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E. coli Gene Expression Protocols

by Peter E. Vaillancourt

Peter E. Vaillancourt presents a collection of popular and emerging methodologies that take advantage of E. coli's ability to quickly and inexpensively express recombinant proteins. The authors focus on two areas of interest: the use of E. coli vectors and strains for production of pure, functional protein, and the use of E. coli as host for the functional screening of large collections of proteins and peptides. Among the cutting-edge techniques demonstrated are those for rapid high-level expression and purification of soluble and functional recombinant protein and those essential to functional genomics, proteomics, and protein engineering.

E. coli Plasmid Vectors

by Nicola Casali Andrew Preston

A comprehensive collection of readily reproducible techniques for the manipulation of recombinant plasmids using the bacterial host E. coli. The authors describe proven methods for cloning DNA into plasmid vectors, transforming plasmids into E. coli, and analyzing recombinant clones. They also include protocols for the construction and screening of libraries, as well as specific techniques for specialized cloning vehicles, such as cosmids, bacterial artificial chromosomes, l vectors, and phagemids. Common downstream applications such as mutagenesis of plasmids, recombinant protein expression, and the use of reporter genes, are also described.

E-Commerce Law

by Paul Todd

This book includes detailed coverage of intellectual property, contract, encryption and liability issues, including allocation of domain names, use of metatags and other forms of search engine optimization, digital signatures and the position of ISPs and other intermediaries. There are case studies on electronic conveyancing and e-taxation. Though the book is written from a UK perspective, comparative material is included from other jurisdictions, including America and Singapore in particular.

E-Commerce und Datenschutzrecht im Konflikt: HMD Best Paper Award 2015 (essentials)

by Patricia Lotz

Patricia Lotz behandelt Rechtsfragen zum Einsatz moderner Marketingformen und gibt einen ersten #65533;berblick #65533;ber die Fallstricke, die sich dem E-Commerce in Zukunft vor allem im Bereich des Datenschutzes stellen werden. Die Autorin zeigt gleichzeitig m#65533;gliche L#65533;sungswege auf. Aus rechtlicher Sicht bespricht sie Webtracking, Geolokalisierung und Social Plugins. Zudem gibt sie eine #65533;bersicht #65533;ber die Integration von E-Payment-L#65533;sungen.

e-Learning in Medical Physics and Engineering: Building Educational Modules with Moodle (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)

by Vassilka Tabakova

The need for qualified specialists to work with and apply sophisticated technology in contemporary medicine is rapidly growing. Professional bodies predict that meeting the needs of healthcare globally will require almost tripling the number of Medical Physicists by 2035. Similar challenges exist in the constantly growing profession of Medical Engineering. They can be solved most efficiently and effectively with the tools of e-Learning, and a free and open-source Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) platform such as Moodle is a welcome solution. The Moodle VLE platform is a free, open source learning management system that is the most popular choice for higher educational institutions worldwide. However, the best practices of the Moodle system are still unknown to many. This practical guide provides educators, programme administrators, and programme directors with a condensed guide to Moodle and step-by-step instructions on how to create a single course or an entire educational programme. It also discusses cost-effective ways to apply e-Learning in an educational institution. This guide is accessible to all professionals, even those without specialist IT skills, and will be helpful to educators of all levels in Medical Physics and Engineering, as well as in other medical and medical-related specialties or disciplines with a strong imaging component. Features: Provides step-by-step instructions of how to build a course/module for Higher Education on Moodle Gives practical solutions to implementing e-Learning in Medical Physics and Engineering Explores useful tips and tricks for best practice

E-literature for Children: Enhancing Digital Literacy Learning

by Len Unsworth

As ICT continues to grow as a key resource in the classroom, this book helps students and teachers to get the best out of e-literature, with practical ideas for work schemes for children at all levels. Len Unsworth draws together functional analyses of language and images and applies them to real-life classroom learning environments, developing pupils’ understanding of ‘text’. The main themes include: What kinds of literary narratives can be accessed electronically? How can language, pictures, sound and hypertext be analysed to highlight the story? How can digital technology enhance literary experiences through web-based 'book talk' and interaction with publishers' websites? How do computer games influence the reader/ player role in relation to how we understand stories?

