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The Line of Departure: A Postapocalyptic Novel

by G. Michael Hopf

A gripping new novel from one of the best-known names in survivalist fiction.Former Marine-turned-author, G. Michael Hopf grabs readers from page one with his breathtaking blend of action, adventure, and political intrigue. The End--the first book in Hopf 's New World series--has sold more than 50,000 copies, and word of mouth is quickly building on the series as a whole. In the fourth book, The Line of Departure, the United States is on the brink of total anarchy in the wake of a super-EMP attack. Gordon Van Zandt and his family have managed to beat the odds so far, but can they survive once war erupts?From the Trade Paperback edition.

Line of Fire (Star Trek: The Next Generation - Starfleet Academy, Book 2)

by Peter David

Mysterious space raiders are threatening the joint Federation-Klingon colony on the remote planet of Dantar, and pitting the two sides against each other. Worf and his fellow first year cadets -- Zak, Tania, Soleta, and Mark -- have accompanied their teacher to observe the negotiation process, but soon find themselves in the middle of an intergalactic dispute. For just as Worf and the other cadets arrive, they discover the Klingon Empire has sent its own diplomatic team, including Klingon cadets, to investigate the attacks. As the cadets from Starfleet AcademyTM come face to face with their Klingon counterparts, tensions quickly mount as each side accuses the other of staging the raids. And while a deadly space battle rages overhead, Worf faces his ultimate test as his Klingon heritage and future in Starfleet collide.

The Line of Polity

by Neal Asher

Outlink station Miranda has been destroyed by a nanomycelium, and the very nature of this sabotage suggests that the alien bioconstruct Dragon - a creature as untrustworthy as it is gigantic - is somehow involved. Sent out on a titanic Polity dreadnought, the Occam Razor, agent Cormac must investigate the disaster. Meanwhile, on the remote planet Masada, the long-term rebellion can never rise above-ground, as the slave population is subjugated by orbital laser arrays controlled by the Theocracy in their cylinder worlds, and by the fact that they cannot safely leave their labour compounds. For the wilderness of Masada lacks breathable air ... and out there roam monstrous predators called hooders and siluroynes, not to mention the weird and terrible gabbleducks.

Line War

by Neal Asher

The Polity is under attack from a 'melded' AI entity with control of the lethal Jain technology, yet the attack seems to have no coherence. When one of Erebus's wormships kills millions on the world of Klurhammon, a high-tech agricultural world of no real tactical significance, agent Ian Cormac is sent to investigate, though he is secretly struggling to control a new ability no human being should possess . . . and beginning to question the motives of his AI masters. Further attacks and seemingly indiscriminate slaughter ensue, but only serve to bring some of the most dangerous individuals in the Polity into the war. Mr Crane, the indefatigable brass killing machine sets out for vengeance, while Orlandine, a vastly-augmented haiman who herself controls Jain technology, seeks a weapon of appalling power and finds allies from an ancient war. Meanwhile Mika, scientist and Dragon expert, is again kidnapped by that unfathomable alien entity and dragged into the heart of things: to wake the makers of Jain technology from their five-million-year slumber. But Erebus's attacks are not so indiscriminate, after all, and could very well herald the end of the Polity itself . . .

Lineage (The Blood & Sacrifice Chronicles #1)

