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Showing 34,751 through 34,775 of 49,774 results

Professional's Guide to Trauma-informed Decision Making

by Cortny Stark Jose Luis Tapia Jr. Kylie Rogalla Kate Bunch

Professional’s Guide to Trauma-informed Ethical Decision Making offers helping professionals a framework comprising the 10 Principles of Trauma-informed Ethical Practice (Stark, Tapia-Fuselier, & Bunch, 2022) enhanced with prominent ethical decision making models. These principles build upon the SAMHSA (2014) conceptualization of trauma-informed care, address key concepts such as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their long-term impact, marginalization stress, the influence of military and law enforcement experience, and others. Despite distinctions between the diversity of helping professions (in credentials, scope of practice, and theoretical approach), the same decision making models for trauma-informed care is a requirement for best practice. Thus, this volume is designed to address the needs of professionals serving diverse clientele, particularly those who’ve experienced trauma and adversity. Practitioners may utilize this text to as a guide to assistwith ethical decision making when working with client survivors of trauma, and educators may select this text as required reading to support the development of trauma-informed clinicians-in-training.

Professionals Making Judgments

by Alexander Styhre

Professionals Making Judgments examines the role of judgment in professional work. The book makes the argument that too many studies of professionalism put emphasis on rational decision making. The more theoretical parts of the book are complemented by empirical studies of three distinct domains of professional practice.

Professionelle Beziehungen

by Heide Otten

Bei der Arbeitsmethode nach Balint steht die Arzt/Psychotherapeut-Patient-Beziehung im Fokus. Störungen dieser Beziehung wirken sich auf Diagnose und Therapie aus. Ärzten und Psychotherapeuten bietet die Balintgruppe eine strukturierte Möglichkeit des Austauschs. Die Autorin stellt die Methode u. a. anhand folgender Fragen vor: Wie werden Begegnungen mit Patienten dargestellt und wie gibt die Gruppe ihren Eindruck hierzu wieder? Wie entsteht ein Bild der Beziehung und wie ist es nutzbar? Wie erlangt man Sicherheit bei der Leitung von Balintgruppen?

Profi sein - Nicht nur im Sport

by Jörg Bencker Patric Böhle Philipp Schwethelm

Erfolgreich im Sport, die Finanzen im Griff, nach der Profilaufbahn festen Boden unter den Füßen: „Profi sein - nicht nur im Sport“. Erstmalig liegt mit diesem Buch ein praxisorientierter Ratgeber vor, der allen Profi- und Spitzensportlern dabei hilft, kluge Entscheidungen beim Aufbau ihrer Karriere und beim Umgang mit ihren Finanzen zu treffen. Hart trainieren, viel Geld verdienen - doch nach der Sportkarriere trotz Millionenverträgen pleite und ohne Ausbildung? Das Schicksal, das viele berühmte Sportgrößen und unbekanntere Profisportler miteinander teilen, muss nicht sein. Dieses Buch präsentiert einen dreiteiligen Leitfaden für den Sportprofi: 1. Die Planung der sportlichen Laufbahn und die Weichenstellung bei der beruflichen Vorbereitung auf die Zeit nach dem Karriereende.2. Den strategischen Vermögensaufbau und die bestmögliche finanzielle Absicherung.3. Die Bedeutung des Steuerrechts und das rechtzeitige Erkennen der Stolpersteine.Finanzexperte Jörg Bencker, Steuerspezialist Patric Böhle und Basketballprofi Philipp Schwethelm haben die wichtigsten Themen gemeinsam durchgespielt und praxisnah für den Leser zusammengefasst. Sie zeigen auf, welche Gründe einen erfolgreichen Spitzensportler in den Ruin führen können und worauf der Profisportler achten muss, um rechtzeitig die Weichen für ein attraktives Leben nach der Karriere zu stellen. Dabei nehmen die drei Autoren alle Beteiligten mit aufs Spielfeld, den Profi und Jungsportler genauso wie den Trainer, den Sportlerberater, den Vereinsmanager, die Familie, die Freundin, den Partner und den Sportfan.Die Kapitel sind kurz, unterhaltsam und leicht verständlich geschrieben, gewürzt mit Tipps und Tricks und einem guten Schuss Humor. Eine interessante Lektüre, die den Leser nicht nur grundlegend informiert, sondern auch zum Staunen und Schmunzeln bringt. Frank Buschmann (Fernsehmoderator, Sportreporter und ehemaliger Basketballspieler) zum Buch: "Der Beruf Profisportler kann so wunderbar, so erfolgreich verlaufen. Er ist aber auch knüppelhart und kann ganz schnell vorbei sein. Als ich gesehen habe, dass dieses Buch ein wichtiger Anstoß, aber auch eine große Hilfe für Sportler ist, da habe ich spontan gedacht: Das sollten viele Sportler, ihre Familien und vielleicht ja auch ihre Berater mal in aller Ruhe lesen ...ratatataaa".

