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El peligro de enfadar a lord Robert (Los irresistibles Beau #Volumen 7)

by Ruth M. Lerga

Es difícil para Helena mantener a su hermana lejos de cierto caballero, cuando ella solo desea acercarse a su acompañante. Es hipócrita por parte de Rob decirle a su primo que se aleje de cierta señorita, cuando a él le viene justo mantener las manos alejadas de su carabina. Es imposible seducir a alguien cuando los intereses se enfrentan. ¿O no? Lord Robert Seymour, conde de Hill, se le encarga alejar de su primo debutantes no recomendadas durante la temporada. Y su primera labor va a ser detener los avances de la señorita Laura, una pequeña cazafortunas que parece querer conquistarlo a cualquier precio. Sin duda, una muchacha tan joven no puede saber tanto sobre seducción, así que debe de estar siendo guiada por su hermana, la viuda del barón de Redfort. Pues tendrá que cruzar unas cuantas palabras con la dama, quien ya se casó en su día con un hombre muy por encima de sus posibilidades. Lady Helena Scott no va a permitirque ningún noble, por guapo e influyente que sea, le diga cómo tienen que comportarse ella o su hermana Laura. Quizá la muchacha sea algo descarada, pero después de lo que han sufrido ningún conde elitista le va a decir cuál es su lugar. Será ella quien lo ponga en su sitio. Pero bajo el odio acérrimo que parecen sentir el uno por el otro hierve una pasión que amenaza con desbordarlos. Sobre todo, cuando ambos jóvenes desaparecen y Helena y Rob salen tras ellos rumbo a Escocia para evitar un escándalo. ¿Será cierto el tópico de que los amores más reñidos son los más queridos?

Peligro extremo

by Shannon McKenna

El regreso más esperado de Shannon McKenna a Manderley con un thriller romántico de alto voltaje erótico . JUGAR CON EL PELIGRO...Nadar desnuda en la piscina de tu vecino -un individuo al que no conoces- es una acción temeraria para la correcta Becca Cattrell. Pero la casa elegida para su aventura nocturna acaba de cambiar de propietario y la inofensiva travesura hace que Becca se vea inmersa en una organización letal y maquiavélica que no dejará con vida a ningún testigo. PUEDE COSTARTE...La mujer más hermosa que Nick Ward ha visto en su vida puede ser también una maldición para él. La presencia de Becca en el lugar equivocado -donde se va a producir un encuentro confidencial- no solo pondrá en peligro la misión secreta en la que lleva meses trabajando, sino que los dos pueden perder la vida. Aunque, para su sorpresa, Becca no se acobarda ante el peligro... ni ante él... TODOBecca sabeque debería estar aterrada, pero descubre lo audaz que puede llegar a ser cuando hay vidas en juego y un ardiente deseo corre por sus venas. Y va a necesitar todo ese coraje cuando Nick y ella tengan que enfrentarse a un enemigo más poderoso y despiadado de lo que nunca hubiera podido imaginar... Reseñas:«Una historia de amor apasionada, intensa, acerca de dos personas que experimentan el ardor de una antigua pasión en medio de una peligrosa y sobrecogedora situación. Complicados enredos argumentales le otorgan al libro profundidad y fuerza que te mantendrán pegado a la silla hasta el final».Romantic Times «Shannon McKenna es una autora muy creativa... Sus libros están llenos de sexo ardiente y peligros constantes».Romantic Times en Hot Night «¡El suspense más erótico! Shannon McKenna lo ha vuelto a conseguir».Cherry Adair, Hot Night «Suspense erótico bien armado. McKenna construye una química y una tensión sexual irresistible entre sus personajes y la lleva a un nivel de intensidad brutal que se materializa en escenas sexuales perfectamente descritas».Romantic Times

Peligrosa Tentación

by Madelin Brook Paola Magana

Derek tenía sus ojos solamente en una persona, pero estaba prohibido... Derek no era un surfista convencional. Era alguien con deseos sombríos, y ojos para una sola persona, y su cacería estaba a punto de aumentar con gran estímulo. Su cabello rojo desenfrenado y mirada de ojos verdes eran suficiente para volver loco a cualquier hombre. Anna era inocente, un ángel en rojo, y sin embargo se encontraría con el mismo diablo cuando la tentación tocó a su puerta. Cuando sus padres se van, es hora de que Derek vaya tras su interés amoroso, Anna.

