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Gateway to Elsewhere

by Murray Leinster

Tony Gregg was just an ordinary everyday American until the day he came into possession of an old Barkut coin. He knew it was more than just a collector's curio because there was no such place on any map of Earth, past or present. He learned then that it could be used as a key - a key to a GATEWAY TO ELSEWHERE.That was the beginning of one of the most fabulous and fantastic adventures that ever befell a young man looking for excitement. For Gregg plunged forthwith into a fourth-dimensional world of the Arabian Nights, where the djinns of Aladdin's Lamp were rampaging realities, and a lovely princess was waiting to be rescued!

Gateway to Elsewhere

by Murray Leinster

Tony Gregg was just an ordinary everyday American until the day he came into possession of an old Barkut coin. He knew it was more than just a collector's curio because there was no such place on any map of Earth, past or present. He learned then that it could be used as a key - a key to a GATEWAY TO ELSEWHERE.That was the beginning of one of the most fabulous and fantastic adventures that ever befell a young man looking for excitement. For Gregg plunged forthwith into a fourth-dimensional world of the Arabian Nights, where the djinns of Aladdin's Lamp were rampaging realities, and a lovely princess was waiting to be rescued!

The Gateway to Never (John Grimes)

by A. Bertram Chandler

John Grimes is stranded on a Hell Planet! Another adventure with the pipe-smoking, action-loving spaceship commander Lieutenant John Grimes.

The Gateway to Never

by A. Bertram Chandler

John Grimes is stranded on a Hell Planet! Another adventure with the pipe-smoking, action-loving spaceship commander Lieutenant John Grimes.

Gateway to the Gods (Everworld #7)

by K. A. Applegate

April and her friends are starting to get used to the bizarre. Which is why they weren't surprised when they found themselves on Mount Olympus, fighting with Zeus against an alien army. But that's nothing compared to what they're about to experience. April and the others know the main reason they're still alive is because of their survival instincts and real-world knowledge. But in Everworld, even the things that you trust to keep you safe can be the very things to take your life...

The Gateway Trip: Tales and Vignettes of the Heechee

by Frederik Pohl

Patricia Bover set out in a One. She had no idea where she was going and was astonished to find herself in the Oort cloud of comets, far beyond the orbit of Pluto, docking on what was clearly a Heechee artifact. When Bover got into the thing and looked around, she realized she was rich. The thing was absolutely stuffed with Heechee machines. The bubble burst when she found out she couldn't get back to Gateway. Her ship wouldn't move. No matter what she did to the controls it remained inert. It not only would not automatically return her to her port of origin, it wouldn't go anywhere at all. Patricia Bover was stuck, some billions of miles from Earth.

Gateways: No Man's Land (Star Trek #5)

by Christie Golden

Throughout the Galaxy, an ancient network of interstellar portals has been reactivated, instantly linking distant planets and civilizations. Back home in the Alpha Quadrant, Starfleet can devote all its considerable resources to coping with the Gateways crisis, but in the Delta Quadrant, there is only the Starship Voyager... Just as Voyager enters an unusually hazardous region of space, the ship and its crew are confronted with a flood of lost and disorientated starships from all over the galaxy. Accidentally transported incredible distances by the unpredictable Gateways, the diverse alien castaways regard each other and Voyager with hostility and suspicion. Captain Janeway suddenly finds herself struggling to hold together an extremely fractious fleet of dislocated alien vessels even as the newly awakened Gateways hold open the prospect of finally bringing her own ship home!

Gateways: Doors Into Chaos (Star Trek #3)

by Robert Greenberger

More than 200,000 years have passed since the Iconians first created the network of interdimensional gateways across the stars. Known to those who came after them as 'the Demons of Air and Darkness', the Iconians vanished from time and space millennia ago -- or did they? Summoned to an emergency briefing at Starfleet Headquarters, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is stunned to discover that the legendary Iconians have returned at last, and are offering to sell the secrets of their long-lost technology to the Federation. To prove their sincerity, they have reactivated their dormant gateways...but the result has been conflict and chaos throughout the Alpha Quadrant. Warring Klingons and Romulans are among the hazards Picard and his crew must contend with as they seek to discover the sinister truth behind the Iconians' mysterious return.

