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Su Posesión

by Sky Corgan / Roxy Sinclaire

Amory Mikhailov viene de una mala parte de la ciudad donde sus padres son propietarios de una pequeña tienda de abarrotes que a duras penas les ha ayudado a pagar las cuentas durante los últimos años. Cuando Giovanni Bianchi envía a sus matones para chantajear el negocio, no tienen otra opción más que pagar por su “protección”. Pero cuando el precio se vuelve muy alto, y la seguridad de su padre está en riesgo, Amory decide hacerles una oferta diferente. Ryder Bianchi vive una vida encantadora. Ha pasado los últimos años intentado mantenerse fuera del negocio sórdido de su padre hasta que él se presenta en su puerta con un regalo en la forma de Amory. Giovanni le dice a Ryder que puede hacer lo que sea que quiera con ella, y Ryder planea hacer justamente eso. Este es una historia ardiente y única. Si te gustan los hombres autoritarios con mentes sucias, entonces consigue una copia y descubre que se siente ser Su Posesión.

Su primera vez (Tiempos de cambio #2)

by Bel Diciembre

¿Podrán Charles y Elizabeth superar todos los obstáculos y amarse libremente? Segunda entrega de la emocionante serie «Tiempos de cambio». Charles de Charmington está en Paris para poder disfrutar del ambiente relajado y lejos del rigor de la aristocracia inglesa. Lleva una vida disoluta hasta que conoce a una joven debutante, Elizabeth Dijon, quien, con un carácter fuerte, resolutivo y decidido acaba haciéndole caer en las redes del amor. Sin embargo, el ambiente convulso de la Francia de finales de siglo XIX va a cambiar sus vidas. No solo traerá a París la Exposición Universal, sino también al prometido de la joven y una serie de intrigas políticas y criminales que provocarán la mayor de las tragedias para Elizabeth y la separación de la pareja. Pero los sentimientos que ambos se profesan han calado en sus corazones con la fuerza y el poder que tiene el primer amor.

Su rostro verdadero (Las bodas del diablo #Volumen 2)

by Agatha Allen

Última entrega de la bilogía «Las bodas del diablo» de Agatha Allen. Una novela de superación, de amor y de desafíos que no dejará indiferente a sus lectores. ¿Es posible que el libro del peregrino tenga un poder infinito? Por algo Gladis y Cara de Rosa, María y Nicolás Mercader siguen su periplo de París a Roma y a Tierra Santa en busca de un libro que se sucede a sí mismo, se reviste de poderes sobrenaturales y parece contener la clave de la felicidad. ¿Cuál es la clave de la felicidad? ¿Puede concretarse en un rostro, una mirada dulcísima, una simple sonrisa? Los avatares que sufren los personajes de esta novela parecen no tener fin. No se arredran ante el fracaso, saben que cuando Dios cierra una puerta abre otra mejor, y aunque se lasven y se las desean con fieles y con infieles, con varones preclaros y con esbirros despiadados han puesto su meta en alcanzar la gracia del amor, en descubrir su rostro verdadero. ¿Cuál es el verdadero rostro del amor?

Su secreta fantasía

by Gaelen Foley

La segunda novela de la trilogía «Spice». ¿El amor o el deber? Un eterno dilema Al ser el hijo menor, el único camino hacia la fortuna que le queda a Derek Knight es el ejército. Pero su mayor distracción, mientras consigue fondos para la campaña en la India, son las citas clandestinas con las damas de la alta sociedad londinense, que caen rendidas ante este apuesto soldado, maestro en las artes orientales de la seducción. Todo cambia en un baile de máscaras, cuando se tropieza con Lily Balfour. Lily, que jamás ha creído en el amor, ha llegado a Londres con un único objetivo: si quiere salvar el patrimonio y el honor de la familia, debe cazar a un marido complaciente y adinerado. Claro, no debería fantasear con Derek, el tipo de hombre que no necesita: indómito, aventurero, soñador... y sin un penique.

