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Showing 45,476 through 45,500 of 73,401 results

Nachhaltigkeit als Transformation: Potenziale und Probleme dissidenter Praktiken (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie)

by Moritz Boddenberg

Angesichts der sozial-ökologischen Krisendynamik stehen kapitalistische Gesellschaften vor dem Scheideweg. Gelingt es in den nächsten Jahren nicht, die ökologischen Wachstumskosten dauerhaft zu minimieren und die subjektiven Ressourcen der privaten Lebensführung vor ihrer Vernutzung zu bewahren, droht der Verlust einer offenen Zukunft für die kommenden Generationen. Weltweit richten sich Gruppen, Bewegungen und Institutionen gegen die Auswüchse des modernen Kapitalismus, der mittlerweile zu einer eigenen Lebensform avanciert ist. Nachhaltigkeit bedeutet aus dieser Perspektive eine Transformation der kapitalistischen Verhältnisse, die sich auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen vollziehen muss. Die praktische Dimension dieser Dissidenz ist jedoch bisher kaum zum Gegenstand soziologischer Untersuchungen geworden. Die Arbeit greift das Desiderat auf und skizziert mittels eines qualitativen Forschungsdesigns, wie sich kapitalistische in ökonomische Praktiken überführen lassen, an welchen Stellen Prozesse der Dekommodifizierung und Dekommerzialierung beobachtet werden können und auf welche Weise die Akteure kapitalistische Externalisierungskosten reduzieren.

Nachhaltigkeit in Nonprofit-Organisationen: Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven für ein zukunftsfähiges Management (SDG - Forschung, Konzepte, Lösungsansätze zur Nachhaltigkeit)

by Julia Hilgers-Sekowsky Nicole Richter Nicole Ermel

Dieses Buch zeigt die Bedeutung von Nachhaltigkeit für den Nonprofit-Sektor sowie die Herausforderungen und Ansätze für ein zukunftsfähiges Management in diesem Bereich. Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit ist ein wesentlicher Treiber der Ausrichtung von Organisationen. Zum einen spielt der Begriff Nachhaltigkeit für Nonprofit-Organisationen (NPOs) selbst eine Rolle, denn auch sie verbrauchen Ressourcen und sind in der Pflicht, diese nachhaltig einzusetzen. NPOs sind somit gefordert, Nachhaltigkeit gesteuert und systematisch in den eigenen Prozessen und Strukturen zu verankern. Des Weiteren übernehmen NPOs in der Gesellschaft vielfach eine besondere Rolle als Vehikel einer Nachhaltigkeitstransition, aus der sich ein vieldimensionaler Anspruch eines nachhaltigen Managements für NPOs ergibt.Renommierte Beitragsautor*innen diskutieren aus einer transdisziplinären Perspektive die Kernfrage, wie sich NPOs gegenüber aktuellen Veränderungen verhalten und welche Ansatzpunkte für ein nachhaltiges Management bereits existieren. Exemplarisch werden verschiedene Themengebiete und Handlungskonzepte aus dem Nonprofit-Sektor – wie z.B. das Klimaschutz-, Personal-, Marketing-, IT-, Hochschul- oder Kulturmanagement – herangezogen. Dieser Sammelband richtet sich an Expert*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Student*innen und Praktiker*innen verschiedenster Fachrichtungen mit dem Ziel, einen Einblick in das Thema der Nachhaltigkeit in Nonprofit-Organisationen zu geben.

Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen integrieren: Strategische Planung – Umsetzung – Monitoring (essentials)

by Jörg Thiemann

Gesetzgeber, Kunden und Mitarbeiter fordern von Unternehmen ökologisches Handeln sowie soziales Arrangement. Unternehmerische Aktionen sind dabei nicht neu, jedoch wird ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz, eine sogenannte Corporate Responsibility (CR), gefordert. Was dies im Einzelnen bedeutet und wie eine CR im Unternehmen umgesetzt werden kann, zeigt dieses Essential. Neben Erklärungen der Bedeutung der wichtigsten Fachterminologien und ihrer Zusammenhänge, wird der Prozess hin zu einem nachhaltigen Unternehmen beschrieben. Da nur ein sichtbares CR gemessen und somit verbessert werden kann, sind auch Methoden zur Erzeugung der Sichtbarkeit und zur Messbarmachung des CR enthalten.

