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Rekindled Hearts (After The Storm Ser. #4)

by Brenda Minton

All Lexi Harmon wants is to be married—to her ex-husband. When a tornado traps them together, she prays they have a chance at life and love again. But embittered police officer Colt Ridgeway believes he can't give Lexi what she really wants—children and security. As they work side by side to rebuild High Plains, Lexi holds out hope that their marriage can be rebuilt, too, one piece of his heart at a time.

Rekindled Love

by Jodi Hutchins

After landing her dream job in the heart of Seattle, Kelly Garner feels she's finally found her spot in life ... until a layoff renders her unemployed. With a monumental amount of student loan debt, Kelly is forced to act fast. Her mother offers to let her stay in her childhood room, and Kelly finds a job in her field with a remote option.Everything seems to settle, until a familiar face ignites an old blaze of feelings within Kelly.The object of her affection is her high school crush and estranged friend, Reese Garret. The strong ardor Kelly felt for her is still vivacious, and henever she sees Reese, her heart nearly seizes. The two haven’t spoken in years and she still holds tight to the guilt surrounding the situation that ended their friendship.Will Kelly let this guilt muddle the potential rekindling of their old romance?

Rekindled - A Nemesis Prequel Novella: Circuit Fae 3.5 (Circuit Fae)

by Genevieve Iseult Eldredge

"If you like reading about the fae, other realms and watching two bada** chicks fight then you will love this series! - The Avid ReaderIt’s good to be queen. Except when it’s a total disaster.Syl Skye, newly crowned Queen of Fair Faerie, would be psyched to be the ruler of her Summer realm, except for two things.First, her girlfriend Rouen Rivoche became Queen of Dark Faerie, the Winter realm. That would be great except the Winter realm’s always been at war with Summer. By tradition, that makes Rouen Syl’s mortal enemy. That said, love can break past old hatred, right? Especially with a new foe about to attack them both.Ah, no.Which brings us to Syl’s second problem. Rouen’s under a dark spell and doesn’t remember Syl, their lives, their love. Worse, if Syl doesn’t break the spell by the next new moon, Rouen will forget her forever."Fast paced, full of action, never a moment of bore! Strongly recommended!" - Annarella, GoodreadsTo defeat their foe, it’ll take two soul-bound queens whose hearts and minds act as one. Trouble is, no one has ever broken the dark spell Rouen suffers from.Good thing Syl isn't the type of queen who gives up easily.Don't miss Syl and Roue's adventures in REKINDLED, the new prequel novella to NEMESIS, Book 4 of the Circuit Fae Don't miss out!Perfect for readers of romance, urban fantasy, fairy stories and LGBT.1. Moribund 1.5 Derailed – A flashback prequel to enjoy after MORIBUND2. Ouroboros 2.5 Dethroned – a prequel novella to INIMICAL3. Inimical3.5 Rekindled – a prequel novella to NEMESIS (Spring 2019)4. Nemesis (Fall 2019)5. Eidolon (Fall 2020) – the series finale!"Circuit Fae is a little bit Throne of Glass, a little bit Buffy, and a whole lot sexy." - Skye Allen, author of The Songbird Thief

A Rekindled Passion: A Secret Child Romance

by Penny Jordan

Read this classic romance by New York Times bestselling author Penny Jordan, now available for the first time in e-book! The secret she'd carried… Kate is shocked when the man who she believed had betrayed and abandoned her appears at her daughter Sophy's wedding. She's even more shocked when Joss reveals he knows Kate's secret—that Sophy is his child! But is Joss only interested in the daughter whose childhood he'd missed? Or are there other secrets to uncover? Kate isn't sure, but she knows Joss is still devastatingly attractive—and fast realizes she is as susceptible as ever to his charms… Originally published in 1989

Rekindled Romance & Restoring His Heart: Rekindled Romance\Restoring His Heart

by Lorraine Beatty

Author Lorraine Beatty brings you two heartwarming novels of redemption and faithRekindled RomanceAfter returning home, Shelby Russell winds up next door to ex-fiancé Matt Durrant. Now a widower with two kids, Matt plans to keep Shelby at arm’s length—even if she’s the logical choice for a nanny. Shelby left him once, and he won’t risk it happening again. But as they bond and he learns the truth about why Shelby’s back, they realize they’ll need courage if they dare hope for a future.Restoring His HeartAfter he crashes his sports car into a gazebo, Adam Holbrook begrudgingly agrees to rebuild it. But when Laura Durrant, the contractor scheduled to help him, shows up, everything changes. As they work amid the sawdust and sweat, Laura teaches him about more than carpentry. She shows him everything he’s missed out on…including love.

