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Showing 151 through 175 of 49,711 results

365 Days of Happiness (365 Days Of... Ser.)

by Lizzie Cornwall

Host an air guitar tournament for your friends and family. Cartwheel down the street. Tell nothing but the truth all day. Prepare for a grand adventure, instigate a little mischief and embrace a sunnier outlook with this book of feel-good quotations and quirky ideas that will keep you smiling all year.

365 Days of Happiness (365 Days Of... Ser.)

by Lizzie Cornwall

Host an air guitar tournament for your friends and family. Cartwheel down the street. Tell nothing but the truth all day. Prepare for a grand adventure, instigate a little mischief and embrace a sunnier outlook with this book of feel-good quotations and quirky ideas that will keep you smiling all year.

365 Days of Self-Care: A Journal

by Jayne Hardy

It's one thing to understand how important self-care is, but how many of us actually manage to make the time do it?In 365 Days of Self-Care, CEO and founder of The Blurt Foundation, Jayne Hardy encourages you to take some time each and every day to be mindful, to check-in and prioritise the things that are truly important to you. This ebook edition contains: 365 daily prompts and trackers to note your moods, sleep and more; thoughtful mini-essays to prompt some deeper work; and check-in pages to help you see your progress - everything you need to get started on your self-care journey. Examples of daily prompts include:· Day 1: Boost· Day 52: Appreciate· Day 142: Rebel· Day 209: Thankful· Day 327: CourageWith the flexibility of choosing to start the journal anytime; on any day, in any year, this is the essential companion for bringing more self-care into your life.

365 Days of Self-Care: A Journal

by Jayne Hardy

It's one thing to understand how important self-care is, but how many of us actually manage to make the time do it?In 365 Days of Self-Care, CEO and founder of The Blurt Foundation, Jayne Hardy encourages you to take some time each and every day to be mindful, to check-in and prioritise the things that are truly important to you. This ebook edition contains: 365 daily prompts and trackers to note your moods, sleep and more; thoughtful mini-essays to prompt some deeper work; and check-in pages to help you see your progress - everything you need to get started on your self-care journey. Examples of daily prompts include:· Day 1: Boost· Day 52: Appreciate· Day 142: Rebel· Day 209: Thankful· Day 327: CourageWith the flexibility of choosing to start the journal anytime; on any day, in any year, this is the essential companion for bringing more self-care into your life.

365 Frases de Autodisciplina: Frases Diárias de Autodisciplina para Hábitos Duradouros, Força Mental e Atingir os Objetivos

by Xabier K. Fernao

“Somos aquilo que fazemos repetidamente. A Excelência não é um ato, mas sim um hábito” – Aristóteles Qual é o fator delimitador #1 entre pobres e ricos, os bem-sucedidos e os fracassados, as pessoas felizes e infelizes? Autodisciplina. Pense nisso. Quando não é disciplinado em relação ao seu trabalho/emprego, acumula trabalho e eventualmente enerva-se e fica esgotado. Quando não é disciplinado com as suas finanças, irá acumular despesas e dívidas desnecessárias e irá eventualmente enervar-se e ficar esgotado a nível económico. Já percebeu a ideia. Contudo, o que se passa com o livro “365 Dias de Frases de Autodisciplina”? Concorda que a mentalidade é 80%, e as estratégias e mecânicas são apenas 20% no que toca a atingir o sucesso? Já entendeu a ideia geral. As pessoas estão sempre a perseguir os 20%, as coisas vistosas, e pensam que UMA boa ideia vai discipliná-las. São, contudo, todos os lembretes diários, influência e ambiente que fazem com que as pessoas se disciplinem e comprometam todos os dias. Não sei o que está a tentar alcançar. Talvez seja o seu corpo de sonho, ter aqueles abdominais que sempre quis. Talvez seja uma inovação no seu negócio, acrescentando mais um zero no final do rendimento anual deste ano. Não importa. Aquilo que sei sobre si, ainda assim, é que é alguém que quer mais. E isso já é espetacular. Quer mais dinheiro, mais saúde, mais felicidade, mais sexo, mais prazer, mais conhecimento e mais liberdade… e não existe nada de errado com isso. A vida é sobre crescer e expandir o nosso ‘eu’. Ou crescemos um pouco a cada dia ou morremos um pouco a cada dia. Expresso-lhe o meu mais profundo respeito por querer escolher o caminho ascendente, o caminho do crescimento e da autodisciplina.

