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Burt's Way Home

by John Martz

A cosmic accident has left Burt stranded on Earth . . . or so he says. An early graphic novel of foster care and the meaning of home, for fans of Binky the Space Cat. Burt is an alien from a distant galaxy with advanced technology, but an accident has made his parents disappear and trapped him on Earth. And no matter what he does, he can't seem to get lowly Earth technology to work well enough to get him home. That's his story, anyway. From the perspective of his foster mother, Lydia, Burt is a confused and lonely little boy who's difficult to understand and lives in his own world. But she's less focused on understanding him than she is on taking care of and supporting him. Burt struggles to adjust to his new home, and Lydia tries her best. But when Burt embarks on a plan to teleport home once and for all and ventures into the cold all alone, Lydia will have to find a way to bridge the gulf between them.

Bury Elminster Deep (Forgotten Realms: Sage of Shadowdale #3)

by Ed Greenwood

Elminster's archenemy, the vampiric Lord Manshoon, thinks he has destroyed Elminster at last. But Elminster survives in the form of magical ash, and with the help of his scion, a fop who is growing into a true nobleman, and his longtime companion Storm, he still has a chance to counter Manshoon's insidious plots.From the Hardcover edition.

Bury Me

by K. R. Alexander

Some dolls never die.No one ever leaves Copper Hollow. It's a town with a deadly history . . . but nobody ever talks about it.Kimberly thinks there might be something strange going on. She's not sure what - until the menacing doll appears with two words written across its clothes:BURY MEKimberly and her friends try to destroy the doll . . . but every time they think it's gone, it comes back again. Is there any way to rid themselves of the evil once and for all?

A busca de Sabina pelo Santo Graal

by Martin Lundqvist

Tendo renascido no século 21, Sabina tem que impedir o apocalipse de acontecer no século 29. Sabina é uma rapariga dotada que vive em Sidney no ano de 2037. Ela carrega um segredo único ela costumava ser a Escolhida, que falhou em impedir que o apocalipse acontecesse no ano de 2887. Ao morrer, ela pediu à Verdadeira Criadora para permitir que renascesse no ano de 2019 e que mantivesse os seus poderes. Após escapar por um triz de ser violada pelo miúdo mimado Joshua Harkins, Sabina tem uma epifania. Tinha chegado à altura de seguir com a sua missão e encontrar o Cristal Zeto primordial, comummente conhecido por Santo Graal. A sua jornada leva-a a Jerusalém onde homens malvados procuram o Santo Grall para os seus próprios propósitos maléficos. Enfrentando os conspiradores, Sabina prossegue numa jornada perigosa para encontrar e purificar o artefacto mágico e impedir que caia nas mãos erradas. Mas impedir o mal não é tarefa fácil e que sacrifícios Sabina tem que fazer para atingir o seu objetivo e será ela capaz de manter a sua inocência durante esta prova?

Buscaré el océano

by Carrie Ryan

No hay lugar seguro para Mary. Su aldea está pobremente protegida del bosque que la rodea... donde habitan los Condenados, zombis hambrientos. En el mundo de Mary hay algunas verdades incuestionables: La Hermandad sabe más que nadie. Los Guardianes protegen y sirven. Los Condenados no se rinden nunca. Y hay que tener mucho cuidado con la alambrada que rodea el pueblo, la alambrada que protege a sus habitantes de los Condenados, zombies hambrientos que habitan en el bosque. Sin embargo, poco a poco estas verdades dejan de convencer a Mary. Aprende cosas que habría preferido no saber nunca sobre la Hermandad y sus secretos, y sobre los Guardianes y su poder. Y, cuando se rompe la alambrada y su mundo se ve sumido en el caos, aprende cómo son los Condenados y hasta dónde llega su avidez insaciable. Ahora tiene que elegir entre su aldea y su futuro, entre la persona a quien ama y la persona que la ama. Y debe enfrentarse a la verdad sobre el Bosque. ¿Es posible que exista vida más allá de un mundo rodeado de tanta muerte? Reseñas:«Inteligente, oscura y embrujadora, Buscaré el océano se desliza con naturalidad entre el horror y la belleza. Los lectores no olvidarán el mundo de Mary.»Cassandra Clare, autora de la saga Cazadores de sombras «Una excelente historia de amor postapocalíptica, escrita con elegancia desde el título hasta la última línea.»Scott Westerfeld, autor de la saga Traición

