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He That Is Spiritual

by Lewis Sperry Chafer

He That Is Spiritual defines true Christian living and unpacks the Bible concerning spirituality: what it is and how it is secured.

He That Is Spiritual

by Lewis Sperry Chafer

He That Is Spiritual defines true Christian living and unpacks the Bible concerning spirituality: what it is and how it is secured.

He Touched Me

by Benny Hinn

This is the remarkable story of Benny Hinn-a man known to millions as one of the great healing evangelists of our time. Many who have attended his crusades, watched his daily television ministry, or have seen him on programs such as Larry King Live have asked, "Who is this man? And how did he rise to such a place of prominence?"You'll travel to Jaffa, Israel, and learn of the events that shaped the life of Benedictus, the oldest son in a family of eight children of Greek and Armenian heritage. And you will read of the deep conflicts in the Hinn household when, after the family immigrated to Canada, Benny had a dramatic, life-changing spiritual experience.The journey from a small church in Oshawa, Ontario, to the largest stadiums and arenas in the world is filled with love, laughter, and tears. It is also a story of miracles.He Touched Me, the autobiography of Benny Hinn, will inspire you. It reveals what can heppen when one person becomes totally yielded to the holy Spirit.

He visto la luz: Testimonio real de un regreso del más álla (Mitos Ser.)

by Betty J. Eadie

El 19 de noviembre de 1973, como consecuencia de una histerectomía, Betty J. Eadie -31 años de edad, madre de siete hijos- falleció. Primero, se sintió flotar; después, atravesó un largo túnel y, al final de éste, la luz: una luz sobrenatural que la envolvía como si estuviera sumergida en medio de un líquido de extraordinaria textura. Veinte años después, Betty escribió su relato de aquella experiencia. El 19 de noviembre de 1973, como consecuencia de una histerectomía, Betty J. Eadie -31 años de edad, madre de siete hijos- falleció. Primero, se sintió flotar; después, atravesó un largo túnel y, al final de éste, la luz: una luz sobrenatural que la envolvía como si estuviera sumergida en medio de un líquido de extraordinaria textura. Betty tuvo la sensación de haber llegado finalmente a su hogar, un hogar en el que las únicas leyes serían el amor, la placidez, la exaltación absoluta de los sentidos y las potencias espirituales. En aquella morada de gloria Betty vivió momentos -indeterminados temporalmente- de la más completa y serena felicidad antes de regresar a su propio cuerpo, ya dado clínicamente por muerto, a la frialdad del hospital y al cariño, en otra dimensión, de su familia. Veinte años después, Betty escribió su relato de aquella experiencia. He visto la luz no ha sido sólo desde su aparición un éxito editorial sin precedentes; sobre todo, ha sido aceptado como testimonio válido por especialistas en el tema de la vida después de la muerte, como el doctor Melvin Morse, quien no ha dudado en calificarlo de auténtico "manual" de las experiencias de este tipo. Escrito con sencillez, pletórico de esperanza y alegría, He visto la luz es un manifiesto espiritual del que, seguramente, todos los lectores estarán en condiciones de sacar provecho. "He visto la luz contiene un gran secreto. Es un secreto que ya conocemos. Algo que los grandes profetas y líderes espirituales han intentado decirnos durante miles de años. Betty J. Eadie lo conoció en su trance de muerte. Este secreto tiene el poder de cambiar nuestras vidas." Del prólogo del doctor Melvin Morse

He Walks Among Us: Encounters with Christ in a Broken World

by Richard Stearns

God sees the poor as blessed. Rich and Reneé Stearns show us why. We often separate ourselves from people who are different from us, sometimes even intentionally. This book is a great reminder of all the things we share in common--hopes, dreams, heartaches--and most important of all, it reminds us that He walks among us. All of us. This book offers great perspective from our brothers and sisters around the world. Rich and Reneé Stearns have traveled the world visiting the most poverty-stricken habitations imaginable, and they've discovered an amazing and common occurrence among the people who live there: joy can be found no matter how dire your circumstances. He Walks Among Us is a 90-day devotional giving readers an up-close and personal view of Christ in the lives of mothers, fathers, and children who have so little, yet are so rich in His spirit and love. Christians who are interested in or committed to missionary outreach will encounter the transforming power and courage needed to make a difference in someone else's life. Spiritual lessons include: The Choice to Believe--No Matter What; Our True Identity Is in Christ; Discovering Joy in Unexpected Places; Having Unshakable Hope in the Power of God; Our Circumstances Don't Define Who We Are; We Become Transformed When We Invest in Others; and Remaining Faithful to Your Calling No Matter the Obstacles. He Walks Among Us features the award-winning photography of World Vision® photographer Jon Warren.

