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Mister Boots

by Carol Emshwiller

Bobby Lassiter has some important secrets-but it’s not as if anyone’s paying attention. It’s the middle of the Depression, and while Bobby’s mother and older sister knit all day to make money, Bobby explores the California desert around their home. That’s how Bobby finds Boots. He’s under their one half-dead tree, halfdead himself. Right away he’s a secret, too-a secret to be fed and clothed and taken care of, and even more of a secret because of what he can do. Sometimes Boots is a man. Sometimes he’s (really, truly) a horse. He and Bobby both know something about magic-and those who read this book will, too. "A wonderful story about a man who is a horse, and a boy who is a girl-about fake magic and real love-about deaths that are part of living and the pain that pays for joy. I love it. ”-Ursula K. Le Guin .

Mister Impossible (The Dreamer Trilogy #2)

by Maggie Stiefvater

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Raven Boys, a mesmerizing story of dreams and desires, death and destiny.Something is happening to the source of the dreamers' power. It is blocked. Diminished. Weak. If it goes away entirely, what will happen to the dreamers and those who depend on them?Ronan Lynch isn't planning to wait and find out. Backed by his mentor, Bryde, he is ready to do what needs to be done to save the dreamers and the dreamed . . . even if it takes him far from his family and the boy he loves.Jordan Hennessy knows she will not survive if the dreaming fails. So she plunges into a dark underworld in order to find an object that may sustain her.Carmen Farooq-Lane is afraid of the dreamers -- which is why she's agreed to hunt them down. The closer she gets, though, the more complicated her feelings become. Will the dreamers destroy the world . . . or will the world be destroyed trying to eliminate the dreamers?In the remarkable second book of The Dreamer Trilogy, Maggie Stiefvater pushes her characters to their limits -- and shows what happens when they start to break.

Mister Justice

by Doris Piserchia

Were those strange episodes of retribution the work of a time-traveling man of honor - or a power-mad avenger?

Mister Mammoth

by Matt Kindt

Mister Mammoth is the world&’s greatest detective and the kind of person you don&’t forget. Being a seven-foot-tall pacifist who&’s covered head to toe with an impressive collection of horrific scars makes quite the impression.But he might be losing his edge. He can't seem to solve his latest case and he&’s distracted with a strange obsession with a soap opera actress who doesn't even know he exists. His new case holds clues that might finally unlock the secret of his traumatic childhood. The question is: is he solving a crime — or planning one?MISTER MAMMOTH is the first-ever original graphic novel from Matt Kindt&’s all-new imprint, Flux House, which features crime, science fiction, and humor stories, all told in startling and untraditional ways. For MISTER MAMMOTH, Kindt — the bestselling creator of MIND MGMT and DEPT H. — is joined by internationally acclaimed artist Jean-Denis Pendanx, who&’s making his U.S. debut. Upcoming Flux House publications will take many forms. Matchboxes! Briefcases! Cards! Don&’t miss this first-ever Flux House graphic novel.

Mister Monday (The Keys to the Kingdom, Book #1)

by Garth Nix

ARTHUR PENHALIGON is not supposed to be a hero. He is, in fact, supposed to die an early death. But then his life is saved by a key shaped like the minute hand of a clock. Arthur is safe but his world is not. Along with the key comes a plague brought by bizarre creatures from another realm. A stranger named Mister Monday, his avenging messengers with bloodstained wings, and an army of dog-faced Fetchers will stop at nothing to get the key back, even if it means destroying Arthur and everything around him. Desperate, Arthur ventures into a mysterious house, a house that only he can see. It is in this house that Arthur must unravel the secrets of the key and discover his true fate. The first book of a spellbinding series by Garth Nix, the author of The Seventh Tower, Sabrlel, Lirael, and Abhorsen.

Mister X: Eviction

by Dean Motter

The psychetecture upon which Radiant City was built is driving its residents insane, and only Mister X can help! If that wasn't enough, a government coup has thrust Radiant City into turmoil, initiating a countdown that could embroil everyone Mister X holds dear in a deadly new conflict! This volume collects Mister X: Eviction #1-#3, Mister X: Hard Candy, and the rarely seen short story Mister X: The Vanishing Breed. * A great jumping-on point to the classic series! * What is the secret behind Radiant City's pyschetecture?!