Buscaré el océano

by Carrie Ryan

En el mundo de Mary hay algunas verdades incuestionables:La Hermandad sabe más que nadie. Los Guardianes protegen y sirven. Los Condenados no se rinden nunca. Y hay que tener mucho cuidado con la alambrada que rodea el pueblo, la alambrada que protege a sus habitantes de los Condenados, zombies hambrientos que habitan en el bosque. Sin embargo, poco a poco estas verdades dejan de convencer a Mary. Aprende cosas que habría preferido no saber nunca sobre la Hermandad y sus secretos, y sobre los Guardianes y su poder. Y, cuando se rompe la alambrada y su mundo se ve sumido en el caos, aprende cómo son los Condenados y hasta dónde llega su avidez insaciable. Ahora tiene que elegir entre su aldea y su futuro, entre la persona a quien ama y la persona que la ama. Y debe enfrentarse a la verdad sobre el Bosque. ¿Es posible que exista vida ma´s alla´ de un mundo rodeado de tanta muerte?«Inteligente, oscura y embrujadora, Buscaré el océano se desliza con naturalidad entre el horror y la belleza. Los lectores no olvidarán el mundo de Mary.»Cassandra Clare, autora de la saga Cazadores de sombras«Una excelente historia de amor postapocalíptica, escrita con elegancia desde el título hasta la última línea.»Scott Westerfeld, autor de la saga Traición

The Business, as Usual

by Jack Sharkey

Giving Certain Powers the business for a change would be a joy--but it must not backfire--and here at last was the perfect recoilless diddle!

The Business of Death: The Death Works Trilogy (Death Works #3)

by Trent Jamieson

Steven de Selby has a hangover. Bright lights, loud noise, and lots of exercise are the last thing he wants. But that's exactly what he gets when someone starts shooting at him.Steven is no stranger to death - Mr. D's his boss after all - but when a dead girl saves him from sharing her fate, he finds himself on the wrong end of the barrel. His job is to guide the restless dead to the underworld but now his clients are his own colleagues, friends, and family.Mr. D's gone missing and with no one in charge, the dead start to rise, the living are hunted, and the whole city teeters on the brink of a regional apocalypse - unless Steven can shake his hangover, not fall for the dead girl, and find out what happened to his boss - that is, Death himself.THE BUSINESS OF DEATH includes the first two volumes of the Death Works trilogy, Death Most Definite and Managing Death, as well as the third volume.

The Business Of Death: Death Works Trilogy

by Trent Jamieson

It's one thing to run Mortmax International as head of a team, but it's quite another to rule alone. Staff fatalities have left Steven by himself on the Throne of Death, and there's no time to get comfortable.The Stirrer god's arrival is imminent, threatening life as we know it. Plus Steven has managed to mortally offend the only ally strong enough to help out. And how can he ask someone to marry him when the End of Days seems inevitable? As if they're going to think he's committed. The portents don't look good as a comet burns vast and looming in the sky and Steven can almost hear a dark clock ticking. He will have to play nice if he wants his ally back, and must address the madness of the Hungry Death within himself if he even has a chance at defeating the Stirrer god. If he fails, Hell and Earth are doomed and wedding bells will be quite out of the question.