Nachhaltigkeit messbar machen: Ein Praxisbuch für nachhaltiges Leben und Arbeiten

by Michael Wühle

Etwas messbar zu machen, bedeutet es steuern zu könnenNachhaltigkeit ist ein Begriff mit einer Fülle von Bedeutungen und vielen möglichen Missdeutungen. Dabei kann Nachhaltigkeit ein mächtiges und effektives Werkzeug sein, um unser praktisches Handeln zu leiten und komplizierte Entscheidungen zu vereinfachen.Mit Nachhaltigkeit lassen sich Kosten sparen und jede Organisation sowie jedes Unternehmen stabilisieren. Sie schont das Klima und die Umwelt und führt alle Menschen in eine gute Zukunft.Das Sachbuch „Nachhaltigkeit messbar machen“ ist ein praxisnaher Leitfaden, wie Methoden und Instrumente der Nachhaltigkeit erfolgreich eingesetzt werden können – sei es im beruflichen Leben oder im privaten und ehrenamtlichen Engagement.Das Buch verschafft nicht nur dem interessierten Laien eine umfassende Übersicht über die zentralen Aspekte des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements, es bietet auch dem Praktiker wichtige Entscheidungshilfen und Tipps zur Umsetzung. Der leicht verständliche Stil vermittelt auch Neueinsteigern alle wesentlichen Inhalte der Thematik der Nachhaltigkeit. Ob Vorkenntnisse oder nicht - mit den vielen sofort umsetzbaren „Best-Practices“ bietet das Buch eine Menge praktische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Die Anhänge enthalten uneingeschränkt nutzbare Tools aus der Praxis des Autors für die Einführung eines erfolgreichen Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements.

Nachhaltigkeit, Postwachstum, Transformation: Eine Rekonstruktion wesentlicher Arenen und Narrative des globalen Nachhaltigkeits- und Transformationsdiskurses

by Ulrich Roos

Der Band versammelt zentrale Befunde abgeschlossener Forschungsarbeiten zur Frage der Entwicklung des globalen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurses. Welche Narrative, Strategien, Ziele und Werte bestimmen den Kampf um Definition und Ausgestaltung nachhaltiger Politik? Welche Transformationsprozesse sind erkennbar, werden initiiert, gefordert oder bekämpft? Und welche Bedeutung kommt hierbei wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Konzepten zu Wirkung und Relevanz von Wirtschaftswachstum sowie den hieran geäußerten Kritiken zu?Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, werden verschiedene Arenen des deutschsprachigen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurses – Arbeit, Bildung, „Entwicklung“, Ethik, Transformation – detailliert rekonstruiert, um auf Grundlage der daraus resultierenden Gesamtschau des ökologisch-ökonomisch-politischen Systems die gegenwärtig hegemonialen Handlungsregeln und -logiken zu erkennen und kritisch zu reflektieren.


by Harald Heinrichs and Gerd Michelsen

Forscher und Dozenten der ersten deutschen Fakultät für Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften an der Universität Lüneburg haben das Standardwerk zum Thema geschrieben. Sie schildern zunächst die naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Grundlagen, um anschließend die Perspektive der Akteure und integrierende Ansätze darzustellen. Zuletzt werden beispielhaft Problem- und Handlungsfelder wie Biodiversität und globale Gerechtigkeit aufgezeigt. Mit Infokästen, illustrativen Fallbeispielen sowie Hinweisen zu weiterführender Literatur und relevanten Institutionen.

NADPH Oxidases: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #1982)

by Ulla G. Knaus Thomas L. Leto

This detailed volume explores the NADPH oxidase family of enzymes in human physiology and genetic disease, in which early discoveries represent prime examples of the finest translational “from bed to bench and back” studies. Methods are included for testing assembly and function of multicomponent oxidase complexes and for analyzing reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in different systems by various means, while addressing pitfalls of ROS probes currently being used, as well as protocols on NADPH oxidase regulation and their function in cells. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introduction to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, NADPH Oxidases: Methods and Protocols will aid researchers working with the NOX/DUOX family in continuing and expanding upon their vital research.