Profile des Bösen: und wie man sie erkennt – eine Anleitung

by Christian Lüdke Kerstin Lüdke

Das Böse ist mitten unter uns. Das Böse schläft nie, sagt man. Wir können manchmal auch nicht schlafen - sind wir deshalb böse? Eine erfahrene Kriminaldirektorin und ein kompetenter Psychotherapeut nähern sich vor dem Hintergrund ihrer unterschiedlichen Berufserfahrungen mal sachlich-objektiv, mal emotional-tiefsinnig, mal ganz böse, mal humorvoll dem Menschen und dem Bösen. Dabei zeigen sie verschiedene Persönlichkeitstypen auf, den Ist-Zustand der Welt und wie alles zusammenspielt. Gleichzeitig zeigen sie dem Leser Möglichkeiten auf, Böses zu erkennen, selbstverantwortlich zu handeln und damit die Welt zu verbessern.

Profiles in Mental Health Courage

by Patrick J. Kennedy Stephen Fried

Profiles in Mental Health Courage portrays the dramatic journeys of a diverse group of Americans who have struggled with their mental health. This book offers deeply compelling stories about the bravery and resilience of those living with a variety of mental illnesses and addictions. Several years ago, Patrick J. Kennedy shared the story of his personal and family challenges with mental illness and addiction—and the nation&’s—in his bestselling memoir, A Common Struggle. Now, he and his Common Struggle coauthor, award-winning healthcare journalist Stephen Fried, have crafted this powerful new book sharing the untold stories of others—a special group who agreed to talk about their illnesses, treatments, and struggles for the first time. When Kennedy&’s uncle, President John F. Kennedy, published his classic book Profiles in Courage, he hoped to inspire &“political courage&” by telling the stories of brave U.S. senators who changed America. In Profiles in Mental Health Courage, former Congressman Kennedy adapts his uncle&’s idea to inspire the &“mental health courage&” it takes for those with these conditions to treat their illnesses, and risk telling their stories to help America face its crisis in our families, our workplaces, our jails, and on our streets. The resounding silence surrounding these illnesses remains persistent, and this book takes an unflinching look at the experience of mental illness and addiction that inspires profound connection, empathy, and action. In this book, you&’ll meet people of all ages, backgrounds, and futures, across politics and government, Hollywood and the arts, tech and business, sports and science—some recovering, some relapsing, some just barely holding on, but all sharing experiences and insights we need to better understand. You&’ll also meet those trying to help them through—parents, siblings, spouses, therapists, bosses, doctors, and friends who create the extended families needed to support care and wellness. The personal stories they share with Kennedy and Fried are intimate, sometimes shocking, always revealing. And they are essential reading for caregivers, family members, policymakers, and the general public—just as they are for those who often feel alone in experiencing these challenges themselves.

Profiles of Play: Assessing and Observing Structure and Process in Play Therapy

by Saralea Chazan

Written by a leading child psychologist, this clearly written and practical book provides a template for interpreting change and meaning in children's lives through their play activity. It shows how each child's pattern of play has a distinct profile of measurable features. These can be identified - and can be used to assess the child's development. The processes of change that a child goes through and the different kinds of play profiles are clearly illustrated with examples from real life. This will be a useful resource for all professionals who work with children and are looking to support their development through a deeper understanding of their inner experiences, including family therapists, educational psychologists, special needs teachers, play therapists and child care social workers.

Profiling in Policy and Practice (Offender Profiling Series #2)

by David Canter Laurence Alison

'Profilers' and 'Profiling' are now widely discussed, often with almost mythical respect. This is the first volume to cut through the confusions and misunderstandings surrounding this topic to report on detailed, original, scientific research that examines the variations in criminal behaviour from which any 'profile' must be derived. The studies included examine both early approaches to the field and the future problems and potential for an Investigative Psychology approach of offender profiling. This book will be of great value to all those who have been waiting for a scientific, psychological basis to police investigations. It will be read with interest by those who want to get behind the rhetoric and controversy that surrounds 'offender profiling' and require an up to date account of current research and recent discoveries.