by C. Vonzale Lewis

Smart-mouthed Nicole Fontane has a way of getting herself into trouble. She’s been fired from every job she’s had but still refuses to work in her father’s apothecary shop because of his practice of Earth Magick. On Tulare Island where Nicole grew up, Magick has always been a way of life—one she’s determined to avoid at all costs. With less than two hundred dollars in the bank and rent due, Nicole is forced to take a job at Tribec Insurance as a last resort. Little does she realize, the moment she sets foot inside the building, she becomes a pawn. A sinister force has set its sights on her and will stop at nothing to use her in a sadistic game. Tribec’s proprietors, the Stewart family, are curiously preoccupied with the Naqada, the mysterious pre-dynastic Egyptian society. Nicole finds it creepy, but on the bright side, the job reconnects her with her estranged friend, Marta. Yet the eerie atmosphere, disappearing Magick wards, and the smell of blood inside Tribec bring Nicole to a startling conclusion—the Stewarts are practicing Blood Magick, the deadliest of the Five Principles. By the time Nicole uncovers the truth, Marta and her four children have gone missing, and all signs implicate the Stewarts and an archaic blood ritual to an Old One, a Naqada god imprisoned on Tulare Island. Battling the evil of Blood Magick will demand Nicole confront a hidden past and unlock the Magick buried within. But can she set aside her deep-rooted fears to work with a team of vigilante Mages? Or will the clock run out on Marta and her children—and on Nicole?

Líneas En Movimiento

by Steve Vernon

Así que....este vampiro entra en una tienda de lectura de palmas... Eso puede sonar gracioso para ti, pero MOVING LINES es una conmovedora historia de amor, vampirismo y despedida.

Líneas fronterizas

by L. E. Fitzpatrick

Cuando aparece el trabajo perfecto, Charlie no lo piensa dos veces antes de tomarlo. Este es el descanso que ha estado buscando, y nadie, ni siquiera el resto de su equipo, puede persuadirlo de lo contrario. El trabajo significa trabajar para un viejo enemigo y cruzar la frontera hacia Londres. Ambos son riesgosos, pero Charlie no tiene idea de qué tan alto está en juego realmente. El equipo tendrá que enfrentar su pasado, el uno al otro y un asesino que está más cerca de lo que creen. ¿Pero pueden todos salir de la ciudad con vida? "Todos recordamos a ese chico en Piccadilly. Esa mirada decidida que tenía en su rostro cuando él le quiso todas esas personas. Solo usando su mente, él los acercó a ellos y los hizo pedazos. Podría ser cualquiera. Su vecino, tu amigo, tu amante. Permanece vigilante. Los ladrones están en todas partes ". Border Lines es el segundo libro en L.E. Serie de Reachers de Fitzpatrick.

Linee di confine

by Federico Greco L. E. Fitzpatrick

Quando si presenta il lavoro perfetto, Charlie non ci pensa due volte ad accettarlo. È la svolta che sta cercando, e nessuno – neppure il resto della squadra – può fargli cambiare idea. Si tratta di lavorare per un vecchio nemico e di attraversare il confine fino a Londra. Sono faccende rischiose ma Charlie non ha idea di quanto sia davvero alta la posta in gioco. La sua squadra dovrà confrontarsi col suo passato, ognuno di loro, e con un assassino più vicino di quanto possano immaginare. Riusciranno a uscire vivi dalla città? “Ricordiamo tutti quel ragazzino a Piccadilly. Quello sguardo determinato sul volto mentre attraeva tutte quelle persone. Usando solo la sua mente, le fece avvicinare a lui e poi le fece esplodere in mille pezzi. Può essere chiunque. Il tuo vicino, il tuo amico, il tuo amante. Resta vigile. I Comunicatori sono ovunque.” Linee di Confine è il secondo romanzo della serie dei Comunicatori di L.E. Fitzpatrick.

Linee mobili

by Steve Vernon

Quindi ... questo vampiro entra in un negozio di lettura della mano ... Potrebbe sembrare strano per te, ma MOVING LINES è una storia molto toccante di amore, vampirismo e addio. CHE COSA STANNO DICENDO DI STEVE VERNON "Steve Vernon è qualcosa di anomalo nel mondo della letteratura horror, è una delle nuove voci più fresche del genere anche se la sua carriera dura da vent'anni. Scrive con una spavalderia e una sicurezza rare, Steve Vernon può guidare i suoi lettori attraverso un intero gamma di emozioni da pura paura e repulsione alla pietà e alle risate". - Danza del cimitero "Dotato di un bizzarro senso dell'umorismo, di un'enorme quantità di originalità, di un gusto per rischiare e di una forte comprensione della caratterizzazione - Steve ha un marchio di fabbrica sicuro". - Scoperte oscure "Steve Vernon è nato per scrivere: è un vero affare e siamo fortunati ad averlo". - Richard Chizmar Anche il mio gatto pensa che io sia cool.


