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Predatory Game: Number 6 in series (Ghostwalker Novel #6)

by Christine Feehan

Saber Winter was running from her past when she meets Jess Calhoun, an ex-officer with the U.S. forces elite Navy Seals division who's now confined to a wheel chair. Jess had sensed that Saber was a lost soul, and he'd given her a job and a home, hoping that she'd be willing to stay and finally share her secrets with him. But Saber has been on the run a long time, and Jess may be in a wheelchair, but he's also a GhostWalker, and both of their pasts are about to collide in the present when secrets they're both hiding get uncovered, and both must deal with betrayal before they're free to find a future together.

Predatory Game (GhostWalkers #6)

by Christine Feehan

Saber Winter was running from her past when she meets Jess Calhoun, an ex-officer with the U. S. forces elite Navy Seals division who's now confined to a wheel chair. Jess had sensed that Saber was a lost soul, and he'd given her a job and a home, hoping that she'd be willing to stay and finally share her secrets with him. But Saber has been on the run a long time, and Jess may be in a wheelchair, but he's also a GhostWalker, and both of their pasts are about to collide in the present when secrets they're both hiding get uncovered, and both must deal with betrayal before they're free to find a future together.

Predestinada para el duque

by Christina McKnight

Cuando el amor se mezcla con magia, todo puede ocurrir. Descendiente de brujas quemadas en la hoguera, lady Emilia Noble sabe muy bien cómo la sociedad señala a los que son diferente. No confía en nadie más que en sus hermanos, sin atreverse a revelar a nadie fuera de su familia que ella, igual que su abuela, puede leer las emociones de una persona a través de los cambiantes colores de su aura. Cuando los alardes de su imprudente hermano de que puede predecir el futuro lo involucrarse con el inescrupuloso lord Abernathy, Emilia enfrenta una nueva amenaza: la ruina de las finanzas de la familia y la revelación de su secreto pasado. Hasta que Emilia conoce a Felix Huntar, el duque de Kintore. Durante años, Felix ha visto cómo su inmoral tío, lord Abernathy, ha llenado de vergüenza a su familia con maquinaciones deshonestas. Determinado a que Abernathy no lastime a nadie más, se compromete a ayudar a Emilia a solucionar las deudas de su familia. Sintió una fuerte atracción hacia ella desde el momento en que la conoció, y lentamente, ella también ha empezado a confiar en él. Pero cuando Abernathy amenaza con revelar los dones sobrenaturales de la familia Noble, la peor pesadilla de Emilia se vuelve una realidad muy real. ¿Podrá el amor de Felix y Emilia triunfar sobre las fuerzas del mal o están predestinados a estar por siempre solos?

Predestinado A Bad Boy Romance

by Roxy Sinclaire

Este livro traz um romance encantador, com ocasiões inesperadas, um curso bastante dinâmico e muitas surpresas. Ele traz uma história leve, bonita, mas ao mesmo tempo, apimentada com momento de intimidade e prazer. Em cenários fantásticos.


by Minnie Darke

«Una comedia romántica absolutamente adorable.»Red Magazine Una chispeante novela astrológica que encantará tanto a escépticos como a soñadores. El destino no debe dejarse al azar. A veces necesita un poco de ayuda. Puede que fuese la casualidad la que volvió a unir a Justine, una sagitario escéptica y aspirante a periodista, con su amor de la adolescencia, un acuario luchador llamado Nick que sueña con ser actor. Pero también pudo ser cosa del destino. Nick cree en la astrología. Lee cada día su horóscopo en la revista en la que trabaja Justine, y confía planamente en sus predicciones. Por eso, cuando Justine comprueba que Nick sigue sin corresponder a sus deseos, decide realizar algunos pequeños cambios en la predicción de su signo... ¿Qué daño puede causar? Una deliciosa comedia romántica sobre el destino, la amistad y lasvidas entrecruzadas. La crítica ha dicho...«Una comedia romántica espectacular. Minnie Darke es una escritora deslumbrante, de habilidad impecable, humor ingenioso y carisma cautivador.»Weekend Australian «Inteligente, absorbente y diferente.»Daily Mail «Si te enamoraste de Siempre el mismo día de David Nicholls, cómprate este libro.»Herald Sun «Un debut encantador.»Publishers Weekly Los lectores comentan...«Muy fresca.»Natalie «Cálida, desenfadada, encantadora.»Brooke «Una historia divertida e impredecible.»Daneka «Si buscabas un libro que te haga sonreír, ya lo has encontrado.»Amy «Magnífico. Lleno de inteligencia emocional, muy divertido y cercano.»Lorraine «Cautivador y sorprendente.»Roseanne «Mágica y adictiva.»Eloise


