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L'Arban e la Saman

by Felicia Salomone Laurel A. Rockefeller

Cosa rischieresti per amore? Corre l'anno 1211 d.C. Cinque anni dopo essere stato dichiarato "khan", Chinggis Khan e le sue orde di invasori si stanno diffondendo rapidamene su tutta la pianura della Cina settendrionale, proprio nel cuore del nűzhen. Il loro obiettivo: la conquista del potente impero Jìn. Tra i guerrieri mandati a Liaoning c'è un ufficiale di basso rango (un arban) di nome Mongke Nichan, un uomo spirituale alla ricerca della sua anima gemella al fine di compiere una profezia attesa a lungo dal suo cuore. Ma trovare la sua metà e convincerla ad accettarlo sono due cose completamente diverse in questa storia d'amore ambientata nel periodo di guerra che ti porterà nel cuore stesso del misticismo asiatico e nella parte più intima dei ranghi della possente Orda Mongola.

L'arca di Noè; La storia si ripete, solo i VIP si salvano


C’è bisogno di un cambiamento... e alla fine è arrivato. Omar si rende conto che bisogna lasciarsi alle spalle gli anni ottanta. Noah gli ispira un’idea per rigenerare la società. Ciò che segue è un’altra storia

Larceny and Lace (Vintage Magic #2)

by Annette Blair

Madeira Cutler is busy opening her new vintage clothing store in what was once the town's morgue when she discovers an intruder snooping around a bunch of bones in a body drawer. Now, she'll have to dig up more than the past to solve a crime.

Larga sinfonía en D

by Margarita Dalton

Esta nueva edición de Larga sinfonía en D y había una vez... recupera un texto clave de la literatura contracultural mexicana que durante décadas fue injustamente olvidado. Más que una novela, en estas páginas se esconde una experiencia psicodélica. Tres amigos de paso por Londres deciden probar juntos el ácido lisérgico, una droga capaz de distorsionar el tejido de la realidad y abrir la mente a estados de conciencia alternativos. En el proceso discuten sus ideas sobre el futuro, las relaciones, el arte y un sinfín de temas que fluyen de sus mentes en un torrente imparable de asociaciones semánticas y lingüísticas. Durante las diez horas que dura esta experiencia metafísica, la novela juega con la materia y el sentido del texto de una forma que nos acerca a las visiones provocadas por la sustancia: no somos simples espectadores, sino partícipes de este viaje a lo profundo de la psique humana La critica dice: «Leer Larga Sinfonía en D y había una vez... hoy no es sólo un viaje en el tiempo a esa década paradigmática, en México y el mundo, que fueron los sesenta. Es también una clave, una guía y una invitación a volver a leer con los ojos abiertos, a mirarnos en los espejos de la pared y los espejos de los ojos ajenos.» -Iván Aguirre

Larger Than Life (Jeanie & Genie #8)

by Trish Granted

In the eighth book of the Jeanie & Genie series, Willow accidentally brings dinosaurs to life!Jeanie and her best friend, Willow, are going to the zoo to see a special dinosaur safari exhibit. But since Willow is a genie who sometimes accidentally grants wishes, the girls have to be extra careful around animals like lions and tigers and bears. And they are! But…they&’re not quite as careful around the dinosaurs. Soon enough, the dinosaurs come alive! Can Jeanie and Willow fix this larger-than-life problem? With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Jeanie & Genie chapter books are perfect for emerging readers.

The Largesse of the Sea Maiden: Stories

by Denis Johnson

Twenty-five years after Jesus’ Son, a haunting new collection of short stories on mortality and transcendence, from National Book Award winner and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist Denis Johnson <p><p> The Largesse of the Sea Maiden is the long-awaited new story collection from Denis Johnson. Written in the luminous prose that made him one of the most beloved and important writers of his generation, this collection finds Johnson in new territory, contemplating the ghosts of the past and the elusive and unexpected ways the mysteries of the universe assert themselves. Finished shortly before Johnson’s death, this collection is the last word from a writer whose work will live on for many years to come.