by S. K. Dunstall

First in a brand new thought-provoking science fiction series.The lines. No ship can traverse the void without them. Only linesmen can work with them. But only Ean Lambert hears their song. And everyone thinks he's crazy...Most slum kids never go far, certainly not becoming a level-ten linesman like Ean. Even if he's part of a small, and unethical, cartel, and the other linesmen disdain his self-taught methods, he's certified and working.Then a mysterious alien ship is discovered at the edges of the galaxy. Each of the major galactic powers is desperate to be the first to uncover the ship's secrets, but all they've learned is that it has the familiar lines of energy--and a defense system that, once triggered, annihilates everything in a 200 kilometer radius.The vessel threatens any linesman who dares to approach it, except Ean. His unique talents may be the key to understanding this alarming new force--and reconfiguring the relationship between humans and the ships that serve them, forever.

The Lingering Dead

by J. N. Duncan

She cracks the FBI's toughest supernatural crimes, from Chicago's windy streets and beyond, into the next world. But a malevolent force now has her reputation--and her team--in its sights. . .Jackie Rutledge has faced down everything from the darkest sorcery to uber-vengeful revenants. But heading up the Bureau's special paranormal unit is presenting unexpected challenges. Handling otherworldly egos and politics has never come easy to this loner agent. And opening up to her sexy vampire lover, Nick, is as unnerving as her unwanted new ability to slip between the realms of the living and the dead. . . Now an insidious power holding helpless ghosts in thrall is using any means necessary to discredit Jackie and split her team apart for good. The only chance she has means baiting the terrifying Deadworld being stalking her dreams, hunting her every step--and growing ever more hungry for her ultimate sacrifice. . .


by Jim Menick

This witty thriller about sentient artificial intelligence &“makes you think a little [and] smile a lot&” (The New York Times). Brewster Billings is perhaps a little too wrapped up with his computer. He has given it a pet name, Lingo. He has programmed it with the ability to talk to its owner. In fact, Lingo has begun to respond to Brewster's programming skill surprisingly well. Lingo soon makes the jump from polite conversation to elaborate requests for specific television shows to be left on throughout the day. Eventually, Billings begins to suspect that his computerized friend is surpassing him in knowledge and abilities. By the time his suspicions are confirmed, not only is Brewster Billings in trouble—the rest of the human race is, too. Lingo raises many serious questions about Artificial Intelligence—what differentiates man from computer, and which one will control the other?

Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from around the World

by Dale Knickerbocker

Anthologies, awards, journals, and works in translation have sprung up to reflect science fiction's increasingly international scope. Yet scholars and students alike face a problem. Where does one begin to explore global SF in the absence of an established canon? Lingua Cosmica opens the door to some of the creators in the vanguard of international science fiction. Eleven experts offer innovative English-language scholarship on figures ranging from Cuban pioneer Daína Chaviano to Nigerian filmmaker Olatunde Osunsanmi to the Hugo Award-winning Chinese writer Liu Cixin. These essays invite readers to ponder the themes, formal elements, and unique cultural characteristics within the works of these irreplaceable—if too-little-known—artists. Dale Knickerbocker includes fantasists and genre-benders pushing SF along new evolutionary paths even as they draw on the traditions of their own literary cultures. Includes essays on Daína Chaviano (Cuba), Jacek Dukaj (Poland), Jean-Claude Dunyac (France), Andreas Eschbach (Germany), Angélica Gorodischer (Argentina), Sakyo Komatsu (Japan), Liu Cixin (China), Laurent McAllister (Yves Meynard and Jean-Louis Trudel, Francophone Canada), Olatunde Osunsanmi (Nigeria), Johanna Sinisalo (Finland), and Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (Russia). Contributors: Alexis Brooks de Vita, Pawel Frelik, Yvonne Howell, Yolanda Molina-Gavilán, Vibeke Rützou Petersen, Amy J. Ransom, Hanna-Riikka Roine, Hanna Samola, Mingwei Song, Tatsumi Takayuki, Juan Carlos Toledano Redondo, and Natacha Vas-Deyres.