by Minnie Darke

«Una comedia romántica absolutamente adorable.»Red Magazine Una chispeante novela astrológica que encantará tanto a escépticos como a soñadores. El destino no debe dejarse al azar. A veces necesita un poco de ayuda. Puede que fuese la casualidad la que volvió a unir a Justine, una sagitario escéptica y aspirante a periodista, con su amor de la adolescencia, un acuario luchador llamado Nick que sueña con ser actor. Pero también pudo ser cosa del destino. Nick cree en la astrología. Lee cada día su horóscopo en la revista en la que trabaja Justine, y confía planamente en sus predicciones. Por eso, cuando Justine comprueba que Nick sigue sin corresponder a sus deseos, decide realizar algunos pequeños cambios en la predicción de su signo... ¿Qué daño puede causar? Una deliciosa comedia romántica sobre el destino, la amistad y lasvidas entrecruzadas. La crítica ha dicho...«Una comedia romántica espectacular. Minnie Darke es una escritora deslumbrante, de habilidad impecable, humor ingenioso y carisma cautivador.»Weekend Australian «Inteligente, absorbente y diferente.»Daily Mail «Si te enamoraste de Siempre el mismo día de David Nicholls, cómprate este libro.»Herald Sun «Un debut encantador.»Publishers Weekly Los lectores comentan...«Muy fresca.»Natalie «Cálida, desenfadada, encantadora.»Brooke «Una historia divertida e impredecible.»Daneka «Si buscabas un libro que te haga sonreír, ya lo has encontrado.»Amy «Magnífico. Lleno de inteligencia emocional, muy divertido y cercano.»Lorraine «Cautivador y sorprendente.»Roseanne «Mágica y adictiva.»Eloise


by Eva Loureiro Vilarelhe

Qué harías si la vida te ofreciese otra oportunidad justo cuando acabas de perderlo todo. Dos ciudades, Nueva York y Tokio, dos hombres de culturas contrapuestas, y el atribulado corazón de una mujer palpitando ante su destino. <P><P>Predestinados es una novela cuya protagonista relata abiertamente su pasado, hablando sin reservas de amor y pasión, de dolor y pérdida, de amistad y de relaciones familiares, prestando especial atención a la amplia galería de personajes secundarios que la rodean y a la evolución de su concepción de la vida, al ser consciente de que está inevitablemente marcada por el destino.


by Corrado Pastore Lorena Franco

LA STORIA CHE HA ISPIRATO IL BEST SELLER “LA VIAJERA DEL TIEMPO” Un romanzo straordinario che affronta il tema dei VIAGGI NEL TEMPO da un punto di vista magico. La sua bellissima e indimenticabile storia d’amore ha già conquistato centinaia di lettori in tutto il mondo. Nel 1930, a soli dieci anni, la piccola Emily Stuart scompare misteriosamente senza lasciare traccia. Sessantadue anni più tardi la giovane Amy Thompson, di undici anni, viene salvata da un uomo con metà volto sfigurato dall’essere investita da un’auto. Dall’altra parte Paul Lee, il migliore amico di Emily fin dall’infanzia che non ha mai smesso di cercarla, è stato costretto a oltrepassare i limiti del tempo attraverso un incontro casuale avvenuto nella mansarda dove aveva vissuto momenti indimenticabili di gioco con la bambina scomparsa. Una storia d’amore magica e indimenticabile, ricca di suspense, d’azione e di vendetta, nella quale si intrecciano vite e avvenimenti nel corso degli anni accomunati da uno sfondo: Clinton Hill (Brooklyn, New York). Storie parallele e fatti intriganti, nei quali niente e nessuno è ciò che sembra; salti nel tempo accomunati da una domanda che l’uomo si è posto fin dalla notte dei tempi: è possibile viaggiare nel tempo?