El misterio de las flores azules (Amores a destiempo #Volumen 1)

by Elizabeth Bowman

Ella viajó en el tiempo buscando desesperadamente su lugar en el mundo, sin comprender que, al salvarse a sí misma, también le estaba salvando a él. Eloíse Harley es una joven de estética gótica e inclinaciones wiccanas que no acaba de encajar en el mundo. Huérfana desde muy pequeña, tímida, reservada, solitaria y de excéntrico exterior, siempre ha sido una incomprendida. Su única amiga en el mundo es lady Coverdale, la anciana tarotista que dos años atrás le ha ofrecido empleo en su tienda esotérica para ejercer en su vida el rol de abuela. Mathew Osbourne es un caballero taciturno y melancólico. Sobre su apellido ha caído la sombra de la desgracia. Su padre, recién desposado en segundas nupcias con una mujer que a ningún miembro de la familia agrada, fallece de un ataque al corazón después de semanas enfermo. Poco después fallece su querida esposa, y su propia hermana Seline es también arrancada del hogar familiar para serencerrada en un sanatorio. En medio de su abominable tristeza y soledad, Mathew lucha con los sentimientos de culpa e impotencia. Una abuela dispuesta a todo por salvar a los que quiere, un conjuro llevado a cabo en una noche mágica, un viaje a través del tiempo, el anhelo de Eloíse de encontrar desesperadamente su lugar en el mundo, la necesidad de Mathew de aliviar el sentimiento de culpa que ensombrece su alma, una mujer malvada dominada por el deseo de venganza y unas misteriosas flores azules que parecen ser el centro de la negra sombra de los Osbourne.

El misterio de los colibrís (Saga Flambus Green #Volumen)

by Roberto Pavanello

Alguien se ha llevado los colibrís del invernadero. ¡Flambus y la Célula Verde se enfrentan a un misterio difícil de resolver! En el jardín botánico de Futura ha ocurrido algo increíble: ha florecido una planta tropical desconocida hasta el momento y los únicos seres capaces de polinizarla son los colibrís. ¡Pero estos particulares pájaros han desaparecido! No hay tiempo que perder, Flambus Green y sus amigos tendrán que salir en su busca. «Yo, Flambus Green, juro defender los árboles que me han sido confiados a costa de mi propia vida y hacer buen uso de la verdesavia que recibiré en ofrenda.»

El misterio de Punta Escondida (Rexcatadores #Volumen 1)

by Juan Gómez-Jurado Bárbara Montes

¡Acción, humor y aventuras! Primera entrega de una divertida serie infantil «Los Rexcatadores» firmada por Juan Gómez Jurado, junto a la psicóloga infantil Bárbara Montes. Imagina que tus padres te envían a pasar las vacaciones con tus estrafalarios abuelos en una casa perdida en un lugar llamado Punta Escondida, lejos de tus amigos y de la Play. No parece el mejor plan, ¿verdad? Imagina ahora que tu abuela cocina tartas mágicas capaces de hacerte volar por los aires, que tu abuelo tiene un laboratorio lleno de inventos alucinantes y que en el desván vive un tipo verde y enorme llamado Rex que, a pesar de sus terroríficas fauces y su larga cola, es de lo más encantador. Eso ya suena bastante mejor, ¿no? Y si además conoces a una niña un poco rarita pero muy simpática, y vivís juntos la mayor aventura que jamás hubieras imaginado, entonces puede que estas sean las mejores vacaciones de tu vida... Comienza a leer...«El pueblo de Bahía Calamar parecía sacado de una de esas postales que le enviaban mamá y papá cuando salían de viaje de fin de semana y él se quedaba con la canguro: no muy grande, con calles empedradas y casas con fachadas pintadas de rojo, amarillo, azul, rosa... Si hubiese una palabra que lo definiese a la perfección, esa palabra sería ABURRIDO. El camino de la costa no era más que un camino de tierra, con la playa (enorme, de arena fina y blanca) a un lado y, al otro, un frondoso bosque de enormes robles, hayas y muchos otros tipos de árboles que él no conocía... Tal vez tilos y fresnos. Max caminaba pensando en lo desafortunado que era, en lo mucho que echaba de menos la ciudad, a sus amigos y sus videojuegos. En lo maravilloso que habría sido el verano con todos esos largos días por delante para jugar con la consola en el sofá de su casa, ver la tele y bajar de vez en cuando a la piscina del lujoso bloque de pisos en el que vivía con sus padres. Tan inmerso en esos pensamientos caminaba, que no se dio cuenta de que alguien le seguía, escondiéndose entre los árboles...»

