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Showing 61,776 through 61,800 of 89,833 results

Pearl Volume 3

by Brian Michael Bendis

A brand-new chapter in the romantic odyssey of the tattoo artist and Yakuza assassin, Pearl! From New York Times bestselling, award-winning writer Brian Michael Bendis (Superman) and his Jessica Jones co-creator Michael Gaydos, it's the continuation of a masterful saga involving art, crime, loyalty, and passion.After finding out the truth about her parents in previous volumes, the real question is: WHO IS THE GHOST DRAGON OF SAN FRANCISCO?Fully painted by award-winning graphic novelist Michael Gaydos, Pearl is a unique experience about an artist discovering all the secrets of the modern yakuza world she was thrust into by no fault of her own. Collects Pearl series III issues #1–#6.

Pearls and Poison

by Duffy Brown

It’s election time in Savannah, Georgia, and Judge Guillotine Gloria—aka Reagan Summerside’s mom—is neck and neck in the polls with Kip “Scummy” Seymour. But the already dirty campaign is about to get downright filthy—with one candidate getting buried six feet under… With her strong opinions and knack for getting into trouble, Reagan is not an ideal volunteer for her mother’s alderman campaign. Plus, she’d rather be running her consignment shop, the Prissy Fox, and eating doughnuts with her dog, Bruce Willis. But when her mother’s opponent, Kip, is found poisoned and her mother is pegged as a suspect, Reagan nominates herself as lead murder investigator. Reagan is intent on finding Kip’s killer and clearing her mother’s good name, but she soon finds herself on the bad side of Kip’s enemies-turned-suspects. This time, no amount of costumes and makeup can keep her inconspicuous and out of danger. Because the closer Reagan gets to the truth, the hotter things get…

Peau et os (Déterrer des os #2)

by TA Moore

Déterrer des os : Tome deuxCloister Witte et Bourneville, sa partenaire K-9, retrouvent les disparus et les ramènent chez eux. Mais le travail ne s’arrête pas toujours là. Une jeune femme, Janet Morrow, est tombée dans le coma après s’être éloignée de sa voiture lors d’un orage violent. Mais ce n’est pas parce que Cloister l’a retrouvée qu’elle est rentrée chez elle. Qu’est-ce qui l’a amenée à Plenty, en Californie ? Et qui n’avait pas envie qu’elle en reparte ? Avec l’aide de l’agent spécial Javi Merlo, qui continue de nier ses sentiments grandissants pour l’adjoint au caractère entier, Cloister met à jour une conspiration du silence vieille de dix ans, appartenant à l’histoire de corruption régnant à Plenty. Les vieux secrets de Janet Morrow ne sont pas les seuls à éclater au grand jour. Javi a essayé de laisser son passé derrière lui, malheureusement, certaines personnes semblent déterminées à sortir les squelettes de son placard. Sa sombre histoire avec un agent, son supérieur à Phoenix, complique non seulement l’enquête, mais aussi ses relations avec Cloister. Et depuis quand est-ce qu’il s’en soucie ?

Pebbles In A Shell

by Barbara Baldwin

Everything Bonnie Keeler believes about life and marriage changes the day she discovers her husband's infidelity. Not only has he broken their wedding vows, but he blames her romance writing and shames her into giving up her passion - creating stories of mystery and romance; always with happily-ever-after endings. Leaving everything behind, she travels to Cape Cod, where she can wallow in self pity and drown her sorrows in the ocean. Two things interfere with Bonnie's self-imposed solitude—the ghost in her rental house who is protective of her and Robert Garrett, a soft-spoken bookseller, who quietly infiltrates her life and helps her re-discover her self-worth. Can she trust her heart again to find the laughter and love missing in her life? Is the ghost trying to tell her it's never too late to live happily ever after?