NADPH Oxidases Revisited: From Function to Structure

by Edgar Pick

This book provides a unique, comprehensive, and up-to-date overview of the various NADPH oxidases and narrates the history of their discovery, biochemical characteristics, genetics, molecular structure, and multiple functions in health and disease. It covers the subject in a manner that serves both the expert and the novice researcher in the field.The book starts with an overview of the major milestones in the discovery of the archetypical NADPH oxidase, known as cytochrome b558, and its cytosolic regulators. This is followed by personal recollections by pioneers of the field, descriptions of the work of the major figures of the past by their followers, and a rendering of the history of the discovery of the Nox family. The central section of the book consists of chapters devoted specifically to an in depth description of the individual members of the Nox family, and is followed by chapters focused on the modulators of their function. A subsequent section comprises chapters dealing with methodologies of Nox research, interaction with other proteins, and Nox inhibitors. A distinct section of the book deals with non-mammalian Noxs, from amoeba to zebrafish. Subsequent chapters focus on Nox structure, a field in which extraordinary progress was made in recent years. The volume ends with chapters on Chronic Granulomatous Disease, the consequence of Nox loss-of-function, and its treatment by gene therapy. The coda is a crystal ball perspective of the hopes for the clinical translation of basic Nox research. Written for biochemists, cell biologists, molecular biologists, and clinicians, this book is aimed at both senior scientists and young investigators in the field.

NAFLD and NASH: Biomarkers in Detection, Diagnosis and Monitoring

by Manuel Romero-Gomez

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the diagnosis and management of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatis (NASH). Basic principles of disease progression, the genetic and nutritional basis of NAFLD and NASH are explained along with the proteomic principles underlying biomarker development. Chapters cover both biochemical and imaging biomarkers used in elastrography and ultrasound and discuss how these are applicable to early diagnosis and monitoring of NASH and NAFLD. This is a useful resource for hepatologists, primary care providers with an interest in metabolic disease, diabetologists and endocrinologists in their daily clinical practice.

The Naked Brain: How the Emerging Neurosociety Is Changing How We Live, Work, and Love

by Richard Restak

Consider a world in which * Marketers use brain scans to determine consumer interest in a product * Politicians use brain-image-based profiles to target voters * A test could determine your suitability for a job or to whom you will be romantically attracted Far from science fiction, this "neurosociety"--a society in which brain science influences every aspect of daily life--is already here. Innovative researchers and cutting-edge technology, like brain imaging and brain scanning devices, have revolutionized our understanding of how we process information, communicate, trust, sympathize, and love. However, scientists and doctors are not the only ones interested in the naked brain; advertisers, politicians, economists, and others are using the latest findings on the human brain to reshape our lives, from the bedroom to the boardroom. Despite the potential benefits, there's obvious peril in the promise. Richard Restak explores the troubling moral and legal dilemmas that arise from corporate and political applications of this new brain research. Someday we may live in a world where our choices, our professional and personal prospects, even our morals and ethics will be controlled by those armed with an elite understanding of the principles of neuroscience. Eye-opening and provocative,The Naked Brainis a startling look at the impact such unprecedented access to our most secret thoughts and tendencies will have on all of us. InThe Naked Brain, bestselling author Richard Restak explores how the latest technology and research have exposed the brain and how we think, feel, remember, and socialize in unprecedented and often surprising ways. Now that knowledge is being used by doctors, advertisers, politicians, and others to influence and revolutionize nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Restak is our guide to this neurosociety, a brave new world in which brain science influences our present and will even more tangibly shape our future. Citing social trends, shifts in popular culture, the rise and fall of products in the public favor, even changes in the American vernacular,The Naked Brainis an illuminating and often troubling investigation of the impending opportunities and dangers being created by the neuroscience revolution, and a revelation for anyone who ever wondered why they prefer Coke over Pepsi or Kerry over Bush. From the Hardcover edition.

