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Rebuilding The Real You: The Definitive Guide to the Holy Spirit's Work in Your Life

by Jack W Hayford

Rebuilding the Real You, Jack Hayford’s landmark teaching on the Holy Spirit, unfolds a clear picture of the process by which the Holy Spirit works in the life of the believer. For anyone who has experienced times of brokenness, the book is a handbook on restoration, enabling the reader to identify and effectively deal with obstacles, walk fully and fruitfully in Spirit-filled life, and rejoice in God’s faithfulness. Containing life-transforming dimensions of renewal and personal restoration, Rebuilding the Real You equips the reader with the tools necessary to rebuild their soul, restore their hope, and remove their shame. With a help like that, you can live every day with confidence, assured of God’s Word triumphing in you.

Rebuilding the Altar: A Bold Call for a Fresh Encounter With God

by Pat Schatzline Karen Schatzline

The Holy Spirit has become a stranger. Many long for a closer walk with God, but He seems far away. They go to church. They read the Bible. But they don&’t experience His presence. Why? Because many have forsaken the altar—the place where God is found. When we truly encounter Him again, the light and power of God will flow to our homes, then to our houses of worship, then to the nation, and we will never be the same. In Rebuilding the Altar authors Pat and Karen Schatzline passionately challenge you to return to the altar. You see, the altar is not just a physical location or an instrument in a church or synagogue. Through Christ we can experience a daily encounter with Jesus, who became our altar. We must declare this truth to the deceived. We must raise a standard of holiness and no compromise. We must bring hope to the hurting. It&’s time for change. It&’s time to return to the altar...and encounter God.

Rebuilding the Foundations: Social Relationships In Ancient Scripture And Contemporary Culture

by John Brueggemann Walter Brueggemann

In this unique volume, father-and-son team Walter and John Brueggemann take a close look at our fractured American society and suggest ways for improvement. Using six themes identified by some scholars as the moral foundations of society—care, fairness, liberty, loyalty, authority, and sanctity—they examine the unsustainable patterns of our contemporary society and reveal how those patterns played out in the ancient world of the Old Testament. Brueggemann and Brueggemann demonstrate how comparing the current state of these moral foundations with what God wanted them to be can help us better respond to the challenges of today. They assert that achieving any significant change will require the work of all of us and will be grounded in a vision of neighborliness. Rebuilding the Foundations will inspire readers to reorient toward a better way of living, both for themselves and for all living things.

Rebuilding the Ruins: Following God's call to serve Syria

by Samara Levy

In 2014 God called Samara Levy three times over 8 months to "start collecting" aid to send to Syria. Samara was a stay at home mum with two young boys with no experience whatsoever. It started with a vision to fill one lorry of aid, but four years later she has just loaded her 101st container, has sent 11 ambulances to Syria, set up a charity and distributed aid to more than 350,000 people in the Middle East. Since starting this work, Samara has also visited Syria, one of the most dangerous war zones of our generation, which has the highest number of kidnappings and killings of humanitarian workers in the world and in 2016, 2/3rds of the world's attacks on healthcare took place in Syria. A mother's calling tells the story not only of how this work developed from nothing, but also of Samara's own internal journey: what she has learnt about stepping out in faith and listening to God, and of how he uses the ordinary to achieve the extraordinary.Part testimony and part sharing, this book will inspire all who see the daily headlines about the situation in Syria and wonder what possible difference they can make. It is a story of hope, and of how in our weakness and inability God does the miraculous with whatever we can offer.

Rebuilding Your Broken World

by Gordon MacDonald

What happens when your ideals and desires, plans and strategies, all go awry? From what sources might one find the resolve to begin a rebuilding process? "The fact is," writes Gordon MacDonald in Rebuilding Your Broken World, "the God of the Bible is a God of the rebuilding process. And not enough broken people know that." No stranger himself to brokenness, Gordon MacDonald draws from personal experience and discusses the likely sources of pain, the humiliation, and the long- and short-range consequences of a broken personal world. And he offers encouraging answers to the questions everyone asks when their worlds fall apart: Is there a way back?