Rekindling Romance For Dummies (For Dummies Ser.)

by Sabine Walter

“Her energy level is higher than a charged particle.” —People “Her manner is down-to-earth and reassuring.... She tries to make people feel better, value themselves, trust their instincts.” —Ladies’ Home Journal In today’s world of instant gratification people have lost the knack for keeping romance alive. Rather than take the time to rekindle the flame that once burned so brightly, we let the fire die out, thinking we’ll find something more lasting with someone else. Often, the result is that we find ourselves repeating the same pattern over and over again or giving up on romance altogether. But true romance never really dies it only goes into hibernation, waiting for somebody to wake it up. Are you bored with your relationship? Does your love life seem routine? Don’t throw in the towel! Let “Americas star sexologist” (TV Guide), Dr. Ruth Westheimer shows you how to inspire a romantic Renaissance in your relationship. With the help of self-exams and easy exercises, she shows you how to: Rate the romance in your relationship Renew respect and commitment Spice up your sex life Find time for Romance in everyday situations Plan a romantic getaway Full of straight-talk about real-life relationship issues and peppered with helpful and inspiring anecdotes from her years couples counseling, Rekindling Romance For Dummies helps you: Find the sources of stress in your relationship and address them constructively Discover the importance of communication in overcoming potential sore spots Understand the roles that conflict and mutual respect play in a successful relationship Use proven techniques for strengthening your relationship, including renewal ceremonies, romantic escapes, and more Overcome boredom and insecurity in the bedroom and supercharge your sex-life together, well into your golden years Work through common stresses that can afflict romance, including financial conflict, pregnancy, and childrearing Recognize how common medical problems can impact the state of your relationship and know when to seek professional help Don’t let a good thing fade away. Let Dr. Ruth show you how to “embrace the art of romance” and keep the fire burning in your relationship.

Rekindling the Widower's Heart (Hearts of Hunter Ridge #1)

by Glynna Kaye

A Future to Build OnAll widower Luke Hunter wants is to raise his three kids—and be left alone. When Delaney Marks arrives in town to oversee the youth group’s house renovation project, Luke decides he must come out of hiding. He’s worried she’s too young to get the job done. He’ll have to keep a close watch on her—and on his heart. Because being with the vibrant girl makes it easy to forget their age difference and to start hoping for a future he doesn’t deserve. As tensions rise over project pressures, Delaney tries to make Luke see that some things are just out of his control—and that he is worthy of happiness…with her.

Una relación perfecta

by William Trevor

Una relación perfecta confirma a William Trevor como el maestro absoluto del relato, capaz de dibujar con toda elocuencia y la mayor economía de medios la cara dramática de nuestra existencia. Casi sin excepción, William Trevor está considerado uno de los mejores narradores de nuestro tiempo. Este nuevo libro de relatos -después de La historia de Lucy Gault y Verano y amor, tercera obra de Trevor publicada por Salamandra- es la brillante demostración de su fértil y conmovedor universo literario, pues pocos como el escritor irlandés son capaces de narrar con tanta exactitud la complejísima topografía de la conducta humana. Desde un hombre que regresa a Venecia para cumplir la promesa que hizo a su esposa, perdida en el mundo sin recuerdos del Alzheimer, hasta una mujer que observa cómo su marido se prepara para reunirse por última vez con su amante, las historias de este libro hablan de oportunidades perdidas. De las trampas de la memoria, arbitraria y fragmentaria; de los secretos que sofocamos; de los sueños a los que nos aferramos; de las consecuencias que pueden tener, años después, unas palabras no pronunciadas. Los relatos de William Trevor esconden un cuidado mecanismo para revelar los rincones más recónditos del laberinto del deseo, y transmiten una especial melancolía, teñida de humor. La crítica ha dicho...«¿Qué queda por decir de William Trevor excepto repetir la evidencia de que es el maestro indiscutible de la narrativa? Sus relatos muestran una facilidad para hablar de espacios en la mente y el corazón humanos que está fuera del alcance de la mayoría de los escritores.»The Times «¿Cómo explicar el milagro de William Trevor? Ha conservado su asombro y curiosidad hacia la humanidad, por sus esperanzas, sus pecados y sus fallos.»The Irish Times «Magistral [...] Estos cuentos permanecen en la memoria mucho tiempo después de su lectura.»The New York Times «Un narrador y estilista soberano.»Süddeutsche Zeitung «Su hermosa y sobria prosa es un pequeño milagro. Estos relatos figuran entre los mejores de Trevor.»Irish Independent «Ningún otro escritor vivo domina el cuento como William Trevor.»The Literary Review «Estos relatos, igual que los de Chejov -la comparación es casi inevitable-, dejan espacio para que el lector piense, y de esta forma consiguen su objetivo, que es subrayar la naturaleza solitaria, la impenetrabilidad, de la experiencia individual.»Anita Brookner, The Spectator