365 Ways to be More Stoic: A day-by-day guide to practical stoicism

by Tim Lebon

HAPPINESS, SERENITY AND FULFIMENT ARE ALL WITHIN YOUR CONTROL365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC is a full year's worth of daily inspiration, tools, stories, actions, and rituals that will guide you to a meaningful life, filled with happiness. It is a simple, list-driven, practical guide that will allow you to immediately begin putting Stoic wisdom into practice in your daily life. Each short chapter makes Stoicism fun to read about and easily digestible, presenting ideas in engaging, bite-size chunks.Immerse yourself in stoicism right from the first chapter, through prompts, concepts, challenges, inspiration, quotes, examples, quizzes and case-studies. You'll learn to navigate through the controllable and inevitable. You'll develop constructive ways to handle frustration, adversity and even your own mortality. You'll learn habit-forming strategies, pick up helpful concepts, and uncover tips for lasting change. This fun and engaging manual will help you live like a Stoic in the modern world. 365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC focuses on the small stuff you can do every day to live a happier and wiser life. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow.

365 Ways to be More Stoic: A day-by-day guide to practical stoicism

by Tim Lebon

HAPPINESS, SERENITY AND FULFIMENT ARE ALL WITHIN YOUR CONTROL365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC is a full year's worth of daily inspiration, tools, stories, actions, and rituals that will guide you to a meaningful life, filled with happiness. It is a simple, list-driven, practical guide that will allow you to immediately begin putting Stoic wisdom into practice in your daily life. Each short chapter makes Stoicism fun to read about and easily digestible, presenting ideas in engaging, bite-size chunks.Immerse yourself in stoicism right from the first chapter, through prompts, concepts, challenges, inspiration, quotes, examples, quizzes and case-studies. You'll learn to navigate through the controllable and inevitable. You'll develop constructive ways to handle frustration, adversity and even your own mortality. You'll learn habit-forming strategies, pick up helpful concepts, and uncover tips for lasting change. This fun and engaging manual will help you live like a Stoic in the modern world. 365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC focuses on the small stuff you can do every day to live a happier and wiser life. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow.

365 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness: A Day-by-day Guide to Living a Happier and More Successful Life

by Penny Mallory

365 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness is a day-by-day guide to building the confidence and resilience you need to get in control of your life, reach your goals and come out on top.Successful people are mentally tough. And you have to be, because achieving success isn't easy. No one can avoid the minefield of setbacks, crisis, tragedy and challenge that is part of being alive. Life throws obstacles in your path daily, but mentally tough people can manage the stress and pressure. They see challenges as opportunities. They persist no matter what. They pick themselves up and go again. They are confident, humble, in control and 100% committed to what they set out to achieve. That may sound as if mentally tough people are special, but they're not. No one is born with mental toughness - you have to develop it by deliberately working on your resilience, determination, emotional control and focus. Here you'll find a new idea every day to help you do it. Practice them regularly and see the difference it makes. Keep applying them and you will be developing your mental toughness every single day.365 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness focuses on the small stuff you can do every day to make life better. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow. And today is the very best day to start making those positive changes!