Su última petición: Una historia de ángeles

by Charlie Daye

Samantha Stevens es una curvilínea y hermosa mujer de talla grande con un negocio exitoso, una abuela luchadora y un problema de autoestima desde que su esposo la dejó por una super modelo con el cuerpo hecho un palo. Ithiel es el ángel de la muerte. Ha pasado toda su existencia en la tierra recolectando almas para cruzar al Cielo o al Infierno dependiendo de como éstas hayan pasado sus vidas. Patricia Stevens es una luchadora mujer mayor que sabe que sus días están contados, especialmente cuando Ithiel comienza a pasar tiempo con ella. Le preocupa que su nieta Sam no sobreviva tras su muerte y le ruega a Ithiel que cuide de ella. A regañadientes, Ithiel acepta. Cuando su abuela falléce Samantha está más que destrozada. Se encuentra totalmente devastada y con el corazón roto. En el borde de la locura, se encuentra a sí misma envuelta en los brazos del hombre más hermoso que jamás haya visto, pero cuando su secreto es revelado y su vida se encuentra al límite, ¿tendrá el coraje necesario para sacrificarse por amor o se alejará del único hombre en su vida que en verdad la ha amado?

Su único deseo (Spice #Volumen 1)

by Gaelen Foley

De la India colonial a la Inglaterra de la Regencia. Llega la primera novela de la trilogía «Spice». Nunca se sabe cuándo puede llegar el amor verdadero. La joven Georgiana Knight lleva su nombre con orgullo. También heredó algo más de su tía, la notoria duquesa de Hawkscliffe que, con sus amoríos, escandalizó a toda la alta sociedad. Georgiana siente su misma pasión por la vida y rechazo a las convenciones; si tiene que amar, si tiene que casarse, lo hará libremente y solo con el hombre que la trate como a su igual. Sin embargo, duda que pueda encontrarlo en el reducido círculo en el que ha nacido y se ha criado: el de la clase dirigente inglesa en la «tierra de las especias», la India. Hasta que una fragata llega a Calcuta y entre sus pasajeros desciende Ian Prescott, un diplomático con una importante misión secreta. Reseña:«Gaelen Foley añade el toque exótico de la India a una de sus clásicas historias románticas ambientadas en la Regencia en esta primera entrega de lo que promete ser una entretenida, sensual y "picante" nueva trilogía.»Booklist

A sua difesa (Connessioni con il tribunale #2)

by Ann Jacobs

Tonu Landry, nato povero e guidato dalla sua storia familiare, ha raggiunto un successo sorprendente come consigliere della difesa attraverso gli sforzi di nessun altro tranne che i suoi. un nuovo partner nella prestigiosa azienda Winston-Roe, egli crede appieno che le verità non arrivano in bianco e nero ma in sfumature di grigio. Lui si scontra con Kristine Granger, una giovane querelante proveniente da ricchezza e privilegio, la quale è completamente convinta che non ci siano ombre giuste o sbagliate. A dispetto della feroce attrazione che nessuno dei due può negare, Tony deve trovare l'argomento della sua vita per clonquistare il cuore di Kristine - A SUA DIFESA.

Sua Posse

by Sky Corgan

Amory Mikhailov vem da parte ruim da cidade onde os pais dela têm uma mercearia que mal tem conseguido pagar as contas deles nos últimos anos. Quando Giovanni Bianchi envia seus capangas para agitar os negócios deles, eles não têm escolha a não ser pagar pela 'proteção' dele. Mas quando o preço se torna alto demais, e a segurança de sua família está em risco, Amory decide fazer uma oferta diferente. Ryder Bianchi vive uma vida encantada. Ele passou os últimos anos tentando manter distância dos negócios do pai dele até que ele aparece na sua porta com um presente em forma de Amory. Giovanni diz a Ryder que ele pode fazer o que quiser com ela, e Ryder planeja fazer exatamente isso. Este é um romance erótico de volume único. Se você gosta de homens mandões com mentes sujas, então pegue uma cópia e descubra como é ser Sua Posse.

Suas Mãos

by Scarlet Delorne F. Rocha

Megan tem fascínio por ele desde que ela entendeu o significado da palavra sexo. Ele trabalha duro, tem um físico cincelado e um bronzeado de fazendeiro perfeito. Quando Megan vê seu relacionamento ruir, ela decide que é hora de começar a se mexer para ele, mas suas tentativas de sedução passam despercebidas. Ela fará com que ele a note, não importa o que for preciso, e fazer todos os seus sonhos serem realidade.