El misterio del Biarlass

by Flavio Declame

El año 1900 transcurre en las tierras bajas de Pinerolo donde el fluir de los días está marcado por los rayos del sol y los ritmos de vida por el aprovechamiento de los animales. Sin embargo, el tiempo y el lugar son dimensiones que están destinadas a trastornarse con el hallazgo de un cadáver que inicia un dominó de eventos que pueden cambiar para siempre la vida y el futuro de un granjero de 18 años.

El Misterio del Robo de la Luz Ella la Princesa Encantada

by Rosaria L. Calafati Jose Saul Agis Garcia

El libro nos lleva a una aventura llena de emoción donde Ella, la Princesa Encantada tiene que aventurarce dentro de un mundo desconocido con tal de encontrar la luz que los duendes se robaron con la finalidad de hace que Ella fuera a buscarla para poder conocerla y hacerse sus amigos y juntos bailar y tomar en cuenta que de ahí en adelante se ayudarían mutuamente para que ambos reinos sean felices.

Misterio en el internado (La diversión de Martina #Volumen 5)

by Martina D'Antiochia

¡No te pierdas esta nueva aventura de #LaDiversionDeMartina! Después de todas mis locuras, pensaba que ya no iba a superarme. <P><P>Pero esta vez la hemos liado tanto que... nos mandan a un INTERNADO Un horrible castillo, en medio de la montaña, rodeado de un bosque oscuro, ¡parece sacado de una peli de terror! <P><P>Un momento... ¿por qué todo es tan raro en este sitio? ¿Esconde algún secreto? Sea como sea, ¡voy a descubrirlo! ¿Te apuntas? <P><P>La diversión está ASEGURADA Martina tiene 13 años, una imaginación desbordante y ¡un canal de Youtube de mucho éxito! «La diversión de Martina» es una serie de libros de ficción inspirada en ella y su mundo que encantará a sus seguidores.

Misterio en la Acería Barker (Investigaciones Blue Moon. Volumen 2. #2)

by Steve Higgs

¿Por qué no puedo rechazar a una mujer en apuros? Acabo de tomar un caso de la llorosa, pero muy rica, viuda Barker, cuyo marido supuestamente murió a manos de un fantasma centenario. Era el dueño de la acería Barker y no tardo en darme cuenta de que algo muy raro está pasando allí. Pero eso no es todo, un perro fantasma se ha comido a un tipo en un desguace y se supone que tengo que averiguar cómo recuperarlo. Todo el mundo me está mintiendo, sobre todo, pero mi prueba más difícil es lidiar con las consecuencias de mi estúpida decisión de contratar a Amanda Harper. No es que no tenga talento, sea inteligente y capaz, porque lo es. Ella también es muy hermosa y una gran distracción. Ella probará ser un gran valor sin duda, asumiendo que vivamos la semana que sea. ¿Lo paranormal? Todo son tonterías, pero probarlo podría hacer que me maten.

Misterios del alma: Serie Secretos del Alma I

by Victoria Magno

En la vida de Zarah todo parece desestabilizarse: extraños sueños la atormentan provocando que ella empiece a preguntarse si tendrá algo que ver con la infancia que no recuerda. Lo peor es que esas pesadillas se vuelven cada vez más reales cuando Allan, el chico al que ama en secreto, comienza a acercarse a ella de repente... Zarah es una chica común, con una vida normal y problemas de cualquier adolescente de su edad. Creía que su mayor inconveniente era ser invisible para el chico de sus sueños, Allan, hasta que descubre que toda su vida no es tan «normal» como ella pensaba, cuando cosas extrañas comienzan a suceder a su alrededor. Allan es un joven atlético e inteligente, muy popular dondequiera que va. Ante los ojos de las personas parece tener una vida perfecta, pero lo que nadie sabe es que en realidad carga con un gran secreto a cuestas. El cumplimiento de su deber implica mantener oculto ese secreto, pero esto se verá obstaculizado cuando un extraordinario descubrimiento llega a su vida, junto a lo que nunca esperó volver a sentir: el verdadero amor. Un amor por el que estará dispuesto a dejarlo todo de lado y a defender hasta la muerte. Romance, fantasía, intriga y aventuras se encierran en esta historia que te llegará al alma.

