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by Fernanda Vilas Boas Lucy Morton

Uma história que você necessita experimentar. Doce, simpática, agradável, interessante e especial. Uma novela romântica baseada em fatos reais que te conquistará para sempre. ELA está a ponto de dar o «Sim, aceito!» ao homem perfeito com que sempre sonhou. ELE necessita tempo para refletir antes de tomar uma decisão que afetará toda a sua vida. ELA e ELE não se conhecem, e tampouco pareciam estar predestinados a que isso acontecesse. Entretanto, a especial e mágica ilha de Ikaria, na Grécia, será testemunha do maior verão de suas vidas, quando o mundo dos dois protagonistas parecia estar a ponto de desabar. Seus leitores disseram: «Lucy Morton é um sopro de ar fresco ao gênero romântico. “Uma montanha-russa de emoções que te rouba o coração». «Fazia tempo que uma leitura do gênero romântico, sem ser típica e pegajosa, não me prendia e emocionava tanto. O Verão da sua Vida é um romance que todos deveriam ler». «Seus personagens roubarão seu coração. Você conseguirá mergulhar profundamente na trama e ao terminar, será impossível tirá-la da cabeça». Lucy Morton nasceu em Madrid em 1986. É jornalista e trabalha para uma revista de moda. Filha de pais nova-iorquinos, todas suas histórias estão inspiradas na cidade dos arranha-céus. “O VERÃO DE SUA VIDA”, baseada em fatos reais, é seu primeiro romance, com o qual críticos literários asseguram que estamos diante de uma das escritoras revelação mais promissoras do gênero.

O Vigilante das Sombras

by Miranda Stork Patrícia Rocheta

Aodhan apertou inutilmente a sua cabeça, gemendo. Ele sabia que era inútil, porque a voz não estava dentro da sua cabeça. Ela seguia-o, deslizando através de prédios e terrenos. Ela tinha-o seguido desde que ele tinha dezasseis anos e ainda o seguia hoje em dia, como uma memória demasiado horrível para ser esquecida. Aodhan é um demónio das sombras, endurecido e frio depois de anos de estar sozinho, depois do seu amor, a sua Destinada, ter-lhe sido cruelmente tirada. Ele tinha fechado o seu coração ao mundo, e agora passa a sua vida a livrar o mundo de homens como aqueles que levaram a sua amada, um assassino profissional imortal... Arianwen Harris é uma jovem Inspetora-Chefe, trabalhando para a Polícia de York. Quando um criminoso conhecido é encontrado brutalmente morto, ela vê-se a perseguir um assassino profissional que parece ter conseguido escapar vezes sem conta... mas ela começa-se a sentir atraída pelos seus encantos sombrios e aparência marota... À medida que os seus dois mundos colidem, Aodhan e Arianwen dão por si a juntarem-se para fugir de um bem maior inimigo, um que ameaça construir um mundo bem pior do que o que eles vivem. À medida que lutam para conterem as forças que se aproximam, o destino tem outro plano; um para juntá-los e sarar os seus passados destruídos...

O Viking: Thorleif Os Vikings, Episódio IV

by Bambi Lynn F. Rocha

Thorleif Rolvsson foi capturado pelo inimigo. O aço do machado do executor é frio contra a base do crânio. Será que uma única noite de paixão mudará seu destino? Ou ele vai jantar com seus filhos em Valhalla? A Rainha dos Francos tem necessidades. Ela acredita que Deus enviou o Nórdico pagão a seus pés para atender a essas necessidades. Mas ela pode reivindicar a benção que ela rezou sem perder o coração?

O Viking: Bron Os Vikings, Episódio III

by Bambi Lynn F. Rocha

Depois de escapar do tirano brutal que a mantém debaixo de sua bota, a nova esperança de Leda é destruída ao descobrir que seu refúgio não é mais do que uma cova de Nórdicos brutais, com a intenção de conquistar toda a França e reivindicando suas riquezas para os seus homens. Quando ela é oferecida como um escrava de cama para o viking mais feroz de todos eles, ela se desespera por perceber que a liberdade vem a um preço. Brondulf Adilson atingiu o terror em seus inimigos pelo tempo que ele lembra, para incluir as mulheres que compartilharam sua cama. Impaciente por sua aparição terrível, ele não espera o cumprimento de sua nova escrava e está resignado a forçá-la a sua vontade.

