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The Glasswrights' Progress (Glasswrights #2)

by Mindy L. Klasky

The Little Army...<P> Rani Trader survived the destruction of her family, her glasswrights' guild, and everything else that she held dear. She has begun to settle into her new life, living in the palace of Morenia's new king. A brutal betrayal, though, within the very castle walls, results in Rani being kidnapped, carried overseas to distant Amanthia.<P> There, Rani discovers a plot against her king. Amanthia has raised the Little Army, a murderous force composed entirely of children. When Rani meets their captain, Crestman, she dreams of liberating the Little Army. But will she live long enough to try?

The Glasswrights Series: The Glasswrights' Apprentice, The Glasswrights' Progress, The Glasswrights' Journeyman, The Glasswrights' Test, and The Glasswrights' Master (The Glasswrights Series)

by Mindy L Klasky

All five novels of an acclaimed fantasy series “full of entertaining twists and turns” (San Francisco Chronicle). Rani Trader is born a merchant in the kingdom of Morenia, where the caste you’re born into determines the path your life will take. After she gets an apprenticeship at the Glasswrights’ Guild, she discovers secrets beyond her rank, and soon her life will never be the same. The Glasswrights’ Apprentice: Rani Trader has achieved the high honor of apprenticing in the prestigious Glasswrights’ Guild. But everything goes wrong when she witnesses the murder of the Crown Prince and is accused of being the killer. The Glasswrights’ Progress: Rani survived the destruction of her family, her Glasswrights’ Guild, and everything else she held dear. She has begun to settle into her new life, living in the palace of Morenia’s new king, but then she’s kidnapped and taken to distant Amanthia where she discovers a plot against her ruler. The Glasswrights’ Journeyman: Rani’s beloved homeland of Morenia has been destroyed by fire. The only hope for rebuilding is for King Halaravilli to marry a wealthy princess from Liantine, so Rani must set aside her own feelings. The Glasswrights’ Test: Rani has finally been summoned by her exiled Glasswrights’ Guild to test for the rank of master, something she has wanted for years. She journeys to Brianta for the test and, cut off from all she cherishes, soon realizes that the lives of her loved ones hang in the balance. The Glasswrights’ Master: Rani escaped Morenia just as enemy armies invaded. Now encamped in the kingdom of Sarmonia, she must make the hardest bargain of her life: negotiating safety for herself, her beloved king, and his heir, even as she struggles to control mystical powers that rise within her.

The Glasswrights' Test (The Glasswrights Series #4)

by Mindy L. Klasky

The ultimate test...Rani Trader has finally been summoned by her exiled Glasswrights Guild, invited to test for the rank of master. Rani has craved such acceptance for years, and she has high hopes that all her past mistakes will finally be forgiven.Rani journeys to Brianta, the religious center of all the land. Soon, she is cut off from her long-trusted companions, isolated by the glasswrights who have long memories of past betrayals.Surrounded by religious fanatics, sickened by long hours of study, Rani soon realizes that she will be tested on far more than her knowledge of glassmaking--and the lives of loved ones hang in the balance.

The Glauerdoom Moor (Super Dungeon #3)

by David West

From the epic fantasy world of Super Dungeon comes the third novel in a riveting new series. Sai doesn&’t want to be a hero. She wants to steal the greatest jewel in Crystalia. But when a Royal Warden sets the perfect trap, Sai is forced to take a job from King Jasper himself—to rescue his daughter Princess Citrine from the evil Von Drakk. Escape should be easy for an accomplished thief, but the Royal Warden refuses to let her out of his sight until they find the stolen princess.Sai thrives in the unsavory places in Crystalia Castle, but those pale in comparison to the Glauerdoom Moor. Witches and zombies lurk around every corner, and the swamp itself seems against them. Worse than the Moor itself is the tyrant who rules it on behalf of the Dark Consul. The undead Baron Von Drakk has a host of evil creatures at his command, and powerful dark magic of his own. How can Sai defeat someone who took out an entire army, led by the great Princess Citrine herself?

