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Showing 40,651 through 40,675 of 81,114 results

Krushnayan: કૃષ્ણાયન: માણસ થઈને જીવેલા ઈશ્વરની વાત

by Kajal Oza Vaidya

કૃષ્ણના જીવનની ત્રણ સ્રીઓ। રાધા, રુકિમણી અને દ્રૌપદી પ્રેયસી, પત્ની અને મિત્ર।... માણસ થઈને જીવી ગયેલો ઈશ્વર સાથે પોતાનો મનની વાત કરે છે। અંગ્રેજી, મરાઠી,હિન્દી ભાષામાં અનુવાદિત થયેલી અને ગુજરાતીમાં પાંચ વર્ષમાં અગિયાર આવૃત્તિ જીવી ચુકેલી ધબકતી નવલકથા.

A Kryptic Model of the Incarnation (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

by Andrew Ter Loke

The Incarnation, traditionally understood as the metaphysical union between true divinity and true humanity in the one person of Jesus Christ, is one of the central doctrines for Christians over the centuries. Nevertheless, many scholars have objected that the Scriptural account of the Incarnation is incoherent. Being divine seems to entail being omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, but the New Testament portrays Jesus as having human properties such as being apparently limited in knowledge, power, and presence. It seems logically impossible that any single individual could possess such mutually exclusive sets of properties, and this leads to scepticism concerning the occurrence of the Incarnation in history. A Kryptic Model of the Incarnation aims to provide a critical reflection of various attempts to answer these challenges and to offer a compelling response integrating aspects from analytic philosophy of religion, systematic theology, and historical-critical studies. Loke develops a new Kryptic model of the Incarnation, drawing from the Greek word Krypsis meaning ’hiding’, and proposing that in a certain sense Christ’s supernatural properties were concealed during the Incarnation.

Księga Urantii

by Urantia Foundation

Ksiega Urantii, po raz pierwszy wydana przez Fundacje Urantii w roku 1955, twierdzi, ze zostala przedstawiona przez niebianskie istoty, jako objawienie dla naszej planety, Urantii.Tekst Ksiegi Urantii mówi nam o poczatkach, historii i przeznaczeniu ludzkosci i naszych zwiazkach z Bogiem Ojcem. Przedstawia jedyny w swoim rodzaju i frapujacy obraz zycia i nauk Jezusa. Przed ludzkim duchem otwiera nowe perspektywy czasu i wiecznosci i przynosi nowe szczególy naszej przygody, podczas wznoszenia sie w przyjaznym i starannie zarzadzanym wszechswiecie.Ksiega Urantii podaje jasna i zwiezla integracja nauki, filozofii i religii. Ci, którzy ja czytali i zglebiali, wierza, ze Ksiega Urantii moze wniesc bardzo wiele wartosci do religijnej i filozoficznej mysli ludzi tego swiata. Ksiega Urantii, jako taka, nie jest religia". Bazuje na religijnym dziedzictwie z przeszlosci i terazniejszosci, popierajac osobista, zywa wiare religijna.Czytelnicy z róznych stron swiata mówia nam, ze Ksiega Urantii wywarla na nich ogromne wrazenie i czestokroc odmienila ich zycie. Inspiruje ich do osiagania nowych poziomów rozwoju duchowego i rozwija ich zrozumienie wartosci zycia ludzkiego.Zachecamy was do jej przeczytania i odkrycia dla siebie jej uszlachetniajacego poslania.

Kuan Yin: The Princess Who Became the Goddess of Compassion

by Maya van der Meer

Spirituality & Practice "Best Books of 2021" Award WinnerBank Street College of Education "The Best Children&’s Books of the Year" Moonbeams Children&’s Book Awards "Best Illustrator" Silver Winner Two sisters discover the power of love and the true meaning of compassion in this princess-adventure story based on an ancient Chinese tale. Miao Shan isn't your typical princess. She likes to spend her time quietly meditating with the creatures of the forest or having adventures with dragons and tigers. Miao Shan's heart is so full of love that her dream is to spread happiness throughout the land and help people endlessly. But her father has other plans for her--he intends to have her married and remain in the palace. With the help of her little sister Ling, Miao Shan escapes and begins her journey to discover the true meaning of compassion.During their adventure, Ling and Miao Shan are eventually separated. Ling must overcome doubts, fears, and loneliness in order to realize what her sister had told her all along--that love is the greatest power in the world. After the sisters' reunion, Miao Shan realizes her true calling as Kuan Yin, the goddess of compassion. A princess-adventure story like none other, this ancient Chinese tale of the world's most beloved Buddhist hero is a story of sisterhood, strength, and following your own path.