Misteriosa Buenos Aires y otros cuentos (Cuentos completos 1)

by Manuel Mujica Láinez

Primer volumen de los cuentos completos de Mujica Lainez. «Tu versión de la patria, con sus fastos y sus brillos, /Entra en mi vaga sombra como si entrara el día».Jorge Luis Borges Narrador nato, por vocación y por predestinación, Manuel Mujica Lainez se sintió a sus anchas tanto en la novela como en el cuento. Este primer volumen de sus cuentos completos reúne los relatos que dieron forma a dos de sus libros esenciales: Aquí vivieron (1949) y Misteriosa Buenos Aires (1950). Un recorrido exquisito por su fascinante universo narrativo y su sofisticado repertorio de personajes. La destreza de Mujica Lainez para construir una ficción histórica tan singular, mezcla de realismo y género fantástico, le vale un lugar privilegiado entre los escritores hispanoparlantes del siglo XX.

Mistero in Antartide

by Vianka Van Bokkem Bruno Mazza

Essendo una cronista freelance diciannovenne impegnata a scoprire e seguire fatti reali, non stupisce che fossi a malapena in grado di coprire le mie spese. La maggior parte dei miei colleghi guadagna belle somme braccando le celebrità di Hollywood. La gente ama leggere riviste di gossip, e questa è l'amara verità. Mi chiamo Kalei Aneko. Mio padre è un cuoco Hawaiano forte e orgoglioso, e mia madre è un'attraente ufficiale di polizia di San Francisco, California. Mi sono giunte diverse voci circa un insabbiamento da parte dei militari in Antartide, e io intendo scoprire la verità, costi quel che costi! Durante l'estate in Antartide ci sono circa 5000 scienziati, mentre in inverno il numero scende intorno alle 1000 unità. Pare che i militari stiano supportando massicciamente gli scienziati nella loro ricerca... di qualunque cosa si tratti. Il fatto che il personale scientifico venga più che dimezzato in inverno ha suscitato ancora di più la mia curiosità.


by Kaaron Warren

Marvo is a stage magician. His magic is real.Marvo grows up without knowing his parents, without knowing his heritage, without knowing much about life.The magicians have always been with us, since the beginning of civilisation. They fill our heads with the mist, keeping us from witnessing the stark reality of existence. But are things so bad that Marvo will bring it down on all of us, forever?Marvo begins to understand those around him, and his place in the world; he discovers that his remarkable powers can be put to good, or to evil.He only has to choose...FILE UNDER: Horror [Sleight of Hand / Find the Lady / All is Illusion / Death Rules]From the Paperback edition.


by Kaaron Warren

Marvo is a stage magician. His magic is real.Marvo grows up without knowing his parents, without knowing his heritage, without knowing much about life.The magicians have always been with us, since the beginning of civilisation. They fill our heads with the mist, keeping us from witnessing the stark reality of existence. But are things so bad that Marvo will bring it down on all of us, forever?Marvo begins to understand those around him, and his place in the world; he discovers that his remarkable powers can be put to good, or to evil.He only has to choose...FILE UNDER: Horror [Sleight of Hand / Find the Lady / All is Illusion / Death Rules]From the Paperback edition.


by Kaaron Warren

They entered the cellar and he locked the door behind them. He drew the mist to give the girl a sense of euphoria and anticipation. “There is magic here; tricks,” the girl said. “I know because I blink and things change. I feel like I can see germs in the air. It's damp. What if I catch something?” He said, “You can't catch magic. You can learn parts of it, you are born with some. Magic is not contagious, though its element is contagion. Some things can influence you long after you have stopped touching them. Some things will never stop touching you, even when they are long forgotten.” His voice was so quiet it gave her comfort.


by Kaaron Warren

Marvo is an incredible magician. His powers are real. His tricks are fatal. But can he make even Death disappear? Cannibalism, cocaine and incredible sleight-of-hand in Kaaron's second astonishing journey into the abyss. Marvo the magician grows up locked in an attic. In the house below him, guerrilla's smuggle drugs, rape women and kill one another. As he watches on his grandmother teaches him an ancient magic, the Mist, which can strip flesh from bones. The guerrillas eventually depart, and Marvo goes out into the world and he must decide: who lives, who dies - and does anyone deserve to live at all?

