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Io Sono Margaret

by Corinna Turner

Nel mondo di Margo, gli “imperfetti” vengono riciclati. Letteralmente. Margaret Verrall sogna di sposare il ragazzo che ama e di passare il resto della sua vita con lui. Ma fa parte di una rete sotterranea di Credenti – e ciò comporta la pena di morte. Ma prima che possa essere smascherata e riconosciuta come una Credente, non supera lo Smistamento e viene riassegnata per fornire parti di ricambio. Bane giura di salvarla prima che possa essere smantellata, ma la ragazza ha una possibilità di ribaltare il sistema aumentando la posta in gioco. Ora deve fuggire dalla Struttura – o affrontare la peggiore delle punizioni: il Pieno e Consapevole Smantellamento. Se ti sono piaciuti libri come THE HUNGER GAMES, UNWIND o NON LASCIARMI ma vorresti quel tocco ispiratore in più, IO SONO MARGARET è il libro che fa per te! Questo best seller combina avventura e suspense con un pizzico di romanticismo, scava nell’animo umano soffermandosi sia sul reale costo emotivo del martirio che sull’importanza di difendere sempre quello in cui si crede. Compra subito il libro per scoprire la storia di Margo! “Ottimo stile – grandi personaggi e ritmo. Definitivamente un libro che vale la pena leggere, come The Hunger Games.” EOIN COLFER, autore di “Artemis Fowl”. “Un debutto intelligente, ben scritto e divertente, da parte di una giovane autrice con un promettente futuro.” STEWART ROSS, autore di “The Soterion Mission”. IO SONO MARGARET è stato tra i finalisti ai CALA Awards 2016. LIBERATION, il terzo libro della serie IO SONO MARGARET, è stato nominato per il CILIP Carnegie Medal Award nel 2016.

Iolanthe (Spectre War #3)

by Margaret Fortune

Return to the world of the Spectre War in the third installment of this thrilling space opera saga.On a forgotten planet in the midst of an interstellar war, a resistance leader will rise. Teal Sorenson has lost everything in the two years since the alien Spectres descended upon the Celestial Expanse: family, friends, even her home. Now condemned to exile on the jungle planet Iolanthe, she can only watch the war from afar…until a chance invasion sends her fleeing into the night. With the colony overrun, the only place left to go is the jungle, and yet as Teal struggles to survive in a savage alien rainforest that could as easily kill her as save her, she realizes this invasion is more than just a simple offensive strike. Iolanthe has nothing to tempt the enemy: no resources, no strategic value, no military presence. So why are they really here? The answer could spell the end of the war, and the human race along with it. Now only Teal and a ragtag band of survivors stand between the enemy and certain victory. Mere survival is no longer enough. It&’s time to fight. The battle for Iolanthe has begun.

The Ion War

by Colin Kapp

When Major Dam Stormdragon was chosen to serve as part of Castilia's military tithe to the Mother World he had no choice but to go - much as he loathed Terra and everything she stood for. He knew that given the combination of arrogance and paranoia that Terrans displayed towards all Colonials he was at best in for a miserable year - and that at worst he would find himself taking part in a military action against his fellow Colonials. He also knew that the increasing ferocity with which the Terrans responded to the slightest balking of the Imperial Will meant that one day soon the Hub Worlds would have to fight, or that Terra's madness would destroy them all. What Stormdragon could not know was that the Mother World was already set on obliterating her children, and that he himself would be Terra's secret weapon in the most dreadful conflict in the history of Man.

The Ion War

by Colin Kapp

When Major Dam Stormdragon was chosen to serve as part of Castilia's military tithe to the Mother World he had no choice but to go - much as he loathed Terra and everything she stood for. He knew that given the combination of arrogance and paranoia that Terrans displayed towards all Colonials he was at best in for a miserable year - and that at worst he would find himself taking part in a military action against his fellow Colonials. He also knew that the increasing ferocity with which the Terrans responded to the slightest balking of the Imperial Will meant that one day soon the Hub Worlds would have to fight, or that Terra's madness would destroy them all. What Stormdragon could not know was that the Mother World was already set on obliterating her children, and that he himself would be Terra's secret weapon in the most dreadful conflict in the history of Man.