O Viking Celta

by Lexy Timms Luana Ferraz

Em um mundo atormentado pela escuridão, ela seria sua salvação. Ninguém deu a Erik uma escolha entre lutar ou não. Ele tinha um dever para com a coroa, o legado que seu pai deixou depois de morrer. Tomada pela beleza da paisagem do interior que a cercava, Linzi faria qualquer coisa para proteger as terras de seu pai. A Grã-Bretanha está sob ataque, a Escócia é a próxima. Em uma época em que deveria estar focada em pretendentes, os homens de seu país foram para a guerra e ela foi deixada sozinha. O amor terá a sua vez, mas irá a paixão ao toque do inimigo amolecer sua resolução?

O Viking (episódio 1) ~ Gunnar

by F. Rocha Bambi Lynn

Uma Fortaleza desprotegida da entrada do Rio Sena parece o alvo perfeito. Oliana du Fossé aguarda ansiosamente para que seu bruto esposo a escolha. Ela não percebe que está sendo seduzida por um invasor do norte até que seja tarde demais. Será que Gunnar e Oliana vão conseguir deixar suas diferenças de lado, o suficiente para criar um local seguro que pode durar apenas um pouco mais do que uma estação?

O Viking (episódio 2) ~ Wulf

by Bambi Lynn F. Rocha

Quando sua aldeia é invadida por bárbaros viciosos do norte, Farin torna-se uma escrava sexual para o mais selvagem de todos. Será que o seu crescente carinho pelo amigo de seu mestre entrará no caminho da vingança que planejou? Depois de perder sua esposa e filho ainda criança, Wulf deixou seus amigos convencê-lo a abandonar a vida de um fazendeiro simples e se tornar um incursor sob a liderança de Gunnar Sigurdsen. Agora conquistaram uma fortaleza em Francia, cheia de tesouros e escravos. Uma escrava em particular, uma imagem assombrosa da esposa de Wulf, ameaça causar uma cunha entre ele e seu amigo, um preço que ele não pode pagar.

O Voto do Templário (Saga Campeões de Santa Eufêmia #4)

by Claire Delacroix

O coração de Fergus estava partido para sempre — até Leila tentá-lo a voltar a amar… Voltando para a Escócia, triunfante, e confiado com uma preciosa relíquia dos Templários, Fergus fica atordoado ao descobrir que sua amada Isobel se casou com outro homem. Ele sabe que nunca mais amará, então um casamento de conveniência com sua amiga e companheira, Leila, parece um meio-termo apropriado. Pelo menos dará a Leila a segurança de uma casa e marido, mesmo que ofereça muito menos do que Fergus desejava de casamento… Leila teme que seu passado a persiga, obrigando-a a voltar à sua antiga vida, até Fergus oferecer a solução ideal. Ela anseia por mais do que uma união prática com o valente Highlander, mas espera conquistar o coração dele, antes de revelar o amor que manteve em segredo. Tudo poderia acabar bem, se ao menos a ex-noiva de Fergus renunciasse a seu domínio sobre ele… Quando aqueles que caçam o tesouro Templário em posse de Fergus descobrem sua localização, tanto Fergus quanto Leila podem perder muito mais do que o casamento. Os dois triunfarão sobre o passado e confiarão um no outro a tempo de encontrar a felicidade juntos?

Oak Bluffs

by Joan Early

Sparks fly when New York sophistication tangles with Texas toughness. Set against historic splendor, Oak Bluffs is the story of certain love between two people determined to uphold their initial disdain for each other. Lacey Daigle is trying to reinvent herself after realizing she lives in a self-created prison. Monroe Faulkner is on the run from hurtful memories. Together, they can hardly stand the sight of each other, but apart they are desperately lonely and can't wait to see each other again.

The Oak Rings

by E. T. Malinowski

Bran O'Rury is living a simple life in ancient Ireland until a lover's betrayal and a furious lynch mob force him into an ancient faerie ring. He wakes up in a strange world, in the care of a beautiful man who offers more questions than a simple peasant can answer. Their attraction is instant and magnetic, but their worlds are centuries apart. Will their romance be just a mystical memory, or is there a will and a purpose behind the fairy magic of the oak rings?