Profit and Prejudice: The Luddites of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

by Paul Donovan

Avoiding prejudice will be critical to economic success in the fourth industrial revolution. It is not the new and innovative technology that will matter in the next decade, but what we do with it. Using technology properly, with diverse decision making, is the difference between success and failure in a changing world. This will require putting the right person in the right job at the right time. Prejudice stops that happening. Profit and Prejudice takes us through the relationship between economic success and prejudice in labour markets. It starts with the major changes that occur in periods of economic upheaval. These changes tend to be unpopular and complex – and complexity encourages people to turn to the simplistic arguments of ‘scapegoat economics’ and prejudice. Some of the changes of the fourth industrial revolution will help fight prejudice, but some will make it far worse. The more prejudice there is, the harder it will be for companies and countries to profit from the changes ahead. Profit is not the main argument against prejudice, but can certainly help fight it. This book tells a story of the damage that prejudice can do. Using economics without jargon, students, investors and the public will be able to follow the narrative and see how prejudice can be opposed. Prejudice is bad for business and the economy. Profit and Prejudice explains why.

Program Development in the 21st Century: An Evidence-Based Approach to Design, Implementation, and Evaluation

by Nancy G. Calley

Offering practical strategies and tools readers can use on the job, this comprehensive book covers the practices, conditions, and legislative issues that affect program development. Using a unique 14-step model, the author guides readers through every stage of the process, from identifying a need, establishing a research basis, and designing the clinical program through implementing, evaluating, and sustaining the program. This valuable work captures the most significant changes that have occurred in human services and mental health program development over the last decade and demonstrates the need for mental health professionals to be well versed in business, management, and research as well as in clinical skills.

Program Evaluation: Methods and Case Studies (Mysearchlab Series 15% Off Ser.)

by Kenneth J. Linfield Emil J. Posavac

This text provides a solid foundation in program evaluation, covering the main components of evaluating agencies and their programs, how best to address those components, and the procedures to follow when conducting evaluations. Different models and approaches are paired with practical techniques, such as how to plan an interview to collect qualitative data and how to use statistical analyses to report results. In every chapter, case studies provide real world examples of evaluations broken down into the main elements of program evaluation: the needs that led to the program, the implementation of program plans, the people connected to the program, unexpected side effects, the role of evaluators in improving programs, the results, and the factors behind the results. In addition, the story of one of the evaluators involved in each case study is presented to show the human side of evaluation. This new edition also offers enhanced and expanded case studies, making them a central organizing theme, and adds more international examples. New online resources for this edition include a table of evaluation models, examples of program evaluation reports, sample handouts for presentations to stakeholders, links to YouTube videos and additional annotated resources. All resources are available for download under the tab eResources at

Program Evaluation: Methods and Case Studies (Mysearchlab Series 15% Off Ser.)

by Emil Posavac

Comprehensive yet accessible, this text provides a practical introduction to the skills, attitudes, and methods required to assess the worth and value of human services offered in public and private organizations in a wide range of fields. Students are introduced to the need for such activities, the methods for carrying out evaluations, and the essential steps in organizing findings into reports. The text focuses on the work of people who are closely associated with the service to be evaluated, and is designed to help program planners, developers, and evaluators to work with program staff members who might be threatened by program evaluation.

Program Evaluation and Family Violence Research

by Sally K. Ward David Finkelhor

Understand and evaluate family violence programs for your community!Twenty years ago, the major issue in creating interventions to prevent domestic violence was persuading the courts, the funding agencies, and society that domestic violence was a serious problem worthy of time, trouble, and money. Now that the importance of domestic violence has been established, we need safe and effective ways to evaluate those interventions to see which ones are working and how they can be improved. Program Evaluation and Family Violence Research brings together some of the best minds in the field discussing such vital evaluation issues as policy implications, alternative designs for evaluation studies, and ethical concerns.This comprehensive book approaches the vexed question of evaluation with compassion as well as scientific rigor. Clearly, traditional double-blind studies and control groups are difficult to conduct when family violence is the subject; it is ethically indefensible to sit back and watch abusers hurt their mates or children when interventions are available. Yet finding usable methods of program evaluation is also essential. Program Evaluation and Family Violence Research confronts these questions and discusses practical ways to evaluate a variety of domestic violence programs.Program Evaluation and Family Violence Research draws on years of experience to address the difficult questions raised, including: going beyond evaluating program effectiveness to analyze why and how interventions help change behavior creating new research designs to adapt to the unique concerns of the family violence field using meta-analysis for program evaluation research determining the interaction between research and program results identifying barriers between community activists and social scientists that may impede researchProgram Evaluation and Family Violence Research offers fresh and creative ways to do program evaluations, guarantee subjects’physical and emotional safety, and make good science humane.

