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Questioning Technology

by Andrew Feenberg

In this extraordinary introduction to the study of the philosophy of technology, Andrew Feenberg argues that techonological design is central to the social and political structure of modern societies. Environmentalism, information technology, and medical advances testify to technology's crucial importance.In his lucid and engaging style, Feenberg shows that technology is the medium of daily life. Every major technical changes reverberates at countless levels: economic, political, and cultural. If we continue to see the social and technical domains as being seperate, then we are essentially denying an integral part of our existence, and our place in a democratic society.Questioning Tecchnology convinces us that it is vital that we learn more about technology the better to live with it and to manage it.

Questions for Deep Thinkers: 200+ of the Most Challenging Questions You (Probably) Never Thought to Ask

by Henry Kraemer Brandon Marcus

Blending philosophy and humor, here are 250 thought-provoking, challenging, and strange questions—from the profound “what is the meaning of life?” to the playful “is a hotdog a sandwich?” and everything in between.Life is complex, confusing, and weird. But have you ever stopped to think about just how weird the world around you can be? For example: Which invention has caused the most unhappiness: fire, the wheel, or the internet? If a werewolf landed on the moon, would it touch down as a man or a wolf? When sitting at a movie theater, which armrest is yours? What’s the most untrustworthy animal? Would you rather kiss a person with jellybeans for teeth or a banana for a tongue? In Questions for Deep Thinkers, you’ll find 250 thought-provoking, challenging, and sometimes completely ridiculous questions that you (probably) never thought to even ask. Perfect for large group parties, hanging out with friends, or if you just want a moment to ponder some of life’s absurdities, this collection of head-scratching “deep questions” will leave you either in an argument or saying, “hmm, I never thought of that…” Don’t let the world’s most pressing mysteries pass you by!

Questions for the Dalai Lama

by Dede Cummings Travis Hellstrom Lauren Alderfer Dalai Lama

For centuries, millions upon millions of people have sought out the wisdom of the Dalai Lama. Tenzin Gyatso, the current and XIV Dalai Lama, has traveled the world, spreading his personal doctrine of compassion and understanding. His sage words resonate with all who hear him speak, encompassing topics as grand as world peace, and as simple as learning to love ourselves. Presented in a clear, elegant format, Questions for the Dalai Lama poses universal questions, giving answers from the Dalai Lama himself, assembled from quotes, articles, speeches, and written works directly attributed to His Holiness. Organized into several themes, Questions for the Dalai Lama touches on themes ranging from love, to tragedy, to compassion and happiness. Drawing on the enduring words of the His Holiness, this inspirational book makes a wonderful gift for anyone seeking greater personal happiness and a life informed by compassion and wisdom. Organized into sections and built around a simple, informal question and answer format, Questions for the Dalai Lama is easy to understand, and easy to share with friends and loved ones. "The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your actions will be." --XIV Dalai Lama

Questions in Aesthetic Education (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by H B Redfern

The Question of what ‘aesthetic education’ is, or might be, is often a source of incomprehension. This book opens up discussion of a complex, difficult, but highly important topic, and offers an introductory survey of the whole area. In examining the relationship of the concept of the aesthetic to that of art, it challenges the persistent linking by many educationists of ‘aesthetic’ with ‘creative’ and the consequent neglect of critical reflection and appreciation.

Questions of Order: Confederation and the Making of Modern Canada (G - Reference,information And Interdisciplinary Subjects Ser.)

by Peter Price

What happened on 1 July 1867? Over 150 years after Canadian Confederation, it seems like a question with an obvious answer. Questions of Order argues that Confederation was not just a political deal struck by politicians in 1867, but a process of reconfiguring political concepts and the basis of political association. Breaking new ground, Questions of Order argues that Confederation was an imperial event that generated new questions, concerns, and ideas about the future of political order in the British Empire and the world. It traces how for many public writers in English Canada, Confederation became an important basis for reimagining political order in the empire and redefining basic political concepts. To some, it marked a clear step in the larger project of imperial federation or even the ultimate union of the English-speaking world. For others, however, it represented the certain fragmentation of the empire into sovereign "national" states. Set in the context of a time of enormous social and cultural change, when so many long-held assumptions and firmly believed truths were faltering in the wave of new scientific and philosophical beliefs, the creation of Canada forced writers and public thinkers to grapple with the nature of political association and attempt to find new answers to critical questions of order.