The Naked Future

by Patrick Tucker

"A thorough yet thoroughly digestible book on the ubiquity of data gathering and the unraveling of personal privacy." --Daniel Pink, author of DriveThanks to recent advances in technology, prediction models for individual behavior grow more sophisticated by the day. Whether you'll marry, commit a crime or fall victim to one, or contract a disease are becoming easily accessible facts. The naked future is upon us, and the implications are staggering.Patrick Tucker draws on fascinating stories from health care to urban planning to online dating. He shows how scientists can predict your behavior based on your friends' Twitter updates, anticipate the weather a year from now, figure out the time of day you're most likely to slip back into a bad habit, and guess how well you'll do on a test before you take it.Tucker knows that the rise of Big Data is not always a good thing. But he also shows how we've gained tremendous benefits that we have yet to fully realize.g. Patrick Tucker draws on stories from health care to urban planning to online dating to reveal the shape of a future that's ever more certain. In these pages you'll meet scientists and inventors who can predict your behavior based on your friends' Twitter updates. They are also hacking the New York City sewer system to predict environmental conditions, anticipating how much the weather a year from now will cost an individual farmer, figuring out the time of day you're most likely to slip back into a bad habit, and guessing how well you'll do on a test before you take it. You'll learn how social networks like Facebook are using your data to turn you into an advertisement and why the winning formula for a blockbuster movie is more predictable than ever. The rise of big data and predictive analytics means that governments and corporations are becoming much more effective at accomplishing their goals and at much less cost. Tucker knows that's not always a good thing. But he also shows how we've gained tremendous benefits that we have yet to fully realize. Thanks to the increased power of predictive science, we'll be better able to stay healthy, invest our savings more wisely, learn faster and more efficiently, buy a house in the right neighborhood at the right time, avoid crime, thwart terrorists, and mitigate the consequences of natural disasters. What happens in a future that anticipates your every move? The surprising answer: we'll live better as a result.

The Naked Future

by Patrick Tucker

In the past, the future was opaque--the territory of fortune-tellers, gurus, and dubious local TV weathermen. But thanks to recent advances in computing and the reams of data we create through smartphone and Internet use, prediction models for individual behavior grow smarter and more sophisticated by the day. Whom you should marry, whether you'll commit a crime or fall victim to one, if you'll contract a specific strain of flu--even your precise location at any given moment years into the future--are becoming easily accessible facts. the naked future is upon us, and the implications are staggering. Patrick Tucker draws on stories from health care to urban planning to online dating to reveal the shape of a future that's ever more certain. In these pages you'll meet scientists and inventors who can predict your behavior based on your friends' Twitter updates. They are also hacking the New York City sewer system to predict environmental conditions, anticipating how much the weather a year from now will cost an individual farmer, figuring out the time of day you're most likely to slip back into a bad habit, and guessing how well you'll do on a test before you take it. You'll learn how social networks like Facebook are using your data to turn you into an advertisement and why the winning formula for a blockbuster movie is more predictable than ever. The rise of big data and predictive analytics means that governments and corporations are becoming much more effective at accomplishing their goals and at much less cost. Tucker knows that's not always a good thing. But he also shows how we've gained tremendous benefits that we have yet to fully realize. Thanks to the increased power of predictive science, we'll be better able to stay healthy, invest our savings more wisely, learn faster and more efficiently, buy a house in the right neighborhood at the right time, avoid crime, thwart terrorists, and mitigate the consequences of natural disasters. What happens in a future that anticipates your every move? the surprising answer: we'll live better as a result. 'Where I saw a thrilling and historic transformation in the world's oldest idea--the future--other people saw only Target, Facebook, Google, and the government using their data to surveil, track, and trick them . . . But in fact, your data is your best defense against coercive marketing and intrusive government practices. Your data is nothing less than a superpower waiting to be harnessed. ' from the Introduction

The Naked Neanderthal: A New Understanding of the Human Creature

by Ludovic Slimak

A riveting scientific journey exploring the enigma of the Neanderthal and the species&’ unique form of intelligence.What do we really know about our cousins, the Neanderthals? For over a century we saw Neanderthals as inferior to Homo Sapiens. More recently, the pendulum swung the other way and they are generally seen as our relatives: not quite human, but similar enough, and still not equal. Now, thanks to an ongoing revolution in palaeoanthropology in which he has played a key part, Ludovic Slimak shows us that they are something altogether different -- and they should be understood on their own terms rather than by comparing them to ourselves. As he reveals in this stunning book, the Neanderthals had their own history, their own rituals, their own customs. Their own intelligence, very different from ours. Slimak has travelled around the world for the past thirty years to uncover who the Neanderthals really were. A modern-day Indiana Jones, he takes us on a fascinating archaeological investigation: from the Arctic Circle to the deep Mediterranean forests, he traces the steps of these enigmatic creatures, working to decipher their real stories through every single detail they left behind. A thought-provoking adventure story, written with wit and verve, The Naked Neanderthal shifts our understanding of deep history -- and in the process reveals just how much we have yet to learn.

The Naked Scientist: Everyday Life Under the Microscope

by Chris Smith

Why use expensive beauty products when you can moisturise with jellyfish? Have you ever suspected pollution was to blame for your children's plummeting IQ? Ready to take a sea change . . . on Mars? And how about chopping an onion that doesn't make you cry? This is the perfect present for enquiring minds. Compelling, quirky and packed fully of curious facts, The Naked Scientist: Life Under the Microscope is a treasure trove of cutting-edge research, far-flung factoids and the ability to see into our scientific future, answering those fascinating questions you never thought to ask.

