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Virtuous Minds: Intellectual Character Development

by Philip E. Dow

Templeton Foundation Character Project's Character Essay and Book Prize Competition award winner What does it mean to love God with all of our minds? Our culture today is in a state of crisis where intellectual virtue is concerned. Dishonesty, cheating, arrogance, laziness, cowardice--such vices are rampant in society, even among the world?s most prominent leaders. We find ourselves in an ethical vacuum, as the daily headlines of our newspapers confirm again and again. Central to the problem is the state of education. We live in a technological world that has ever greater access to new information and yet no idea what to do with it all. In this wise and winsome book, Philip Dow presents a case for the recovery of intellectual character. He explores seven key virtues--courage, carefulness, tenacity, fair-mindedness, curiosity, honesty and humility--and discusses their many benefits. The recovery of virtue, Dow argues, is not about doing the right things, but about becoming the right kind of person. The formation of intellectual character produces a way of life that demonstrates love for both God and neighbor. Dow has written an eminently practical guide to a life of intellectual virtue designed especially for parents and educators. The book concludes with seven principles for a true education, a discussion guide for university and church groups, and nine appendices that provide examples from Dow?s experience as a teacher and administrator. Virtuous Minds is a timely and thoughtful work for parents and pastors, teachers and students--anyone who thinks education is more about the quality of character than about the quantity of facts.

The Virtuous Woman: According to Proverbs 31

by Gwen Brown

This brief but powerful book offers inspiration for women who want to live a virtuous life as prescribed in the Bible. &“The virtuous woman is a woman who has her foundation in the Lord and everything she does is done in careful consideration of the will of the Lord and with an attitude of being a godly mother, wife, and manager of her household.&” —Gwen Brown, from the introduction This book offers hope and insight for young wives and mothers who struggle to maintain vision and faith as they encounter the growing pains of life. In a deep reading of the Bible verse Proverbs 31, The Virtuous Woman expounds on the ideals that we as Christian women must strive for if we are to find true happiness in Him. Though we all fall short, true virtue is not a matter of being perfect, but of how dedicated we are to living the example He set forth for us.

A Visão Impecável

by Dada Bhagwan

Aqueles que procuram levar uma vida espiritual irão naturalmente perguntar-se como progredir na espiritualidade, e como viver os valores espirituais. Deve-se transcender de alguma forma o bem e o mal, o certo e o errado? Quando é que o desenvolvimento espiritual começa verdadeiramente? Iluminação por definição, o fundamento de uma vida espiritual é uma visão de mundo sem falhas; e para alcançar tal visão, é necessária a autorrealização. No livro "The Flawless Vision", Gnani Purush (personificação do autoconhecimento) Dada Bhagwan declara: "Quando uma pessoa não tem Autorrealização (iluminação espiritual), vê sempre falhas nos outros e nunca pode ver o seu próprio erro". Dadashri explica como atingir o Ser - descrevendo que o conhecimento do Ser é o início da verdadeira espiritualidade. Um resultado automático e um dos sinais mais proeminentes do despertar espiritual, é uma visão sem falhas de todo o mundo. Entre os muitos livros espirituais disponíveis hoje em dia dos professores espirituais, "The Flawless Vision" é uma visão única e preciosa.

The Visibility of Things Long Submerged (American Reader Series #39)

by George Looney

From poet George Looney comes a new short story collection that explores the essential nature of faith while plumbing the gritty secrets of the human heart. With swamps, alligators, revival tents, faith healers, sex, death, guilt, sin and snakes, Looney leads us through a dark landscape brimming with the miraculous and the peculiar alike. A man from a fire shows up on someone's doorstep, covered in ash and barely alive. One man’s actions make an entire town question its own violence. A healer is bitten in half by an alligator as a crowd looks on. Dripping with Southern gothic, The Visibility of Things Long Submerged gazes at the obscure and obscene. Densely populated with characters that know intimately the trials of life and the restorative powers of love, these stories are filled with a deep longing for something beyond the restless disquiet.

Visible Here and Now: The Buddha's Teachings on the Rewards of Spiritual Practice

by Ayya Khema

This practical commentary on one of the most important scriptures of the Pali canon will provide essential sustenance for Buddhist practitioners. Ayya Khema is a mountain of strength, encouragement, and tough love as she pours out down-to-earth practical instruction on the journey to enlightenment, following the framework set forth in the Samannaphala-sutta, the Buddha's discourse on the rewards of spiritual life. The sutta—included here in the translation by Bhikkhu Bodhi—contains the Buddha's teachings in response to questions posed by King Ajatasattu. Why, the king asked, should we give up the satisfactions of worldly life and devote ourselves to meditation? What are the tangible benefits to be gained from following the Buddha's way? In answering this question, the Buddha provides a compact synopsis of the entirety of the spiritual path, and Ayya Khema expands on this with her characteristic approach—simple, direct, experiential, and loving. An important aspect of the sutta is an account of the eight meditative absorptions, or jhanas—states of mind that bring joy, serenity, and peace and that open the way to clarity and liberation. Ayya Khema, who was herself adept at the eight absorptions, confidently leads the reader to, through, and beyond the jhanas, following the Buddha's plan. Her words have the effect of inspiring us to roll up our sleeves and get to work so that we may grasp the insights, accomplish the meditative goals, and become enlightened to the highest extent of our talents and efforts.

