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Showing 95,301 through 95,325 of 95,741 results

Y la sangre llegó al Nilo

by Víctor De Currea Lugo

Crónicas y reportajes sobrecogedores y brillantes sobre los conflictos armados en el Medio Oriente, Asia y norte de África.. Este libro reúne las mejores crónicas, reportajes y entrevistas en zonas de conflictos armados y tensiones sociales alrededor del mundo, escritos por el autor entre 2012 y 2016. Desde el dolor de la guerra de Siria y el desengaño de la reconstrucción de Afganistán, pasando por el calor de las protestas árabes en Egipto y la sombra permanente del genocidio de Camboya, hasta el posacuerdo de Nepal, las minorías de Sri Lanka después del final de la contienda y la formación de las guerrillas filipinas. Un viaje intenso al corazón de las guerras actuales de la mano de un especialista que las ha visto con sus propios ojos.

Y mi palabra es la ley: AMLO en Palacio Nacional

by Carlos Elizondo Mayer-Serra

Una radiografía indispensable para entender lo que ha traído la llamada 4T. En momentos en que el debate político está dominado por la desinformación, la especulación y los insultos que circulan por las redes sociales, Carlos Elizondo Mayer-Serra nos ofrece un análisis serio, con datos duros, sobre los primeros dos años del gobierno de Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Una obra necesaria, oportuna, y que nos da la pauta de lo que vendrá.» Andrés Oppenheimer, autor de Basta de historias y ¡Sálvese quien pueda! «Y mi palabra es la ley ofrece un recuento objetivo de la Cuarta Transformación. Con destreza nos presenta una perspectiva de AMLO dentro de la historia de la política, economía y sociedad mexicanas. Elizondo examina cómo el presidente aprovechó su histórica oportunidad de cambio y por qué hasta ahora el cumplimiento de sus promesas ha fracasado. Es un libro que hay que leer, un fiel retrato de México hoy.» Shannon K. O#neil, Senior Fellow for Latin America del Council on Foreign Relations «Las pasiones evocadas por líderes políticos extraordinarios tienden a oscurecer el análisis, tanto de sus motivos e intenciones reales como de sus probables resultados. Andrés Manuel López Obrador es precisamente una de esas figuras. En medio de la turbulencia del momento, Carlos Elizondo ha asumido el reto de ofrecer un retrato franco y vívido, pero también cuidadoso y juicioso, del líder de la #Cuarta Transformación#. Quienes busquen claridad sobre el proyecto y las perspectivas de AMLO pueden beneficiarse de este esfuerzo, sin importar cuáles sean sus preferencias políticas. Ni AMLO ni sus críticos más severos pueden prever el veredicto de su gobierno. Mientras tanto, este libro proporciona una incisiva base para un sobrio juicio provisional.» Laurence Whitehead, Senior Research Fellow de la Universidad de Oxford

¿Ya es mañana?: Cómo la pandemia cambiará el mundo

by Ivan Krastev

Una lectura indispensable para empezar a entender las consecuencias de la pandemia que marcará el rumbo del mundo en los próximos años. Como describe José Saramago en su Ensayo sobre la ceguera, la pérdida de visión es característica de toda pandemia: no vemos la enfermedad hasta que llega, y cuando lo hace, tampoco entendemos lo que ocurre alrededor nuestro. Saramago no cree que las enfermedades nos transformen; en su opinión, nos ayudan a captar el verdadero rostro de nuestras sociedades. Si es así, es fundamental que comprendamos lo que ocurrió mientras estábamos encerrados en nuestra casa. En este lúcido texto, Ivan Krastev expone las cinco paradojas que la COVID-19 ha sacado a la luz respecto a la globalización, la cooperación internacional, el autoritarismo, la cohesión social y el proyecto europeo. Ganador en 2020 del Premio Lionel Gelber y del Premio Jean Améry, la mirada de uno de los mejores analistas políticos del momento es fundamental para empezar a entender las consecuencias de la pandemia que marcará el rumbo del mundo en los próximos años. Reseñas:«Ivan Krastev es uno de los pensadores más fascinantes de nuestro tiempo. Un malabarista de paradojas, atacante de creencias generalizadas. Puedes no estar de acuerdo siempre, pero aburrirte, jamás.»Robert Kagan, Washington Post «Krastev es uno de los intelectuales más interesantes del panorama actual en todo Europa.»Financial Times «Ivan Krastev es uno de los escritores políticos más agudos y elegantes que han emergido de Europa del Este en los últimos años.»Sunday Times