Kuan-yin: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokitesvara

by Chün-fang Yü

By far one of the most important objects of worship in the Buddhist traditions, the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is regarded as the embodiment of compassion. He has been widely revered throughout the Buddhist countries of Asia since the early centuries of the Common Era. While he was closely identified with the royalty in South and Southeast Asia, and the Tibetans continue to this day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she—Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy"—and has a very different history. The causes and processes of this metamorphosis have perplexed Buddhist scholars for centuries.In this groundbreaking, comprehensive study, Chün-fang Yü discusses this dramatic transformation of the (male) Indian bodhisattva Avalokitesvara into the (female) Chinese Kuan-yin—from a relatively minor figure in the Buddha's retinue to a universal savior and one of the most popular deities in Chinese religion. Focusing on the various media through which the feminine Kuan-yin became constructed and domesticated in China, Yü thoroughly examines Buddhist scriptures, miracle stories, pilgrimages, popular literature, and monastic and local gazetteers—as well as the changing iconography reflected in Kuan-yin's images and artistic representations—to determine the role this material played in this amazing transformation. The book eloquently depicts the domestication of Kuan-yin as a case study of the indigenization of Buddhism in China and illuminates the ways this beloved deity has affected the lives of all Chinese people down the ages.


by Chün-Fang Yü

By far one of the most important objects of worship in the Buddhist traditions, the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is regarded as the embodiment of compassion. He has been widely revered throughout the Buddhist countries of Asia since the early centuries of the Common Era. While he was closely identified with the royalty in South and Southeast Asia, and the Tibetans continue to this day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -- Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy" -- and has a very different history. The causes and processes of this metamorphosis have perplexed Buddhist scholars for centuries. In this groundbreaking, comprehensive study, Chün-fang Yü discusses this dramatic transformation of the (male) Indian bodhisattva Avalokitesvara into the (female) Chinese Kuan-yin -- from a relatively minor figure in the Buddha's retinue to a universal savior and one of the most popular deities in Chinese religion. Focusing on the various media through which the feminine Kuan-yin became constructed and domesticated in China, Yü thoroughly examines Buddhist scriptures, miracle stories, pilgrimages, popular literature, and monastic and local gazetteers -- as well as the changing iconography reflected in Kuan-yin's images and artistic representations -- to determine the role this material played in this amazing transformation. The book eloquently depicts the domestication of Kuan-yin as a case study of the indigenization of Buddhism in China and illuminates the ways this beloved deity has affected the lives of all Chinese people down the ages.

Kuasa Doa Tengah Malam

by Gabrial Agbo

Buku ‘Kuasa Doa Tengah Malam’ ini pasti akan menjadi salah satu buku paling lengkap dan paling dahsyat yang menulis tentang peperangan rohani. Pilihan judulnya berasal dari kekayaan pengalaman, kesaksian dan pengakuan yang menakutkan, serta penelitian firman Tuhan yang cermat. Buku ini memang sangat kaya dan diteliti dengan baik. Buku ini telah digambarkan sebagai buku yang luar biasa. Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari banyak hal, tetapi belum sepenuhnya menarik kekuatan rohani yang melekat dalam doa yang dilakukan antara pukul 23:00 sampai 03:00. Sudah tahukah Anda tentang ledakan kuasa pujian, doa, dan puasa? Apakah Anda tahu peran para malaikat Tuhan, Roh Tuhan, dan api Tuhan dalam peperangan kita melawan kerajaan kegelapan? Dalam buku ini, Anda akan mendengar langsung dari mantan guru besar okultisme tentang dampak destruktif yang luar biasa yang disebabkan oleh nama dan darah Yesus dalam kerajaan Setan. Apakah yang terjadi ketika Setan dan roh jahatnya langsung bertemu dengan dua elemen yang paling hebat di alam semesta ini? Mengapa Setan jatuh dari kursinya saat sidang karena nama Yesus disebut? Tahukah Anda tentang strategi perang musuh melawan gereja, orang Kristen, dan pelayanan? Bagaimana ia turun dan terkadang membunuh hamba-hamba Tuhan yang memberitakan Injil? Siapakah agen kerajaan gelap di gereja? Peran apakah yang harus dimainkan oleh pejuang doa? Apakah kepentingan kerajaan Setan dalam darah dan daging manusia? Mengapa ada pengurbanan manusia dalam dunia okultisme? Bacalah berbagai kisah dari mantan agen Setan dan bahkan media tentang pengurbanan manusia dan praktik mengerikan lainnya yang tak patut ditulis. Mengapa seorang wanita mencungkil mata bayi yang masih merangkak, membantainya dengan segala tangisan dan rintihannya, lalu menumbuk dagingnya serta memakannya? Apakah yang dilakukan okultisme dalam hal seks? Bisakah roh jahat dan perjanjian diwariskan melalui seks? Mengapa seorang pria tidur dengan seorang anak lelaki, men