Gateways #1: One Small Step (Star Trek: Vanguard #Bk. 1)

by Susan Wright

Scattered throughout the galaxy are Gateways capable of transporting matter and energy across unfathomable distances. Left behind by a long-vanished civilization, these mysterious portals offer a means of exploration -- or conquest -- many times faster than warp travel. The technology responsible for the Gateways has been lost for at least ten millennia, but that doesn't mean it can't be found again.... Having defeated the hostile computer program guarding an abandoned Kalandan outpost, Kirk and his crew are exploring the artificial planetoid in hopes of discovering the secret of an ancient apparatus that has hurled the Starship Enterprise over nearly a thousand light-years. Unfortunately, the reactivated Gateway has attracted the attention -- and avarice -- of various alien explorers, including a mysterious race who claim to be none other than the enigmatic Kalandans themselves!

Gateways #2: Chain Mail (Star Trek: Vanguard #2)

by Diane Carey

Dangerous remnants of an extinct interstellar civilization, the Gateways connect the Alpha Quadrant with the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Hidden away in various corners of the universe, the ancient portals could be the future of space travel, but they may also provide a open doorway for an invasion from beyond! Twenty years ago, in the space near Belle Terre, a caravan of alien vessels disappeared into a gigantic Gateway. Now the descendants of those aliens have returned, armed with incredible new weapons and abilities. Captain Nick Keller of the U.S.S. Challenger, already struggling to maintain peace in the troubled sector, must now cope with a fleet of hostile aliens driven by their own fanatical agenda!

Gateways #3: Doors into Chaos (Cold Equations)

by Robert Greenberger

More than 200,000 years ago, the ancient Iconians created a network of interdimensional Gateways providing instantaneous transportation across unimaginable distances. Once known as the "Demons of Air and Darkness," the Iconians mysteriously vanished many millennia ago, never to return -- or so it was believed. Summoned to an emergency brieÞng at Starþeet Headquarters, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is stunned to discover that the legendary Iconians have returned at last, and are offering to sell the secrets of their advanced technology to the Federation. To prove their sincerity, they have reactivated their long-abandoned Gateways, but the results have been strife and chaos throughout the entire Alpha Quadrant. Now Picard and his crew must contend with feuding Klingons and Romulans as the captain seeks to discover the sinister truth behind the Iconians' unexpected rebirth!

Gateways #4: Demons of Air and Darkness (Star Trek)

by Keith R. DeCandido

Once they moved from world to world in a single step, through innumerable doors that spanned the galaxy. They were masters of space, and to those who feared them, they were demons of air and darkness. But long ago they left their empire and their miraculous technology behind. Now someone has found the key to it, and all those doors have been flung open. A world near Deep Space 9™, threatened with destruction from the distant Delta Quadrant, becomes the focus of a massive rescue effort as Colonel Kira Nerys, her crew, and some unexpected allies fight to avert disaster on a planetary scale. Meanwhile, as Lieutenant Nog and Ensign Thirishar ch'Thane search for a way to shut down the spatial portals forever, Quark becomes involved in a dangerous game that could determine, once and for all, who will control the Gateways.

Gateways #5: No Man's Land (Star Trek: Voyager)

by Christie Golden

Throughout the galaxy, an ancient network of interstellar portals has been reactivated, instantly linking distant planets and civilizations. Back home in the Alpha Quadrant, Starfleet can devote all its considerable resources to coping with the Gateways crisis, but in the Delta Quadrant, there is only the Starship Voyager®.... Just as Voyager enters an unusually hazardous region of space, the ship and its crew are confronted with a flood of lost and disoriented starships from all over the galaxy. Accidentally transported incredible distances by the unpredictable Gateways, the diverse alien castaways regard each other and Voyager with hostility and suspicion. Captain Kathryn Janeway suddenly finds herself struggling to hold together an extremely fractious fleet of dislocated alien vessels even as the newly awakened Gateways hold open the prospect of finally bringing her own ship home!

