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El bebe del Coronel

by Kathleen Hope Autumn Brannoch

“Ya regresaron,” Tracy cantó cuando pasó por el lugar donde yo estaba estudiando. No miré hacia arriba. “¿Quién?” “Ellos.” Ella hizo un gesto con la barbilla. Finalmente yo hacia arriba para ver el pequeño grupo de marines que entra en el restaurante donde trabajaba a medio tiempo. resoplé y volví a mirar mi libro. “ pueden entrar si quieren,” dije, dando vuelta una página. “Este es un restaurante y tienen que comer.” “Y coquetear con cualquier cosa en una falda.” Ella pausó, mirando a mí. “¿No vas allá? Ellos están sentados en tu sección.

El bebé del Principe: Ella lleva un secreto más precioso que el oro

by Mckenna James

Allison El bebé del Príncipe me está pateando el estómago, pero por mucho que ame al hombre, no me atrevo a hacerle saber. Cuando me encontré con el Príncipe Heredero Sebastián, él me arrastró con su encanto irresistible y sus hermosos ojos verdes. Sin mencionar esos hombros anchos y sexys que algún día llevarían sobre ellos las necesidades de un país entero. Pero un poderoso enemigo de la corona conspira para mantenernos separados, y para asegurar la reputación del príncipe, me veo obligada a abandonar al único hombre que he amado. Cuando miro a los ojos de mi bebé, veo a su padre, y no puedo evitar enamorarme del hombre de nuevo. Sebastian Tan pronto como ganó nuestra primera pelea verbal, supe que Allison era la mujer para mí. Siendo un Príncipe, era raro que alguien me hiciera frente. Pero Allison era diferente. Era fuerte e inteligente tanto como hermosa, sabía que tenía que hacerla mía. Estábamos tan felices, pero ahora que ella ha desaparecido, usaré todos mis recursos para encontrarla y traerla de regreso a donde pertenece.

Un bebé para Owen (Los Beckett #Volumen 2)

by A.S. Lefebre

Una inesperada sorpresa que cambiaría su vida para siempre. Owen Beckett es un apuesto y mujeriego bombero que, debido a una muy mala experiencia en el amor, tomó la decisión de no volver a entregar su corazón y, mucho menos, tener descendencia. Sin embargo, el destino le tenía preparada una sorpresa, que dio inicio cuando se llevó a la cama a la mujer equivocada en una noche de copas. Judith Davis decide irse a vivir con su prima a New York, y para celebrar el cambio que dará su vida, salen en una noche de chicas que acabará de una manera muy inesperada al embriagarse y acostarse con guapo rubio de ojos azules. Dos meses después, tras enterarse que quedó embrazada aquella noche, Judith va a buscar al padre de su hijo para darle la noticia, temiendo ser rechazada por él. Pese a que Owen no planeaba tener hijos y siente dudas que se ese bebé sea suyo, la sola idea de ser padre le hace mucha ilusión. Decide hacerse cargo de su hijo y cuidarlo por el resto de su vida sin imaginar que llegaría a tener sentimientos por Judith. No obstante, tras formar una magnifica relación las intrigas se hacen presentes, los fantasmas del pasado los acechan y su amor se pondrá en tela de juicio tras una dura prueba.

Un bebé y una boda (El forastero serie #2)

by Lorhainne Eckhart

De la autora Bestselling de estos días, desde NYT y USA, Lorhainne Eckhart, llega como UN BEBÉ Y UNA BODA, en Búsqueda del Amor ~ La historia de enlace de Las Series de Extraños, Los eventos de ésta corta historia de 10,000+ se desarrollan entre el #1 romance del oeste EL NIÑO OLVIDADO y EL HÉROE CAÍDO. Casarse y tener un bebé, para Emily y Brad era perfecto, o eso pensaban hasta que una sorpresa inesperada amenaza con arruinar su día feliz.

Bec et ongles (Les Gardiens des Abysses #2)

by Lea Fournier Mary Calmes

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors sérieDylan Shaw, dix-neuf ans, doit être la plus belle chose qu'ait vu Malic Sunden de toute sa vie. Après que Malic l'ait secouru d'une agression, Dylan lui fait savoir d'une manière claire qu'il est intéressé, mais le guetteur refuse même d'envisager de coucher avec lui à cause de son jeune âge. Malic est certain de ne pas être assez bien pour Dylan, qui a toute sa vie devant lui, et ne peut envisager de lui imposer le fardeau de ses secrets. Mais l'obscurité de la vie de Malic ne peut être ignorée, et Dylan se retrouve rapidement impliqué dans son univers paranormal et dangereux. Malic se bat bec et ongles afin de repousser Dylan et le garder en sécurité, peu importe le fait que le jeune homme soit la clé de sa force et son seul espoir pour un futur.

