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Libertad (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level M #23)

by Wendy Macdonald Warren Crossett

Diego está seguro de que sus vacaciones de verano serán aburridas. Tiene un brazo fracturado y no puede jugar a la pelota, andar en bicicleta ni hacer muchas cosas en general. Pero esta situación cambia cuando descubre un águila y comienza a llamarla Vuelacielos. NIMAC-sourced textbook

Liberty and the Ecological Crisis: Freedom on a Finite Planet (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies #1)

by Christopher J. Orr Kaitlin Kish Bruce Jennings

This book examines the concept of liberty in relation to civilization’s ability to live within ecological limits. Freedom, in all its renditions – choice, thought, action – has become inextricably linked to our understanding of what it means to be modern citizens. And yet, it is our relatively unbounded freedom that has resulted in so much ecological devastation. Liberty has piggy-backed on transformations in human–nature relationships that characterize the Anthropocene: increasing extraction of resources, industrialization, technological development, ecological destruction, and mass production linked to global consumerism. This volume provides a deeply critical examination of the concept of liberty as it relates to environmental politics and ethics in the long view. Contributions explore this entanglement of freedom and the ecological crisis, as well as investigate alternative modernities and more ecologically benign ways of living on Earth. The overarching framework for this collection is that liberty and agency need to be rethought before these strongly held ideals of our age are forced out. On a finite planet, our choices will become limited if we hope to survive the climatic transitions set in motion by uncontrolled consumption of resources and energy over the past 150 years. This volume suggests concrete political and philosophical approaches and governance strategies for learning how to flourish in new ways within the ecological constraints of the planet. Mapping out new ways forward for long-term ecological well-being, this book is essential reading for students and scholars of ecology, environmental ethics, politics, and sociology, and for the wider audience interested in the human–Earth relationship and global sustainability.

Liberty Hyde Bailey: Essential Agrarian and Environmental Writings

by Liberty Hyde Bailey

"Nature-study not only educates, but it educates nature-ward; and nature is ever our companion, whether we will or no. Even though we are determined to shut ourselves in an office, nature sends her messengers. The light, the dark, the moon, the cloud, the rain, the wind, the falling leaf, the fly, the bouquet, the bird, the cockroach-they are all ours. If one is to be happy, he must be in sympathy with common things. He must live in harmony with his environment. One cannot be happy yonder nor tomorrow: he is happy here and now, or never. Our stock of knowledge of common things should be great. Few of us can travel. We must know the things at home."—from "The Meaning of the Nature-study Movement""To feel that one is a useful and cooperating part in nature is to give one kinship, and to open the mind to the great resources and the high enthusiasms. Here arise the fundamental common relations. Here arise also the great emotions and conceptions of sublimity and grandeur, of majesty and awe, the uplift of vast desires—when one contemplates the earth and the universe and desires to take them into the soul and to express oneself in their terms; and here also the responsible practices of life take root."—from The Holy EarthBefore Wendell Berry and Aldo Leopold, there was the horticulturalist and botanist Liberty Hyde Bailey (1858–1954). For Wendell Berry, Bailey was a revelation, a symbol of the nature-minded agrarianism Berry himself popularized. For Aldo Leopold, Bailey offered a model of the scholar-essayist-naturalist. In his revolutionary work of eco-theology, The Holy Earth, Bailey challenged the anthropomorphism—the people-centeredness—of a vulnerable world. A trained scientist writing in the lyrical tradition of Emerson, Burroughs, and Muir, Bailey offered the twentieth century its first exquisitely interdisciplinary biocentric worldview; this Michigan farmer's son defined the intellectual and spiritual foundations of what would become the environmental movement.For nearly a half century, Bailey dominated matters agricultural, environmental, and scientific in the United States. He worked both to improve the lives of rural folk and to preserve the land from which they earned their livelihood. Along the way, he popularized nature study in U.S. classrooms, lobbied successfully for women's rights on and off the farm, and bulwarked Teddy Roosevelt's pioneering conservationism.Here for the first time is an anthology of Bailey's most important writings suitable for the general and scholarly reader alike. Carefully selected and annotated by Zachary Michael Jack, this book offers a comprehensive introduction to Bailey's celebrated and revolutionary thinking on the urgent environmental, agrarian, educational, and ecospiritual dilemmas of his day and our own. Culled from ten of Bailey's most influential works, these lyrical selections highlight Bailey's contributions to the nature-study and the Country Life movements. Published on the one-hundredth anniversary of Bailey's groundbreaking report on behalf of the Country Life Commission, Liberty Hyde Bailey: Essential Agrarian and Environmental Writings will inspire a new generation of nature writers, environmentalists, and those who share with Bailey a profound understanding of the elegance and power of the natural world and humanity's place within it.

