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Gramática griega: Sintaxis del Nuevo Testamento - Segunda edición con apéndice (Biblioteca Teologica Vida)

by Daniel B. Wallace Daniel S. Steffen

Muchos estudiantes de griego se frustran porque nunca aprenden cómo aplicar su conocimiento básico del griego a una interpretación del texto. Este libro ofrece un texto de referencia para los cursos de gramática griega del segundo año, y servirá de vínculo entere las formas de las palabras y sus diferentes usos dentro de contextos distintos. Estas diferencias casi siempre cambian el significado de la traducción e interpretación del teto griego del Nuevo Testamento.Este libro tan práctico:• Ayuda a conocer los contextos en que hay diferentes usos de las formas griegas.• Incluye muchos ejemplos del texto griego del Nuevo Testamento que sirve de modelo de cómo hacer exégesis.• Incluye ejercicios que permiten al estudiante aplicar la lista de usos de las categorías de sintaxis, después de aprenderlos.Este libro de sintaxis de la gramática griega es una adaptación y abreviatura del libro Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament, que se usa en multitud de cursos de exégesis en muchos seminarios en inglés y otros idiomas del mundo. Este libro, por fin, cubre una necesidad en la enseñanza de la exégesis gramatical para todo el mundo que habla español.

Grammar 101: From Split Infinitives to Dangling Participles, an Essential Guide to Understanding Grammar (Adams 101)

by Kathleen Sears

Learn the rules of the English language with this easy and engaging style guide.Grammar is complicated. But many textbooks and style guides are often so long and tedious that even English teachers use them as a classroom doorstop. Grammar 101 is a fun, comprehensive guide focusing on the essentials of grammar. With simple explanations and entertaining examples, you can learn everything you need to know to employ commas, semicolons, and em dashes with confidence. You’ll even be prepared to wrangle your run-on sentences and sharpen your syntax with ease. So whether you’re looking for an introduction to the rules of grammar or a refresher to keep on your desk, Grammar 101 has all the answers.

Grammar 101

by Claudia Sorsby

If you make a grammatical mistake, you might never know it--but your boss, you teacher, or your client will. And they won't forget it. This easy-to-use handbook contains 101 simple rules that will help make students' writing letter-perfect--without the headache of complicated jargon. Students and other readers of Grammar 101 will find dozens of useful tools and exercises herein, and will learn: · How to notice slips between its and it's; their and they're--and other common mistakes no spell-checker will catch · How fragments, double negatives, and run-on sentences weaken one's writing · The distinctions between lie and lay, sit and set, rise and raise, and other frequently confused words · Why it's easy to eliminate one of the most common mistakes in the English language--the misplaced apostrophe · How to put punch into one's punctuation and grace into one's grammar with the dozens of tools and exercises the this book. The book that gives you well-groomed writing without wasting your time, Grammar 101 deserves a place in your briefcase, bookshelf, or bookbag.

Grammar for Smart People

by Tarshis

Good grammar is essential for effective communication. Yet many of us are plagued by the same nagging question: If I'm so smart why does grammar make me feel so dumb? Grammar For Smart People can help. Here at last, is a lively, user-friendly guide that zeroes in on the areas that give everyone the most trouble, and it does it with an advantage most grammar books lack - a light touch. You won't feel as though you're back in the fifth grade, diagramming sentences and struggling with a grammar textbook filled with dull, unbreakable rules.

Grammar for Smart People

by Barry Tarshis

Good grammar is essential for effective communication. Yet many of us are plagued by the same nagging question: If I'm so smart why does grammar make me feel so dumb? Grammar For Smart People can help. Here at last, is a lively, user-friendly guide that zeroes in on the areas that give everyone the most trouble, and it does it with an advantage most grammar books lack - a light touch. You won't feel as though you're back in the fifth grade, diagramming sentences and struggling with a grammar textbook filled with dull, unbreakable rules.

Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students

by Mignon Fogarty

Named to the International Reading Association's 2012 Teachers' Choice book list, Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students is a complete and comprehensive guide to all things grammar from Grammar Girl, a. k. a. Mignon Fogarty, whose popular podcasts have been downloaded over twenty million times and whose first book, Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing, was a New York Times bestseller. For beginners to more advanced students, this guide covers it all: the parts of speech, sentences, and punctuation are all explained clearly and concisely with the warmth, wit, and accessibility Grammar Girl is known for. Pop quizzes are scattered throughout to reinforce the explanations, as well as Grammar Girl's trademark Quick and Dirty Tips--easy and fun memory tricks to help with those challenging rules. Complete with a writing style chapter and a guide to the different kinds of writing--everything from school papers to letter writing to e-mails--this guide is sure to become the one-stop, essential book on every student's desk.