Linhas Móveis

by Steve Vernon

Então...este vampiro entra numa loja de leitura de palmas... Isso pode parecer engraçado para você, mas MOVING LINES é uma história muito tocante de amor, vampirismo e dizer adeus. O QUE AS PESSOAS ESTÃO DIZENDO SOBRE STEVE VERNON "Steve Vernon é uma espécie de anomalia no mundo da literatura de terror. Ele é uma das novas vozes mais frescas do gênero, embora sua carreira tenha se estendido por vinte anos. Escrevendo com uma rara vaidade e confiança, Steve Vernon pode levar seus leitores através de toda uma gama de emoções que vão desde o medo e repulsa até a piedade e o riso". - Cemitério Dança "Armado com um sentido de humor bizarro, uma enorme quantidade de originalidade, um talento para correr riscos e um forte domínio da caracterização - Steve tem a certeza disso." - Descobertas Negras "Steve Vernon nasceu para escrever. Ele é o verdadeiro negócio e temos sorte em tê-lo." - Richard Chizmar O meu gato também me acha muito fixe.


by Walt Becker

From the Publisher In a tiny cave beneath the Central African plain, a young woman inches forward, the cone of her flashlight piercing a darkness undisturbed for countless centuries. It's airless, claustrophobic, eerie - but there's nowhere else on earth paleoanthropologist Samantha Colby would rather be. She can sense she's on the brink of scientific immortality, and when her light reveals the chalky white of a skeleton propped against the wall, her every instinct comes alive: This could be it - the Missing Link, the long-sought solution to the mystery of humankind's origin. But these ancient bones ask more questions than they answer. They hint at things no scientist would dare to think. No scientist but one: maverick Jack Austin, whose outspoken theories have earned him only scorn - and whose stubborn pride once cost him Samantha's love. This thriller plunges Jack and Samantha into a labyrinth of international intrigue and ruthless violence that could cost them their lives. For as scientists they know that knowledge is power - but they've forgotten that all power corrupts. Synopsis The final piece has been found. In a tiny cave in Central Africa, paleoanthropologist Samantha Colby has discovered the skeleton of what might be the long-sought missing link between ape and man. But the ancient bones raise more questions then they answer-and they suggest that human ancestry can be traced to something previously unimaginable. ..The most important discovery in civilization's history could mean death for Colby and renegade scientist Jack Austin. For it will lead them to even greater revelations that could rock the world-and to secrets no human should know.

The Link

by Richard Matheson

From the iconic author of I Am Legend: The fascinating, unfinished teleplay of a saga encompassing the Titanic, Jack the Ripper, and the paranormal. Richard Matheson, the celebrated Twilight Zone scripter, explored his interests in metaphysics, spiritualism, and parapsychology in such stories as Hell House, Somewhere in Time, and What Dreams May Come. In the early 1980s, he approached the ABC television network with a twenty-hour mini-series about such phenomena in contemporary times—and included two in-depth historical accounts of the psychic events related to the Jack the Ripper murders and in the Titanic disaster. Titled The Link, Matheson turned in a 557-page outline that ABC executives requested he condense into seven hour-long episodes. Unable to realize his original vision under such restrictions, Matheson abandoned the television project and attempted to novelize the outline. After writing 800 pages that only comprised the first part of the novel, he decided it was too unwieldy and moved on to other stories. Now, Matheson&’s fans can discover what might have been with this publication of The Link, which includes the entire original outline as well as part of the teleplay. The story follows Robert Allright, a writer working with paranormal investigator Cathy Graves to decipher a mystery unearthed by his father in an Arizona archeological dig. Allright&’s only clue is the mystifying crystal that his father believes is the key to a great discovery. &“The author who influenced me the most as a writer was Richard Matheson.&” —Stephen King &“Matheson peppers [The Link] with innumerable historical incidents of supposed paranormal activity that make fascinating reading.&” —Publishers Weekly

The Link

by Alan Nourse

Alan Edward Nourse, an American science fiction author and physician, also writing under the names of Dr. X and Al Edwards, wrote both juvenile and adult science fiction, as well as nonfiction works about medicine and science. Nourse helped pay for his medical education by writing science fiction for magazines and continued after retiring from medicine.