Kuasa Pengurbanan

by Gabriel Agbo

Pengurbanan itu hebat. Sangat hebat! Orang paling kaya, orang paling kuat, pria dan wanita yang paling diberkati, orang paling bijaksana, raja paling besar, dan nabi yang paling hebat semuanya adalah pria serta wanita yang berkurban. Mereka merelakan segalanya, mempertaruhkan segalanya demi bangsa mereka, kemanusiaan, dan demi Tuhan untuk mencapai tujuan serta prestasi mereka yang akan dibanggakan bahkan dalam keabadian. Anda ingin tahu rahasia mereka? Bagus. Jika ingin menjadi hebat, Anda harus menjadi pria/wanita yang berkurban terlebih dulu. Tidak ada yang mustahil bagi mereka yang mampu membayar harga. Anda akan mendapati bab-bab yang sangat mencerahkan – Kuasa Pengurbanan, Kurbankan Satu-satunya Milikmu, Aku Akan Melewati Mesir, Aku Akan Membayar Harga, Ikuti Aku! Kami Datang Mencarimu, Aku Akan Memeliharamu, Siapkan Makanan Terakhir Itu, Kuasa Untuk Menyelamatkan, Pujian, Doa, dan Puasa. Di sini, kita akan mempelajari tentang pengurbanan iman, kebaikan, patriotisme, doa, puasa, dan pujian. Ketika Anda melakukan hal-hal di atas dengan luar biasa, Anda segera membangkitkan kekuatan ilahi, yang tidak terlihat, dan supernatural yang akan merespons serta memenuhi Anda. Buku ini harus dibaca.

Kugel and Frijoles: Latino Jews in the United States

by Laura Limonic

Kugel and Frijoles: Latino Jews in the United States analyzes the changing construction of race and ethnicity in the United States through the lens of contemporary Jewish immigrants from Latin America. Since Latino Jews are not easily classified within the U.S. racial and ethnic schema, their ethnic identity and group affiliation challenge existing paradigms. Author Laura Limonic offers a view into the lives of this designation of Jewish immigrants, highlighting the ways in which they adopt different identities (e.g., national, religious, or panethnic) in response to different actors and situations. Limonic begins by introducing the stories of Latino Jewish immigrants and laying out the important questions surrounding ethnic identity: How do Latino Jews identify? Can they choose their identity or is it assigned to them? How is ethnicity strategic or instrumental? These larger questions are placed within the existing scholarly literature on immigrant integration, religion, and ethnic group construction. Limonic explains how groups can be constructed when there is a lack of a perfect host group and details the ways different factors influence ethnic identity and shape membership into ethnic groups. The book concludes that group construction is never static in the United States, and, in particular, how race, religion, and class are increasingly important mediating factors in defining ethnicity and ethnic identity. As the Latino population continues to grow in the United States, so does the influence of millions of Latinos on U.S. culture, politics, economy, and social structure. Kugel and Frijoles offers new insight with which to understand the diversity of Latinos, the incorporation of contemporary Jewish immigrants, and the effect of U.S. ethno-racial structures for immigrant assimilation.

