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Modern Magic

by Jennifer Decuir Andrea R. Cooper Nancy C. Weeks Stephanie Cage

What if Cinderella ditched the prince's ball and sent her fairy godmother to find love in her place?Suppose a streetwise hero hired to steal an all-powerful Genie (stuck in a flash drive rather than a brass lamp) for a tech company ended up running for his life with the CEO's gorgeous, intelligent daughter?Or what if the bed that a certain golden-tressed girl accidentally napped in belonged to the hot and famous middle brother of a notorious boy band?Can you envision the sparks that might fly if a bitter and downright beastly wheelchair-bound woman propositioned a handsome bookseller to stay with her in exchange for her rare book collection?This spellbinding anthology features modern and sexy spins on four classic fairy tales that will enchant you by Jennifer DeCuir, Stephanie Cage, Andrea R. Cooper, and Nancy C. Weeks.Sensuality Level: Sensual

Modern Manhood: Conversations About the Complicated World of Being a Good Man Today

by Cleo Stiller

Emmy and Peabody Award–nominated health reporter Cleo Stiller&’s fun(ny) and informative collection of advice and perspectives about what it means to be a good guy in the era of #MeToo.Here are a few self-evident truths: Predatory men need to go, sexual assault is wrong, and women and men should be equal. If you&’re a man and disagree with any of the aforementioned, then this book isn&’t for you. But if you agree, you&’re probably one of the &“good guys.&” That said, you might also be feeling frustrated, exasperated, and perhaps even skeptical about the current national conversation surrounding #MeToo (among many other things). You&’ve likely found yourself in countless experiences or conversations lately where the situation feels gray, at best. You have a lot to say, but you&’re afraid to say it and worried that one wrong move will land you in the hot seat. From money and sex to dating and work and everything in between—it can all be so confusing! And when do we start talking about solutions instead of putting each other down? In Modern Manhood, reporter Cleo Stiller sheds light on all the gray areas out there, using conversations that real men and women are having with their friends, their dates, their family, and themselves. Free of judgment, preaching, and sugarcoating, Modern Manhood is engaging, provocative, and, ultimately, a great resource for gaining a deeper understanding of what it means to genuinely be a good man today.

The Modern Myths: Adventures in the Machinery of the Popular Imagination

by Philip Ball

With The Modern Myths, brilliant science communicator Philip Ball spins a new yarn. From novels and comic books to B-movies, it is an epic exploration of literature, new media and technology, the nature of storytelling, and the making and meaning of our most important tales. Myths are usually seen as stories from the depths of time—fun and fantastical, but no longer believed by anyone. Yet, as Philip Ball shows, we are still writing them—and still living them—today. From Robinson Crusoe and Frankenstein to Batman, many stories written in the past few centuries are commonly, perhaps glibly, called “modern myths.” But Ball argues that we should take that idea seriously. Our stories of Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Sherlock Holmes are doing the kind of cultural work that the ancient myths once did. Through the medium of narratives that all of us know in their basic outline and which have no clear moral or resolution, these modern myths explore some of our deepest fears, dreams, and anxieties. We keep returning to these tales, reinventing them endlessly for new uses. But what are they really about, and why do we need them? What myths are still taking shape today? And what makes a story become a modern myth? In The Modern Myths, Ball takes us on a wide-ranging tour of our collective imagination, asking what some of its most popular stories reveal about the nature of being human in the modern age.