He Walks with Me: Enjoying the Abiding Presence of God

by Warren W. Wiersbe

Do you find yourself living in regret and fear more than in today's reality? God calls us to serve Him in the current moment rather than worry about the past or the future.In He Walks with Me, Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe explores the I AM statements of God--from His burning-bush conversation with Moses, to His powerful reassurances to the Israelites, to Jesus's startling claims to be the Light of the World, the Good Shepherd, and the True Vine. The more we understand the truths behind these words, the more free we are to enjoy God's presence right now. As Dr. Wiersbe writes, "My past may discourage me and my future may frighten me, but the life I now live today can be enriching and encouraging because Christ lives in me."

He Will Be the Preacher: The Story Of God's Providence In My Life

by Erwin W. Lutzer

He Will Be the Preacher: The Story of God's Providence in My Life

by Erwin W. Lutzer

"He will be the preacher." Whether this was just an offhand remark or the woman leaning over his crib was speaking under inspiration from the Holy Spirit, either way, her prediction came to pass.This is the story of a shy, wisecrack kid from rural Canada becoming a well-known American preacher. It&’s a story of seemingly random events deciding one man&’s destiny. But most of all, it&’s a story of God leading one of His dear children along.Join Erwin Lutzer on this tour of his life—from a Saskatchewan farm to a Dallas seminary to the historic Moody Church in Chicago. Hear his personal reflections and tales of pastoral hardship. Meet the people who have shaped him: his parents, professors, family, and even the great evangelist Billy Graham. And see how his many roles—author, speaker, evangelist, historian, and cultural critic—have carried his prophetic voice beyond Moody&’s pulpit, even abroad.Part story and part reflection, full of heart with a dose of wit, He Will Be the Preacher is a personal and engaging witness to the providence of God.

He Will Be the Preacher: The Story of God's Providence in My Life

by Erwin W. Lutzer

"He will be the preacher." Whether this was just an offhand remark or the woman leaning over his crib was speaking under inspiration from the Holy Spirit, either way, her prediction came to pass.This is the story of a shy, wisecrack kid from rural Canada becoming a well-known American preacher. It&’s a story of seemingly random events deciding one man&’s destiny. But most of all, it&’s a story of God leading one of His dear children along.Join Erwin Lutzer on this tour of his life—from a Saskatchewan farm to a Dallas seminary to the historic Moody Church in Chicago. Hear his personal reflections and tales of pastoral hardship. Meet the people who have shaped him: his parents, professors, family, and even the great evangelist Billy Graham. And see how his many roles—author, speaker, evangelist, historian, and cultural critic—have carried his prophetic voice beyond Moody&’s pulpit, even abroad.Part story and part reflection, full of heart with a dose of wit, He Will Be the Preacher is a personal and engaging witness to the providence of God.

Head and Heart: Valour and Self-Sacrifice in the Art of India

by Mary Storm

An extensive study of self-sacrificial images in Indian art, this book examines concepts such as head-offering, human sacrifice, blood, suicide, valour, self-immolation, and self-giving in the context of religion and politics to explore why these images were produced and how they became paradigms of heroism.

Head and Heart: American Christianities

by Garry Wills

An examination of Christianity's place in American life across the broad sweep of this country's history, from the Puritans to the presidential administration of George W. Bush. The struggle within American Christianity, Garry Wills argues, now and throughout our country's history, is between the head and the heart: between reason and emotion, Enlightenment and Evangelism. Why has this been so? How has the tension between the two poles played out, and with what consequences, over the past 400 years? How "Christian" is America, after all? Garry Wills brings a lifetime's worth of thought about these questions to bear on a magnificent historical reckoning that offers much needed perspective on some of the most contentious issues of our time. A religious revolution occurred in America in the 18th century, one that saw the emergence of an Enlightenment religious culture whose hallmarks were tolerance for other faiths and a belief that religion was a matter best divorced from political institutions--the proverbial "separation of church and state." Wills shows us just how incredibly radical a departure this separation was: there was simply no precedent for it. To put this leap in perspective, Wills provides a grounding in the pre-Enlightenment religion that preceded it, beginning with the early Puritans. He then provides a thrillingly clear unpacking of the steps, particularly Madison's and Jefferson's, by which church-state separation was enshrined in the Constitution, and reveals the great irony of the efforts of today's Religious Right to blur the lines between the two. In fact, it is precisely that separation that has allowed religion in America to flourish since the disestablishment of religion created a free market, as it were, and competition for souls led to the profusion of denominations across the length and breadth of the land. As Wills examines the key movements and personalities that have transformed America's religious landscape, we see again and again the same pattern emerge: a cooling of popular religious fervor followed by a grassroots explosion in evangelical activity, generally at a time of great social transformation and anxiety. But such forces inevitably go too far, provoking a backlash as is happening right now with the forces of Creationism and the anti-abortion fundamentalists. Garry Wills closes with a penetrating dissection of the Religious Right's current machinations and the threat they pose to the enlightened religion that has proved to be such a fertile and enduring force throughout American history. But in the end, Wills's abiding message is to be vigilant against the triumph of emotions over reason, but to know that the tension between the two is in fact necessary, inevitable, and unending.