by Anna Santos Federica De Angelis

Annabel è una tosta cacciatrice di razza ibrida, in cerca di vendetta nei confronti del vampiro che ha ucciso i suoi genitori e causato il coma di suo fratello. Al suo arrivo in una nuova città, con un’identità sotto copertura da proteggere e la missione di trovare un vampiro di sangue puro per salvare la vita a suo fratello, l’ultima cosa di cui Annabel ha bisogno è innamorarsi del sexy e ostinato lupo mannaro che la ritiene una fragile umana bisognosa di un cavaliere dall’armatura splendente. Shane è un potente licantropo che per puro caso è anche lo sceriffo locale. Ha quasi perso la speranza di trovare la dolce metà. Perciò quando la sua bellissima anima gemella si fa viva e delle canaglie di vampiri cercano di ucciderla, fa quello che ogni lupo saggio farebbe: le salva la vita e la porta a casa, sperando di convincerla che sono fatti l’uno per l’altra. Quando scatta la scintilla fra loro, Annabel deve decidere se raccontargli chi lei sia realmente o se fuggire il più lontano possibile per proteggere i propri segreti.


by R. Garland Gray

IN AN ANCIENT REALM OF MAGIC, LOVE HAS A DESTINY OF ITS OWN... Abandoned at birth on the shores of a sacred loch, Bryna never knew her family or true heritage. She exists as a slave in the fortress of a Roman invader, her only friend an ancient, blind Druidess, Derina. Her life is bleak and without hope. And then Derina tells her she must rescue the prisoner in the dungeon. Tynan lies naked, chained to a cold, stone slab, both body and mind tortured by the Sorcerer, evil ally of the Roman lord. The Sorcerer's purpose? To discover if this one, at last, might be the Dark Chieftain, the fulfiller of prophecy. Even deeper in the dungeon, trapped by magical enchantment, are the faeries. They await their liberator, the one who has been prophesied. And the Dark Chieftain awaits a destiny of his own ... mating with the territorial goddess ... a union that will set the land, and many lives, aright. First, however, he must gain his freedom and find her. And Bryna is on her way to the dungeon ...

The Predicteds

by Christine Seifert

Daphne is the new girl in town and is having trouble fitting in. At least she has Jesse... sort of. He wants to be more than "just friends," but there's something he's not telling her about his past. Something dangerous. When a female student is brutally attacked, police turn to PROFILE, a new program that can predict a student's capacity for drug use, pregnancy, and violent behavior, to solve the case. As the witch hunt ensues, Daphne is forced to question her feelings for Jesse–and what she will do if her first love turns out to be a killer.

Predicting Rain?

by Mary Anne Wilson

When Business Leads To Pleasure...With her long flowing hair and her tie-dyed T-shirts, Rain Armstrong is the complete opposite of every woman conservative businessman Jackson Ford has ever found attractive. Yet the moment she looks up at him with her big brown eyes, Jackson aches to touch her. And when the little girl who's been left in his care, a child who hasn't spoken a word in weeks, suddenly begins chattering away with Rain, Jackson knows there's more to this free-spirited therapist than meets the eye. But can Jackson change his workaholic nature to become the permanent daddy Victoria needs-and the husband a woman like Rain deserves?Just for Kids: A day care where love abounds...and families are made!

Prefiero amarte (Destinado a suceder #Volumen 1)

by Noa Alférez

Vuelve Noa alférez, la autora best seller de los Greenwood.Más de 50.000 lectoras ya se han enamorado de las historias de Noa Alférez. Si te gustaron los Bridgerton, si los Greenwood te apasionaron, descubre la nueva novela histórica de la autora revelación de novela romántica de los últimos años. La primera de su nueva saga "Destinado a suceder".¿Se puede luchar contra lo que está destinado a suceder? ¿Cómo asumir que a veces no hay mayor maldición que conseguir lo que tanto deseas? Isabelle Taylor y Sebastian Morton, el duque de Kensington, están atrapados por un contrato matrimonial acordado por sus familias desde que eran apenas unos niños.Ella ha sido educada para conocer todo lo necesario para complacerle y convertirse en la esposa perfecta. En cambio él se ha limitado a aceptar esa imposición como al resto de cargas inherentes al título, sin tomarse la molestia de conocer a su prometida y sin darse ninguna prisa en llevarla al altar. Pero Isabelle, a pesar de haber estado siempre enamorada de su prometido, está cansada de ser «la novia eterna» —como se la conoce en los corrillos y las páginas de cotilleos—, y tiene muy claro que no quiere convertirse en «la duquesa ignorada». Sin embargo, ahora que quiere rebelarse contra el futuro que los demás han planeado para ella y buscar su propio camino, Sebastian no está dispuesto a ponérselo fácil, pues ha descubierto en su prometida un más que apetecible reto y a una mujer que le atrae y le fascina.¿Conseguirá Isabelle aceptar el destino que otros han trazado para ella o se rebelará contra lo que se ha convertido en una pesada carga?