The Ionian Cycle

by William Tenn

The tiny lifeboat seemed to hang suspended from its one working rear jet, then it sideslipped and began to spin violently downwards to the sickly orange ground of the planet. Inside the narrow cabin, Dr. Helena Naxos was hurled away from the patient she was tending and slammed into a solid bulkhead. The shock jolted the breath out of her. She shook her head and grabbed frantically at an overhead support as the cabin tilted again. Jake Donelli glared up from the viewscreen where the alien earth expanded at him.

Ionic Barrier

by Denis Hughes Von Kellar

They worked hard, these men in secret places, their aim and object the conquest of space. Obstacles were many, not the least among them being shortage of financial backing. But at last a day came when a guided projectile was launched on its journey into space. Only then did the worst snag of all become apparent...

Ionic Barrier

by Von Kellar Denis Hughes

They worked hard, these men in secret places, their aim and object the conquest of space. Obstacles were many, not the least among them being a shortage of financial backing. But at last a day came when a guided projectile was launched on its journey into space. Only then did the worst snag of all become apparent...

Iorich (Vlad Taltos #12)

by Steven Brust

House Jhereg, Dragaera's organized-crime syndicate, is still hunting Vlad Taltos. There's a big price on his head in Dragaera City. Then he hears disturbing news. Aliera--long time friend, sometime ally--has been arrested by the Empire on a charge of practicing elder sorcery, a capital crime. It doesn't make sense. Everybody knows Aliera's been dabbling in elder sorcery for ages. Why is the Empire down on her now? Why aren't her powerful friends--Morrolan, Sethra, the Empress Zerika--coming to her rescue? And more to the point, why has she utterly refused to do anything about her own defense? It would be idiotic of Vlad to jump into this situation. He's a former Jhereg who betrayed the House. He's an Easterner--small, weak, short-lived. He's being sought by the most remorseless killers in the world. Naturally, that's exactly why he's going to get completely involved...

The Iowa Baseball Confederacy

by W. P. Kinsella

&“A memorable addition to the literature about the summer&’s game&” from the author of Shoeless Joe—the basis for the film Field of Dreams (Detroit Free Press). Bearing W. P. Kinsella&’s trademark combination of &“sweet-natured prose and a richly imagined world,&” The Iowa Baseball Confederacy tells the story of Gideon Clark, a man on a quest (The Philadelphia Inquirer). He is out to prove to the world that the indomitable Chicago Cubs traveled to Iowa in the summer of 1908 for an exhibition game against an amateur league, the Iowa Baseball Confederacy. But a simple game somehow turned into a titanic battle of more than two thousand innings, and Gideon Clark struggles to set the record straight on this infamous game that no one else believes ever happened. &“A riveting mystery with a host of fascinating characters, a first-rate ghost story, and the tale of a quest that ends not with the object of desire, but with the realization of love. Kinsella has another hit on his hands. He&’s still batting one thousand.&” —Detroit Free Press &“His love for baseball is evident in the lyrical descriptions of the game.&” —Chicago Tribune &“Whether or not you like baseball, read the Bible, play a musical instrument, like Indian folklore, time travel, or the Chicago Cubs, you will like The Iowa Baseball Confederacy.&” —USA Today &“In his first novel since Shoeless Joe, Kinsella returns to the magical turf he created there: a loving mixture of baseball, life and fantasy, in a world where dreams don&’t have to come true, because they have a validity all their own.&” —Publishers Weekly

Ir a Otro Lugar

by Celeste Toledo Lauren Marie

“¿Dónde estoy? Pregunto Michael “Esta es la finca Delancy. Somos una finca a las afueras de la aldea de Darlington en el condado de Durham, Inglaterra”, respondió el Sr. Delancy. “¿Qué año es?” “1815 señor,” una mujer mayor dijo desde el pie de su cama. “1815 es imposible. Yo nací en 1980 y trabajo en construcción. Es 2008”