Kuinka ajatella

by Brahma Kumari Pari

Tämä kirja "Kuinka ajatella" antaa selkeän, tiiviin ja merkityksellisen selityksen niihin Murleihin, jotka ovat Jumalan (Korkeimman Sielun) antamia viestejä Brahma Kumarisissa. Tämä kirjaa antaa neuvoja siihen, kuinka sinun (sielun) tulisi kirnuta ja omaksua Korkeimman Sielun tietoa. Tämä tuo elämääsi myönteisen muutoksen, sillä paljastaa elämän syviä mysteerejä ja antaa sinulle tavan omaksua pyhän luonteen; pystyt käyttämään pyhiä hyveitä ja arvoja kaikenlaisiin tilanteisiin elämässäsi. Tämän kirjan sisältö auttaa sinua laittamaan siemenen mieleesi, joka tuo sinut puhtaalle ja enkeliselle tasolle. Käyttämällä tässä kirjassa ehdotettua ajattelutapaa sinusta (sielusta) tulee kuin hohtava timantti kultakorussa, joka näyttää kaiken loistonsa ja arvonsa. Tätä kirjaa ”Kuinka ajatella” ovat editoineet ja parannelleet “Shiv Baba Service Initiative” -tiimin jäsenet, jotka ovat omistautuneet tekemään jumalallista työtä. Se BK, joka johtaa “Shiv Baba Service Initiative” -tiimiä, BK:n Google-hakuja ja Brahma Kumarisin virallisia verkkosivuja, pyysi Brahma Kumari Paria kirjoittamaan tämän kirjan, sillä Jumala (Shiv Baba) on sanonut, että tämä kirja tulisi kirjoittaa. Niinpä Brahma Kumari Pari kirjoitti tämän kirjan. Nykyhetki on kaikkein tärkein aika koko maailmankierron näytelmässä. Ohjatkoon tämä kirja sinua kohti ihmiselämän korkeinta ja tärkeintä tarkoitusta.

Kultur der Soziologie: Jahrbuch für Soziologiegeschichte

by Frank Meyhöfer Benjamin Schiffl Jan Winkelhaus

Die mit diesem Sonderband versammelten Beiträge schlüsseln die Kultur der Soziologie soziologiegeschichtlich auf: Im Sinne der Kultivierungspraktiken der Soziologie nehmen sie in den Blick, in welchen institutionellen Arbeits- und Gesprächszusammenhängen sich soziologische Erkenntnisprozesse vollzogen haben. Sie geben damit Einblick in das historische Gewordensein der Kultur der Soziologie, so wie sie von Soziolog*innen je im Einzelfall verstanden und praktiziert wurde und – durch Anschlüsse wie Ausschlüsse gleichermaßen – wiederum als Nach- und Weitererzählungen in das disziplinäre Gedächtnis eingeht.

Kultur-Projektmanagement: Kultur- und Organisationsprojekte erfolgreich managen (Kunst- und Kulturmanagement)

by Sven-Oliver Bemmé

Das Buch beschreibt Potenziale, Chancen, Nutzen, aber auch Risiken und Grenzen der Projektmanagement-Arbeit im Kulturzusammenhang. Es versteht sich als ein hinleitendes Methoden-Grundlagenwerk und dient der Einführung in die Hintergründe, Verfahrensweisen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten, die sich aus der bewussten Anwendung von Projektmanagement-Methodik im Kulturbetrieb ableiten. Zusätzlich zu Gesamteinordnung und Anwendbarkeit in der Kulturorganisation, bietet das Buch praktische Umsetzungshinweise für die Organisationshandelnden und gibt Beispiele aus dem kulturellen Projektalltag. Neben Rüst- und Handwerkszeug für die Management-Praxis werden organisations- und persönlichkeitsbezogene Voraussetzungen sowie Möglichkeiten der Kompetenzerweiterung aufgezeigt. Exkurse zu Organisationsentwicklung, kontinuierlichem Change-Management sowie Teamführung und Evaluation verdeutlichen den notwendigen Vernetzungsgrad von Organisation, Prozessen und den sie tragenden Akteuren. Denn für die Projektarbeit und deren Management gilt in Profit- wie Non-Profit-Organisationen gleichermaßen: Es sind die Menschen, die den Unterschied machen.