Gateways #6: Cold Wars (Cold Equations #Vol. 6)

by Peter David

Missing for two hundred millennia, the legendary Iconians have returned, bringing with them the secret of interdimensional teleportation across vast interstellar distances. Awakened once more, their ancient Gateways are rewriting the map of the galaxy, and nowhere more than in the New Frontier&#174.... A century ago, the imperial Thallonians separated two feuding alien races, depositing each of them on a new world safely distant from that of their ancestral enemies. Now, however, the Gateways have made it possible for the long dormant blood feud to begin anew. Captain Mackenzie Calhoun of the U.S.S. Excalibur and his partner, Captain Elizabeth Shelby of the U.S.S. Trident, find themselves fighting a losing battle to keep the horrific violence from escalating, even as they gradually realize the catastrophic danger posed by the Gateways themselves!

Gateways Book One: Star Trek The Original Series (Star Trek: The Original Series #Bk. 1)

by Susan Wright

Left behind by a long-vanished civilisation, the mysterious portals offer a means of transport many times faster than warp travel -- as Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise have inadvertently discovered. Having defeated the hostile computer program which guards an abandoned Kalandan outpost, Kirk and his crew are exploring the artifical planetoid in the hope of discovering more about the ancient apparatus which has hurled the Starship Enterprise a distance of a thousand light years. But the reactivated Gateway has attracted the attention -- and the avarice -- of various alien explorers, not least a mysterious race who claim to be none other than the enigmatic Kalandans themselves!

Gateways Book Seven: What Lay Beyond (Star Trek #Bk. 7)

by Keith R. DeCandido Susan Wright Peter David Robert Greenberger Christie Golden Diane Carey

Created by the incalculably ancient Iconians, whose transcendent technology is quantum levels beyond that of the Federation and its allies, the Gateways offer instantaneous transport across unimaginable distances. Throughout the known galaxy, from Deep Space Nine™ to the New Frontier, from the Delta Quadrant to the bridge of the Starship Enterprise™, the sudden reactivation of the Gateways has destabilized interstellar relations between planets and cultures previously separated by countless light-years. Starfleet's finest have coped with the crisis as best they can, but circumstances have forced several valiant commanders to leap through separate Gateways into the unknown. Captain James T. Kirk of the original Starship Enterprise Captain Jean-Luc Picard of Star Trek: The Next Generation® Colonel Kira Nerys of Deep Space Nine Captain Kathryn Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyager™ Captains Calhoun and Shelby of Star Trek : New Frontier Commander Nick Keller of the U.S.S. Challenger All of these heroes, for their own reasons, have taken the ultimate gamble: hurling themselves personally through a Gateway without any knowledge or forewarning of what lay beyond. Each must face their own unique challenge, struggling to find a way back to the ships and homes they left behind. And waiting behind at least one of the Gateways are the ageless Iconians themselves, the primordial architects of the mysterious portals causing chaos throughout the Milky Way galaxy. Where did they disappear to, many long eons ago, and what do they want now? The answer lies on the other side.... What Lay Beyond brings the Gateways saga to a spectacular finish, in an all-star collaboration by six popular, bestselling Star Trek authors. Among them, Diane Carey, Peter David, Keith R.A. Decandido, Christie Golden, Robert Greenberger, and Susan Wright have written dozens of Star Trek novels. This is their first mega-collaboration.

Gateways Book Two: Star Trek The Next Generation (Star Trek: The Original Series #Vol. 1)

by Diane Carey

Abandoned remnants of an extinct interstellar civilisation, the Gateways connect the Alpha Quadrant with the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Their rediscovery could revolutionise space travel...but it could also open the door to who knows what dangers from the other side. Twenty years ago, in the space near the planet of Belle Terre, a caravan of alien vessels disappeared into a gigantic Gate. Now the descendants of those aliens have returned, armed with incredible new weapons and abilities. Commander Nick Keller of the USS Challenger, already struggling to maintain peace in a volatile sector of space, is all that stands in the path of a fleet of invaders driven by a hostile -- and fanatical -- agenda. Diane Carey revisits the ship and crew she created for Challenger, the final volume of the Original Series six-part New Earth sequence, in which Keller and the USS Challenger's crew took over the guardianship of the new colony of Belle Terre from Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise. Now Keller finds himself defending not just a farflung colony of terrestrial pioneers but the security of half the known galaxy itself.

