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Showing 81,776 through 81,800 of 100,000 results

President's Substitute Fairy Wife: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Luo Yang

She was known as the fox spirit, and also the lifesaver of her family. When it came to love, she thought he was moved. She was just about to put her heart into it when the CEO waved her hand. Sorry, I recognized the wrong person …

President's Sweet Wife: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Shang ShanRuoShuiSi

Don t say you know me don t call me when you see me outside don t tell people we re married don t say i m your husband a few in a row is not allowed to land the dream of light boat heart hit into pieces she thought that married to the heart of the male god will be a lifetime of happiness who had thought is the beginning of a nightmare she was locked up in his arms and tried so many times to get a divorce that she couldn t even get out of bed lu xiaozhou this life the next life you can only belong to me seal son yan from her three years old identified her as his bride he is jealous of her to any man s eyes do not allow her to escape his side he loves her love to cannot extricate oneself the only way is to let her when his wife for life

President's Sweet Wife: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Shang ShanRuoShuiSi

Don t say you know me don t call me when you see me outside don t tell people we re married don t say i m your husband a few in a row is not allowed to land the dream of light boat heart hit into pieces she thought that married to the heart of the male god will be a lifetime of happiness who had thought is the beginning of a nightmare she was locked up in his arms and tried so many times to get a divorce that she couldn t even get out of bed lu xiaozhou this life the next life you can only belong to me seal son yan from her three years old identified her as his bride he is jealous of her to any man s eyes do not allow her to escape his side he loves her love to cannot extricate oneself the only way is to let her when his wife for life

President's Sweet Wife: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Shang ShanRuoShuiSi

Don t say you know me don t call me when you see me outside don t tell people we re married don t say i m your husband a few in a row is not allowed to land the dream of light boat heart hit into pieces she thought that married to the heart of the male god will be a lifetime of happiness who had thought is the beginning of a nightmare she was locked up in his arms and tried so many times to get a divorce that she couldn t even get out of bed lu xiaozhou this life the next life you can only belong to me seal son yan from her three years old identified her as his bride he is jealous of her to any man s eyes do not allow her to escape his side he loves her love to cannot extricate oneself the only way is to let her when his wife for life

President's Sweet Wife: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Shang ShanRuoShuiSi

Don t say you know me don t call me when you see me outside don t tell people we re married don t say i m your husband a few in a row is not allowed to land the dream of light boat heart hit into pieces she thought that married to the heart of the male god will be a lifetime of happiness who had thought is the beginning of a nightmare she was locked up in his arms and tried so many times to get a divorce that she couldn t even get out of bed lu xiaozhou this life the next life you can only belong to me seal son yan from her three years old identified her as his bride he is jealous of her to any man s eyes do not allow her to escape his side he loves her love to cannot extricate oneself the only way is to let her when his wife for life

The President’s Sweet Wife: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Xue Weiyang

It only took her one afternoon to get from a take-out assistant to a CEO's assistant.The men who were burning incense to worship the Buddha became objects of disdain in her eyes. "Scram."He was already asleep, yet he wanted to run away? There was no door.

The President’s Sweet Wife: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Xue Weiyang

It only took her one afternoon to get from a take-out assistant to a CEO's assistant.The men who were burning incense to worship the Buddha became objects of disdain in her eyes. "Scram."He was already asleep, yet he wanted to run away? There was no door.

The President’s Sweet Wife: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Xue Weiyang

It only took her one afternoon to get from a take-out assistant to a CEO's assistant.The men who were burning incense to worship the Buddha became objects of disdain in her eyes. "Scram."He was already asleep, yet he wanted to run away? There was no door.

The President’s Sweet Wife: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Xue Weiyang

It only took her one afternoon to get from a take-out assistant to a CEO's assistant.The men who were burning incense to worship the Buddha became objects of disdain in her eyes. "Scram."He was already asleep, yet he wanted to run away? There was no door.