E=mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation

by David Bodanis

Already climbing the bestseller lists-and garnering rave reviews-this "little masterpiece" sheds brilliant light on the equation that changed the world. Bodanis begins by devoting chapters to each of the equation's letters and symbols, introducing the science and scientists forming the backdrop to Einstein's discovery-from Ole Roemer's revelation that the speed of light could be measured to Michael Faraday's pioneering work on energy fields. Having demystified the equation, Bodanis explains its science and brings it to life historically, making clear the astonishing array of discoveries and consequences it made possible. It would prove to be a beacon throughout the twentieth century, important to Ernest Rutherford, who discovered the structure of the atom, Enrico Fermi, who probed the nucleus, and Lise Meitner, who finally understood how atoms could be split wide open. And it has come to inform our daily lives, governing everything from the atomic bomb to a television's cathode-ray tube to the carbon dating of prehistoric paintings.


by Jeff Stewart

You don't have to be Einstein to understand quantum physics. With amusing examples from film, TV, and history, learn how physics affects everything in your surroundings--without the use of mind-bending math or the need for a particle accelerator. With E=MC2, you'll learn: When forces balance: Simple answers to questions such as, "Why do balloons rise while apples fall?" The Good, the Bad, and the Impossible: Why The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is full of absurdities. (For someone whose characters often uphold the law, Clint Eastwood certainly defies the laws of physics in this film.) AC/DC: but only AC really rocks: Alternating current (AC) is much more complicated than direct current (DC). The voltage is constantly moving between positive and negative; the current therefore flows one way, and then the other (rocking back and forth). Why do I feel this warm glow?: The theory behind how the first stars were born General Relativity and GPS: The strange result of gravity on time is well proven. Compared to the interminable time you experience while stuck in a traffic jam, time literally runs faster (because gravity is weaker) in the orbiting GPS satellites that help your GPS system get its fix. At the speed of light: A refresher on the theory of relativity and an understanding of why--a hundred years later--Einstein's physics still points the way in cutting-edge research. Yu again: In the martial arts movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the rebellious young heroine, Jen Yu, blocks an attacker with her hand without standing or bracing herself. All the while, she holds a cup of tea in her other hand and doesn't spill a drop. Find out why kinetic energy and scalar quantity make her move impossible. It's physics for the rest of us. So why not come along for the ride? Advance at the speed of light through the fundamental laws of physics as they were discovered, proven wrong, and revolutionized. <

E.O. Wilson and B.F. Skinner

by Paul Naour

Reviewers have characterized Paul Naour's A Dialogue Between Sociobiology and Radical Behaviorism, which includes brief introductions by E.O. Wilson and B.F. Skinner's elder daughter, Julie Vargus, as an idea book. The work will undoubtedly have a significant academic market and provide students and scholars in biology, ethology, psychology, anthropology, sociology and economics a strong foundation in twentieth century history and systems. Praise for A Dialogue Between Sociobiology and Radical Behaviorism: - E.O. Wilson says of the book: ". . . excellent, an outstanding addition to the history of ideas. It will put Fred Skinner back in the pantheon and, providing context, serve as an excellent introduction to the content and central truths in radical behaviorism. Needless to say, I'm also grateful to have my work following Sociobiology given proper attention." -David Sloan Wilson, author of Darwin's Cathedral writes: "E.O. Wilson and B.F. Skinner agreed that the human capacity for change is both a product of genetic evolution and an evolutionary process in its own right. Yet, the paradigms of sociobiology and radical behaviorism went in very different directions. Paul Naour's insightful analysis of a taped conversation between Wilson and Skinner goes beyond the historical significance of the conversation and helps to integrate the two paradigms for the future." -Carl Haywood writes: "The present question is whether evolution by natural selection is a useful set of concepts for the development of psychology. Naour's proposed confluence of radical behaviorism and sociobiology suggests not only that it is, but also that radical behaviorism shares with sociobiology a debt and an allegiance to Darwinism."

