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Tehanu: The Fourth Book of Earthsea (Earthsea Cycle Ser. #4)

by Ursula K. Le Guin

'She is unique. She is legend' THE TIMES'Le Guin is one of the singular speculative voices of our future, thanks to her knack for anticipating issues of seminal importance to society' TLSBook Four of Ursula K. Le Guin's award-winning Earthsea Cycle Years ago, they had escaped together from the sinister Tombs of Atuan -- she, an isolated young priestess; he, a powerful wizard. Now she is a farmer's widow, having chosen for herself the simple pleasures of an ordinary life. And he is a broken old man, mourning the powers lost to him through no choice of his own. Once, when they were young, they helped each other at a time of darkness and danger and shared an adventure like no other. Now they must join forces again, to help another in need -- the physically and emotionally scarred child whose own destiny has yet to be revealed.

The Tehran Initiative (David Shirazi Series #2)

by Joel C. Rosenberg

The world is on the brink of disaster and the clock is ticking. Iran has just conducted its first atomic weapons test. Millions of Muslims around the world are convinced their messiah-known as "the Twelfth Imam"-has just arrived on earth. Israeli leaders fear Tehran, under the Twelfth Imam's spell, will soon launch a nuclear attack that could bring about a second holocaust and the annihilation of Israel. The White House fears Jerusalem will strike first, launching a preemptive attack against Iran's nuclear facilities that could cause the entire Middle East to go up in flames, oil prices to skyrocket, and the global economy to collapse. With the stakes high and few viable options left, the president of the United States orders CIA operative David Shirazi and his team to track down and sabotage Iran's nuclear warheads before Iran or Israel can launch a devastating first strike.

The Tejano Conflict

by Steve Perry

At the end of the twenty-fourth century, war is fought in a civilized manner: Each side hires mercenaries to engage in combat in specifically designated areas. To the victor go the spoils--whatever they may be... After a couple of assignments involving more intrigue and skulduggery than the Cutter Force Initiative ever wanted, the unit is looking forward to being part of a straight-up, short-term industrial war on Earth. Cutter agrees to a support role offered by an old Army comrade who's now a general in a larger military force. The pay is good, the unit happy. All they have to do is basic ranger stuff: sneak and peek, shoot and scoot. But what starts out as a corporate fight to occupy a valuable piece of contested territory quickly goes sideways, and once again Cutter and crew find themselves in the middle of situations in which things aren't as they seem, and the unit must determine the truth--or lose more than just a battle.

El tejedor de pesadillas (Los dioses del norte #Volumen 2)

by Jara Santamaría

Tres primos. Dos mundos. Un secreto. Llega la segunda parte de «Los dioses del norte», la saga más impactante del año. Un viaje donde la magia te conducirá a la verdad. Tras su incursión en Gaua, Emma y Teo piensan que todo lo que han vivido en Gaua es solo una aventura para recordar. Pero lo que no saben es que se ha abierto una brecha entre los dos mundos, y que una parte de Ada, su prima pequeña, sigue siendo presa de Gaueko. Una historia llena de magia y fantasía en la cual incluso los más vulnerables pueden llegar a ser dioses.

Las tejedoras de destinos (Las tejedoras de destinos #Volumen 1)

by Gennifer Albin

En un mundo controlado por la Corporación, una joven trata de huir de su destino: convertirse en tejedora y así construir y controlar todo lo que la gente es. Un mundo de secretos e intrigas donde una joven puede controlar los destinos de todos menos el suyo... Inútil. Torpe. Las demás chicas lo susurran a sus espaldas. Pero la joven de dieciséis años Adelice Lewys tiene un secreto: sus errores son intencionados. Dotada de una habilidad fuera de lo común para tejer el tiempo, Adelice es exactamente lo que la Corporación está buscando, y en Arras ser elegida tejedora es todo a lo que una chica puede aspirar. Ser hilandera significa privilegios, riqueza y belleza eterna. Pero no solo eso, también significa tener la facultad de bordar la esencia de la vida. Pero para ello hay que pagar un precio que Adelice no está dispuesta a asumir, puesto que deberá controlar absolutamente todo lo quelas personas son: lo que comen, dónde viven, cuántos hijos tienen... Así que está decidida a fallar en las pruebas para ser hilandera, pero en su último examen sus dedos resbalan, el telar reacciona a su don... y la Corporación la identifica. A partir de ese momento, Adelice dejará de tener control sobre su vida y pasará a convertirse en un instrumento más de la omnipresente Corporación. Sin embargo, una vez dentro, el poder de Adelice irá creciendo mientras aprende a manejar su don y a decidir en quién confiar, a quién vigilar... y a quién amar. Lo que ha dicho la crítica: "Los salones del Conventry son lugares oscuros y retorcidos que los lectores querrán visitar" -The New York Times- "Cautivadora e intensa, un equilibrio perfecto de misterio, romance y drama" -Publishers Weekly- "Me encanta cómo en Las tejedoras de destinos el tiempo es una resplandeciente línea tangible que puede ser entretejida para crear una guarida segura dentro de un mundo letal. Original, artística, profunda y ágil... la novela de Albin es una lectura absorbente" -Caragh O´Brien, autora de la trilogía Marca de Nacimiento-