Kulturgerontologie: Konstellationen, Relationen und Distinktionen (Altern & Gesellschaft)

by Franz Kolland Vera Gallistl Viktoria Parisot

Studien unter dem Vorzeichen der Kulturgerontologie verstehen das Alter nicht als eine biologisch definierte Lebensphase, sondern als Teil sozialer Praxis und kultureller Ordnung. Die interdisziplinäre Annäherung an die Lebensphase Alter passiert dabei vor dem Hintergrund von Praxistheorien, Diskurstheorien, Materialitätstheorien oder Kulturtheorien. Empirisch geht mit dieser Neuausrichtung eine Erforschung des Alltagsnahen und Lebensweltlichen, des impliziten Wissens, der sozio-materiellen Arrangements und der Ästhetisierungen des Alterns einher. Der Band bildet die Vervielfältigung und Synthese von disziplinären Perspektiven der Kulturgerontologie im deutschsprachigen Raum ab und zeigt damit neue Wege auf, die Lebensphase Alter zu gestalten.

Kulturkrise und Soziologie um 1900: Zur Genealogie der Kultursoziologie in Deutschland

by Klaus Lichtblau

Dieses Buch hat die Entstehung der Kultursoziologie in Deutschland im Zeitraum von 1887 bis 1933 zum Gegenstand. Ausgehend von der um 1900 weit verbreiteten Kulturkritik im deutschen Sprachraum wird zum einen die Bedeutung der Nietzsche-Rezeption und der Auseinandersetzung mit der ästhetisch-literarischen Moderne für die frühe deutsche Soziologie aufgezeigt. Die Konfrontation mit der modernen Geschlechterfrage und der Krise der Wissenschaft sind weitere Schwerpunkte der vorliegenden Abhandlung. Ausführlich behandelt werden dabei die entsprechenden Arbeiten von Ferdinand Tönnies, Georg Simmel, Max Weber, Werner Sombart, Max Scheler und Karl Mannheim.

Kulturmarketing (Kunst- und Kulturmanagement)

by Andrea Hausmann

Marketing für Angebote im Kulturbereich ist nicht "give the market what it wants". Vielmehr ist Kulturmarketing eine professionelle Betrachtungsweise des Vermittelns kultureller Leistungen an verschiedene Zielgruppen. Dabei gibt es zwei Vorgehensweisen: eine durch Nachfrage getriebene und - weitaus wichtiger - eine von künstlerischen und anderen Impulsen getriebene. In beiden Fällen geht es um das Erzeugen von Akzeptanz bei den relevanten Adressaten, insbesondere den Besuchern. Kulturmarketing wird im vorliegenden Band als betriebswirtschaftlich fundierte Konzeption mit ihren Zielsetzungen, den wichtigsten Strategieoptionen und ausgewählten Facetten des Marketinginstrumentariums behandelt.

Kuna Art and Shamanism: An Ethnographic Approach

by Paolo Fortis

Known for their beautiful textile art, the Kuna of Panama have been scrutinized by anthropologists for decades. Perhaps surprisingly, this scrutiny has overlooked the magnificent Kuna craft of nuchukana—wooden anthropomorphic carvings—which play vital roles in curing and other Kuna rituals. Drawing on long-term fieldwork, Paolo Fortis at last brings to light this crucial cultural facet, illuminating not only Kuna aesthetics and art production but also their relation to wider social and cosmological concerns. Exploring an art form that informs birth and death, personhood, the dream world, the natural world, religion, gender roles, and ecology, Kuna Art and Shamanism provides a rich understanding of this society’s visual system, and the ways in which these groundbreaking ethnographic findings can enhance Amerindian scholarship overall. Fortis also explores the fact that to ask what it means for the Kuna people to carve the figure of a person is to pose a riddle about the culture’s complete concept of knowing. Also incorporating notions of landscape (islands, gardens, and ancient trees) as well as cycles of life, including the influence of illness, Fortis places the statues at the center of a network of social relationships that entangle people with nonhuman entities. As an activity carried out by skilled elderly men, who possess embodied knowledge of lifelong transformations, the carving process is one that mediates mortal worlds with those of immortal primordial spirits. Kuna Art and Shamanism immerses readers in this sense of unity and opposition between soul and body, internal forms and external appearances, and image and design.