Gather, Darkness!

by Fritz Leiber

From a Grand Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy: In a post-apocalyptic future, a priest must fight the forces of evil in order to bring freedom to humanity. Three-hundred and sixty years after a nuclear holocaust ravaged mankind, the world is fraught with chaos and superstition. Endowed with scientific knowledge lost to the rest of humanity, Techno-priests of the Great God now rule. Jarles, originally of peasant descent, rises to become a priest of the Great God. He knows that the gospel is nothing but trickery propagated by non-believers. One day, he defies his priestly training and attempts to incite the peasants to rebel—but Jarles is not the only dissenter trying to bring down the priesthood—witchcraft is slowly gaining strength and support among the populace. Little does Jarles know his rebellion is about to throw him headlong into the middle of the greatest holy war the world has ever seen.

Gather The Fortunes (Crescent City Novels #2)

by Bryan Camp

A Publishers Weekly Book of the Week, May 20 — “The magic and mythological heft of Bryan Camp’s debut doesn’t lose any momentum in Gather the Fortunes. He captures the essence and resilience of a still healing New Orleans by digging into the parts of a city too often ignored by the well-to-do and powerful. If The City of Lost Fortunes was a love letter to New Orleans then its next installment is an Earl King blue’s song.” — Brent Lambert, editor at FIYAH Magazine

Gather Her Round: A Novel of the Tufa

by Alex Bledsoe

In Cloud County, where music and Tufa, the otherworldly fae community, intermix, a monster roams the forest, while another kind of evil lurks in the hearts of men.“Beautifully written, surprisingly moving, and unexpected in the best of ways.” —Seanan McGuire, New York Times bestselling authorYoung Tufa woman Kera Rogers disappears while hiking in the woods by Needsville. Soon, her half-eaten remains are found, and hunters discover the culprits: a horde of wild hogs led by a massive boar with seemingly supernatural strength. Kera’s boyfriend Duncan Gowen mourns her death, until he finds evidence she cheated on him with his best friend Adam Procure. When Adam’s body is the next one found, who is to blame: Duncan or the monstrous swine?As winter descends and determined hunters pursue beasts across the Appalachians, other Tufa seek the truth behind Adam and Kera’s deaths. What answers will unfold come spring?Enter the captivating world of the fae in Alex Bledsoe's Tufa novelsThe Hum and the ShiverWisp of a ThingLong Black CurlChapel of EaseGather Her RoundAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Gather in the Hall of the Planets

by Barry N. Malzberg

Science fiction writer Sanford Kvass has a problem. Three problems, actually. He suffering from terrible writer's block and owes his agent a large sum of money. The last thing he needs is the approaching distraction of the World Science Fiction Convention, with it's obsessive fans, sex-mad SF groupies and professional writers and editors getting drunk and behaving badly.But we said 'three problems', didn't we? The best that can be said about Sanford Kvass' third problem is that it renders his first two irrelevant. Kvass is approached by an alien ( a genuine alien, not a cosplay one) who informs him that the human race is to be tested: an alien will appear at the World Science Fiction Convention, disguised as a human being, and unless Kvass can unmask it, the Earth will be destroyed.Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't present much of a challenge. All he's have to do, is to observe as many people as he could and identify the one who clearly had no experience of normal social interaction. Voila! One unmasked alien.There's just one problem: this is Worldcon . . .