Las tejedoras de destinos (Las tejedoras de destinos #Volumen 1)

by Gennifer Albin

Un mundo de secretos e intrigas donde una joven controla los destinos de todos menos el suyo. Inútil. Torpe. Las demás chicas lo susurran a sus espaldas. Pero la joven de dieciséis años Adelice Lewys tiene un secreto: sus errores son intencionados. Dotada de una habilidad fuera de lo común para tejer el tiempo, Adelice es exactamente lo que la Corporación está buscando, y en Arras ser elegida tejedora es todo a lo que una chica puede aspirar. Ser hilandera significa privilegios, riqueza y belleza eterna. Pero no solo eso, también significa tener la facultad de bordar la esencia de la vida. Pero para ello hay que pagar un precio que Adelice no está dispuesta a asumir, puesto que deberá controlar absolutamente todo lo que las personas son. Así que está decidida a fallar en las pruebas para ser hilandera, pero en su último examen sus dedos resbalan, el telar reacciona a su don y la Corporación la identifica. En su nueva vida como hilandera, además de lujos y poder, encontrará rivales y amigos, fieles seguidores al Régimen y maestros en la traición... amor y algunas sorpresas.

Tejer la oscuridad

by Emiliano Monge

«Las ficciones de Monge son la metáfora exacta de la locura del mundo». The Observer Todo, tal y como lo conocíamos, ha cambiado. El calor es agobiante, se ha agrietado el cielo y la geografía es otra. La humanidad, además, se ha duplicado. Entonces se desata una guerra global entre fuerzas igualadas cuya clave parecerían ser las niñas y niños de los orfanatorios. En una de esas instituciones comienza la más arriesgada y madura de las novelas de Emiliano Monge. Tejer la oscuridad es una distopía que reinventa nuestros mitos y desentraña nuestra idea de individuo y colectividad, mientras nos cuenta la liberación de un grupo de muchachos, así como la diáspora que emprenderán acompañados de su descendencia, atravesando un mundo desolado, huyendo de perseguidores incansables y buscando el sitio que les fuera prometido, donde podrán rendir culto a sus dioses, enhebrar un nuevo lenguaje y habitar la oscuridad. Cruzada por un sinfín de voces, Tejer la oscuridad presenta la eterna lucha entre el nosotros y el yo, deja que resuene en sus páginas el eco de libros antiguos y de diversas formas de escritura olvidadas y permite al lector imaginar otra forma de entender el tiempo, el espacio, la materia, el amor y la amistad.

Tek Kill: Tek Money, Tek Kill, And Tek Net (The TekWar Series #8)