E.T. Talk

by Fernando J. Ballesteros

Will it be possible to communicate with intelligent extraterrestrial life forms if we find them? How could we establish this communication, where would we begin? What does it mean to say that mathematics is a universal language? How could math be used to communicate with ETs? This book summarizes the work of SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and other search programs and considers the implications of, and concerns about, their possible success. Surely the next step after finding life elsewhere would be to try to communicate with it. The author of this book will suggest concrete ways to approach this problem. This book, published in Spanish first, tells us what scientists currently know about the origin of life and its possible presence in the rest of the universe. It also describes the various methods used today to search for life in the universe. But the major focus of the book is on communicating with ET and, using animals on Earth as an example, why we should feel encouraged that we will be able to do just that. The author even provides step by step instructions in a kind of language that could be used to converse with intelligent alien beings.

E-Vision 2002, Shaping Our Future by Reducing Energy Intensity in the U.S. Economy, Volume I

by Jerry M. Sollinger David S. Ortiz

The E-Vision 2002 Conference, held in May 2002, was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy as a step toward implementing a key recommendation of the Bush administration's National Energy Policy. It gathered 150 of the nation's leading energy experts to discuss ways of reducing the country's energy intensity. This volume and the additional volume enclosed on CD-ROM contain the presentations and discussions that took place at the conference, including the identification of goals and the means to achieve them. It is a key work for those involved in implementing the National Energy Policy.

E-waste Recycling and Management: Present Scenarios and Environmental Issues (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World #33)

by Anish Khan Inamuddin Abdullah M. Asiri

This book gives up-to-date information and broad views on e-waste recycling and management using the latest techniques for industrialist and academicians. It describes the problems of e-waste generated by all global living communities and its impact on our ecosystems and discusses recycling techniques in detail to reduce its effect as well as proper management of e-waste to save the environment. It also considers future technological expectations from e-waste recycling and management technologies.

E-Z Microbiology (Barron's E-Z Series)

by Rene Krata

<p>Microbiology makes sense when you approach it the E-Z way! Open this book for a clear, concise, step-by-step review of: <p> <li>The Microbial World <LI Cellular Metabolism and Genetics <li>Using a Microscope <li>Microbial Growth and Reproduction <li>Bacteria, Fungi, and Protozoa <li>Viruses and the Disease Process <li>Epidemiology. . . and more </li> <p> <p>Measure your progress as you learn Microbiology: <p> <li>Take time to review and understand each important concept <li>Take each chapter's quizzes and check your answers. And discover that learning Microbiology can be E-Z! </li>

E3 Chemistry Review Book: High School Chemistry With New York State Regents Exams - The Physical Setting

by Effiong Eyo

Chemistry students and Homeschoolers! Go beyond just passing. Enhance your understanding of chemistry and get higher marks on homework, quizzes, tests and the regents exam with E3 Chemistry Review Book. Formerly Surviving Chemistry Review Book, this is the newest edition of the book. With E3 Chemistry Review Book, students will get clean, clear, engaging, exciting, and easy-to-understand high school chemistry concepts with emphasis on New York State Regents Chemistry, the Physical Setting.. Easy to read format to help students easily remember key and must-know chemistry materials.. Several example problems with solutions to study and follow. . Several practice multiple choice and short answer questions at the end of each lesson to test understanding of the materials.. 12 topics of Regents question sets and 3 most recent Regents exams to practice and prep for any Regents Exam.This is the School Edition of our book. For teachers, this will make a great supplemental instructional resource that can be used from the beginning to the end of the school.The Home Edition of this book (ISBN: 978-1978362437) contains answer key to all questions in the book. Teachers who want to recommend our Review Book to their students should recommend the Home Edition. Students and parents whose school is not using the Review Book as instructional material, as well as Homeschoolers, should buy the Home edition. PLEASE NOTE: Although reading contents in both the school and home editions are identical, there is a slight difference in question numbers, choices and pages between the two editions. Students whose school is using the Review Book as instructional material SHOULD NOT buy the Home Edition.