Oar Than Friends: The sizzling new enemies to lovers TikTok sensation

by Lulu Moore

"Lulu Moore created a perfect book boyfriend in OAR THAN FRIENDS. Oz is the very definition of boy obsessed and his pursuit of Kate is absolutely delicious! This book is sweet and sexy and I didn't want it to end!" ~ New York Times bestselling author Monica MurphyShe's rowing for Cambridge. He's rowing for Oxford. But they just can't keep one another at oar's length . . .Arthur Osbourne-Cloud has his future mapped out for him – graduate Oxford and follow his dreadful father into politics. Except Arthur wants anything but that. He’d rather spend his days rowing for gold at the Olympics,.And this year he has the Boat Race to win. Kate Astley also has her future mapped out. Fly half-way across the world, and win a scholarship at Cambridge University to study medicine. Oh, and crew for the legendary Boat Race. Seems simple enough. But then she meets Arthur. For Arthur, this feisty American challenges everything he's been taught to believe, while Kate battles between what she's expected to do, and what she wants to do. The bitter rivalry between their universities ought to destroy them. Or will it just be a matter of time before they surrender to the sizzling chemistry between them?But In The Boat Race, there can only be one winner. Who will sink and who will swim?PRAISE FOR OAR THAN FRIENDS:'I could not put this book down' Goodreads Reviewer'A breathtakingly unique take on the college rivals and sports romance tropes' Goodreads Reviewer'5+ stars!' Goodreads Reviewer'This book gives it all, and I'm not ashamed to say, I laughed, I cried, and I may have bit through my lip because of the tension in the end' Goodreads Reviewer'It’s a 5-star read - if I could give more I would' Goodreads Reviewer

Oasis of Crazy Fish: A True Tale of Internet Dating

by Sasha Silver

Trying to survive being single? Trust me; sometimes it’s easier to water your own grass than look for greener on the other side. This book lifts the lid on the crazy, unpredictable and often sordid world that is internet dating. If you’re single and thinking of turning to the internet for dating or just starting on your journey, you need to read this book. If you’re a man currently searching online for that special lady, you need to read this book. If you’re in a relationship and contemplating being single, you need to read this book. Or if you’re just plain old curious about what goes on with singletons in the world of cyber dating, you need to read this book. Autobiographical in nature, Oasis of Crazy Fish tracks the hilarious and often downright weird journey of a single woman into the modern phenomena that is internet dating. The stories are authentic, sexually explicit and often inappropriate, but above all, honest!

Oasis of Night (Heartache Café #1)

by J. S. Cook

2nd EditionHeartache Café: Books One and TwoThe Second World War touches Newfoundland in unprecedented ways, throwing spies and patriots together inside Jack Stolyes's Heartache Café. Heartache Café American expatriate Jack Stoyles embarks on a self-imposed exile to St. John's, Newfoundland. With good reason, Jack calls his place "Heartache Café." He's content--until Samual Halim walks into his life. When a constable goes missing, Jack finds himself caught between a manipulative woman, a corrupt cop, and a sabotaged work site. Valley of the Dead When Egyptian diplomat Samuel Halim enters Jack's Heartache Café, Jack's life changes forever. Then Sam disappears along with the code key to decipher a Nazi radio command that will set Rommel's troops in motion, leaving Jack with nothing but a fragmented phone call. In the teeming heat of Cairo--a city rife with romance, secrets, sex, and danger, where no one is who he seems and violent death waits around every shadowed corner--it's up to Jack to find the new love of his life and deliver the code that will change the course of history. But as Sam's secrets come to light, there's more at stake than the tenuous relationship forming between the two men.First Edition of Valley of the Dead published by Dreamspinner Press, 2013.First Edition of Heartache Café published by MLR Press, 2009.

Oasis of the Heart

by Jessica Hart

Spoilt little rich girl!Max Falconer didn't have a very high opinion of Cairo. In fact, she was just the kind of woman that he wanted to avoid. Glamorous, beautiful, immaculately dressed.... He couldn't think of anything worse!Cairo Kingswood didn't care what Max thought of her. She had one thing on her mind-to make a success of her business for her family's sake. And if that involved a few white lies-then so be it!Unfortunately for the two of them, they had ended up stranded in the desert together. It was a potentially explosive situation!