by William Shatner

In order to expose a sinister, far-reaching criminal conspiracy, detective Jake Cardigan , the twenty-second century&’s most able private detective, must prove that an open-and-shut murder case is anything but Once again the inimitable William Shatner, Star Trek&’s original Captain Kirk and a true star of science fiction adventure, brings the future vibrantly alive in the eighth nonstop, action-packed futuristic caper featuring private investigator Jake Cardigan, sworn enemy of the all-powerful TekLords. Walt Bascom, head of the Cosmos Detective Agency, is in serious trouble. Video surveillance in the home of superrich businessman Dwight Grossman clearly shows Bascom murdering the entrepreneur in cold blood. Bascom swears he didn&’t do it, and he&’s relying on his agency&’s best investigator, Jake Cardigan, to prove it somehow. Jake and his partner, Sid Gomez, have their work cut out for them. The only &“evidence&” on their side is the testimony of the dead man&’s sister, Susan, who claims she&’s had telepathic visions of her brother&’s true death. But Susan is an admitted devotee of the powerful, reality-altering electronic drug Tek. Whoever wanted her brother dead—and Bascom accused—went to great lengths to set up the scheme, and those responsible are not going to sit idly by while a pair of snooping private eyes and a burned-out Tek fiend start digging for answers. To keep the killers&’ dark and very dirty secrets hidden, one corpse may not be enough.This ebook features an illustrated biography of William Shatner including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Tek Money: Tek Money, Tek Kill, And Tek Net (The TekWar Series #7)

by William Shatner

Private investigator Jake Cardigan must race against time to save the life of his son and get the deadliest weapons in the world out of the hands of the most dangerous criminals in the universe In the seventh book of the TekWar Series by bestselling author and Star Trek icon William Shatner, terror hits too close to home for protagonist Jake Cardigan, private eye of the future. Homicide is as common in the twenty-second century as it was one hundred years earlier, thanks in large part to the ruthless TekLords, criminals who traffic in the popular electronic fantasy-enabling drug Tek. When a Tek user who was once a family friend is brutally murdered just outside the door of Dan Cardigan, son of private eye Jake Cardigan, the young man is shocked to discover that the police consider him a prime suspect. Worse still, Dan has become a disposable pawn in a very deadly game. With his son&’s life on the line, Jake and his loyal partner, Sid Gomez, must somehow get to the bottom of the disappearance of terrifying new weaponry from a California research facility and a related rash of murders—a mission that will put them at odds not only with a formidable criminal conspiracy, but with the police and the most lethal factions of the US government itself. This ebook features an illustrated biography of William Shatner including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Tek Net: Tek Money, Tek Kill, And Tek Net (The TekWar Series #9)

by William Shatner

Private investigator Jake Cardigan and his partner, Sid Gomez, must race to save a woman trapped in the deadly crossfire of a violent war between rival TekLords William &“Captain Kirk&” Shatner of Star Trek fame returns with his ninth action-packed TekWar adventure, certain to thrill his devoted legions of science fiction readers. In the year 2122 an addictive new form of the fantasy-enabling electronic drug Tek is about to hit the market. This version, delivered to users over computer networks, would eliminate the need for Tek chips, thereby putting the old-school TekLords out of business. Jill Bernardino, the ex-wife of Sid Gomez, loyal partner of private eye Jake Cardigan, has been looking into this new development closely—a little too closely—and now finds herself in serious, possibly inescapable peril. Caught in the middle of a vicious international drug war, Jill is taken prisoner, and only Cardigan and Gomez can rescue her. But their efforts will put them directly in the crosshairs of warring squads of Tek-trade killers in a bloody cartel war.This ebook features an illustrated biography of William Shatner including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Tek Power: Tek Vengeance, Tek Secret, And Tek Power (The TekWar Series #6)

by William Shatner

Private eye Jake Cardigan must derail an insidious plot by the ruthless Tek cartel to replace the US president with an android designed to do the group&’s dark bidding William Shatner, the original face of Captain Kirk on TV&’s Star Trek, displays another side of his remarkable talent with his sixth excursion into a future world where the ubiquitous techno-drug Tek rules, and one man remains dedicated to wiping the scourge and its criminal suppliers from the face of tomorrow&’s Earth. Jake Cardigan—ex-cop, private investigator, and former Tek user—has been given a special assignment by the head of the Cosmos Detective Agency: to track down the murderer of his daughter-in-law. It is a job that takes Jake and his partner, Sid Gomez, from Los Angeles to the East Coast and into the heart of a terrifying conspiracy surrounding the president of the United States. Unbeknownst to the nation and the world, President Warren Brookmeyer, a Tek addict, is in rehab and has been temporarily replaced by an android replica, indistinguishable from the real chief executive. But the brazen scheme to shield the country from the truth is, in reality, the brainchild of the ruthless and powerful TekLords, who intend to keep the simulacrum in power indefinitely in order to alter official policy concerning the dangerous mind-enhancing electronic drug. If Jake and Sid fail to expose and eliminate this treasonous plot, the president will surely die—along with liberty, the law, and the twenty-second-century American way.This ebook features an illustrated biography of William Shatner including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Tek Secret: Tek Vengeance, Tek Secret, And Tek Power (The TekWar Series #5)

