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Showing 12,476 through 12,500 of 36,437 results

The Genius Habit: How One Habit Can Radically Change Your Work and Your Life

by Laura Garnett

Make your job the right jobMaybe you're a young professional just starting to think seriously about what you want out of your career. Maybe you've been job hopping for a few years and haven't found the perfect fit. Or maybe you want to launch your career to a new level and bring fresh energy to your work. In The Genius Habit, performance strategist Laura Garnett shows you how the path to finding long-lasting professional happiness starts with building the habit that makes extraordinary accomplishment all but guaranteed, as well as: The difference between passion and purpose and why one matters more than the other How to stop equating achievements with happiness Why having a mentor is not a necessity for career success The benefits of continually fine-tuning your career so you are challenged and fulfilled every dayCombining the most recent and exciting research on productivity and performance with Laura's experience guiding dozens of high-level clients to the heights of success, The Genius Habit is a must-read for anyone who believes that work can and should be one of the most rewarding aspects of life.

The Genius Machine

by Gerald Sindell

A complete, step-by-step system for developing an idea, thinking through an issue, or creating a revolutionary innovation Gifted with the unique ability to help people discover and apply their own innate genius, intellectual property consultant Gerald Sindell works with individuals and organizations to maximize returns on their most precious capital: their ideas and innovations. Dubbed the "Genius Machine" by his clients, Sindell's eleven-step process has proven invaluable for countless individuals and businesses needing to hone their message or launch a new product in today's tough market. Ideas enter the Genius Machine fuzzy, weak, or partially baked. Through this eleven-step process, they are examined from every angle and emerge robust, polished, and ready to change the world. Whether you are designing a house, writing a term paper, or perfecting the business plan for a new startup, The Genius Machine will help your thinking succeed.

The Genius of Being: Contemplating the Profound Intelligence of Existence

by Peter Ralston

Peter Ralston’s exceptionally lucid trilogy on the nature of human consciousness culminates here in The Genius of Being, a book of deep contemplations on the unseen elements that create our world. The first volume, The Book of Not Knowing, garnered much praise as a comprehensive exploration of the depths of self and consciousness. The second volume, Pursuing Consciousness, clarifies the difference between enlightenment and self-transformation, and then pairs these two goals in a strikingly effective way. This third book is both shorter and more complex, taking us straight to the heart of the origins of our experience. In a progression of illuminating assertions, Ralston shows us how human consciousness carves out distinctions from whatever is absolutely true. This dynamic not only generates both self and reality from nothing, it imbues them with the quality of objective truth. From the time we first distinguish between self and not-self as infants, we begin making a sequence of existential assumptions that result in the illusion that a self is some ethereal “object” within. This universally accepted assumption persists despite the failure of exhaustive investigations to locate this inner self.This book is not for the faint of heart or the casual seeker, but contemplating the assertions here empowers you to personally and experientially grasp what is rarely even glimpsed: a profound consciousness of the genesis of human experience.

Genius of Geneva: A Popular Account of the Life and Times of John Calvin

by L. Penning

The present volume is the English translation of the original Dutch language biography of John Calvin (July 10, 1509 - May 27, 1564), a French theologian, pastor and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation. Born Jehan Cauvin in Noyon, Picardy, France, Calvin was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism, aspects of which include the doctrines of predestination and of the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation of the human soul from death and eternal damnation, in which doctrines Calvin was influenced by and elaborated upon the Augustinian and other Christian traditions. Various Congregational, Reformed and Presbyterian churches, which look to Calvin as the chief expositor of their beliefs, have spread throughout the world.