Program Evaluation in School Counseling: Improving Comprehensive and Developmental Programs

by Michael S. Trevisan John C. Carey

Program Evaluation in School Counseling is the first book on program evaluation that looks to the field and literature of program evaluation and then relates methods, procedures, and practices back to the practice of school counseling. Written by two accomplished authors who teamed up to build evaluation capacity among school and school-based counselors internationally, the book highlights their interdisciplinary work, covering many years and several continents. Based on the authors’ model for teaching program evaluation and their research on school counselor competence in program evaluation, this concise, clear, and practical guide supports the continuing professional development of school counselors through training, workshops, and self-study. This book addresses the program evaluation knowledge, skills, and understandings that school-based counselors are expected to use in line with the CACREP 2016 Standards. The book is intended as a companion text for university courses in research methods and/or in the organization and administration of counseling services. It is also appropriate as a self-study guide to help practicing school counselors develop expertise in evaluation.

Program Evaluation Theory and Practice, Second Edition: A Comprehensive Guide

by Donna M. Mertens Amy T. Wilson

The leading text that covers both the theory and practice of evaluation in one engaging volume has now been revised and updated with additional evaluation approaches (such as mixed methods and principles-focused evaluation) and new methods (such as technologically based strategies). The book features examples of small- and large-scale evaluations from a range of fields, many with reflective commentary from the evaluators; helpful checklists; and carefully crafted learning activities. Major theoretical paradigms in evaluation--and the ways they inform methodological choices--are explained. Readers learn effective strategies for clarifying their own theoretical assumptions; working with stakeholders; developing questions; using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods designs; selecting data collection and sampling strategies; analyzing data; and communicating and utilizing findings. The new companion website provides extensive recommended online resources and tools, organized by chapter. New to This Edition *Additional evaluation approaches: collaborative evaluation, principles-focused evaluation, and desk reviews. *Coverage of new data collection technologies and methods of qualitative coding. *Expanded discussions of logic models, cost–benefit analysis, and mixed methods designs. *Many new and updated sample studies. Pedagogical Features *Reflection questions that prepare students to read each chapter. *"Extending Your Thinking" questions and practical activities. *Boxes delving into key concepts and example studies. *End-of-book Glossary, and highlighted key terms throughout. *Companion website with links to helpful resources on all aspects of evaluation.

Program Implementation in Preventive Trials

by Joseph R Ferrari Joseph A Durlak

Program Implementation in Preventive Trials shows you how you can take a more active part in program evaluation and how you can direct existing programs toward new horizons of more effective service. In this concise, focused look at community-based psychology and its operative programs, you’ll see how and why community programs should be comprehensively evaluated. You’ll see the importance of understanding how interventions were conducted before making conclusions about a program’s impact, and you’ll discover why there’s an ever-widening gap between what is planned and what actually gets implemented in community-based programs.In short, Program Implementation in Preventive Trials helps you see the increasing need for the assessment of implementation, the “active” side of community psychology. You’ll gain instant understanding as to why there’s a need for constant monitoring of a program’s use, and you’ll find answers to the following questions that continue to plague community psychologists who are interested in implementing programs of change: Does the current personnel follow the implementation program? Will new members to the setting understand and utilize the procedures developed for that setting? Will the procedures be modified such that their utility decreases? Specifically, you’ll read about: how to ensure intervention programs are conducted as planned why implementation data should be collected what protocol compliance is and its role in treatment programs when to be flexible so modifications can be made in program procedures who can enhance program adherence by “buying in” to a multi-change agent approach where cultural sensitivity helps programs be more faithfully adopted and conductedIf you’re a scholar or a student interested in studying the fundamental issue of implementation, you’ll definitely want to see what these professionals have compiled in Program Implementation in Preventive Trials. You’ll find that your program agenda, however beneficial it is now, will only be raised and elevated to a new level of performance by the positive examples and research carefully collected here.