Head, Eyes, Flesh, and Blood: Giving Away the Body in Indian Buddhist Literature

by Reiko Ohnuma

Head, Eyes, Flesh, and Blood is the first comprehensive study of a central narrative theme in premodern South Asian Buddhist literature: the Buddha's bodily self-sacrifice during his previous lives as a bodhisattva. Conducting close readings of stories from Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese, and Tibetan literature written between the third century B.C.E. and the late medieval period, Reiko Ohnuma argues that this theme has had a major impact on the development of Buddhist philosophy and culture. Whether he takes the form of king, prince, ascetic, elephant, hare, serpent, or god, the bodhisattva repeatedly gives his body or parts of his flesh to others. He leaps into fires, drowns himself in the ocean, rips out his tusks, gouges out his eyes, and lets mosquitoes drink from his blood, always out of selflessness and compassion and to achieve the highest state of Buddhahood. Ohnuma places these stories into a discrete subgenre of South Asian Buddhist literature and approaches them like case studies, analyzing their plots, characterizations, and rhetoric. She then relates the theme of the Buddha's bodily self-sacrifice to major conceptual discourses in the history of Buddhism and South Asian religions, such as the categories of the gift, the body (both ordinary and extraordinary), kingship, sacrifice, ritual offering, and death. Head, Eyes, Flesh, and Blood reveals a very sophisticated and influential perception of the body in South Asian Buddhist literature and highlights the way in which these stories have provided an important cultural resource for Buddhists. Combined with her rich and careful translations of classic texts, Ohnuma introduces a whole new understanding of a vital concept in Buddhists studies.

Head, Eyes, Flesh, Blood: Giving Away the Body in Indian Buddhist Literature

by Reiko Ohnuma

Head, Eyes, Flesh, and Blood is the first comprehensive study of a central narrative theme in premodern South Asian Buddhist literature: the Buddha's bodily self-sacrifice during his previous lives as a bodhisattva. Conducting close readings of stories from Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese, and Tibetan literature written between the third century BCE and the late medieval period, Reiko Ohnuma argues that this theme has had a major impact on the development of Buddhist philosophy and culture.Whether he takes the form of king, prince, ascetic, elephant, hare, serpent, or god, the bodhisattva repeatedly gives his body or parts of his flesh to others. He leaps into fires, drowns himself in the ocean, rips out his tusks, gouges out his eyes, and lets mosquitoes drink from his blood, always out of selflessness and compassion and to achieve the highest state of Buddhahood. Ohnuma places these stories into a discrete subgenre of South Asian Buddhist literature and approaches them like case studies, analyzing their plots, characterizations, and rhetoric. She then relates the theme of the Buddha's bodily self-sacrifice to major conceptual discourses in the history of Buddhism and South Asian religions, such as the categories of the gift, the body (both ordinary and extraordinary), kingship, sacrifice, ritual offering, and death. Head, Eyes, Flesh, and Blood reveals a very sophisticated and influential perception of the body in South Asian Buddhist literature and highlights the way in which these stories have provided an important cultural resource for Buddhists. Combined with her rich and careful translations of classic texts, Ohnuma introduces a whole new understanding of a vital concept in Buddhists studies.