Because a Husband is Forever (The Cameo #1)

by Marie Ferrarella

The Cameo - One Special Necklace, Three Charm-Filled Romances! Talk show host Dakota Delany allows bodyguard Ian Russell to shadow her for 2 weeks.

Because a Husband Is Forever (The\cameo Ser. #1)

by Marie Ferrarella

When talk show host Dakota Delany agrees to allow bodyguard Ian Russell to shadow her for two weeks, she doesn't count on constantly battling the drop-dead-gorgeous man who monitors her every move. And she definitely doesn't expect the strong and silent Ian to immediately take hold of not only her safety, but also her heart.Strong-willed, feisty Dakota is hardly Ian's ideal client, but she might just be something more -- his perfect match. And it would be more than a ratings triumph if the warring opposites put aside their differences and stopped protecting themselves from their shared fear: true love.

Because I Am Yours (Because You Are Mine Serial #8)

by Beth Kery

Part Eight and the spellbinding conclusion of the addictive serial novel for devotees of Fifty Shades of Grey and the Crossfire series. Ian Noble and Francesca Arno set the world ablaze in Because You Are Mine, an electrifying erotic romance by Beth Kery. From the moment Ian and Francesca first met, the attraction was mutual - a purely, exquisitely physical charge that ignited between them. It couldn't be ignored - only indulged, evolving into a bond of pleasurable subjugation. But Francesca's open sensuality left her wanting more. Getting it from a man as mysterious and resolute as Ian was a challenge she never anticipated. Francesca knows there's only one way for them to move forward - to follow Ian to London and show him that she doesn't want him to suffer alone. But when Ian's past and inner torment is revealed, he experiences a nearly unbearable volcanic mix of emotions for the woman who has dared to love him, despite his inner demons. After exposing Francesca to the limits of his anguish, he wonders if he's lost her for ever. Can he bend enough to compromise to true intimacy...and something called love?For more electrifying romance, don't miss the other titles captivating titles by Beth Kery, Glimmer, Glow, the One Night of Passion series, and her bestselling erotically charged The Affair.

Because I Can

by Tamara Morgan

John "Monty" Montgomery is a workaholic. The oldest of the Montgomery children, he's been working by his father's side building the family hotel chain almost his entire life. His commitment to the business leaves no time for romance. But that's about to change.Georgia Lennox has been fantasizing about Monty ever since she started her gig as handywoman at Montgomery Manor. She figures Monty is way out of her league, so she hasn't dared to act on her feelings-until he offers to help fill a volunteer shortage on her latest project, building houses for families in need.Sparks fly as they spend time together, first on the job site, then off. But Georgia's not your typical frilly and feminine society girl. Hoping to find a way to fit in with the Montgomerys, she agrees to be made over by Monty's sister for an event. But if she lets her rough edges be smoothed away, will she be letting go of the very thing that attracted Monty in the first place?Read about the other Montgomerys in If I Stay and When I Fall, available now.102,000 words

Because I Could Not Resist (Because You Are Mine Serial #2)

by Beth Kery

Part Two of an addictive eight-part serial novel for devotees of Fifty Shades of Grey and the Crossfire series. Ian Noble and Francesca Arno set the world ablaze in Because You Are Mine, an electrifying erotic romance by Beth Kery. A heated argument between Francesca and Ian leaves the impetuous young woman alone again, and free to do whatever she chooses, and with whomever she desires. She's not about to answer to any one man - especially Ian. Until he catches her. As he takes her to his penthouse, the tension is incendiary. One thing is clear for both of them. Francesca must be punished. Outraged and unbearably excited, the naïve Francesca loses whatever control she had. After all, Ian is too dominant a man to fight off. She did disobey him. She does deserve it. Francesca just never realized how much she wanted it. But when Ian discovers how naïve Francesca really is, he wonders if taking advantage of such innocence is going too far, even for him.For more electrifying romance, don't miss the other titles captivating titles by Beth Kery, Glimmer, Glow, the One Night of Passion series, and her bestselling erotically charged The Affair.