Rebuking the Devil

by Pope Francis United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

In this powerful collection of excerpts, the pope lays bare the devil's ploys and tactics, to help you avoid getting ensnared. Listen with care, as the pope tells the story of the devil's history, character, and works, and consider the pope's suggestions about what you can do to see victory over the devil. <p><p> Rebuking the Devil will be an important and sobering awakening to those who have forgotten the reality of the spiritual battle that humanity is undergoing. And to those already fighting hard in spiritual battle, they will find great reassurance in the pope's certainty that we can overcome through Spirit-filled discernment and the power of God in Christ Jesus. Through the course of this book, you'll learn from Pope Francis about the practical tools of spiritual battle.

Recalibrate Your Life: Navigating Transitions with Purpose and Hope

by Kenneth Boa Jenny Abel

As we make our way through life, we find ourselves in times of transition where we need to reassess who we are and what we do. Living well doesn't happen automatically for followers of Christ—it happens when we have planned ahead by reviewing and recalibrating our lives on a regular basis, and when we transition from one stage of life to the next. Times of transition, especially in midlife or later life, are ideal moments for recalibrating our priorities and habits. Ken Boa and Jenny Abel give us the perspective and practical tools needed to evaluate our God-given gifts, talents, skills, wisdom, knowledge, resources, and opportunities so we can use them to the full extent God desires. It involves an intentional recalibration and envisioning of one's life based on God's universal and unique purposes for each person as we move from the demands of our careers into a deeper sense of calling. This eternal perspective allows us to live meaningfully now and into the future so that the best is yet to come.

Recalling Chogyam Trungpa

by Fabrice Midal

In wide-ranging essays and interviews, contributors from the fields of Buddhist practice and scholarship, philosophy, the arts, and literature examine the work of a modern genius--the Tibetan Buddhist meditation master Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche (1939-1987). A pioneer in introducing Buddhism to the West, Trungpa Rinpoche had a distinct knack for breaking down the cultural, historical, and ideological barriers that make any such transmission so difficult today. His skill at communicating in a living language to Western students, while remaining faithful to the traditional origins of Buddhism, was paired with an understanding of the modern world of unusual relevance. As a result, his activities in a wide range of areas--including psychology, education, theater, poetry, visual arts, translation, publishing, interreligious dialogue, the creation of a path of spiritual warriorship, and the founding of the first Buddhist university in North America--offer penetrating insights into the meaning of Buddhism for our world and our culture. This anthology is a testimony to the continuing influence of his unique qualities and work as a revitalizing force in spheres both spiritual and secular.

Recalling The Hope Of Glory: Biblical Worship From The Garden To The New Creation

by Allen P. Ross

Moving beyond worship wars over style and denominational proclivities, Allen Ross has completed an extensive study of the biblical material that informs the heart of true worship: "to recall and celebrate the hope of glory." Much more than a biblical theology of worship, Recalling the Hope of Glory is an inductive study of the Bible, showing how the many biblical events and teachings develop the central focus of worship. Beginning not with early Israelite worship, but with creation itself, this work uncovers the glories and beauty of true worship as it is progressively revealed from its beginning in the Garden to its climax in the new heavens and new earth. Throughout the book, the focus is on the integral issue of who we worship . . . and why. Ross then applies these discoveries to the contemporary Christian practice and debate. Recalling the Hope of Glory stands to become a definitive resource for the pastor, worship leader, and those training for the ministry. Regardless of their denomination, readers will appreciate the author's high view of Scripture and just how much it can and should inform Christian worship.

Recapture the Wonder

by Ravi Zacharias

Break free from the weariness and cynicism of life to enjoy God's amazing promise of childlike joy! It's time to reclaim that awesome sense of wonder--to experience God's amazing promise of childlike joy.