The Liberty Hyde Bailey Gardener's Companion: Essential Writings

by Liberty Hyde Bailey

"Every family can have a garden." -Liberty Hyde BaileyFinally, the best and most accessible garden writings of perhaps the most influential literary gardener of the twentieth century have been brought together in one book. Philosopher, poet, naturist, educator, agrarian, scientist, and garden-lover par excellence Liberty Hyde Bailey built a reputation as the Father of Modern Horticulture and evangelist for what he called the "garden-sentiment"—the desire to raise plants from the good earth for the sheer joy of it and for the love of the plants themselves. Bailey's perennial call to all of us to get outside and get our hands dirty, old or young, green thumb or no, is just as fresh and stirring today as then.Full of timeless wit and grace, The Liberty Hyde Bailey Gardener's Companion collects essays and poems from Bailey's many books on gardening, as well as from newspapers and magazines from the era. Whether you've been gardening for decades or are searching for your first inspiration, Bailey's words will make an ideal companion on your journey.

Liberty State Park (Images of Modern America)

by Gail Zavian

Situated on the Hudson River, the Central Railroad of New Jersey terminal operated its railroad/maritime complex for over 100 years in this area. After its shutdown in 1967, community advocates, already lobbying for nine years, continued their successful campaign for the site to become a public park. With over 1,000 acres, Liberty State Park opened on Flag Day--June 14, 1976. Today, this recreational landscape features the Nature Interpretive Center, Liberty Science Center, and a section of the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway. Liberty State Park, in Jersey City, is the only place in New Jersey where one can board a ferry to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Liberty State Park showcases the rich cultural and environmental history of this landscape's transformation from an abandoned waterfront transportation hub into one of America's most exceptional state parks.

Liberty State Park (Images of Modern America)

by Gail Zavian

Situated on the Hudson River, the Central Railroad of New Jersey terminal operated its railroad/maritime complex for over 100 years in this area. After its shutdown in 1967, community advocates, already lobbying for nine years, continued their successful campaign for the site to become a public park. With over 1,000 acres, Liberty State Park opened on Flag Day--June 14, 1976. Today, this recreational landscape features the Nature Interpretive Center, Liberty Science Center, and a section of the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway. Liberty State Park, in Jersey City, is the only place in New Jersey where one can board a ferry to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Liberty State Park showcases the rich cultural and environmental history of this landscape's transformation from an abandoned waterfront transportation hub into one of America's most exceptional state parks.

El libro aventurado para las chicas

by Andrea J. Buchanan

Para toda chica con espíritu independiente que busca travesuras, aquí está la única guía de aventura donde no se permiten chicos.

El libro de las bacterias: Feos gérmenes, virus malos y espantosos hongos (The Science Book Series)