by William Shatner

While searching for a missing heiress, Jake Cardigan uncovers a stunning conspiracy in the action-filled conclusion to the TekWar series Barry Zangerly&’s friends told him to stay away from Alicia Bower. The heir to the Mechanix International robotics fortune, she is beautiful, unstable, and too charming to resist. When she vanishes, Zangerly combs Greater Los Angeles for his damaged beauty, a hunt that finally leads him to an abandoned warehouse, where a vicious robot beats him senseless to get him to call off his search. Instead, Zangerly does the opposite—he calls Jake Cardigan. The sharpest P.I. in the city, Cardigan is fighting to recover from the death of his fiancée. He couldn&’t save Beth Kittredge from the Teklords&’ bomb, but he will stop at nothing to see that Alicia Bower doesn&’t suffer the same fate.This ebook features an illustrated biography of William Shatner including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Tek Vengeance: Tek Vengeance, Tek Secret, And Tek Power (The TekWar Series #4)

by William Shatner

With his fiancée about to testify against the Teklord drug cartels, PI Jack Cardigan is lured to Brazil in a deadly scheme that could spark a new TekWar. A man in Berlin has just learned something that could save Jake Cardigan&’s life. But before he can pass on this vital information, he dies under suspicious circumstances—setting off a chain reaction that will change Cardigan&’s life forever, threatening to destroy every person he loves. Cardigan&’s fiancée, Beth, goes to Berlin to testify against the ruthless drug cartel controlled by Sonny Hokori and the Teklords. Cardigan plans to be there to protect her against the nefarious assassins of the Teklords, but an urgent case calls him to Rio. By the time he realizes the Brazilian case is no more than a set-up to take him away from Beth, it may be too late to save her—and prevent a new round of TekWars from engulfing the earth. This ebook features an illustrated biography of William Shatner including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

TekLab (The TekWar Series #3)

by William Shatner

Jake Cardigan hunts an assassin bent on killing civil servants in this sci-fi thriller by the iconic Star Trek actor and New York Times–bestselling author. A French diplomat is walking alone down a darkened Paris side street, when a killer emerges from the shadows. He stuns the Frenchman, cuts his body into quarters, and leaves a note that reads: &“This is for Brazil!&” It is the ninth murder in this fashion in the last two months—a string of round-the-world killings that strikes fear into the hearts of all those connected with the bloody Brazilian wars of the past decade. But as private eye Jake Cardigan is about to discover, the culprit is far more treacherous than the average serial killer. As he makes his way through Europe&’s seamy corners, Cardigan begins to suspect that the trail of death may lead back to his old nemeses, the drug kingpins known as Teklords. As international peace teeters in the balance, Cardigan must stop the murders or risk being drawn and quartered himself. This ebook features an illustrated biography of William Shatner including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

TekLords (The TekWar Series #2)

by William Shatner

PI Jake Cardigan is on the run from a mysterious assassin in this sci-fi thriller from the iconic Star Trek actor and New York Times–bestselling author. Jake Cardigan has just returned from Mexico, where he fell in love, nearly died, and broke up the infamous Hokori cartel. But the drug kingpins whose fortunes rest on pushing Tek are still trying to do away with this devilish private eye. During a routine trip to the mall, a well-dressed man tries to stab Cardigan through the heart. After a quick scuffle, the would-be assassin is dead on the floor, and Cardigan is the one who winds up in handcuffs. The dead man was an executive at a hydroponics company—an ordinary worker drone with no apparent reason to kill the detective. An evil mastermind has learned how to make innocent civilians obey his commands, and he will sacrifice an army of zombie assassins if it means getting a clean shot at Cardigan. To stay alive, and out of jail, Cardigan will have to learn to steer clear of the mindless killers of Greater Los Angeles. This ebook features an illustrated biography of William Shatner including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Teknos the Ocean Crawler: Series 26 Book 1 (Beast Quest #128)

by Adam Blade

Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Battle Beasts and fight Evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!Tom and Elenna are celebrating the safe return of Prince Rotu after their successful Quest to rescue him from the Evil Wizard Zargon ... but Evil never rests, and news soon reaches them that Zargon has disappeared and the tombs of the legendary Four Masters have been ransacked. It's time for a new Quest, and this time they must tackle four ancient Beasts in the places they were originally killed. First on the list is Teknos, an armoured turtle-Beast with a razor-sharp beak!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in The Four Masters series - don't miss out! Teknos the Ocean Crawler, Mallix the Silent Stalker, Silexa the Stone Cat and Kyron, Lord of Fire.If you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero, Sea Quest and Beast Quest: New Blood!