Questions of Phenomenology: Language, Alterity, Temporality, Finitude

by Françoise Dastur Robert Vallier

Dastur is well respected in France and Europe for her mastery of phenomenology as a movement and her clear and cogent explications of phenomenology in movement. These qualities are on display in this remarkable volume. The book is organized into four areas of inquiry: “Language and Logic,” “The Self and the Other,” “Temporality and History,” and “Finitude and Mortality.” In each, Dastur guides the reader through a series of phenomenological questions that also serve to call phenomenology itself into question, testing its limits and pushing it in new directions. Taking a cue from Merleau-Ponty, Dastur sees phenomenology not as a doctrine, a catalogue of concepts and catchphrases authored by a single thinker, but rather as a movement in which several thinkers participate, each contributing to and inflecting the movement in unique ways. Through her critical and productive dialogue with multiple phenomenological thinkers, Dastur concisely shows each thinker’s debts to and departures from others, as well as each thinker’s innovations and limitations. She does this judiciously, without choosing sides because, for her, phenomenology is above all a way of thinking through a problem and practicing a method. The fecundity of the movement is appreciated only by participating in it—phenomenology has always thought of itself as philosophical research undertaken by and through a community of thinkers who share certain fundamental questions and ways of approaching those questions, even if their responses to these questions often differ. In this regard, Dastur is both one of the clearest guides to phenomenology and one of its ablest practitioners.

Questions of Practice in Philosophy and Social Theory (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)

by Anders Buch Theodore Schatzki

Humanistic theory for more than the past 100 years is marked by extensive attention to practice and practices. Two prominent streams of thought sharing this focus are pragmatism and theories of practice. This volume brings together internationally prominent theorists to explore key dimensions of practice and practices on the background of parallels and points of contact between these two traditions. The contributors all are steeped in one or both of these streams and well-known for their work on practice. The collected essays explore three important themes: what practice and practices are, normativity, and transformation. The volume deepens understanding of these three practice themes while strengthening appreciation of the parallels between and complementariness of pragmatism and practice theory.

Questions on the Soul by John Buridan and Others

by Gyula Klima

This volume features essays that explore the insights of the 14th-century Parisian nominalist philosopher, John Buridan. It serves as a companion to the Latin text edition and annotated English translation of his question-commentary on Aristotle's On the Soul. The contributors survey Buridan's work both in its own historical-theoretical context and in relation to contemporary issues. The essays come in three main sections, which correspond to the three books of Buridan's Questions. Coverage first deals with the classification of the science of the soul within the system of Aristotelian sciences, and surveys the main issues within it. The next section examines the metaphysics of the soul. It considers Buridan's peculiar version of Aristotelian hylomorphism in dealing with the problem of what kind of entity the soul (in particular, the human soul) is, and what powers and actions it has, on the basis of which we can approach the question of its essence. The volume concludes with a look at Buridan's doctrine of the nature and functions of the human intellect. Coverage in this section includes the problem of self-knowledge in Buridan's theory, Buridan's answer to the traditional medieval problem concerning the primary object of the intellect, and his unique treatment of logical problems in psychological contexts.

Questions on Wittgenstein (Routledge Revivals)

by Rudolf Haller

Wittgenstein, possibly the most influential philosopher of the twentieth century, is often labelled a Neopositivist, a New-Kantian, even a Sceptic. Questions on Wittgenstein, first published in 1988, presents a selection of nine essays investigating a matter of vital philosophical importance: Wittgenstein’s relationship to his Austrian predecessors and peers. The intention throughout is to determine the precise contours of Wittgenstein’s own thought by situating it within its formative context. Although it remains of particular interest to Anglo-Saxon philosophers, special familiarity with Austrian philosophy is required to appreciate the subtle and profound influence which this cultural and philosophical setting had on Wittgenstein’s intellectual development. Professor Haller has spent his career exploring these themes, and is one of the foremost authorities on both Wittgenstein and contemporary Austrian philosophy. Questions on Wittgenstein thus offers a unique insight into the twentieth-century tradition of Austrian philosophy, and its importance for Wittgenstein’s thought.