Gather in the Hall of the Planets

by Barry N. Malzberg

Science fiction writer Sanford Kvass has a problem. Three problems, actually. He suffering from terrible writer's block and owes his agent a large sum of money. The last thing he needs is the approaching distraction of the World Science Fiction Convention, with it's obsessive fans, sex-mad SF groupies and professional writers and editors getting drunk and behaving badly. But we said 'three problems', didn't we? The best that can be said about Sanford Kvass' third problem is that it renders his first two irrelevant. Kvass is approached by an alien ( a genuine alien, not a cosplay one) who informs him that the human race is to be tested: an alien will appear at the World Science Fiction Convention, disguised as a human being, and unless Kvass can unmask it, the Earth will be destroyed. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't present much of a challenge. All he's have to do, is to observe as many people as he could and identify the one who clearly had no experience of normal social interaction. Voila! One unmasked alien. There's just one problem: this is Worldcon . . .

Gather the Daughters: A Novel

by Jennie Melamed

NEVER LET ME GO meets THE GIVER in this haunting debut about a cult on an isolated island, where nothing is as it seems.A New York Magazine best book of the monthA Real Simple best book of the monthPeople Magazine's Book of the WeekYears ago, just before the country was incinerated to wasteland, ten men and their families colonized an island off the coast. They built a radical society of ancestor worship, controlled breeding, and the strict rationing of knowledge and history. Only the Wanderers--chosen male descendants of the original ten--are allowed to cross to the wastelands, where they scavenge for detritus among the still-smoldering fires.The daughters of these men are wives-in-training. At the first sign of puberty, they face their Summer of Fruition, a ritualistic season that drags them from adolescence to matrimony. They have children, who have children, and when they are no longer useful, they take their final draught and die. But in the summer, the younger children reign supreme. With the adults indoors and the pubescent in Fruition, the children live wildly--they fight over food and shelter, free of their fathers' hands and their mothers' despair. And it is at the end of one summer that little Caitlin Jacob sees something so horrifying, so contradictory to the laws of the island, that she must share it with the others.Born leader Janey Solomon steps up to seek the truth. At seventeen years old, Janey is so unwilling to become a woman, she is slowly starving herself to death. Trying urgently now to unravel the mysteries of the island and what lies beyond, before her own demise, she attempts to lead an uprising of the girls that may be their undoing.GATHER THE DAUGHTERS is a smoldering debut; dark and energetic, compulsively readable, Melamed's novel announces her as an unforgettable new voice in fiction.

Gather the Daughters: Shortlisted for The Arthur C Clarke Award

by Jennie Melamed

'An exceptional debut' Sunday Telegraph'Obsessed with The Handmaid's Tale? This brilliant book is the one for you' Stylist'An intriguing, gorgeously realised and written novel which inexorably draws you into its dark heart' Kate HamerOn a small isolated island, there's a community that lives by its own rules. Boys grow up knowing they will one day take charge, while girls know they will be married and pregnant within moments of hitting womanhood. But before that time comes, a ritual offers children an exhilarating reprieve. Every summer they are turned out onto their doorsteps, to roam the island, sleep on the beach and build camps in trees. To be free. At the end of one of such summer, one of the younger girls sees something she was never supposed to see. And she returns home with a truth that could bring their island world to its knees.'A skilful novel full of suspense' Guardian'It's a richly envisioned world, the strange isolation of which Melamed is excellent at teasing out slowly' Independent

Gather the Daughters: Shortlisted for The Arthur C Clarke Award

by Jennie Melamed

For fans of Emma Cline's THE GIRLS and Emily St John Mandel's STATION 11, this dark, unsettling and hugely compelling story of an isolated island cult will get under your skin.On a small isolated island, there's a community that lives by its own rules. Boys grow up knowing they will one day reign inside and outside the home, while girls know they will be married and pregnant within moments of hitting womanhood. But before that time comes, there is an island ritual that offers children an exhilarating reprieve. Every summer they are turned out onto their doorsteps to roam wild: they run, they fight, they sleep on the beach and build camps in trees. They are free. It is at the end of one of these summers, as the first frost laces the ground, that one of the younger girls witnesses something she was never supposed to see. And she returns home, muddy and terrified, clutching in her small hand a truth that could unravel their carefully constructed island world forever.(P)2017 Headline Publishing Group Ltd

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