El Largo Camino a Casa: PEM (PEM #1)

by Stephanie Albright

Sophie está en el trabajo, el viernes por la mañana, cuando se va la luz. Mientras espera que se restablezca, se da cuenta de que su teléfono celular completamente cargado no enciende. Un pensamiento horrible cruza su mente y corre a mirar por la ventana. La calle está llena de autos detenidos y gente dando vueltas mirando sus teléfonos celulares que no funcionan. Se da cuenta de que esto es mucho peor que un simple apagón y que debe actuar rápidamente si quiere sobrevivir. Sophie convence a una compañera de trabajo para que se una a su intento de llegar a casa, aunque en el fondo de su corazón sabe que se sentirá decepcionada cuando llegue allí.

The Larion Senators: The Eldarn Sequence Book 3

by Jay Gordon Rob Scott

Nerak is defeated. Steven Taylor has cast the malevolent dictator's soul into the Fold's inky void - but the evil that controlled Nerak and brutalised the people of Eldarn has escaped, and taken Mark Jenkins with it. Steven must put his own feelings to one side, for Eldarn's fate still hangs in the balance, and he remains the land's only real hope.As he and his companions make their way across country, rallying what remains of their allies, Mark, no longer the affable teacher from Colorado, disappears into the foothills of the Blackstone Mountains, determined to excavate the Larion spell table and use its awesome power to destroy Eldarn.During an epic sea journey to the enemy strongholds of northern Malakasia, Steven discovers he is stronger than he thought, but a confrontation with Mark is inevitable ... Is Steven willing to kill his best friend and face eternal exile in Eldarn to save two worlds from annihilation?Return to Eldarn for this towering finale, where our heroes face a terrifying army of mutated beasts, and the mysteries of the Larion Senators are waiting to be unlocked, for good or for evil ...

The Larion Senators: The Eldarn Sequence Book 3

by Rob Scott Jay Gordon

Nerak is defeated. Steven Taylor has cast the malevolent dictator's soul into the Fold's inky void - but the evil that controlled Nerak and brutalised the people of Eldarn has escaped, and taken Mark Jenkins with it. Steven must put his own feelings to one side, for Eldarn's fate still hangs in the balance, and he remains the land's only real hope.As he and his companions make their way across country, rallying what remains of their allies, Mark, no longer the affable teacher from Colorado, disappears into the foothills of the Blackstone Mountains, determined to excavate the Larion spell table and use its awesome power to destroy Eldarn.During an epic sea journey to the enemy strongholds of northern Malakasia, Steven discovers he is stronger than he thought, but a confrontation with Mark is inevitable ... Is Steven willing to kill his best friend and face eternal exile in Eldarn to save two worlds from annihilation?Return to Eldarn for this towering finale, where our heroes face a terrifying army of mutated beasts, and the mysteries of the Larion Senators are waiting to be unlocked, for good or for evil ...

Lark and the Wild Hunt

by Jennifer Adam

The Real Boy meets The Girl Who Drank the Moon in this magical middle grade adventure, which takes readers deep into the world of the fae on one brave young girl’s quest to save her brother.Never trust a fae. Lark Mairen knows this. In her village, the border between the fae and human worlds is as thin as a whisper, and fae trickery is nothing new.But Lark’s brother, Galin, has just disappeared into the fae realm while racing in the deadly Wild Hunt, and Lark’s only lead is a mysterious fae boy called Rook.To save her brother, she’ll have to trust Rook—even if it takes her into the dangerous fae kingdom, where she’ll untangle riddles, navigate labyrinths, and face the wicked king himself.From the author of The Last Windwitch, Lark and the Wild Hunt is the perfect blend of classic folklore and new twists, with a protagonist who will show readers that failure is nothing to fear—and resilience, bravery, and friendship can overcome even the most daunting adversaries.

The Lark and the Wren (Bardic Voices #1)

by Mercedes Lackey

If Rune could get the proper training, she could become one of the finest bards her world has ever seen. But her advantages are few, so when she decides to play her fiddle for the Ghost of Skull Hill, he agrees to a bargain--an arrangement that could mean silver for her future quest . . . or her death at the hands of the ghost.