The Genius of Jesus: The Man Who Changed Everything

by Erwin Raphael McManus

A groundbreaking manifesto decoding the phenomenon of genius through the life of Jesus of Nazareth, revealing the untapped potential within every human being—from the bestselling author of The Artisan Soul, The Last Arrow, and The Way of the Warrior.&“IF ALL GENIUS IS TOUCHED BY MADNESS, THEN IT IS ALSO TOUCHED BY THE DIVINE.&” In every realm of our existence—art, science, technology, mathematics—we are captivated by stories of genius. Geniuses violate the status quo, destabilize conventional ways of thinking, and ultimately disrupt history by making us see the world differently. Genius is that rare expression of human capacity that seems to touch the divine.Jesus of Nazareth is undeniably one of the most influential figures ever to have walked the face of the earth. Yet his life as a work of genius has yet to be excavated and explored. In The Genius of Jesus, Erwin Raphael McManus examines the person of Jesus not simply through the lens of his divinity, but as a man who radically changed the possibility of what it means to be human.Drawing on the phenomenon of genius and the phenomenon of Jesus, McManus leads us to see this momentous figure in a new and life-altering way. Genius always leaves clues, and The Genius of Jesus follows those clues so that you can discover your own personal genius.McManus dives into the nuances of Jesus&’s words and actions, showing how they can not only inspire us but revolutionize how we think about power, empathy, meaning, beauty, and truth. This work is for anyone who seeks to transform their life from the mundane to the transcendent—for anyone who longs to awaken the genius within.The Genius of Jesus is a thought-provoking exploration of the most controversial and influential figure who ever lived, and a guide for you to discover how his genius can live in you.

The Genius of Women: From Overlooked to Changing the World

by Janice Kaplan

We tell girls that they can be anything, so why do 90 percent of Americans believe that geniuses are almost always men? New York Times bestselling journalist Janice Kaplan explores the powerful forces that have rigged the system—and celebrates the women geniuses past and present who have triumphed anyway. Even in this time of rethinking women&’s roles, we define genius almost exclusively through male achievement. When asked to name a genius, people mention Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Steve Jobs. As for great women? In one survey, the only female genius anyone listed was Marie Curie. Janice Kaplan, the New York Times bestselling author of The Gratitude Diaries, set out to determine why the extraordinary work of so many women has been brushed aside. Using her unique mix of memoir, narrative, and inspiration, she makes surprising discoveries about women geniuses now and throughout history, in fields from music to robotics. Through interviews with neuroscientists, psychologists, and dozens of women geniuses at work in the world today—including Nobel Prize winner Frances Arnold and AI expert Fei-Fei Li—she proves that genius isn't just about talent. It's about having that talent recognized, nurtured, and celebrated. Across the generations, even when they face less-than-perfect circumstances, women geniuses have created brilliant and original work. In The Genius of Women, you&’ll learn how they ignored obstacles and broke down seemingly unshakable barriers. The geniuses in this moving, powerful, and very entertaining book provide more than inspiration—they offer a clear blueprint to everyone who wants to find her own path and move forward with passion.

The Genius Zone: The Breakthrough Process to End Negative Thinking and Live in True Creativity

by Gay Hendricks

Too often we live lives that we find unfulfilling, fail to reach our own potential, and neglect to practice creativity in our daily routines. Gay Hendricks's The Genius Zone offers a way to change that by tapping into your own innate creativity.Dr. Gay Hendricks broke new ground with his bestselling classic, The Big Leap, which has become an essential resource for coaches, entrepreneurs, executives, and health practitioners around the world. Originally published as The Joy of Genius, The Genius Zone has been updated and expanded throughout, making it the essential next step beyond The Big Leap.In The Genius Zone, Hendricks introduces his brilliant exercise, the Genius Move, a simple, life-altering practice that allows readers to end negative thinking and thrive authentically. By using the Genius Move, readers will learn to spend more of their lives in their zone of genius—where creativity flows freely and they are actively pursuing the things that offer them fulfillment and satisfaction. Filled with hands-on exercises and personal stories from the author, The Genius Zone is an essential guide to creative fulfillment. If you are committed to bringing forth your innate genius and making your largest possible creative contribution, The Genius Zone will become a trusted companion for the journey.

