculizados en su último artículo, tienen buenas razones para estar contentos de su desaparición. Cuando finalmente Ethel Lambston aparece degollada, los recuerdos de Neeve sobre el asesinato irresuelto de su madre salen a la superficie. Ahora, en tanto inocente testigo del asesinato de Thel, Neeve es arrastrada a una nueva pesadilla; un laberinto siniestro de envidia y ambición que la pondrá en serio peligro de muerte...

Mientras mi preciosa duerme (Bestseller/debolsillo Ser. #Vol. 184)

by Mary Higgins Clark

Todo el hechizo y el suspense de la maestra del thriller. Neeve Kearny debe de ser la única persona en Nueva York preocupada por la desaparición de Ethel Lambston. Ethel, una famosa reportera de ecos de sociedad, es una de las mejores clientas de la lujosa boutique que Neeve posee en Madison Avenue. Pero el ex marido de Ethel, así como el sobrino y los magnates de la moda ridiculizados en su último artículo, tienen buenas razones para estar contentos de su desaparición. Cuando finalmente Ethel Lambston aparece degollada, los recuerdos de Neeve sobre el asesinato irresuelto de su madre salen a la superficie. Ahora, en tanto inocente testigo del asesinato de Ethel, Neeve es arrastrada a una nueva pesadilla; un laberinto siniestro de envidia y ambición que la pondrá en serio peligro de muerte...

Mientras siga nevando

by Iris Romero Bermejo

En un ambiente de secretos, asesinatos y misterios, el amor se hará un hueco en los corazones de los protagonistas. Mientras siga nevando hay esperanzas para el amor... Pero, mientras siga nevando, no pueden escapar. Nora esconde un secreto. Por eso nunca se ha enamorado y solo confía en su mejor amiga, Olivia. Está convencida de que jamás conocerá a ese chico especial, sin embargo, todo eso cambiará en cuanto llegue al pueblo de La Condesa y vea por primera vez a Dante, el dueño del albergue donde se hospedan. Dante también tiene algo que esconder. Algo que le ha mantenido oculto en ese maldito pueblo y, le guste o no, Nora le recordará que las cosas que se entierran siempre vuelven a la luz, y que su corazón, tan frío y congelado como el alma del pueblo, quizás sí que puede volver a latir de nuevo. La primera noche desaparece una persona y otra aparece muerta con la primera luz del alba. Solo si están juntos podrán sobrevivir al secreto que oculta La Condesa.

Miernik Dossier (Paul Christopher Novels #Bk. 1)

by Charles Mccarry

McCarry’s first book, The Miernik Dossier, originally published in 1973, is a riveting and imaginative tale in which a small group of international agents embark on a car trip in a Cadillac, from Switzerland to the Sudan. “Charles McCarry is the best modern writer on the subject of intrigue,” wrote P.J. O'Rourke, and Time magazine has declared that “there is no better American spy novelist.” Related as a collection of dossier notes written by the five characters, The Miernik Dossier reveals a complicated web in which each spins his or her own deception: each is a spider, and each is a spy. The Miernik Dossier is a thoroughgoing masterpiece.

Might As Well Be Dead (Nero Wolfe #27)

by Rex Stout

Eleven years after his own thoughtlessness sent his only son, Paul, away from home, Nebraska businessman James Herold calls upon Nero Wolfe to track down the young man so that he can make amends.

Mightier than the Sword: A Novel (The Clifton Chronicles #5)