by Steve Mould

Bacterias, virus, hongos y otros microbios encantadoramente asquerososPrepárate para descubrir las bacterias que hacen que te tires pedos, los ácaros que viven en tus pestañas y el hongo que transforma las hormigas en zombis.En este fascinante libro para niños, el científico Steve Mould revela datos divertidos e interesantes sobre el invisible mundo de los microbios. El libro de las bacterias explora por qué necesitamos bacterias en nuestro día a día e introduce a los lectores a sus amigos: los virus, los hongos, las algas, los protozoos y las arqueas.Las baterías son los organismos vivos más importantes en la Tierra. Algunas son dañinas pero su gran mayoría son imprescindibles. Sin ellas, no podríamos comer yogur o queso, y algunas incluso ayudan a limpiar el petróleo que vierten los barcos en el mar.¡Los microbios nunca fueron de tanta actualidad!Descubre los tipos de microbios que existen, cuáles son dañinos y cuáles beneficiosos, cómo se multiplican, cuáles son nuestras defensas, su historia y los personajes como Alexander Fleming que la marcaron.El libro de las bacterias es el libro perfecto para facilitar conversaciones con tus hijos sobre el coronavirus, las vacunas, las medidas de higiene y actual pandemia. Los niños aprenderán la diferencia entre un resfriado y una gripe, cómo se transmiten y qué pueden hacer.Con un texto accesible e imágenes divertidas, este libro explica los microbios a niños de 7 años en adelante y es el regalo perfecto para pequeños biólogos.El libro de las bacterias es una introducción ideal para niños de todas las edades: • ¡Hola, microbios! • ¿Qué son las bacterias? • Pero ¿dónde están? • ¿Sepias que brillan? • En tu cuerpo • Defensas del cuerpo • Los antibióticos • Bacterias útiles • ¿Qué es un virus? • Pillar un resfriado • Combatir un virus • Virus de plantas • ¿Qué son los hongos? • Megamoho • Microchefs • ¡Hormigas zombis! • ¿Qué son las algas? • Energía verde • ¿Qué son los protozoos? • ¿Qué son las arqueas? • Cronología de los microbios El libro de las bacterias es un libro en español para niños que pertenece a nuestro catálogo infantil, donde encontrarás libros de referencia que fomentan la curiosidad, el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de los niños.

El libro del clima

by Varios autores Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg une a científicos, expertos, activistas y escritores como Thomas Piketty, Margaret Atwood, David Wallace-Wells o Naomi Klein para ofrecernos la información más veraz y actualizada sobre la emergencia climática y las soluciones que todavía están en nuestras manos «Un imprescindible en cualquier librería igual que Breve historia del tiempo de Stephen Hawking y Sapiens de Yuval Noah Harari».Caitlin Moran Ha llegado la hora de que contemos esta historia y, quizá, hasta de que le cambiemos el final. Cómo funciona el clima, cómo está cambiando nuestro planeta, cómo nos afecta, qué hemos hecho al respecto y qué debemos hacer ahora: son las preguntas que este libro trata de responder. Greta Thunberg, que logró dar un vuelco a la lucha contra el cambio climático con su huelga escolar de los viernes y es candidata al Nobel de la Paz, se convierte ahora en su embajadora, con el aval de la comunidad científica mundial, al crear una obra de referencia para comprender la crisis de sostenibilidad que nos aqueja. Una «Biblia del clima» en la que han colaborado los más destacados científicos, expertos, epidemiólogos, activistas, economistas, periodistas, pensadores y narradores, desde el director general de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom, hasta Thomas Piketty, Margaret Atwood, David Wallace-Wells o Naomi Klein, dando a conocer sus investigaciones y experiencias individuales, y urgiéndonos a pasar a la acción si queremos conservar la esperanza. La crítica ha dicho...«Una lectura aleccionadora, el tipo de libro que, una vez terminas, no puedes olvidar».Hannah Nathanson, Elle «Greta Thunberg está de vuelta, pero esta vez no quiere que todo el protagonismo recaiga en ella sino en el movimiento por el clima y, especialmente, en las personas directamente afectadas por la crisis climática. [...] Pese a los contratiempos, el optimismo es una constante en [su] discurso».Elena G. Sevillano, El País «Me ha explotado la cabeza. Felicidades. Tu libro me ha inspirado y me ha entristecido mucho, pero nos anima a todos a actuar».Björk «Un trabajo asombroso y esencial que defiende [...] una causa increíble y conmovedora. [...] Todo aquel que lo lea obtendrá un regalo diferente».Rowan Hooper, New Scientist «Una lectura contundente: Greta Thunberg ha juntado a algunas de las mentes más brillantes en la lucha contra el calentamiento global -algunas de líderes inesperados, como Margaret Atwood-».Press Association «Greta arde de autenticidad, es un puro aullido de desesperación y de incredulidad ante nuestra ceguera».Rosa Montero «Greta habla para ella, para su generación, pero también para sus hijos y, más allá de los seres humanos, para la Tierra entera, en su preciosa y frágil belleza. Escuchémosla. Tal vez todavía estemos a tiempo».J. M. G. Le Clézio, Premio Nobel de Literatura «¿Estamos a la altura de los desafíos? ¿Podemos afrontar las tareas que nos esperan? ¿O preferimos ir a la deriva, pensando que alguien o algo bajará del cielo para salvarnos? [...] Un viejo refrán dice: "La suerte la creamos nosotros". Así pues, creémosla».Margaret Atwood «La Juana de Arco del siglo XXI, la Agustina de Aragón de todo el planeta, la nueva María Pita. De vez en cuando aparece en la historia la figura de una joven sin mácula que revoluciona su entorno por su lucha sin descanso por su causa justa».Rosa Martí, Esquire «La generación posmilenial tiene un nombre y una autora clave a la que seguir».El ojo crítico (RNE 1)