365 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness: A Day-by-day Guide to Living a Happier and More Successful Life

by Penny Mallory

365 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness is a day-by-day guide to building the confidence and resilience you need to get in control of your life, reach your goals and come out on top.Successful people are mentally tough. And you have to be, because achieving success isn't easy. No one can avoid the minefield of setbacks, crisis, tragedy and challenge that is part of being alive. Life throws obstacles in your path daily, but mentally tough people can manage the stress and pressure. They see challenges as opportunities. They persist no matter what. They pick themselves up and go again. They are confident, humble, in control and 100% committed to what they set out to achieve. That may sound as if mentally tough people are special, but they're not. No one is born with mental toughness - you have to develop it by deliberately working on your resilience, determination, emotional control and focus. Here you'll find a new idea every day to help you do it. Practice them regularly and see the difference it makes. Keep applying them and you will be developing your mental toughness every single day.365 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness focuses on the small stuff you can do every day to make life better. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow. And today is the very best day to start making those positive changes!

365 Ways to Find Peace: Meditations & Inspirations

by Marcus Braybrooke

No other book contains such a wide range of accessible, effective and inspiring self-calming techniques, drawn from traditions and literature from around the world, both secular and religious.With a different meditation or inspiration for each day of the year, this is a wonderfully inspiring collection that will open readers' hearts and mind and show them the way to find peace and contentment whatever their mood or situation. A fresh, attractive design featuring sympathetic line drawings adds to the appeal of this gift package.Author Marcus Braybrooke has drawn upon poetry and prose, sacred and secular, from all around the world and from all ages, from the Upanishads and the Tao Te Ching to the speeches of Mahatma Gandhi and the great 19th and 20th-century poets such as Walt Whitman, Rainer Maria Rilke, Wallace Stevens and Seamus Heaney. The inspirations and meditations are arranged thematically, following a structure that reflects the idea of love radiating outward - from self-esteem, the acknowledge of spirit within oneself; through love for family and friends; through love for humankind in general; to love for the One, the spiritual essence that animates all existence. Readers can choose to follow this order, or dip into the book at random, or select an area that they feel particularly drawn to work on.Containing the wisdom of all the world's great spiritual traditions, this is a book that will appeal to people of all faiths, as well as to those who believe in spiritual values without subscribing to a particular religion or even belief in a divinity.

365 Ways to Have a Good Day: A Day-by-day Guide to Living Your Best Life (365 Series)

by Ian Sanders

HOW ARE THE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS LOOKING FOR YOU? PRETTY MUCH THE SAME AS LAST YEAR? OR ARE YOU READY FOR BETTER? 365 WAYS TO HAVE A GOOD DAY is a full year's worth of daily inspiration, tools, habits, actions, and rituals that will help you live your best life. You'll discover surprising insights from psychologists, business leaders, entrepreneurs and designers. You'll explore the benefits of Feierabends and Laughies, have your eyes opened by a dance psychologist, and find out why one senior executive's tattooed fingers help him make the right career choices. You'll learn habit-forming strategies, pick up helpful hacks, and uncover tips for lasting change - all brought to life through real examples and thought-provoking stories that will get you looking at life differently.You'll meet a cast of characters from around the world who know all about creating success, from the founder of a billion-dollar mindfulness company in California to the Hollywood screenwriter who takes up to eight showers a day to fuel his ideas, and from the Harvard Business School professor who discovered more joy at work by wearing red trainers to the man who every Friday for five years set up a table in central NYC to give advice to strangers, including a gang member on the run. 365 WAYS TO HAVE A GOOD DAY focuses on the small stuff you can do every day to make life better. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow. Things like figuring out where you're going, hitting reset, designing the life you want, breaking through limiting beliefs, and creating success on your own terms. And when you find what works for you, you can do more of it, making you more productive, more fulfilled, and much happier.IT'S TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY. ALL 365 OF THEM.