Ea(s)t meets West - Fit und gesund mit der Westlichen 5-Elemente-Ernährung: Ein neuer Weg in der Ernährung

by Veronika Ottenschläger Claudia Radbauer

Die Kombination macht es aus – auf einzigartige Weise führt dieses Buch die jahrtausendealte Erfahrung der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM) mit dem Wissen der modernen Medizin und Ernährungswissenschaft zusammen. Die Idee zu diesem Buch entstand aus den gemeinsamen Kochkursen der Autorinnen. Eine einfach aufbereitete Fachliteratur für regionale und saisonale Ernährung von Ost und West war das erklärte Ziel. Ein kurzer Grundlagenteil führt zu Beginn in die Besonderheiten der beiden Ernährungsweisen ein. Der umfangreiche Warenkundeteil gliedert die Nahrungsmittel nach der TCM und unseren aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen – ideal zum Nachschlagen. Viele Rezepte mit cleveren Tipps für den Alltag erleichtern die Umsetzung in die Praxis. Die Autorinnen zeigen, wie auch mit wenig Zeit köstliche, ausgewogene und kreative Gerichte gezaubert werden können. Nachhaltigkeit ist ebenso ein großes Thema. Das Buch ist für jene gedacht, die mehr über Ernährung und Gesunderhaltung erfahren und dieses Wissen ihrem Körper zuliebe anwenden möchten.

Each Woman’s Menopause: For Nurse Practitioners, Advanced Practice Nurses and Allied Health Professionals

by Patricia Geraghty

This book is designed to meet the needs of nurse practitioners, other advanced practice nurses, and allied health professionals working in women’s health, primary care, and other specialties. The multiple roles the clinician embraces in menopause management include that of direct caregiver, manager of therapeutics, educator, and interdisciplinary team member or leader. This book provides updated, evidence based information on the menopause transition from the late reproductive stage to post-menopause to optimize the interaction of the clinician and the individual woman in each of those roles. Women’s lived experiences of menopause and women’s concerns regarding both the menopause transition and the choice of care options are included as critical components of shared therapy decisions. The review of natural menopause physiology and the variability of menopause symptoms are inclusive of diverse women and diverse trajectories. The impact of menopause on chronic disease, sleep, weight and nutrition, mood and cognition, urogenital health and sexuality, as well as vasomotor symptoms are each developed as individual topics by experts in those fields. Evidence based management using hormonal and non-hormonal options, and life-style and other complementary interventions are discussed with the most updated advantages and disadvantages of each treatment option. Consistent with advanced practice nursing theory, the approach is whole patient focused.

Eager (Eager series)

by Helen Fox

It is later this century, and the earth's natural resources have been rationed for use by technocrats. Now LifeCorp, a global company, makes all major decisions and robots do most of the work. Life otherwise is much as we know it (except that your house talks to you and the kettle asks you how many cups of tea you want). <p><p>When the Bell family's much-loved old-fashioned robot butler Grumps starts to go wrong, Mr Bell finds EGR3 through a colleague. But EGR3, known as Eager, is something different - programmed to learn through his experiences, like a human child. <p><p>He also feels wonder, excitement - and confusion; not least a sense of awe at the latest, glamorous BDC4 robots, flaunted by the families of the powerful and wealthy technocrats. And he feels sorrow at the loss of Grumps, destroyed under strange circumstances. <p><p>Then Gavin begins to think there is something odd about the BDC4s behaviour. With his sister Fleur, he investigates, enlisting Eager's help - with hilarious consequences. Questions are asked of LifeCorp and of Eager's creator and the answer to all the puzzles is finally solved. It leaves only the final question to be answered - the one closest to Eager's heart: am I alive?

Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter

by Ben Goldfarb

In Eager, environmental journalist Ben Goldfarb reveals that our modern idea of what a healthy landscape looks like and how it functions is wrong, distorted by the fur trade that once trapped out millions of beavers from North America’s lakes and rivers. The consequences of losing beavers were profound: streams eroded, wetlands dried up, and species from salmon to swans lost vital habitat. Today, a growing coalition of “Beaver Believers”—including scientists, ranchers, and passionate citizens—recognizes that ecosystems with beavers are far healthier, for humans and non-humans alike, than those without them. From the Nevada deserts to the Scottish highlands, Believers are now hard at work restoring these industrious rodents to their former haunts. Eager is a powerful story about one of the world’s most influential species, how North America was colonized, how our landscapes have changed over the centuries, and how beavers can help us fight drought, flooding, wildfire, extinction, and the ravages of climate change. Ultimately, it’s about how we can learn to coexist, harmoniously and even beneficially, with our fellow travelers on this planet.

Eager's Nephew

by Helen Fox

It is the future. Twenty years have passed since Eager' s first adventures with the Bell family. Scientists are now banned from building robots that can think for themselves and feel emotion, like Eager. He and other robots have spent years in hiding. But Eager secretly visits the Bell family, and his headstrong nephew, a most unusual new robot named Jonquil, stows away on the visit. They arrive at the Bells just in time— for mysterious and dangerous things are happening to the family and their friends. Eager and Jonquil' s special abilities could save the day. The human world is totally new to Jonquil, who can' t always tell fact from fiction. Excitable Jonquil is in his element. When he isn' t in danger himself, he' s causing havoc for everyone else. . . . "From the Hardcover edition. "

Ear Biometrics in 2D and 3D

by Surya Prakash Phalguni Gupta

This book presents the state-of-the-art techniques and recent research progress on Ear Biometrics. Among the various physiological traits, the reasons for the ear to gain much attention in recent years are many folds. It has been found to be a reliable biometrics for human verification and identification. Ears are remarkably consistent and unlike face, it does not change shape with different expressions or age, and remain fixed in the middle of the side of the head against a predictable background. The book contains figures, tables and plots to illustrate the techniques in an easy and lucid manner. The book also provides an extensive literature on the subject, where readers have the benefit of receiving all the relevant material at one place in a very comprehensive manner. This book caters students, academics, researchers, practitioners who are interested in the field of Ear Biometrics and its applications in face recognition and security.

The Ear Book: A Complete Guide to Ear Disorders and Health (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

by Thomas J. Balkany Kevin D. Brown

The owner’s manual for ears.Intricately shaped and amazingly sensitive, ears are the organs of hearing and balance. When something goes wrong with the ears—whether infection or cancer, eardrum perforation or hearing loss—our overall well-being is generally disturbed.In The Ear Book, Drs. Thomas J. Balkany and Kevin D. Brown, recognized experts on ears and hearing, explain how the anatomy of the ear facilitates hearing and balance and then examine the causes, symptoms, and treatment of common problems of the outer, middle, and inner ear. Their explanations take the mystery out of hearing aids, the proper care of ears, and how the pressurized conditions of scuba diving and air travel affect the ears. And they debunk ear-related myths—from the notion that exposure to loud noise strengthens the ear to the idea that tinnitus can be cured with nutrients—and urge readers to stop using ear candling or Q-tips to get rid of wax.Drs. Balkany and Brown address such common questions as: Can dizziness be cured? How loud is too loud? Why do my ears ring? Do cochlear implants work for nerve deafness? What promise do innovations in gene therapy and stem cell therapy hold for the future? Fully illustrated and including helpful tables, hearing preservation tips, a glossary of terms, lists of ear medications and resources, and suggestions for further reading, The Ear Book is sure to be a welcome family guide.