Kuna Art and Shamanism: An Ethnographic Approach

by Paolo Fortis

Known for their beautiful textile art, the Kuna of Panama have been scrutinized by anthropologists for decades. Perhaps surprisingly, this scrutiny has overlooked the magnificent Kuna craft of nuchukana-wooden anthropomorphic carvings-which play vital roles in curing and other Kuna rituals. Drawing on long-term fieldwork, Paolo Fortis at last brings to light this crucial cultural facet, illuminating not only Kuna aesthetics and art production but also their relation to wider social and cosmological concerns. Exploring an art form that informs birth and death, personhood, the dream world, the natural world, religion, gender roles, and ecology, Kuna Art and Shamanism provides a rich understanding of this society's visual system, and the ways in which these groundbreaking ethnographic findings can enhance Amerindian scholarship overall. Fortis also explores the fact that to ask what it means for the Kuna people to carve the figure of a person is to pose a riddle about the culture's complete concept of knowing. Also incorporating notions of landscape (islands, gardens, and ancient trees) as well as cycles of life, including the influence of illness, Fortis places the statues at the center of a network of social relationships that entangle people with nonhuman entities. As an activity carried out by skilled elderly men, who possess embodied knowledge of lifelong transformations, the carving process is one that mediates mortal worlds with those of immortal primordial spirits. Kuna Art and Shamanism immerses readers in this sense of unity and opposition between soul and body, internal forms and external appearances, and image and design.

Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy In Man

by Gopi Krishna Gene Kieffer

Coiled like a snake at the base of the spine, kundalini is the spiritual force that lies dormant in every human being. Once awakened, often through meditation and yoga practices, it rises up the spine and finds expression in the form of spiritual knowledge, mystical vision, psychic powers, and ultimately, enlightenment. This is the classic first-person account of Gopi Krishna, an ordinary Indian householder who, at the age of thirty-four, after years of unsupervised meditation, suddenly experienced the awakening of kundalini during his morning practice. The story of this transformative experience, and the author's struggle to find balance amid a variety of powerful physiological and psychic side effects, forms the core of the book. His detailed descriptions of his dramatic inner experiences and symptoms such as mood swings, eating disorders, and agonizing sensations of heat—and of how, with the help of his wife, he finally stabilized at a higher level of consciousness—make this one of the most valuable classics of spiritual awakening available.

Kundalini - Guia do Despertar de Kundalini para Curar e Desbloquear o Seu Poder Espiritual

by John Wald Renata Gomes

Este livro é um guia para despertar a energia de Kundalini e desbloquear o seu poder espiritual e de cura. Pretende apresentar o que é a energia de Kundalini, a sua história e inclui sugestões para iniciar a sua prática. A sua leitura irá ajudá-lo a compreender a conexão do corpo ao espírito e a aprofundar os conceitos de despertar espiritual. É abordada a cura do corpo e como a prática de Kundalini torna efectiva esta habilidade natural. Ficará ainda consciente dos potenciais perigos associados à prática de Kundalini, mas também ficará conhecedor de outras práticas mais positivas compatíveis com a Kundalini. No final da sua leitura terá não só uma visão geral desta prática, mas estará também munido de todos os detalhes importantes para começar a sua aventura. Aproveite a viagem!

Kundalini: La Guida Kundalini del Risveglio per Guarire e Sbloccare il Tuo Potere Spirituale

by John Wald

Sblocca Oggi il Tuo Potere Spirituale Stai cercando una pratica che renda più efficace la capacità naturale del corpo di guarirsi da solo? Vuoi imparare le possibilità del potere spirituale? Vuoi potenziare il tuo corpo, la tua mente ed il tuo spirito? Questo libro vuole fornire la capacità di capire cosa è la pratica Kundalini, con una breve storia ed altre informazioni del posso che ti aiuteranno ad avere un contesto più completo. In questo libro ci sono anche suggerimenti su come iniziare la tua pratica Kundalini per curare e potenziare il tuo corpo, la tua mente ed il tuo spirito. Tra le pagine di questo libro, troverai le risposte a queste e ad altre domande. Solo alcune delle domande e degli argomenti trattati comprendono: La Connessione dello Spirito al Corpo Il Tesoro Nascosto Le Scure Nebbie della Preistoria Il Bhagavad Gita Yoga Kundalini Risveglio Guarigione Potere Spirituale Il Significato dell'Egoismo Pericoli Potenziali dei Poteri Spirituali Benefici Spirituali Chakra, Nadi e Corpo Sottile Ed altro! Anche se le centinaia di dettagli della pratica Kundalini vanno oltre questo libro, questo capitolo ti forniranno un'ampia conoscenza di ciò che viene coinvolto nel risveglio dell'energia Kundalini. Quando avrai finito di leggere, avrai una chiara idea delle sfide e dei benefici del risveglio Kundalini. Prendi oggi la tua copia del Kundalini!