365 Ways to Have a Good Day: A Day-by-day Guide to Living Your Best Life

by Ian Sanders

HOW ARE THE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS LOOKING FOR YOU? PRETTY MUCH THE SAME AS LAST YEAR? OR ARE YOU READY FOR BETTER?365 WAYS TO HAVE A GOOD DAY is a full year's worth of daily inspiration, tools, habits, actions, and rituals that will help you live your best life. You'll discover surprising insights from psychologists, business leaders, entrepreneurs and designers. You'll explore the benefits of Feierabends and Laughies, have your eyes opened by a dance psychologist, and find out why one senior executive's tattooed fingers help him make the right career choices. You'll learn habit-forming strategies, pick up helpful hacks, and uncover tips for lasting change - all brought to life through real examples and thought-provoking stories that will get you looking at life differently.You'll meet a cast of characters from around the world who know all about creating success, from the founder of a billion-dollar mindfulness company in California to the Hollywood screenwriter who takes up to eight showers a day to fuel his ideas, and from the Harvard Business School professor who discovered more joy at work by wearing red trainers to the man who every Friday for five years set up a table in central NYC to give advice to strangers, including a gang member on the run.365 WAYS TO HAVE A GOOD DAY focuses on the small stuff you can do every day to make life better. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow. Things like figuring out where you're going, hitting reset, designing the life you want, breaking through limiting beliefs, and creating success on your own terms. And when you find what works for you, you can do more of it, making you more productive, more fulfilled, and much happier.IT'S TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY. ALL 365 OF THEM.

365 Ways to Live Mindfully: A Day-by-day Guide to Mindfulness (365 Series)

by Pascale Engelmajer

365 WAYS TO LIVE MINDFULLY introduces simple ways to develop mindfulness habits, such as identifying personal values, developing related goals and setting out to achieve them, through short concepts, ideas, prompts, profiles, practices and exercises, all based on Buddhist thought and practices.The bite-size entries introduce different Buddhist traditions such as mindfulness, compassion, loving-kindness and karma, and profile inspiring past and present figures to guide you towards taking small, impactful steps at your own pace to increase your mindfulness across all aspects of your life and experience noticeable changes that will have a big impact.

365 Ways to Live Mindfully: A Day-by-day Guide to Mindfulness (365 Series)

by Pascale Engelmajer

365 WAYS TO LIVE MINDFULLY introduces simple ways to develop mindfulness habits, such as identifying personal values, developing related goals and setting out to achieve them, through short concepts, ideas, prompts, profiles, practices and exercises, all based on Buddhist thought and practices.The bite-size entries introduce different Buddhist traditions such as mindfulness, compassion, loving-kindness and karma, and profile inspiring past and present figures to guide you towards taking small, impactful steps at your own pace to increase your mindfulness across all aspects of your life and experience noticeable changes that will have a big impact.

The 4: The Secret to a Joy-Filled Life

by Tommy Newberry

This book is comparable to the Prayer of Jabez, in that it takes a biblical principle and helps enlighten readers how one simple truth can affect a wide area of one's life. Ultimately, this book will help readers fulfill their destiny as purposeful children of God by embracing the message of Philippians 4:8.

The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled People: 15 Minute Brain Science Hacks to a More Connected and Satisfying Life

by Marcus Warner Chris M. Coursey

Is joy the icing on the cake of life—or the fuel on which it runs?Are some people just born happy? Most of us grew up thinking that joy is random and fleeting, instead of something we can actually count on or build our life around. But brain science has revealed that joy is the perfect word to describe the fuel on which our brains run. So how do we live a joy-filled life?Marcus Warner and Chris Coursey show us how to build habits that fill our lives with greater joy and satisfaction. Based on the latest neuroscience and attachment theory—but written in everyday language—The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled People is practical and easy to comprehend. The authors provide exercises and tools you can put into practice immediately.Joy is possible. It doesn&’t have to be a random experience that catches you off guard now and then. Some of the most joyful people have endured unbelievable trauma.Joy-filled living expands our world. It makes life an adventure and teaches us to live for what is truly satisfying. Discover the skills and habits you can develop that will enhance your very quality of life.