Gleam: With Bonus Content (The Factory Trilogy #1)

by Tom Fletcher

The Factory is the law - but Wild Alan is about to discover that law does not mean justice. The gargantuan Factory of Gleam is an ancient, hulking edifice of stone, metal and glass ruled over by chaste alchemists and astronomer priests. As millennia have passed, the population has decreased, and now only the central district is fully inhabited and operational; the outskirts have been left for the wilderness to reclaim. This decaying, lawless zone is the Discard, and Wild Alan's home. Clever, arrogant and perpetually angry, Wild Alan is both loved and loathed by the Discard's misfits. He's convinced that the Gleam authorities were behind the disaster that killed his parents and his ambition is to prove it. But he's about to uncover more than he bargained for.'Anyone looking for a science fiction tale of grim darkness should definitely pick this one up'- Starburst

Gleanings: Stories from the Arc of a Scythe (Arc of a Scythe)

by Neal Shusterman

The New York Times bestselling Arc of the Scythe series continues with &“captivating…thrilling&” (School Library Journal) stories that span the timeline. Storylines continue. Origin stories are revealed. And new Scythes emerge!There are still countless tales of the Scythedom to tell. Centuries passed between the Thunderhead cradling humanity and Scythe Goddard trying to turn it upside down. For years, humans lived in a world without hunger, disease, or death with Scythes as the living instruments of population control. Neal Shusterman—along with collaborators David Yoon, Jarrod Shusterman, Sofía Lapuente, Michael H. Payne, Michelle Knowlden, and Joelle Shusterman—returns to the world throughout the timeline of the Arc of a Scythe series. Discover secrets and histories of characters you&’ve followed for three volumes and meet new heroes, new foes, and some figures in between. Gleanings shows just how expansive, terrifying, and thrilling the world that began with the Printz Honor–winning Scythe truly is.


by Janice May Udry

Glenda the witch decides she wants to be a school girl but fails to recognize her complete lack of success in the venture. One girl in particular is suspicious, and even her pet crow observes that she is still a witch at heart.

Gli Allevatori

by Charlie Daye

Il mio nome è Sicily Chase. Tutto ciò che volevo era un fine settimana tra ragazze pieno di divertimento a Las Vegas, prima della fine delle vacanze estive. Volevo stare a bordo piscina, fare shopping, andare in discoteca, incontrare un ragazzo figo - insomma, scatenarmi. Ho fatto tutto questo e di più, ma non sapevo che la mia avventura di una notte si sarebbe trasformata in molto di più; per non parlare dell'essere introdotta in un mondo soprannaturale di cui non sapevo l'esistenza.

Gli Eterni

by Richard M. Ankers

Gli Eterni, né umani né vampiri, sono gli ultimi abitanti di una Terra morente. Davanti ad un sole che sta morendo lentamente, alcuni hanno accettato il loro destino, mentre altri sono pronti a combattere per il loro futuro. È con questo ultimatum che nasce Jean, l'ultimo Lord Eterno. La vita di Jean cambia drasticamente dopo che il suo morso toglie la vita alla Principessa Chantelle dell'Alleanza della Nuova Europa. All'improvviso, è un uomo in fuga, che si innamora e riscopre la sua umanità. Quando il tempo del sole è agli sgoccioli, Jean passa da disavventure manipolate ad antiche cospirazioni, ed altro ancora, mentre cerca di far pace con il suo sordido passato.

Gli Ibridi Di Middleton

by Benjamin Shepherd Quiñones

Noah Fletcher ha sedici anni e veramente tanto a cui pensare. Per prima cosa, è gay. Poi, il suo migliore amico è omofobo. E, quindi, lo odia. Esattamente come il resto dei suoi compagni di scuola. Ma nessuno di loro conosce la verità. Il nostro eroe può parlare con gli animali! Però, nonostante il supporto di sua madre e dei suoi piccoli amici, non può fare a meno di sentirsi solo e triste. Almeno finché la cheerleader più popolare della città, Candy Bloom, non lo difende pubblicamente. Il ragazzo è entusiasta della sua nuova amica, anche se c’è davvero qualcosa di molto strano in lei. La biondina sembra sempre essere a conoscenza di tutto. Compreso il suo potere segreto. E niente meno che un’invasione aliena! Come faranno due adolescenti a fermare l’imminente attacco extraterrestre? E chi si unirà a loro?

Gli Imp Della Cucina E Altre Storie Oscure

by A L Butcher

Gli Imp della cucina e altre storie oscure - sei brevi racconti di caos e malizia. Vincitore del miglior fantasy 2018 su NN Light Book Heaven. Imp maliziosi, calzini mancanti, ladri astuti e divinità sconcertate caratterizzano questa raccolta di brevi romanzi fantasy.