Modern Romance

by Eric Klinenberg Aziz Ansari

At some point, every one of us embarks on a journey to find love. We meet people, date, get into and out of relationships, all with the hope of finding someone with whom we share a deep connection. This seems standard now, but it’s wildly different from what people did even just decades ago. Single people today have more romantic options than at any point in human history. With technology, our abilities to connect with and sort through these options are staggering. So why are so many people frustrated? <p><p> Some of our problems are unique to our time. “Why did this guy just text me an emoji of a pizza?” “Should I go out with this girl even though she listed Combos as one of her favorite snack foods? Combos?!” “My girlfriend just got a message from some dude named Nathan. Who’s Nathan? Did he just send her a photo of his penis? Should I check just to be sure?” But the transformation of our romantic lives can’t be explained by technology alone. In a short period of time, the whole culture of finding love has changed dramatically. A few decades ago, people would find a decent person who lived in their neighborhood. Their families would meet and, after deciding neither party seemed like a murderer, they would get married and soon have a kid, all by the time they were twenty-four. Today, people marry later than ever and spend years of their lives on a quest to find the perfect person, a soul mate. <p> For years, Aziz Ansari has been aiming his comic insight at modern romance, but for Modern Romance, the book, he decided he needed to take things to another level. He teamed up with NYU sociologist Eric Klinenberg and designed a massive research project, including hundreds of interviews and focus groups conducted everywhere from Tokyo to Buenos Aires to Wichita. They analyzed behavioral data and surveys and created their own online research forum on Reddit, which drew thousands of messages. They enlisted the world’s leading social scientists, including Andrew Cherlin, Eli Finkel, Helen Fisher, Sheena Iyengar, Barry Schwartz, Sherry Turkle, and Robb Willer. The result is unlike any social science or humor book we’ve seen before. <p> In Modern Romance, Ansari combines his irreverent humor with cutting-edge social science to give us an unforgettable tour of our new romantic world.From the Hardcover edition.

Las modernas

by Ruth Prada

Una evocadora novela sobre los retos que tuvieron que afrontar las primeras universitarias españolas. 1928. Catalina viaja a Madrid contra la voluntad de su madre para estudiar Farmacia y se instala en la Residencia de Señoritas. Su ilusión, su pasión y sus ganas de aprender pronto la llevarán a hacer nuevas amigas, a verse envuelta en los conflictos políticos de la época y a entrar en contacto con iconos feministas como Elena Fortún y María de Maeztu. Su viaje de adolescente ingenua a mujer con deseos propios se verá marcado por un triángulo sentimental con dos jóvenes que representan mundos opuestos y, sobre todo, por las dudas entre el matrimonio y su vocación profesional. Porque, en esa época, una mujer sí debía elegir. ¿Conseguirá Catalina hacer realidad su mayor deseo? Sobre el contexto histórico de la novela: En 1915 se creó la Residencia de Señoritas, apenas cinco años después de que las mujeres consiguieran el derecho a matricularse libremente en una universidad. Que las chicas ocuparan las aulas era algo insólito y objeto de críticas; María de Maeztu, la directora de la Residencia durante los 21 años que existió, lo dejó escrito de esta manera: «El camino no puede ser más áspero y a veces las espinas me quitan la salud, pero la finalidad me parece cada vez más certera y luminosa». De Maeztu puso todo su empeño en conseguir que las jóvenes de cualquier rincón del país tuvieran la oportunidad de recibir una educación superior y pudieran incorporarse al mundo laborar como profesionales. Pero la formación que recibieron las alumnas que pasaron por la Residencia fue mucho más allá del aspecto académico: las reuniones para el intercambio de ideas, los viajes culturales, las conferencias, la educación física y los intercambios con colleges femeninos de Estados Unidos también formaron parte del plan educativo. La mayoría de las pioneras del primer tercio del siglo XX estuvieron vinculadas con la Residencia: María Zambrano, Maruja Mallo, Victoria Kent, Josefina Carabias, Delhy Tejero, Clara Campoamor, Zenobia Campubrí, Gabriela Mistral o Concha Méndez, fueron algunas entre otras muchas.

A Modest Proposal

by Felicitas Ivey

Hagar is the captain of the cargo ship Midgard Serpent. Most of his shipments are legal, but he has a reputation for being an honest smuggler--a reputation that lands him some troublesome cargo. Shibito, an exiled member of the Nipponese imperial family, meets Hagar on Dunmore Station. Keeping his true identity secret, Shibito tells Hagar he&apos;ll do anything to get out of there. Never one to turn down an offer like that, Hagar accepts. But Shibito doesn&apos;t have just any destination in mind, and Hagar is furious when he discovers that his mysterious passenger has altered their course without telling him. With no way to change course a second time, Hagar has no choice but to trust--and face the temptation of Shibito's request for some rough handling, a proposal Hagar isn't sure he can resist.

