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Perdu en chemin (Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine #3)

by J. N. Marie Sexton

Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine, numéro hors sérieTrois mois après avoir perdu ses parents dans un accident de voiture, Daniel Whitaker, météorologue à Denver, retourne à Laramie dans le Wyoming. Il lui est déjà suffisamment difficile de faire face à la mort de ses parents et à sa relation de quinze ans qui ne cesse de se dégrader, mais lorsqu’il retrouve sa maison d’enfance sens dessus dessous, il se voit complètement désemparé. Il se tourne alors vers Landon, le voisin séduisant de ses parents, et lui demande son aide afin de ranger tout le désordre. Landon Kushner est une contradiction humaine. Il fabrique des sculptures époustouflantes à partir de débris de métal et adore le plein air, mais il conduit également une Vespa vert menthe et possède un faible pour le tricot et le voyeurisme. Il a été l’ami des parents de Daniel durant de nombreuses années et est ravi de pouvoir lui prêter main-forte. Leur plan est simple : ranger et nettoyer la maison afin que Daniel puisse la vendre et reprendre le cours de sa vie à Denver. Mais lorsqu’un étrange livre de recettes de cuisine atterrit en la possession de Landon, Daniel se met à réaliser que l’univers – et Grand-Mère B – lui a peut-être réservé un autre destin.

Père et Fils (Perspectives #3)

by Anne Solo Mickie B. Ashling

Suite de Le Goût du risquePerspectives, tome 3Six mois après leur première rencontre au Festival du Goût de Chicago, Lil Lampert et Grier Dilorio vivent ensemble. Leur relation est plus forte que jamais, mais le couple réalise très vite qu'il faut plus que du sexe et trois mots magiques pour réussir une vie à deux. Comme tout néophyte, Grier doit apprendre à gérer sa nouvelle vie. Il pensait ses problèmes résolus après avoir obtenu la signature de Jillian lui reconnaissant enfin ses droits de père biologique de Luca et l'opportunité de poursuivre une carrière d'architecte d'intérieur. Il réalise au contraire être toujours hanté par d'anciennes terreurs et mauvaises habitudes. Quant à Lil, il trouve difficile de devoir s'ajuster à l'étroitesse de son nouvel appartement, au terrible hiver de Chicago, et à la compagnie d'un jeune particulièrement entêté. Sa position de 'beau-père' de Luca est délicate : Lil doit trouver le juste équilibre entre agir selon ses convictions et se soumettre aux huit ans d'expérience de Grier en tant que père. Alors que leur vie est déjà stressante, Lil et Grier font face à une nouvelle complication : l'intolérance d'une institution aussi puissante que tentaculaire. Luca est en danger. Aussi bien sa sécurité que le bonheur de la petite famille nouvellement constituée dépendront de la parfaite compréhension qu'a Lil de la nature humaine et du désir d'apprendre de Grier.

Peregrina: Love And Death In Mexico (Louann Atkins Temple Women And Culture Ser. #16)

by Alma Reed

«Una de las historias de amor y de entrega más apasionantes del siglo XX mexicano.» Elena Poniatowska En agosto de 2001 y de manera casi milagrosa, se descubrió, en un departamento abandonado de la Ciudad de México, el manuscrito que conforma esta fascinante autobiografía, desaparecida desde noviembre de 1966, cuando falleció su autora, Alma M. Reed. Una apasionante historia oculta durante más de cincuenta años en la que Alma relata sus primeras visitas a México como enviada especial de The New York Times Magazine para acompañar a la expedición del Instituto Carnegie. Fue en México donde los caminos de Alma y Felipe Carrillo Puerto, el entonces gobernador de Yucatán -considerado por muchos como el Abraham Lincoln de México-, se entrelazan desde su primer encuentro en una intensa historia de amor, cuya magia y dolor están nítidamente reconstruidos en las páginas de Peregrina.