Peligrosos - Conservadores de elementos 1

by Diana Isabel Pastene Alycia Linwood

Ria tiene dieciocho años, controla el elemento del fuego y es una privilegiada estudiante en la Universidad de Magia. Ella cree que nada puede meterse en su camino a la felicidad. Incluso está determinada a lograr que su romance prohibido con Michael, un joven que posee un elemento diferente al suyo, funcione. Pero cuando Ria comienza a experimentar los síntomas de la enfermedad de la magia que podrían robarle su elemento, convertirla en una asesina a sangre fría y arruinar su vida, todo lo que cree es puesto a prueba. El único capaz de ayudarla es Adrian, un misterioso, encantador y peligroso portador de la enfermedad, quien también resulta ser la persona que más odia en el mundo.

La pelirroja de la bicicleta

by Pintina Cuneo

Una preciosa novela de romance actual que hará las delicias de los lectores. Un hombre que lucha sin desánimo por ganarse el corazón de la mujer a la que ama. Una mujer que se niega la oportunidad de ser feliz por una vez en su vida. ¿Qué se hace cuando la razón no permite dar rienda suelta a los deseos? Marina está perdida en una maraña de sentimientos, en un laberinto de confusiones del que no logra salir, lo que la lleva a negarse a sí misma, una y otra vez, la oportunidad de estar junto al hombre al que ama. Tomás, completamente enamorado y fascinado por ella, intentará romper esas barreras y adentrarse en su camino. Sus ocurrencias y bromas le sacarán más de una sonrisa a Marina. Sin embargo, él cometerá un grave error: no confesarle lo que siente.

Las pelirrojas se divierten más

by Sharon Kleve

La vida de Ambrosine Dubreauil es bastante tranquila y descansada hasta que el seductor Remy LaCroix se aparece en Who Do Voodoo, su tienda de vudú en la calle Bourbon en Nueva Orleans, usando sus encantos para entrar en su vida. La granja de cocodrilos de Remy acoge animales heridos y los rehabilita para luego liberarlos de nuevo en el pantano. Cuando visita Who Do Voodoo en busca de una pócima para proteger a sus cocodrilos de los cazadores furtivos, conoce a la encantadora Sacerdotisa Ambrosine. Las pócimas, hechizos y conjuros no pueden proteger el corazón de Ambrosine del lento acento de Luisiana de Remy, el dulce amor por los animales y una bulliciosa familia.

Pelo Amor de Grace

by Jill Barnett

Este clássico e alegre romance de amor escrito por Jill Barnett é ambientado nas Highlands da Escócia, onde o Clã McNish foi invadido e deixado passando fome por seus rivais, os McNabs. Como neta do chefe do clã, Grace McNish decide que é seu dever capturar e resgatar um vil McNab. Mas ela e seu clã de jovens desajeitados erroneamente capturam o homem errado, Colin Campbell, Conde de Argyll e Lord of the Isles, que está a caminho de decidir o destino dos dois clãs em guerra. Para os fãs de Julie Garwood e Jude Deveraux.

Pelo Amor De Uma Viúva

by Laura Truan Christina McKnight

Uma viúva marcada pelo amor e perda... Depois de anos acompanhando o marido enquanto ele lutava contra as tropas de Napoleão, Lady Lettie Hughes retorna a Londres como uma viúva para assumir seu lugar de direito entre a sociedade como a filha de um conde. Seus pais e amigos esperam que ela retorne ao Mercado matrimonial e garanta o partido que ela deveria ter feito em sua temporada de estréia. Mas Lettie não é a mesma garota inocente que era antes de Waterloo. Pesadelos do campo de batalha a atormentam, e ela não vê mais um lugar para si na sociedade. Um lorde determinado a salvar a mulher que ama... Daniel Greaves, o duque de Linwood, é um homem que conhece rejeição e perda. Ele viveu os últimos seis anos sozinho, depois da mulher que ele estava comprometido deixá-lo de lado por outro homem. Em vez de assumir o controle de seu título e terras, Daniel caiu em uma vida de devassidão - jogos, mulheres e bebidas. Mas agora a mulher que roubou seu futuro e o deixou vazio está de volta a Londres. Quando Lettie e Daniel se reencontram, a conecção de ambos se torna tão brilhante quanto antes. Mas nenhum dos dois são as mesmas pessoas que eram em sua juventude - eles devem confiar um no outro para curar as feridas de seu passado e assim, encontrar um amor que dure para sempre.