Because I Love You

by Jeannie Moon

The new Forever Love Story from the "supremely talented"* author of The Boyfriend List and The Second Chance Hero. Leah Bayard doesn't have time for a relationship. She's an up and coming securities attorney with one thing on her mind: her career. But when she meets Tristan Ward, the gorgeous new British CFO for her brother's tech startup, Reliance Software, Leah decides she might have a little time in her schedule for a friends-with-benefits relationship. No strings attached, of course. As things heat up between them, Leah gets a career changing ultimatum from her boss. He's had it out for Tristan for years, and now he wants Leah to get inside information to help out a friend who's investigating Reliance's IPO. If she doesn't help, Leah can say goodbye to not only her job, but her reputation. Now, she has to make a decision that will change the course of her life: hold on to the first real relationship she's ever had with a man she's come to love, or give all that up to pursue the career of her dreams. Praise for the Forever Love Stories "Jeannie Moon always delivers a feel-good, warm-your-heart...story."--New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips "Jeannie Moon writes a sweet, sexy escape."--New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis "Emotionally engaging and sexy."--New York Times bestselling author JoAnn Ross "A truly sweet romance...Not to be missed!"--USA Today bestselling author Jane Porter "Just the right amount of sugar and spice...A bona fide winner."--Library Journal (starred review) * Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews Be sure to read all of Jeannie Moon's Forever Love Stories from InterMix

Because I Love You: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Qiu Yiweihan

Qiao yiyi is the director of planning for a hong kong-owned flower company to take a fancy to a tall sunny boy who comes across but bestie close with a mean means to rob the company s new intern xiao shandong was accompanying yiyi at this time and on the internet personified shandong dahan to comfort her the two secretly fell in love in two people experience life and death understand each other s heart little shandong said goodbye soon xiao shandong returned to the company as a new boss the original small shandong is the group s young employer family for the development of the enterprise strong behavior under statins fiancee at the moment yiyi is pregnant with a child from xiao shandong under the pressure of his parents and the attack of his fiancee yiyi has to secretly marry her long-time colleague did not expect colleagues forced marriage room lead to yi yi she lost the child in the belly and unfortunately blind yi yi for the cause of small shandong far away a year later at the flower fair small shandong with he and yiyi once had the creative silent memorial yiyi and yi yi chose to pass with him

Because I Need To (Because You Are Mine Serial #7)

by Beth Kery

Part Seven of an addictive eight-part serial novel for devotees of Fifty Shades of Grey and the first Crossfire novel, Bared to You. Ian Noble and Francesca Arno will set the world ablaze in Because You Are Mine, an electrifying erotic romance by Beth Kery. After time away, Ian pursues Francesca once again. She can't resist him, despite his secrecy... As their relationship deepens, Ian begins to take pleasure in teaching her his strengths while she tempts him with the beauty of spontaneity and the rush of letting go of control. And for a while, they do let go... It's intoxicating and it's exhilarating as they indulge themselves in the sweet, addictive fruit of passion. But as Francesca knows, when pleasure gets this intense, the quick burn-out can be devastating. For Ian's secrets have tested Francesca yet again, leaving her to despair that the one man with whom she has become obsessed is the one man she may never really have.

Because I Said So (Because You Are Mine Serial #5)

by Beth Kery

Part Five of an addictive eight-part serial novel for devotees of Fifty Shades of Grey and the Crossfire series. Ian Noble and Francesca Arno set the world ablaze in Because You Are Mine, an electrifying erotic romance by Beth Kery.An outing in Paris, a luxury car, a dangerous rain-slicked street - and Francesca eagerly takes the wheel sending her and Ian spinning deliriously out of control. The risk would frighten most women. Not Francesca. It's arousing. A moment of la petite mort that steers her relationship with Ian into a daring new direction. Scorched by the depths of Francesca's fresh, generous response to him, Ian begins to question his ability to keep his distance from the vibrant beauty. She's like fire in his blood, striking a cord in him unlike any other woman, and every time he touches her, his need for total possession only mounts...For more electrifying romance, don't miss the other titles captivating titles by Beth Kery, Glimmer, Glow, the One Night of Passion series, and her bestselling erotically charged The Affair.

Because I Wanted To Write You A Pop Song: Stories

by Kara Vernor

The characters in this collection of 21 short fictions hum with restlessness. They pine for lost loves and pop music romances, Hollywood heartthrobs, and sunnier towns. <P><P>They flee from failed relationships and looming violence, adulthood and other deaths. Written with dark humor and incisive, voice-driven prose, Kara Vernor's stories will stick in your head like a song.