La búsqueda de los Magos (Avana #2)

by Annie Lavigne

Emroth continúa su búsqueda de los 4 elementos. Mago del agua, le toca a él encontrar a la Madre de los océanos. Pero parece que le falta un elemento para que la Madre se entregue a él: ¿será el amor de una mujer? ... En la tierra de Erin, se levanta una extraña niebla, que oscurece los corazones y las mentes de los druidas y caballeros, provocando que se maten entre ellos. Avana viajará a tierras enemigas, Connaught, para convencer a la reina Maeve de que se una a los Ulates para luchar codo con codo contra los poderes de la Oscuridad. ¿Conseguirán los Caballeros de Conor y Maeve olvidar el pasado y unir sus fuerzas contra los ejércitos de Zha'hor? Ante la urgencia de formar el disco de los 4 elementos, Avana, que está ligada a la magia del aire, se unirá a los elementalistas y encontrará a Emroth. ¿Podrán finalmente darle una oportunidad a su amor? Este segundo volumen transporta al lector en una búsqueda iniciática donde los personajes deben transformarse internamente para superar su Sombra y unirse con la Luz. Es una prueba individual y colectiva, y cada habitante de la isla debe contemplar su vida interior mientras una niebla oscura invade la isla. ¿De dónde viene realmente esta niebla? ¿De qué se alimenta la Oscuridad que tanto temen los Ulates? ¿Cómo derrotas a un enemigo que nos es tan familiar? ... Además de transportarnos a un mundo de fantasía donde la mitología celta, la magia y el amor se combinan de manera brillante, el autor nos lleva a través de los personajes en un viaje interior que nos hace querer arrojar luz sobre nuestra propia oscuridad. . Una novela ligera y profunda al mismo tiempo, dura pero tierna, aterradora pero inspiradora. Una buena opción para adolescentes y adultos jóvenes que quieren una historia llena de acción y aventura, pero también de valores y sinceridad. Una buena elección también para cualquier adulto que haya conservado su corazón de niño y que sueñe c

La búsqueda de Sabina del Santo Grial: n/a

by Martin Lundqvist

Mi nombre es Sabina Hines, pero secretamente prefiero que me llamen Sabina Eisenstein. Nací en 2019, y cuando estás leyendo esto, es el año 2037. Acabo de cumplir 18 años y nací en Sudáfrica, pero llevo muchos años viviendo en Sídney, Australia desde que mis padres emigraron debido a que las tensiones raciales en Sudáfrica se volvieron violentas y no era seguro vivir en ese país. Otras personas dicen que soy hermosa, y quizá tienen razón. Me describiría como una persona alta y delgada, con rasgos simétricos y tez clara. Mi cabello es rubio y mis ojos son azules, a veces incluso son de azul brillante cuando "ella" me está hablando. Sin embargo, no hay nada único en mi belleza, ya que chicas hermosas hay por montón y la belleza física se desvanece a medida que envejecemos. No, lo que es único acerca de mí es que he vivido en una vida anterior. Antes de ser Sabina Hines, era Sabina Eisenstein en otra vida. Sé que muchos de ustedes pensaran que esto no es anda, y que mi declaración no suena tan única ya que después de todo, innumerables personas afirman haber sido todo, desde Napoleón, Hitler, hasta Elvis en sus vidas anteriores y la reencarnación es un tema importante en las religiones notables tales como el hinduismo y el budismo. Pero mi historia de reencarnación es única, una vez viví una vida corta como Sabina Eisenstein en un futuro lejano, viví durante los años 2875 a 2887. Nací de una revolucionaria marciana con el nombre de Keila Eisenstein; la Creadora Original me encomendó detener a la extraterrestre Xeno, reina de Rangda, de corromper los Cristales Zeto y de detener la tiranía del malvado demonio y de destruir toda la galaxia Vía Láctea. Fallé en esta tarea durante las guerras interplanetarias y el Armagedón galáctico que se produjo en el futuro del cuál era originalmente, y Rangda mató mi cuerpo físico, lo que obligó a la Creadora Original a destruir a Rangda, pero al hacerlo, la