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation

by Timothy R. Clark

This book is the first practical, hands-on guide that shows how leaders can build psychological safety in their organizations, creating an environment where employees feel included, fully engaged, and encouraged to contribute their best efforts and ideas.Perhaps the leader's most challenging task is to increase intellectual friction while decreasing social friction. When this doesn't happen and it becomes emotionally expensive to say what you truly think and feel, that lack of psychological safety triggers the self-censoring instinct, shuts down learning, and blocks collaboration and creativity. Timothy R. Clark, a former CEO, Oxford-trained social scientist, and organizational consultant, provides a research-based framework to help leaders transform their organizations into sanctuaries of inclusion and incubators of innovation.When leaders cultivate psychological safety, teams and organizations progress through four successive stages. First, people feel included and accepted; then they feel safe to learn, contribute, and finally, challenge the status quo. Clark draws deeply on psychology, philosophy, social science, literature, and his own experiences to show how leaders can, and must, set the tone and model the ideal behaviors—as he says, "you either show the way or get in the way." This thoughtful and pragmatic guide demonstrates that if you banish fear, install true performance-based accountability, and create a nurturing environment that allows people to be vulnerable as they learn and grow, they will perform beyond your expectations.

40/40 Vision: Clarifying Your Mission in Midlife

by Bob Buford Peter Greer Greg Lafferty

At midlife, our perspective can become blurry. Midlife is a disruptive season where we collide with limitations on all sides. We recognize there is more of life in the rearview mirror than on the road ahead of us. We wonder if our lives so far have been worthwhile. We are uncertain about what lies ahead. But midlife is also an opportunity to recalibrate our vision. It's a time to look back, take stock of our lives so far, and refocus on new dimensions of identity and calling. Peter Greer and Greg Lafferty offer insight for navigating midlife with fresh clarity and purpose. Drawing on the wisdom of the book of Ecclesiastes, they show how we can come to grips with the realities of who we are and what we should become in the years ahead. In a world that can seem meaningless at times, God offers perspective that anchors us, renews us and propels us back into the world in meaningful mission and service. Rediscover who God has called you to be. And see the rest of your life with the clarity of 40/40 vision.

40 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know

by Bradley T. Erford

User friendly, concise, and thorough, Bradley Erford's 40 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know gives students a succinct look at the theoretical basis underlying each of 40 counseling techniques, and the common variations that can be used to ensure their successful implementation. The book identifies techniques from diverse theoretical approaches, including: Brief Counseling; Adlerian or Psychodynamic, Gestalt; Mindfulness; humanistic-phenomenological; Social Learning; Cognitive; Behavioral; and Cognitive-behavioral. Transcripts and descriptions show step-by-step how to implement the techniques, outcome research on each technique helps in determining which techniques are best for use with various populations, and multicultural implications help readers learn more about applying each technique and approach to counseling clients from diverse cultures. Added to this new edition are: new chapters on Journaling, Miller and Rollnick's motivational interviewing, self-disclosure, empathic confrontation, and strength bombardment; new sections on mindfulness-based procedures and humanistic-phenomenological approach to counseling; a number of new, edited, or expanded transcripts; and; thorough updating of sources throughout.

41 Reasons I'm Staying In: A Celebration of Introverts (Apple FF)

by Hallie Heald

In a world of seemingly unending social obligations, we could all use a night off. In 41 Reasons I'm Staying In, illustrator and self-proclaimed introvert Hallie Heald imaginatively portrays engaging and sometimes outlandish excuses to avoid leaving home.With each page comes a new room and character, pursuing their obsessions, hobbies, interests, and sudden whims with gusto: plotting world takeover, learning magic, mooning over a crush, evading taxes, and beyond. This dark and humorous celebration of introverts offers a unique look into their private worlds and reminds us of the deep fulfillment and joy we can find in spending time alone.