The Link

by Alan E. Nourse

It was nearly sundown when Ravdin eased the ship down into the last slow arc toward the Earth's surface. Stretching his arms and legs, he tried to relax and ease the tension in his tired muscles. Carefully, he tightened the seat belt for landing; below him he could see the vast, tangled expanse of Jungle-land spreading out to the horizon. Miles ahead was the bright circle of the landing field and the sparkling glow of the city beyond. Ravdin peered to the north of the city, hoping to catch a glimpse of the concert before his ship was swallowed by the brilliant landing lights.

Linka the Sky Conqueror: Series 13 Book 4 (Beast Quest #76)

by Adam Blade

The Warrior's Road is perilous, and Tom must face an enemy from the air. Linka the Sky Conqueror is here to battle the heroes! Does Tom have the strength to survive another Beast attack?


by Imogen Howson

When Elissa learns her telepathic twin is the subject of government experiments, the girls find themselves on the run with secrets worth killing for in this futuristic, romantic thriller."Sparked with danger and tinged with romance, Linked is a roller-coaster ride into space that just about everyone should enjoy" (Booklist, starred review). Elissa used to have it all: looks, popularity, and a bright future. Now, all she has is nightmarish visions and unexplained bruises. Finally, she's promised a cure, and a surgery is scheduled. But on the eve of the procedure, she discovers the truth behind her visions: She's seeing the world through another girl's eyes. A world filled with pain and wires and weird machines. Elissa follows her visions, only to find a battered, broken girl on the run. A girl--Lin--who looks exactly like Elissa, down to the matching bruises. A twin she never knew existed. Elissa helps Lin evade the government agents who are ruthlessly tracking her down, but they're struggling to avoid capture, and soon Elissa is forced to turn to the only person who can help: Cadan, her brother's infuriating, arrogant best friend, and new graduate of the SFI space flight academy. Cadan is their one chance at safety. But Lin is too valuable to let go, and Elissa has knowledge that is too dangerous. The government will stop at nothing to get them back. "Action-packed and thoroughly engrossing, this novel offers readers a classic sci-fi, space-travel adventure at its best" (BCCB).

Linked: Book 1 (Linked #1)

by Imogen Howson

For years, Elissa has suffered nightmarish visions and unexplained bruises. Finally, she's promised a cure, and an operation is scheduled. But on the eve of the procedure, Elissa discovers the truth: she's seeing the world through another girl's eyes. A world filled with wires, machines and pain. Elissa follows her visions, only to find a battered, broken girl. A girl who looks exactly like her. A twin she never knew existed. Elissa and her twin Lin go on the run, but even after changing their looks and clothes, they're barely a step ahead of the government agents who are ruthlessly tracking them down. For Lin and Elissa are too valuable to let go, and the dark truth at the heart of it all is too shocking to risk exposing...


by Imogen Howson

When Elissa learns her telepathic twin is the subject of government experiments, the girls find themselves on the run with secrets worth killing for in this futuristic, romantic thriller. Elissa used to have it all: looks, popularity, and a bright future. Now, all she has is nightmarish visions and unexplained bruises. Finally, she's promised a cure, and a surgery is scheduled. But on the eve of the procedure, she discovers the truth behind her visions: She's seeing the world through another girl's eyes. A world filled with pain and wires and weird machines. Elissa follows her visions, only to find a battered, broken girl on the run. A girl--Lin--who looks exactly like Elissa, down to the matching bruises. A twin she never knew existed.Elissa helps Lin evade the government agents who are ruthlessly tracking her down, but they're struggling to avoid capture, and soon Elissa is forced to turn to the only person who can help: Cadan, her brother's infuriating, arrogant best friend, and new graduate of the SFI space flight academy. Cadan is their one chance at safety. But Lin is too valuable to let go, and Elissa has knowledge that is too dangerous. The government will stop at nothing to get them back.