Recapturing an Enchanted World: Ritual and Sacrament in the Free Church Tradition (Dynamics of Christian Worship)

by John D. Rempel

How might our worship recapture and reflect the enchanted world of God's nearness in Jesus Christ?

Recapturing Her Heart: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance (Sage Creek #2)

by Jennifer Slattery

What she&’s always wished for… Might be right here at home. When she loses her job, professional dancer Harper Moore returns to her Texas hometown with one goal in mind—leaving again. But first she needs money for her big move, even if that means working for her ex-boyfriend. CJ Jenkins is certain he can help the single mom and keep his still-bruised heart intact. But as old feelings resurface, can they let go of the past for a new dream together?From Love Inspired: Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.Sage Creek Book 1: Falling for the Family Next DoorBook 2: Recapturing Her Heart

Recapturing the Wesleys' Vision: An Introduction to the Faith of John and Charles Wesley

by Paul Wesley Chilcote

Scholar and teacher Paul Wesley Chilcote provides a full and clear introduction to the dynamic faith of John and Charles Wesley. The vital theology of John is skillfully gleaned from his voluminous writings. The corresponding faith of Charles is culled from his enduring hymns. For students and general readers this book illuminates the vital balance the Wesleys found in Christian teaching that overcomes the often mutually exclusive options presented in other theological traditions. Chilcote shows that such a synthetic faith is not boring or irrelevant but transforming and life-giving, bringing together faith and works, Word and Spirit, the personal and the social, the head and the heart, mission and service.

Recapturing the Wonder: Transcendent Faith in a Disenchanted World

by Mike Cosper

• 15th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year - Inspirational • Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Top Shelf Book Cover Award 2017 When we're young, it's easy to believe in the supernatural, the mysterious, the enchanted. But as we grow older, we learn to be more "rational" and more confident that reality is merely what we can see. Even as Christians who believe in the resurrection, we live as if miracles and magic have been drained from the world. As Mike Cosper wrestled with his own disillusionment, he found writers, thinkers, and artists like Hannah Arendt, Charles Taylor, James K. A. Smith, and David Foster Wallace whose words and ideas reassured him that he was not alone. And he discovered ancient and modern disciplines that shape a Christian way of life and awaken the possibility of living again in an enchanted world. Exquisitely written with thoughtful practices woven throughout, this book will feed your soul and help you recapture the wonder of your Christian walk.

Recargado: Una guía sencilla para estar en contacto con Dios

by Doug Fields

Como creyente, usted sabe que necesita tener su devocional. Se lo ha escuchado decir a su pastor, lo ha visto en las guías de estudio; tal vez incluso este tiempo ha dejado alguna huella en su lectura de la Biblia en un año. Algunos han ajustado con valentía su despertador para que suene una hora antes a fin de tener su devocional en la madrugada, solo para hallar que la vida se las arregla para privarle de su decisión. No se trata de que no ame a Dios. Usted renuncia porque «se dejó convencer» para seguir el hábito insostenible de alguien más y a un ritmo irrazonable. Sin embargo, no tiene que seguir avanzando con el tanque de combustible vacío. El exitoso autor Doug Fields le ofrece un plan nada complicado y funcional que puede llevar a cabo. Este libro no le va a enseñar cómo «embutir a Dios» en su calendario ya lleno. Más bien, Doug le mostrará una manera práctica y factible de poner a Dios primero y luego permitir que todo lo demás en su vida caiga en su lugar. Experimentará la plenitud que Dios tiene para usted tan solo dedicando algún tiempo para reaprovisionarse de combustible.