The Moé Manifesto: An Insider's Look at the Worlds of Manga, Anime, and Gaming

by Patrick W. Galbraith

MOE is a huge cultural phenomenon and one of the driving forces behind the enormous success of Japanese anime and manga-not just in Japan now, but throughout the world.<P><P>In Japan, avid fans of manga comics, anime films and videogames use the term MOE to refer to the strong sense of emotional attachment they feel for their favorite characters. These fans have a powerful desire to protect and nurture the young, beautiful and innocent characters they adore-like Sagisawa Moe in Dinosaur Planet and Tomoe Hotaru in Sailor Moon. They create their own websites, characters, stories, discussion groups, toys and games based around the original manga and anime roles.Author Patrick Galbraith is the world's acknowledged expert on MOE and a journalist based in Tokyo. For this book, he interviewed twenty important figures in the world of Japanese manga and anime to gain their insights on the MOE phenomenon. These interviews provide us with the first in-depth survey of this subject. Galbraith uncovers how MOE is influencing an entire generation of manga artists and readers. For those new to anime, manga, and youth culture in Japan, he discusses what constitutes the ideal MOE relationship and why some fans are even determined to marry their fictional sweethearts. He reveals key moments in the development of MOE, and current and future trends in the spread of MOE works and characters from Japan to other parts of the world.The Moe Manifesto provides an insider's look at the earliest MOE characters such as Ayame by Tezuka Osamu. The book has over 100 illustrations of the most famous MOE characters, many in color, and it is sure to delight manga and anime fans of every age.

Moglie trofeo: Romanticismo, Amore Libero e Sesso con il Calciatore Milionario

by Laura Lago

Lui ha comprato una moglie. Lei ha comprato una vita di lusso. Lui vuole possederla a tutti i costi. Lei non vuole neanche vederlo. Javier Vázquez è un milionario arrogante, come tutti i calciatori in pensione che non sanno cosa farne dei loro soldi. Oggi ha una villa da sogno in un complesso residenziale di lusso, più zeri nel suo conto bancario di quanti ne possa sperperare, e anche se ha una quantità vergognosa di foto esplicite di varie donne sul suo cellulare, ha comprato una moglie. Belen. Belen: Alcuni miei amici dicono che ho venduto l'anima al diavolo, ma tu cosa avresti fatto al mio posto? Ho lavorato in supermercati, negozi di abbigliamento, ristoranti e altri lavori spazzatura di cui non voglio nemmeno parlare. E tutto questo perché nessuno mi ha spiegato che andare all'università e laurearsi in psicologia era un'idea brillante... se vuoi morire di fame perché non c'è lavoro. Quindi, sì. Quando, come il più schifoso dei cliché, un bel ragazzo mi si avvicina in un locale notturno e ce la spassiamo insieme - tanto per cambiare - l'ultima cosa che mi viene in mente di fare quando sento che ha segnato un non so che gol in finale di Champions League è rifiutarlo. Ancora meno quando mi offre un anello con un diamante più grande di me, una villa assurda e, sì, una vita da sogno. Beh, per quanto possa essere da sogno una vita in cui, mentre attraversi i cancelli di casa tua, oltre alla "cameriera" trovi un quadro di lui che calcia un pallone. Sul serio, Javier Vázquez è l'uomo più narcisista, vanitoso e presuntuoso che conosco. Ma non mi sorprende considerando che è più ricco del presidente del governo. Credo. Sì, siamo fatti l'uno per l'altra. La coppia perfetta. Lui va a letto con chi vuole e io in cambio bevo Martini a bordo piscina. Fanculo lui, fanculo il mondo e fanculo il suo gigantesco... ego. Javier: L'idea era molto buona, non fraintendetem

Mogul (The Knickerbocker Club #3)

by Joanna Shupe

The privileged members of the Knickerbocker Club can never climb too high up the social ladder. But for one charming New York bachelor, does the ascent take precedence over love in the Gilded Age?As owner of a well-respected national newspaper, Calvin Cabot has the means to indulge his capricious taste for excess--and the power to bring the upper crust of society to its knees. So when a desperate heiress from his past begs for his help, Calvin agrees . . . as long as she promises to stay out of his way. Except, like the newsman, this willful beauty always gets what she wants . . .Lillian Davies lives a life brimming with boundless parties, impressive yachts, and exotic getaways. But when her brother disappears, Lily knows that blood runs thicker than champagne and she'll spare nothing to bring him back alive. Unfortunately, the only man who can help her is the one she never wanted to see again. Can Lily keep Calvin at arm's length long enough to save her brother and protect her name . . . even when the tenacious powerbroker turns out to be absolutely irresistible?Raves for Magnate"Original and captivating."--Publishers Weekly"Intense, poignant, and powerfully written." --RT Book Reviews"Engaging . . . opulent." --Library Journal