by Amylynn Bright

Luke Mephisto ha llevado la carga de la Ira desde que tenía diez años, cuando su padre fue elegido Diablo de su generación. Luke está seguro de que sólo es cuestión de tiempo que esa pesada corona caiga sobre su propia cabeza. Ya es un arquitecto célebre y en la actualidad diseña el edificio de sus sueños, uno que le situará en el mapa durante mucho tiempo después de su muerte. Pero hay un nuevo enlace con la empresa del cliente y ella lo está arruinando todo: llega a sus reuniones con sus lindos atuendos y hace peticiones estrafalarias. Y de repente Luke ya no se siente tan iracundo. Mia evita los conflictos en su vida. Sus padres le dieron muchos. Pero cuando la ponen al frente de la nueva sede corporativa de su familia, adopta una postura. Sabe lo que quiere y el malhumorado arquitecto tendrá que aceptarlo. Bajo su malhumorado exterior se esconde un tipo que la hace sentir especial, como si su inteligencia y su talento fueran valiosos. Pero sus pesadillas han sido especialmente infernales últimamente, y el Diablo de sus sueños se parece muchísimo a su nuevo novio.

Ira y peligro: El ex teniente de la policía de Chicago, Jonathan Perry, está de regreso

by Pier Giorgio Tomatis

Ira y peligro por Pier Giorgio Tomatis El ex teniente de la policía de Chicago, Jonathan Perry, está de regreso y su nueva investigación es más peligrosa que la anterior. ¿Estás listo para soportar el peso? Ira y peligro Un crimen atroz obliga a dos agentes del FBI a investigar el Inner Circle, MK-Ultra, Zone of Silence y Bohemian Groove. Lo que descubrirán al final de la investigación es más que un búho de madera de varios metros de altura y un grupo de encapuchados ricos y poderosos ... Género: FICCIÓN / Acción y aventura Género secundario: FICCIÓN / Distópico Idioma: Español Palabras clave: La Zona del Silencio, MK-Ultra, Inner Circle, Nazismo, Bohemian Groove Número de palabras: 27.305 Información de ventas: Ira y peligro es la secuela de Gateland, uno de los libros más vendidos de la editorial Hogwords y escrito por Pier Giorgio Tomatis. El volumen acaba de salir a la venta en la librería.

Iraq + 100: The First Anthology of Science Fiction to Have Emerged from Iraq

by Hassan Blasim

A groundbreaking anthology of science fiction from Iraq that will challenge your perception of what it means to be “The Other”“History is a hostage, but it will bite through the gag you tie around its mouth, bite through and still be heard.”—Operation DanielIn a calm and serene world, one has the luxury of imagining what the future might look like.Now try to imagine that future when your way of life has been devastated by forces beyond your control.Iraq + 100 poses a question to Iraqi writers (those who still live in that nation, and those who have joined the worldwide diaspora): What might your home country look like in the year 2103, a century after a disastrous foreign invasion?Using science fiction, allegory, and magical realism to challenge the perception of what it means to be “The Other”, this groundbreaking anthology edited by Hassan Blasim contains stories that are heartbreakingly surreal, and yet utterly recognizable to the human experience. Though born out of exhaustion, fear, and despair, these stories are also fueled by themes of love, family, and endurance, and woven through with a delicate thread of hope for the future.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Irda (Dragonlance: Lost Histories #2)

by Linda P. Baker

In the Beginning . . .Given life by gods, the Ogres were the most intelligent and beautful of the early races on Krynn, and they reigned supreme in their perfect kingdom . . .Until that fabled race was weakened by clan rivalries and evil ambition, their downfall orchestrated by the hand of the Dark Queen, Takhisis . . .Until the once-proud Ogres were cursed by their own mistakes and transformed into one of Krynn's most ugly, despised, and villainous species . . .All except a small group, the Irda, who learned to accept goodness, fight for their freedom, and escape to build a utopian civilization of their own on a paradise island in the Dragon Isles.The IrdaThe Lost Histories Series probes the historical roots and epic struggles of the heretofore little-known peoples of Krynn. Author Linda P. Baker sheds light on thelegendary origins of this mysterious race, The Irda.