Ya nadie llora por mí

by Sergio Ramírez

Premio Cervantes 2017. «Sergio Ramírez conjuga una literatura comprometida con una alta calidad literaria.» Jurado del premio Carlos Fuentes El inspector Dolores Morales está dado de baja en la Policía Nacional desde hace años y ahora trabaja como detective privado investigando adulterios para una clientela de pocos recursos desde su agencia establecida en un shopping center venido a menos en Managua. Pero un acontecimiento imprevisto va a sacarle de la rutina: ha desaparecido la hijastra de uno de los hombres más poderosos del país y Morales recibe el encargo de encontrarla. Pronto la desaparición de la joven se revela como la punta de un iceberg que oculta las cloacas del sistema político y social del país. Es ese el momento en que Morales comprende que lo que debe descubrirno es sólo el paradero de la muchacha, sino las verdaderas razones por las que ha desaparecido. Con un extraordinario manejo del humor y la ironía, y la maestría narrativa que caracterizan toda su obra, Sergio Ramírez regresa al género negro con uno de sus personajes más memorables, que ya protagonizó El cielo llora por mí (2008). Sexo, dinero, corrupción y tramas de poder son las claves de este caso policial en el que nadie resulta del todo inocente. La crítica ha dicho... «El relato policial es la forma que asume una pregunta por la veracidad. Discurso híbrido, está hecho del lado de la lectura en un español que confronta la corrupción, la mentira y la violencia. En El cielo llora por mí, la novela policial logra imaginar, a pesar de todas las razones en contra, una certeza compartible.» Julio Ortega, El País «Margarita, está linda la mar es la síntesis que un gran escritor logra entre la tragedia y la grandeza de un país al que ama hasta el punto de convertirlo en pura literatura.» Carlos Fuentes «Un relato pícaro y socarrón, exento de dogmatismo, que asume la tarea de relatar un argumento que no se propone como novedad; lo sorprendente está en el enfoque cercano de los sucesos, en su humor irreverente.» Arturo García Ramos, ABC (sobre Sara) «El primer cuentista vivo en el continente latinoamericano, y uno de los mejores en español, heredero de las armas de Cortázar y Monterroso [...]. Por cada cuento un mundo.» Javier Sancho Más, Babelia «Sergio Ramírez se mueve como pez en el agua en el dominio del relato, escribiendo cuentos que no se cansan de sacarle punta al lápiz de la vida, adoptando enfoques insólitos #que acaban convirtiendo en sorprendente un suceso banal# y aclimatando con suma habilidad el humor a las catástrofes cotidianas.» Javier Aparicio, El País

Y’all Have Sinned: How Blaming Others Is Not A Winning Strategy

by Eddie Huff

Recently, Black America has been portrayed as the most maligned and persecuted people group in history, and the perpetrators have been identified as Europeans and their descendants. While the treatment of black people, worldwide and in America, by Europeans was terrible to say the least, it is the lack of forgiveness for those past sins which holds the descendants of African slaves in bondage today. Facing the truth about our own sins and forgiveness is the key to true freedom and prosperity for all of mankind, and especially those in America, black, white, brown and anyone else.


by Elias Khoury

Yalo was a soldier on one of the many sides in Lebanon's sectarian civil war, before becoming a deserter and a thief, a nightwatchman in Paris, an arms smuggler, and then a rapist. And then he falls in love with his victim - who turns him in to the police. This novel is a modern Thousand and One Nights, a series of confessions extracted under torture, a recitation of all of his memories, all his sorrows, all his guilt - and of the other crimes his interrogators have him confess to. Beirut and the legacy of the wars of the Middle East are the texture of Elias Khoury's extraordinary literary achievement.


by Pierre de Senarclens

Yalta still excites scholars and general public alike. In shaping post-war geographical alignments, Yalta has become drenched in ideological disputes. It has assumed a symbolic quality for liberal, left, and conservative interpretations of modern European history. In his book, Pierre de Senarclens offers the reader a clear and precise account of the matter in which negotiations at Yalta were actually conducted by Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. Senarclens not only follows closely the negotiations themselves, but draws upon the political and strategic events preceding the negotiations, and the stated aims of the Allied Forces before the conference.In the light of all the different expectations of the respective leaders, the key question for Senarclens is, what was the real outcome of Yalta? Senarclens avoids overdramatization and does not elevate Yalta to a turning point in world history. He avoid ideological interpretations, from the conservative analysis of Yalta as appeasement and the selling out of Eastern Europe and China, to the liberal-left analysis of three old men ruthlessly dividing the world between themselves. But he does not spare us Roosevelt's idealized picture of Stalin, nor does he avoid revealing the ambiguities of Churchill's conduct, or the ruthlessness of Stalin's approach.Senarclens refutes the thesis that Yalta amounted to an occidental capitulation to the Soviets. As the author convincingly argues, the world has not come about us as a result of Yalta, but in spite of it.