Questions That Matter: An Invitation to Philosophy, 6th Edition

by Ed. L. Miller Jon Jensen

This book introduces readers to the fundamental, timeless, and pressing questions of philosophy. The authors present primary source readings and an extensive pedagogical program that includes running summaries, high-interest boxes, biographies, epigrams, and philosophical dictionary. The new edition has been streamlined and revised to include a new chapter on Democracy, which expands the coverage of the ever-evolving realm of social and political philosophy.

Questions ultimes (Philosophica)

by Thomas De Koninck

Le premier défi de la démocratie est de donner le «goût de l’avenir» (Alexis de Tocqueville), de générer l’enthousiasme qui poussera les jeunes d’esprit à progresser d’eux-mêmes vers de nouvelles quêtes de sens et de savoir, à renouveler peut-être surtout, dans le contexte des nouvelles connaissances et d’une prise de conscience accrue des richesses des différentes cultures, les questions que l’on appelle «ultimes et les plus hautes», pour citer Husserl, celles que la science exclut par principe et qui sont pourtant «les questions les plus brûlantes», portant «sur le sens ou sur l’absence de sens de toute cette existence humaine». Le simple mot question évoque d'emblée le vieux français queste, c'est-à-dire la quête, du latin quaerere, «rechercher», «aimer»; il traduit le désir de voir et de savoir, impliquant du coup les deux dimensions à la fois les plus essentielles et les plus grandes de notre être proprement humain, la capacité d’aimer et celle de penser. Une éducation qui exclurait, comme tranchées d’avance, ces questions ultimes, ne serait nullement à la hauteur de l’humain. Les essais composant ce livre explorent six d’entre elles, à savoir la dignité humaine, l’intelligence, la liberté, le bonheur, la mort et la beauté. Découvrez la version livre audio de ce titre, lu en version intégrale par Étienne Panet-Raymond.

The Quick Fix: Why Fad Psychology Can't Cure Our Social Ills

by Jesse Singal

An investigative journalist exposes the many holes in today’s bestselling behavioral science, and argues that the trendy, TED-Talk-friendly psychological interventions that are so in vogue at the moment will never be enough to truly address social injustice and inequality.With their viral TED talks, bestselling books, and counter-intuitive remedies for complicated problems, psychologists and other social scientists have become the reigning thinkers of our time. Grit and “power posing” promised to help overcome entrenched inequalities in schools and the workplace; the Army spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a positive psychology intervention geared at preventing PTSD in its combat soldiers; and the implicit association test swept the nation on the strength of the claim that it can reveal unconscious biases and reduce racism in police departments and human resources departments. But what if much of the science underlying these blockbuster ideas is dubious or fallacious? What if Americans’ longstanding preference for simplistic self-help platitudes is exerting a pernicious influence on the way behavioral science is communicated and even funded, leading respected academics and the media astray? In The Quick Fix, Jesse Singal examines the most influential ideas of recent decades and the shaky science that supports them. He begins with the California legislator who introduced self-esteem into classrooms around the country in the 1980s and the Princeton political scientist who warned of an epidemic of youthful “superpredators” in the 1990s. In both cases, a much-touted idea had little basis in reality, but had a massive impact. Turning toward the explosive popularity of 21st-century social psychology, Singal examines the misleading appeal of entertaining lab results and critiques the idea that subtle unconscious cues shape our behavior. As he shows, today’s popular behavioral science emphasizes repairing, improving, and optimizing individuals rather than truly understanding and confronting the larger structural forces that drive social ills. Like Anand Giridharadas’s Winners Take All, The Quick Fix is a fresh and powerful indictment of the thought leaders and influencers who cut corners as they sell the public half-baked solutions to problems that deserve more serious treatment.

Quiet Beauty

by Kendall H. Brown David M. Cobb

Quiet Beauty: Japanese Gardens of North America is an extraordinary look at the most beautiful-and serene-gardens in the United States and Canada. Most Japanese garden books look to the gardens of Japan. Quiet Beauty explores the treasure trove of Japanese gardens located in North America. Featuring an intimate look at twenty-six gardens, with numerous stunning color photographs of each, that detail their style, history, and special functions, this book explores the ingenuity and range of Japanese landscaping.Gardens include: Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California Nitobe Memorial Garden, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia Japanese Garden, Fort Worth Botanic Garden, Texas Garden of the Pine Winds, Denver Botanic Gardena, Colorado Japanese Garden, Montréal Botanical Garden, Québec Tenshin'en (The Garden of the Heart of Heaven), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts Roji'en (Garden of Drops of Dew), The George D. and Harriet W. Cornell Japanese Gardens, The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, Delray Beach, Florida Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix, Margaret T. Hance Park, Arizona Garden of the Pine Wind, Garven Woodland Garden, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Quiet Powers of the Possible: Interviews in Contemporary French Phenomenology