by Jeffrey Archer

Mightier than the Sword opens with an IRA bomb exploding during the MV Buckingham's maiden voyage across the Atlantic - but how many passengers lose their lives?When Harry Clifton visits his publisher in New York, he learns that he has been elected as the new president of English PEN, and immediately launches a campaign for the release of a fellow author, Anatoly Babakov, who's imprisoned in Siberia. Babakov's crime? Writing a book called Uncle Joe, a devastating insight into what it was like to work for Stalin. So determined is Harry to see Babakov released and the book published, that he puts his own life in danger.His wife Emma, chairman of Barrington Shipping, is facing the repercussions of the IRA attack on the Buckingham. Some board members feel she should resign, and Lady Virginia Fenwick will stop at nothing to cause Emma's downfall.Sir Giles Barrington is now a minister of the Crown, and looks set for even higher office, until an official trip to Berlin does not end as a diplomatic success. Once again, Giles's political career is thrown off balance by none other than his old adversary, Major Alex Fisher, who once again stands against him at the election. But who wins this time?In London, Harry and Emma's son, Sebastian, is quickly making a name for himself at Farthing's Bank in London, and has proposed to the beautiful young American, Samantha. But the despicable Adrian Sloane, a man interested only in his own advancement and the ruin of Sebastian, will stop at nothing to remove his rival.Jeffrey Archer's compelling Clifton Chronicles continue in this, his most accomplished novel to date. With all the trademark twists and turns that have made him one of the world's most popular authors, the spellbinding story of the Clifton and the Barrington families continues.

The Mighty Johns: A Novella

by David Baldacci

From a #1 New York Times bestselling author comes a gripping thriller novella about a college football player's investigation into the unsolved disappearance of a local legend who seemingly vanished into thin air.Forty years ago, Herschel Ruggles, the most legendary player on the Mighty Johns football team at Draven University, disappeared after scoring a record-breaking touchdown.​Instead of tossing the ball to the referee after his near-mythical athletic feat or celebrating with the nearly 25,000 spectators in the stands, Ruggles continued running, ball in hand, into a passageway that led deep underneath the field to the Mighty Johns&’ locker room—and was never seen again.His disappearance has mystified the community for decades . . . until another player—Merlin North, a brilliant physics major—helps break Ruggles&’s record for kickoff returns. After that, North turns detective and becomes fixated on discovering what happened to Herschel Ruggles.Investigating Ruggles&’s mysterious disappearance, however, will prove unexpectedly dangerous for North, as evidence of murder—and ghostly visions—reveal the truth to be far more stunning than he ever could have anticipated.Includes a teaser for A Gambling Man, David Baldacci's second Archer novel—​available now!


by James M. Cain

A Union army invalid meets a comely Louisiana rebel and never looks backThe Union has captured New Orleans, and Bill Cresap has come to reap the profits. A school friend has a line on some easy money, and Cresap is eager to turn carpetbagger. But when he lands in the Crescent City, still nursing a leg wound from Chancellorsville, he finds that his friend has vanished and taken their start-up capital with him. Just when despair threatens to overpower him, Mignon Fournet arrives to overwhelm him instead. A Creole widow with rebel sympathies and hopeful eyes, she has come to Cresap in desperate need. The army has arrested her father and she will do whatever it takes to find out where he’s detained and what he’s charged with. She begs Cresap to use his army connections to find him. Cresap soon discovers that Mignon’s father shipped supplies to the Confederate commander; he could pay for treason with his life. Dazzled by the flirtatious Mignon, Cresap agrees to help free him. Although the veteran’s army days are behind him, his war is just starting to heat up.


by James M. Cain

A money-hungry ex-soldier in Civil War New Orleans is seduced into a web of treason and temptation in this novel by “one of the greats of American noir” (The Guardian).The Union has captured New Orleans, and Bill Cresap has come to reap the profits. A school friend has a line on some easy money, and Cresap is eager to make his fortune. But when he lands in the Crescent City, still nursing a leg wound from Chancellorsville, he finds that his friend has vanished and taken their start-up capital with him. Just when despair threatens to overpower Cresap, Mignon Fournet arrives to overwhelm him instead. A Creole widow with rebel sympathies and hopeful eyes, she has come to Cresap in desperate need. The army has arrested her father and she will do whatever it takes to find out where he’s detained and what he’s charged with. She begs Cresap to use his army connections to find him. Cresap soon discovers that the stakes are sky high: Fournet’s father shipped supplies to the Confederate commander and could pay for this treason with his life. Dazzled by Fournet, Cresap agrees to help free her father. Although the veteran’s army days are behind him, his war is just starting to heat up…Praise for James M. Cain’s fiction“Cleverly plotted.” —The New York Times“Swift and absorbing.” —The Wall Street Journal