The Naked Scientist: The Science of Everyday Life Laid Bare

by Dr Chris Smith

Is it possible to tell how happy a dog is by watching the way it wags its tail? Why is the Eiffel Tower 15 centimetres taller in mid-summer than it is in mid-winter? Does sound travel faster in water or air? Can one really read other people like a book? Why do so many people hate eating their greens? Firmly in the tradition of DOES ANYTHING EAT WASPS? new scientific kid on the block Chris Smith - aka THE NAKED SCIENTIST - explores present-day predicaments and tomorrow's technologies, from the most surprising facts to the most innovative new inventions, from staggering stats to serious developments that will transform the world around us.In this fascinating book, top scientist Chris Smith uses his wit and charm to lift the lid on the curious, crazy and compelling - and answer those questions you never thought to ask.

The Naked Woman: A Study Of The Female Body

by Desmond Morris

The human female form is the brilliant end-point of millions of years of evolution, loaded with amazing adjustments and subtle refinements. It is the most remarkable organism on the planet. At different times and in different places, human societies have tried to improve on nature, modifying and embellishing the female form in a thousand different ways. In this new study, people-watcher Desmond Morris turns his skill and attention to the female form and takes the reader on a guided tour 'from head to toe'. Highlighting the evolutionary functions of biological features that all women share, Morris explores the enhancements and constraints that human societies have developed in the quest for control and perfection of the female form. Written from a zoologist's perspective and packed full of scientific fact, fascinating anecdote and thought-provoking conclusions, The Naked Woman builds on Desmond Morris's unrivalled experience as an observer of the human animal.

Name Reactions: A Collection of Detailed Mechanisms and Synthetic Applications (Comprehensive Name Reactions Ser. #5)

by Jie Jack Li

In this sixth edition of Jack Jie Li's seminal "Name Reactions", the author has added three or more synthetic applications of name reactions to reflect the recent advances in organic chemistry. As in previous editions, each reaction is delineated by its detailed step-by-step, electron-pushing mechanism and supplemented with the original and the latest references, especially from review articles. This book is not only an indispensable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students for learning and preparing exams, but is also a good reference book for all organic chemists in both industry and academia. Unlike other books on name reactions in organic chemistry, Name Reactions, A Collection of Detailed Reaction Mechanisms and Synthetic Applications focuses on the reaction mechanisms. It covers over 300 classical as well as contemporary name reactions.

Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry II (Comprehensive Name Reactions #6)

by Jie Jack Li

The up-to-DATE guide to name reactions in heterocyclic chemistry Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry II presents a comprehensive treatise on name reactions in heterocyclic chemistry, one of the most exciting—and important—fields within organic chemistry today. The book not only covers fresh ground, but also provides extensive information on new and/or expanded reactions in: Three- and four-membered heterocycles Five-membered heterocycles (pyrroles and pyrrolidines, indoles, furans, thiophenes, and oxazoles) Six-membered heterocycles, including pyridines, quinolines, and isoquinolines Featuring contributions from the leading authorities in heterocyclic chemistry. Each section includes a description of the given reaction, as well as the relevant historical perspective, mechanism, variations and improvements, synthetic utilities, experimental details, and references to the current primary literature. The reactions covered in Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry have been widely adopted in all areas of organic synthesis, from the medicinal/pharmaceutical field, to agriculture, to fine chemicals, and the book brings the most cutting-edge knowledge to practicing synthetic chemists and students, along with the tools needed to synthesize new and useful molecules.