Relacion prohibida

by Anne Mather

Rachel Claiborne es una belleza, pero está cansada de que la juzguen por su aspecto físico, y nunca ha dejado que se le acerque ningún hombre. Por el momento, está centrada en encontrar a su madre, que ha abandonado a su familia para marcharse a la paradisiaca isla de San Antonio. Rachel no tarda en caer bajo el hechizo de la isla, personalizado en el irresistible Matt Brody. Por primera vez en su vida, quiere entregarse a un hombre, pero no puede dejarse llevar...porque es evidente que Matt sabe algo acerca de su madre desaparecida...

Relacionamentos à Distância: Como manter o amor próximo

by Vanessa M. Lopez W. L. S. Borges

Você está em um relacionamento à distância? Saiba como fazer o amor funcionar! Capacidades avançadas de comunicação nos deram o poder de escolher onde podemos ter empregos, mas às vezes acontece que a pessoa que você ama não pode ser igualmente transplantada de seu posto atual. Se isso significa automaticamente o fim do seu relacionamento? Claro que não. A distância não é somente uma qualidade espacial, mas também emocional. Você e seu amor podem estar longe um do outro e ter os corações mais próximos. Pode parecer um clichê, de fato; inúmeros filmes e ficções de romance fazem-o parecer assim, mas o verdadeiro amor pode resistir a todas as coisas. Se você se encontra na mesma situação e sabe que você e seu parceiro podem fazer isso funcionar, ainda que não tenha ideia de como, então este pequeno livro é para você. É para a brava, a comprometida, a pessoa que sabe a diferença entre algo para investir e algo para terminar.

Relaciones A Distancia: Cómo Puedes Hacerlas Funcionar

by Vanessa M. Lopez Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo

Estar separados en cuanto a distancia no significa que los corazones deberían separarse, también. Las tecnologías de hoy nos han permitido alcanzar a gente desde tan lejos como los confines de la Tierra, mostrándonos que nuestra especie, a pesar de estar tan dispersa, comparte semejantes necesidades de sentirse apreciada, conocida y amada. Puedes conocer a alguien en línea, alguien con semejantes diferencias, hasta que descubres que comparten los mismos puntos de vista en la vida, las mismas pasiones, los mismos sueños, los mismos tipos de vecinos, incluso. Puedes enamorarte de esta persona que ni siquiera has conocido físicamente. Este es un ejemplo de cómo puede ocurrir una relación a larga distancia. O esto. Las capacidades de comunicación avanzada nos han dado el poder de elegir dónde podemos trabajar, pero en ocasiones solamente sucede que la persona que amas no puede mudarse de su lugar actual. ¿Debería eso, automáticamente, significar el final de tu relación? Por supuesto que no.

Relaciones extraordinarias

by Clifford Penner

No hay nada más poderoso que el sexo para unir o separar un matrimonio. Aquí está un libro escrito exclusivamente para los esposos que les ayudará a llevar esta área a un nivel inimaginable. Relaciones extraordinarias es un material esencial y genial para todo aquel esposo que desea mantener viva la pasión en su matrimonio.