La subasta

by Carmen Omaña

¿Qué harías si por burla del destino terminas en una subasta de virginidades femeninas y el mejor postor de una prestigiosa agencia de escort está dispuesto a pagar 1350000 dólares por una sola noche contigo? Susana Mills descubre que la sofisticada Marbella Polanco, compañera de la Universidad y propietaria del suntuoso departamento, que meses atrás les ofreció a ella y a su prima, bajo una seductora oferta la ha inscrito en una peculiar subasta online. Su virginidad ha sido otorgada al mejor postor y los estatutos con los que se elaboró el contrato distan de ser un pacto de prostitución, así que las leyes la obligaban a cumplir con lo establecido o a indemnizar a la otra parte con una cantidad inalcanzable. Su formación moral y cultural la obliga a fijar posición ante un postor que resulta ser persuasivo, satírico, déspota y con un sexto sentido bastante desarrollado a quien deberá demostrarle no ser una prostituta. Parasalir de semejante embrollo deberá convencer al postor de su participación involuntaria. Sería simple si Gianni Streitwieser no tuviese el poder de enloquecer a cualquier mujer solo con su presencia. Tras una demostración incómoda el adinerado Greco cede a la rescisión del contrato, pero no a su propósito; descubre que por ella está dispuesto a empezar de nuevo, sin subastas de por medio y luchará contra las adversidades que la subasta trajo consigo. Paparazzi, demandas y enfrentamientos con Antonio Quesada, el Gallo, un temido capo de Centroamérica que habría despertado el odio en su mujer, Marbella Polanco. Gianni, en la distante ciudad de Londres, desea hacerla suya en mente, cuerpo y alma sin importarle con quién tuviese que enfrentarse para protegerla.

Subject X

by Emma G. Hunter

Recent Harvard graduate Charlotte Kane tends to be the most practical person in the room. A self-proclaimed nerd and former tomboy, Charlotte still isn't used to the world's reaction to her since she traded in her sweatpants and hoodies for skinny jeans and sundresses. And she's just begun to settle into her new job as a research assistant at a prestigious biotech powerhouse, Philadelphia's Genesis Life Systems, when Owen Becker walks into the subject waiting room. Owen Becker is pure, distilled masculinity. He's also been the subject of a shadowy Genesis research study for twenty-seven years--a classified one now run solely by Charlotte's prickly and secretive boss. With just one glance at Charlotte Kane, Owen knows he has to have her. But he fears that the secret behind his study might be too much for the new researcher to understand--and far too dangerous for her or anyone else to know about. When a chance accident on their second date reveals something unbelievable about Owen Becker, Charlotte's world is turned entirely upside-down. As she struggles to reconcile what she's learned about her irresistible new boyfriend with everything she knows to be true about science and the world she lives in, her lingering dislike of her new boss shifts into something more like suspicion. Determining that he's up to something dark--and that Owen is at the center of that something--Charlotte is forced to test the limits of what she's willing to do for love and lust.

Subjuguée par le duc

by Amanda Mariel

Mademoiselle Emma Baxter s'est cachée dans un carrosse afin d'échapper à son oncle et au baron qu'il veut la forcer à épouser. La dernière chose à laquelle elle s'attendait était de se retrouver avec le duc de Radcliffe, Aaron St. John, et sa fille de dix ans, Lady Sophia. Maintenant, elle est confrontée à un tout autre danger : elle pourrait perdre son cœur au profit du charmant et indisponible duc.


by Christina Lauren

True love may mean certain death in a ghostly affair of risk and passion from New York Times bestselling duo Christina Lauren, authors of Beautiful Bastard. Tahereh Mafi, New York Times bestselling author of Shatter Me calls Sublime "a beautiful, haunting read.When Lucy walks out of a frozen forest, wearing only a silk dress and sandals, she isn't sure how she got there. But when she sees Colin, she knows for sure that she's here for him. Colin has never been captivated by a girl the way he is by Lucy. With each passing day their lives intertwine, and even as Lucy begins to remember more of her life--and her death--neither of them is willing to give up what they have, no matter how impossible it is. And when Colin finds a way to physically be with Lucy, taking himself to the brink of death where his reality and Lucy's overlap, the joy of being together for those brief stolen moments drowns out everything in the outside world. But some lines weren't meant to be crossed...