Lichenpedia: A Brief Compendium (Pedia Books #11)

by Kay Hurley

An illustrated mini-encyclopedia about the weird and wonderful world of lichensLichenpedia is a delightfully entertaining and beautifully illustrated A–Z treasury about the strange, obscure, and remarkable world of lichens, from their unique and essential roles in nature and the ways they are used in dyeing, brewing, and drug-making to how they have inspired writers and artists, from Henry David Thoreau to modern painters.In 100 brief entries written in a vivid, lively style, Kay Hurley introduces key aspects of lichen biology, environmental roles, emerging uses, scientific history, and myth. She describes the variety of forms that lichens take, from leafy to filamentous to things reminiscent of skin diseases, with imaginative names like witch&’s hair. She explains the surprising ways that birds and beasts—from reindeer and moose down to tiny tardigrades—use lichens, and how lichens survive in extreme environments, from deserts to Antarctica to outer space. Hurley also introduces some of the innovators who have advanced the knowledge of lichens, from the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus to today&’s professional lichenologists.With charming drawings by Susan Adele Edwards, Lichenpedia promises to put you in touch with the natural world in a new way by opening your eyes to these vital organisms, which are all around us, hidden in plain sight.Features a cloth cover with an elaborate foil-stamped design

Lichens: Toward a Minimal Resistance

by Vincent Zonca

Covering almost 8 percent of the earth&’s terrain, lichens are living beings which are familiar to everyone, known to no one. They are one of those organisms that seem to offer nothing to hold our gaze. But the more time we spend with lichens, the more they reveal their beauty, their mysteries and their strange power of attraction. Part-algae and part-fungus, lichens call into question our customary ways of classifying forms of life, and allow us to conceive of an ecology that is no longer based on distinctions between nature and culture, urban and rural, competition and cooperation. The result of several years of investigation carried out on several different continents, this remarkable book offers an original, radical, and, like its subject matter, symbiotic reflection on this common but mostly invisible form of life, blending cultures and disciplines, drawing on biology, ecology, philosophy, literature, poetry, even graphic art. What if lichens were at the heart of some of the most pressing and topical questions of our day? Does the fact that they can live everywhere, even in very harsh environments, that they persist when almost all other traces of life have disappeared, mean that, despite their fragility, lichens are a force of resistance? After reading this book you will never see lichens, or the world, in the same way again.

Lick Cats

by Carli Davidson

The pet photographer and bestselling author of the Shake series presents more than sixty cute, cuddly, and charming cats caught in mid-lick in this delightfully funny full-color photography collection.Photographed in Carli Davidson’s recognizable style, Lick Cats includes more than 130 highly detailed, up-close portraits of cats at their most candid tongue-flicking moments. Showcasing slow-motion photography, Lick Cats follows the same layout as her previous books—each spread features two images of the same cat placed side by side to capture them in the action. The collection also includes a model roster listing the names, ages, and types of cats photographed, charming outtake images from the shoots, a short introduction about her process, and information about animal rescue to encourage fans to adopt a rescue cat.Filled with adorable and entertaining photographs, Lick Cats is a must for every cat fanatic as well as photography and animal lovers.