Pregami, schiava: Romance, Erotica e BDSM con Virgin e Dominant Rough Guy

by Alba Duro

Non ho mai chiesto di averla, ma ora è mia, finché non implora pietà. Sono il perfetto compagno di una notte. Il maschio che tutti vogliono, ma il fidanzato che nessuno vuole. La miglior scopata della loro vita... … Per mano di un dominante esperto e muscoloso. Materiale da scopare forte e da buttare la mattina dopo. A parte gli sottomesse. Per loro io sono il maestro perfetto. Il signore che sognano. Il proprietario che hai sempre desiderato. E poi Elena, la mia più grande fantasia, ha bussato alla mia porta. Una bellezza angelica. Ha appena compiuto 18 anni. Innocente. Pura Vergine. Ferita Affamata bisognosa. Vivo in mezzo al nulla. Dove nessuno può sentirla gemere. Dove nessuno sentirà le loro urla. Dove non puoi scappare. E hai bisogno del mio aiuto. Gli ho offerto cibo e un letto. Quella ragazzina aveva passato l'inferno. Ed era finita ai miei piedi. Potrei offrirle la vita che ha sempre desiderato. Ma in cambio, ha dovuto arrendersi a me. Lei lo sapeva. E in fondo, voleva essere la mia sottomessa. La mia cagna. La mia prostituta. Mia schiava.

A Pregnancy, a Party & a Proposal

by Teresa Carpenter

Her big secret in the Big Apple! Event coordinator Lauren Randall always has a plan. And getting pregnant after a fling with infamous Ray Donovan is not part of it! Creative and controlling, Ray might be an award-winning movie director, but he's definitely not up for Dad of the Year. Posing as Ray's date gives Lauren a chance to reveal her secret. There's just one glitch: his ailing grandmother announces their engagement. With everyone assuming she's his fiancée, it's hard to keep a distance-and even harder to pretend she's not falling for her baby's father...

The Pregnancy Affair

by Elizabeth Bevarly

A billionaire, a baby-and a family secret that changes everything! Only from New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Bevarly! Renny Twigg's job is simple: locate a mobster's long-lost grandson-not end up in witness protection with him! But after informing self-made billionaire Tate Hawthorne of his unknown family ties, that's exactly what happens. It's clear the sable-haired heartthrob doesn't want to be the next Iron Don. Still, he's more than game to be her temporary lover. But when baby makes three... He's having enough trouble keeping famiglia out of his life. What's he supposed to do with a family? The Pregnancy Affair is part of the Accidental Heirs series.

The Pregnancy Affair

by Anne Mather

The last person Olivia expected to see when she returned to her hometown was her ruggedly handsome ex-husband. Joel Armstrong was the reason she'd stayed away so long. The breakup of their marriage had been swift, but the scars were raw.Searing desire still flared between them. But how could they indulge it again...when their passion had led to an unexpected pregnancy, with an equally unexpected twist?

A Pregnancy and a Proposal

by Mindy Neff

Flynn O'Grady was floored: After leaving his had five months ago, Darcie Moretti walked back into his life-pregnant with his child! It took the single father of two all of twenty-four hours to figure out how to respond. He said, "Marry me, Darcie." Darcie knew family was priority #1 for Flynn-he'd do whatever it took to ensure their baby was born with his name. But Darcie wanted more than just a "pregnancy proposal." And she'd give Flynn four months to figure out what three other little words he had to say...The Daddy Club: From Diaper to Dating-These Single Dads Learn It All!