La peregrina

by Isabel San Sebastián

La apasionante aventura que dio origen al Camino de Santiago. Isabel San Sebastián vuelve a la novela histórica con una nueva aventura de Alana de Coaña, La visigoda, su personaje más famoso, y nos ofrece un viaje fascinante al origen de un camino que cambió la historia del mundo. Año 827. En su pequeña corte guerrera, Alfonso II el Casto, rey de Asturias y aliado de Carlomagno, recibe una extraordinaria noticia: en un bosque próximo a Iria Flavia, allá donde termina el mundo, han aparecido los restos del apóstol Santiago. ¿Es posible tal prodigio? El rey decide acudir al lugar, a fin de aclarar el misterio. En la comitiva marchan nobles enredados en intrigas, fieros soldados, cautivos sarracenos, monjes custodios de turbios secretos... un fiel reflejo de ese tiempo turbulento, cuyo epicentro es un rey determinado a salvar su reino. Y junto a él cabalga Alana, con la esperanza de encontrar a su hijo desaparecido y el desafío de narrar, sin saberlo, la primera peregrinación jacobea de la Historia. «Me llamo Alana. Por mis venas corre sangre astur y sangre goda. Sirvo a don Alfonso el Magno, rey de Asturias. Mis ojos cansados han visto horrores sin cuento, pero antes de cerrarse para siempre tal vez puedan contemplar el lugar donde reposa el apóstol Santiago» Unas reliquias misteriosas, un destino incierto, un viaje que sentará los cimientos del camino más famoso de la cristiandad. Nota de la autora:La peregrina narra la historia real de la peregrinación que realizó Alfonso II en el siglo IX desde la capital del reino de Asturias hasta un bosque perdido en el Finis Terrae, en pos de las legendarias reliquias del apóstol Santiago. Se dice que dicho viaje sentó las bases del actual Camino de Santiago. A partir de una labor de documentaciónexhaustiva y de mi cariño sincero por las tierras asturianas y gallegas, he novelado esa aventura en forma de diario, desde el punto de vista de una mujer, Alana de Coaña. Pero, además, he considerado de interés para el lector aficionado a la Historia hacerle partícipe de algunos datos reales contrastados, así como del origen de ciertas tradiciones especialmente arraigadas en nuestra cultura. Como hubiera sido demasiado farragoso incluirlos en la narración, y a fin de hacer lo más completo posible el fresco de las circunstancias veraces en las que se produjo este hallazgo crucial, el libro incluye un apartado de notas que profundizan en la documentación histórica. Asimismo, me ha parecido atractivo incluir una guía del primer Camino de Santiago y su correlación en la novela. El lector curioso podrá compararlo con el actual Camino Primitivo, prácticamente idéntico, y también seguir los pasos de los personajes de La peregrina desde Oviedo hasta Compostela. Un reto que vale la pena. Los invito a acompañarme a este viaje a través del espacio y el tiempo.Isabel San Sebastián La crítica ha dicho:«Isabel San Sebastián trufa la novela de detalles maravillosos que hacen de la historia un portento. Fascinante.»J. A. Juristo, ABC Cultural Con La peregrina (2018), Isabel San Sebastián ha ganado el Premio Internacional Pentafinium Jacobeo 2016-2019 en la modalidad de Literatura.

Perfección (Traición #Volumen 2)

by Scott Westerfeld

La segunda parte de la emocionante serie Traición. ¿Y si cumplir tus sueños se convirtiera en una pesadilla? Tally tenía un sueño: ser perfecta. Ahora ya lo ha hecho realidad y ha perdido, como consecuencia, casi todos los recuerdos de su pasado. Su única preocupación es ser admitida en la mejor pandilla de la ciudad, y para lograrlo solo tiene que ganarse la aprobación de Zane -el chico más popular y deseado- durante una peculiar fiesta de disfraces que se celebrará en Nueva Belleza. Pero la noche de la fiesta, un encuentro fugaz hará que el mundo de Tally se tambalee... Reseña:«Nunca me cansaré de recomendarla.»Stephenie Meyer, autora de Crepúsculo

Perfect (The Gods Series #2)

by M. A. Church

Sequel to PricelessThe Gods: Book TwoJaded billionaire Jeff Mayfield loves only what his money and power can buy, but the Fates have plans for him. First a player in Jeff's casino hits a huge jackpot and things turn hectic.Then, in the middle of the chaos, Jeff lays eyes on the unbelievably sexy Cam Smith--Cupid in his human form. Seized by lust, Jeff makes a move, only to find himself on the receiving end of a blistering wave of sexual intent. Cam disassembles Jeff's self-image and puts it back together upside down. But Jeff isn't the only one struggling with control. Cam's alter ego is Jealousy, and if he loses his composure, the consequences will be deadly.


by Harry Kraus

Wendi Stratford has the perfect life, including her perfect job as an accident reconstructionist. The problem is, it's all a sham, and Wendi is tired of the emptiness. But after her plan to escape ends in a horrible accident, Wendi probes the wreckage-and makes a frightening discovery. Someone is out to commit the perfect murder. Wendi's.