Búsqueda del Cifrado: Libro de Cifrado 1 (Ciphercraft #1)

by Tim Kaiver

Cuando el sistema que el tiempo olvidó de repente vuelve a aparecer ... El Cifrado dirigía el universo con sus reglas de juego, y ha elegido a Cullen, un cazarrecompensas exiliado, como método de su regreso. Se le ha encomendado una misión para liberar a una madre y un hijo telepáticos del encarcelamiento injusto. Si puede sacar a sus objetivos de la prisión, tendrán que subir de nivel, aprender nuevas habilidades y buscar las pistas de la profecía. Todo mientras te enfrentas a berserkers y tigres que lanzan EMP, en una jungla que no ofrece ningún socorro. La recompensa prometida es que el Cifrado otorgará acceso y el poder asociado a toda su gente asediada, cambiando el rumbo de la guerra galáctica que está asolando el cosmos. Búsqueda del Cifrado es una combinación de ciencia-fantasía de LitRPG que responde a la pregunta: "¿Qué tal si tomamos Stargate y agregamos Final Fantasy y Age of Empires?"

The Busybody Buddha

by Margie Rutledge

In the sequel to The Great Laundry Adventure, the three Lawrence children, Abigail, Jacob and Ernest (from oldest to youngest) are again embarked on a mysterious adventure, but this time, the adventure is initiated, it appears, by a small blue stone buddha which Ernest has discovered in a mysterious shop. The little buddha has a way of showing Ernest the unhappiness of others, and his brother and sister have expressly forbidden him to bring the buddha along on their summer holiday. With their parents, they arrive by motorboat on the wonderfully primitive island where they always spend their holidays, ready for a carefree summer. At first they are delighted to rediscover their favorite haunts and activities, but soon five-year-old Ernest is oppressed by a sense of foreboding. He is afraid to tell Abigail and Jacob that he has brought the buddha to the island, but they soon discover its presence and take measures to try to prevent the buddhas powerful and unhappy messages from spoiling their holiday. Then the children discover a battered replica of the tourist boat, the Segwun, which has plied these shores for decades, and which then leads them to a small mist shrouded island, called Serene Island. They also discover a mysterious cave with ancient drawings and a tunnel through which pours the sound of sobbing. They follow the tunnel and it leads them back to the same small island. This time they find someone who is indeed unhappy and needs their help. And so their adventure with Charlotte, a young girl from another time, begins. A junior novel with a classic feel, illustrated with black and white illustrations, which will delight children eight and up. Rutledge has mined the mysterious elements of an untamed island to produce a story which is both whimsical and enchanting.

But What of Earth?

by Piers Anthony

Science-fiction, autobiography, and a candid, witty send-up of the publishing industry combine in a wild adventure of a novel that winds up in the wrong hands.

The Butcher

by Laura Kat Young

A suspenseful small-town horror novel of oppression, heartbreak and buried anguish – Shirley Jackson meets Never Let Me Go with the wild west setting of Westworld.When Lady Mae turns 18, she'll inherit her mother's job as the Butcher: dismembering Settlement Five&’s guilty residents as payment for their petty crimes. An index finger taken for spreading salacious gossip, a foot for blasphemy, no one is exempt from punishment. But one day Winona refuses to butcher a six-year-old boy. So their leaders, known as the Deputies, come to Lady Mae&’s house, and, right there in the living room, murder her mother for refusing her duties. Within twenty-four hours, now alone in the world, Lady Mae begins her new job. But a chance meeting years later puts her face to face with the Deputy that murdered her mother. Now Lady Mae must choose: will she flee, and start another life in the desolate mountains, forever running? Or will she seek vengeance for her mother&’s death even if it kills her? A devastating, alarming page-turner infused with melancholy, humanity – and society&’s maddening acceptance in the face of horror.

