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El cel segons Google

by Marta Carnicero

Una novel·la breu i intensa, feta de coneixement del que som, escrita amb escalpel i rivetada d’escapatòries d’ironia que ens deixen un mig somriure als llavis. «El cel de Noto, a Goolgle, té sempre el mateix to i la llum, calculo, és llum de mitja tarda. Ni rastre, doncs, del cel de civilització perduda com d’incendi o de volcà, que tinc a la memòria.» L’arribada a casa de la Naïma, la nena que adopten la Júlia i en Manel, havia de ser l’inici d’una vida familiar plena, però la nova situació que viu la parella posarà al descobert una realitat soterrada que maldava per esclatar. El cel segons Google és això i també el moviment d’una filla cap al retrobament amb el pare. Ressenyes:«No és tan senzill parlar d’allò convencional, domèstic o quotidià. I encara menys fer-ho amb la qualitat de pàgina i domini de les escenes que demostra Marta Carnicero.»Carlos Zanón «Una gran reflexió sobre la fidelitat i la paternitat.»Jordi Carrión «Un excel·lent lloc de trobada entre la vida i la literatura.»Vicenç Villatoro

El cervell de l'adolescent: Descobreix com els funciona per entendre'ls i acompanyar-los

by David Bueno

David Bueno, el científic català que domina les xarxes i els mitjans, i també la paraula i la ciència, posa una mica de llum perquè entenguem COM FUNCIONA EL CERVELL dels tan temuts ADOLESCENTS. Un discurs únic que ens ajuda a entendre com és i com madura el cervell dels adolescents, quin sentit vital té aquest període tan crucial i rellevant per a la nostra espècie i quines coses podem posar en pràctica perquè sigui fructífer i perquè serveixi de trampolí per assolir una etapa adulta sana, digna i dignificant. Una aproximació divulgativa que se sustenta en els coneixements científics actuals dels camps de la biologia, la neurociència, la genètica, l'evolució, la sociologia, la psicologia i l'educació.

El español es la lengua de mi familia

by Michael Genhart

An intergenerational story of family ties, cultural pride, and spelling bee victory following a young boy who bonds with his beloved abuela over a love of Spanish.As a boy prepares for his school&’s Spanish spelling bee, he asks his grandmother for help with some of the words he doesn&’t know how to spell yet. When she studies with him, she tells him how different things were back when she was a girl, when she was only allowed to speak English in school. This only inspires him to study even harder and make his family proud.Based on stories author Michael Genhart heard from his mother as a child, Spanish is the Language of My Family is about the joy of sharing cultural heritage with our families, inspired by the generations of Latino people were punished for speaking Spanish and the many ways new generations are rejuvenating the language. Michael Genhart&’s text is as touching as it is poignant, and it&’s paired with the striking artwork of multiple Pura Belpre Award-Winning Illustrator John Parra. Extensive material at the back of the book includes essays from the author about the history of Spanish suppression in U.S. schools and information about the Spanish alphabet. A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection

El germà difícil

by Andrea Rodés

El que havia de ser una plàcida sortida familiar s'acaba convertint en una experiència que marcarà un abans i un després en la vida d'aquesta família. Una novel·la familiar ambientada al meravellós vall d'Aran. Estanys d'aigües cristal·lines, massissos imponents... La vall d'Aran ofereix un paisatge idíl·lic que convida a fer-hi excursions. Prou que ho saben els germans Sergi i Pol Juliana, ja que la seva mare hi té un hotelet de muntanya. Incondicionals de l'entorn, mare i fills, juntament amb la dona d'en Pol, decideixen pujar al tuc de Mulleres. Però el que hauria pogut ser una plàcida sortida familiar, s'acaba convertint en una experiència que marcarà un abans i un després en les vides de tots ells.