by W. Chris Hackett Tarek R. Dika Richard Kearney

Quiet Powers of the Possible offers an excellent introduction to contemporary French phenomenology through a series of interviews with its most prominent figures. Guided by rigorous questions that push into the most important aspects of the latest phenomenological research, the book gives readers a comprehensive sense of each thinker’s intellectual history, motivations, and philosophical commitments. The book introduces readers to debates that have not previously been accessible to the English-speaking world, such as the growing interest in the phenomenological concept of life in its affective and even vital dimensions, the emerging dialogue with the analytic philosophy of mind and language, and reassessments of the so-called theological turn. The diversity of approaches collected here has its origin in a deeper debate about the conceptual and historical foundations of phenomenology itself. In this way the book offers the most accessible and wide-ranging introduction to French phenomenology to have appeared in the English-speaking world to date.

Quiet Rumours

by Dark Star Collective Emma Goldman Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz Jo Freeman Voltairine De Cleyre

This is a fascinating window into the development of the women's movement in the words of those who moved it. Compiled and introduced by the UK-based anarchist-intellectual collective Dark Star, Quiet Rumours features articles and essays from four generations of anarchist-inspired feminists, including Emma Goldman, Voltairine de Cleyre, Jo Freeman, Peggy Kornegger, Cathy Levine, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Mujeres Creando, Rote Zora, and beyond. All the pieces from the first two editions are included here, as well as new material bringing third and so-called fourth-wave feminism into conversation with twenty-first century politics. An ideal overview for budding feminists and an exciting reconsideration for seasoned radicals.

Quiet Testimony: A Theory of Witnessing from Nineteenth-Century American Literature

by Shari Goldberg

The nineteenth century was a time of extraordinary attunement to the unspoken, the elusively present, and the subtly haunting. Quiet Testimony finds in such attunement a valuable rethinking of what it means to encounter the truth. It argues that four key writers—Emerson, Douglass, Melville, and Henry James—open up the domain of the witness by articulating quietude’s claim on the clamoring world. The premise of quiet testimony responds to urgent questions in critical theory and human rights. Emerson is brought into conversation with Levinas, and Douglass is considered alongside Agamben. Yet the book is steeped in the intellectual climate of the nineteenth century, in which speech and meaning might exceed the bounds of the recognized human subject. In this context, Melville’s characters could read the weather, and James’s could spend an evening with dead companions. By following the path by which ostensibly unremarkable entities come to voice, Quiet Testimony suggests new configurations for ethics, politics, and the literary.

Quiet the Mind

by Matthew Johnstone

In a world where finding even ten minutes to 'do nothing' can be difficult, the benefits of meditation can be profound. Meditation is simply a way of giving our brains a well-deserved break and can actually help our brains to function healthily and happily. This beautifully illustrated guide is an inspiring and practical book which shows you how to meditate without the need for uncomfortable lotus positions or prayer beads! With his typical gentle and insightful humour, Matthew's guide to meditation will enable to you to feel more present, more youthful, have more energy and greater concentration, improve your mood and sleep more soundly.

Quietism, Agnosticism and Mysticism: Mapping the Philosophical Discourse of the East and the West

by Krishna Mani Pathak

This book presents a unique collection of papers on various philosophical aspects of the unknown and unvoiced truth and reality of the cosmic world. It offers a systematic analysis of the three philosophical theories of Quietism, Agnosticism and Mysticism and introduces readers to the fundamentals of mystical knowledge claimed by philosophical schools of the east and the west. It discusses, debates and deliberates on philosophical issues concerning the acquisition of truth, its objectivity and its various dimensions along with the application of thoughts pertaining to Quietism, Agnosticism, and metaphysical-mystic traditions in philosophy. It examines and precisely defines the scope and limits of knowledge, the respective way of life, its expressions and morality, mystical revelation, ineffability of the ultimate, value realism, and faith and reason - with a primary focus on the classical Indian schools of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Agnosticism, the Bāuls, Greek traditions, modern western meta-philosophy, and contemporary quietist debate in religion and theology. This insightful collection should be of great interest to independent researchers, students and teachers of philosophy, theology, Mysticism and Agnosticism, cultural studies and religious studies.