Lark Ascending

by Silas House

Winner of the Southern Book Prize ​for Fiction * Winner of a Nautilus Award (Gold)​A timely, powerful story of survival set in the not-too-distant future that Margaret Renkl (Late Migrations) calls &“a beautiful book...shot through with such tenderness and humanity, such love and courage and beauty and hope, that it feels almost like a prayer.&” With fires devastating much of America, Lark and his family first leave their home in Maryland for Maine. But as the country increasingly falls under the grip of religious nationalism, it becomes clear that nowhere is safe, not just from physical disasters but also persecution. The family secures a place on a crowded boat headed to Ireland, the last place on earth rumored to be accepting American refugees. Upon arrival, it turns out that the safe harbor of Ireland no longer exists either—and Lark, the sole survivor of the trans-Atlantic voyage, must disappear into the countryside. As he runs for his life, Lark finds two equally lost and desperate souls: one of the last remaining dogs, who becomes his closest companion, and a fierce, mysterious woman in search of her lost son. Together they form a makeshift family and attempt to reach Glendalough, a place they believe will offer protection. But can any community provide the safety that they seek? Lark Ascending is a moving and unforgettable story of friendship and bravery, and even more, a story of the ongoing fight to protect our per­sonal freedoms and find our shared humanity, from a writer at the peak of his powers.

Lark Ascending (The Skylark Trilogy #3)

by Meagan Spooner

The thrilling conclusion to The Skylark Trilogy: Revolution is brewing in the city within the Wall. The city stands divided, and war is imminent. The rebels need a leader. After months beyond the Wall, Lark returns with Oren by her side, prepared to overthrow the Institute once and for all. But Lark's triumphant homecoming is short-lived when another leader emerges to unite the rebels: Eve, a mysterious Renewable. Lark wonders if Eve's powers will bring them strength—or bring humanity's final downfall.

Lark Rising

by Sandra Waugh

Full of romance and nature magic, this debut fantasy is perfect for fans of Shannon Hale, Juliet Marillier, and Kristin Cashore. "A beautifully realized world, a unique voice, and a compelling, action-packed story. This is a striking debut novel with a lovely folkloric flavor." --Juliet Marillier, author of Wildwood Dancing Lark has foreseen two things--she will fall for a young man with sage green eyes,and he will kill her. Sixteen-year-old Lark Carew is happiest close to home, tending her garden and gathering herbs for medicines. But when her Sight warns her that monsters called Troths will soon invade her village, Lark is summoned on a journey to seek help from the legendary Riders of Tarnec. Little does she suspect that one of the Riders, Gharain, is the very man who has haunted her visions. Or that the people of Tarnec have called her there for another reason: Lark is the Guardian of Life, the first of four Guardians who must awaken their powers to recover four stolen amulets. Together, the amulets--Life, Death, Dark, and Light--keep the world in Balance. To take back the Life amulet, Lark will have to discover her true inner strength and give in to a love that she swears will be her downfall.

Larklight: A Rousing Tale of Dauntless Pluck in the Farthest Reaches of Space

by Philip Reeve

Arthur (Art) Mumby and his irritating sister Myrtle live with their father in the huge and rambling house, Larklight, travelling through space on a remote orbit far beyond the Moon. One ordinary sort of morning they receive a correspondence informing them that a gentleman is on his way to visit, a Mr Webster. Visitors to Larklight are rare if not unique, and a frenzy of preparation ensues. But it is entirely the wrong sort of preparation, as they discover when their guest arrives, and a Dreadful and Terrifying (and marvellous) adventure begins. <p><p>It takes them to the furthest reaches of Known Space, where they must battle the evil First Ones in a desperate attempt to save each other - and the Universe. Recounted through the eyes of Art himself, Larklight is sumptuously designed and illustrated throughout.

Larmes d'or

by Gayle Ramage Alexandra Cueille

Le collier de Brisingamen - Un collier forgé par quatre nains dans les anciens temps. On dit que celui qui le porte verra ses larmes se transformer en or. Le collier de Brisingamen - Un collier actuellement entreposé dans une boîte en verre, sur une étagère, dans la salle de bain d'une maison d'Édimbourg appartenant à une femme nommée Hattie. Le collier de Brisingamen - Un collier qui va bientôt être dérobé par une voleuse qui ne se doute encore de rien. À propos de la série... Géants, lutins, sirènes... toutes ces créatures appartiennent au monde des contes. Mais que se passerait-il si elles étaient aussi réelles que vous ou moi ? Il est assez difficile de les repérer, mais si vous ouvrez bien l'œil, vous les trouverez. Grâce à ses yeux vairons, une habitante d'Édimbourg, Hattie, peut voir sans souci le gobelin assis sur un banc du parc qui fait trébucher les passants ou la salamandre qui se prélasse dans les flammes du feu de joie voisin. Tant que les créatures ne l'importunent pas, elle ne les importunera pas. Mais si elles lui cherchent des noises, elles feraient mieux de se méfier...