Pecado original

by Karin Slaughter

La agente Faith Mitchell llega tarde a todos sitios. Se suponía que tenía que recoger a su bebé a mediodía, pero no para de llamar a su madre a casa y no le responde. Evelyn Mitchell, capitana de la policía de Atlanta ya retirada nunca sale de casa sin decirle a alguien adónde va, especialmente si está cuidando de su nieto. La preocupación de Faith se intensifica después de horas de llamadas sin respuesta . . .Cuando se presenta en casa de Evelyn, encuentra la huella sangrienta de una mano en la puerta de la entrada, y la casa hecha un caos. Todo indica que su madre ha sido secuestrada. Encontrarla se convertirá en tarea prioritaria de Amanda Wagner, la subdirectora del departamento de policía y amiga íntima de Evelyn. El compañero de Faith, Will Trent la ayudará con una investigación paralela. Las sospechas apuntan a los antiguos compañeros de Evelyn en la brigada de narcóticos, todos ellos condenados por corrupción por quedarse con parte del dinero decomisado al que tenían acceso; sin embargo, una nueva pista proporcionada por una vecina chismosa desvía la investigación hacia un caballero que visitaba a Evelyn varias veces a la semana.Mientras la investigación avanza, el romance entre la doctora Linton y Will Trent se afianza; Faith intenta mantener la compostura en la terrible situación que le ha tocado vivir; Amanda y Will persiguen todos los indicios, incluso aquellos que les lleven a los bajos fondos del estado de Georgia. La prioridad es encontrar a Evelyn y detener a sus secuestradores antes de que sea demasiado tarde . . .

Pecado Recurrente

by Taylor Storm

Jake está monitoreando la actividad de su hijo en Internet y descubre que está en sitios donde hay intimidación, mentiras y pornografía. Se enfrenta a su hijo y pelean. Jake sigue monitoreando la actividad en línea de su hijo, pero lo que primero es curiosidad luego se convierte en un interés adicto. Jake se está interesando por el porno; Primero no cree que lo que ha aprendido esté en Internet, se horroriza y luego se interesa más en ello. Jake comienza a imponerse a mujeres mucho más jóvenes que él y comienza a disfrutar la emoción de ello. Lo arrestan y luego culpa a su hijo de corromperlo.

Pecados encubiertos (Pecados Secretos Ser. #1)

by Hayley B. James Georgette Así

Un libro de la saga "Pecados secretos"El oficial de policía Gabriel Carter se niega a abandonar una misión antes de haberla terminado. Así que, cuando debe asumir la identidad de un chapero llamado Ty, intenta hacer todo lo que está a su alcance para que el caso culmine con un arresto. Para ello seduce a su objetivo, Demetrius Pardo, el segundo hombre más poderoso de las Vegas y traficante de personas, aunque este no resulta ser nada de lo que él esperaba. Cuanto más conoce a Demetrius, más intensos se convierten los recovecos y los giros que se suceden, y que lo introducen en un complicado caso que lo conducirá hasta el rival de Demetrius, Arden y más allá aún. Es un caso de confusión de identidades y capas sobre capas de historias falsas. Gabriel está seguro de que no hay manera de que pudiera ser capaz de confiarle su vida a Demetrius... y mucho menos su corazón.

Pecados paternos: Un misterio de Sam Smith

by Hannah Howe

Durante los primeros treinta y tres años de mi vida no tuve conocimiento de mi padre; no tenía ni idea de qué aspecto tenía, cómo se llamaba o de si estaba vivo o muerto. Luego, el destino nos reunió. Entonces, un año después, decidió contratarme. Aunque llevábamos un año en contacto, para mí mi padre era Gawain Morgan, un extraño, no mi padre. ¿Nos uniría la tarea de encontrar a Frankie Quinn o nos separaría todavía más? Frankie Quinn era un timador, un delincuente de toda la vida, un miembro de la antigua banda de mi padre. Cierto, mi padre también había sido un delincuente con contactos dudosos, un pasado turbio y pecados que prefería olvidar. La policía buscaba a Frankie y, si le arrestaban, se enfrentaba a la posibilidad de pasar sus últimos años de vida en prisión. Sin embargo, tenía un as en la manga, pruebas de las indiscreciones de mi padre. Frankie estaba pensando en hacer un trato con la policía; mi padre estaba buscando a Frankie. Sabían que uno de los dos pasaría el final de su vida en la cárcel, pero ¿quién sería? Mientras tanto, el reloj avanzaba hacia el día de mi boda. ¿Disfrutaría del día más feliz de mi vida o acabaría llorando sobre una copa de champán? Pecados paternos, diez días que definieron mi relación con mi padre.