El libro de los americanos deconocidos

by Cristina Henríquez

Dos familias cuyas esperanzas chocan con el destino. Y una extraordinaria novela que nos ofrece una poderosa y nueva definición de lo que significa ser americano.Arturo y Alma Rivera han vivido toda la vida en México. Un día, Maribel, la hija a la que tanto quieren, sufre un grave accidente y la probabilidad de que se recupere completamente es poca. Dejando todo atrás, los Rivera emigran a los Estados Unidos con un solo sueño: que en este país de tantos recursos y oportunidades, Maribel se recupere.Cuando Mayor Toro, cuya familia es de Panamá, ve a Maribel en un Dollar Tree, es amor a primera vista. También es el principio de una amistad entre las familias Rivera y Toro, y de una red de culpa, amor y responsabilidad que es el núcleo de esta novela.Intercalado en sus historias están los testimonios de mujeres y hombres que han llegado a los Estados Unidos de todo Latino América. Sus viajes y voces te inspirarán, y te partirán el corazón.Intrigante, irónica e inmediata, humana y llena de espíritu, El libro de los americanos desconocidos es una obra rebosante de fuerza y originalidad.


by Steven P. Shelov M. Rosario Gonzalez-De-Rivas

Brinda el sano consejo en todos los aspectos del cuidado del bebé de la Asociación Americana de Pediatría. Este manual completo y sencillo de usar aborda preguntas médicas, preocupaciones de los padres, e aspectos de seguridad. Incluyendo temas que van desde las etapas a alcanzar por mes, el cuidado infantil básico, cómo enfrentar emergencias, y problemas del sueño, haste la instalación del asiento de bebé para el auto y la elección de un pediatra, esta guía contiene una abundancia de información para padres que buscan tanto datos clínicos como avisos para una vida enfocada en la familia.Covering everything from preparing for childbirth to baby's first steps, this easy-to-use Spanish translation of Your Baby's First Year addresses medical worries, safety concerns, well-baby questions, and so much more. Includes a month-to-month guide to growth, behavior, and development for baby's first year.

El que et diré quan et torni a veure

by Albert Espinosa

El que et diré quan et torni a veure, la cinquena novel·la d'Albert Espinosa, torna a introduir-nos en el seu particular món amb una narració trepidant, carregada d'emoció i de vida. Aquesta edició especial conté un nou pròleg de l'autor. «Le promeses se les emporta el vent, hem d'evitar que bufi.» A El que et diré quan et torni a veure, Albert Espinosa construeix un relat en el qual un pare i un fill emprenen junts una recerca que els durà a enfrontar-se amb el passat. Un novel·la que enganxa, plena de valentia i d'acció que emocionarà i sorprendrà el lector gràcies al seu original estil i als girs inesperats d'una trama única.

Elbow Grease (Elbow Grease)

by John Cena

THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!From superstar entertainer John Cena comes a new picture-book series all about perseverance and believing in yourself, featuring a little monster truck named Elbow Grease!Meet Elbow Grease, a little monster truck with a big problem! He's smaller than his four brothers, but wants to prove that he has the guts and the grit to do big things. He decides that entering the Demolition Derby is the perfect way to show everyone that what he lacks in horsepower he makes up for in gumption. From multi-talented mega celebrity John Cena comes this exciting story about the importance of believing in yourself and never giving up. Full of high-octane illustrations and a new character kids will cheer for, this fun and fast-paced book proves that a little Elbow Grease . . . can go a long way!!As Featured On:The Today ShowEntertainment TonightThe Daily Show with Trevor NoahThe Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon

Elbow Grease: Fast Friends (Elbow Grease)

by John Cena

There's a new truck on the block in John Cena's third picture book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Elbow Grease series, featuring the truck who never gives up!Elbow Grease and his monster truck brothers are hardly prepared when they meet Chopper, a speedy, purple monster motorcycle. Chopper wants to be friends with the brothers, who are more than impressed with her epic skills! But when the trucks start to get jealous of her talents, they must learn to overcome their frustrations and welcome a new friend into the group--especially when it's up to them to work together to save the day! Elbow Grease and gang are back in another rip-roaring adventure, in John Cena's third installment in the series!