The Vision

by Kahlil Gibran Juan R. Cole

The Vision: Reflections on the Way of the Soul brings together Kahlil Gibran's Arabic writings concerned with the spiritual life. In twenty-four meditations, essays, and prose poems, Gibran expounds his unique philosophy of life while discussing such perennial themes as Beauty, Nature, Hidden Realities, Human Unity, Tragedy, Pride, Death, and the Immortality of the Soul.Gibran's religious vision is world-embracing and ecumenical. He read widely and was inspired by Buddhism, Vedanta, American Transcendentalists, and Nietzsche, along with his primary influences of Eastern Christianity, Islam, and the folk traditions of his native Near Eastern culture. His fervent belief in humanity's common heritage and shared destiny has made his writings popular the world over and classics of modern religious literature.Juan Cole's stunning and lyric translation revives Gibran's passionate stories of spiritual transcendence through love and suffering.

The Vision

by Kahlil Gibran Juan R. Cole

The Vision: Reflections on the Way of the Soul brings together Kahlil Gibran's Arabic writings concerned with the spiritual life. In twenty-four meditations, essays, and prose poems, Gibran expounds his unique philosophy of life while discussing such perennial themes as Beauty, Nature, Hidden Realities, Human Unity, Tragedy, Pride, Death, and the Immortality of the Soul.Gibran's religious vision is world-embracing and ecumenical. He read widely and was inspired by Buddhism, Vedanta, American Transcendentalists, and Nietzsche, along with his primary influences of Eastern Christianity, Islam, and the folk traditions of his native Near Eastern culture. His fervent belief in humanity's common heritage and shared destiny has made his writings popular the world over and classics of modern religious literature.Juan Cole's stunning and lyric translation revives Gibran's passionate stories of spiritual transcendence through love and suffering.

The Vision

by Kahlil Gibran Juan R. Cole

The Vision: Reflections on the Way of the Soul brings together Kahlil Gibran's Arabic writings concerned with the spiritual life. In twenty-four meditations, essays, and prose poems, Gibran expounds his unique philosophy of life while discussing such perennial themes as Beauty, Nature, Hidden Realities, Human Unity, Tragedy, Pride, Death, and the Immortality of the Soul.Gibran's religious vision is world-embracing and ecumenical. He read widely and was inspired by Buddhism, Vedanta, American Transcendentalists, and Nietzsche, along with his primary influences of Eastern Christianity, Islam, and the folk traditions of his native Near Eastern culture. His fervent belief in humanity's common heritage and shared destiny has made his writings popular the world over and classics of modern religious literature.Juan Cole's stunning and lyric translation revives Gibran's passionate stories of spiritual transcendence through love and suffering.

The Vision: The Final Quest and The Call: Two Bestselling Books in One Volume

by Rick Joyner

The Vision by Rick Joyner Repack. Editor to add description soon.

The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life

by Joyce Schwarz

In The Vision Board, influential career strategist Joyce Schwartz describes a transformative exercise that offers a simple way to change your life for the better. As featured on the Oprah Winfrey show, vision boards are a practical, effective approach to identifying and achieving your goals. With a foreword from Bob Proctor, featured teacher in The Secret, and an afterword by Jack Canfield, co-creator of the hugely popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series, The Vision Board offers concrete advice and motivation anecdotes designed to help you utilize vision boards in your own daily life.

La Visión de la cruz a través de las Escrituras

by John Phillips

Sin Jesús, la Biblia carece de sentido. Sin su muerte expiatoria en la cruz, la Biblia no marca la diferencia. El renombrado comentarista bíblico John Phillips recorre toda la Biblia y demuestra cómo la muerte de Jesús en el monte Calvario es el hilo central en sus diversas secciones, libros y temas. Without Jesus, the Bible makes no sense. And without his atoning death on the cross, the Bible makes no difference. Renowned Bible commentator John Phillips surveys the entire Bible and shows how its many sections, books, and subjects all revolve around the death of Jesus on Mt. Calvary.