Pecan Pies and Homicides

by Ellery Adams

Her Charmed Pie Shoppe is open for business, but baker Ella Mae LeFaye is about to discover solving a murder is not as easy as pie... Owning the Charmed Pie Shoppe and serving enchanted treats in the magical town of Havenwood, Georgia, seemed like a little slice of heaven for Ella Mae LeFaye. But now her hopes for both a lasting romance with Hugh Dylan and business success are starting to seem like pie in the sky, and Ella's left wondering: Where has the magic gone? When an enchanted grove is set ablaze, Ella realizes she has more grave problems. With her magic waning, she's going to have to sleuth from scratch to stop an arsonist who has no respect for sacred ground--or human life...

Pecat: Premi RBA de Novel·la Policíaca 2017

by Benjamin Black

Benjamin Black se submergeix novament a la Irlanda de la dècada de 1950 i inicia una altra sèrie, amb el seu estil inimitable i el seu do per crear ambients i personatges fascinants. I amb un altre protagonista: l'Strafford. Hivern del 1957. A la casa senyorial de Ballyglass House, durant la nit, han apunyalat i castrat el reverend Lawless. El jove inspector Strafford investiga el crim, però aviat descobreix que no hi ha gaires persones que vulguin que la veritat surti a la llum. «Només era qüestió de temps que li diguessin que no semblava un policia, però el que volien dir era que no semblava un policia irlandès.»


by Debora Serrentino Ned Hayes Nikki Mcclure

Una tragica perdita. Un viaggio disperato. Una madre in cerca della verità. Nel dicembre del 1377 quattro bambini sono stati bruciati vivi nell'incendio di una casa. Gli abitanti del villaggio hanno viaggiato per centinaia di chilometri attraverso l'Inghilterra per chiedere giustizia per le morti dei loro figli. Peccatori è la storia di questo viaggio nel cuore dell'inverno, visto da Mear, una ex suora che è vissuta per un decennio travestita da uomo muto, crescendo suo figlio nel silenzio in questo villaggio isolato. Per anni ha nascosto se stessa e tutta la sua storia. Ma in questo viaggio lei troverà la forza per riscattare una promessa del suo passato. Mear inizia questo viaggio nella paura e nello struggimento e lo finisce in trionfo e nella trascendenza. Il nuovo straordinario romanzo di Ned Hayes, illustrato dall'illustratrice di bestseller del New York Times Nikki McClure, Peccatori chiarisce l'epoca medievale con profondo acume e compassione. Nominato per il "Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award" e recensito favorevolmente dalle scrittrici di bestseller storici Karen Maitland, Brenda Vantrease, Kathryn Le Veque e Ella March Chase. "La storia di un pellegrino degna di Chaucer, evocativa... tratteggiata con abilità da un maestro del racconto". -- Brenda Vantrease, autrice di bestseller del New York Times "Brillante... opera d'arte.... appassionante, accessibile, e forte. Fortemente raccomandato" -- Kathryn Le Veque, autrice di bestseller per USA Today "Brillantemente concepito e magnificamente realizzato. È n piacere leggerlo". -- Booklist (Starred Review)