Mistletoe: 'The perfect read for frosty nights' HEAT

by Alison Littlewood

'Alison Littlewood has a real talent for building atmosphere, loaded with the promise of things to come -hints of dread with the possibility of hope' GuardianLeah thought Maitland Farm could give her a new life - but now old ghosts are dragging her into the past.Following the tragic deaths of her husband and son, Leah is looking for a new life. Determined to bury her grief in hard work and desperate to escape Christmas and the reminders of what she has lost, she rushes through the purchase of a run-down Yorkshire farmhouse, arriving just as the snow shrouds her new home.It might look like the loveliest Christmas card, but it's soon clear it's not just the house that needs renovation: the land is in bad heart, too. As Leah sets to work, she begins to see visions of the farm's former occupants - and of the dark secrets that lie at the heart of Maitland Farm.If Leah is to have a future, she must find a way to lay both her own past and theirs to rest - but the visions are becoming disturbingly real . . .'Alison Littlewood is one of the brightest stars in the horror genre' This is Horror

Mistral's Kiss (Meredith Gentry #5)

by Laurell K. Hamilton

I am Princess Meredith, heir to a throne of faerie. My day job, once upon a time, was as a private detective in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, princess has now become a full-time occupation.My aunt, Queen Andais, will have it no other way. And so I am virtually a prisoner in faerie-trapped here with some of the realm's most beautiful men to serve as my bodyguards . . . and my lovers. For I am compelled to conceive a child: an heir to succeed me on the throne. Yet after months of amazing sex with my consorts, there is still no baby. And no baby means no throne. The only certainty is death at the hands of my cousin Cel, or his followers, if I fail to conceive.Now Mistral, Queen Andais's new captain of the guard, has come to my bed-defying her and risking her terrible wrath in doing so. But even she will hesitate to punish him in jealous rage, because our joining has reawakened old magic, mystical power so ancient that no one stands against it and survives. Not even my strongest and most favored: my Darkness and my Killing Frost. Not even Mistral himself, my Storm Lord. But because Mistral has helped to bring this magic forth, he may live another day.If I can reclaim control of the fey power that once was, there may be hope for me and my reign in faerie. I might yet quell the dark schemes and subterfuges surrounding me. Though shadows of obsession and conspiracy gather, I may survive.From the Hardcover edition.

Mistress by Magick

by Laura Navarre

Tudor England, 1588Lady Jayne Boleyn lives in disgraced exile, far away from the scandal that destroyed her reputation. She would do anything to return-even seduce a daredevil captain and spy on enemy forces with only her barely controlled Fae powers to protect her.The Spanish dons resent pirate Lord Calyx's leading role in their impending attack on England, but his rivals would kill him outright should they ever learn he's not only half-Spanish-he's also half-human. On the lookout for spies who might unmask him, Calyx's suspicions settle on Jayne...but so do his lusts.Duty demands Jayne and Calyx be enemies, but fate has made them loyal lovers. Together, they may thwart the combined malice that threatens to alter the fate of Europe. But as a final confrontation looms, Jayne must choose between her long-cherished redemption and the precious, newly discovered secrets of her heart.Book three of The Magick Trilogy.97,000 words

Mistress Of All Evil (Villains #4)

by Serena Valentino

The tale is told as if it's happening once upon a dream: the lovely maiden meets her handsome prince in the woods. The story has been told many times and in many ways. But always the maiden finds out that she is a princess-a princess who has been cursed by a dark fairy to prick her finger on a spindle and fall into an eternal sleep. Though her three good fairies try to protect her, the princess succumbs to the curse. But the power of good endures, as her true love defeats the fire-breathing dragon and awakens the princess with true love's first kiss. The two live happily ever after. <p><p> And yet this is only half the story. So what of the dark fairy, Maleficent? Why does she curse the innocent princess? What led to her becoming so filled with malice, anger, and hatred? Many tales have tried to explain her motives. Here is one account, pulled down from the many passed down through the ages. It is a tale of love and betrayal, of magic and reveries. It is a tale of the Mistress of All Evil.

Mistress of Dragons (Dragonvarld #1)

by Margaret Weis

This starts out as the usual fairytale/fantasy including warrior women, a king and kingdom threatened by a dragon and a young girl about to become the new Mistress upon the death of the old one. No one is what he or she seems. Good character development of both dragons and humans. The first in what is certain to be a fascinating series.

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