The Yankee International

by Timothy Messer-Kruse

Examining the social and intellectual collision of the Americanreform tradition with immigrant Marxism during the Reconstructionera, Timothy Messer-Kruse charts the rise and fall of theInternational Workingman's Association (IWA), the firstinternational socialist organization. He analyzes what attractedAmerican reformers--many of them veterans of antebellum crusades for abolition, women's rights, and other radical causes--to the IWA, how their presence affected the course of the American Left, and why they were ultimately purged from the IWA by their orthodox Marxist comrades. Messer-Kruse explores the ideology and activities of theYankee Internationalists, tracing the evolution of antebellumAmerican reformers' thinking on the question of wage labor andilluminating the beginnings of a broad labor reform coalition inthe early years of Reconstruction. He shows how Americanreformers' priority of racial and sexual equality clashed withtheir Marxist partners' strategy of infiltrating trade unions.Ultimately, he argues, Marxist demands for party discipline andideological unity proved incompatible with the Yankees' nativerepublicanism. With the expulsion of Yankee reformers from theIWA in 1871, American Marxism was divorced from the Americanreform tradition.

Yankee Leviathan

by Richard Franklin Bensel

This book describes the impact of the American Civil War on the development of central state authority in the late nineteenth century. The author contends that intense competition for control of the national political economy between the free North and slave South produced secession, which in turn spawned the formation of two new states, a market-oriented northern Union and a southern Confederacy in which government controls on the economy were much more important. During the Civil War, the American state both expanded and became the agent of northern economic development. After the war ended, however, tension within the Republican coalition led to the abandonment of Reconstruction and to the return of former Confederates to political power throughout the South. As a result, American state expansion ground to a halt during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This book makes a major contribution to the understanding of the causes and consequences of the Civil War and the legacy of the war in the twentieth century.

The Yanti (Alosha Trilogy #3)

by Christopher Pike

InAlosha andThe Shaktra, thirteen-year-old Ali Warner discovered that she was not an ordinary teenager, but was actually Queen of the Fairies. Through seven painful trials, Ali reclaimed many of her magical powers and defeated an elemental army that was preparing to attack the Earth. In the elemental world, Ali learned the true nature of her greatest enemy -- the Shaktra -- and discovered why it covets the Yanti, a mystical talisman of immense power that Ali now possesses. Now, inThe Yanti, Ali discovers that a mysterious Entity is masterminding the Shaktra's attack on Earth, an attack that will kill billions and leave both Earth and the elemental world shattered. Still reeling from the death of one of her closest friends, Ali finds herself accused of murder on Earth and besieged by enemies in the elemental world. The Shaktra has had years to develop her magical abilities and her evil plots, guided by the otherworldly Entity. Ali has only known about her fairy powers for a month. There are holes in her fairy memories and her powers are still incomplete, while the Shaktra commands vast armies of hideous monsters and rules over hosts of dragons. Ali's allies are few: one dragon, one leprechaun, a single troll, a handful of fairies and an African boy, Ra, who has sworn to serve Ali even beyond death. Plus the mysterious disembodied Nemi -- whose love sustains Ali through her darkest moments of despair. Only the Yanti can stop what is to come. Unfortunately, Ali has barely had a chance to study it. The first time she tries to use it as a weapon, it nearly kills her. Unless Ali Warner can solve the riddle of the Yanti - and the mystery behind the Shaktra's insane bitterness -- then the Earth and the elemental world will be doomed.