Relaciones tóxicas

by Magui Block

Un método simple y probado para detectar, transformar y soltar las relaciones negativas. Las relaciones son para nutrirnos y para hacernos felices. Una cuando ocurre lo contrario y la relación te succiona, haciéndote infeliz. Esta distinción parece muy simple, pero en la práctica se complica y no es tan obvio. La mayoría de las personas que están en relaciones tóxicas ¡ni siquiera se dan cuenta! A través de su método de tres pasos —reconocer lo que causa tu problema, identificar lo que te hace falta y transformar tu situación—, Magui te ayudará a reconstruir tus relaciones con amor y a soltar las que no te benefician. En Relaciones tóxicas aprenderás a: • Identificar cómo es una relación tóxica y distinguir cuáles de tus relaciones no son saludables. • Conocer las razones que han hecho que te involucres en las relaciones tóxicas de tu vida y resolver los asuntos que hay detrás. • Detectar por qué sigues bloqueado en tus relaciones tóxicas actuales y cómo transformarlas. • Evaluar las relaciones con tu familia y contigo mismo. • Soltar las dinámicas tóxicas.

Relapse In Paradise (The Long Shot Romance #2)

by Roxanne Smith

She likes Hawaii, but she just might love Boston... Still stinging from her recent divorce, Emily Buzzly heads to majestic Hawaii to soothe her wounds. But once she arrives on Oahu, Emily discovers that a man she assumes is a beach bum is in fact her personal tour guide, hired by her sister. With his long hair and tattoos, Boston Rondibett is everything Emily detests--despite his sun-kissed surfer body. And with her straight-laced, executive persona, Emily is everything Boston rebels against. But both have a lot to learn about making snap judgments... As it turns out, Boston's real job, the one he truly cares about, is running his soup kitchen and homeless shelter. Embarrassed by her assumptions, rather than lazy beach days, Emily soon finds herself feeding the hungry, and even involved in the search for an AWOL soldier. And to Boston's surprise, she's loving every minute of it--and he's loving seeing her loosen her chignon and be the admirable, beautiful woman she is. As each works through the challenges of the past, these two very different people just might find their hearts are on the very same page...

The Relate Guide to Finding Love

by Barbara Bloomfield Relate

Why are you looking for love right now? What kind of relationship do you want? How will you know if you find 'The One'? The Relate Guide to Finding Love will answer all these questions, and more.From the UK's leading relationship counsellor, The Relate Guide to Finding Love offers common sense help and advice on all aspects of dating and relationships. Short, snappy chapters, each containing a thought-provoking exercise, plus personal case histories, combine to make this a fun and interesting read to help you to:- Discover your needs and what you expect from a relationship- Get yourself into the right frame of mind to meet someone new- Make the most of online dating and singles events- Identify whether your new love is really the one for youWhether you are looking for a long-term relationship or just a quick fling, this practical, accessible guide is perfect for you.

Relation illusoire

by Lexy Timms

Lexy Timms, auteur best-seller USA Today, vous propose une romance sexy et tendre qui vous fera craquer pour le perdant tout au long de l'histoire ! Il grogna. Il vivait un véritable calvaire. N'importe quel homme rêvait de se retrouver dans une chambre à coucher avec une belle femme, mais il devait se rappeler qu'il s'agissait d'une relation illusoire. Allyson Smith a le béguin pour son patron depuis des années, mais n'a jamais osé faire le premier pas. Quand elle se retrouve sans cavalier pour le mariage de son frère, Allyson raconte à sa famille un mensonge innocent : elle sort avec son patron. Malheureusement, il découvre son mensonge, puis insiste pour se faire passer pour son petit ami et l'accompagner au mariage. Play-boy milliardaire, Dane Prescott s'affiche toujours avec une nouvelle héritière fortunée à son bras, mais il n'arrive pas à se sortir son assistante, Allyson, de la tête. Il a lutté contre son attirance pour elle, jusqu'à ce qu'il se prenne au jeu de leur relation illusoire. Un week-end passionné avec son patron pousse Allyson à remettre en question tout ce en quoi elle croit. Tomber amoureuse d'un play-boy aussi fortuné que Dane est contraire aux règles, mais si elle fait juste semblant, où est le mal ? La série "Le milliardaire imposteur" : Relation illusoire CEO intérimaire Pris sur le fait Il ne faut jamais mentir