Lick Dogs

by Carli Davidson

The pet photographer and bestselling author of the Shake series presents more than sixty cute, cuddly, and charming dogs caught in mid-lick in this delightfully funny full-color photography collection.Photographed in Carli Davidson’s recognizable style, Lick Dogs includes more than 130 highly detailed, up-close portraits of dogs at their most candid tongue-flicking moments. Showcasing slow-motion photography, Lick Dogs follows the same layout as her previous books—each spread features two images of the same dog placed side by side to capture them in the action. The collection also includes a model roster listing the names, ages, and types of canines photographed, charming outtake images from the shoots, a short introduction about her process, and information about animal rescue to encourage fans to adopt a rescue dog.Filled with adorable and entertaining photographs, Lick Dogs is a must for every dog and animal lover and photography fans.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Science: How to Sort Through the Noise Around Global Warming, the Latest Health Claims, and Other Scientific Controversies

by Sherry Seethaler

Don't get hoodwinked: make sense of news. . . and make smarter decisions for yourself, your family, and the world! Objective, balanced techniques for thinking about everything from diet and drugs to climate change. Identifying and getting past the biases of politicians, lobbyists, marketers. . . and even some scientific and medical professionals. By scientist Dr. Sherry Seethaler, one of the world's most respected and innovative science educators.

Lieutenant Fury: a brilliantly engaging and rip-roaring naval adventure set during the French Revolutionary Wars that will keep you hooked!

by G.S. Beard

If you like Hornblower and Sharpe, you will love this all-action nautical page-turner from much loved author G.S.Beard. You'll feel as if you are in the midst of the action!'If you like sea stories, you will enjoy this, and even if you think you don't but enjoy things like Sharpe, it might just convert you' - HISTORICAL NOVELS REVIEW'Kept me spellbound' -- ***** Reader review'A fun, fast read' -- ***** Reader review'Excellent story and very exciting' -- ***** Reader review*************************************************************1793: the French Revolutionary Wars continue...When HMS Amazon is returning from an arduous duty in the Indian Ocean, she encounters a French frigate in the Atlantic which unexpectedly opens fire - a bloody sea battle ensues resulting in both triumph and personal tragedy for Acting Lieutenant John Fury.A battered Amazon puts into Gibraltar for repairs and newly promoted Fury finds he is to be transferred away from his home on the Amazon and set a new challenge: he will be the fifth lieutenant on the 74-gun-man of war Fortitude.The action never stops in Toulon, where Fury is posted and he eventually finds himself defending a prominent fort ashore as the Republican armies, inspired by a young artillery officer by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte, establish a brutal siege of the port. It is soon clear that Britain and her allies are going to be hard pressed to hold onto their prize.But Fury has more to lose than most - in the maelstrom of the siege he has met and fallen in love with a pretty French girl, Sophie Gourrier.Somehow, as the defence crumbles, he must rescue his men and Sophie from the doomed city.John Fury's adventures started in Mr Midshipman Fury - have you read it?

Life: A Journey through Science and Politics

by Paul R. Ehrlich

A renowned scientist and environmental advocate looks back on a life that has straddled the worlds of science and politics “Entirely entertaining.”—Kirkus Reviews Acclaimed as a public scientist and as a spokesperson on pressing environmental and equity issues, delivering his message from the classroom to 60 Minutes, Paul R. Ehrlich reflects on his life, including his love affair with his wife, Anne, his scientific research, his public advocacy, and his concern for global issues. Interweaving the range of his experiences—as an airplane pilot, a desegregationist, a proud parent—Ehrlich’s insights are priceless on pressing issues such as biodiversity loss, overpopulation, depletion of resources, and deterioration of the environment. A lifelong advocate for women’s reproductive rights, Ehrlich also helped to debunk scientific bias associating skin color and intelligence and warned some fifty years ago about a possible pandemic and the likely ecological consequences of a nuclear war. This book is a vital contribution to literature focused on the human predicament, including problems of governance and democracy in the twenty-first century, and insight into the ecological and evolutionary science of our day. It is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding global change, our planet’s wonders, and a scientific approach to the present existential threats to civilization.

Life #6

by Diana Wagman

Critically acclaimed author Diana Wagman brings us the suspenseful and emotionally exhilarating story of a woman facing death today, as well as thirty years ago. Fiona's marriage is crumbling, and she has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Caught up in a wave of memories as she faces her own mortality, Fiona recalls the previous times in her life when she nearly died, including a fateful boat trip with her former boyfriend, Luc. Fleeing her struggling marriage, Fiona rendezvous with Luc. In the process, she relives the harrowing boat trip from three decades earlier, which permanently altered her life. Now that Fiona desperately needs Luc to save her, will he be the man she remembers? Or will she discover heartbreak again?An adventurous and stirring tale inspired by Diana Wagman's own experience at sea, Life #6 explores the hope and folly of youth, how we react when we're pushed to the brink, the regrets of love lost, and the many ways we die and are renewed throughout our lives.ays we die and are renewed throughout our lives.Diana Wagman is the author of four novels and numerous short stories, essays, and reviews. Her second novel, Spontaneous, won the PEN West Award for Fiction. Her most recent novel, The Care and Feeding of Exotic Pets, was a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selection and was reviewed by the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Wall Street Journal, among many others. She lives in Los Angeles, California.