A Peculiar Combination: An Electra McDonnell Novel (Electra McDonnell Series #1)

by Ashley Weaver

The first in the Electra McDonnell series from Edgar-nominated author Ashley Weaver, set in England during World War II, A Peculiar Combination is a delightful mystery filled with spies, murder, romance, and the author's signature wit.“Filled with wry humor, tight suspense, and a delightful cast of characters.”—Alyssa Maxwell, author of the Gilded Newport mysteriesFIRST RULE: DON’T LOSE YOUR CONCENTRATION. Electra McDonnell and her family earn their living outside the law. Breaking into the homes of the rich and picking the locks on their safes may not be condoned by British law enforcement, but with World War II in full swing, Uncle Mick’s locksmith business just can’t pay the bills anymore.SECOND RULE: DON’T MAKE MISTAKES.So when Uncle Mick receives a tip about a safe full of jewels in an empty house, he and Ellie can’t resist. All is going as planned—until the pair is caught red-handed. But instead of arresting them, government official Major Ramsey has an offer: either Ellie agrees to help him break into a safe and retrieve blueprints crucial to the British war effort, or he turns her over to the police.THIRD RULE: DON’T GET CAUGHT. Ellie doesn’t care for the major’s imperious manner, but she has no choice. However, when they break into the house, they find the safe open and empty, and a German spy dead on the floor. Soon, Ellie and Major Ramsey are forced to put aside their differences to unmask the double agent, and stop Allied plans from falling into enemy hands.

Peculiar Country

by Stuart R. West

Growing up in Peculiar County, Kansas, is a mighty...well, peculiar experience. n 1965, things get even stranger for Dibby Caldwell, the mortician's fifteen year old daughter. A young boy's ghost haunts Dibby into unearthing the circumstances of his death. Nobody—living or dead—wants her to succeed. James, the new mop-topped, bad boy at school doesn’t help. Dibby can’t get him out of her head, even though she doesn’t trust him. No, sir, there's nothing much more peculiar than life in Peculiar County…except maybe death in Peculiar County.

The Peculiar Incident on Shady Street

by Lindsay Currie

A girl unravels a centuries-old mystery after moving into a haunted house in this deliciously suspenseful read that Kirkus Reviews calls &“just the ticket for a cold autumn night.&”Tessa Woodward isn&’t exactly thrilled to move to rainy, cold Chicago from her home in sunny Florida. But homesickness turns to icy fear when unexplainable things start happening in her new house. Things like flickering lights, mysterious drawings appearing out of nowhere, and a crackling noise she can feel in her bones.When her little brother&’s doll starts crying real tears, Tessa realizes that someone—or something—is trying to communicate with her. And it involves a secret that&’s been shrouded in mystery for more than one hundred years.With the help of three new friends, Tessa begins unraveling the mystery of what happened in the house on Shady Street—and more importantly, what it has to do with her!

A Pedigree To Die For (A Melanie Travis Mystery #1)

by Laurien Berenson

Win, Place. . .Or Die.The apparent heart attack that killed kennel owner Max Turnbull has left seven pups in mourning, and his wife Peg suspecting foul play. But the only evidence is their missing prize pooch--a pedigreed poodle named Beau.Enter Melanie Travis. With her young son happily ensconced in day damp, the thirty-something teacher and single mother is talked into investigating her uncle's death--unofficially, of course. Posing as a poodle breeder in search of the perfect stud, Melanie hounds Connecticut's elite canine competitions, and finds an ally in fellow breeder Sam Driver. But her affection cools when she's put on the scent of Sam's questionable past. . .and hot on the trail of a poodle-hating neighbor and one elusive murderer who isn't ready to come to heel.For, as Melanie soon discovers, in a championship dog-eat-dog world, the instinct for survival, and winning, can prove fatal.