Yaroslaw's Treasure: A Novel

by Myroslav Petriw

Winner of the 2002 Anna Pidruchney Award For New Writers On a visit to Ukraine to retrieve a family heirloom secretly buried by his grandfather during the Second World War, Yaroslaw, a Ukrainian-Canadian university student, stumbles into a world full of spies and secret organizations, peril and political intrigue. His discovery of the hidden cache yields clues to the location of a fabled lost treasure-the greatest in all Europe. Working against time, Yaroslaw and a small band of accomplices struggle to uncover and save a nation’s heritage, operating in secret to prevent the corrupt leaders of the government and the Russians-from stealing it. Yaroslaw’s Treasure is a thrilling suspense story set against the gripping drama of the Orange Revolution, the 2004 popular uprising that saw hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets in Ukraine to overthrow a corrupt government and reinforce democracy in a land long occupied by repressive and foreign regimes. Rich with history, romance, politics, and danger, Yaroslaw’s Treasure superbly captures the wonders and horrors of Ukraine’s past, swirls through the treacherous currents of its present politics, all the while providing entertainment as a first-rate thriller.

Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography

by Barry Rubin Judith Colp Rubin

Yasir Arafat stands as one of the most resilient, recognizable and controversial political figures of modern times. The object of unrelenting suspicion, steady admiration and endless speculation, Arafat has occupied the center stage of Middle East politics for almost four decades. Yasir Arafat is the most comprehensive political biography of this remarkable man. Forged in a tumultuous era of competing traditionalism, radicalism, Arab nationalism, and Islamist forces, the Palestinian movement was almost entirely Arafat's creation, and he became its leader at an early age. Arafat took it through a dizzying series of crises and defeats, often of his own making, yet also ensured that it survived, grew, and gained influence. Disavowing terrorism repeatedly, he also practiced it constantly. Arafat's elusive behavior ensured that radical regimes saw in him a comrade in arms, while moderates backed him as a potential partner in peace. After years of devotion to armed struggle, Arafat made a dramatic agreement with Israel that let him return to his claimed homeland and transformed him into a legitimized ruler. Yet at the moment of decision at the Camp David summit and afterward, when he could have achieved peace and a Palestinian state, he sacrificed the prize he had supposedly sought for the struggle he could not live without. Richly populated with the main events and dominant leaders of the Middle East, this detailed and analytical account by Barry Rubin and Judith Colp Rubin follows Arafat as he moves to Kuwait, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, and finally to Palestinian-ruled soil. It shows him as he rewrites his origins, experiments with guerrilla war, develops a doctrine of terrorism, fights endless diplomatic battles, and builds a movement, constantly juggling states, factions, and world leaders. Whole generations and a half-dozen U.S. presidents have come and gone over the long course of Arafat's career. But Arafat has outlasted them all, spanning entire eras, with three constants always present: he has always survived, he has constantly seemed imperiled, and he has never achieved his goals. While there has been no substitute for Arafat, the authors conclude, Arafat has been no substitute for a leader who could make peace.

“Ye Shall Know Them by Their Fruits”: A Mixed Methods Study on Corruption, Competitiveness, and Christianity in Europe and the Americas (Contributions to Economics)

by Jason García Portilla

Why are historically Catholic countries and regions generally more corrupt and less competitive than historically Protestant ones? How has institutionalization of religion influenced the prosperity of countries in Europe and the Americas?This open access book addresses these critical questions by elucidating the hegemonic and emancipatory religious factors leading to these dissimilarities between countries. The book features up-to-date mixed methods from interdisciplinary research contributing to existing studies in the sociology of religion field by demonstrating—for the first time—the effect of the mutually reinforcing configuration of multiple prosperity triggers (religion–politics–environment). It demonstrates the differences in the institutionalization of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism by applying quantitative and qualitative methods and by performing a qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of 65 countries. The author also provides a comprehensive survey and results of empirical research on different theories of development, focusing on the influence of religion.

Yeah, I Said It

by Wanda Sykes

Wanda Sykes reduces people to tears -- tears of laughter. She's done so as a stand-up comic, a sitcom star, and a sports commentator for years now, and in the process she's gained a huge fan base nationwide. Now that she's conquered television, she's applying her genius to her first book, Yeah, I Said It. Here, Wanda presents hilarious and uncensored commentary on sex, family, politics, celebrities, and much more than she could ever say in a sound bite. But then again, she's a genius with a sound bite too. Here's what she says about men and football. "I used to think that football took place in this overbearing male-only environment that bled masculine domination. But the more I attend, the more I realize these football fans could actually be experiencing the straight man's gay pride parade. You see men painting each other's faces in bright colors. You see men proud to wear another man's last name on their shirt. You see some men wear no shirt at all....Hot wieners on every corner as you walk up to the main competition. Men open the back of their trunks for a little tailgating." Here's what she says about women: "Women are taking stripper classes in hopes their men will stop going to strip clubs....You can't compete with those strippers....You gotta have...the stripper mentality. In other words, the ability to lie like a dog for a measly buck. A stripper will tell your man anything for a dollar. 'Oow, I thought you were Brad Pitt.' " An uproarious and irreverent collection from one of today's foremost comedic talents, Yeah, I Said It is Wanda Sykes at her uncensored best. Here, she channels her sharp wit into funny bits on the truth as she sees it from the halls of government in Washington, D.C., to the red carpets and boardrooms of Hollywood. Imbued with her razor-sharp voice, these essays showcase Sykes's sidesplitting candor and her trademark brand of comedy.