Vision, Devotion, and Self-Representation in Late Medieval Art

by Alexa Sand

This book investigates the "owner portrait" in the context of late-medieval devotional books primarily from France and England. These mirror-like pictures of praying book owners respond to and help develop a growing concern with visibility and self-scrutiny that characterized the religious life of the laity after the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. The image of the praying book owner translated preexisting representational strategies concerned with the authority and spiritual efficacy of pictures and books, such as the Holy Face and the donor image, into a more intimate and reflexive mode of address in Psalters and Books of Hours created for lay users. Alexa Sand demonstrates how this transformation had profound implications for devotional practices and for the performance of gender and class identity in the striving, aristocratic world of late medieval France and England.

A Vision for the Aging Church: Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors

by Michael Parker James M. Houston

Are we ready for the opportunities and challenges facing the aging church? Now is the time for the church to offer ministry to its increasing numbers of seniors and to benefit from ministry they can offer. In this book James M. Houston and Michael Parker issue an urgent call to reconceive the place and part of the elderly and seniors in the local church congregation. Confronting the idea that the aging are mostly a burden on the church, they boldly address the moral issues related to caring for them, provide examples of successful care-giving programs and challenge the church to restore broken connections across the generations. Cowritten by a noted theologian and an expert in the fields of social work and gerontology, this interdisciplinary book assesses our current cultural context and the challenges and opportunities we face. The authors show us that seniors aren't the problem. They are the solution.

The Vision Glorious: Themes And Personalities Of The Catholic Revival In Anglicanism (Clarendon Paperbacks Series)

by Geoffrey Rowell

The Vision Glorious Themes and Personalities of the Catholic Revival in Anglicanism

La Visión Impecable

by Dada Bhagwan

Aquellos que buscan llevar una vida espiritual naturalmente se preguntarán cómo progresar en la espiritualidad y cómo vivir los valores espirituales. ¿Debe uno trascender de alguna manera lo bueno y lo malo, lo correcto y lo incorrecto? ¿Cuándo comienza realmente el desarrollo espiritual? Por definición iluminada, el fundamento de una vida espiritual es una cosmovisión impecable; y para lograr tal visión, se requiere la Realización del Ser. En el libro "La Visión Impecable", Gnani Purush (encarnación del Conocimiento del Ser) Dada Bhagwan afirma: "Cuando una persona no tiene la Rrealización del Ser (iluminación espiritual), siempre ve fallas en los demás y nunca puede ver su propio error". Dadashri explica cómo alcanzar el Ser, describiendo que el conocimiento del Ser es el comienzo de la verdadera espiritualidad. Un resultado automático y uno de los signos más destacados del despertar espiritual es la visión impecable del mundo entero. Entre los muchos libros espirituales disponibles en la actualidad de los maestros espirituales, "La Visión Impecable" es único y precioso.

Vision Map: Charting a Step-by-Step Course for Your Biggest Hopes and Dreams

by Joel Malm

Is there a gap between you and your dream?A few years back, Joël Malm had the idea to lead people on outdoor expeditions with a spiritual, God-centered focus. Following God&’s lead, he created a vision map, started his organization, and made it happen.This book is a response to the question he often gets: How do you do something like that?Whether you want to start a business, raise a family, run a marathon, plant a church, restore a relationship, or climb a mountain, you can take practical steps to see your vision come to be.Vision Map is not a formula for overnight success, but it is a template to start anyone on the path to envisioning a God-given dream. God often gives us a difficult problem to solve, and we just need a push in the right direction to find the answer.

Vision Map: Charting a Step-by-Step Course for Your Biggest Hopes and Dreams

by Joel Malm

Is there a gap between you and your dream?A few years back, Joël Malm had the idea to lead people on outdoor expeditions with a spiritual, God-centered focus. Following God&’s lead, he created a vision map, started his organization, and made it happen.This book is a response to the question he often gets: How do you do something like that?Whether you want to start a business, raise a family, run a marathon, plant a church, restore a relationship, or climb a mountain, you can take practical steps to see your vision come to be.Vision Map is not a formula for overnight success, but it is a template to start anyone on the path to envisioning a God-given dream. God often gives us a difficult problem to solve, and we just need a push in the right direction to find the answer.

Vision, Mental Imagery and the Christian Life: Insights from Science and Scripture (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

by Zoltán Dörnyei​

This book uniquely explores how the notion of vision is presented in modern science and the Bible, and how it can be applied to contemporary Christian contexts. The word "vision", our ability to see, has been described by an increasing body of scholarship in the social sciences as our capacity for mental imagery and imagination. As such, this unique cognitive capability has been utilised in many fields for a variety of purposes, from arts and psychotherapy to politics and business management, and even for performance enhancement in sports. The current book argues that a better understanding of vision can have far-reaching practical implications for Christian life and ministry by helping people to align themselves with God’s specific purposes. After a theoretical overview that integrates scientific and theological insights, the final chapters present a variety of strategies that can help believers to discern God’s call through the use of mental imagery and then to develop and cultivate the perceived vision. The book examines the scientific and biblical principles of vision in a comprehensive manner, with a special emphasis on the practical implications of the issue. As such, it will be of great interest to scholars of Theology, Biblical Studies and Church Growth/Leadership, as well as Organisational Behaviour, Business Management and Psychology.