Butcher Bird

by Richard Kadrey

Spyder Lee is a happy man who lives in San Francisco and owns a tattoo shop. One night an angry demon tries to bite his head off before he's saved by a stranger. The demon infected Spyder with something awful - the truth. He can suddenly see the world as it really is: full of angels and demons and monsters and monster-hunters. A world full of black magic and mysteries. These are the Dominions, parallel worlds full of wonder, beauty and horror. The Black Clerks, infinitely old and infinitely powerful beings whose job it is to keep the Dominions in balance, seem to have new interests and a whole new agenda. Dropped into the middle of a conflict between the Black Clerks and other forces he doesn't fully understand, Spyder finds himself looking for a magic book with the blind swordswoman who saved him. Their journey will take them from deserts to lush palaces, to underground caverns, to the heart of Hell itself.

Butcher Bird: A Novel of the Dominion (Sandman Slim)

by Richard Kadrey

Butcher Bird, an early protoype for dark urban fantasy from the New York Times bestselling author of Sandman Slim, is reissued in a special tenth anniversary edition. Spyder Lee is a happy man. He lives in San Francisco and owns a tattoo shop. He has his favorite drinking buddy, Lulu Garou, and other friends all over town. One night a pissed-off demon tries to bite his head off and he's saved by a stranger?a small, blind woman with a sword as wicked as her smile. After that, Spyder’s life is turned upside down. The demon infected Spyder with something awful?the truth. He can suddenly see the world as it really is: full of angels and demons and monsters and monster-hunters; a world full of black magic and mysteries. These are the Dominions, parallel worlds full of wonder, beauty and horror, of which Spyder’s is only one. Each Dominion is home to another race of creatures from human myth. If you’re clever or lucky, you can pass from one Dominion to another, but the Dominions themselves never touch. At least, they’re not supposed to. The Black Clerks, infinitely old and infinitely powerful beings whose job it is to keep the Dominions in balance, seem to have new interests and a whole new agenda. Dropped into the middle of a conflict between the Black Clerks and other forces he doesn't fully understand, Spyder searches for a magic book with the blind swordswoman who saved him. Their journey will take them from deserts to lush palaces, to underground caverns, to the heart of Hell itself.

The Butcher of Anderson Station: An Expanse Short Story (The\expanse Ser.)

by James S. Corey

The Butcher of Anderson Station is a short story that expands the world of James S. A. Corey's New York Times bestselling Expanse series - now a Prime Original TV series.One day, Colonel Fred Johnson will be hailed as a hero to the system. One day, he will meet a desperate man in possession of a stolen spaceship and a deadly secret and extend a hand of friendship. But long before he became the leader of the Outer Planets Alliance, Fred Johnson had a very different name. The Butcher of Anderson Station.This is his story.The Expanse series: Leviathan WakesCaliban's WarAbaddon's GateCibola BurnNemesis GamesBabylon's AshesPersepolis RisingTiamat's WrathPraise for the Expanse: 'The science fictional equivalent of A Song of Ice and Fire' NPR Books'As close as you'll get to a Hollywood blockbuster in book form''Great characters, excellent dialogue, memorable fights''High adventure equalling the best space opera has to offer, cutting-edge technology and a group of unforgettable characters . . . Perhaps one of the best tales the genre has yet to produce' Library Journal'This is the future the way it's supposed to be' Wall Street Journal'Tense and thrilling' SciFiNow

The Butcher of Anderson Station: An Expanse Short Story

by James S. Corey

The Butcher of Anderson Station is a short story that expands the world of James S. A. Corey's New York Times bestselling Expanse series - now a Prime Original TV series.One day, Colonel Fred Johnson will be hailed as a hero to the system. One day, he will meet a desperate man in possession of a stolen spaceship and a deadly secret and extend a hand of friendship. But long before he became the leader of the Outer Planets Alliance, Fred Johnson had a very different name. The Butcher of Anderson Station.This is his story.The Expanse series: Leviathan WakesCaliban's WarAbaddon's GateCibola BurnNemesis GamesBabylon's AshesPersepolis RisingTiamat's WrathPraise for the Expanse: 'The science fictional equivalent of A Song of Ice and Fire' NPR Books'As close as you'll get to a Hollywood blockbuster in book form''Great characters, excellent dialogue, memorable fights''High adventure equalling the best space opera has to offer, cutting-edge technology and a group of unforgettable characters . . . Perhaps one of the best tales the genre has yet to produce' Library Journal'This is the future the way it's supposed to be' Wall Street Journal'Tense and thrilling' SciFiNow