Elbow Grease: Teamwork Wins! (Step into Reading)

by John Cena

It's up to Elbow Grease, the little blue monster truck who never gives up, to help his brother and his whole monster truck family in this Step 1 reader from superstar entertainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author John Cena!A fun and fast-paced leveled reader from multitalented mega celebrity John Cena! Elbow Grease and his four monster truck brothers love to race--but even the fastest racers have to slow down every once in a while, whether it's to stop for a tune-up, tire change, or some extra gas. Except Crash is having so much fun, he doesn't want to stop! Can Elbow Grease and his brothers work together to reel Crash in? Young readers will love Elbow Grease and his monster truck family in this Step 1 reader based on John Cena's Elbow Grease picture book series!Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words for children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading. Rhyming and rhythmic text paired with picture clues will help young readers decode the story.

Elbow Grease vs. Motozilla (Elbow Grease)

by John Cena

Superstar entertainer John Cena's second picture book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series features a high-octane story--starring the truck who never gives up, Elbow Grease!Elbow Grease may be little but he's got grit and gumption to spare--and he's back! It's time for Elbow Grease to face off against the gnarly monster machine Motozilla. Luckily, Elbow Grease can count on his four big brothers to rev their engines and help him try to beat the beast! From multi-talented mega celebrity John Cena comes this exciting story about the importance of believing in yourself. Full of action-packed illustrations and characters kids will cheer for, this fun and fast-paced book proves that teamwork makes the dream work!

The Eldercare Handbook: Difficult Choices, Compassionate Solutions

by Stella Mora Henry Ann Convery

“. . .analytical and caring, professional and compassionate. . . [this] is a book for our times.” — Henry Cisneros, former Mayor of San Antonio and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development“a must-read for adult children of aging parents” — Rosalie Sederoff Gotz, Director, Culver City Senior Center“Moving and compassionate. . . .I wish that this book had been available to me when I needed it.” — Judy Wunsch, Director of Volunteers, Alzheimer's Association of Los Angeles, Riverside & San Bernardino Counties“I will be recommending The Eldercare Handbook to the families I work with, and to nursing home staff.” — D.A. Brechtelsbauer, M.D., C.M.D., Director of Geriatrics Training, Center for Family Medicine, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Board Member, American Medical Directors Association“realistic and concise”” — Richard Wolfe, M.S., Chair of Caregiver and Kinship Committee of the Los Angeles Department of Aging; Certified Health Care and Operations Risk Manager, CSL“This is the book you will want.” — Monika White, Ph.D., M.S.W., C.M.C., Senior Research Associate, USC Andrus Gerontology Center in Los Angeles“This is the most complete and up-to-date book I have read on caregiving and placement issues.” — David W. Trader, M.D., Geriatric Psychiatrist, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UCLA“Comprehensive and sensitive. . . an excellent introduction to a delicate and difficult problem facing many Latino families. Highly recommended.” — Criticas (starred review)“The Eldercare Handbook is a must-read for adult children of aging parents.” — Rosalie Sederoff Gotz, Director, Culver City Senior Center

The Eldest Daughter Effect: How First Born Women – like Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg, JK Rowling and Beyoncé – Harness their Strengths

by Lisette Schuitemaker Wies Enthoven

"What do Angela Merkel, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Christine Lagarde, Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg, JK Rowling and Beyoncé have in common?" was the headline in the English newspaper The Observer in 2014. "Other than riding high in Forbes list of the world’s most powerful women," journalist Tracy McVeigh wrote in answer to her own question, "they are also all firstborn children in their families. Firstborn children really do excel." So what does it mean to be an eldest daughter? Firstborns Lisette Schuitemaker and Wies Enthoven set out to discover the big five qualities that characterize all eldest daughters to some degree. Eldest daughters are responsible, dutiful, thoughtful, expeditious and caring. Firstborns are more intelligent than their siblings, more proficient verbally and more motivated to perform. Yet at the same time they seriously doubt that they are good enough. Being an eldest daughter can have certain advantages, but the overbearing sense of responsibility often gets in the way. Parents may worry about their ‘difficult’ eldest girl who wants to be perfect in everything she does whilst her siblings may not always understand her. "The Eldest Daughter Effect" shows how firstborn girls become who they are and offers insights that can give them more freedom to move. And parents will gain a better understanding of their firstborn children and can support them more fully on their way.