The Grammar Guidebook: A Complete Reference Tool For Young Writers, Aspiring Rhetoricians, And Anyone Else Who Needs To Understand How English Works (Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind #0)

by Susan Wise Bauer

On its own or as a supplement to the Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind program, this complete compendium of grammar rules and examples will become an indispensable guide to writing—throughout high school, into college, and beyond. With a new name, but the same, thorough, clearly-outlined rules of English Grammar, The Grammar Guidebook is the second edition to The Comprehensive Handbook of Rules. Originally designed to accompany the Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind program, this Grammar Guidebook stands on its own, assembling into one handy reference work all of the principles that govern the English language—from basic definitions (“A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea”) through advanced sentence structure and analysis. Each rule is illustrated with examples drawn from great literature, along with classic and contemporary works of science, history, and mathematics. Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind is an innovative program that combines the three essential elements of language learning: understanding and memorizing rules (prescriptive teaching), repeated exposure to examples of how those rules are used (descriptive instruction), and practice using those rules in exercises and in writing (practical experience). Each year, parents and teachers go through the dialogue, rules, and examples in the Core Instructor Text; students follow along in the Student Workbook. This repetition solidifies the concepts, definitions, and examples in the student’s mind. There are four Student Workbooks, one for each year. Each Student Workbook contains the same rules and examples—but four completely different sets of exercises and assignments, allowing students to develop a wide-ranging knowledge of how the rules and examples are put to use in writing. Each Student Workbook comes with its own Key, providing not only answers, but also explanations for the parent/instructor, and guidance as to when the answers might be ambiguous (as, in English, they often are). All of the rules covered, along with the repeated examples for each, are assembled for ongoing reference in The Grammar Guidebook. Use Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind to teach English grammar thoroughly, effectively, and with confidence—no matter what your background or experience!

A Grammar of New Testament Greek (Eerdmans Language Resources)

by Rodney A. Whitacre

A reader&’s guide to the morphology and syntax of Koine Greek From the pen of a seasoned instructor of biblical Greek, this book functions as both an essential resource for second-year students and an invaluable asset for all readers as they continue to hone and deepen their linguistic skills. It begins with a basic overview of the language for new learners and for those looking for a brief refresher before moving into nuanced matters of morphology and syntax. Whitacre&’s aim is ultimately to help readers understand the subtleties of the language on the pages of the New Testament; thus, he engages with the biblical text both grammatically and exegetically, so that readers can experience its full power and beauty. Including numerous illustrative examples throughout and several useful appendices at the end, A Grammar of New Testament Greek is indispensable both as a textbook and as a reference for all readers of the Greek New Testament—and other texts written in Koine, such as the Septuagint and the Apostolic Fathers.

Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies: A Guide to Language for Fun and Spite

by June Casagrande

What do suicidal pandas, doped-up rock stars, and a naked Pamela Anderson have in common? They’re all a heck of a lot more interesting than reading about predicate nominatives and hyphens. June Casagrande knows this and has invented a whole new twist on the grammar book. Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies is a laugh-out-loud funny collection of anecdotes and essays on grammar and punctuation, as well as hilarious critiques of the self-appointed language experts. Chapters include: I’m Writing This While Naked—The Oh-So Steamy Predicate Nominative Semicolonoscopy—Colons, Semicolons, Dashes, and Other Probing Annoyances I’ll Take "I Feel Like a Moron" for $200, Alex—When to Put Punctuation Inside Quotation Marks Snobbery Up with Which You Should Not Put Up—Prepositions Is That a Dangler in Your Memo or Are You Just Glad to See Me? Hyphens—Life-Sucking, Mom-and-Apple-Pie-Hating, Mime-Loving, Nerd-Fight-Inciting Daggers of the Damned Casagrande delivers practical and fun language lessons not found anywhere else, demystifying the subject and taking it back from the snobs. In short, it’s a grammar book people will actually want to read—just for the fun of it. .