The Mogul's Maybe Marriage

by Mindy Klasky

Pregnant? His grandmother's ultimatum was that he marry, not become a dad. But when brilliant physician Ethan Hartwell searched for the only woman he'd never quite forgotten, he found a two-for-one-Sloane Davenport was carrying his child! Now Ethan had to decide whether to tell Sloane his darkest secret... A foster kid, Sloane dreamed of giving her own child a perfect family. But one incredible night with Ethan left her pregnant and-outrageously-fired from her job. Struggling to keep her independence, Sloane refused Ethan's logical proposal. She wasn't about to marry for anything but respect and partnership and love. So what will it take for her "maybe" to become a "yes"?

Mohanaswamy: El amor que se atreve a decir su nombre

by Vasudhendra

Al igual que el gran James Baldwin, el aclamado escritor de India Vasudhendra ha transformado su experiencia personal de la intolerancia, la vergüenza y la tragedia, en una angustiosa pero magnífica verdad. A partir de que el propio autor salió del armario, estas historias de amor homosexual despojaron a los lectores en su país de sus nociones y prejuicios.

Moira's Pen: A Queen's Thief Collection

by Megan Whalen Turner

Journey to the world of the Queen’s Thief in this beautifully illustrated collection, featuring bestselling and award-winning author Megan Whalen Turner’s charismatic and incorrigible thief, Eugenides. Discover and rediscover friends old and new, and explore the inspiration behind Megan Whalen Turner’s rich and original world. A stunning and collectible volume to return to again and again. This collectible companion to the New York Times–bestselling Queen’s Thief series is ideal for longtime fans, as well as readers discovering Megan Whalen Turner’s epic and unforgettable world for the first time. The collection includes all of the author’s previously published short fiction set in the world of the Queen’s Thief, as well as never-before-published stories, vignettes and excerpts, poetry and rhymes, a guide to objects from museums around the world that inspired the author, and a very special recipe for almond cake.The kings and queens of Eddis, Attolia, and Sounis all make unforgettable appearances, as do beloved and surprising characters from throughout the series and beyond. Meet Eugenides as a young boy in “Breia’s Earrings,” and Irene as a young princess in “The Princess and the Pastry Chef.” The six novels in the acclaimed and bestselling Queen’s Thief series are rich with political machinations, divine intervention, dangerous journeys, battles lost and won, power, passion, and deception. This collectible volume features illustrations and decorations throughout, illustrated endpapers, a stunning full-color jacket with embossed foil and gold stamping, a cast list, maps, and an introduction by the author.

Moirra: 1 libro della Saga Il cuore di Moirra

by Suzan Tisdale

Moirra Dundotter, tre volte vedova, aveva bisogno di un marito. Con quella reputazione, gli uomini di Glenkirby non erano esattamente in fila. Proprio quando era pronta ad arrendersi, Moirra si imbattè in un uomo molto bello, rinchiuso nella gogna del villaggio. Desideroso di liberarsi dalla gogna, lo straniero accettò con riluttanza di legarsi a Moirra, ma si rifiutò di dirle il suo vero nome... o molto altro sul suo passato. Sarebbe rimasto solo il tempo necessario per aiutarla a raccogliere i raccolti in autunno. Due mesi. E non un giorno di più. Il destino serbava piani ben diversi.

Moirra: Secondo libro della Saga Il cuore di Moirra

by Suzan Tisdale

La storia di Moirra's Heart si conclude con Saving Moirra's Heart. Dopo aver perso tutto ciò che possedevano in un incendio, i piani di Alysander e Moirra di ricominciare da capo vengono strappati quando Moirra viene arrestata per l'omicidio del suo ultimo marito. Moirra è determinata a proteggere la sua famiglia a tutti i costi. Anche a costo di essere impiccata per un crimine che non ha commesso. Alysander è altrettanto determinato a liberarla, anche se per farlo deve contrattare con il diavolo. Alysander riuscirà a dimostrare l'innocenza di Moirra o sarà impiccata?