Recasting Islamic Law: Religion and the Nation State in Egyptian Constitution Making

by Rachel M. Scott

By examining the intersection of Islamic law, state law, religion, and culture in the Egyptian nation-building process, Recasting Islamic Law highlights how the sharia, when attached to constitutional commitments, is reshaped into modern Islamic state law.Rachel M. Scott analyzes the complex effects of constitutional commitments to the sharia in the wake of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. She argues that the sharia is not dismantled by the modern state when it is applied as modern Islamic state law, but rather recast in its service. In showing the particular forms that the sharia takes when it is applied as modern Islamic state law, Scott pushes back against assumptions that introductions of the sharia into modern state law result in either the revival of medieval Islam or in its complete transformation. Scott engages with premodern law and with the Ottoman legal legacy on topics concerning Egypt's Coptic community, women's rights, personal status law, and the relationship between religious scholars and the Supreme Constitutional Court. Recasting Islamic Law considers modern Islamic state law's discontinuities and its continuities with premodern sharia.

Receba a Tua Cura

by Leandro Padilha Gabriel Agbo

Este livro é a respeito de como receber a cura divina. Deus ainda pode curar? Sim! Nós podemos viver uma boa e perfeita saúde hoje? Sim! Nosso Deus é o mesmo ontem, hoje e eternamente! Esteja na expectativa da tua cura durante a leitura desse livro. Aqui você lerá alguns testemunhos que instantaneamente aumentará tua fé em Deus e em Sua habilidade ilimitada e astucia para intervir até mesmo nas piores situações. Por exemplo. Deus ainda cura doenças incuráveis e terminais! Ele ainda ressuscita morto! Você já leu a respeito de um homem que foi ressuscitado da morte depois de ele estar há dois dias mortos? Se Deus pode fazer isso, por que você acha que não há nada a se fazer a respeito de tua condição? Existem muitos outros testemunhos aqui. Existem dez capítulos poderosos iluminados nesse livro: Todas As Coisas São Possíveis; A Cura é um Direito Teu; A Origem da Doença; A Palavra de Deus; O Nome de Jesus; Espírito Santo; O Poder da Fé; Retendo a Tua Cura. Você aprenderá a respeito do papel da oração, óleo de unção, imposição de mãos, compaixão (amor), obediência, anjos, louvor e adoração, etc; em nossa busca para receber e reter a nossa cura. Esse livro é designado para você receber tua cura e como chegar até ela, e ele é muito prático.

Recebendo Profecia Pessoal

by Bill Vincent Anderson Sathler Vieira

O livro aborda temas e dicas fundamentais sobre como podemos receber e dar profecias de acordo com a vontade e o tempo de Deus, focando a importância da obediência e o temor a Deus, como pre-requisitos indispensáveis para qualquer que queira aprender ser um melhor profeta e ter um ministério profético bem estruturado e fundamentado nas Escrituras Sagradas.

Receive Your Healing and Reclaim Your Health: Partnering with the Holy Spirit for Total Transformation of Your Body, Soul and Spirit

by Cal Pierce

Partner With the Holy Spirit for Your Health and Healing We are in a health crisis. Breakthroughs are needed if we are to experience the divine health and healing that God wants for us, breakthroughs that can only come when we partner with the Holy Spirit. In Receive Your Healing and Reclaim Your Health, Cal Pierce gives you the keys to experiencing the divine health you were designed for. God has the power to eradicate sickness through prayer. And when you give the Holy Spirit control of your health, He becomes a partner, guiding you in truth regarding nutrition, exercise, and every aspect of a healthy life.

Received Medievalisms

by Cynthia J. Cyrus

This study examines the post-medieval reception of Vienna's women's monastic institutions. Through analysis of the physical and historical place such women's institutions held in an important urban and political center, this book provides a new picture of the ways in which the medieval shapes later understandings of women's role and agency.

The Receiving: Reclaiming Jewish Women's Wisdom

by Tirzah Firestone

A highly respected rabbi, therapist, and teacher restores women's spiritual lineage to Judaism and empowers women to reclaim their rightful connection to Jewish teachings, Kabbalah, and to their own spiritual wisdom.