Submerged: Perfect Alibi Submerged Christmas In Hiding (Mountain Cove #4)

by Elizabeth Goddard

Searching for her missing father in Alaska takes a woman on a dangerous adventure in this inspirational romantic suspense novel by a USA Today bestseller.With Christmas just around the corner, Cobie MacBride wants closure in the case of her missing father. But when a visit to the last place he was seen leads to an attack by a masked assailant, Cobie knows she’s in over her head. Running for her life, she never expected to find safety with Adam Warren—the man she blames for her brother’s death. Seeking answers leads them to a treasure ship, buried secrets . . . and deadly danger. Christmas could find them starting a new future—if they can avoid getting trapped in the perils of the past.Experience more action-packed mystery and suspense in the rest of the Mountain Cove series by Elizabeth Goddard.


by Jordan Gray

The mysteries of the English seacoast town of Blackpool linger centuries after its powerful founder died with his secrets. Newcomers Molly and Michael Graham are intrigued by the sinister curiosities of their adopted home, for though the picturesque waterfront shops are a haven for tourists, the locals keep to themselves. And most have something to hide. . . ;. A preservation grant brings a massive restoration project to the marina, throwing the town into political turmoil. As Molly wades into the fray, a young woman is kidnapped, a thug turns up dead and a shipwreck is discovered in the harbor! The Grahams are plunged into a legacy of smugglers, betrayal and murder. . . ;and even deeper into the heart of Blackpool's most shocking and long-buried truths.

Submerging Inferno (Men of Myth #1)

by Brandon Witt

3rd EditionMen of Myth: Book OneBrett Wright and Finn de Morisco come from vastly different worlds. Disowned by his family for being gay, Brett builds both a life on his own terms and walls around his emotions. But nothing can prepare him for the evil that stalks him in the night or from discovering the dark secrets of his heritage. The youngest of a doting family, Finn lives a sheltered life that allows him to trust easily and makes him quick to jump to the rescue. While using his knowledge of the supernatural world to help Brett uncover the truth of his ancestry, Finn learns nothing in life is as simple and risk-free as he believed. New knowledge comes with a price--one that may prove too high for them to pay.First Edition published by Brandon Witt, January 2011.Second Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, August 2013.

A Submissa Perfeita - Coleção Wicked Ceo E Orgia No Escritório

by Karla Marques Vollkopf Katia Jordan

Brie está desempregada e entrando em desespero ao ver as contas que não param de chegar, quando então é chamada para uma entrevista para se tornar a assistente pessoal de um bilionário sexy, o Sr. Calderon. Mas ela não está preparada para a realidade da vaga, pois o que ele procura não é apenas alguém para atender o telefone, mas uma assistente que obedeça a todos os seus desejos, tanto profissional quanto sexualmente. A jornada de Brie para se tornar a submissa pessoal deste CEO inclui ficar amarrada, ser chicoteada e experimentar coisas novas e excitantes, das quais ela nunca nem mesmo sonhou. Esta edição especial inclui os quatro volumes da série "Wicked CEO" e também um bônus: a história "Orgia no Escritório", um conto erótico sobre como a tensão sexual em um escritório entre uma linda chefe dominante e seus três estagiários atraentes e jovens pode ser demais para qualquer um suportar.

A Submissão do Bilionário

by K. Matthew

Quando Garret não quer seguir as regras, Mia começa a pensar melhor sobre sua proposta de casamento. As coisas vão se encaixar quando Mia tentar educar Garret no estilo de vida, ou isso destruirá completamente o relacionamento deles?

Submission: Erotica for Women

by Alex Algren

Eyes blindfolded. Mouth gagged. Hands chained to the headboard. You're on display, ready for him--ready to be used. And the only sound in the room is your own breathing...until you hear him close the door behind you. Let these tales give you inspiration for the next time you find yourself in a tight spot. This collection of stories featuring guys dominating their eager, submissive lovers is bound to fill your imagination with kinky playtime ideas!


by Alex Algren

Eyes blindfolded. Mouth gagged. Hands chained to the headboard. You're on display, ready for him-ready to be used. And the only sound in the room is your own breathing...until you hear him close the door behind you. Let these tales give you inspiration for the next time you find yourself in a tight spot.This collection of stories featuring guys dominating their eager, submissive lovers is bound to fill your imagination with kinky playtime ideas!