Relationship Book for New Couples: Proven Strategies to Nurture Your Connection and Build a Long-Lasting Bond

by Megan Lundgren

Help your relationship flourish with evidence-based strategies for newly committed couples Have the important conversations that connected and committed relationships are built upon with help from this modern-day entry into relationship books for couples. It's full of strategies for maintaining a healthy, satisfying partnership, plus all the guidance you'll need to put the strategies into practice. Unlike many other relationship books for couples, this one includes: A guide to key relationship skills—Strengthen your bond with techniques for intimacy, communication, and conflict management, and learn how to apply these techniques to your relationship. A range of therapies—Find strategies rooted in mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, and more. An inclusive approach—Read stories from diverse couples in a wide range of committed relationships, with this contemporary choice in relationship books for couples. Relationship-building activities—Take a quiz to determine each partner's love language, find discussion questions for topics like morals and values, and complete a check-in with each other at the end of each chapter. Relationship books for couples can help you build a firm foundation for your relationship—and this book is the only one you'll need, with up-to-date therapeutic strategies and expert guidance.

Relationship Breakthrough: How to Create Outstanding Relationships in Every Area of Your Life

by Cloe Madanes

<p>Everyone faces the challenges of making relationships work. Whether with spouses, family members, friends, lovers, or colleagues, relationships have the power to make one feel happy, frustrated, or miserable. <p>In Relationship Breakthrough, Cloe Madanes—an expert in creating healing, empowering relationships—gives readers vital tools to transform their relationships and their lives. Madanes's cutting-edge methods produce real results and create rewarding, sustainable relationships. <p>Using simple, step-by-step exercises and drawing on the examples of clients who have benefited from this technique, Relationship Breakthrough teaches readers how to: - overcome life's inevitable losses - resolve long-standing family conflicts - synchronize their needs with those of others - create outstanding relationships in every area of their lives This is the only book that ties the guiding principles of Tony Robbins's work with Cloe Madanes's revolutionary approach to relationship therapy. <p>Our connections with the people in our lives have the capacity to bring us great joy, if only we understood the fundamental needs we all have, but sometimes express differently. Drawing on her trademark wisdom, empathy, and extensive clinical experience, Madanes shows readers how to better understand their own needs and those of others, bringing clarity and insight into any relationship.

Relationship Detox: 7 Steps to Prepare for Your Ideal Relationship

by Jodi Schuelke

What if you could experience a unique detoxification that would rid you of those unhealthy dating patterns and bad habits that continually leave you feeling disappointed and lonely? And what if the result was confi-dence, purpose, joy, and better relationships? This is what Relationship Detox is all about.Relationship Detox is the smart woman’s guide to cleansing yourself of the dysfunctional relationships and dating habits that prevent you from finding the man of your dreams. Relationship expert and best-selling author of I Just Want Out, Jodi Schuelke lays out seven practical steps in her FORWARD Framework™ process so you can claim or reclaim self-confidence and happiness.

The Relationship Fix: Dr. Jenn's 6-Step Guide to Improving Communication, Connection & Intimacy

by Jenn Mann

Using clinical experience and the latest research, a Marriage & Family Therapist offers a roadmap to navigating issues couples commonly face.Relationships aren’t easy, even the good ones. If you are on the verge of a divorce or break-up, in a great relationship, but want to take it to the next level, or single and want to make sure your next relationship is better, this book is for you. Based on cutting-edge research and almost three decades of clinical experience as a Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice, Dr. Jenn Mann teaches you everything you need to know have a deeper, more satisfying relationship, and the skills to fix one that isn’t working. Reading Dr. Jenn’s book is like sitting down with her for a personal session in her treatment room. Using her tell-it-like-it-is approach, Dr. Jenn guides you through the six steps needed to get your relationship on track and helps you to: * Use conflicts to strengthen your relationship * Create connection with your partner, even if you haven't felt it for years * Change bad patterns * Recognize and know what to do when unresolved issues are hurting the relationship* Negotiate effectively to get your needs met * Make an effective apology using the four R's* Learn to forgive* Reignite your sex life The Relationship Fix is also filled with case studies and stories from Dr. Jenn’s clients on VH1’s Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn and her popular radio show, and on her own personal experiences.Praise for The Relationship Fix“Dr. Jenn does a wonderful job helping others. She’s a passionate voice for change and will take you on a meaningful journey that’ll change your relationship!” —M. Gary Neuman, New York Times–bestselling author of The Truth about Cheating: Why Men Stray and What You Can Do to Prevent It“A practical, no-nonsense guide with an abundance of information and sound advice. It can help your marriage survive, grow, and flourish.” —Harriet Lerner, PhD, author of The Dance of Anger

A Relationship for a Lifetime: Everything You Need To Know To Create A Love That Lasts

by Kelly E. Johnson

Everything You Need to Know to Create a Love That Lasts! This enlightening book will teach you to become your own relationship expert where you can create the relationship of your dreams.