The Life, Adventures, and Piracies of

by Daniel Defoe

The narrative describes the life of an Englishman, stolen from a well-to-do family as a child and raised by Gypsies who eventually makes his way to sea.One half of the book concerns Singleton's crossing of Africa and the later half concerns his life as a pirate in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. Defoe's description of piracy focuses for the most part on matters of economics and logistics, making it an intriguing if not particularly gripping read. Singleton's pirate behaves more like a merchant adventurer, perhaps Defoe's comment on the mercantilism of his day.

Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart

by Brian D. Mclaren

What does faith look like when cynicism seems more plausible?What does hope look like when hope seems irrational?What does love look like when hate becomes more popular?In recent years, author and activist Brian McLaren has sensed a widespread emotional shift among growing numbers of people. More and more friends, colleagues, students, and readers confess their sense of futility, their feelings of frustration bordering on despair. They feel that human civilization has passed certain tipping points and that a tide of doom is inexorably rising. This feeling creates a deep inner divide, a tension between a sincere and hopeful commitment to action for the common good on the one hand, and on the other, a feeling that no actions can prevent the arrival of an undesirable or even dystopian future.Life After Doom is a sober analysis of how things stand in relation to climate breakdown, and a deeply insightful exploration of the challenge of living well, maintaining resilience and growing in wisdom and love in the face of nations, ecosystems, economies, religions, and other institutions in disarray. Brian McLaren is the author of Faith After Doubt and Do I Stay Christian? and is a leading and authoritative voice at the intersection of religious faith and contemporary culture.'A book of rare wisdom, genuinely profound in depth and scope'DIANA BUTLER BASS

Life After Whale: The Amazing Ecosystem of a Whale Fall

by Lynn Brunelle

Follow a blue whale&’s enormous body to the bottom of the ocean, where it sets the stage for a bustling new ecosystem to flourish.All living things must one day die, and Earth&’s largest creature, the majestic blue whale, is no exception. But in nature, death is never a true ending. When this whale closes her eyes for the last time in her 90-year life, a process known as whale fall is just beginning. Her body will float to the surface, then slowly sink through the deep; from inflated behemoth to clean-picked skeleton, it will offer food and shelter at each stage to a vast diversity of organisms, over the course of a century and beyond. Caldecott Medalist Jason Chin&’s astonishing artwork enriches and amplifies engaging, well-researched text by Bill Nye the Science Guy writer Lynn Brunelle. Young lovers of the macabre will relish each page of Life After Whale. Meanwhile, those grappling with the hard subject of death will take solace in this honest look at the circle of life, which closes on a young whale enjoying the same waves as her ancestor. Additional back pages offer further info and reading recommendations on whales, whale falls, and ecosystems.A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection

Life along the Inner Coast

by Alice Jane Lippson Robert L. Lippson

For decades, marine scientists Robert and Alice Jane Lippson have traveled the rivers, backwaters, sounds, bays, lagoons, and inlets stretching from the Chesapeake Bay to the Florida Keys aboard their trawler, Odyssey. The culmination of their leisurely journeys, Life along the Inner Coast is a guide to the plants, animals, and habitats found in one of the most biologically diverse regions on the planet. It is a valuable resource for naturalists, students, and anyone who lives or vacations along the Atlantic inner coast.Southern Gateways Guide is a registered trademark of the University of North Carolina Press

The Life and Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton

by Daniel Defoe

After being kidnapped from his family as a child, Bob Singleton is raised by the gypsy who purchased him. As a young man, he quickly takes to life at sea, and begins a series of adventures, both on and off land, eventually becoming a successful pirate known as Captain Singleton. The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton is written much in the same style as author Daniel Defoe’s other famous novels, including Robinson Crusoe and Journal of the Plague Year, mixing accounts of adventure with well-researched economic and practical details that ground the story in the reality of its 18th century setting. <P><P>HarperPerennial Classics brings great works of literature to life in digital format, upholding the highest standards in ebook production and celebrating reading in all its forms. Look for more titles in the HarperPerennial Classics collection to build your digital library.