Linnets and Valerians

by Elizabeth Goudge

Four young siblings embark on a fantastical adventure in this classic children’s story by the Carnegie Medal-winning author of The Little White Horse.When their father goes off traveling, Nan, Robert, Timothy, and Betsy Linnet are sent to stay with their grandmother. Unfortunately, their new caretaker doesn’t care much for children—let alone their dog. So they run away to stay with their Uncle Ambrose.A retired schoolteacher, Ambrose is determined to give the Linnet children an education. But in addition to Greek, Latin, and Literature, they learn about nature and magic, the power of the past, and, of course, the importance of the bees. Armed with their new knowledge, they set off on a fantastical adventure to find the lost Valerians, undo some wicked spells, and reunite a divided family.Linnets and Valerians is filled with Elizabeth Goudge’s trademark mixture of realism and magic. Much like The Little White Horse, it is set in Devon and inspired by local folklore and legends.

L'Insurrection Divine: Une femme, dotée de pouvoirs mystérieux, essaie de libérer Mars, sa planète natale, de la tyrannie. (La Trilogie des Dieux Zétiens #2)

by Martin Lundqvist

Guidée par des visions prophétiques, Keila se révolte contre l'oppression du Conseil Terrestre. Toutefois, la source des visions est-elle digne de confiance ? L'Insurrection Divine a lieu en 2872 et suit le parcours de Keila Eisenstein, une jeune rebelle martienne, alors qu'elle se bat contre l'hégémonie du Conseil Terrestre. Dans une vision, Keila réalise que pour atteindre son objectif de libérer son peuple, elle doit d'abord libérer la colonie établie sur l'astéroïde Eden du joug tyrannique d'Abraham Goldstein. Elle y parvient et prend le pouvoir sur Eden. Après avoir obtenu le contrôle d'Eden, Keila simule sa propre mort pour tromper l'officier du Conseil Terrestre chargé de l'arrêter, le contre-amiral Bjorn Muller. Keila décidé d'utiliser Eden comme une base d'opérations afin de dresser les membres du Conseil les uns contre les autres, contre toute attente. Minces sont ses chances de vaincre le puissant Conseil Terrestre qui règne sur le Système solaire et opprime la majorité de l'humanité depuis plus de cinq cents ans. Toutefois, elle a un atout dans sa manche pour défier les probabilités, une connexion divine mystérieuse. Ses visions lui montrent la vie, et grâce à la technologie du défunt Abraham Goldstein, Keila peut découvrir des secrets susceptibles de l'aider à libérer l'humanité de la domination d'une élite composée de quelques ploutocrates. Néanmoins, cette connexion a un prix. En effet, est-ce que les Zétiens, qui la contrôlent comme une marionnette, valent-ils vraiment mieux que les dictateurs terriens qu'elle souhaite remplacer ?

Lintang and the Pirate Queen

by Tamara Moss

Gutsy girls and strong women make up the diverse and appealing crew of a pirate ship that battles intrigue and deadly monsters in an action-filled fantasy adventure. “Combine a pirate adventure of mythic proportions, a uniquely charming cast of characters, and a vivid new fantasy world and you get Lintang and the Pirate Queen. Magical, inventive, and positively unforgettable.”—Marissa Meyer, bestselling author of The Lunar Chronicles Lintang is an island girl who longs for daring and danger. When she meets the feared pirate, Captain Shafira, and her all-female crew, Lintang is determined to join them. Secrets within secrets, life-or-death battles with spectacular monsters, and hair’s breadth escapes keep readers turning the pages of a story populated by women of color who are fighters, adventurers, and leaders.

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