The Pemberley Chronicles

by Rebecca Collins

"Those with a taste for the balance and humour of Austen will find a worthy companion volume."-Book NewsThe weddings are over.The guests (including millions of readers and viewers) wish the two happy couples health and happiness. As the music swells and the credits roll, two things are certain: Jane and Bingley will want for nothing, while Elizabeth and Darcy are to be the happiest couple in the world!The couples' personal stories of love, marriage, money, and children are woven together with the threads of social and political history of nineteenth century England. As changes in industry and agriculture affect the people of Pemberley and the neighboring countryside, the Darcys strive to be progressive and forward-looking while upholding beloved traditions.Rebecca Ann Collins follows them in imagination, observing and chronicling their passage through the landscape of their surroundings, noting how they cope with change, triumph, and tragedy in their lives."A lovely complementary novel to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Austen would surely give her smile of approval." -Beverly Wong, author of Pride & Prejudice Prudence

Pemberley Manor

by Kathryn Nelson

How does "happily ever after" really work? With such different personalities, Darcy and Elizabeth surely need to work on their communication skills! Unlike Jane and Bingley, both of whom are easygoing and friendly, the Darcys are definitely a case where opposites attract. Through their dramatic courtship, Lizzy finally saw through Darcy's rigid pride and sense of duty, and Darcy fell in love with Lizzy's sunny optimism and independence of spirit. Now that they're married, what will happen when their fundamentally different personalities reassert themselves? Uncover the true feelings of one of the world's most famous couples during their first year of marriage.

Pemberley Ranch

by Jack Caldwell

When the smoke has cleared from the battlefields and the civil war has finally ended, fervent Union supporter Beth Bennet reluctantly moves with her family from their home in Meryton, Ohio, to the windswept plains of Rosings, Texas. Handsome, haughty Will Darcy, a Confederate officer back from the war, owns half the land around Rosings, and his even haughtier cousin, Cate Burroughs, owns the other half. In a town as small as Rosings, Beth and Will inevitably cross paths. But as Will becomes enchanted with the fiery Yankee, Beth won't allow herself to warm to the man who represents the one thing she hates most: the army that killed her only brother. But when carpetbagger George Whitehead arrives in Rosings, all that Beth thought to be true is turned on its head, and the only man who can save her home is the one she swore she'd never trust. . . "It's Pride and Prejudice meets Gone with the Wind-with that kind of romance and excitement. "-Sharon Lathan, bestselling author of In the Arms of Mr. Darcy

Pen Name - Doctor Chicken (Pen Name Ser. #1)

by Kc Burn

Sometimes Stratford Dale feels like Doctor Chicken consumes his life. It's his pen name for a series of wildly popular children's books. They were his brainchild; he meant for them to be a way to pay his many bills while he pursued his dream of publishing graphic novels. But the Doctor Chicken contract was a raw deal. Instead, he churns out book after book for a pittance, leaving him broke and no closer to his dreams. Stratford's dreams of love have fared no better, but he's still trying. After yet another disastrous date, he's intrigued by a man going into a cooking class--so he takes the class too. Vinnie Giani is a successful, self-made man who is charmed by Stratford's bow ties, sharp humor, and clumsiness--which leads to an opportunity to take Stratford in for stitches. Vinnie is, above all, responsible, having taken on the care of his mother and sisters from a young age. Perhaps it's natural when he begins to treat Stratford more as a child who needs a parent than as an equal partner. But when Vinnie tries to "fix" Stratford's career woes--including the Doctor Chicken problem--and ends up making the situation worse, their fledgling relationship may not withstand the the strain created by blame and lies.