Grammar Sucks: What to Do to Make Your Writing Much More Better

by Joanne Kimes

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Grammar & Writing for Standardized Tests

by Martin E. Lee Beverly Ann Chin

A publisher-supplied textbook

Grammatically Correct: An Essential Guide to Punctuation, Style, Usage and More

by Anne Stilman

How does good writing stand out? If its purpose is to convey facts, findings, or instructions, it need be read only once for its content to be clear. If its purpose is to entertain or to provoke thought, it makes readers want to come back for more.Revised and updated, this guide covers four essential aspects of good writing:Individual words: spelling variations, hyphenation, frequently confused homonyms, frequently misused words and phrases, irregular plurals and negatives, and uses of capitalization and type style to add special meanings. Punctuation: the role of each mark in achieving clarity and affecting tone, and demonstration of how misuses can lead to ambiguity. Syntax and structure: agreement of subject and verb, parallel construction, modifiers, tenses, pronouns, active versus passive voice, and more. Style:advice on the less hard-and-fast areas of clarity and tone, including sentence length and order, conciseness, simplification, reading level, jargon and cliches, and subtlety. Filled with self-test exercises and whimsical literary quotations, Grammatically Correct steers clear of academic stuffiness, focusing instead on practical strategies and intuitive explanations. Discussions are designed to get to the heart of a concept and provide a sufficient sense of when and how to use it, along with examples that show what ambiguities or misinterpretations might result if the rules are not followed. In cases where there is more than one acceptable way to do something, the approach is not to prescribe one over another but simply to describe the options. Readers of this book will never break the rules of language again - unintentionally.

El gran libro de las frases celebres

by Arturo Ortega Blake

Esta compilación reúne más de 13,000 frases y abarca cientos de temas, que en su conjunto representan una forma eficaz y contundente de transmitir el conocimiento de todos los tiempos. Esta compilación de Arturo Ortega Blake reúne más de 13,000 frases seleccionadas en más de 600 temas, que en su conjunto representan una forma eficaz y contundente de transmitir el conocimiento de todos los tiempos. He aquí incontables "cápsulas de sabiduría" pronunciadas por las mentes más privilegiadas y célebres de la historia, dirigidas al lector de cualquier edad, postura religiosa, condición social o tendencia ideológica. Algunas con más de tres mil años de antigüedad, estas frases siempre serán vigentes y sólo sucumbirán con la humanidad misma. Sin duda, se trata de un libro que dejará una huella permanente en quien descubra sus páginas. Algunas de las frases... "Los amigos nos abandonarán con demasiada facilidad, pero nuestros enemigos son implacables." Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet) Escritor francés (1694-1775) "La vida de abnegación es casi siempre más agradable que la amargura" Pío Baroja y Nessi Novelista español (1872-1956) "Cuanto más se ama a un amante, más cerca se está de odiarlo" Francoise de La Rochefoucauld Escritor francés (1613-1680)

El gran libro de los pedos: Una guía ilustrada sobre la ciencia, la historia y el arte de tirarse pedos