Moise and the World of Reason

by Tennessee Williams

What's not to like about Tennessee Williams's most forthright work about homosexual love, with its gay figure skaters, runaways, and sex? An erotic, sensual, and comic novel that was a generation ahead of its time, Moise and the World of Reason has at its center the need of three people for each other: Lance, the beautiful black figure skater full of love and lust for young men as well as a craving for drugs; the nameless gay young narrator, a runaway writer from Alabama who lives near the piers of New York City's West Village, c. 1975, frantically filling notebooks with his observations; and Moise, a young woman who speaks in riddles and can never finish her paintings or consummate her affairs. The long unavailable Moise and the World of Reason represents a kind of uncensored Williams, radically frank, fully articulated, and deeply tender: a true gem.

Mojave Rescue

by Tanya Stowe

Coming soon! Mojave Rescue by Tanya Stowe will be available Jan 2, 2018.

Mojo's Mojo

by J. M. Snyder

Wray is a tattoo artist at Tattoo 804, where he rents a booth beside his best friend Mojo. Though he knows Mojo is straight, Wray can't help falling for the man’s flirtatious banter. To make matters worse, Mojo's girlfriend is pregnant, and doesn't want him bothering her with his sexual needs. She warns Wray to keep Mojo from fooling around with other women, but only laughs when he suggests Mojo fool around with him, instead.One weekend, Mojo asks Wray to attend a local convention with him, where they'll run tattoo booths in the dealer room. Wray agrees, but on the way to the con, Mojo tells him the real reason he's coming along -- Mojo wants a new tattoo ... in a very private part of his body. And he wants Wray to give it to him.Will Wray be able to put aside his growing lust and perform professionally during the procedure? Or does Mojo have an ulterior motive for dropping his pants?


by Alexander Cordell

The raven-haired beauty in the stagecoach looks every inch the French aristocrat she claims to be. But she is nothing of the sort. She is Moll Walbee, and she has left her reputation as a notorious pickpocket far behind her in the slums of Paris.The handsome higwayman who waylays the stagecoach is also not whathe seems. He is Richard Carling, recently dismissed from his regiment and now a Gentleman of the Road. But all he steals from Moll is a kiss...And so on the road a partnership is born that will be refined in trust and betrayal, that will lead to danger and high adventure in England, on the ocean wave, and to a dramatic climax in the wilds of Australia.

Molly (The Daring Debutantes Series #2)

by M. C. Beaton

A willful American heiress rejects the wrong lord in this Edwardian romance by the New York Times–bestselling author of the Agatha Raising mysteries.She dared to turn a cold shoulder on London&’s prize catch. She is a precocious American upstart who thinks beauty, brains, and bravery are enough to conquer London society. Well, he&’ll show her! Nobody publicly (or privately!) spurns Lord David Manley, the most eligible bachelor in town. He is determined that soon she&’ll be trembling in his arms, desperately in love with the man she dared to mock.David Manley always gets his way, and Miss Molly Maguire presents a challenge he can&’t resist! But Lord David has never met anyone quite like this headstrong heiress who fights like the devil, looks like an angel, and has all of London society dangling on a string…ABOUT THE COLLECTION The seven heroines of the Daring Debutantes Collection set out to conquer London&’s glittering high society and the marriage mart. These headstrong women cannot help but keep London society dangling on a string, but will they find a husband or lose themselves in the game?

Molly: Edwardian Candlelight 2 (Edwardian Candlelight #2)

by M.C. Beaton

The second book in M.C. Beaton's charming Edwardian Candlelight series. She had dared to turn a cold shoulder on London's prize catch. She was a precocious American upstart who thought beauty, brains, and bravery were enough to conquer London society. Well, he'd show her! Nobody publicly (or privately!) spurned Lord David Manley, the most eligible bachelor in town. He was determined that soon she'd be trembling in his arms, desperately in love with the man she had dared to mock. David Manley always got his way, and Miss Molly Maguire presented a challenge he couldn't resist! But Lord David had never met anyone quite like this headstrong heiress who fought like the devil, looked like an angel, and had all of London society dangling on a string.The Edwardian Candlelight Series chronicles young, passionate girls who come to understand the nature of true love despite overwhelming odds. From a penniless pauper, a stenographer, a governess to an accused murderess, these ladies in love overcome incredible odds with grit and sophistication to find and keep true love.