President's Wife Has Just Grown Up: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Ping Guohongle

Take off his handsome face condensed thin sexy lips slowly uttered the words of shame janine closed her eyes in despair clothes one by one from the body down after many years at the beginning of the ordinary little girl transformation of beauty and charm she took her fiance holding a small son in the people go to and from the street again met pass by there are childish voice suddenly sounded as thunder mommy that maize long like me oh

President's Wife Has Just Grown Up: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Ping Guohongle

Take off his handsome face condensed thin sexy lips slowly uttered the words of shame janine closed her eyes in despair clothes one by one from the body down after many years at the beginning of the ordinary little girl transformation of beauty and charm she took her fiance holding a small son in the people go to and from the street again met pass by there are childish voice suddenly sounded as thunder mommy that maize long like me oh

President's Wife Has Just Grown Up: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Ping Guohongle

Take off his handsome face condensed thin sexy lips slowly uttered the words of shame janine closed her eyes in despair clothes one by one from the body down after many years at the beginning of the ordinary little girl transformation of beauty and charm she took her fiance holding a small son in the people go to and from the street again met pass by there are childish voice suddenly sounded as thunder mommy that maize long like me oh

President's Wife Has Just Grown Up: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Ping Guohongle

Take off his handsome face condensed thin sexy lips slowly uttered the words of shame janine closed her eyes in despair clothes one by one from the body down after many years at the beginning of the ordinary little girl transformation of beauty and charm she took her fiance holding a small son in the people go to and from the street again met pass by there are childish voice suddenly sounded as thunder mommy that maize long like me oh

President's Wife Has Just Grown Up: Volume 5 (Volume 5 #5)

by Ping Guohongle

Take off his handsome face condensed thin sexy lips slowly uttered the words of shame janine closed her eyes in despair clothes one by one from the body down after many years at the beginning of the ordinary little girl transformation of beauty and charm she took her fiance holding a small son in the people go to and from the street again met pass by there are childish voice suddenly sounded as thunder mommy that maize long like me oh

President's Wife Has Just Grown Up: Volume 6 (Volume 6 #6)

by Ping Guohongle

Take off his handsome face condensed thin sexy lips slowly uttered the words of shame janine closed her eyes in despair clothes one by one from the body down after many years at the beginning of the ordinary little girl transformation of beauty and charm she took her fiance holding a small son in the people go to and from the street again met pass by there are childish voice suddenly sounded as thunder mommy that maize long like me oh

President's Wife Has Just Grown Up: Volume 7 (Volume 7 #7)

by Ping Guohongle

Take off his handsome face condensed thin sexy lips slowly uttered the words of shame janine closed her eyes in despair clothes one by one from the body down after many years at the beginning of the ordinary little girl transformation of beauty and charm she took her fiance holding a small son in the people go to and from the street again met pass by there are childish voice suddenly sounded as thunder mommy that maize long like me oh

President's Wrong Bride: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Te GongKuangFei

On their wedding night he arrives like a demon women please me with tears in her eyes she let him humiliate her again and again all night long he shouted out a different woman dying to struggle he made a contract only to be his wife for a month you can retire little do you know the heretic such as he already in her life

President's Wrong Bride: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Te GongKuangFei

On their wedding night he arrives like a demon women please me with tears in her eyes she let him humiliate her again and again all night long he shouted out a different woman dying to struggle he made a contract only to be his wife for a month you can retire little do you know the heretic such as he already in her life

President's Wrong Bride: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Te GongKuangFei

On his wedding night, he arrived like a demon. "Women please me!" Her eyes were brimming with tears, allowing him to humiliate her time and time again …After a night of insanity, the one he called out to was another woman. Struggling on the brink of death, he made a contract. As long as he was his wife, he would be able to succeed and leave? What he did not know was that the evil villain had already caused her to lose her life …

President's Wrong Bride: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Te GongKuangFei

On his wedding night, he arrived like a demon. "Women please me!" Her eyes were brimming with tears, allowing him to humiliate her time and time again …After a night of insanity, the one he called out to was another woman. Struggling on the brink of death, he made a contract. As long as he was his wife, he would be able to succeed and leave? What he did not know was that the evil villain had already caused her to lose her life …

Preso a París

by Marisa Citeroni

Para Henry Somerset todas as mulheres eram frias e frívolas como sua falecida esposa. Ao encontrar-se com París Hellmoore a dúvida instalou-se nele. Esta mulher não se parecia com nenhuma outra que ele tinha conhecido até agora, mas mesmo assim se recusava a entregar seu coração. París desiludida depois da sua primeira temporada sentia que nada interessante poderia acontecer com ela e que os homens que conheceu eram igualmente irrelevantes. Suas amigas tinham se casado e ela estava sozinha. Era o momento exato para abandonar tudo e desfrutar da solidão. Grande foi a sua surpresa quando apenas algumas semanas depois se viu casada com um desconhecido a quem temia. Poderiam ambos encontrar a felicidade? Poderiam confiar um no outro o suficiente para tentar ser uma família? A vida não é fácil e para um casamento de completos desconhecidos, menos ainda.