Oath Bound (Unbound #3)

by Rachel Vincent

New York Times–Bestselling Author: The conclusion to the trilogy set in a “paranormal universe full of interesting characters with awesome powers” (RT Book Reviews).The Tower Syndicate will fall . . . if they can survive.The secret daughter of the head of an infamous Skilled crime family, Sera Brandt has hidden her past, her potential, and especially her powers. But when a tragedy strikes her other family, Sera needs justice. And the only way to get it is to reveal her heritage—including a rare Skill—and take the reins of the Tower Syndicate from her cunning and malicious aunt.Kristopher Daniels might have the answer. He’s fought the syndicate to protect his sisters, but he’d never realized just how close to the new heir he needed to get.Neither is used to trusting. But there’s something between them that can’t be ignored. So Sera is on the run with a man she can’t figure out, a target on her back and the new knowledge of just how powerful she really is . . . Praise for the Unbound novels“Offers a little something for everyone: a convincing magical system for urban fantasy fans; for romance readers, a love that time and distance can’t break; and a twist-and-turn plot for mystery buffs. . . . A gritty, dangerous world of sorcerous bindings and forbidden love.” —Shelf Awareness“A world of syndicates, bindings, magic, and blood . . . the story builds to an action-packed conclusion.” —Publishers Weekly

An Oath Broken (The Oath Trilogy #2)

by Diana Cosby

An arranged marriage to a Scot? Unacceptable! Lady Sarra Bellacote would sooner marry a boar than a countryman of the bloodthirsty brutes who killed her parents. And yet, despite--or perhaps because of--her valuable holdings, she is being dragged to Scotland to be wed against her will. To complicate the desperate situation, the knight hired to do the dragging is dark, wild, irresistible. And he, too, is intolerably Scottish. Giric Armstrong, Earl of Terrick, takes no pleasure in escorting a feisty English lass to her betrothed. But he needs the coin to rebuild his castle, and his tenants need to eat. Yet the trip will not be the simple matter he imagined. For Lady Sarra isn't the only one determined to see her engagement fail. Men with darker motives want to stop the wedding--even if they must kill the bride in the process. Now, in close quarters with this beautiful English heiress, Terrick must fight his mounting desire, and somehow keep Sarra alive long enough to lose her forever to another man... "Plenty of action...loads of treachery. Fans of medieval Scotland will enjoy." --Library Journal "Cosby gives you it all--passion, danger, lush history and a touch of magic. Excellent reading." --New York Times bestselling author Hannah Howell on His Conquest"Diana Cosby is superbly talented." --Cathy Maxwell, New York Times bestselling author

The Oath of Two Worlds

by Darina Beloyar

In the 36th century, mankind left the Earth, as well as the colonized Moon and Mars, and went beyond the solar system on the ships "Ceres" and "Juno" to escape from the terrible virus that destroys humanity. But not all people left their native planets, someone stayed in the solar system. Those who went into space, reached the galaxy of Andromeda Galaxy and settled on two planets suitable for life, which were named after the ships that brought them there: Ceres and Juno. What happened next in the solar system, the new inhabitants of Ceres and Juno did not know, because the connection was lost ... It's been centuries. The year 9018 A.D. came, also known as 5518 after leaving the Earth. In Confederation of Ceres, the city of Celestia quite happily lives the usual at first sight girl named Lycoris Farrell. But one day, there are two events that make Lycoris experience the strongest emotional shock. Not only is she rejected by her lover, but it turns out that her mother is not really her own. And her biological mother is on the Earth, Lost Terra, abandoned long ago! From a strong shock, a bead invested in a medallion Lycoris, which she wore all her life, begins to glow, and the girl turns out to be in a completely different, unfamiliar place! Not understanding what happened, soon Lycoris meets a beautiful lady, who is presented as Countess Rosalinda Landriano. She is the favorite of the king of the state Ferrum. To all the questions of the woman who she is, Lycoris, who decided to go to another world, answers that she does not remember anything. The Countess believes her words and invites her to join her. Realizing that she has no other choice, Lycoris agrees. She doesn't know yet that she has one important thing to understand in the near future. That in fact the place where she has got not another world, but the Earth, where on ruins of the past, destroyed by a virus of a civilization, the new has arisen. Also, Lyco