Molly: Edwardian Candlelight 2 (Edwardian Candlelight #2)

by M.C. Beaton

The second book in M.C. Beaton's charming Edwardian Candlelight series. She had dared to turn a cold shoulder on London's prize catch. She was a precocious American upstart who thought beauty, brains, and bravery were enough to conquer London society. Well, he'd show her! Nobody publicly (or privately!) spurned Lord David Manley, the most eligible bachelor in town. He was determined that soon she'd be trembling in his arms, desperately in love with the man she had dared to mock. David Manley always got his way, and Miss Molly Maguire presented a challenge he couldn't resist! But Lord David had never met anyone quite like this headstrong heiress who fought like the devil, looked like an angel, and had all of London society dangling on a string.The Edwardian Candlelight Series chronicles young, passionate girls who come to understand the nature of true love despite overwhelming odds. From a penniless pauper, a stenographer, a governess to an accused murderess, these ladies in love overcome incredible odds with grit and sophistication to find and keep true love.


by Teresa Crane

In the poor mud of Ireland, she dreamt of London, of a chance to do more than survive. Fleeing her fanatical republican family, Molly O’Dowd arrives nearly penniless in London at the end of the nineteenth century. Plunged into the world of East End gambling houses and brothels, Molly invests what little money she has in a typing course, her only way out. This investment will lead her on the path to establishing herself as a woman of power and means.From the rough-and-tumble world of the London docks to the luxurious hotels and restaurants of the fashionable West End, Molly captures the temper of the times – the unrest of the labouring classes, the courage of the suffragette movement, the ravages of the First World War. Molly wins and loses in the tempestuous world of the capital but her energy and determination never flag and tides change when she meets a man who could match her in business… and in love. This rags-to-riches historical romance is perfect for fans of Lily Graham, Natalie Meg Evans and Fiona McIntosh.

Molly Cooper's Dream Date

by Barbara Hannay

Pacific islander Molly Cooper has house-swapped her way into London's exclusive Chelsea. It's her dream to explore Britain. . . ;and meet a perfect English gentleman! Patrick Knight is finding Molly's chatty emails strangely compelling. The onetime city banker thought swapping his London pad for Molly's idyllic cottage would help him write his first novel-but it's not quite working out. . . ; What do you do when you realize the one you want is half a world away, living inyourhome, sleeping inyourbed. . . ;?

Molly Darling

by Laurie Paige

Two novels of wedded bliss are in this volume for the price of one. In Christine Rimmer's "Double Dare", loyalty demands Joanna Vail marry Casey Clinton to secure custody of his nephew. And in Laurie Paige's "Molly Darling", Sam Frazier vows chaste Molly Clellend will stay that way--he just needs her to help raise his baby.

Molly DeWitt Mysteries Complete Collection (Molly DeWitt Mysteries)

by Sherryl Woods

Join debutante-gone-detective Molly DeWitt in these four classic mysteries from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods. Previously published as Hot Property, Hot Secret, Hot Money, and Hot Schemes, these stories have a new tropical twist you don’t want to miss!Island StormsFinding a corpse in the card room of her elegant new Key Biscayne apartment complex was not what Molly DeWitt had in mind for a fresh new start—especially when the knife in the dead Ocean Manor’s president’s back appears to be her own. But when charming homicide detective Michael O’Hara decides to get on her case, it’s up to Molly to track down the real killer and clear her name.Seaside LiesWhen the body of her hotshot young film director is found in actress Veronica Weston’s trailer, she desperately needs an alibi—and Molly DeWitt is it. Molly’s PR job is to keep everyone happy, but solving the case is a challenge she can’t resist…just like homicide detective Michael O’Hara. She and Michael must strip the masks from a cast of potential killers, each of whom has a motive, to keep Veronica from behind bars.Bayside DeceptionsThe Save the Environment gala has Molly DeWitt and dashing detective Michael O’Hara swimming with society sharks when Molly hooks the most endangered species of all: the late chairwoman of the affair. Tessa was no saint, and the rich shed crocodile tears for the departed philanthropist. Now the question Molly needs to answer isn’t who wanted Tessa dead, but who killed her—and why.Troubled WatersWhen Michael O’Hara’s favorite uncle’s boat floats into the Miami docks wired to explode, Molly DeWitt is horrified when Michael leaps aboard and speeds away from the gawking crowd. Singed by his narrow escape, Michael is burning to discover the truth. Is Uncle Miguel dead? Molly and Michael search for clues, but find themselves point-blank in the cross hairs of terror...

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