The Ire of Iron Claw

by James Hamilton Kersten Hamilton

Someone is smuggling secrets out of the Kennewicketts' lab and sabotaging their experiments, putting everyone at the Amazing Automated Inn at risk. In pursuit of the villains, the family of scientific geniuses board their dirigible and take to the skies. Together with their robotic staff and the inventor Nikola Tesla, they must face murderous sky pirates, cross the Alps in a giant mechanical spider, and defy the perilous pigeon Iron Claw and the malevolent magician Madini once more. Will boy inventor Wally and his daring dog, Noodles, be able to defeat the evil Mesmers and their minions a second time? History and technology collide in this fast-paced series narrated by a daring dachshund and brimming with mad science.


by Aidan Harte

"If there were stars for world-building, Irenicon would be a five plus, no question," says SFX. "The book is a fountain of gorgeous detail, festooned with enriching codices and enlightening, subtly subsumed exposition," raved Sci-Fi Now. The river Irenicon is a feat of ancient Concordian engineering. Blasted through the middle of Rasenna in 1347, using Wave technology, it divided the only city strong enough to defeat the Concordian Empire. But no one could have predicted the river would become sentient--and hostile. Sofia Scaligeri, the soon-to-be Contessa of Rasenna, has inherited a city tearing itself apart from the inside. And try as she might, she can see no way of stopping the culture of vendetta that has the city in its grasp. Until a Concordian engineer arrives to build a bridge over the Irenicon, clarifying everything: the feuding factions of Rasenna can either continue to fight each other or they can unite against their shared enemy. And they will surely need to stand together--for Concord is about to unleash the Wave again.

Irenicon: The Wave Trilogy Book 1

by Aidan Harte

'Irenicon is completely fascinating' - Thinking About BooksThe river Irenicon is a feat of Concordian engineering. Blasted through the middle of Rasenna in 1347 using Wave technology, it divided the only city strong enough to defeat the Concordian Empire. But no one could have predicted it would become sentient, and hostile. Sofia Scaligeri, the soon-to-be Contessa of Rasenna, is inheriting a city tearing itself apart from the inside. She can see no way of stopping Rasenna's culture of vendetta . . . until a Concordian engineer arrives to build a bridge over the Irenicon. He shows her that the feuding factions of Rasenna can continue to fight each other, or they can unite against Concord. And they will need to stand together - for Concord is about to unleash the Wave again . . .Set in a darkly original alternative Renaissance Italy, Irenicon is a gripping adventure, a tragic love story and a very modern tale of redemption.

Irenicon: The Wave Trilogy Book 1 (Irenicon)

by Aidan Harte

'Irenicon is completely fascinating' - Thinking About BooksThe river Irenicon is a feat of Concordian engineering. Blasted through the middle of Rasenna in 1347 using Wave technology, it divided the only city strong enough to defeat the Concordian Empire. But no one could have predicted it would become sentient, and hostile. Sofia Scaligeri, the soon-to-be Contessa of Rasenna, is inheriting a city tearing itself apart from the inside. She can see no way of stopping Rasenna's culture of vendetta . . . until a Concordian engineer arrives to build a bridge over the Irenicon. He shows her that the feuding factions of Rasenna can continue to fight each other, or they can unite against Concord. And they will need to stand together - for Concord is about to unleash the Wave again . . .Set in a darkly original alternative Renaissance Italy, Irenicon is a gripping adventure, a tragic love story and a very modern tale of redemption.

Iridessa, Lost at Sea (Disney Fairies)

by Lisa Papademetriou

Fairies Iridessa and Tinker Bell find themselves trapped inside a pirate’s bottle, floating on the sea after their plans to use the bottle to scare away an owl go awry. Iridessa likes things neat and orderly, but that’s not easy when she finds herself lost at sea! Even worse, she’s trapped inside a bottle stolen from Captain Hook’s pirate ship. But, luckily, Iridessa has company--Tinker Bell, Pixie Hollow’s most famous adventurer. As the two friends bob along, they cross paths with all sorts of unusual creatures, from crocodiles to flying fish to beautiful, selfish mermaids. And gradually, Iridessa learns something new--a little adventure isn’t always such a bad thing! Pictures are described. RL: 3.1

Iridessa, Lost at Sea (Disney Fairies)

by Lisa Papademetriou

Iridessa likes things neat and orderly, but that's not easy when she finds herself lost at sea! Even worse, she's trapped inside a bottle stolen from Captain Hook's pirate ship. But, luckily, Iridessa has company--Tinker Bell, Pixie Hollow's most famous adventurer. As the two friends bob along, they cross paths with all sorts of unusual creatures, from crocodiles to flying fish to beautiful, selfish mermaids. And gradually, Iridessa learns something new--a little adventure isn't always such a bad thing!