An Oath Sworn (The Oath Trilogy #3)

by Diana Cosby

"Diana Cosby is superbly talented." --Cathy Maxwell, New York Times bestselling authorBound by honor to save a country they love...The bastard daughter of the French king, Marie Alesia Serouge has just one chance at freedom when she escapes her captor in the Scottish highlands. A mere pawn in a scheme to destroy relations between France and Scotland, Marie must reach her father and reveal the Englishman's treacherous plot. But she can't abandon the wounded warrior she stumbles upon--and she can't deny that his fierce masculinity, Scottish or not, stirs something wild inside her.Colyne MacKerran is on a mission for his king, and he's well aware that spies are lying in wait for him everywhere. Wounded en route, he escapes his attackers and is aided by an alluring Frenchwoman...whose explanation for her presence in the Highlands rings false. Even if she saved his life, he cannot trust her with his secrets. But he won't leave her to the mercy of brigands, either--and as they race for the coast, he can't help but wonder if her kiss is as passionate as she is.With nothing in common but their honor, Colyne and Marie face a dangerous journey to safety through the untamed Scottish landscape--and their own reckless hearts...Praise for the novels of Diana Cosby "Cosby gives you it all--passion, danger, lush history and a touch of magic. Excellent reading." --Hannah Howell, New York Times bestselling author"A sexy new voice in historical romance. Scottish historicals have a bright new star (in Diana Cosby)."--Sandra Hill, USA Today bestselling author"Diana Cosby writes wonderful historical romance!"--Susan King

An Oath Taken (The Oath Trilogy #1)

by Diana Cosby

As the new castellan, Sir Nicholas Beringar has the daunting task of rebuilding Ravenmoor Castle on the Scottish border and gaining the trust of the locals--one of whom wastes no time in trying to rob him. Instead of punishing the boy, Nicholas decides to make him his squire. Little does he know the thieving young lad is really. . .a lady.Lady Elizabet Armstrong had donned a disguise in an attempt to free her brother from Ravenmoor's dungeons. Although intimidated by the confident Englishman with his well-honed muscles and beguiling eyes, she cannot refuse his offer. Nicholas senses that his new squire is not what he seems. His gentle attempts to break through the boy's defenses leave Elizabet powerless to stem the desire that engulfs her. And when the truth is exposed, she'll have to trust in Nicholas's honor to help her people--and to surrender to his touch. . .82,300 Words

Oathsworn (Dreamspun Beyond #42)

by Sebastian Black

Can love set a mage free? Former chef Jasper Wight has been magically ensnared in his apartment for over three months. Cabin fever doesn’t begin to cover it. All he can do to pass the time is indulge in his hobby—painting portraits of his neighbors. But once a handsome new man moves into a swanky nearby penthouse, Jasper is no longer content merely to watch. Following his gut, he reaches out through astral projection…. Finn Anderson is the CEO of a food app funded by his parents, but he struggles to believe in the dream. When a mysterious someone starts leaving messages on his mirror, he learns the world holds more possibilities than he ever imagined. When a chance encounter brings Finn to Jasper’s door, the pair are soon as enamored with each other as Finn is of the magic he’s just discovering. But navigating a relationship that spans two worlds is only the tip of the iceberg. They still have to figure out how to free Jasper from his apartment, how to make Finn’s business into a success, and whether an outsider can be trusted with the secrets of the magical world.

Oathsworn (CharmD Saga)

by Sebastian Black

Former chef Jasper Wight has been magically ensnared in his apartment for over three months. Cabin fever doesn&’t begin to cover it. All he can do to pass the time is indulge in his hobby—painting portraits of his neighbors. But once a handsome new man moves into a swanky nearby penthouse, Jasper is no longer content merely to watch. Following his gut, he reaches out through astral projection…. Finn Anderson is the CEO of a food app funded by his parents, but he struggles to believe in the dream. When a mysterious someone starts leaving messages on his mirror, he learns the world holds more possibilities than he ever imagined. When a chance encounter brings Finn to Jasper&’s door, the pair are soon as enamored with each other as Finn is of the magic he&’s just discovering. But navigating a relationship that spans two worlds is only the tip of the iceberg. They still have to figure out how to free Jasper from his apartment, how to make Finn&’s business into a success, and whether an outsider can be trusted with the secrets of the magical world.