Head Game

by Tim Downs

Someone wants you dead. But he doesn't want to kill you . . . He wants you to do it for him. He watches your every move. He studies you like a mouse in a maze. He knows everything about you--every dream, hunger, weakness, and strength. What you long for and what you fear most. What you live for, and what you cannot live without. He plans to take those things away from you one at a time, invisibly manipulating the events of your life until there is nothing left to live for. Then he wants you to take the final step. Or is it all in your head? Is he just a figment of your irrational fear, a face you've given to your terrible misfortune? Everything you love is slipping away. You want to fight back but who, or what, do you fight against? Let the head game begin.

Head, Heart & Hands: Bringing Together Christian Thought, Passion and Action

by Dennis P. Hollinger

As Christians, we are to love God with all of our being--heart, mind, soul and strength. But many of us tend to overemphasize one aspect or another, and as a result, our faith becomes imbalanced. Some of us have an intellectual faith but lack compassion or spiritual discipline. Others of us have a vibrant, heartfelt relationship with God but lack commitment to truth or doctrine. And many of us overlook translating our faith into service and ministry. In this book ethicist Dennis P. Hollinger presents a holistic, integrative vision for reuniting Christian thought, passion and action. He shows how individuals, churches and movements throughout history have focused on either the head, or the heart or the hands--often to the exclusion of other expressions. But by linking our intellect, emotions and actions, Hollinger points us toward a whole faith for the whole person, where each dimension feeds, nurtures and sustains the others.

Head & Heart Together: Essays

by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

<p class="description">Essays on the path of Buddhist practice.</p>

Head in the Clouds, Feet on the Ground: A Survival Guide for Creatives, Visionaries, and Dreamers

by Ryan Romeo

Co-founder of the Outcry Worship Tour, Ryan Romeo, empowers you to live well in the present as you dream well about the future in this practical guide to doing the impossible.When it comes to pursuing our dreams, Ryan Romeo is convinced of two things. First, God knows where you come from. He knows about your past. He knows about the seemingly impossible situation you may find yourself in. And yet, he is even more committed to seeing your dream come to life than you are.The other thing Ryan has learned is this: Your daily habits bring about the reality of your calling. What you do today matters even when it doesn't feel like it. Especially when it doesn't feel like it. How you treat your current job, your current boss, and those around you matters. How you serve your leader's vision or your church's vision? That matters too. So as you pursue your calling, don't forget to keep your head in the clouds. Never let the worries, the fears, the "what-ifs?" in your heart dampen God's unique call on your life. At the same time, you need to keep your feet on the ground - to stay engaged and connected right where you are, so you don't miss out on the foundation God wants to build.How do you do that? That's what Head in the Clouds, Feet on the Ground is all about. Looking at examples from his own life and from others who have followed big dreams, Ryan shares three practical and powerful ways to:Lay the groundwork that will strengthen the dreamer (you!) for the task ahead.Overthrow the dream killers that try to sideline you.Take the first steps!It's time to become a steward of your dream. Are you ready? Stand firm. And then look up.

Head of the House (Grace Livingston Hill #12)

by Grace Livingston Hill

Lovely Jennifer Graeme listened in horror. Only yesterday her parents had been killed in a plane crash. Now she heard her aunts and uncles cynically plotting to separate her little brothers and sisters. She herself would be married off to the highest bidder! Weeping bitterly, Jennifer determined to escape. She and the children would flee to the mountains. There in a cabin lived their loving old nurse. And nearby, Jennifer remembered there had lived a boy. She knew he would help them--but she never dreamed how much... Grace Livingston Hill's books remain popular because they are about young people who must struggle to overcome obstacles and strive toward a better future and find love along the way. Bookshare has over 70 of her over 100 books including: #1 Where Two Ways Met, #2 Bright Arrows, #3 A Girl to Come Home To, #4 Amorelle, #5 Kerry, #6 All Through the Night, #7 The Best Man, #9 The Girl of the Woods, #11 More Than Conqueror, #13 In Tune with Wedding Bells, #14 Stranger within the Gates, #15 Marigold, #16 Rainbow Cottage, #17 Maris, #18 Brentwood, #19 Daphne Deane, #20 The Substitute Guest, # 21 The War Romance of the Salvation Army, #22 Rose Galbraith and #23 Time of the Singing of the Birds, with more on the way.

Head Over Heels

by Gail Sattler

Falling out a window. . . into loveIt was certainly not the way Marielle expected to meet a man-any man-but when she visited the gentleman she'd helped save from an accidental plunge, she was intrigued. . . but only until Russ's workaholic nature made itself known. She'd had more than enough of that from her ex-fiancé. So when his boss suggested Russ volunteer in her teen center (the least Russ could do after having landed on her car!), The last thing Marielle was looking for was romance. But love just might bloom where she least expects it. . . .