by Tori Carrington

The French Quarter: when darkness falls, the games begin. . . The Game: SubmissionThe Players: Alan Chevalier, homicide detective. Molly Laraway, murder victim's twin. The Object of the Game: Give your lover all you've got. . . but take even more. When sexy Molly Laraway shows up asking about her dead sister's murder investigation, hardened detective Alan Chevalier tells her to go home and let him do his job. But with the oh-so-gorgeous lady saying she won't leave his side until he solves the case, he decides she could be useful to him--on the beat during the day, and in bed at night. Molly's no fool. She knows the tough-as-nails New Orleans detective spells trouble. But he's the only one who can track down the "Quarter Killer. " Besides, something about this darkly attractive man makes her want a taste of danger. And she has no doubt that taste will only whet her appetite. . . .


by Cherie Feather

From the author of The Art of Desire comes an erotic romance with a supernatural twist. Ethan Tierney is infamous in the art world for his shocking paintings-and his reputation for seduction. <P><P>He's found a perfect subject in Kiki Dion, an art historian with kinky fantasies of her own. Now, behind the closed doors of his historic estate, they're making those fantasies come true- and bringing something else to life as well... A century ago, the house's late occupants recorded the details of their consuming affair in explicit letters that have become Kiki and Ethan's erotic obsession. But the ghosts of the past are not at rest. They've been aroused to bring closure to a sensual mystery of the past, to take possession of the warm and willing bodies of Kiki and Ethan, and to teach them the true meaning of undying ecstasy.

The Submission

by Serena Shay

Serena Shay returns with Book Two of her intense paranormal romance series Northwood Jags. The Submission takes you on a journey of discovery as three shifters learn to face their fear of the unknown and open their hearts to love.Two is better than one. Most would agree with that statement, but not full-blooded shifter LeAnn Turone. To accept her need for multiple partners means facing a lifetime in a one-sided triad. She's better off denying her heritage even if that means walking away from two of the most delectable alpha males she's ever met.Rick Taylor and Trent Warren each think they've found their mate in LeAnn, but a midnight meeting deep in the woods proves them wrong. Not only do they both long to connect to the sexy, but skittish female, they also find themselves attracted to one another.Each member of this triad must free themselves from the fear of the future and submit to the greater power of love.Content Notes: Intense, Anal Play, Anal Intercourse, D/S Elements, Polyamory, Light BDSM, Short MM SceneRomance Fiction, Paranormal Romance Fiction, Shifter Romance Fiction, Erotic Romance Fiction, BDSM Romance Fiction, Contemporary Romance Fiction

The Submission Gift

by Solace Ames

Newlyweds Jay and Adriana had a happy marriage and a spectacular sex life-until tragedy struck. Wounded in a car accident, Jay spent a year recuperating while Adriana worked overtime as a chef to pay their bills. Though he's made nearly a full recovery, some aspects of their intimate play will never be the same. It's a small price to pay, all things considered.But when a long struggle with the insurance company results in an overdue payout, Jay has a plan. He'll take some of it and hire a high-end rent boy who specializes in sexual dominance. Not for him, but as a gift for Adriana, for taking care of him for the past twelve months.Paul is the handsome stranger they choose...and the one who changes everything. What starts out as a onetime session to fulfill a fantasy turns into something bigger than all of them. But when the money runs out and Paul's dangerous past resurfaces, the sacrifices required to stay together may end up tearing them apart...100,000 words

Submission Guidelines

by T. Neilson

Cole Doren is starting over. He&apos;s moved, started working as a food writer again, and is crushing hard on his new neighbor, Daniel Mazurek, who is a genuinely nice guy and as hot as a supernova. Too bad for Cole, Daniel&apos;s not what he seems. And too bad for Daniel, the cute boy-next-door&apos;s DNA says he&apos;s one of America&apos;s most wanted, and it&apos;s Daniel&apos;s job to confirm that and bring him down. Digging through Cole's past, Daniel finds out about Cole's BDSM videos and while it should set off warning bells, it only leaves Daniel damn hot for Cole. Getting closer to his subject is easy, but starting a relationship built on trust is a lot harder when everything Daniel's ever told Cole has been a lie.

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