by M. D. Whalen

¿Cuánto sabes sobre pedos? Descúbrelo todo sobre el gas más divertido de la historia en esta completa enciclopedia ilustrada. ¿Sabías que se necesitarían nueve pedos de cada persona que habita en la Tierra para impulsar una bomba atómica? ¿Que los pedos de peces casi desencadenan una guerra contra Rusia? ¿Que los pedos de las mujeres huelen peor que los de los hombres? ¡Pues está todo en este libro! ¿Sabías que inhalar pedos es saludable, pero que hay gente que se tira pedos una vez muerta? ¿Sabías que podrías trabajar como oledor de pedos profesional? ¿Que los pedos son ilegales en África, pero señal de buena educación en América del Sur? ¡Pues está todo en este libro! ¿Sabes cuál es el animal más pedorro de la Tierra? ¿Sabes cuántos pedos inhalas en un vuelo nacional? ¡Pues está todo en este libro! ¿Tú también crees que los pedos no son solo divertidos, sino fascinantes? Pues deberías leer esta enciclopedia ilustrada sobre el gas más divertido de la historia. “Un libro muy bien escrito, y absolutamente perfecto. Ha conseguido incluso que los pedos parezcan maravillosos. Los lectores querrán impresionar a todo el mundo con sus nuevos conocimientos sobre pedos.”- Readers’ Favorite (5 estrellas) RESEÑAS SELECIONADASDE NIÑOSMe ha encantado este libro. Tengo 8 años. Muchas gracias. Fue muy divertido leer este libro mientras comía pizza, mi mamá dijo “qué asco” muchas veces. Datos muy guays y divertidos para aprender. Las imágenes del libro son super divertidas. Buen libro para niños como yo (tengo 10 años). Genial libro y recomiendo a todos los niños. ¡Me encanta este libro! ¿Alguien lo va a comprar? ¿Quieres que te diga de qué va? Pues lo siento no hay spoilers vas a tener que leer el libro. DE PROFESORESHe usado este libro para que mis alumnos tengan algo divertido para leer y luego escribir sobre él. Les he ido dando una sección del libro cada semana, así que han empezado a llamarlo “Viernes pedorros”. Regalé este libro a mi hijo de 5º de primaria, ¡y ahora su profesor le pide que comparta un hecho sobre pedos todos los viernes! DE PADRES Y MADRES – TÍOS Y TÍAS – ABUELOS Y ABUELASHoy en día es complicado conseguir que los niños desconecten. Le compré este libro a mi hijastro por Navidades y todos hemos disfrutado de los datos tan divertidos del libro. Lo recomiendo encarecidamente para cualquier niño, incluso para su marido porque, seamos sinceros, los chicos están obsesionados con los pedos. Muy recomendado. Mi hijo apenas puede leer el libro porque no para de reírse. Tiene 9 años. Mi hijo se rio tanto que tuvo que ir al baño 17 veces. Lo compré como regalo de última hora para mis nietos de 7 y 8 años. No sé quién se divirtió más leyendo los chistes: abuelo, padre o nieto. Hasta mi madre se puso a contarnos chistes. Lleno de diversión y risas. Mi hijo de 12 años disfrutó de este libro. Nos cuesta mucho conseguir que lea cualquier libro. Compramos este con la esperanza de que lo leyese durante un largo viaje en coche. Después de leer muchas reseñas, lo compré y ¡bingo! Estuvo riéndose desde el asiento trasero, partiéndose de risa, compartiéndolo con su hermano de 14 años, leyendo partes del libro a su padre. Le compré este libro a mi hijo de 10 años. Las risas que salían de su cuarto mientras leía nos alegraron el día. Humor perfecto para chicos. Muy recomendado!! Conseguir que los niños lean es complicado, pero no si es sobre pedos. Si tienes un niño pequeño este libro les encantará. Mi hijo y yo lo hemos leído unas 12 veces ya, y ha sido todo un éxito. Compré este libro para mi niño porque todos sabemos que los pedos son muy divertidos para los niños… quiere saber por qué eructamos, nos tiramos pedos, nos suena el estómago… si tiene algo que ver con ruidos corpor

Grand Entrance: Worship On Earth As In Heaven

by Edith M. Humphrey

Can we understand worship in a way that transcends style, relevance, and aesthetics? Taking into account the most contested issues of the "worship wars," prominent New Testament scholar Edith Humphrey shows how the act of entering into God's presence is central to all true Christian worship. Regardless of worship style, when we come into God's presence, we praise God alongside angels and with the whole of creation. Seeking to reclaim the forgotten theme of worship as entry into God's presence, Humphrey shows its prominence in the Bible, providing an accessible but thorough study of the Old and New Testaments. She analyzes key moments in church history to show how worship developed in Eastern and Western churches. She also draws insights from healthy worshiping communities around the globe. The book offers practical guidance to worship directors, pastors, thoughtful lay readers, and students with regards to balanced and faithful worship.

The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East and West

by Joseph Needham

First published in 1969.The historical civilization of China is, with the Indian and European-Semitic, one of the three greatest in the world, yet only relatively recently has any enquiry been begun into its achievements in science and technology. Between the first and fifteenth centuries the Chinese were generally far in advance of Europe and it was not until the scientific revolution of the Renaissance that Europe drew ahead. Throughout those fifteen centuries, and ever since, the West has been profoundly affected by the discoveries and invention emanating from China and East Asia. In this series of essays and lectures, Joseph Needham explores the mystery of China's early lead and Europe's later overtaking.

Grandad's Wit and Wisdom: Quips and Quotes for Glorious Grandpas

by Richard Benson

When your roses have been trampled by little feet and the golf has been hijacked by children’s TV, reach for this hilarious book, crammed full of quips and quotes to remind you why being a grandad is one of the best jobs in the world.

Grandad's Wit and Wisdom: Quips and Quotes for Glorious Grandpas

by Richard Benson

When your roses have been trampled by little feet and the golf has been hijacked by children’s TV, reach for this hilarious book, crammed full of quips and quotes to remind you why being a grandad is one of the best jobs in the world.