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine

by Gail Honeyman

No one's ever told Eleanor that life should be better than fine.Meet Eleanor Oliphant: She struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she's thinking. Nothing is missing in her carefully timetabled life of avoiding unnecessary human contact, where weekends are punctuated by frozen pizza, vodka, and phone chats with Mummy. But everything changes when Eleanor meets Raymond, the bumbling and deeply unhygienic IT guy from her office. When she and Raymond together save Sammy, an elderly gentleman who has fallen, the three rescue one another from the lives of isolation they have each been living. Ultimately, it is Raymond's big heart that will ultimately help Eleanor find the way to repairing her own profoundly damaged one. And if she does, she'll learn that she, too, is capable of finding friendship—and even love—after all. Smart, warm, uplifting, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine is the story of an out-of-the-ordinary heroine whose deadpan weirdness and unconscious wit make for an irresistible journey as she realizes the only way to survive is to open your heart.

Eleanor & Park

by Rainbow Rowell

'Reminded me not just what it's like to be young and in love, but what it's like to be young and in love with a book' John Green, author of The Fault in our StarsEleanor is the new girl in town, and she's never felt more alone. All mismatched clothes, mad red hair and chaotic home life, she couldn't stick out more if she tried.Then she takes the seat on the bus next to Park. Quiet, careful and - in Eleanor's eyes - impossibly cool, Park's worked out that flying under the radar is the best way to get by. Slowly, steadily, through late-night conversations and an ever-growing stack of mix tapes, Eleanor and Park fall in love. They fall in love the way you do the first time, when you're 16, and you have nothing and everything to lose.Set over the course of one school year in 1986, Eleanor & Park is funny, sad, shocking and true - an exquisite nostalgia trip for anyone who has never forgotten their first love.

Eleanor & Park

by Rainbow Rowell

Eleanor is the new girl in town, and she's never felt more alone. All mismatched clothes, mad red hair and chaotic home life, she couldn't stick out more if she tried.Then she takes the seat on the bus next to Park. Quiet, careful and - in Eleanor's eyes - impossibly cool, Park's worked out that flying under the radar is the best way to get by.Slowly, steadily, through late-night conversations and an ever-growing stack of mix tapes, Eleanor and Park fall in love. They fall in love the way you do the first time, when you're 16, and you have nothing and everything to lose.Set over the course of one school year in 1986, ELEANOR & PARK is funny, sad, shocking and true - an exquisite nostalgia trip for anyone who has never forgotten their first love.Read by Rebecca Lowman and Sunil Malhotra(p) 2013 Penguin Random House LLC

Electra vs Oedipus: The Drama of the Mother–Daughter Relationship

by Hendrika C. Freud

Electra vs Oedipus explores the deeply complex and often turbulent relationship between mothers and daughters. In contrast to Sigmund Freud’s conviction that the father is the central figure, the book puts forward the notion that women are in fact far more (pre)occupied with their mother. Drawing on the author’s extensive clinical experience, the book provides numerous case studies which shed light on women’s emotional development. Topics include: love and hate between mothers and daughters the history of maternal love childbirth and depression rejected mothers. Electra vs Oedipus will be a valuable resource for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and all those with an interest in the dynamics of the mother–daughter relationship.