Mignon G. Eberhart's Best Mystery Stories: Fourteen Gripping Tales of Detection by America's Agatha Christie

by Mignon Eberhart

Fourteen gripping tales by America's Agatha Christie are offered with an exciting new cover design. This exquisite collection features celebrated sleuths like James Wickwire, Sarah Keate, and Susan Dare. Publishers Weekly calls Eberhart, "the doyenne of American mystery writers." Warner reissue.


by Isabella Abad John Obakpororo Obedience

When Victoria, a beautiful Spanish nurse in her thirties volunteered to work with the displaced people in the African Maghreb, she never expected her life to take such an unexpected turn. Moved to the core by the tragedy of others, it is nevertheless seen how she becomes the target of a terrorist attack. Abandoned in the desert to die, she was rescued by a Tuareg clan led by a dark mestizo, Usem. Obliged by the circumstances to live with the tribe for months, passion and desire for her savior grow in her. This was transformed into corresponded and consumed love, plus her desire to return to Europe and his obligations to his father thereby separating, imposing between them the wall of time and distance. Being separated by miles of kilometres, they therefore remake their lives with the firm conviction that these were just the shadows of what could have been. Usem will have the worst part, facing a destiny that causes and forces him to experience the pain of uprooting, fanaticism, death and exile. Being responsible for the fate of his clan, Uem however, break the unity of the clan into the hands of his younger brother Badis, who hates him. The protection of his family forces him into an exodus of hundreds of kilometers in search of a new and safe life, who will inevitably be shipwrecked. The desperation will precipitate him into the waters of the Mediterranean with the consequent troubles and tragedies. Life will find the lovers several years later in different situations. Will they be able to rebuild their lives and twist fate?

Miguel's Gift: A Novel

by Bruce Kading

In late 1980s Chicago, Nick Hayden, a rookie INS field agent, is eager to make his mark in the unit responsible for picking up illegal immigrants around the city. Hayden excels, whether he's raiding factories or busting Colombian drug dealers. Seen as a rising star by supervisors, over time the green, idealistic Hayden evolves into what one veteran agent terms a "gladiator," an agent willing to do whatever is necessary to get the job done. But Hayden's real reason for joining INS—the mysterious death of an agent thirteen years earlier—remains a closely guarded secret, even as he reluctantly begins a discreet inquiry to uncover the truth.Hayden's world changes dramatically when he recruits Miguel Chavez, a humble Mexican illegal immigrant, to be an informant to help take down Salvador Rico, the ruthless kingpin of Chicago's counterfeit document trade. Nick faces challenges during the investigation that profoundly alter his career and personal priorities as the story builds to a deadly confrontation.

Mika - Os Olhos da Serpente: A Filha do Açougueiro (1 #1)

by Ghesia Morett

Thriller sobrenatural de ação, aventura, terror, ficção científica e romance, Em um futuro indeterminado, Mikaela vive seus próprios pesadelos sem entender o que acontecem. Desesperada e tentando proteger sua família, ela esconde de todos e busca uma solução para voltar a sentir-se normal. Um amigo fiel e um grupo de gênios adolescentes a ajudam, mas será difícil todos saírem bem dessa situação. Mistério, intriga, terror, aventura, ação e romance acompanham essa heroína insensata e impulsiva, que luta com todo seu coração.

Mika snake eyes II: Survive (Mika #2)

by Ghesia Morett

Is surviving a death trap a miracle or a plot to take her to hell? Mika can only endure the disaster of his life based on the vigilante's hatred and justice. Without mercy or compassion, even if you have to resort to the terror of your own monster. Only one thing can defeat him: love. And if that fails? Surviving itself will be another matter.

Mika. Snake Eyes. Nightmares. (MIKA #1)

by Ghesia Morett

Mika knows she isn’t normal, but fighting against her own hell can lead her to places and situations that are difficult to overcome. The force of her spirit and heart guide her and she mustn’t lose the battle against other forces, because it would be too violent and catastrophic. It’s based on the love for her family, true friendship, and all the love she feels to support herself. Coming to understand what Mika is, can cause more harm than good. She will need all the strength of her indomitable spirit and the courage of her heart to be able to resist past whatever good or evil it may cause.