Head Scratchers: When the Words of Jesus Don't Make Sense

by Talbot Davis

Sometimes Jesus says things that make you scratch your head. Much of what Jesus has to say is uplifting or inspiring. But let's face it: Sometimes Jesus says things that are confusing, perplexing, or even offensive. In Head Scratchers, Talbot Davis leads you to understand some of these difficult words. In each chapter, he examines a different statement or brief teaching from Jesus, using the provided biblical and other background to help illuminate the passage in question. Davis not only guides you to understand the passage, but shows you what it means to take it to heart and embrace a new way of life as a result. Starting with a passage we struggle with, Davis opens it to reveal a challenging, hopeful word that will bring the gospel's transformative power into your life. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter are designed to help leaders of small groups. Also available when purchasing the book is access to a free video trailer and an audio recording of the author's sermons as another way to experience the weekly message.

Heading Home: Field Notes

by Peter Anderson

These contemplative essays, written for seekers and wanderers, explore the complexity of the scripture of place, the geography of the heart, the landscape of imagination, and the topography of memory. Thoughtful and rich in spirit, this book discusses a personal relationship to place and prayer. Dark, serious, joyful, and funny, it is a perfect companion on a trek through the woods or in the comfort of your own home.

Heading Home

by Renee Riva

For eight years, A.J. Degulio has been itching to get back to her beloved Indian Island. It's home. But a lot has changed: Sailor moves slower, Danny has grown into a man ... and A.J. has a promise to keep but it doesn't include Danny. When Danny discovers the truth, he's shocked and hurt. But he won't stand in the way of what she really wants. What's a girl to do? She wants to keep her promise and Danny. But Danny has plans of his own. Can they work it out? It will take compromise and laughter before Danny and A.J. figure out that home is more than a place on the map. It's a place in the heart.

Headline: Murder

by Maggie K. Black

WITNESS TO MURDER A gang of masked gunmen murder a man right in front of reporter Olivia Brant. Now they're after her-the newswoman witness who won't rest until she gets her story. She's rescued in the nick of time by a six-foot-four former bodyguard, but Olivia hardly feels safe. She's certain Daniel Ash is connected to her investigation into the dead man's business dealings, but how? With no one left to trust, Olivia accepts Daniel's offer of shelter at his abandoned country house in rural Ontario. But the killers are not far behind, and determined that Olivia takes the evidence she's uncovered to her grave.

The Headmistress of Rosemere: The Heiress Of Winterwood, The Headmistress Of Rosemere, A Lady At Willowgrove Hall (Whispers On The Moors #2)

by Sarah E. Ladd

Patience Creighton has devoted herlife to running her father's boarding school. But when the enigmatic master ofthe estate appears at her door, battered and unconscious, the young headmistresssuddenly finds her livelihood--and her heart --in the hands of one dangerouslyhandsome gentleman.At twenty-five, Patience Creighton isalready a spinster. The busy headmistress of Rosemere always expected a dashingman to sweep her off her feet and take her away . . . but that man never came.And since her father's death, keeping the school running and her mother happyhas been plenty to keep her occupied.William Sterling dallied his way intofinancial trouble and mortal danger. When he is assaulted by his creditors'henchmen on the road home from a tavern, he guides his horse to the doorstep ofhis tenant, the Rosemere School for Young Ladies. After being tended to byPatience, the wounded William rides off into the dawn--but makes a point tolearn more about the lovely headmistress.As he spends more time at Rosemere,something delicate begins to develop between William and Patience. But thatwill not deter William's creditors. With little money to repay his debts, andless for the upkeep of his estate, it becomes clear that sacrificing Rosemeremay be the only way to preserve his legacy. But it may also cost him hishappiness.

Heads Up!: Sports Devotions for All-Star Kids

by David Branon

Sports Spectrum’s Dave Branon hits a home run when he brings together the worlds of faith and sports to create this unique devotional designed just for young sports fanatics. Heads Up! uses stories of athletes and sporting events to inspire faith and achievement in kids, ages 8 and up. Each day’s devotions includes: A “game plan”—verse for the day and a “playbook assignment”—a short Scripture passage. “On the chalkboard”—final thoughts In addition to great devotions, you’ll also find scattered throughout birthdays of some well-known athletes, sports tips, and rare facts & figures. With all the challenges that kids face today, Heads Up! is a great inspirational book for the young all-star kid.

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