Pen Pal

by J.T. Geissinger

It all began with just one line.“I’ll wait forever if I have to.” The BookTok sensation PEN PAL is a high-octane, tautly written dark romance with an unforgettable twist that will leave readers gasping. This breathtaking romance about undeniable love from superstar J.T. Geissinger is not to be missed!The first letter arrived the day my husband was buried. It was postmarked from the state penitentiary, and contained a single sentence:I’ll wait forever if I have to.It was signed by Dante, a man I didn’t know.Out of simple curiosity, I wrote back to ask him what exactly he was waiting for. His reply?You.I told the mystery man he had the wrong girl. He said he didn’t. I said we’d never met, but he said I was wrong.We went back and forth, exchanging letters every week that grew increasingly more intimate. Then one day, the letters stopped. When I found out why, it was already too late.Dante was at my doorstep.And nothing on earth could have prepared me for what happened next.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Pena de Anjo

by Rubia Fernandes Olga Hoekstra

A vida pós morte não é tudo que deveria ser, de acordo com a adolescente de dezessete anos Lilith Adams. Ela odeia estar no Quartel e com certeza não quer se envolver na guerra contra os díscipulos de Lúcifer. Uma guerra que, de acordo com Lilith, não tem nada a ver com ela. Além de tudo isso, tem Gabriel, o arcanjo que parece determinado em transformar sua vida pós morte em um inferno. Então, quando oferecem a Lilith a oportunidade de voltar ao momento antes de sua morte, ela não hesita nem por um segundo. Porém, ela percebe que suas ações têm consequências devastadoras, não apenas para ela, mas também para Gabriel. Pena de Anjo é um romance sobre destino e amor quando você menos espera ou deseja, com um toque diabólico no final. Pena de Anjo é a primeira parte da série Exército Divino. A segunda parte, Sangue de Anjo, estará disponível no inverno de 2014.

The Penalty Box

by Deirdre Martin

Everyone from Didsbury High remembers Katie Fisher as the dumpy brainiac from the poor side of town. Everyone from Didsbury High remembers Paul van Dorn as the school hockey star--and heartthrob. But now they're facing off--and matching up in more ways than one. Katie's lost the pounds, added some self-confidence, and become a drop-dead gorgeous sociology professor. And since a series of concussions put an end to Paul's pro-hockey career, his star has dimmed. Now he hits the ice as a youth hockey coach. But he's still got the hometown crowd behind him as the owner of a bar called the Penalty Box. Paul is reliving his glory days. Katie wishes she could put those years behind her. And the battle of wills that ensues just might knock love right out of the game...

The Penalty for Holding (Games Men Play Ser. #Vol. 2)

by Georgette Gouveia

When the playboy quarterback of the hapless New York Templars is injured in a freak sexcapade, backup QB Quinn Novak picks up the ball and takes the team to the playoffs. There he attracts the attention of two other quarterbacks who’ve been rivals since high school, Mal Ryan of the Philadelphia Quakers and Tam Tarquin of the San Francisco Miners.Quinn begins a volatile relationship with the narcissistic Mal and a loving one with the open-hearted Tam, keeping each secret from the other. What he doesn’t know is that the two have a complex sexual history of their own.

Penalty Play

by Lynda Aicher

Minnesota Glaciers' starting defenseman Henrik Grenick is good at two things: hockey and sex. He's got it all--the career, the biceps, the babes. But the steady parade of women through his bedroom just leaves him wanting more, hunting for the next distraction. Until he meets Jacqui, who awakens a hunger he never knew he craved.Fiercely independent Jacqui Polson has no time for the seductive hockey player demanding her attention. More band geek than bimbo, she's in an entirely different league, and growing up with four hockey-crazed brothers left her with no interest in that world. But damn, Henrik's hot. And when it comes to sex, Jacqui knows exactly what she wants.As their relationship moves beyond games, Henrik needs more--not just of Jacqui's touch, but of her. Jacqui discovers there's more to Henrik than just the gruff facade. But after a lifetime of fighting their own battles, neither has ever let anyone get so close. As they soon find out, needing someone isn't a weakness, it's the only thing that matters...Book three of the Power Play series95,160 words