TekWar (The TekWar Series #1)

by William Shatner

The national bestselling detective novel set in a futuristic Los Angeles by the legendary actor who played the original Captain Kirk on Star Trek! Not satisfied with the thrills of being one of Greater Los Angeles&’ toughest cops, Jake Cardigan turns to Tek, a computerized brain stimulant which transports the user to any reality he can imagine. He&’s soon addicted to this fantasy-enabler—and it isn&’t long before Cardigan is accused of dealing. When he fails to convince the mechanized jury of his innocence, the state strips his badge and sentences him to fifteen years in suspended animation. Four years later he&’s awakened. His sentence has been changed, but no one will tell him why. Cardigan&’s search for answers takes him to Mexico, where a rogue scientist is attempting to rid the world of Tek. But these efforts have roused powerful enemies. Aiding this quest is the right thing to do, but for an ex-con, doing good can be the most dangerous decision of all. This ebook features an illustrated biography of William Shatner including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

The TekWar Series: TekWar, TekLords, and TekLab (The TekWar Series)

by William Shatner

The first three volumes of the bestselling detective series set in the twenty-second century by the legendary actor who played Captain Kirk on Star Trek In the twenty-second century, mankind has expanded the horizons of science and technology. But some want to go farther. Tek takes them there. It’s a bio-digital microchip more powerful and mind-altering than any other drug ever known. For those who become addicted, it’s out of this world . . . and straight into hell. And only one man can stop it. TekWar: Four years ago, Greater Los Angeles lawman Jake Cardigan was framed for dealing Tek, losing his badge, his good name, and his freedom. When he’s released from cryo-prison early, his search for answers takes him to Mexico, where a rogue scientist is attempting to rid the world of Tek. Aiding this quest is the right thing to do, but for an ex-con, doing good can be the most dangerous decision of all. TekLords: After taking down a powerful Tek cartel, Cardigan finds himself targeted by assassins and stonewalled by authorities who refuse to see the looming danger of a lethal computer virus that threatens not only technology, but humanity as well. An evil mastermind has learned how to make innocent civilians obey his commands, and he will sacrifice an army of zombie killers if it means getting a clean shot at Cardigan. TekLab: A brutal murder on the streets of Paris appears to be but one of a string of killings around the world connected to the Brazilian wars of the past decade. But Cardigan soon discovers that the true motive behind the slayings isn’t war but profit for the drug kingpins known as TekLords. As international peace hangs in the balance, he must stop the bloodshed before his old nemeses can exact the ultimate revenge.

The TekWar Series Books 4–6: Tek Vengeance, Tek Secret, and Tek Power (The TekWar Series)

by William Shatner

Books four through six of the bestselling, hard-boiled, science fiction detective series by the legendary actor who played Captain Kirk on Star Trek. It’s the twenty-second century, and mankind has expanded the horizons of science and technology. For those who want to go even further, Tek takes them there. The bio-digital microchip is more powerfully mind-altering than any other drug ever known. For those who become addicted, it’s out of this world—and straight into hell. And only private eye Jake Cardigan can stop it . . . Tek Vengeance: Cardigan’s fiancée, Beth, is in Berlin testifying against the drug cartel controlled by the Teklords. Meanwhile, Jake is on a case in Rio de Janeiro that feels dangerously like a set-up . . . Tek Secret: Jake and his partner, Sid Gomez, are searching Los Angeles for the heiress to a robotics fortune when they uncover a stunning government conspiracy . . . Tek Power: Jake and Sid head to the east coast to derail a plot to replace the president of the United States with an android controlled by the ruthless Tek cartel.