The Electric

by Edward Hogan

'A writer of great energy and fearsome powers of observation' Hilary Mantel, TLSBrighton, 1950s. When Daisy got married, she knew nothing of a police wife's struggles - the way secrecy and suspicion seep into the home. But over the years she finds ways to resist. She builds a fierce bond with her children, Linda and Michael, and escapes to the twilit world of the cinema. By 1998 Linda and Michael are still struggling to cope after their mother's death, a decade before. Mike finds solace in suburban violence, while Linda invests her hopes in Lucas, her deaf teenage son. But the appearance of a man from Daisy's past threatens to upend their uneasy peace.Meanwhile, Lucas is obsessed with his support worker, and relearning the sign language he shared with his grandmother. As the language comes back, so do memories of his early childhood. But will the truth about the events of ten years ago save his family, or destroy it?The Electric is a brilliantly realised novel about three generations bound together by love, tragedy and the struggle to escape the past.

The Electric

by Edward Hogan

'A writer of great energy and fearsome powers of observation' Hilary Mantel, TLSBrighton, 1950s. When Daisy got married, she knew nothing of a police wife's struggles - the way secrecy and suspicion seep into the home. But over the years she finds ways to resist. She builds a fierce bond with her children, Linda and Michael, and escapes to the twilit world of the cinema. By 1998 Linda and Michael are still struggling to cope after their mother's death, a decade before. Mike finds solace in suburban violence, while Linda invests her hopes in Lucas, her deaf teenage son. But the appearance of a man from Daisy's past threatens to upend their uneasy peace.Meanwhile, Lucas is obsessed with his support worker, and relearning the sign language he shared with his grandmother. As the language comes back, so do memories of his early childhood. But will the truth about the events of ten years ago save his family, or destroy it?The Electric is a brilliantly realised novel about three generations bound together by love, tragedy and the struggle to escape the past.(P) 2020 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

The Electric Kid

by Garry Kilworth

Blindboy, he's the finder. Me, I'm the fixer. Hotwire and Blindboy, that's us. A team. Blindboy can hear things, electric junk, down below the ground. Once we've found something worth anything, then it's my job to fix it up so that it works. I've got a sort of natural talent for fixing electron gadgets. My dad once said to me, "You're a real hotwire. I never saw a girl so fast with her fingers." That's how come I'm called Hotwire now. Set in the year 2061, an eleven-year-old boy and thirteen-year-old girl support themselves in a city dump by finding broken electronics from computer mother boards to freezers, then repairing and selling them. They are kidnapped by one of the most devious criminals in their dangerous, futuristic city and forced to use their unique talents to commit crimes for him. If they are caught trying to escape,, they'll be killed. If they are arrested, they'll be forced to work in the sweatshops until they die of madness and exhaustion. Can these brave, determined, street-smart kids save themselves?

The Electric Kingdom

by David Arnold

New York Times bestseller David Arnold's most ambitious novel to date; Station Eleven meets The 5th Wave in a genre-smashing story of survival, hope, and love amid a ravaged earth.When a deadly Fly Flu sweeps the globe, it leaves a shell of the world that once was. Among the survivors are eighteen-year-old Nico and her dog, on a voyage devised by Nico's father to find a mythical portal; a young artist named Kit, raised in an old abandoned cinema; and the enigmatic Deliverer, who lives Life after Life in an attempt to put the world back together. As swarms of infected Flies roam the earth, these few survivors navigate the woods of post-apocalyptic New England, meeting others along the way, each on their own quest to find life and love in a world gone dark. The Electric Kingdom is a sweeping exploration of art, storytelling, eternal life, and above all, a testament to the notion that even in an exterminated world, one person might find beauty in another.