Program Theory-Driven Evaluation Science: Strategies and Applications

by Stewart I. Donaldson

Program Theory-Driven Evaluation Science fills the gap between 21st century literature on evaluation and what is happening in practice. It features detailed examples of how evaluations actually unfold in practice to develop people, programs, and organizations. Commonly accepted strategies for practicing evaluation are outlined, followed by comprehe

Program Your Baby's Health: The Pregnancy Diet for Your Child's Lifelong Well-Being

by Tamara Eberlein Barbara Luke

The most important period of your child's health is the nine months before birth. Cutting edge research in a new field known as "metabolic programming" reveals a startling new fact: what a mother eats during pregnancy has a far greater effect on her child's future development, overall health, and resistance to disease than was previously thought. In fact, adult chronic illnesses long blamed on an unhealthy lifestyle or genetic influences are now believed to be a direct result of the uterine environment during pregnancy. Now, thanks to this pioneering new book, you can "program" your baby's future health by eating right, gaining the appropriate amount of weight, and avoiding toxins--starting even before conceiving. Dr. Barbara Luke, a nationally recognized expert in the field of public-health nutrition, provides a complete, practical nutrition and lifestyle program that covers your entire pregnancy, month by month--and the first two years of your baby's life. Here is everything you need to know to raise the healthiest baby possible, including: - What to eat when you're trying to conceive and when you are pregnant - Practical strategies that protect your child against hypertension, diabetes, and obesity - Special dietary needs for women in every age group, from under 25 to over 40 - Quick, easy menus, helpful charts, and checklists - Replenishing fluids: how much do you need to drink? - The nutritional needs of mothers carrying twins or "super-twins" - New strategies for overcoming morning sickness - Helping your growing child eat right and stay healthy Pregnancy is your window of opportunity to boost your baby's health at birth, through childhood, and beyond. Let this book help you take the most advanced, scientific approach to preventing disease and optimizing health! From the Trade Paperback edition.

A Programing Contingency Analysis of Mental Health (Behavior Science)

by Israel Goldiamond

A Programing Contingency Analysis of Mental Health presents Dr. Israel Goldiamond’s reflections on various ways we formulate behavioral and emotional problems, most often in traditional terms of mental health disorders, mental diseases or illnesses, psychopathological disorders, and so on – what he calls a pathological orientation. Here, Goldiamond argues for a groundbreaking alternative view from the vantage point of radical behaviorism. The book begins by discussing contingency relations between behavior and its past and present consequences, along with other environmental events. It reminds us that this approach sits comfortably alongside other consequential systems in the social and biological sciences, particularly decision theory and evolution. This behaviorist system regards most important human behaviors as being emitted rather than stimulus-elicited. Described are some of the diverse origins of behavior, including the effects of environmental consequences and the programing procedures of social and cultural inheritance. The exposition includes decision matrices which rationalize some of the programed patterns and the accompanying thoughts and emotions commonly found in mental illness. As a result of this nonlinear contingency analysis, such patterns may be considered adaptive rather than maladaptive. The book describes programs based on those matrices and outlines how they might be applied to mitigate any problems or costs associated with those patterns. The book concludes by moving from individual analysis to social analysis, with particular reference to some societal contingencies that may maintain the pathological orientation and others that might shift our gaze in the direction proposed here. Alongside Dr. Goldiamond’s original work, this volume features a new introduction from Dr. Paul Thomas Andronis and Dr. T. V. Joe Layng, as well as an article tracing the history of the non-linear thinking of Dr. Goldiamond, first published in The Behavior Analyst. It will be a must-read for anyone working in the analysis of and clinical intervention in problems associated with mental health, or those more generally interested in the work of Israel Goldiamond.

Programming Behavioral Experiments with MATLAB and Psychtoolbox: 9 Simple Steps for Students and Researchers

by Erman Misirlisoy

Human behavior is fascinating so it’s no surprise that psychologists and neuroscientists spend their lives designing rigorous experiments to understand it. MATLAB is one of the most widely used pieces of software for designing and running behavioral experiments, and it opens up a world of quick and flexible experiment programming. This book offers a step-by-step guide to using MATLAB with Psychtoolbox to create customisable experiments. Its pocket size and simple language allow you to get straight to the point and help you to learn fast in order to complete your work in great time. In nine simple steps, it guides you all the way from setting parameters for your experiment to analysing the output. Gone are the daunting days of working through hundreds of irrelevant and complicated documents, as in this handy book, Erman Misirlisoy coaxes you in the right direction with his friendly and encouraging tricks and tips. If you want to learn how to develop your own experiments to collect and analyse behavioral data, then this book is a must-read. Whether you are a student in experimental psychology, a researcher in cognitive neuroscience, or simply someone who wants to run behavioral tasks on your friends for fun, this book will offer you the skills to succeed.