Perfect (The Paradise series #2)

by Judith McNaught

Discover the sensual and sweeping power of love in New York Times bestselling author Judith McNaught’s contemporary romances that will make “you laugh, cry, and fall in love again” (RT Book Reviews)—now available for the first time on ebook.A rootless foster child, Julie Mathison has blossomed under the love showered upon her by her adoptive family. Now a lovely and vivacious young woman, she is a respected teacher in her small Texas town and is determined to give back all the kindness she has received, believing that nothing can ever shatter the perfect life she has fashioned. Zachary Benedict is an actor whose Academy Award-winning career was shattered when he was wrongly convicted of murdering his wife. After the tall, ruggedly handsome Zack escapes from a Texas prison, he abducts Julie and forces her to drive him to his Colorado mountain hideout. She’s outraged, cautious, and unable to ignore the instincts that whispers of his innocence. He’s cynical, wary, and increasingly attracted to her. Desire is about to capture them both in its fierce embrace but the journey to trust, true commitment, and proving Zack’s innocence is just beginning. “A mixture of virtue and passion that is almost—ahem—perfect” (Kirkus Reviews) this is a captivating tale that fans will adore.

Perfect (Perfect #1)

by Jan Springer

Terra, 2054 La contaminazione ambientale ha reso impossibile la vita sulla terra. Il numero dei malati supera di gran lunga quello delle persone sane. Gli ospedali sono sovraffollati. Le economie collassano. I governi si alleano per formare un unico potere mondiale chiamato “Ordine dell’Autorità”. (OA). Per salvare la razza umana l’OA crea le “Biosfere”, grandi bolle all’interno delle quali si sviluppano città energeticamente autonome. Solo le persone sane possono entrarvi. Tutti gli altri vengono lasciati morire…Per controllare la popolazione, ad ogni essere umano viene impiantato un microchip che inibisce il desiderio di accoppiarsi. L’arte di fare l’amore svanisce… Secoli dopo… Un gruppo ribelle di giovani medici tentano segretamente di manomettere i loro microchip ed iniziano a sperimentare l’intimità. Ora cercano alleati che possano unirsi alla loro causa e aiutarli, alla fine, a liberare l’umanità. I dottori Zack e Noah seducono l’esperta di piante Anica Maine convincendola ad entrare in un mondo segreto di piaceri proibiti e stuzzicanti esperimenti sessuali… con la piena consapevolezza che venire scoperti significherebbe l’Eliminazione.

A Perfect 10

by Chris Higgins

Perfection. That's the key aim in Eva's life. She works hard to be the girl all the other girls wish they could be: pretty, popular, smart and the queen of her gymnastics clique, the 'Jimmies'. She seems to have it all. But the arrival of new girl Patty threatens Eva's perfect life and soon her mother's in rehab, her father's absent and her best friend seems more interested in snogging her brother than spending time with Eva. With her life quickly unravelling Eva clings to the one thing she can control, her weight. But no matter how strong her willpower is, the dark secret that Eva has worked so hard to conceal seems determined to reveal itself ...

A Perfect 10

by Chris Higgins

Perfection. That's the key aim in Eva's life. She works hard to be the girl all the other girls wish they could be: pretty, popular, smart and the queen of her gymnastics clique, the 'Jimmies'. She seems to have it all. But the arrival of new girl Patty threatens Eva's perfect life and soon her mother's in rehab, her father's absent and her best friend seems more interested in snogging her brother than spending time with Eva. With her life quickly unravelling Eva clings to the one thing she can control, her weight. But no matter how strong her willpower is, the dark secret that Eva has worked so hard to conceal seems determined to reveal itself ...