Gli ingegni di Pratima

by S. A. Gibson

In un'India dove le moderne tecnolgie non esistono più e le Biblioteche sono le custodi del sapere e dell'ordine, Pratima va in missione sotto copertura per conto della Biblioteca.

Gli Occhi del Drago - Il Secondo Libro dei Guardiani

by Alexander Powell Rain Oxford

Tre anni dopo aver salvato la Terra e Duran, Dylan si ritrova a dover affrontare nuove sfide. Kiro è scomparso, gli Iadnah si stanno mettendo contro i loro Guardiani, e, come se non bastasse, una creatura antica quanto gli dèi sta seminando il caos sulla Terra. Altri strani avvenimenti stanno avendo luogo in tutto l'universo, e Dylan dovrà indagare e scoprire la verità. Mordon, dopo essere finalmente riuscito a fuggire da suo padre, accetta di aiutare Dylan nella sua impresa. Tuttavia, più si allontanerà dalla sua terra natale, più si ritroverà faccia a faccia con dei terrificanti segreti che gli sono stati tenuti nascosti. Unendo le loro forze, Dylan e Mordon non dovranno solo proteggere la Terra. Dovranno esplorare nuovi mondi, ottenere la fiducia degli dèi e salvare i loro amici e un bambino misterioso. In tutto questo, dovranno combattere contro un male antico quanto gli dèi.

Gli Oltraggiati

by Annalisa Lovat Cynthia A. Morgan

Nel mistico regno di Jyndari, una relazione fiorisce tra due anime ignare ma affini. Ayla, una Guardiana di bambini fatati e Fata della Luce, nasconde non pochi segreti, segreti che la isolano e la separano dal resto del popolo. Ma le velate confidenze di Ayla attirano qualcuno che sta in agguato nell’ombra. Silenziosa e vigile, questa pericolosa presenza conosce fin troppo bene i segreti che lei desidera tenere segreti. La Fata del Buio usa bene il suo tempo e aspetta il momento ideale per uscire dall’ombra e rivelarsi ad Ayla. Ma così facendo altererà irrevocabilmente il corso delle loro vite, mandando in frantumi entrambi i loro mondi. Traboccante di magia e mistero, bellezza e incanto, Gli Oltragiati è un romanzo fantasy senza pari, un’avventura per mente e spirito.

Gli Ospiti

by Pedro Pujante René Eduardo Galindo Almendariz

Questa pazza storia comincia con uno scrittore che è invitato ad un simposio di letteratura segreta in un villaggio pittoresco e spettrale. Al poco di arrivare al suo destino, Roberto Hernández, protagonista e narratore, conosce uno strano dottore che si fa chiamare Faustino, il cui non si sa le vere intenzioni, e alla bella Rocío Ramos e capisce che l’amore è un’avventura ciclica e infinita che si ripete lungo il tempo. Tutto è molto strano, perché: cos’è letteratura segreta? Stanno veramente dove vogliono stare? Higueras è un villaggio di Extremadura o finto? Perché si ha cercato di clonare lo scrittore Francisco Umbral? Benvenuti a questa distopia di finzione rurale e fantastica, un romanzo impazzito nei limiti di … tutto?

Gli Uomini Della Regina

by Celeste Hall

Un romanzo erotico paranormale. Incontra i maestri soprannaturali della passione e della seduzione, che si nutrono dei sogni erotici e del piacere del genere umano. Syrena è una giovane succube che è stata allevata dagli umani fin dalla più tenera età. Non ha memoria dei suoi genitori naturali. Non sa cosa sia, e le manca gran parte dell'educazione che una succube otterrebbe dalla madre. La sua ignoranza la porta in pericolo, quando un profumo seducente la attira in una struttura militare... e in una trappola. Max è uno dei pochi soldati con l'autorizzazione top secret per sorvegliare la cella di Syrena, ma trova la succube affascinante e non riesce a capire perché venga trattata come una minaccia nazionale. Si ritrova attirato nella sua cella e tra le sue braccia, sigillando i destini di entrambi. È determinato a liberare la sua amante e le altre creature soprannaturali detenute in quegli infiniti corridoi di cemento. Recluta persino due amici fidati per aiutarlo. Ma non tutti i prigionieri sono amichevoli come Syrena e gli incubi. Stanno per ritrovarsi coinvolti in una sanguinosa battaglia tra umani e demoni. Nota: Questo libro è destinato a lettori dai 18 anni in su, c'è un linguaggio forte e incontri sessuali espliciti. Come propongono le leggende, sia i demoni Incubus che Succubus si nutrono dell'energia sessuale rubata agli umani addormentati.