44 Chapters About 4 Men

by BB Easton

One woman's secret journal completely changes her marriage in this hilarious and biting memoir -- soon to be a Netflix Original Series.School psychologists aren't supposed to write books about sex. Doing so would be considered "unethical" and "a fireable offense." Lucky for you, ethics was never my strong suit.44 Chapters About 4 Men is a laugh-out-loud funny and brutally honest look at female sexuality, as told through the razor-sharp lens of domesticated bad girl BB Easton. No one and nothing is off limits as BB revisits the ex-boyfriends -- a sadistic tattoo artist, a punk rock parolee, and a heavy metal bass player -- that led her to finally find true love with a straight-laced, settling down and starting a family with her perfectly vanilla "husbot," Ken, BB finds herself longing for the reckless passion she had in her youth. She begins to write about these escapades in a secret journal, just for fun, but when Ken starts to act out the words on the pages, BB realizes that she might have stumbled upon the holy grail of behavior modification techniques. The psychological dance that ensues is nothing short of hilarious as BB wields her journal like a blowtorch, trying to light a fire under her cold, distant partner. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but in the end, BB learns that the man she was trying so hard to change was perfect for her all along.

45 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know

by Bradley Erford

Concise, yet thorough, 45 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know is designed to prepare students to enter their field with sound ideas for applying theory-based techniques to their counseling. Coverage of each technique starts with the presentation of the theoretical origins, then provides a step-by-step guide to implementation, and culminates with opportunities for application. Transcriptions, case examples, multicultural implications, and outcomes-based research demonstrate real-life application of how the techniques can be used in counseling practice. This indispensable resource provides hands-on help for working with clients from all backgrounds to create positive changes in their lives and meet their counseling goals. <p><p> The 3rd Edition features new case studies and application questions and five new techniques detailed in new chapters on Mindfulness Meditation (Ch. 17); Assigning Homework (Ch. 29); Narrative Theory (Ch. 43); Strengths-Based Counseling (Ch. 44); and Client Advocacy (Ch. 45).

The 48 Laws Of Power

by Robert Greene Joost Elffers

Cunning, instructive, and amoral, this controversial bestseller distills 3,000 years of the history of power into 48 well-explicated laws.

The 5 Apology Languages: The Secret to Healthy Relationships

by Gary Chapman Jennifer Thomas

&“I said I was sorry! What more do you want?&”Even in the best of relationships, we mess up. We say and do things we deeply regret later on. So we need to make things right. But just saying you&’re sorry isn&’t enough. That&’s only the first step on the road to restoration.In The 5 Apology Languages, Gary Chapman, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the 5 Love Languages®, partners with Jennifer Thomas to help you on the journey toward restored relationships. True healing comes when you learn to:Express regret: &“I&’m sorry.&”Accept responsibility: &“I was wrong.&”Make restitution: &“How can I make it right?&”Plan for change: &“I&’ll take steps to prevent a reoccurrence.&”Request forgiveness: &“Can you find it in your heart to . . . ?&”Don&’t let hurts linger or wounds fester. Start on the path to healing today and discover how meaningful apologies can make your friendships, family, and marriage stronger than ever before.

The 5 Apology Languages: The Secret to Healthy Relationships

by Gary Chapman Jennifer Thomas

&“I said I was sorry! What more do you want?&”Even in the best of relationships, we mess up. We say and do things we deeply regret later on. So we need to make things right. But just saying you&’re sorry isn&’t enough. That&’s only the first step on the road to restoration.In The 5 Apology Languages, Gary Chapman, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the 5 Love Languages®, partners with Jennifer Thomas to help you on the journey toward restored relationships. True healing comes when you learn to:Express regret: &“I&’m sorry.&”Accept responsibility: &“I was wrong.&”Make restitution: &“How can I make it right?&”Plan for change: &“I&’ll take steps to prevent a reoccurrence.&”Request forgiveness: &“Can you find it in your heart to . . . ?&”Don&’t let hurts linger or wounds fester. Start on the path to healing today and discover how meaningful apologies can make your friendships, family, and marriage stronger than ever before.

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