Obedéceme: Una historia romántica de BDSM

by Denisse Rose

La mejor forma de comenzar las mañanas era con la dulce e inocente sonrisa de Jenny. Harry no sabía específicamente por qué la había contratado, pero había algo en ella que le dibujaba una sonrisa en su cara. No estaba seguro si eran sus modos poco convencionales o su vivaz personalidad, pero lo hacía sonreír. Y para un empresario tan estructurado, no era algo fácil de cumplir. En el pasado, había tenido muchas asistentes que habían intentado coquetear con él o ambicionaban tener algún vínculo para acceder a su dinero o popularidad, pero Harry sabía que Jenny no era así. Presumía que tenía novio ya que no miraba a nadie en la oficina y tampoco se arreglaba para impresionar. Bonitos vestidos florales y cardiganes con medias gruesas y cabello atado, no era exactamente la idea de sensualidad para Harry, pero ella no era una distracción, no como lo eran sus anteriores asistentes o colegas. Él podía reconocer chicas desesperadas a kilómetros de distancia, ese tipo de chica que piensa que teniendo sexo es la forma de llegar a la fama. A veces, Harry les hacía sutiles insinuaciones para acostarse con ellas con el propósito de su propio placer. Era un experto en seducir sin dar promesas y esperaba que alguna chica sea lo suficientemente ingenua para caer en su malicioso juego. — ¿Quisiera algo para beber, señor Stone? —preguntó Jenny con esa dulce sonrisa que solía darle. — Sólo café, por favor —le respondió. Jenny sabía exactamente cómo le gustaba La mejor forma de comenzar las mañanas era con la dulce e inocente sonrisa de Jenny. Harry no sabía específicamente por qué la había contratado, pero había algo en ella que le dibujaba una sonrisa en su cara. No estaba seguro si eran sus modos poco convencionales o su vivaz personalidad, pero lo hacía sonreír. Y para un empresario tan estructurado, no era algo fácil de cumplir. En el pasado, había tenido muchas asistentes

An Obedient Wife

by Amaya Evans

Present Day: Ellie is a young woman who is content with the life she lives. She’s grateful for what she’s been able to accomplish so far, since it allows her some economic stability and lets her help her little sister pay for college. She’s not interested in love, because she saw at a young age what giving her heart away can do to a woman. Her mother was made miserable by her father, a man she loved with all her heart who wound up destroying her. But destiny has a surprise prepared for her, and when she least expects it, she finds herself arriving in an era not her own, in the house of a man she has never seen in her life, with a gruff, bossy personality. All she has with her is a letter in her hands directed to him, informing him that she is the mail-order bride he’d written for some months earlier. 1880: Phillip is a responsible, hard-working, and very handsome man who lives alone and feels the need for a wife. A woman to take care of him and his house, who is obedient and does what he tells her to. Someone strong, who can give him healthy children and not go running at the first difficulty. When he realizes that this skinny woman in strange clothing is the bride they sent him, he is furious and wants to send her away, back to her city, but something in her touches his heart and makes him change his mind. Maybe with a little instruction she can grow to be the kind of woman he’s looking for, but what worries him most is that she seems to be a bit wrong in the head; she keeps saying that she’s from the future. Ellie just wants to get out of there, and Phillip just wants an obedient wife. What will come out of this mess?

Obeying Rowen (Club Zodiac #2)

by Becca Jameson

She’s living a lie… She knows it. But it’s easier for Faith to pretend she’s a Domme or at least a switch than allow herself to feel again. To love again. He’s watching her… Rowen can see right through Faith’s false persona. But approaching her is the last thing he wants. He doesn’t do switches, and he certainly doesn’t do wealthy women. She will submit to him… When the opportunity presents itself, however, Rowen finds Faith on her knees at his bidding. There’s no way he will turn down the chance to prove what he already knows—Faith is submissive. She isn’t a Domme or a switch. She’s the perfect submissive he’s waited his entire life for. But is it enough? Faith has skeletons. Rowen has concerns. They both have a lot to learn about trust and second chances.

The Object of His Protection

by Brenda Jackson

With a body as solid as his reputation, private investigator Drey St. John never dreamed helping the Braddocks discover the truth behind their father's fatal crash would lead to his own mother's shocking confession: Senator Braddock was Drey's biological father. Determined to solve the case, Drey enlisted all-work-and-no-play Charlene Anderson's help. But the more time he spent with the beautiful forensic scientist, the more he realized their sharp banter fronted a simmering mutual attraction that wouldn't be denied. Charlene's career left no time for exotic playboys. Then she found herself under Drey's roof, in need of his protection-and a victim of his seductive charms. But when the late senator's secrets-and Drey's true identity-were uncovered, would Drey face the betrayals in his past, and his future as a Braddock, with Charlene by his side?

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