Pedro and Marques Take Stock: A Picaresque Novel

by José Falero

"[A] vibrant and punchy novel . . . Through Falero&’s lovable characters, readers will meditate on violence and respectability within the death-trap of runaway capitalism. Head-on against the grim indignities of an unequal world, Falero&’s poetic novel embraces humor and empathy." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)A modern picaresque novel and vivid satire on social mobility where the lives of two Brazilian supermarket stock clerks are upturned after their small-time marijuana business takes off.In the favelas of Porto Alegre, Brazil, marijuana is hard to come by. Supermarket stock clerks Pedro and Marques spend their days unloading trucks, restocking shelves, and dreaming of a better life, of breaking the cycle of poverty that has afflicted their families and their community. Well-acquainted with the drug dealers in their neighborhood and seeing an opportunity to earn a little extra cash, they decide to start a weed-dealing operation. The economic hierarchies of Porto Alegre are turned upside down as, almost accidentally, the two men build a thriving enterprise and get rich, quickly. Distribution grows from dime bags to kilos, and Pedro and Marques begin to plan for a future where low-wage work will never again be a necessity for them and their families. All too soon however, their operation starts attracting outsider attention, and cracks in their carefully crafted and seemingly untouchable world begin to show, culminating in one final, lethal showdown. A witty, voice-driven, and electrifying portrait of poverty and a canny examination of the ethics of drug dealing and low-wage labor in the underbelly of Brazil, Pedro and Marques Take Stock is a contemporary picaresque novel of class and crime.

Pee Wee Scouts: Moans and Groans and Dinosaur Bones

by Judy Delton

The Pee Wees are taking a train ride, going to a museum, and staying overnight in a big, fancy hotel--what a trip! Molly is excited until she learns that her parents are going to be chaperones. Things get worse when the train leaves without the Pee Wees. They do get to the big city. Then a valuable artifact is missing from the museum the troop visits. Could the sinister man staying at the Pee Wees' hotel be a thief?


by Joan Bauer

Something's rotten in the heart of apple country!<P><P> Hildy Biddle dreams of being a journalist. A reporter for her high school newspaper, The Core, she's just waiting for a chance to prove herself. Not content to just cover school issues, Hildy's drawn to the town's big story -- the haunted old Ludlow house. On the surface, Banesville, USA, seems like such a happy place, but lately, eerie happenings and ghostly sightings are making Hildy take a deeper look.<P> Her efforts to find out who is really haunting Banesville isn't making her popular, and she starts wondering if she's cut out to be a journalist after all. But she refuses to give up, because, hopefully, the truth will set a few ghosts free.<P> Peeled is classic Joan Bauer, featuring a strong heroine, and filled with her trademark witty dialogue, and problems and people worth standing up to.

The Peenemunde Deceptions

by Jim McDermott

This WWII thriller by an acclaimed historian takes readers inside a secret Nazi weapons lab where treason and conspiracy lead to murder. In a windswept corner of the Third Reich stands the Peenemünde Army Research Center, where German military engineers invent weapons unlike any the world has seen before. Now Otto Fischer, a wounded Luftwaffe officer and former criminal investigator, has been summoned there to solve a seemingly incomprehensible case: the murder of a leading rocket engineer during a devastating air raid. With only days until the SS assume control of the production of a remarkable new weapon, Fischer must find a motive and perpetrator from among several thousand scientists, technicians, soldiers and forced laborers. As he struggles to get the measure of a secretive, brilliant world in which imagination moves far beyond the limits of technology, what at first appears to be a solitary crime draws him into a labyrinth of conspiracy, betrayal and treason.


by Loren D. Estleman

A priest's death leads a Detroit gumshoe into a case of church corruption in this mordantly funny hard-boiled crime novel Ralph Poteet is forty pounds overweight, out of gin, and he hasn't seen his gun in weeks. As far as private detectives go, he's not much to look at. But he's the only one in the building, and that's enough for Lyla Dane. A call girl who's far better at her job than Ralph is at his, she calls him in the middle of the night because she has a dead monsignor in her bed. After dealing with Lyla's deceased client, Ralph tries his hand at blackmail, offering to keep mum about the priest's embarrassing demise in exchange for a payoff from the diocese. But when somebody tries to kill Ralph and Lyla, Detroit's most unsavory PI is swept into an unholy swarm of deadly secrets that resonates all the way to Washington, DC, and the Vatican. Three-time Shamus Award-winning author Loren D. Estleman delivers a witty, ribald send-up of the hard-boiled detective genre in this action-packed crime novel.