Naming Nature: The Clash Between Instinct and Science

by Carol Kaesuk Yoon

Finalist for the 2009 Los Angeles Times Book Prize in Science and Technology: the surprising, untold story about the poetic and deeply human (cognitive) capacity to name the natural world. Two hundred and fifty years ago, the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus set out to order and name the entire living world and ended up founding a science: the field of scientific classification, or taxonomy. Yet, in spite of Linnaeus's pioneering work and the genius of those who followed him, from Darwin to E. O. Wilson, taxonomy went from being revered as one of the most significant of intellectual pursuits to being largely ignored. Today, taxonomy is viewed by many as an outdated field, one nearly irrelevant to the rest of science and of even less interest to the rest of the world. Now, as Carol Kaesuk Yoon, biologist and longtime science writer for the New York Times, reminds us in Naming Nature, taxonomy is critically important, because it turns out to be much more than mere science. It is also the latest incarnation of a long-unrecognized human practice that has gone on across the globe, in every culture, in every language since before time: the deeply human act of ordering and naming the living world. In Naming Nature, Yoon takes us on a guided tour of science's brilliant, if sometimes misguided, attempts to order and name the overwhelming diversity of earth's living things. We follow a trail of scattered clues that reveals taxonomy's real origins in humanity's distant past. Yoon's journey brings us from New Guinea tribesmen who call a giant bird a mammal to the trials and tribulations of patients with a curious form of brain damage that causes them to be unable to distinguish among living things. Finally, Yoon shows us how the reclaiming of taxonomy--a renewed interest in learning the kinds and names of things around us--will rekindle humanity's dwindling connection with wild nature. Naming Nature has much to tell us, not only about how scientists create a science but also about how the progress of science can alter the expression of our own human nature.

Nanise', A Navajo Herbal: One Hundred Plants from the Navajo Reservation

by Vernon O. Mayes Barbara Bayless Lacy

Nanise', A Navajo Herbal, co-authored by Vernon O. Mayes and Barbara Bayless Lacy, details 100 plants that are found on the Navajo Reservation, providing the reader with the Navajo name for each plant as well as ways the Navajos used them in everyday life, whether for ceremonial, medicinal or household purposes - complete with illustrations. The 100 plants are some of the most common Reservation flora of over 1,500 species of wild, vascular plants, including ferns, horsetails, conifers and flowering species and were selected by the Navajo Health Authority, Ethnobotany Project staff and approved by the Navajo Medicine Men's Association.

Nano and Bio-Based Technologies for Wastewater Treatment: Prediction and Control Tools for the Dispersion of Pollutants in the Environment

by Elvis Fosso-Kankeu

Over the past few decades the boom in the industrial sector has contributed to the release in the environment of pollutants that have no regulatory status and which may have significant impact on the health of animals and humans. These pollutants also refer as “emerging pollutants” are mostly aromatic compounds which derive from excretion of pharmaceutical, industrial effluents and municipal discharge. Some form of pollutions have also evolved, including the proliferation of acid mine drainage from oxidation or weathering of obsolete and unmanaged excavations around the world; this results mostly in the dispersion of inorganic pollutants in the environment at level surpassing the treatment capacity of conventional techniques. It is recurrent these days to find water treatment plants which no longer produce water that fits the purpose of domestic consumption based on newly established guidelines. This situation has prompted water authorities and researchers to develop tools for proper prediction and control of the dispersion of pollutants in the environment to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of outbreaks due to sudden load of these pollutants in the water system. The chapters in this book cover a wide range of nano and bio-based techniques that have been designed for the real time detection of emerging contaminants in environmental water sources, geochemical models that are continuously improved for the prediction of inorganic contaminants migration from the mine solid wastes into ground and surface waters. Remediation strategies are also discussed and include effective techniques based on nanotechnology, advanced membrane filtration, oxidative and bio- degradation processes using various types of nanocatalysts, biocatalysts or supporting polymer matrices which are under advanced investigations for their implementation at large scale for the removal of recalcitrant pollutants from polluted water.This book is divided is two sections, the first section covers the occurrence of emerging pollutants in environmental water while the second section covers state of the art research on the removal of emerging pollutants from water using sustainable technologies. A total of 13 chapters addressing various topics related to the two sections are essentially based on recent development in the respective field which could have a significant impact on the enhancement of the performance of wastewater treatment plants around the world and especially in developing countries where access to clean and safe water remains a daily challenge

Nano and Micro Diamond Formation in Nature: Ultrafine Carbon Particles on Earth and Space (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

by Sergei Simakov Vittorio Scribano Nikolai Melnik Victor Pechnikov Irina Drozdova Vladimir Vyalov Mikhail Novikov

In this book, readers will gain a deep understanding of the distinct characteristics and intricate formation mechanisms behind each type of diamond.A standout feature of this book is its in-depth exploration of nanodiamonds, shedding light on their unique formation processes. The narrative is thoughtfully organized, covering four main categories of natural diamonds and their related formation processes: 1)Interstellar nanodiamond particles; 2) Nano- and microcrustal diamonds associated with coals, sediments, and metamorphic rocks; 3) Nanodiamonds and microdiamonds associated with secondary alterations of mafic and ultramafic rocks mainly in the oceanic lithosphere; 4) Mantle-derived diamonds associated with kimberlites and their xenoliths, such as peridotites and eclogites.With clarity and precision, this book caters to both researchers and students in the fields of mineralogy and mineral formation. This book serves as an invaluable resource, offering an all-encompassing perspective on diamond formation, appealing to those curious minds eager to delve into the captivating realm of these precious gems.