The TekWar Series Books 7–9: Tek Money, Tek Kill, and Tek Net (The TekWar Series)

by William Shatner

The final three books in the bestselling hard-boiled, science fiction detective series by the legendary actor who played Captain Kirk on Star Trek. It’s the twenty-second century, and mankind has expanded the horizons of science and technology. For those who want to go even further, Tek takes them there. The bio-digital microchip is more powerfully mind-altering than any other drug ever known. For those who become addicted, it’s out of this world—and straight into hell. And only private eye Jake Cardigan can stop it . . . Tek Money: Jake must race against time to save his son’s life—and get the deadliest weapons in the world out of the hands of the most dangerous criminals in the universe . . . Tek Kill: Jake and his partner, Sid Gomez, are working to clear their boss of murder charges when they uncover a far-reaching criminal conspiracy . . . Tek Net: Sid’s ex-wife is caught in the crossfire of a bloody cartel war between Teklords, and it’s up to Jake and Sid to save her.

The Tel Aviv Dossier: A Novel

by Lavie Tidhar

Into the city of Tel Aviv the whirlwinds come, and nothing will ever be the same.Through a city torn apart by a violence they cannot comprehend, three disparate people — a documentary film-maker, a yeshiva student, and a psychotic fireman — must try to survive, and try to find meaning: even if it means being lost themselves. As Tel Aviv is consumed, a strange mountain rises at the heart of the city, and shows the outline of what may be another, alien world beyond. Can there be redemption there? Can the fevered rumours of a coming messiah be true?A potent mixture of biblical allusions, Lovecraftian echoes, and contemporary culture, The Tel Aviv Dossier is part supernatural thriller, part meditation on the nature of belief — an original and involving novel painted on a vast canvas in which, beneath the despair, humour is never absent.Experience the last days of Tel Aviv.Praise for The Tel Aviv Dossier"The weird and unsettling Lovecraftian bits? On a scale of one to ten, those are cranked up to about twelve. This book is very, very strange, which means it’s a great read!" — Little Red Reviewer"One word review: fun! This novel is insane. It is an often pessimistic mosaic of modern Israeli culture, society, and beliefs. It captures moments of clarity and meaning while examining what happens when our mundane reality butts up against an absurd apocalyptic event. (6 out of 6 He’Brew: The Chosen Beer)" — Southern Fried Weirdo"A deranged sci-fi extravaganza... a neo-Gnostic apocalypse narrative for the iPod generation." — The Jewish Quarterly

Telaraña de Carlota: Charlotte's Web

by E. B. White Garth Williams

Un cerdito. Humilde. Radiante. Estas son las palabras en La telaraña de Carlota, en lo alto del establo Zuckerman. Charlotte narra sus sentimientos por un cerdito llamado Wilbur, que simplemente quiere un amigo. Asimismo, expresa el amor de una niña llamada Fern, que salvó la vida de Wilbur cuando nació. Este libro ganador galardonada con el Newbery Honor es una tierna novela de amistad, amor, vida y muerte que permanecerá por generaciones venideras. Contiene ilustraciones de Garth Williams, el aclamado ilustrador de Stuart Little, entre otros muchos libros.

The Telenizer

by Don Thompson

Langston had technicolor delusions; inanimate objects came alive in his hands; THEY were persecuting him, out to get him ... what a relief it was to know he wasn't going insane!

Telepathist (Gateway Essentials #28)

by John Brunner

Howson was a runt. Twisted, ugly, crippled. The kind of guy people just didn't want to know. But when he took a deep breath, braced himself and projected his thoughts thousands of miles into space, they were all over him. Howson's telepathic powers were like nothing they'd ever known before . . . and he became the greatest curative telepathist in the world. But when they put him to work chasing people's nightmares deep down inside their minds, could they be expected to cope with what the runt found in there? More importantly, could Howson?First published in 1964.


by John Brunner

Howson was a runt. Twisted, ugly, crippled. The kind of guy people just didn't want to know. But when he took a deep breath, braced himself and projected his thoughts thousands of miles into space, they were all over him. Howson's telepathic powers were like nothing they'd ever known before . . . and he became the greatest curative telepathist in the world. But when they put him to work chasing people's nightmares deep down inside their minds, could they be expected to cope with what the runt found in there? More importantly, could Howson?First published in 1964.

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