Quine (Arguments of the Philosophers)

by Peter Hylton

Quine was one of the foremost philosophers of the Twentieth century. In this outstanding overview of Quine's philosophy, Peter Hylton shows why Quine is so important and how his philosophical naturalism has been so influential within analytic philosophy. Beginning with an overview of Quine's philosophical background in logic and mathematics and the role of Rudolf Carnap's influence on Quine's thought, he goes on to discuss Quine's famous analytic-synthetic distinction and his arguments concerning the nature of the a priori. He also discusses Quine's philosophy of language and epistemology, his celebrated theory of the indeterminacy of translation and his broader views of ontology and modality. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in Quine, twentieth century philosophy and the philosophy of language.

Quine and His Place in History (History of Analytic Philosophy)

by Frederique Janssen-Lauret Gary Kemp

Containing three previously unpublished papers by W.V. Quine as well as historical, exegetical, and critical papers by several leading Quine scholars including Hylton, Ebbs, and Ben-Menahem, this volume aims to remedy the comparative lack of historical investigation of Quine and his philosophical context.

Quine and His Place in History (History of Analytic Philosophy)

by Gary Kemp Frederique Janssen-Lauret

Quine and His Place in History.

Quine, New Foundations, and the Philosophy of Set Theory

by Sean Morris

Quine's set theory, New Foundations, has often been treated as an anomaly in the history and philosophy of set theory. In this book, Sean Morris shows that it is in fact well-motivated, emerging in a natural way from the early development of set theory. Morris introduces and explores the notion of set theory as explication: the view that there is no single correct axiomatization of set theory, but rather that the various axiomatizations all serve to explicate the notion of set and are judged largely according to pragmatic criteria. Morris also brings out the important interplay between New Foundations, Quine's philosophy of set theory, and his philosophy more generally. We see that his early technical work in logic foreshadows his later famed naturalism, with his philosophy of set theory playing a crucial role in his primary philosophical project of clarifying our conceptual scheme and specifically its logical and mathematical components.

Quintessence: Basic Readings from the Philosophy of W. V. Quine

by Willard Van Quine

Through the first half of the twentieth century, analytic philosophy was dominated by Russell, Wittgenstein, and Carnap. Influenced by Russell and especially by Carnap, another towering figure, Willard Van Orman Quine (1908–2000) emerged as the most important proponent of analytic philosophy during the second half of the century. Yet with twenty-three books and countless articles to his credit—including, most famously, Word and Object and "Two Dogmas of Empiricism"—Quine remained a philosopher's philosopher, largely unknown to the general public. Quintessence for the first time collects Quine's classic essays (such as "Two Dogmas" and "On What There Is") in one volume—and thus offers readers a much-needed introduction to his general philosophy. Divided into six parts, the thirty-five selections take up analyticity and reductionism; the indeterminacy of translation of theoretical sentences and the inscrutability of reference; ontology; naturalized epistemology; philosophy of mind; and extensionalism. Representative of Quine at his best, these readings are fundamental not only to an appreciation of the philosopher and his work, but also to an understanding of the philosophical tradition that he so materially advanced.

Quintessence...Realizing the Archaic Future: A Radical Elemental Feminist Manifesto

by Mary Daly

"Suffused with her inimitable word play and stunning intelligence, and embodying a balance of mysticism and critical theory, Daly's clarion call to uncover the quintessence of the universe is quite an intriguing tune." -On the Issues

Quintessential Dzogchen: Confusion Dawns as Wisdom

by Marcia Binder Schmidt Erik Pema Kunsang Tulku Urgyen

This hands-on guidebook adapts the Dzogchen path for the modern student while adhering to traditional principles. The book is based on the direct, accessible style of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and offers a thorough grounding in how to study, contemplate, and meditate in this rich spiritual environment. Guided by an introductory teaching by Rinpoche, as well as 42 selected teachings from great Dzogchen masters, readers learn to access the pure, clear awareness that lies hidden under the constant flow of anxious thoughts.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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