A Pregnancy Bombshell to Bind Them

by Annie West

Their fling has a consequence that will make the front page! Read all about it in this surprise-baby romance from USA TODAY bestselling author Annie West. Breaking news:She&’s having the billionaire&’s baby! Model Laura is filming on location when she&’s swept off her feet by wildly attractive Vassili. After a lifetime of lies, Laura&’s drawn to his honesty—he doesn&’t do commitment. Until she learns he&’s engaged, and that she&’s pregnant… Greek tycoon Vassili is furious his family fabricated his engagement, especially as Laura now won&’t return his calls. When a newspaper reports she&’s expecting, Vassili tracks her down and discovers it&’s true! A convenient marriage would secure his heir, but it will take more than a ring to rebuild their trust…From Harlequin Presents: Escape to exotic locations where passion knows no bounds.

The Pregnancy Clause

by Elizabeth Sinclair

She had twelve months to make a baby... Or, according to her father's will, she'd lose her beloved farm. Trouble was, Emily Kingston was wildly wary of men. In fact, the only male she'd ever trusted was her childhood sidekick, Rian "Kat" Madison, who'd rescued her from countless scrapes, who'd promised to always be there. And even Kat had up and vanished without a trace. But suddenly, sixteen years later, Kat was back. All muscle and mystery, he was the perfect candidate to "donate" his traits without entangling Emily's emotions. But her once-boyish buddy had a shocking proposition of his own: Marry...and make a baby the old-fashioned way!

Pregnancy Clause in Their Paper Marriage

by Kate Hewitt

Their union was temporary, but what his wife is asking for is forever! Dive into this pregnancy romance from USA TODAY bestselling author Kate Hewitt. Three years of convenient marriageNow the terms are changing…Christos Diakis has always remained an enigma to Lana. Even after she married him to escape a haunting past. But Lana has just discovered she&’s running out of time to have the future she wants. So she must ask the impossible of her purely on-paper husband… I want to have your baby.Honoring their strict agreement, Christos has fought hard to ignore the electricity that accompanies every choreographed public touch. Lana&’s request rocks the very foundations of their union. And Christos has neither the power—nor wish—to decline…. From Harlequin Presents: Escape to exotic locations where passion knows no bounds.

The Pregnancy Contract

by Yvonne Lindsay

The proposal is unthinkable, unimaginable...yet not unappealing. Long ago, Piper Mitchell's passionate affair with her father's protégé ended in disaster. Now, in spite of his demands, she's thrilled to begin it anew-especially if it means a chance at forgiveness. Wade Collins has longed for revenge on the spoiled rich girl who toyed with his affections. And now that Piper is back-destitute and deeply indebted to him-he'll use any means necessary to get her back in his bed. But when emotions enter the negotiation, will Piper turn the tables yet again, settling for nothing less than love on her terms?

Pregnancy Countdown

by Linda Wisdom

Three...Years ago, Nora Summers and Mark Walker had been sweethearts, but circumstances had driven them apart. Nora wasn't ready to risk her heart again with a man as footloose and charming as Mark.Two...Yet now Nora had indulged in a night of wild passion with him. An unforgettable night together that had left both of them stunned. But it was only a one-night stand...right?One...Could she actually be falling for Mark all over again? Could her commitment-phobic lover consider settling down? Nora hoped this was the case, because their steamy night together had not only left her yearning and hungry.It had left her pregnant!

The Pregnancy Discovery

by Barbara Hannay

When Sam Kirby tracks Meg Bennet down eight months after their brief affair, he' s astonished to find her heavily pregnant-with his child! And, given the way they parted, Meg is not exactly ready to let this millionaire playboy back into her life. So he makes her a deal. He' ll stay around until the baby is born. But now that Sam has Meg back, will he really let her go again?

The Pregnancy Negotiation

by Kristi Gold

Mallory O'Brien wanted a child more than anything. And smart, devastatingly sexy Whit Manning was just the man for the job. Seducing him would be a pleasure. . . for both of them. But Whit wasn't a forever kind of man. Giving in to the heat she'd always felt between them came at a price Mallory wasn't sure she wanted to pay. Because once their steamy affair ended, and she was pregnant with his child, how could Mallory never touch Whit again?

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