The Butcher of Anderson Station: A Story of The Expanse (The Expanse)

by James S.A. Corey

From New York Times bestselling author James S. A. Corey... A new story set in the world of The Expanse. One day, Colonel Fred Johnson will be hailed as a hero to the system. One day, he will meet a desperate man in possession of a stolen spaceship and a deadly secret and extend a hand of friendship. But long before he became the leader of the Outer Planets Alliance, Fred Johnson had a very different name. The Butcher of Anderson Station.This is his story.Word Count: ~9,000 words

The Butcher of the Forest

by Premee Mohamed

"A perfect mix of horror and fantasy."—The New York Times“The Butcher of the Forest” shows exactly why Mohamed is one of fantasy’s rising stars."—The Washington Post"The Grimm brothers can’t hold a candle to Premee Mohamed and her fever dream of a fantasy novella."—PolygonA world-weary woman races against the clock to survive a deadly forest in this dark, otherworldly fairytale from Nebula and World Fantasy Award-winning author Premee Mohamed.At the northern edge of a land ruled by a merciless foreign tyrant lies a wild, forbidden forest ruled by powerful magic.Veris Thorn—the only one to ever enter the forest and survive—is forced to go back inside to retrieve the tyrant's missing children. Inside await traps and trickery, ancient monsters, and hauntings of the past.One day is all Veris is afforded. One misstep will cost everything.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Butcher's Bill (Hammer's Slammers Omnibus #2)

by David Drake

They were the best mercenaries in the galaxy. They were Hammer's Slammers! "The Butcher's Bill" contains a novel, two novellas, four short stories, and a new novelette written for the collection, in addition to an Introduction by the author.

The Butlerian Jihad: The Butlerian Jihad Ebook (Dune Ser. #1)

by Brian Herbert Kevin J Anderson

One hundred and ten centuries from now, humanity has spread across space. And all-powerful machines rule the humans who were once their masters.It began in the Time of Tyrants, when ambitious men and women used high-powered computers to seize control of the heart of the Old Empire including Earth itself. The tyrants translated their brains into mobile mechanical bodies and created a new race, the immortal man-machine hybrids called cymeks. Then the cymeks' world-controlling planetary computers - each known as Omnius - seized control from their overlords and a thousand years of brutal rule by the thinking machines began. But their world faces disaster. Impatient with human beings' endless disobedience and the cymeks' continual plotting to regain their power, Omnius has decided that it no longer needs them. Only victory can save the human race from extermination.‘Such vile villains...and such a fascinating description of splendid places.' Anne McCaffrey on HOUSE HARKONNEN

Butt Wars: The Final Conflict (Butts #3)

by Andy Griffiths

Zack Freeman twice saved the world from total reek-dom. But now the young butt-fighter faces his nastiest challenge yet: Hundreds of thousands of Great White Butts attacking the earth with giant brown blobs are about to cause Buttageddon.

Buttercup the Bigfoot

by Douglas Rees

A fiercely funny picture book from author Douglas Rees and illustrator Isabel Muñoz about the fantastic friendship between a little girl and a creature out of legend.When Willa Cathcart Wilmerding, the bravest girl in the world, is told she must stop her nightly tradition of howling at the moon, she decides to run away. High in the mountains, she meets Buttercup the Bigfoot, a friend unlike any other!Willa and Buttercup do everything together. They leap up and down the mountains, soar over mighty crevasses, and make each other crowns of flowers—but their favorite thing to do is climb a high peak and HOWL at the moon.This playful story of friendship, freedom, and ferocity will have picture book readers eager for a Bigfoot friend of their very own.

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