Larnak the Swarming Menace: Series 22 Book 2 (Beast Quest #112)

by Adam Blade

Battle fearsome beasts and fight evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up.The wicked pirate Ria has taken control of another terrifying Beast. Tom and Elenna must tackle Larnak the giant locust and stop Ria from getting to the magical Elixir Wells!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in this series - don't miss out! Menox the Sabre-toothed Terror; Larnak the Swarming Menace; Jurog, Hammer of the Jungle and Nersepha the Cursed Siren.If you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero, Sea Quest and Beast Quest: New Blood!

Larque on the Wing: A Woman Of The Iron People, Waking The Moon, And Larque On The Wing

by Nancy Springer

A middle-aged housewife whose rebellious inner child runs away with her talent transforms herself into a fearless young gay man in this winner of the James Tiptree Jr. Award. Larque Harootunian is having a midlife crisis like no other—but then again, there is much about the frumpy, middle-aged housewife and mother that could never be considered ordinary. Larque&’s lifelong ability to generate &“dopplegangers,&” for example—physical manifestations of her thoughts and emotions—has been a constant source of stress. And now she is being tormented by Skylark, a re-creation of her younger self, an angry inner child who is tormenting Larque about abandoning her youthful ambitions while running away with her artistic abilities, thereby depriving the older Larque of a livelihood as a painter of kitsch. But perhaps this is Larque&’s opportunity to explore her options. Acquiescing to Sky&’s demands that she change herself, Larque tries on a series of different personas—to the consternation of her mother, husband, and teenage sons—and finds her way to Popular Street. There, among the devil-may-care misfits, Larque can be Lark, a handsome young gay man, and quite possibly discover what her life is really about. In her critically acclaimed contemporary fantasy, multiple award–winning author Nancy Springer breaks through boundaries while provocatively comingling the real and the surreal. Larque on the Wing is a marvel—a moving, funny, surprising, and transcendent tale of one woman&’s strange quest to come to terms with who she truly is.

Larque on the Wing

by Nancy Springer

A middle-aged housewife whose rebellious inner child runs away with her talent transforms herself into a fearless young gay man in this winner of the James Tiptree Jr. Award. Larque Harootunian is having a midlife crisis like no other—but then again, there is much about the frumpy, middle-aged housewife and mother that could never be considered ordinary. Larque&’s lifelong ability to generate &“dopplegangers,&” for example—physical manifestations of her thoughts and emotions—has been a constant source of stress. And now she is being tormented by Skylark, a re-creation of her younger self, an angry inner child who is tormenting Larque about abandoning her youthful ambitions while running away with her artistic abilities, thereby depriving the older Larque of a livelihood as a painter of kitsch. But perhaps this is Larque&’s opportunity to explore her options. Acquiescing to Sky&’s demands that she change herself, Larque tries on a series of different personas—to the consternation of her mother, husband, and teenage sons—and finds her way to Popular Street. There, among the devil-may-care misfits, Larque can be Lark, a handsome young gay man, and quite possibly discover what her life is really about. In her critically acclaimed contemporary fantasy, multiple award–winning author Nancy Springer breaks through boundaries while provocatively comingling the real and the surreal. Larque on the Wing is a marvel—a moving, funny, surprising, and transcendent tale of one woman&’s strange quest to come to terms with who she truly is.

LarryBoy and the Mudslingers: Level 1 (I Can Read! / Big Idea Books / VeggieTales)

by Doug Peterson

A Lesson in Saying SorryA day at the water park turns messy for some Veggie friends. Can LarryBoy and Alfred lend a hand and save the day?This is a Level One I Can Read! book, which means it&’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences. It aligns with guided reading level J and will be of interest to children Pre-K to 3rd grade.