Preso all’amo

by Andrew Grey

Potrebbe essere la pesca più importante della loro vita. Due volte all’anno William Westmoreland fugge dalla sua insoddisfacente vita nel Rhode Island per recarsi in Florida, dove noleggia la barca di Mike Jensen per andare a pescare nel Golfo del Messico. L’acqua cristallina e il paesaggio tropicale non sono gli unici elementi graditi a William, che però non ha mai fatto la prima mossa nei confronti di Mike. Le avventure d’amore durante le vacanze non fanno per lui. Mike ha avviato il suo servizio di noleggio barche per mantenere la figlia e la madre, mettendo al primo posto il loro benessere rispetto ai bisogni del cuore. Tuttavia, negare l’attrazione per William diventa sempre più difficile. L’ultima uscita di William e Mike inizia con una bella giornata, ma un uragano improvviso cambia tutto, impedendo a William di lasciare la città. Mentre fuori infuriano vento e pioggia, la passione a cui i due uomini hanno cercato di resistere per anni alla fine divampa, lasciandoli desiderosi di prolungare quello che hanno scoperto. Purtroppo gli obblighi di William lo richiamano alla vita reale. Riusciranno William e Mike a ridurre la distanza tra loro e a trovare un luogo in cui le loro anime possano incontrarsi? La navigazione non sarà tranquilla, ma per il futuro luminoso che li attende vale la pena affrontare il mare agitato.

Presque Imparfait

by Mary Frame

Elle, est une policière en cavale. Lui, est son voisin de toujours, et un vrai pitre. Quand quelqu'un essaye de les tuer tous les deux, ils doivent coopérer pour survivre. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait mal tourner? Gemma McDougall sait trois choses de façon certaine : un, elle a des fesses de bomba latina. Deux, sa carrière est plus importante que les relations sentimentales pourries qu'elle a dû endurer jusqu'ici. Trois, elle va obtenir ce poste de détective, même si cela doit la tuer. Et puis, elle passe à deux doigts de la mort à cause de son boulot, et doit se mettre en arrêt de travail forcé. Sam London sait trois choses de façon certaine : un, il n'a aucune idée de comment avoir une vie de couple normale et va probablement mourir seul et abandonné de tous, dévoré par des chiens sauvages. Deux, jouer au Jenga à boire, bien qu'amusant, l'a aussi poussé à pénétrer dans le jardin des voisins et à se retrouver braqué par leur fille. Trois, il n'a aucune idée de l'étendue des problèmes de Gemma McDougall, mais il va s'y retrouver mêlé, qu'il le veuille ou non. Vous allez adorer ce roman policier loufoque et romantique, drôle, complètement fêlé et absolument adorable. Presque Imparfait va illuminer votre journée.

Press START to Play

by Briana Lawrence

Lukis Singleton's once-popular sports column is fading fast, thanks to the terrible track record of the local football team. In an attempt to save the column, Lukis's editor, John, decides he needs to go in a different direction. Video games are all the rage these days, so John insists that sending Lukis to a huge video-game tournament in Los Angeles will shake up his current readers and bring in new ones. Lukis isn't thrilled about reporting on games with impossible powers or gamers who still live in Mom's basement, but then he meets a tempting flaw in the gaming stereotypes of unwashed man-children. Aaron Sanders is a gorgeous breath of fresh air at the tournament who takes Lukis's less-than-stellar view of gamers and turns it on its head, leaving Lukis to wonder if it might be worth being Aaron's player two.

Pressa da Lui

by Claudio Valerio Gaetani Jan Springer

La tatuatrice Catalina Brown perde testa per lo sconosciuto che chiede un tatuaggio tentacolare sulla sua ... parte del corpo più sensibile. Normalmente, mescolare il lavoro con piacere non è la sua cosa, ma è una calamita sensuale a cui è immediatamente attratta, in particolare dopo aver sperimentato un high artistico perverso mentre tatua ogni pollice del suo succulento membro. El mutaforma tentacular, Calder Croft cattura l'odore della donna quando passa per il porto turistico in California, e non può ignorare il modo in cui si scalda il suo sangue. Dopo averla incontrata, è sbalordito nello scoprire che Cat non ha idea che lei sia una mutaforma cha sta per entrare nel suo Cambio. Ci vuole tutto il suo autocontrollo per evitare di prendere queñña sexy donna proprio sul posto. Calder deve dire a Cat la verità sulla sua eredità. Accetterà la sua primogenitura come una mutaforma o soccomberà alla follia, perdendo per sempre la possibilità di amare?

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