Glide Path: To The Heart Of Experimental Techologywwii (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)

by Arthur C. Clarke

A gripping novel of human ingenuity during World War II, based on the visionary author&’s own wartime experiences as a radar control operator. One of the most influential science fiction writers of the twentieth century, Arthur C. Clarke has consistently anticipated the actual achievements of science and technology. In Glide Path, he turns back the clock to tell a thrilling story about the groundbreaking exploration of radar during WWII. Clarke&’s only non–science fiction novel shines with the same qualities that made his award-winning space adventures timeless classics: topnotch suspense, fascinating science, and memorable characters. A hidden gem in Clarke&’s impressive body of work, Glide Path is an enthralling read for both science fiction fans and history aficionados.


by Marjorie B Kellogg

This new cli-fi epic chronicles a future NYC wracked by climate change and follows the individuals who must make the most of what remains to survive.It's 2110, the Earth's glaciers have melted, and there's no climate fix in sight. As refugees stream inland from the inundated coasts, social structures and national economies are stressed to the point of fracture. Food production falters. Pandemics rage. Rising sea level and devastating superstorms have flooded much of Manhattan and wrecked its infrastructure. Its residents have mostly fled, but a few die-hards have bet their survival on the hope that digging in and staying local is a safer strategy.As the weather worsens, can a damaged population of poor folk, artists, misfits, and loners work out their differences in time to create a sustainable long-term society? In a lawless city, where the well-armed rich have appropriated the high ground, can an ex-priest find a middle road between non-violence and all-out war? The lives of his downtown band of leftovers will depend on it.Sheltering among them, a young girl named Glimmer struggles to regain a past lost to trauma. As her memory returns, she finds she must choose who and how to be, and who and what to believe in, even if it means giving up a love she has only recently found herself able to embrace.


by Phoebe Kitanidis

When Marshall King and Elyse Alton suddenly wake up tangled in each other's arms with zero memory of how they got there or even who they are, it's the start of a long journey through their separate pasts and shared future. Terrified by their amnesia, Marshall and Elyse make a pact to work together to find the answers that could restore their missing memories. As they piece together clues about their lives, they discover that they're in the idyllic mountain resort town of Summer Falls. Everyone seems happy there, but as Marshall and Elyse quickly learn, darkness lurks beneath the town's perfect facade. Not only is the town haunted by sinister ghosts, but none of its living inhabitants retain bad memories of anything-not the death of Marshall's mom, not the hidden violence in Elyse's family, not even the day-to-day anguish of being a high schooler. Lonely in this world of happy zombies, Marshall and Elyse fall into an intense relationship founded on their mutual quest for truth. But the secrets they're trying to uncover could be the death of this budding love affair-and of everyone, and everything, they love in Summer Falls.


by Elizabeth Hand

&“If Stephen King set out to rewrite The Waste Land as a novel, the result might resemble Glimmering.&” —The Washington Post Climate change, rampant viruses, blackouts, fundamentalists—the end of the end has arrived. Glimmering, the 1994 dystopian novel by Nebula and World Fantasy Award–winning author Elizabeth Hand, is now timelier than ever. When the confluence of a solar storm and the collapse of the Antarctic ice shelf ignites the atmosphere like grease, those who are able hide behind their walls and masks, seeking the promise of a seductive—and dangerous—future. As the earth erupts in flames, department store heir and editor Jack Finnegan faces his own inevitable death from AIDS in his family&’s decrepit mansion near the Hudson River—that is, until an old friend offers him a miraculous cure . . . Christian singer Trip Marlowe has found worldwide success, but the dynamic rock star retains his strict morality and faith. Temptation comes in the form of a mysterious blond waif and IZE, a new drug more addictive than crack and heroin . . . The two men will find themselves on a bizarre collision course as a dark and powerful force seeks to shape what&’s left of humanity&’s consciousness. &“A brutal vision of Apocalypse . . . Hand&’s powerful vision of these days of wrath is not so much a protracted self-pitying whisper as a Nietzschean insistence on salvation through creative evolution.&” —Publishers Weekly, starred review &“[A] wild, psychedelic, thoughtful thriller . . . Another dynamite read!&” —The Des Moines Register