Penance: Penance - After The Lightning - Seeing Red

by Sharon Sala

Available for the first time in ebook! Be enthralled by this romantic suspense with hints of the paranormal, only from New York Times bestselling author Sharon Sala.Nicole Masters is trying to rebuild her life after surviving a random attack in which she was shot in the head. Her physical symptoms are challenging, but then she starts to experience startling visions of the future. When she “sees” the violent kidnapping of a celebrity’s daughter, Nicole realizes that she, along with her boyfriend, Dom, may be the only person who can help save the little girl. Originally published in 2008

Pencil Him In

by Molly O'Keefe

After busting her butt as an ad exec-and forsaking everything but peanut-butter cups-workaholic Anna Simmons finds herself out of a job. It's only for six months, of course, and the forced sabbatical should teach Anna work/life balance (as in less work, more life).But Anna can't take it. She plots the most important campaign of her career-the pretend balanced life. And she'll enlist her oh-so-hot neighbor Sam Drynan to play her fake boyfriend-it's the perfect way to convince her boss she's ready to get back in the boardroom ahead of schedule!So what happens when the make-believe make-out sessions start to feel anything but fake? And instead of sneaking into the office-she's counting the hours till she's free?

Pendragon: Bride Series (Bride Series #7)

by Catherine Coulter

Meggie Sherbrooke, newly married to Thomas Malcombe, the earl of Lancaster, finds her new home in Pendragon, a castle on the southeastern coast of Ireland. The ancient dwelling, full of eccentric people, charms Meggie—in a fashion that could lead to disaster.

Pendragon (Sherbrooke #7)

by Catherine Coulter

Meggie Sherbrooke, newly married to Thomas Malcombe, the earl of Lancaster, finds her new home in Pendragon, a castle on the southeastern coast of Ireland.<P><P> The ancient dwelling, full of eccentric people, charms Meggie--in a fashion that could lead to disaster.

Pendragon's Legacy

by Caroline Stephens

Dean Ryder is a rough and ready PI, the kind of man who will take on any case, just to prove his worth. His lover Matthew? Not so much. Matthew is an English professor who much prefers his books to Dean’s adventures... but that doesn’t mean he won’t ride along when Dean needs him. When Dean meets an old man calling himself the Merlin, Dean and Matthew set out to investigate his claim. Matthew knows the legends, but Dean’s specialty is Matthew’s safety, and he will be working overtime to win the battle of good and evil with his partner by his side. Because if the old man really is who he claims to be, then an old evil is threatening one of the world’s greatest sources of good.

Penelope (The Daring Debutantes Series #3)

by M. C. Beaton

This Regency romance by the bestselling author of the Agatha Raisin mysteries finds a young lady&’s love life competing with her aunt&’s social climbing.Penelope—golden-haired, azure-eyed, fresh from the county—has stolen the heart of the most desirable Earl of Hestleton. Rich, startlingly handsome, he is the most eligible lord in the realm. He had planned to toy with her affections then toss her to the bon ton, but when the Earl discovers that he is a pawn in Penelope&’s Aunt Augusta&’s social-climbing scheme, he begins to doubt Penelope&’s true love. Now the belle may struggle to keep her beau or her aunt&’s ambitious plans just might force Penelope to flee…ABOUT THE COLLECTION The seven heroines of the Daring Debutantes Collection set out to conquer London&’s glittering high society and the marriage mart. These headstrong women cannot help but keep London society dangling on a string, but will they find a husband or lose themselves in the game?

Penelope: Regency Candlelight 3 (Regency Candlelight #3)

by M.C. Beaton

The third book in M.C. Beaton's charming Regency Candlelight trilogy. Penelope - golden-haired, azure-eyed, fresh from the county - has stolen the heart of the most desirable Earl of Hestleton. Rich, startlingly handsome, he is the most eligible lord in the realm. He had planned to toy with her affections then toss her to the bon ton, but when the Earl discovers that he is a pawn in Penelope's Aunt Augusta's social-climbing scheme, he begins to doubt Penelope's true love. Can the belle keep her beau or will her aunt's ambitious plans force Penelope to flee?The heroines of the Regency Candlelight Series set out to conquer London's glittering high society and marriage mart. These headstrong women cannot help but keep London society dangling on a string, but will they find a husband or lose themselves in the game?'Romance fans are in for a treat' - Booklist'[M. C. Beaton] is the best of the Regency writers' - Kirkus Reviews

Penelope and Prince Charming

by Jennifer Ashley

Historical romance

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