Perfect 10

by Erin Mccarthy

Katrina's Lesson in Social Media Disasters or How Technology Can Bite You in the A**Katrina Phillips is an expert social media manager. But that doesn't mean she can't make mistakes. Horrible, hide-in-your-closet-forever accidentally syncing her BootyBook app with her online profiles.Blammo. Now everyone in the world can see who Katrina has dated and how they rated in appearance, sexual performance and (OMG) detailed descriptions of their manly parts! Now her phone is blowing up with angry exes-and an out-of-the-blue text from the only guy who came close to a perfect score....Katrina has had a thing for Drew Jordan since forever ago, even if a booze-fuelled one-nighter did destroy their friendship. So why is he suddenly texting her now-and is it because she rated his Sexy Staff of Manliness as "magnificent?" Now the only way to satisfy her curiosity is to reunite with Drew...and rate him all over again!

Perfect 10

by Sean Michael

Despite a life-threatening injury sustained in a vaulting accident, top gymnast Christopher Allen is determined to get back to his former perfect condition and compete again. Brian Rainings is a coach in need of someone to believe in, and he takes Chris on, admiring the spirit and determination that drives Chris to succeed. And admiring the sturdy, muscled body Chris maintains. Admiration soon leads to something much hotter as they train together. From their scorching first kiss, Brian and Chris’s chemistry is obvious, but they have a long road ahead to get Chris back into shape. Months of hard work lead to success, with Chris gaining strength every day and finally finding the elusive sponsor he needs for financial support. Secrets, hidden dangers, and family troubles plague them, though, and they have to face the fact that Chris might never compete again and score that perfect ten.

The Perfect $20 Date: Dating Solutions Without Breaking the Bank

by Tomiya Gaines

Cheap dates can be the best dates with classes, destinations, and events that bring fun and romance to dating on a budget.Time seems to stop when it is spent with someone you care about on a date. The value of the moment is in the individual who complements the other in such a way that the rest of world seems to disappear . . . and to think, we can create these moments with $20 or less!In challenging economic times, it is a must to remember to pause and live life in a beautiful moment. Many think the beauty of a moment increases with the dollars spent, but in these pages await the secrets to creating joyful memories for less.The Perfect $20 Date shows singles how a quality date without breaking the bank is possible, and provides other solid dating tips for single people and married couples. Open these pages and learn how it’s done!

The Perfect Affair

by Claire Dyer

What happens if you fall in love with the wrong person? Rose knows only too well the exhilaration and devastation of loving a married man. So she watches with a keen eye as Eve - her closest companion, the granddaughter she never had - meets Myles, the new tenant in her downstairs flat. Quietly and softly and against the backdrop of their own unsatisfactory marriages, Myles and Eve fall in love and, as they try to have the perfect affair like Rose did before them, they come to learn about the pain of lost opportunities, to decide whether it is ever better to follow your head or your heart, to know what it is to be torn between love and duty.

The Perfect Age: A Novel

by Heather Skyler

A sun-baked, beautifully observed debut for readers who loved Amy and Isabelle--a mother and daughter come of age in Las Vegas. Helen is just fifteen, lanky and striking. She is a lifeguard at the pool at The Dunes hotel this summer--her first job, a step toward independence in a world beginning to treat her as an adult and a woman. Her mother, Kathy, watching Helen grow up, suddenly finds herself in a place equally uncertain: her children getting older, her stable marriage perhaps too stable, the slow days of summer leaving her adrift. When she meets Helen's boss, the manager at the pool, she chooses an affair that opens her to the idea of a different sort of life. Following Helen and Kathy through three summers, this novel is an intimate picture of two sexual awakenings under one roof and their aftershocks on a family. Heather Skyler shows us that the validity of life's deepest experiences--love, betrayal, acceptance--is never compromised by age. Reading group guide included.

Perfect Alibi: Perfect Alibi Submerged Christmas In Hiding

by Melody Carlson

When her friend is murdered, journalist Mallory Myers knows the killer is coming for her next. The problem is no one believes her-in fact, she's considered a suspect.<P><P> Her news anchor ex-boyfriend has everyone fooled, but Mallory knows what he's capable of. With no one to trust, she flees to her hometown, where she finds refuge and help from an unexpected source. Fire chief Logan McDaniel is the only one in town willing to believe Mallory. As the murderer toys with her, setting fires and terrorizing her, Logan and Mallory become closer. He vows to protect her and find a way to break the killer's airtight alibi if it's the last thing he does.