by Edmundo Paz Soldán

Una distopía arrolladora e hipnótica sobre la forma en que se reinventan los individuos en tiempos de guerra, una fábula desoladora sobre los excesos del poder y, al final, un relato esperanzador sobre la lucha por la libertad. <P><P>En un futuro no muy lejano, en una región tóxica llamada Iris, se encuentra el Perímetro, territorio de las fuerzas colonizadoras. En el Perímetro viven Xavier, un soldado que debe lidiar con una traumática herida de combate, y el capitán Reynolds y su unidad, que, cansados ante las victorias de los irisinos liderados por Orlewen, deciden emprender su guerra particular. <P><P>El Perímetro es también el hogar de Yaz, una enfermera que se encuentra allí en busca del jün, planta sagrada que ofrece visiones psicotrópicas y trascendencia. Pero el combate no solo se libra en la capital. La lucha se traslada a Malhado, un valle florido donde -cuentan las leyendas irisinas- vive el temible Malacosa, y a Megara, centro dela explotación minera y de los mitos en torno a Xlött, el dios demoníaco en nombre del cual se inicia la batalla final por la independencia de Iris. <P><P>Iris es una novela de gran originalidad, un paso adelante en la trayectoria de Edmundo Paz Soldán. Desde la primera página, transporta a los lectores a un mundo tenebroso y los somete a su lógica, a su delirio, a su violencia y angustia.

Iris e il Mistero di Nefertari

by Billie Langford

Una bella archeologa. Un triangolo amoroso. Un mistero che circonda degli antichi reperti archeologici. Iris Maddox è una studentessa laureata in Egittologia, e non ha tempo per l’amore. Ma quando ha delle strane visioni durante un progetto di scavi, la sua vita prende una svolta drastica. Sentendosi confusa e oberata dal lavoro, Iris va a New York per prendersi una breve pausa. Mentre va a trovare suo fratello, sviluppa un interesse, ricambiato, per il suo amico, John Hale. Ma c’è anche dell’altro. Durante dei periodi difficili, Iris era stata confortata dal suo collega, Rob Marshall. Trovatasi in breve tempo intrappolata in un triangolo amoroso, Iris deve prendere delle decisioni difficili. Questa donna in carriera verrà travolta dall’amore? Una storia d’amore paranormale ambientata nel lontano Egitto, Iris è una storia d’amore travolgente con un pizzico di mistero.

Iris Through The Looking-Glass (SCP Foundation #1)

by Akira

WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?! An ordinary boy encounters the paranormal when a photo of the same girl starts inexplicably showing up in every book he opens. One day, the girl reaches out and pulls him into the photo to her location: a cell in a top-secret facility belonging to the SCP Foundation, an organization dedicated to the research and containment of people, objects and phenomena that defy reality! Even worse: they’ve deemed him a threat to be contained, and he’s going to have to work with them if he ever wants to see the outside world again!

Iris - Uma Nova Escolha Para Ser Feliz

by Billie Langford

A estudante de Egiptologia, Iris Maddox, não tem tempo para o amor. Porém, quando começa a vivenciar estranhas visões durante um projeto de escavação, sua vida dá uma drástica guinada. Sentindo-se confusa e sobrecarregada de trabalho, Iris viaja para Nova Iorque para fazer uma curta pausa. Enquanto visita o irmão, surge um mútuo interesse pelo amigo dele, John Hale. No entanto, há algo mais. Durante tempos difíceis, Iris tem se consolado com seu colega de trabalho, Rob Marshall. Logo, presa em um triângulo amoroso, Iris tem decisões difíceis a tomar. Será que a mulher focada em sua carreira cederá ao amor?

Irish Dreams

by Toni Kelly

It's one thing to resist an Irish dream, quite another to resist a dreamy Irishman. After being traded for another woman by her fiancé, Maggie decides she's had it with men. Good thing she's far away from him, in Ireland fulfilling her best friend's request to be maid-of-honor. Wicklow and the Emerald Isle are more than she, lush, and exactly what she needs. What she doesn't need is rescuing by some emerald-eyed charmer. Newly divorced, Ethan Moore is ready to enjoy bachelorhood. Only one problem...the fiery-haired Maggie Christy. Unlike any woman he's ever met, Maggie draws him close and turns him inside out. The attraction is unexpected and inconvenient, but nobody ever said true love was easy. WARNING: Exceedingly charming Irishmen and sexually explicit scenes.23,452 Words

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