Receiving Christ's Hope (Jesus Calling Bible Studies)

by Karen Lee-Thorp Sarah Young

After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to be more attentive to the Savior's voice and listen for what He was saying to her. The result was Jesus Calling, a collection of personal reflections based on Jesus' own words of hope, guidance, and peace found in the Scriptures. Through these messages, countless people have been encouraged to experience a deeper relationship with the Lord as they also learn to listen for His voice in the pages of the Bible. In Receiving Christ's Hope, the third study in theJesus Calling Bible Study Series, you will explore the promises God makes to you in His Word about finding your shelter and security in Him. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you" (John 14:27). As you allow God's love to seep into the inner recesses of your being, put aside your own plans, and let the light of His presence fill your mind, you will experience His perfect peace that "transcends all understanding" (Philippians 4:7). Each of the Jesus Calling Bible Studies include devotional readings from Jesus Calling, selected passages of Scripture for reflection, Bible Study questions, and additional questions and activities to help you apply and live out the material during the week. This study can be used for personal reflection and Bible study or in a small-group setting.

Receiving Divine Revelation: Invite the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you through scripture

by Fuchsia Pickett, ThD., D.D.

For years I studied the Word. I read every book I could lay my hands on and sat under every Bible teacher they would let me sit under. But I still didn't know God, nor did I really understand His Word. Although Jesus was living in my heart, He was a stranger to me. Do you know Jesus? Do you understand His Word? It took some extreme circumstances in my life to bring me to the place where the Holy Spirit began to reveal Jesus to me and in me. I will never forget the first night the Spirit began to "divide asunder" the veil of the flesh between my soul and spirit. I began to see Jesus and understand His Word. The Holy Spirit became my teacher, and I started to receive His divine revelation. You see, no one can show you Jesus except the Holy Spirit. This living reality miraculously set me on the path of divine discovery that I am still walking in today. Come and walk with me and my Teacher, the Holy Spirit. Learn how to hear His voice through God's Word. Let Jesus be revealed in you, and receive the divine revelation of who He is, the Christ who lives in your heart.

Receiving The Gift Of Friendship: Profound Disability, Theological Anthropology, And Ethics

by Hans S. Reinders

Does what we are capable of doing define us as human beings? If this basic anthropological assumption is true, where can that leave those with intellectual disabilities, unable to accomplish the things that we propose give us our very humanity? Hans Reinders here makes an unusual claim about unusual people: those who are profoundly disabled are people just like the rest of us. He acknowledges that, at first glance, this is not an unusual claim given the steps taken within the last few decades to bring the rights of those with disabilities into line with the rights of the mainstream. But, he argues, that cannot be the end of the matter, because the disabled are human beings before they are citizens. "To live a human life properly," he says, "they must not only be included in our institutions and have access to our public spaces; they must also be included in other people's lives, not just by natural necessity but by choice. " Receiving the Gift of Friendship consists of three parts: (1) Profound Disability, (2) Theology, and (3) Ethics. Overturning the "commonsense" view of human beings, Reinders's argument for a paradigm shift in our relation to people with disabilities is founded on a groundbreaking philosophical-theological consideration of humanity and of our basic human commonality. Moreover, Reinders gives his study human vividness and warmth with stories of the profoundly disabled from his own life and from the work of Jean Vanier and Henri Nouwen in L'Arche communities.

Receiving God's Goodness: Women of Faith Study Guide Series (Women of Faith Study Guide Series)

by Christa Kinde

Women of Faith, renowned for their unique combination of personality and truth, offer fresh new messages in their fourth series of popular topical study guides. Titles include:Receiving God's GoodnessExperiencing Spiritual IntimacyContagious JoyUnderstanding PurposeEach study guide, teeming with insights and quotes from the conference speakers provides twelve weeks of Bible study, a leader's guide for small groups, and a special take-home reminder for each week's lesson.

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