The Genogram Journey: Reconnecting with Your Family

by Monica Mcgoldrick

McGoldrick, an author and family therapist who teaches at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, explains how family therapists and other clinicians, their clients, and genealogists can use the genogram, or basic family tree, in family history research to better understand and transform family relationships. Using many genograms of famous families like the Kennedys, Obamas, Freuds, and Fondas, she illustrates how they can reveal a family's history of estrangement, alliance, divorce, culture and ethnicity, suicide, or other aspects and expose intergenerational patterns, in addition to how to change them. This is an updated edition of the original volume, published as You Can Go Home Again: Reconnecting with Your Family (1995). Annotation ©2011 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

The GenoType Diet

by Catherine Whitney Peter J. D'Adamo

With his acclaimed Eat Right 4 Your Type diet series, Dr Peter D'Adamo started a health craze which proved that when it comes to dieting, one plan does not fit all. He now takes his groundbreaking research to the next level with his unique The GenoType Diet, a customized health programme that has been designed to work with your genetic makeup to maximize weight loss and prevent or even reverse disease. Without the need for expensive tests, or even a visit to the doctor, Dr D'Adamo reveals your previously hidden genetic strengths and weaknesses and, using a range of simple diagnostic tools to show you how to discover which of the six GenoType health plans is right for you, provides a precise, customized diet and lifestyle programme for every individual. Devised by one of today's foremost healthcare pioneers, The GenoType Diet is accessible, fun to use and based on the very latest, cutting-edge genetic research.Quite simply, it's a twenty-first-century plan for wellness and weight loss that will help you to live the longest, fullest and healthiest life possible.

Gente nutritiva: Cómo son las personas que sanan y motivan nuestra vida y cómo ser una de ellas

by Bernardo Stamateas

¿Cómo reconocer y atraer a la gente nutritiva a nuestra vida? ¿Cómo convertirnos en una de ellas? ¿Cómo tener vínculos más sanos y una vida más plena? Bernardo Stamateas, referente de la autoayuda, contesta estas preguntas con lenguaje claro y ameno. Sus consejos nos ayudarán a mejorar nuestras relaciones, así como también conectar a un nivel más profundo con amigos y familiares. Todos los seres humanos nacemos preparados para conectarnos con los demás. El vínculo con el otro es fundamental porque somos seres gregarios. ¡Necesitamos de la gente! Seguramente recordarás a ese amigo, ese abuelo o ese maestro cuyas acciones o palabras te llenaron de alegría. La gente nutritiva nos motiva, nos alienta, nos ayuda a ser mejores porque despliega actitudes que nos hacen bien. En este nuevo libro Bernardo Stamateas presenta las características de esas personas que nos sanan con sus actitudes, nos producen alegría, nos traen plenitud y nos nivelan "hacia arriba". ¿Qué distingue a una persona nutritiva?: - Es empática- Vive un apego seguro- Tiene una actitud esperanzadora- Expresa su alegría en el encuentro- Considera su propio deseo y el del otro- Es congruente entre lo que piensa, siente y dice- Acepta al otro tal cual es- Genera sintonía emocional- Identifica las fortalezas propias y ajenas Gente nutritiva es un punto de inflexión en tu vida. Te ayudará a alcanzar tu mejor versión y tener vínculos más significativos, repletos de respeto, alegría y amor.