Because It's Christmas: The Christmas Basket\Merry Ex-Mas

by Debbie Macomber Sheila Roberts

Can Christmas bring the gift of a second chance? The Christmas Basket by Debbie Macomber Ten years ago, Noelle McDowell and Thomas Sutton fell secretly in love. Secretly because their mothers had been locked in a bitter feud for decades. But despite the animosity between Sarah McDowell and May Sutton, Noelle planned to elope with Thom. Until he jilted her. This Christmas, two things happen when Noelle comes home to celebrate the holidays. The feuding mothers find themselves working together to fill Christmas baskets for charity. And Noelle and Thom discover they're still in love. Can family rivalries be set aside? Will Sarah's daughter have a second chance with Mary's son? Maybe she will...this Christmas! Merry Ex-Mas by Sheila Roberts Cass Wilkes has been looking forward to her daughter Danielle's Christmas wedding-until Dani announces that she wants her father, Cass's ex, to walk her down the aisle. Then her friend Charlene arrives at their weekly chick-flick night in shock. She's just seen the ghost of Christmas past: her ex-husband, Richard, who left a year ago when he ran off with the hostess from her restaurant. Now the hostess is history and he wants to kiss and make up. Hide the mistletoe! And bring out the hot buttered rum, because the holidays aren't easy for Ella O'Brien either. Ella, newly divorced, is still sharing the house with her ex while they wait for the place to sell. The love is gone. Or is it? Two delightful stories. Two writers known and loved for their Christmas novels!

Because It's Christmas

by Kathryn Shay

Love THAT MAN Christmas is a time for loving and giving… To most people in the small town of Bayview Heights, high school principal Seth Taylor's a hero. But Seth's never forgiven himself for a mistake he made years ago. And neither had Lacey Cartwright—the woman he's falling in love with. Seth's "mistake" cost her and her family dearly. But that's all in the past—or is it? If Lacey starts to show her support—and her true feelings—for Seth, will she lose what's left of her family? If she gives up Seth, will she lose her chance at happiness? With the holidays approaching, Lacey's hoping she won't have to make that choice. Because it's Christmas—and Christmas is a time for love and forgiveness…and family.

Because It's Christmas: Thomas Kinkade's Cape Light

by Katherine Spencer

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Angel Island series comes the seventeenth Christmas novel set in Thomas Kinkade’s beloved town of Cape Light... The holiday season brings changes and challenges to many in Cape Light. But on one silent night, peace and harmony will prevail. Sophie Potter is grateful for so many happy years among her beloved apple trees. But her family insists that she can no longer live alone. So Sophie makes a deal to spend one last Christmas on Potter Orchard. Luckily, her grandson James arrives in time to help her make plans for the best holiday gathering Cape Light has ever seen. James isn’t planning on staying in Cape Light. An aspiring writer, he’s eager for adventure and plans to take off on a trip around the world. But once James meets Zoey Bates, he starts to understand that leaving Cape Light might cost him the greatest adventure of all—falling in love. Meanwhile, after more than fifteen years as Cape Light’s mayor, Emily Warwick has lost the election to her lifelong rival, Charlie Bates. Emily is delighted to have more time for her family, but when a group of citizens begin fighting to preserve the town’s character, Emily can’t shake her desire to protect her town. Soon she finds herself back on a familiar battleground with Charlie and her family. It’s not the place anyone wants to be. Especially on Christmas. From the Hardcover edition.

Because It's True (Just Because Ser. #3)

by Mari Carr

Jacob James falls for New York cop Rodney Jackson the moment he lands in his life. The sexy city slicker was everything a lonely cowboy could ever dream of. However, when Rodney is shot in the line of duty, Jacob finds his affections rejected. As a result, Jacob offers the only thing left—friendship.Rodney’s future is nearly destroyed by a bullet. What good is a cop who can’t fire a gun? While he’s grateful for Jacob’s friendship and longs for something more, how can he enter a relationship when his future is so uncertain?After months of physical therapy, Rodney is cleared to return to work. What he thought would be the happiest day of his life turns out to be one of the worst. Returning to New York means leaving Jacob, the man he’d like to call much more than friend. With time running out, Rodney realizes the future he longed for may not be the one that makes him happy. Faced with two choices, Rodney must decide… Love or leave!New York Times and USA Today bestselling erotic romance author Mari Carr delivers a stunning tale of one man’s journey of recovery!Because It’s True, Book 3 in the Just Because series is an erotic male/male cowboy romance. This story contains mystery, suspense, a sexy New York police officer and a hot cowboy. *Contains adult language and situations, and is not intended for readers under the age of 18. Previously Published: (2012) Samhain Publishing Books in the Just Because series:1. Because of You2. Because You Love Me3. Because It’s True