MIKE Force

by Shaun Darragh

A soldier serving with the MIKE Force in Vietnam wakes every day knowing that it might be his last. You don't run with the indigenous Montagnard strikers expecting to live forever. That's the nature of the beast that haunts American advisors serving with the tough little tribal volunteers in Vietnam's misty, enemy-infested Central Highlands. It's a tough, demanding duty and just the kind of thing that attracts military mavericks like former Peace Corps volunteer Galen St. Cyr, who discovers empathy and a new, mystical identity with the Jarai tribesmen of his MIKE Force unit. St. Cyr finds himself on the outskirts of the regular US military along with hand-picked American, Australian, and Vietnamese Special Forces advisors and quickly discovers that duty with Montagnard soldiers involves more than just beating the bush and killing the enemy. The world of the Jarai is both primitive and complex, and learning to survive in it is the challenge of St. Cyr's turbulent life. On a journey that becomes as much spiritual as military, he virtually becomes Jarai, taking a hauntingly beautiful native lover who commands a squad of assassins and listens to spirit voices, and deals with tribal separatist elements who are planning an anti-government coup.

Mike Hammer: Kill Me, Darling

by Max Allan Collins Mickey Spillane

The course of true love never did run smooth for PI Mike Hammer. His secretary and partner Velda has walked out on him without explanation, and Mike is just surfacing from a four-month bender. But then an old cop turns up murdered, an old cop who once worked with Velda on the NYPD Vice Squad. What's more, Mike's pal Captain Pat Chambers has discovered that Velda is in Florida, the moll of gangster and drug runner Nolly Quinn. Hammer hits the road and drives to Miami, where he enlists the help of a horse-faced newspaperman and a local police detective. But can they find Velda in time? And what is the connection between the murdered vice cop in Manhattan, and Mike's ex turning gun moll in Florida?

Mike Hammer - The Big Bang

by Max Allan Collins Mickey Spillane

The reissue of a classic Mike Hammer story from the New York Times bestselling authors Max Allan Collins and the iconic master of noir Mickey Spillane.The toughest private eye in mystery fiction is back - it's the middle of the Swinging Sixties in midtown Manhattan. Hammer, recuperating from a near fatal mix-up with the Mob, disturbs some drug dealers assaulting a young motorbike messenger who was transporting medicine for a hospital. He saves the kid but the muggers are not so lucky. The Mob and a new young breed of drug trafficker assume he will target them, and they target him right back, with a street-corner knife attack. Hammer and his beautiful, deadly partner Velda take on the drug racket in New York. In a world of flashy discos, swanky bachelor pads and the occasional dark alley, Hammer deals with doctors, drug addicts and hit men, and meets changing times with his trademark brand of violent vengeance.

The Mike Hammer Collection: Volume I

by Max Allan Collins Mickey Spillane

A Triple-Shot Anthology Fromthe Undisputed Master of Detective Fiction.In Mickey Spillane's classic detective novels, the action exploded in a bone-crunching catharsis. Men and women didn't make love, they collided. Tough brutes used their fists to drive home a message. Tougher broads used guile. And no one's morals were loftier than the gutter. No apologies. Little redemption. They rendered critics powerless, shocked intellectuals, inspired a new wave of pulp mayhem, and left the public hungry for more.Given their hot, fever-pitch prose and breathless pacing, Spillane's Mike Hammer novels quickly became one of the most successful series in publishing history--an innovative, no-holds-barred, ultravisceral explosion of sex and violence that made Hammer a literary legend, and Spillane, one of the bestselling authors of all time. After fifty years, neither has lost their power to sucker punch the reader.Find out for yourself in this first-time ever omnibus featuring the first three Mike Hammer novels by the living master of the hard-boiled mystery...

The Mike Hammer Collection: Volume 2

by Mickey Spillane

Includes the books: One Lonely Night, The Big Kill, and Kiss Me, Deadly.

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