Progress and Values in the Humanities: Comparing Culture and Science

by Volney Gay

Money and support tend to flow in the direction of economics, science, and other academic departments that demonstrate measurable "progress." The humanities, on the other hand, offer more abstract and uncertain outcomes. A humanist's objects of study are more obscure in certain ways than pathogens and cells. Consequently, it seems as if the humanities never truly progress. Is this a fair assessment?By comparing objects of science, such as the brain, the galaxy, the amoeba, and the quark, with objects of humanistic inquiry, such as the poem, the photograph, the belief, and the philosophical concept, Volney Gay reestablishes a fundamental distinction between science and the humanities. He frees the latter from its pursuit of material-based progress and restores its disciplines to a place of privilege and respect. Using the metaphor of magnification, Gay shows that, while we can investigate natural objects to the limits of imaging capacity, magnifying cultural objects dissolves them into noise. In other words, cultural objects can be studied only within their contexts and through the prism of metaphor and narrative. Gathering examples from literature, art, film, philosophy, religion, science, and psychoanalysis, Gay builds a new justification for the humanities. By revealing the unseen and making abstract ideas tangible, the arts create meaningful wholes, which itself is a form of progress.

Progress in Behavioral Social Work (Routledge Library Editions: Psychiatry #22)

by Bruce A. Thyer Walter W. Hudson

Originally published in 1987, here are up-to-the-minute insights and perspectives on the application of the principles of behavioralism to social work practice. The foremost authorities in the field of behavioral social work provided important empirically based practice and qualitative research findings that effectively illustrated the validity of behavioral approaches to social work. This practical volume features original research findings that employ either conventional group research methods or single-subject approaches to practice evaluation; comprehensive reviews of the state of the art in behavioral social work; and treatment modalities, including individual, marital and family, and group interventions. All in all, this title has the information professionals needed to keep abreast of the developments in this field at the time.

Progress in Behavioral Studies: Volume 1

by A. J. Brownstein R. Epstein P. Harzem

Advancing the study of behavior and its humane applications in society, this book explores behavioral studies and the analysis of behavior.Progress in Behavioral Studies outlines the contributions of behavioral science to education, behavioral medicine, and other related disciplines. Individual papers report on progress made through the cautious introduction of quantitative formulations into analysis, the increased interchange of analysis with other disciplines such as economics and ethology, and the continuation of behavioral science as a basis for understanding more complex phenomena.

Progress in infancy Research: Volume 2 (Progress in Infancy Research Series)

by Jeffrey W. Fagen Harlene Hayne

The Progress in Infancy Research Series is dedicated to the presentation of innovative and exciting research on infants, both human and animal. Each volume in the series is designed to stand alone and contains autonomous chapters which are based on high quality programs of research with infants. These chapters integrate the work of the authors with that of other experts working in the same or related areas. The authors wish to present high quality critical syntheses bearing on infant perception and sensation, learning and memory processes, and other aspects of development. This series will be a forum for the presentation of technological breakthroughs, methodological advances, and new integrations that might create platforms for future programmatic work on the complexities of infant behavior and development. Each volume in the series is dedicated to an outstanding investigator whose research has illuminated the nature of infant behavior and development, and whose contributions to the field have been of seminal importance.

Progress in infancy Research: Volume 3 (Progress In Infancy Research Ser.)

by Harlene Hayne Jeffrey Fagen

The Progress in Infancy Research Series is dedicated to the presentation of innovative and exciting research on infants, both human and animal. Each volume in the series is designed to stand alone and contains autonomous chapters which are based on high quality programs of research with infants. These chapters integrate the work of the authors with that of other experts working in the same or related areas. The authors wish to present high quality critical syntheses bearing on infant perception and sensation, learning and memory processes, and other aspects of development. This series will be a forum for the presentation of technological breakthroughs, methodological advances, and new integrations that might create platforms for future programmatic work on the complexities of infant behavior and development. Each volume in the series is dedicated to an outstanding investigator whose research has illuminated the nature of infant behavior and development, and whose contributions to the field have been of seminal importance.

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