The Electricity of Every Living Thing: A Woman’s Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home

by Katherine May

Perfect for fans of The Salt Path and The Outrun, this book is a life-affirming exploration of wild landscapes, what it means to be different and, above all, how we can all learn to make peace within our own unquiet minds.'A windswept tale, beautifully told' Raynor Winn - The Salt Path 'A manifesto for the value of difficult people. I loved it' Amy Liptrot - The OutrunIn August 2015, Katherine May set out to walk the 630-mile South West Coast Path. She wanted to understand why she had stopped coping with everyday life; why motherhood had been so overwhelming and isolating, and why the world felt full of inundation and expectations she can't meet. Setting her feet down on the rugged and difficult path by the sea, the answer begins to unfold. It's a chance encounter with a voice on the radio that sparks a realisation that she has Asperger's Syndrome. The Electricity of Every Living Thing tells the story of the year in which Katherine comes to terms with her diagnosis. It leads to a re-evaluation of her life so far - a kinder one, which finally allows her to be different rather than simply awkward, arrogant or unfeeling. The physical and psychological journeys become inextricably entwined, and as Katherine finds her way across the untameable coast, she also finds the way to herself.What readers are saying about The Electricity of Every Living Thing:'This book showed a realistic view of how autism feels to some people, and it's explained so well''The astonishing sensitivity and awareness in her writing, both about the beautiful landscapes and nature around on her walks, and in relation to her family, friends and self put paid to many outdated myths about what it is like to be autistic''Compelling and transformative'

The Electricity of Every Living Thing: A Woman's Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home

by Katherine May

Last summer, Katherine May was approaching 40, feeling overwhelmed by motherhood and lacking connection with others, lost in a world of inundation and expectation. She had always felt different but this feeling was new. She wanted to get out, get free and find herself again - and so set about walking the rugged 450 mile South West Coast Path. However, this journey uncovers more than she ever imagined. By chance, en route to the walk, Katherine hears a radio show and the guests are speaking about Asperger's Syndrome. Things begin to fall into place - could this explain the white-outs, the excruciating confusion around social contact, the electric feeling of every living thing?After a formal diagnosis, Katherine begins to unravel this new perspective of her life. Through her physical journey comes an emotional one - of accepting who she is and moving forward. It's not just about walking or Asperger's; this is one woman's journey to feel free within herself, something that everyone can relate to.Read by Nathalie Buscombe(p) Orion Publishing Group 2018

Electronics for Kids: Play with Simple Circuits and Experiment with Electricity!

by Oyvind Nydal Dahl

<P>Why do the lights in a house turn on when you flip a switch? How does a remote-controlled car move? And what makes lights on TVs and microwaves blink? The technology around you may seem like magic, but most of it wouldn’t run without electricity.Electronics for Kids demystifies electricity with a collection of awesome hands-on projects. <P>In Part 1, you’ll learn how current, voltage, and circuits work by making a battery out of a lemon, turning a metal bolt into an electromagnet, and transforming a paper cup and some magnets into a spinning motor. <P> In Part 2, you’ll make even more cool stuff as you: <br>–Solder a blinking LED circuit with resistors, capacitors, and relays <br>–Turn a circuit into a touch sensor using your finger as a resistor–Build an alarm clock triggered by the sunrise <br>–Create a musical instrument that makes sci-fi sounds. <P>Then, in Part 3, you’ll learn about digital electronics—things like logic gates and memory circuits—as you make a secret code checker and an electronic coin flipper. Finally, you’ll use everything you’ve learned to make the LED Reaction Game—test your reaction time as you try to catch a blinking light!With its clear explanations and assortment of hands-on projects, Electronics for Kids will have you building your own circuits in no time.

Elegy for a Broken Machine

by Patrick Phillips

The poet Patrick Phillips brings us a stunning third collection that is at its core a son's lament for his father. This book of elegies takes us from the luminous world of childhood to the fluorescent glare of operating rooms and recovery wards, and into the twilight lives of those who must go on. In one poem Phillips watches his sons play "Mercy" just as he did with his brother: hands laced, the stronger pushing the other back until he grunts for mercy, "a game we played // so many times / I finally taught my sons, // not knowing what it was, / until too late, I'd done." Phillips documents the unsung joys of midlife, the betrayals of the human body, and his realization that as the crowd of ghosts grows, we take our places, next in line. The result is a twenty-first-century memento mori, fashioned not just from loss but also from praise, and a fierce love for the world in all its ruined splendor.From the Hardcover edition.

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