Year 501: The Conquest Continues (Chomsky Perspectives Ser. #Vol. 63)

by Noam Chomsky

"The great work of subjugation and conquest" has changed little over the years. Analyzing Haiti, Latin America, Cuba, Indonesia, and even packets of the Third World developing in the United States. Noam Chomsky draws parallels between the genocide of colonial times and the murder and exploitation associated with modern-day imperialism.

A Year at Hartlebury, Or, The Election

by Benjamin Disraeli Sarah Disraeli

The revelation that a long forgotten novel first published anonymously in 1834 is the work of Benjamin Disraeli and his sister Sarah is an exciting literary event. Newly discovered letters between brother and sister prove without doubt that it was written jointly by them. We do not have to look far for the reason for their secrecy. The vividly described election which forms the centrepiece of the story is clearly based on Disraeli's recent experiences as an unsuccessful candidate in two elections at High Wycombe. His political career had a long way to go and the last thing he wanted was to jeopardize it by revealing his motives in the past or his hopes for the future. The hero, Aubrey Bohun, has, like Disraeli, recently returned from mysterious travels in the East, but unlike him has his own castle and an income of £30,000 a year. Bohun obviously contains an element of wish fulfilment and allows the authors to incorporate in the novel elements of wish fulfilment and allows the authors to incorporate in the novel elements of a popular genre known in its day as 'silver fork' fiction – revelations of high life. Although there is much of this and of melodrama too, there is also some splendid social irony. Michael Foot says 'the volume is quite fit to takes its place in the true Disraeli canon and contains many gems which add fresh gleams to the portrait of Disraeli himself.' Two appendixes explain the literary detection that proved the book's authorship and the parallels between the politics of Aubrey Bohun and Disraeli.

A Year At The Circus: Inside Trump's White House

by Jon Sopel

Welcome to the White House.At the heart of Washington, there is a circus. It's raucous, noisy and full of clowns. Reporting on it is a daily cacophony. Four major stories can blow up and blow out before breakfast, and political weather systems are moving at warp speed. The one thing absent from the weather forecast is the tranquil eye of the storm. That we never see. In A Year at the Circus: Inside Trump's White House, BBC North America Editor, Jon Sopel, takes you inside Trump’s West Wing and explores the impact this presidency has had on the most iconic of American institutions. Each chapter starts inside a famous Washington room, uncovering its history and its new resonance in the Trump era. You are invited to step inside the Oval Office where Trump called for loyalty from FBI Director James Comey, and experience life as a reporter in the Briefing Room, where the tense relationship between the media and the President is played out. Guiding you through these rooms, Jon reveals the inner workings of the Trump White House and details the key moments and conversations that have unfolded within its walls.From Kim Jong-un and Kavanaugh to Merkel and the Mueller Inquiry - this is your insider guide to the Washington Circus. Roll up, roll up ...

A Year at the Helm of the United Nations General Assembly: A Vision for our Century

by Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser Ban Ki-Moon

From September 2011 to September 2012, Ambassador Nasser Abdulaziz Al-Nasser of Qatar presided over the 66th session of the "world's parliament" - the United Nations General Assembly. It was a critical moment in international affairs as the UN responded to a range of global challenges, from the world financial crisis to the Arab Spring. In A Year at the Helm of the General Assembly, Al-Nasser presents a high-level look inside the organization, assessing its strengths and weaknesses, its successes and struggles. He recounts dramatic moments, such as replacing the Libyan delegation, and a tireless schedule of overseas travel, including joint visits with the Secretary-General to Libya and Somalia. His work takes him from major international summits such as the Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Rio+20) to the European Parliament, which he was the first General Assembly President to address, to academic institutions from Oxford to Moscow to Morocco. Al-Nasser structures the book as he did his 66th session, around four main themes or "pillars:" mediation, UN reform, natural disaster prevention and response, and sustainable development.He offers a wide range of recommendations to intergovernmental institutions, to states, to the public sector, and to individuals. Al-Nasser was determined to leave behind a General Assembly that the people of the world could look up to and depend on. This volume is a testament to all that he accomplished in that regard, and a unique resource for those interested in knowing more about the world's most representative body at a crucial moment in history.