by Nell Gavin Sandra Cifuentes Dowling

Corre el año de 1536. Enrique y Ana están a merced de influencias que escapan a su control, han demostrado ser explosivamente incompatibles y se hallan atrapados en una historia que acabará en traición, tan feroz para Ana que requerirá de muchas vidas hasta lograr recuperarse. Enrique, aparentemente en defensa de Ana -aunque más bien por mera perversión, según la propia Ana observa-, aterroriza Inglaterra decretando asesinatos masivos por cuestiones políticas con el fin de protegerla. Ante el horror de Ana, su alguna vez apasionado esposo se vuelve finalmente contra ella y acaba ejecutándola. Esta ficción sobre reencarnaciones comienza con la ejecución de Ana. Su furia por la traición de su esposo tiene el suficiente ímpetu para perdurar siglos, pero la protagonista del libro percibe que la tarea será durísima: deberá revivir su historia junto a Enrique a lo largo de una serie de vidas pasadas y descubrir el perdón dentro de ella. La misión es muy difícil y podría tomarle largo tiempo cumplirla. El esposo en cuestión es Enrique Tudor, el famosísimo rey Enrique VIII. La narradora es la terca y voluble Ana Bolena, quien no muestra disposición alguna a perdonar. Qué duda cabe: esta es una historia de amor inusual. Las Reencarnaciones de Ana Bolena, en su versión en inglés (Threads), fue finalista del concurso William Faulkner en categoría Mejor Novela. Nell Gavin también es autora de Hang On, novela ganadora de medalla de plata en los premios Living Now Book y elegida entre las opiniones de Red Adept como título selecto con calificación de "extraordinario en su género".

The Lascar's Dagger: Book 1 of The Forsaken Lands (The Forsaken Lands #1)

by Glenda Larke

FAITH WILL NOT SAVE HIM.Saker looks like a simple priest, but in truth he's a spy for the head of his faith. It's a dangerous job, and more lives than merely his own depend on his secrecy.When Saker is wounded by a Lascar sailor's blade the weapon seems to follow him home. Unable to discard it, nor the sense of responsibility that comes with it, Saker can only follow its lead. It will put him on a journey to strange shores, on a path that will reveal terrible secrets about the empire, about the people he serves, and likely lead to his own destruction. The Lascar's dagger demands a price, and that price will be paid in blood.

The Lascar's Dagger: The Forsaken Lands (The Forsaken Lands #1)

by Glenda Larke

Faith will not save him.Saker appears to be a simple priest, but in truth he's a spy for the head of his faith. Wounded in the line of duty by a Lascar sailor's blade, the weapon seems to follow him home. Unable to discard it, nor the sense of responsibility it brings, Saker can only follow its lead.The dagger puts Saker on a journey to distant shores, on a path that will reveal terrible secrets about the empire, about the people he serves, and destroy the life he knows. The Lascar's dagger demands a price, and that price will be paid in blood.

L'Ascension de Proxima: Hard Science Fiction (Proxima Centauri #1)

by Brandon Q. Morris

À la fin du XXIe siècle, la Terre reçoit ce qui semble être un appel à l’aide urgent venant de la planète Proxima du Centaure b, située dans le système stellaire le plus proche du Soleil. Les astrophysiciens soupçonnent qu’une éruption solaire massive est sur le point de détruire cette civilisation inconnue jusqu’alors. Les programmes spatiaux de la Terre ne sont pas équipés pour pouvoir les aider, mais un milliardaire russe sans scrupules lance un vaisseau spatial secret et hautement spécialisé vers Proxima b, à plus de quatre années-lumière. L’équipage inhabituel est confronté à une tâche herculéenne, s’il survit au voyage. Personne ne sait à quoi s’attendre sur cette planète étrangère.

Lash (El ángel roto #1)

by L. G. Castillo Teresa Cano

Un ángel rebelde. Un amor prohibido. Las normas de un ángel son muy simples: obedecer a los arcángeles, no mostrarse ante los humanos y nunca, jamás, eFantasía Paranormalnamorarse de ninguno de ellos. Lash rompe con todo. Unas décadas después de haber sido expulsado del Cielo y condenado a vivir en la Tierra por desafiar a los arcángeles, a Lash le ofrecen una última oportunidad para redimirse. Su misión: proteger a Naomi Duran, una atractiva chica, destrozada por la muerte de su padre. Sin embargo, la asignación no parece ser tan sencilla cuando se percata de que los arcángeles le ocultan información sobre Naomi y se niegan a devolverle sus poderes. Cuando una fuente inesperada le revela secretos ocultos durante siglos, su fe se ve alterada y empieza a dudar de aquellos que una vez fueron sus mejores aliados. Decidido a evitar cualquier cosa que pudiera poner en peligro su oportunidad de regresar a casa, Lash se ve obligado a luchar contra el mayor obstáculo para ello: sus sentimientos por Naomi. Lash tendrá que elegir entre volver a casa o quedarse con un amor prohibido que no puede soportar perder.

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