by Elizabeth Hand Kim Stanley Robinson

It's 1999 and the world is falling apart at the seams. The sky is afire, the oceans are rising--and mankind is to blame. While the spoils of the 20th Century dwindle, Jack Finnegan lives on the fringes in his decaying mansion, struggling to keep his life afloat and his loved ones safe while battling that most modern of diseases--AIDS.As the New Millennium approaches, Jack's former lover, a famous photographer reveling in the world's decay, gifts him with a mysterious elixir called Fusax, a medicine rumored to cure the incurable AIDS. But soon, the "side effects" of Fusax become more apparent, and Jack gets mixed up with a bizarre entourage of rock stars, Japanese scientists, corporate executives, AIDS victims, and religious terrorists. While these larger players compete to control mankind's fate in the 21st Century, Jack is forced to choose his own role in the World's End, and how to live with it.Originally published in 1997, Glimmering is a visionary mix of fantasy and science fiction about a world in which humanity struggles to cope with the ever-approaching "End of the End."


by Kendra Leighton

The highwayman came riding –Riding – riding –The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-doorLiz just wants to be normal. Her life is anything but.Seven years ago Liz lost her mother and ten years’ worth of memories. When she inherits the infamous Highwayman Inn, she hopes the move will be a fresh start. Then she meets Zachary. Zachary who haunts her by night and in dreams; who makes her question everything she is and wants to be; who seems scarcely real – yet makes her feel so alive.Inspired by Alfred Noyes’ classic poem ‘The Highwayman’, Glimpse is a ghost story, a love story, and a story of a girl fighting for her future by confronting her terrible past.

A Glimpse of Darkness (Short Story)

by Lara Adrian Harry Connolly Stacia Kane Kelly Meding Lucy A. Snyder

Munira bint Azhar, the half-human daughter of a djinn, is a skilled Retriever in the city of Port Nightfall. Now the powerful sorcerer Temesis has given Munira a dire ultimatum: steal a magical lantern- the Light of Ta'lab- from the horrific undead kingdom below the city, or watch her father die at Temesis's hand. Will she be able to retrieve the lantern and save her father's life, or will they both perish in the process? With an Afterword featuring the choices readers were given at the end of each chapter.

Glimpse the Future (Witches of Peculiar #4)

by Luna Graves

Twin witch sisters Bella and Donna peek into the future in this fourth book in the middle grade series that&’s Wizards of Waverly Place meets Halloweentown.There&’s a psychic visiting at YIKESSS, and twin witches Bella and Dee are fascinated to hear her speak at a school assembly. True clairvoyance is a rare trait, even in the supernatural community, and they&’ve never met one before—and likely won&’t ever again. Except the son of the new owners of Scary Good Shakes seems to be eerily good at diverting disasters before they happen, like when he catches a tray right before it falls or when he stopped Charlie from eating garlic, which, as a vampire, they&’re highly allergic too. When Bella and Dee start to notice more evidence that supports Henry being clairvoyant, they realize another psychic might be in their midst. And he&’s human. And he has no idea of his powers, or that supernatural beings even exist…

Glinda of Oz (The Land of Oz #14)

by L. Frank Baum

Princess Ozma and Dorothy travel to an obscure corner of the Land of Oz, in order to prevent a war between two local powers, the Skeezers and the Flatheads. <P><P>The leaders of the two tribes prove obstinate. Unable to prevent the war, Dorothy and Ozma find themselves imprisoned on the Skeezers' glass-covered island, which has been magically submerged to the bottom of its lake. Their situation worsens when the warlike queen Coo-ee-oh, who is holding them captive and who alone knows how to raise the island back to the surface of the lake, loses her battle and gets transformed into a swan, forgetting all her magic in the process. Ozma and Dorothy summon Glinda, who, with help from several magicians and magical assistants, must find a way to raise the island and liberate its trapped inhabitants.

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