Because of a Boy

by Anna Destefano

Nurse Kate Rhodes is duty bound to report the abusive father of one of her charges--despite the lawyer who proclaims the man's innocence. Stephen Creighton isn't in the habit of getting involved in his cases. For him, it's get in, fight like hell, get out. But he has to invest more when he finds out Kate's actions have put his clients' lives in jeopardy. And now the father and son have gone into hiding. With the father being sought by the authorities and the son in desperate need of medical treatment, it's a race against time. One Stephen and Kate can win only if they work together. . . Something that's even harder to do when the tension between them becomes white-hot passion.

Because of a Girl

by Janice Kay Johnson

If they hadn't lost the girl, Meg wouldn't have found Jack... She hadn't hesitated to take in Sabra, her daughter's pregnant best friend. Yet maybe that was Meg Harper's first mistake. It was hard enough raising one teen, but two? And now the girl has disappeared. Because Meg's the responsible adult, police suspicion falls on her. Which brings her entirely too close to Detective Jack Moore. The man's clearly attracted to her, but she hasn't been in a relationship in years and she doesn't even remember how to begin. Her past is...complicated. One thing she does know: she absolutely doesn't want Jack to be her second mistake. Her heart couldn't take it.

Because of Audrey

by Mary Sullivan

Coming home is never simple! Audrey Stone and her floral shop are thorns in Gray Turner's side! He's in Accord, Colorado, trying to focus on wrapping up his family's business affairs. Instead, thoughts of Audrey and her tempting Hollywood beauty keep filling his head. How can he be this preoccupied with someone whose goals conflict with his? Then suddenly, he needs Audrey's support. Digging into his family affairs has revealed secrets that could ruin everything. With her help, he might be able to stop that. Funny how he once thought she stood in the way of his plans. Now he thinks Audrey could be the answer to his future!

Because of Baby

by Donna Clayton

A FAIRY'S TALEIt had seemed like a grand idea, temporarily trading her pixie wings for a womanly form to help handsome widower Paul Roland with his baby girl. And the moment she held the precious bairn in her arms, Fern knew true happiness for the first time. But she never anticipated the dizzying emotions she felt for the man who not only needed her as a nanny, but as a woman whose passion could heal his wounded heart. Suddenly the fairy rule she'd gently bent because of the baby was in danger of being irrevocably broken-for falling in love with a mortal man was forbidden....

Because of Jade (Vasquez & James Series)

by Lou Sylvre

A Vasquez & James Novel Luki Vasquez receives the news he's still cancer free after five years, and he wants to celebrate with his whole family. He and his husband, Sonny James, take a road trip south, intending to gather at the home of his nephew Josh, Josh's wife Ruthie, and Jade--a little girl who was still in the womb when she and her mother helped Luki beat lung cancer. Halfway to their destination, Luki learns Josh and Ruthie have met a tragic death. The horrible news lays Luki low, but he pulls himself together in time to be the family's rock and see to the dreaded business of tying up loose ends. The most important business is Jade, and when Luki and Sonny head home, they take Jade with them. Luki and Sonny must combat self-doubt and fear and help each other learn to parent an unexpected child--and they must also nourish the love that has kept them whole for the past ten years. A relative's spurious claim to Jade threatens the new family, and even if they prevail in court, they could lose their little girl unless they can rescue Jade from evil hands and true peril.

Because of Jane

by Lenora Worth

Jane Harper has landed the job of a lifetime. The supporting team around Lenny Paxton is desperate to get the star quarterback on the gridiron again. If she can convince him where everyone else has failed, this life coach will finally get the recognition she deserves. But a high-profile case like this isn't without its pitfalls. The biggest being Lenny. He's stubbornly refusing her efforts, and since they're on his turf, he has home-field advantage. Worse, the spark of attraction between them is very distracting. Good thing Jane is as determined to succeed as he is to resist. Her plan is business first, then pleasure. . . ;lots and lots of pleasure!

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