Peerless Detective

by Michael Raleigh

In 1970s Chicago, a young man searches for the woman he lost—and finds a mystery: “Clever and surprising, a pleasure of a read” (Michael Allen Dymmoch, award-winning author of the Caleb & Thinnes novels). Home from military service, Billy Fox leaves Michigan and gets on a Greyhound to Chicago, hoping to find his ex-girlfriend, Rita—now another man’s wife. Chicago isn’t a town that takes kindly to strangers, and Billy finds himself barely scraping by, working odd jobs and living in squalor among ex-cons and men that the city hasn’t spit out just yet. Then a chance encounter lands him a job with Harry Strummer, the streetwise owner of the Peerless Detective Agency. At Harry’s oddball agency, Billy hones his skills, learning how to stake out a mark, find a bug, and spot a tail. His life begins to change in ways he didn’t expect—but as he continues to search for Rita, an even bigger mystery comes along, one that puts both men in the crosshairs.

Peg and Rose Solve a Murder: A Charming and Humorous Cozy Mystery (A Senior Sleuths Mystery #1)

by Laurien Berenson

Murder, She Wrote meets The Golden Girls in the award-winning author&’s brand-new series! Two cantankerous septuagenarians, opposites in every way, put aside their differences to stop a killer… if they don&’t throttle each other first! Rose Donovan looks for the good in everyone. With her sister-in-law, Peg, that sometimes requires a lot of searching. Even a sixty-something former nun like Rose has her limits, and gruff Peg Turnbull sure knows how to push them. But after forty years of bickering, they&’re attempting to start over, partnering up to join the local bridge club. Peg and Rose barely have a chance to celebrate their first win before one of the club&’s most accomplished players is killed in his home. As the newest members, the sisters-in-law come under scrutiny and decide to start some digging of their own. Bridge is typically seen as a wholesome pastime, yet this group of senior citizens harbors a wealth of vices, including gambling, cheating, and adultery . . . By comparison, Peg and Rose&’s fractious relationship is starting to feel almost functional. But as their suspect list narrows, they&’re unaware that their logic has a dangerous flaw. And they&’ll have to hope that their teamwork holds steady when they&’re confronted by a killer who&’s through with playing games . . .&“Engaging…[Peg and Rose] stand on their own as capable, witty women who are more than up to the task of crime-solving.&” –Bookpage

Peg and Rose Stir Up Trouble (A Senior Sleuths Mystery #2)

by Laurien Berenson

Murder, She Wrote meets The Odd Couple in award-winning author Laurien Berenson&’s brand-new mystery series, spun off from her much-loved Melanie Travis Canine series and featuring Melanie&’s elderly aunts—tough-as-nails Peg and soft-spoken Rose—who&’ll put their differences aside to stop a killer, if they don&’t throttle each other first. The latest installment will tickle all cozy lovers, especially fans of &“senior&” sleuths in the tradition of Miss Marple and Jessica Fletcher. When a typically closed-off Peg attempts online dating at Rose&’s strong urging, the experience plays out like an embarrassing mistake. At least, until she matches with Nolan Abercrombie—intelligent, attractive, and a self-proclaimed dog lover. The two share an instant connection that has Peg cautiously excited to finally bring someone special into her busy world of Standard Poodles and conformation shows. Before Peg can admit that Rose was right and let down her walls for the budding romance, a terrible accident claims Nolan&’s life. As details about his background and tragic death come to light, Peg has a serious hunch that someone successfully plotted to kill her first real date in decades . . . With suspects galore and a slew of puzzling clues to peel through, Peg and Rose team up to solve a dangerous mystery unfolding before their eyes. The question is: Can the unlikely duo turn their radically different personalities into an advantage as they scramble to ID the guilty culprit—or will they manage to work against each other and find themselves precisely where a meticulous murderer wants them to be?