Perfect Alibis

by Jane Wenham-Jones

It only takes ordinary miracles to change your life. Jasmine Smith: forty next month and not ready for it; married to a man she likes and not prepared to give up on love; smothered by life's mundanity, and yet drawn towards its mystery. She wants the sort of love that makes her feel more alive, she wants wild sex in stalle d lifts with film stars. She wants something else.... Jasmine Smith is in desperate need of a miracle. And with the help of an adventurous school friend, a man called Charlie and a pig called Rosie she is about to find one. A sharp, funny, moving novel and an exhilarating invitation to step out of quiet desperation and re-discover the magic in life and in love.

Perfect Alibis: A hilarious rom-com from the author of Mum in the Middle (Jane Wenham-jones Ser.)

by Jane Wenham-Jones

If you love Milly Johnson, Trisha Ashley and Catherine Alliott, you'll love Jane Wenham-Jones's deliciously entertaining novels!'Funny, realistic and full of insight' Katie Fforde'I love Jane's writing!' Jill Mansell'Feel-good' Woman & HomePA's agency offers Perfect Alibis for the unfaithful.Stephanie - bored housewife and disillusioned mother - wants a job, and Madeleine's recruitment company appears to be the ideal place to go. Except that PAs isn't quite what it seems.Far from providing companies with Personal Assistants, the agency offers Perfect Alibis to unfaithful women. And as Stephanie soon discovers, there are lots of them about!Founder member Patsy is a serial philanderer and there's a dark side to her best friend Millie. For the well-heeled ladies of Edenhurst, PA's is a ticket to risk-free adultery.So when Stephanie's first love, Troy returns to town even she is tempted. But her life is soon in turmoil, and that's before the tabloids get involved...Don't miss Jane's other delightfully entertaining titles, filled with humour and insight: The Big Five O, Mum in the Middle, Prime Time and One Glass is Never Enough are all out now!

Perfect Alibis: A hilarious rom-com from the author of Mum in the Middle (Jane Wenham-jones Ser.)

by Jane Wenham-Jones

If you love Milly Johnson, Trisha Ashley and Catherine Alliott, you'll love Jane Wenham-Jones's deliciously entertaining novels!'Funny, realistic and full of insight' Katie Fforde'I love Jane's writing!' Jill Mansell'Feel-good' Woman & HomePA's agency offers Perfect Alibis for the unfaithful.Stephanie - bored housewife and disillusioned mother - wants a job, and Madeleine's recruitment company appears to be the ideal place to go. Except that PAs isn't quite what it seems.Far from providing companies with Personal Assistants, the agency offers Perfect Alibis to unfaithful women. And as Stephanie soon discovers, there are lots of them about!Founder member Patsy is a serial philanderer and there's a dark side to her best friend Millie. For the well-heeled ladies of Edenhurst, PA's is a ticket to risk-free adultery.So when Stephanie's first love, Troy, returns to town even she is tempted. But her life is soon in turmoil, and that's before the tabloids get involved...Don't miss Jane's other delightfully entertaining titles, filled with humour and insight: The Big Five O, Mum in the Middle, Prime Time and One Glass is Never Enough are all out now!

A Perfect Amish Match: Indiana Amish Brides (Indiana Amish Brides)

by Vannetta Chapman

Every courting disaster has led him to her.An Indiana Amish Brides storyAfter three failed relationships, Amish bachelor Noah Graber would rather disappoint his parents than try again. But when matchmaker Olivia Mae Miller agrees to provide courting lessons, Noah’s perfect match becomes clear—it’s Olivia Mae herself! With ailing grandparents at home, she hadn’t planned on love or marriage. Might a future with Noah be everything she’s been missing?