Gente que sume: Llene su tanque relacional para la vida, el amor y el liderazgo

by John Townsend

Las organizaciones saludables precisan líderes saludables y de óptimo nivel. En un entorno cada vez más complejo y competitivo, los líderes necesitan estar a la vanguardia.Los líderes exitosos entienden el mundo de las relaciones. El “factor gente” es de vital importancia para su competencia y enfoque. Dos problemas ralentizan su eficacia:Los líderes son los “originadores” de la mayoría de sus relaciones; es decir que lideran, guían, dirigen, desarrollan, asesoran, entrenan y alientan a aquellos en sus vidas. Si bien ser originadores beneficia a otros, desafortunadamente están en desequilibrio respecto de ser los “destinatarios” o receptores. Tienen muy pocas relaciones clave que los favorezcan, lo que respalda su crecimiento y desarrollo, y en las que pueden sentirse plenamente conocidos y comprendidos.Los líderes gastan demasiada energía con las personas equivocadas. Por naturaleza, son solucionadores de problemas, y emplean su tiempo y atención en las personas que los desgastan. Todo líder puede identificarse con esa “persona del proyecto” que se ha puesto al hombro para intentar corregir, orientar, ayudar, rescatar o reparar, y en la que a veces desperdician su energía durante años, solo para darse cuenta de que no fue un tiempo bien empleado.Los líderes están patas para arriba en sus relaciones, y este libro los ayudará a pararse derechos, enseñándoles sobre estos siete tipos de personas: coaches, camaradas, colegas, relaciones casuales, de cuidado, crónicas y contaminantes.Todo líder necesita cobrar perspectiva y tener a mano herramientas que le ayuden a saber invertir su tiempo sabiamente con las personas adecuadas y evitar las incorrectas. Con esa comprensión y habilidades, se evitarán muchos problemas en el trabajo y en la vida, como ser un funcionamiento cerebral más bajo, pérdida de energía, conflictos de relación, malas decisiones, problemas de concentración, de salud y luchas mentales.

A Gentle Answer: Our 'Secret Weapon' in an Age of Us Against Them

by Scott Sauls

A remarkable vision for how Christians can live with countercultural gentleness in a perpetually angry, attacking, outraged time.Wow! What a great book!" -- Max LucadoIn a defensive and divided era, how can followers of Jesus reveal a better way of living, one that loves others as God loves us? How can Christians be the kind of people who are known, as Proverbs puts it, to "turn away wrath?" Scott Sauls's compelling new book shows Christians how to become people of "a gentle answer" in a politically, relationally, and culturally fractured world by helping readers:grow in affection for Christ, who answers our hostility with gentleness;nurture a renewed, softened heart in light of Christ's gentleness toward us;and catch a vision to forsake us-against-them mentalities, put down our swords, and "infect" a hostile world with gentleness.For those who long for a more civil way of being, A Gentle Answer reveals why answering hostility with gentleness is essential, how we can nurture our hearts to do so, and what a gentle answer looks like, both in the church and in the world."A great, highly practical volume that points us to the tenderness of Jesus: 'a bruised reed he will not break'." -- Tim Keller, Pastor Emeritus, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City"Wow! What a great book…. We will be better humans because of it." -- Max Lucado, bestselling author and pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas"Scott Sauls is the preeminent voice for fractured, polarized times…. Scott&’s every word is read under our roof." -- Ann Voskamp, bestselling author of One Thousand Gifts and The Broken Way"This book could not have come at a better time, as we navigate a culture of polarization….This is a heart changing book!" -- Rebekah Lyons, bestselling author, Rhythms of Renewal and You are Free

The Gentle Art of Blessing: A Simple Practice That Will Transform You and Your World

by Pierre Pradervand

How can a blessing change the world? According to Pierre Pradervand, making the conscious choice to bless every person or being around you can truly make a world of difference in yourself and in others around you. In The Gentle Art of Blessing, Pradervand shows that the practice of blessing has the power to create more than just a renewed perspective. It unleashes tangible benefits throughout your entire life -- through your daily interactions, your life-long relationships, and in the way your approach your place in the world. Pradervand describes blessing as genuinely wishing the best for another person through seeing their individual worth and honoring them for it. By looking at several different perspectives -- providing spiritual inspiration from Hinduism, Taoism, the Koran, the Bible, and other important spiritual sources -- The Gentle Art of Blessing explores the potential in shifting one's attitude from confrontation and negativity to acceptance and enthusiasm. A powerfully simple way of perceiving and shaping our surroundings, blessings can reflect the unconditional love and acceptance that is necessary for world -- and inner -- peace.