The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (Core Classics)

by Daniel Dafoe Michael J. Marshall

Core Classics Series Stories loved for generations come to life for today's young readers in the Core Classics series. Faithful to the style, plot, and themes of the originals, Core Classics are designed for use as classroom editions of the literary works listed in the Core Knowledge Sequence. They include introductions by E. D. Hirsch Jr., editor of the Core Knowledge Series (What Your Kindergartner — Sixth Grader Needs to Know). The Core Classics are generally considered suitable for fourth and fifth grade students. The texts are illustrated, annotated, and include a brief biography of the author.<P><P> From the Introduction<P><P> The story of Robinson Crusoe was inspired by a real-life castaway. In 1705, Alexander Selkirk, a Scotsman, argued angrily with the captain of his ship over whether their boat was too leaky to sail. After the boat stopped to get fresh water at an island in the Pacific Ocean, Selkirk refused to go back on board. So the captain left him there alone with a Bible, a gun, a kettle, and a few tools and supplies. Four-and-a-half years later another English ship visiting the island saw a signal fire and found Selkirk still alive. Today, the island is named for him.

Life and Death Decisions: Fighting to save lives from disaster, disease and destruction

by Dr Lachlan McIver

***'Just brilliant. The book of the decade.' - Professor Tim Flannery, Former Australian of the Year 'An honest, powerful and riveting book that demonstrates Lachlan's courage in the face of the hardest of circumstances.' - Levison Wood, Award-winning author, explorer and photographer'Wow. A hugely important and enjoyable book that will restore your faith in humanity and what is possible... Deeply moving and at times tragic but never losing a sense of optimism or hope.' - Sir Jeremy Farrar, Director of the Wellcome TrustLachlan was sixteen when he found his father dead on the side of a dirt road in North Queensland, Australia. He had suffered a sudden heart attack and died alone. It was this tragedy that motivated Lachlan to train as a doctor specialising in providing medical care for people living in remote, resource-deprived locations. Lachlan's work with the World Health Organization and Médecins Sans Frontières has taken him to some of the world's most extreme environments, from the sinking islands of the Pacific to epidemics and war zones in the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. In this no-holds-barred memoir, Lachlan recounts his experiences treating patients ravaged by tropical diseases, managing war wounds with drug-resistant infections, delivering babies by the light of a head torch, dealing with the devastating effects of climate change and narrowly avoiding being kidnapped by militia in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Tackling such impossible problems day in and day out inevitably takes a personal toll. Lachlan is ultimately forced to face his own battles with depression, alcohol abuse and bankruptcy.Life and Death Decisions is a deeply human look at the personal cost of our broken global health system and a vital call to action.

The Life and Death of a Minke Whale in the Amazon: Dispatches from the Brazilian Rainforest

by Fábio Zuker

As the Amazon burns, Fábio Zuker shares stories of resistance, self-determination, and kinship with the land. In 2007, a seven-ton minke whale was found stranded on the banks of the Tapajós River, hundreds of miles into the Amazon rainforest. For days, environmentalists, journalists, and locals followed the lost whale, hoping to guide her back to the ocean, but ultimately proved unable to save her. Ten years later, journalist Fábio Zuker travels to the state of Pará, to the town known as “the place where the whale appeared,” which developers are now eyeing for mining, timber, and soybean cultivation. In these essays, Zuker shares intimate stories of life in the rainforest and its surrounding cities during an age of raging wildfires, mass migration, populist politics, and increasing deforestation. As a group of Venezuelan migrants wait at a bus station in Manaus, looking for a place more stable than home, an elder in Alter do Chão becomes the first Indigenous person in Brazil to die from COVID-19 after years of fighting for the rights and recognition of the Borari people. The subjects Zuker interviews are often torn between ties with their ancestral territories and the push for capitalist gain; The Life and Death of a Minke Whale in the Amazon captures the friction between their worlds and the resilience of movements for autonomy, self-definition, and respect for the land that nourishes us.

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