The Perfect Amish Match

by Patricia Johns Vannetta Chapman

Love where she least expects itThe Amish Matchmaker's Choice by Patricia JohnsWidow Adel Draschel refuses to marry again, but that won&’t stop her from playing matchmaker for her old schoolmate Jake Knussli. After a decade with the English, Jake&’s six-month time limit to marry so he can inherit his uncle&’s farm is quickly running out. Finding him the perfect wife won&’t be easy…especially when Adel might just be his perfect match.The Amish Twins Next Door by Vannetta ChapmanAmish single mom Deborah Mast is determined to raise her seven-year-old twin sons her way. But when neighbor Nicholas Stoltzfus takes the rambunctious boys on as apprentices on his farm, she&’ll learn the value of his help with more than just the children. And when the two little matchmakers hatch a plan of their own, Deborah could also discover how to reopen her heart…USA TODAY Bestselling Author Vannetta Chapman2 Uplifting Stories The Amish Matchmaker's Choice and The Amish Twins Next Door

A Perfect Amish Match and Amish Haven

by Vannetta Chapman Dana R. Lynn

New beginnings and second chances A Perfect Amish Match by Vannetta ChapmanAfter three failed relationships, Amish bachelor Noah Graber would rather disappoint his parents than try again. But when matchmaker Olivia Mae Miller agrees to provide courting lessons, Noah’s perfect match becomes clear—it’s Olivia Mae herself! With ailing grandparents at home, Olivia hadn’t planned on love or marriage. Might a future with Noah be everything she’s been missing?Amish Haven by Dana R. LynnWhen criminal lawyer Tyler Everson witnesses his boss’s murder, he becomes the killer’s next target—along with his estranged wife, Annabelle, and their daughter. Now they must enter witness protection in Amish country. But reuniting with his family isn’t easy when Annabelle doesn’t trust him. Going into hiding might keep them safe…and bring this family a second chance.

A Perfect Amish Romance (Berlin Bookmobile Series, The #1)

by Shelley Shepard Gray

From New York Times bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray comes a new series that follows a bookmobile driver-turned-matchmaker who learns that her Amish patrons need a whole lot more than just new books to read.Aaron Coblentz has a secret: he&’s been studying to take the GED to get promoted at work. But he can&’t let his Amish family know, not when his older brother already left the faith just a year after getting baptized, practically crippling the family. When Aaron asks bookmobile librarian Sarah Anne Miller for some additional study guides, she does one better. She arranges for Kayla Kaufman to be his tutor. Kayla has a secret, too. Her life has been turned upside down in a matter of months—her mother&’s death propelled her father into a constant state of depression, and unable to deal with his erratic behavior, her longtime boyfriend has broken things off. But despite losing those she holds most dear, she hasn&’t completely given up on love. Only now she seeks to find it in the sweet romance novels she secretly checks out from Sarah Anne&’s bookmobile. As Aaron and Kayla&’s study sessions start to feel less like work and more like pleasure, they soon realize that happily ever afters don&’t only happen in fiction; sometimes they happen when you least expect it. From a &“skilled storyteller who reminds the reader that faith can help us survive the ups and downs in life&” (RT Book Reviews), A Perfect Amish Romance is a moving and deftly told story that paints a heartwarming picture of the magic of true love.

The Perfect Arrangement: An October Wedding Story

by Katie Ganshert

They’ve helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples. Now twelve new couples will find themselves in the wedding spotlight in the second Year of Weddings novella collection. Meeting Nate was truly an accident—but Amelia finds that he’s one of the few people she can count on. Amelia Woods is a small-town wallflower and the proud owner of Forget-Me-Nots, a quaint flower shop that once belonged to her mother. Despite her success in business, her love life has always been a bit lackluster. Until she spies on her ex-boyfriend’s wedding and ends up in a horrifyingly embarrassing fender-bender with handsome wedding guest, Nate Gallagher. Meanwhile, Amelia’s younger brother, William, has proposed to his girlfriend. Amelia would be excited except she has evidence that the fiancée is not who she says she is. How can she be supportive and yet be the protective big sister too? It seems Nate is the only one available for any advice-giving, and he’s good at it—and pretty fun to talk to, too. Amelia and Nate strike up an online relationship, but always lingering in Amelia’s mind is the fear that he’ll realize she’s not nearly as appealing in real life. As Amelia works to craft the perfect flower arrangements for other people—including a ninety-year-old “fairy godmother” named George—she begins to wonder if real love is better than the dream. And if it is, will Nate still be interested when he learns who she is?

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