The Ear Book: A Complete Guide to Ear Disorders and Health (A Johns Hopkins Press Health)

by Thomas J. Balkany Kevin D. Brown

“Everything you ever wanted to know about ears from two outstanding physician scientists. I loved this book!” —Donna Shalala, Former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human ServicesIn The Ear Book, Drs. Thomas J. Balkany and Kevin D. Brown, recognized experts on ears and hearing, explain how the anatomy of the ear facilitates hearing and balance and then examine the causes, symptoms, and treatment of common problems of the outer, middle, and inner ear. Their explanations take the mystery out of hearing aids, the proper care of ears, and how the pressurized conditions of scuba diving and air travel affect the ears. And they debunk ear-related myths—from the notion that exposure to loud noise strengthens the ear to the idea that tinnitus can be cured with nutrients—and urge readers to stop using ear candling or Q-tips to get rid of wax.Drs. Balkany and Brown address such common questions as: Can dizziness be cured? How loud is too loud? Why do my ears ring? Do cochlear implants work for nerve deafness? What promise do innovations in gene therapy and stem cell therapy hold for the future? Fully illustrated and including helpful tables, hearing preservation tips, a glossary of terms, lists of ear medications and resources, and suggestions for further reading, The Ear Book is sure to be a welcome family guide.“This book is gem for everyone with questions about their ears. I highly recommend it—especially the chapter on Myths of the Ear!” —D. Bradley Welling, MD, PhD, Harvard University Department of Otolaryngology

An Ear to the Ground: Understanding Your Garden

by Ken Thompson

How did plants get to be the way they are? Why do they have pretty flowers? How different would things have been if the wrong kind of pollinators had got the upper hand? Why are Latin names so complicated, and why Latin anyway? Why is a weed-free lawn an ecological impossibility?This entertaining book gives the answers to these questions and many more. It shows how a little botanical knowledge can bring not just better results but peace of mind, and that losing sleep over such traditional gardening bogeys as weeds, pests and pruning is not necessarily the best course. In this new edition Ken Thompson grabs the opportunity to explain why any old plant will do for companion planting - but also that it can do as much harm as good - and why planting by the moon is complete and utter nonsense.

Earliest Life on Earth: Habitats, Environments and Methods of Detection

by Suzanne D. Golding Miryam Glikson

This volume integrates the latest findings on earliest life forms, identified and characterised in some of the oldest rocks on Earth. New material from prominent researchers in the field is presented and evaluated in the context of previous work. Emphasis is placed on the integration of analytical methods with observational techniques and experimental simulations. The opening section focuses on submarine hot springs that the majority of researchers postulates served as the cradle of life on Earth. In subsequent sections, evidence for life in strongly metamorphosed rocks such as those in Greenland is evaluated and early ecosystems identified in the well preserved Barberton and Pilbara successions in Southern Africa and Western Australia. The final section includes a number of contributions from authors with alternate perspectives on the evidence and record of early life on Earth. Audience This volume will be valuable to researchers and graduate students in biogeosciences, geochemistry, paleontology and geology interested in the origin of life on earth.

The Earliest Stages of Massive Clustered Star Formation: Fragmentation of Infrared Dark Clouds

by Ke Wang

This thesis presents an in-depth, high-resolution observational study on the very beginning of the formation process: the fragmentation of dense molecular clouds known as infrared dark clouds (IRDCs). Using the Submillimeter Array (SMA) and Very Large Array (VLA) radio interferometers, the author has discovered a common picture of hierarchical fragmentation that challenges some of the leading theoretical models and suggests a new, observation-driven understanding of how massive star formation in clustered environments may begin: it is initiated by the hierarchical fragmentation of a dense filament from 10 pc down to 0. 01 pc, and the stellar mass buildup is simultaneously fed by hierarchical accretion at similar scales. The new scenario points out the importance of turbulence and filamentary structure, which are now receiving increasing attention and further tests from both observers and theorists.

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