The Vision of God

by Nicholas Of Cusa

Known for his deeply mystical writings about Christianity, Nicholas of Cusa wrote this, his most popular work, against a backdrop of widespread Church corruption. God, he believed, is found in all things, and thus cannot be perceived by man's senses and intellect alone. The path to ultimate knowledge, then, begins in recognizing our own ignorance. Deeply influenced by Saint Augustine, Nicholas mixes the metaphysical with the personal to create a deeply felt work, first published in 1453, designed to restore faith in even the most jaded.

The Vision of His Glory

by Anne Graham Lotz

With an inspiring sense of wonder and a focus on Jesus Christ, Anne Graham Lotz brings clarity and understanding to the book of Revelation. Lotz takes the reader step-by-step through John's eyewitness account of God's plan for our future, emphasizing our hope in Jesus rather than our fear of end times.

Vision of Hope

by Marilou H. Flinkman

Christian romance between microbiologist and would-be pastor.

A Vision of Jesus: The Awesome Jesus of Revelation

by R.T. Kendall

What if Genesis through Revelation is just the beginning of knowing who God is? This book will guide you into a deeper understanding and intimacy with God as you study who He is as the resurrected King. You will have a better grasp of the book of Revelation and who Jesus is revealed in this powerful part of Scripture. The image we have of Jesus is one that affects the way we act as Christians and the way we take the gospel to the world. That image has sometimes been reflected badly because we do not have a fully rounded image of the Jesus we love and worship. Indeed, some modern concepts of Jesus in the church would be difficult to worship. In Revelation 1, Jesus appears in a vision given to the apostle John. It is an awesome, majestic vision. The Bible, perhaps intentionally, doesn&’t give us much information about what Jesus looked like in human form. Yet here in John&’s apocalyptic book, God gives us an image that transcends the incarnation, an image of Jesus we can really focus on. In A Vision of Jesus, respected Bible teacher R.T. Kendall mines Revelation 1 to show readers: The unique promise of the Book of Revelation What Revelation teaches us about how to handle guilt, jealousy, and the unexpected Who God is and how Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament pictures, as well as our great High Priest, the King, and more In these pages, Kendall guides readers toward a faith enriched by a more complete image of the Savior. Engaging and enlightening, this book will inspire Christians to renew their devotion to Jesus and share His transformative love with the world.

A Vision of Lucy (A Rocky Creek Romance #3)

by Margaret Brownley

Trouble follows Lucy wherever she goes. So does a vision of second chances . . . and love.Lucy Fairbanks dreams of working as a photographer at the Rocky Creek newspaper. Her deepest hope is that her father will see her as an artist, the way he thought of her deceased mother, whose paintings still hang on their walls.But disaster follows Lucy on every photo assignment: a mess of petticoats and ribbons, an accidental shooting, even a fire.When Lucy meets David Wolf--a rugged, reclusive man who lives on the outskirts of town--she thinks she can catch the attention of the town with his photograph. She doesn't count on her feelings stirring whenever she's near him.Two things happen next that forever change the course of Lucy's life. But will these events draw her closer to God or push her further away? And how will David accept this new vision of Lucy?

The Vision of the Nazarene

by Cyril Scott

Cyril Scott felt that if the Christian religion was to survive, its esoteric aspects must be presented to the reading public and not merely remain the knowledge of a select few. The Vision of the Nazarene reveals Jesus of Nazareth in a light hitherto unknown and unsuspected by most. It also gives the key to many of his teachings which have not been correctly understood.

A Vision of the Possible: Pioneer Church Planting in Teams

by Daniel Sinclair

We have long been aware of the challenge of reaching the unreached peoples of the world. For many this seemed a daunting and almost impossible task. However, with a clear biblical model of church planting, which works in divergent cultural settings, it seems that this may in fact be possible. In A Vision of the Possible, Daniel Sinclair thoroughly covers practical whys and how-to's concerning pioneer church planting among unreached people groups, with applicable discussions from Scripture along the way. Its emphases include resistant environments and church planting in teams. It also includes the newly revised seven "Pioneer Church Planting Phases," which is widely used by mission agencies working among unreached peoples. Those on the field, and those in preparation, including those in Bible schools and seminaries, will find this book immensely practical. Senders on the homefront will also find it invaluable, as they seek to understand the biblical and concrete issues the friends they support grapple with on a daily basis.

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