Grandiloquent Words: A Pictoric Lexicon of Ostrobogulous Locutions

by Jason Travis Ott

This recondite caboodle of glosses panegyrizes the boggles of our palaver.* Words confirm and deny, guarantee and deceive, elucidate and obfuscate. The more words you know, the better you can express yourself and the more you can do in life. The founder of Grandiloquent Word of the Day accordingly presents a voluptuary of verbiage encompassing rare and obscure terms that confound or delight, antiquated argot from myriad epochs, and lexemes for venturesome bibliophiles. Featuring a short, insightful introduction, Grandiloquent Words offers more than 250 preternatural terminologies for you to ingurgitate and brandish with aplomb for countless occasions. Bask in cataracts of mundane morphemes, bookish locutions, beef-witted blatteroons, corporeal catastrophes, playful patois, and jolly jubilations. These always-extra expressions encompass timeless topics and modern phenomena, painting a group portrait of our foibles and joys. Replete with pronunciations, etymologies, examples, and whimsical illustrations, it will edify and entertain. *This rare collection of definitions celebrates the marvels of our language.

Grandma's sayings... commented: Spanish sayings (libro 1 #1)

by Víctor Fernández Castillejo

Much of my education I have acquired from my maternal grandmother: María Cristina Barrón. Among her teachings you always found a saying tailor-made for what occasion. Over the years I have learned sayings from other people; in most cases, elderly women. This book is intended to be a tribute to all of them and to the millions of women who have endured popular wisdom through the years through sayings. It is also a way to spread Spanish through the proverbs. It is not intended to be just another book of sayings, since not all of them are —not even close— but they are all of them. The idea is to present some of the most popular sayings and comment on them from the humild and opinion of the writer. The other intention of the work is that the sayings of these women endure over the years and do not fall into oblivion. It is not a book —nor does it claim to be— that you consider your own, since many of the sayings are anonymous. It is a rec nowledge and pay for that s grandmothers who both offered their teachings and complained so little. To all of them: thank you, a thousand thanks.

Grandma's Wit and Wisdom: Quips and Quotes for the Greatest Grannies

by Richard Benson

When there are sticky handprints on the sofa and you can’t prise the darlings away from a screen, reach into your handbag for this hilarious book, crammed full of quips and quotes to remind you why being a grandma is one of the best jobs in the world.

Grandma's Wit and Wisdom: Quips and Quotes for the Greatest Grannies

by Richard Benson

When there are sticky handprints on the sofa and you can’t prise the darlings away from a screen, reach into your handbag for this hilarious book, crammed full of quips and quotes to remind you why being a grandma is one of the best jobs in the world.

The Grandparents Handbook

by Elizabeth Laban

No longer content to sit on rockers and bake cookies, today's grandparents are involved in the lives of their grandchildren more than ever before. The Grandparents Handbook features dozens of activities that will guarantee hours of fun, educational quality time-from building dollhouses and catching fish to flying kites, baking bread, making your own mini golf course, creating a family newspaper, and much more. These illustrated instructions will lead grandparents down surprising paths of discovery as they teach the youngest generation about family, friendship, and the world around them. It's the perfect gift for any grandparent and grandparent-to-be!

The Grandparents Handbook

by Nana Barbara Trostler Grandpa Myron Laban Elizabeth Laban

Dozens of Activities for Grandparents and Grandchildren, Including: * Scavenger Hunts * Fruit Cobblers * Bath-Time Fun * Indoor Camping * Backyard Olympics * Yard Sales * Books * Creating a Family Newspaper * Ice Cream * Cakes * Games * Museum Trips * Apple Crumb Pies * Road Trips * Hunting Four-Leaf Clovers * Gingerbread Houses * Homemade Pickles * Fuse Beads And much, much more!

The Granny Square Book: Timeless Techniques & Fresh Ideas for Crocheting Square by Square

by Margaret Hubert

“Crocheters looking to move beyond basic granny squares, as well as new crocheters drawn to these traditional motifs, will enjoy this collection.” —Library JournalWith twenty-five brand new squares and twenty-five all-new projects!Since it was first published in 2011, The Granny Square Book has instructed and inspired more than 70,000 crocheters to make and create beautiful, stylish projects with these classic motifs. Now designer and author Margaret Hubert has updated her bestselling and beloved book to include twenty-five additional crochet squares (for a total of 100!) and twenty-five all-new projects to make, wear, and give.Margaret shows the evolution of the granny square, how it can be used and interpreted in different ways with different yarns, and how today’s crocheter can design her own projects using the granny squares of her choice with the yarn choices of today. Among the designs are accessories (headbands, bags, and jewelry); garments (vests, jackets, and tops); and decorative items and gifts (afghans, pillows, and a sweater set for baby). The Granny Square Book, Second Edition, offers crocheters at all skill levels more and more to love about this timeless motif.“Delightful . . . If you like to crochet granny squares but are looking to go ‘beyond the blanket,’ this might be the book for you!” —Underground Crafter

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