Pegasus Descending (Dave Robicheaux)

by James Lee Burke

A superb Dave Robicheaux mystery from the multi award-winning crime writer.Dave Robicheaux left his drinking days behind him many years ago, but he still feels guilt over a tragic event he wasn't sober enough to prevent. Dallas Klein, a gambling addict and bar buddy of Dave's when Dave was posted to Miami PD, was killed in an armed robbery he'd been forced to engineer. Two decades later, several incidents in Dave's life in Iberia Parish link to those involved. First he meets Dallas' daughter, Trish, who keeps odd company and is blackballed by the local casinos. Then the supposed suicide of a young girl appears to be connected to the man Dallas owed money to back in the Miami days. Dave's inability to let things alone gets him involved with two very powerful criminals, both wanting to protect their sons from the trouble they court, and both with the attitude of the privileged and white. When a young black drug dealer gets on the wrong side of the boys, tensions run high and there are more needless deaths - causing Dave to come to blows with the FBI, the DA's office and a thug who has little regard for any life but his own.Praise for one of the great American crime writers, James Lee Burke:'James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ, a great American novelist whose work, taken individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.' Michael Connelly'A gorgeous prose stylist.' Stephen King'Richly deserves to be described now as one of the finest crime writers America has ever produced.' Daily MailFans of Dennis Lehane, Michael Connelly and Don Winslow will love James Lee Burke: Dave Robicheaux Series1. The Neon Rain 2. Heaven's Prisoners 3. Black Cherry Blues 4. A Morning for Flamingos 5. A Stained White Radiance 6. In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead 7. Dixie City Jam 8. Burning Angel 9. Cadillac Jukebox 10. Sunset Limited 11. Purple Cane Road 12. Jolie Blon's Bounce 13. Last Car to Elysian Fields 14. Crusader's Cross 15. Pegasus Descending 16. The Tin Roof Blowdown 17. Swan Peak 18. The Glass Rainbow 19. Creole Belle 20. Light of the World 21. Robicheaux Hackberry Holland Series1. Lay Down My Sword and Shield 2. Rain Gods 3. Feast Day of Fools 4. House of the Rising SunBilly Bob Holland Series1. Cimarron Rose 2. Heartwood 3. Bitterroot 4. In The Moon of Red Ponies * Each James Lee Burke novel can be read as a standalone or in series order *

Pegasus Descending: A Dave Robicheaux Novel (Dave Robicheaux #15)

by James Lee Burke

Detective Dave Robicheaux is facing the most painful and dangerous case of his career. A troubled young woman breezes into his hometown of New Iberia, Louisiana. She happens to be the daughter of Robicheaux's onetime best friend -- a friend he witnessed gunned down in a bank robbery, a tragedy that forever changed Robicheaux's life. In Pegasus Descending, James Lee Burke again explores psyches as much as evidence, and tries to make sense of human behavior as well as of his characters' crimes. Richly atmospheric, frightening in its sudden violence, and replete with the sort of puzzles only the best crime fiction creates, Burke's latest novel is an unforgettable roller coaster of passion, surprise, and regret. The twists begin when Trish Klein -- the only offspring of Robicheaux's Vietnam-era buddy -- starts passing marked hundred-dollar bills in local casinos. Is she a good kid gone bad? A victim's child seeking revenge? A promiscuous beauty seducing everyone good within her grasp? And how does her behavior relate to the apparent suicide of another "good" girl, an ace student named Yvonne Darbonne, who apparently participated in a college frat orgy before her death?Can Robicheaux make his peace with the demons that have haunted him since his friend's murder so many years ago? Can he figure out how a local mobster fits into all the schemes and deaths? Can Robicheaux's life be whole again when it has been shattered by so much tragedy?Once again, Burke proves why he is the virtual poet laureate of southern Louisiana, and why his novels, especially those featuring Dave Robicheaux, stand as brilliant literature and entertainment for our time.

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