The Relationship Handbook

by Gina Vucci Shakti Gawain

In her first new book in 15 years, personal development pioneer Shakti Gawain encapsulates a lifetime of teaching and learning to offer her most trenchant and universal work to date. These exercises and insights have been tested and refined in the popular workshops Gawain has taught for decades. They reflect the fact that each of us is in relationships - with romantic partners, family, coworkers, etc. - and that each of us is also in relationships with internal core beliefs and a variety of selves, including primary, disowned, and shadow selves. Her revelatory teaching incorporates strategies for becoming aware of hidden beliefs, applying the Voice Dialogue process developed by therapists Hal and Sidra Stone, and learning to experience our every relationship as a path to self-knowledge, intrapersonal enhancement, and even community and global betterment.

Relationship Obits

by Kathleen Horan

Because We All Have a Relationship We Need to Put to Rest From your basic lying, cheating, no-good scum to those relationships that were doomed from the start (they were married to different people), to a man who faked his death, Relationship Obits is a voyeuristic romp through the unexplored underbelly of love and life. Kathleen Horan founded when a big breakup was followed two weeks later by the death of her father. Writing her father's obituary made her wonder what it would be like to write one for the end of her relationship. The Web site was born and thousands began to put their love to rest online. This collection is at times hilarious, raw, shocking, and poignant--a true celebration of love in all its manifestations.

Relationship Reconnected: Proven Strategies to Improve Communication and Deepen Empathy

by David Simonsen

New communication strategies to help committed couples reconnect. It's no secret that good communication is the foundation of healthy relationships, but all too often long-time couples drift apart as they struggle to express themselves. Relationship Reconnected does what great relationship books should, helping mend that disconnect with practical, research-based communication tools and strategies. A must-have for anyone looking into relationship books, Relationship Reconnected explores the benefits of nonviolent communication. From observing and identifying your feelings to acknowledging your needs and wants, discover simple and effective ways to restore the bond between you and your partner. Go beyond other relationship books with: Rebuild empathy—Dig into one of the few relationship books that targets the unique needs of partners in long-time relationships. Real scenarios—Real-life case studies show how nonviolent communication can help with conversational pain points and strengthen your commitment. Practical advice, engaging exercises—Make real changes using straightforward action plans and guided exercises—complete with sample dialogues. There are lots of relationship books—make sure you and your partner are getting advice meant specifically for you with Relationship Reconnected.

Relationship Rescue: A Seven-Step Strategy for Reconnecting with Your Partner

by Phillip C. Mcgraw

As a follow-up to his bestselling book Life Strategies, Oprah acolyte Phillip C. McGraw, Ph.D., moves from aiding the aimless individual to coaching the disconnected couple. McGraw has distilled his more than two decades of counseling experience into a seven-step strategy he calls "Relationship Rescue.""I'm prepared to kick a hole in the wall of the pain-ridden, unhappy maze you've gotten yourself into, and provide you clear access to action-oriented answers and instructions on what you must do to have what you want," says Dr. Phil. His aim is to expose and eliminate the saboteurs that cause senseless damage to already-fragile marriages, and, like an emotional root canal, to replace them with values he says provide positive results. If you follow Dr. Phil's strategy, he will lead you on a precise journey to uncover your heart and then share it with your partner as part of taking the "risk of intimacy."Dr. Phil leads you to "reconnect with your core" in the first five steps of his seven-step strategy. By no means a quick fix, there are in-depth and rigorous questionnaires, surveys, tests, and profiles that require a "brutally candid" mindset, with such fill-in-the-blanks as "List five things that today would make you fall out of love with your partner." With this internal work accomplished, you'll then move on to reconnecting with your partner during a two-week, half-hour-a-day short course. As a "dyad," you and your loved one take turns giving monologues on topics such as "The most positive thing I took away from my mother and father's relationship was..."Once the "reconnection" has been established, Dr. Phil says the work shifts to a management role, as relationships are always a work in progress. Dr. Phil humorously refers to his own marriage throughout the book, sharing his mishaps and victories in learning to accept and enjoy what he sees as fundamental but complementary differences between men and women. --John Youngs

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