The Kundalini Yoga Experience: Bringing Body, Mind, and Spirit Together

by Khalsa Dharma Singh Darryl O'Keeffe

UNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED. Kundalini yoga engages your unique sources of energy -- those that empower your spirit as well as your body. Drawing from the riches of ancient yogic tradition, The Kundalini Yoga Experience offers a system of physical poses, breathing techniques, and focused meditations that, when practiced together, will bring you: Increased physical health and strength; Emotional balance; Heightened sensory awareness; Enhanced intuition and creativity; Greater peace and fulfillment in relationships; A deeper sense of your own spirituality. Unlike any other yoga guide, The Kundalini Yoga Experience encourages you to develop a practice that suits your needs. At the start, a simple numerological profile based on your birth date reveals your strengths and weaknesses. From there, you'll learn which exercises and meditations will be most effective in helping you balance each energy center (or chakra) in your body. Clear instructions and photographs guide you through each step, and as you move from one to another, you'll see how physical movement and spiritual reflection go hand in hand to heal and strengthen every part of you. With regular practice, you'll be surprised at how strong, healthy, and fulfilled you feel. Experiencing the power of Kundalini is your birthright -- embrace it!

Kunst und Gewalt (Kunst und Gesellschaft)

by Andreas Braun Christian Steuerwald

Das Buch untersucht den bisher nur unzureichend untersuchten Zusammenhang von Kunst und Gewalt. Mit theoretischen, empirischen und methodischen Beiträgen von Gewalt- und Kunstsoziolog:Innen richtet sich das Buch nicht nur an ein soziologisches Fachpublikum, sondern zugleich auch an eine breite sowohl an Kunst als auch Gewalt interessierte Öffentlichkeit.

Kurikara: The Sword and the Serpent

by John Maki Evans

InMikkyo-Japanese esoteric Buddhism-the dragon Kurikara symbolizes the internal energy developed through sword practice. Kurikara is a manifestation of the fierce bodhisattva Fudo Myo O, the patron of ascetics and warriors in Japan, who uses his sword to destroy delusions and sever attachments. Fudo’s sword represents the gaining of discriminative power and decisiveness-the ability to cut through illusion and attachment. This leads to the development of an inner energy that allows one to “burn up” all obstacles to spiritual freedom. Kurikara: The Sword and the Serpentsets out the eight basic principles of swordsmanship common to all Japanese sword schools, emphasizing the cultivation of power and mental focus. Accomplished martial artist John Evans provides practical examples from his experience with the sword arts as well asMikkyoandshugendo(mountain asceticism). The first foreign student to train with Nakamura Taisaburo sensei-widely acknowledged as the master of the sword artbattodo-Evans clearly explains how skill such as Nakamurua sensei’s can be systematically developed throughtanren, exercises that meld “inner” and “outer” power. Filled with fascinating anecdotes from Evans’s training in Japan,Kurikarais a useful, inspiring guide to Japanese sword practice and its spiritual underpinnings.

Kurozumikyo and the New Religions of Japan

by Helen Hardacre

The description for this book, Kurozumikyo and the New Religions of Japan, will be forthcoming.

The Kushnameh: The Persian Epic of Kush the Tusked

by Iranshah

The first English translation of a strange and unusual Persian epic, this action-packed tale of an evil, monstrous king explores questions of nature and nurture and brings the global middle ages to life. The great Persian epic known as the Kushnameh follows the entangled lives of Kush the Tusked––a monstrous antihero with tusks and ears like an elephant, descended from the evil emperor Zahhak––and Abtin, the exiled grandson of the last true Persian emperor. Abandoned at birth in the forests of China and raised by Abtin, Kush grows into a powerful and devious warrior. Kush and his foes scheme and wage war across a global stage reaching from Spain and Africa to China and Korea. Between epic battles and magnificent feasts are disturbing, sometimes realistic portrayals of abuse and oppression and philosophical speculation about nature and nurture and the origins of civilization. A fantastical adventure story stretching across the known world and a literary classic of unparalleled richness, this important work of medieval Persian literature is a valuable source for understanding the history of racism and constructions of race and the flows of lore and legend from the Central Asian Silk Road and the Sahara to the sea routes of the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean. The Kushnameh is a treasure trove of Islamic and pre-Islamic Persian cultural history and a striking contemporary document of the "global middle ages," now available to English-speaking readers for the first time.

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