A Year at the Supreme Court

by Neal Devins Davison M. Douglas

The United States Supreme Court's 2002-03 term confounded Court watchers. The same Rehnquist Court that many had seen as solidly conservative and unduly activist--the Court that helped decide the 2000 presidential election and struck down thirty-one federal statutes since 1995--issued a set of surprising, watershed rulings. In a term filled with important and unpredictable decisions, it upheld affirmative action, invalidated a same-sex sodomy statute, and reversed a death sentence due to ineffective assistance of counsel. With essays focused on individual Justices, Court practices, and some of last year's most important rulings, this volume explores the meaning and significance of the Court's 2002-03 term. Seasoned Supreme Court advocates and journalists from The New Republic, The Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, National Journal, Slate, and Legal Times grapple with questions about the Rehnquist Court's identity and the Supreme Court's role in the political life of the country. Some essays consider the role of "swing" Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy within a Court that divides 5-4 more than any other group of Justices in the nation's history. Others examine the political reaction to and legal context of the Court's Lawrence v. Texas decision declaring a Texas law criminalizing homosexual sodomy unconstitutional. Contributors analyze the Court's rulings on affirmative action and reassess its commitment to states' rights. Considering the Court's practices, one advocate explores the use and utility of amicus curiae, or "friend of the court" briefs, while another reflects on indications of an increased openness by the Court to public scrutiny. Two advocates who argued cases before the Court--one related to hate speech and the other to a "three strikes and you're out" criminal statute--offer vivid accounts of their experiences. Intended for general readers, A Year at the Supreme Court is for all those who want to understand the Rehnquist Court and its momentous 2002-03 term. Contributors Erwin Chemerinsky Neal Devins Davison M. Douglas David J. Garrow Dahlia Lithwick Tony Mauro Carter Phillips Ramesh Ponnuru Jeffrey Rosen David G. Savage Rodney A. Smolla Stuart Taylor Jr.

Year Book 2023: ஆண்டு புத்தகம் 2023

by V. V. K. Suburasu

இந்த புத்தகம் போட்டி கொள்ளும் முறைகளுக்கு என்றும் அதிக முக்கியமானது மற்றும் அனைத்து அறிவு விகாரிகளுக்கும் அந்தச் சொற்கள் உள்ளன. குறித்து இந்த புத்தகத்தில் உலகம், இந்தியா, பட்டியல்கள், விளையாட்டுகள் மற்றும் விருதுகளைக் கொண்டு அனைத்து வழிகளும் கொண்டுள்ளது. அதனை கொண்டாட எல்லாருக்கும் இந்த புத்தகம் ஒரு அரிய பருவமாக உள்ளது.

Year Book of International Co-operation on Environment and Development (International Environmental Governance Set)

by Helge Ole Bergesen Georg Parmann Oystein B. Thommessen

This eighth annual edition analyzes the international community's position on specific environment and development problems, the main obstacles to effective international solutions, and how to overcome them. It assesses both the achievements and shortcomings of co-operation, distinguishing between the rhetoric and the reality of environmental world politics.

The Year Book Of World Affairs, 1978

by Georg Schwarzenberger George W. Keeton

This annual survey is devoted to the attitudes of participating States in Europe towards the objective of promoting detente, bringing together references to World affairs examined in the past which have particular relevance.

The Year Book Of World Affairs, 1979

by Georg Schwarzenberger George W. Keeton

This book, under the auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs, aims to provide an independent international forum for the constructive criticism of, and research into, world affairs 1979.

The Year Book Of World Affairs, 1980

by Georg Schwarzenberger George W. Keeton

This year book presents an annual survey to bring together references to themes examined in the past which have particular current relevance. It provides information on international affairs having a stereotyped and repetitive character for anticipating a "new" happening, or "modern" development.

The Year Book Of World Affairs, 1981

by Georg Schwarzenberger George W. Keeton

First published in 1981. The Council of the London Institute of World Affairs has carefully reconsidered the lessons to be drawn from the Institute's record in its first half-century and reshaped its plans of activities for the 1980s. As in an earlier "cold peace" era, the Council is united in its resolve not to be taken by surprise by any of the contingencies that, on a darkening world scene , must be anticipated in medium-range planning.

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