Nano and Micro-Scale Energetic Materials: Propellants and Explosives

by Weiqiang Pang Luigi T. DeLuca

Provides an up-to-date account of innovative energetic materials and their potential applications in space propulsion and high explosives Most explosives and propellants currently use a small number of ingredients, such as TNT and nitrocellulose. In comparison to conventional materials, nano- and micro-scale energetic materials exhibit superior burning characteristics and much higher energy densities and explosive yields. Nano and Micro-scale Energetic Materials: Propellants and Explosives provides a timely overview of innovative nano-scale energetic materials (nEMs) and microscale energetic materials (µEMs) technology. Covering nEMs and µEMs ingredients as well as formulations, this comprehensive volume examines the preparation, characterization, ignition, combustion, and performance of energetic materials in various applications of propellants and explosives. Twenty-two chapters explore metal-based pyrotechnic nanocomposites, solid and hybrid rocket propulsion, solid fuels for in-space and power, the sensitivity and mechanical properties of explosives, new energetic materials, and more. Explores novel energetic materials and their potential for use in propellants and explosives Summarizes the most recent advances of leading research groups currently active in twelve countries Discusses how new environmentally friendly, high-combustion energetic materials can best be used in different applications Explains the fundamentals of energetic materials, including similarities and differences between composite propellants and explosives Nano and Micro-scale Energetic Materials: Propellants and Explosives is an important resource for materials scientists, explosives specialists, pyrotechnicians, environmental chemists, polymer chemists, physical chemists, aerospace physicians, and aerospace engineers working in both academia and industry.

Nano- and Microfabrication Techniques in Drug Delivery: Recent Developments and Future Prospects (Advanced Clinical Pharmacy - Research, Development and Practical Applications #2)

by Dimitrios Lamprou

New materials and manufacturing techniques are evolving with the potential to address the challenges associated with the manufacture of medicinal products that will teach new tricks to old drugs. Nano- and microfabrication techniques include manufacturing methods such as additive manufacturing, lithography, micro-moulding, spray drying, and supercritical fluids among many others. The increasing resolution of new techniques allow researchers to produce objects with micrometric resolutions. This book follows a consecutive order, beginning with a background in the current field and limitations in the manufacturing of different pharmaceutical products, moving on the classification of each method by providing recent examples, and future prospective on a variety of traditional and new Nano and microfabrication techniques. A focus on the materials used to prepare these systems and their biocompatibility, including applied topics such as clinical applications and regulatory aspects also covered, offering the reader a holistic view of this rapidly growing field.

Nano and Molecular Electronics Handbook (Nano and Microengineering Series)

by Sergey Edward Lyshevski

There are fundamental and technological limits of conventional microfabrication and microelectronics. Scaling down conventional devices and attempts to develop novel topologies and architectures will soon be ineffective or unachievable at the device and system levels to ensure desired performance. Forward-looking experts continue to search for new paradigms to carry the field beyond the age of microelectronics, and molecular electronics is one of the most promising candidates. The Nano and Molecular Electronics Handbook surveys the current state of this exciting, emerging field and looks toward future developments and opportunities.Molecular and Nano Electronics ExplainedExplore the fundamentals of device physics, synthesis, and design of molecular processing platforms and molecular integrated circuits within three-dimensional topologies, organizations, and architectures as well as bottom-up fabrication utilizing quantum effects and unique phenomena.Technology in ProgressStay current with the latest results and practical solutions realized for nanoscale and molecular electronics as well as biomolecular electronics and memories. Learn design concepts, device-level modeling, simulation methods, and fabrication technologies used for today's applications and beyond.Reports from the Front Lines of ResearchExpert innovators discuss the results of cutting-edge research and provide informed and insightful commentary on where this new paradigm will lead. The Nano and Molecular Electronics Handbook ranks among the most complete and authoritative guides to the past, present, and future of this revolutionary area of theory and technology.

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