The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment: A Guide to Discovering Your Personal Path

by Pierre Pradervand

Support for those embarking on an authentic spiritual search• Focuses in depth on helping you answer three fundamental questions: &“Who am I deep down?&”, &“What am I really looking for in my spiritual quest?&”, and &“What is the deep motivation of my search?&”• Shows how integrity, perseverance, generosity, and discernment are essential components of any lasting spiritual path• Reveals the author&’s own spiritual difficulties and how he reoriented his spiritual quest in a straightforward, less dogmatic wayThroughout his decades as a social activist and self-transformation teacher, as well as through his spiritual work with death row inmates, Pierre Pradervand saw more and more people moving away from organized religion. He also realized that many were still seeking a spiritual dimension in their lives. Yet with so many options available, especially so many &“spiritual fast food&” options, selecting the right spiritual path can be difficult.In this guide, Pierre offers support for those embarking on an authentic spiritual search. He focuses in depth on helping you answer three fundamental questions: Who am I deep down? What am I really looking for in my spiritual quest? What is the deep motivation of my search? He shows how integrity, generosity, and discernment are essential components of any lasting spiritual path. The author shares his journey to rediscover his spiritual power after losing it all. He explains how he reoriented his spiritual quest in a straightforward, less dogmatic way—which led him to discover the gentle art of blessing and the simple path to becoming an embodiment of divine love.Showing how to cultivate your inner voice and intuition to become your own empowered spiritual authority, this guide reveals how to see more clearly, open your spiritual horizons, and move toward your own unique spiritual path.

The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter (The Swedish Art of Living & Dying Series)

by Margareta Magnusson

*The basis for the wonderfully funny and moving TV series developed by Amy Poehler and Scout Productions* A charming, practical, and unsentimental approach to putting a home in order while reflecting on the tiny joys that make up a long life.In Sweden there is a kind of decluttering called döstädning, dö meaning &“death&” and städning meaning &“cleaning.&” This surprising and invigorating process of clearing out unnecessary belongings can be undertaken at any age or life stage but should be done sooner than later, before others have to do it for you. In The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, artist Margareta Magnusson, with Scandinavian humor and wisdom, instructs readers to embrace minimalism. Her radical and joyous method for putting things in order helps families broach sensitive conversations, and makes the process uplifting rather than overwhelming. Margareta suggests which possessions you can easily get rid of (unworn clothes, unwanted presents, more plates than you&’d ever use) and which you might want to keep (photographs, love letters, a few of your children&’s art projects). Digging into her late husband&’s tool shed, and her own secret drawer of vices, Margareta introduces an element of fun to a potentially daunting task. Along the way readers get a glimpse into her life in Sweden, and also become more comfortable with the idea of letting go.

A Gentle Path Through the 12 Steps and 12 Principles Bundle: A Collection of Two Patrick Carnes Best Sellers

by Patrick J Carnes

Two book bundle! Essential Twelve Step Recovery Guides from renown author, Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.Two book bundle! Essential Twelve Step Recovery Guides from renown author, Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps UPDATED and EXPANDEDIt was out of his reverence and respect for the wisdom and therapeutic value of the Twelve Steps that Carnes wrote A Gentle Path through the 12 Steps, now a recovery classic and self-help staple for anyone looking for guidance for life's hardest challenges. Hundreds of thousands of people have found in this book a personal portal to the wisdom of the Twelve Steps. With updated and expanded concepts and a focus on the spiritual principles that lead to lifelong growth and fulfillment, Carnes' new edition invites a fresh generation of readers to the healing and rewarding experience of Twelve Step recovery.

A Gentle Path through the Twelve Principles: Living the Values Behind the Steps

by Patrick J. Carnes

Renowned addiction expert Patrick Carnes, PhD, author of A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps, outlines twelve guiding principles to help those in recovery develop an essential skill set for life.Twelve Steps. Twelve Traditions. And yes, Twelve Principles. The Steps outline the actions that lead to extraordinary healing. The Traditions exist as guides to the functioning of the Fellowship. Embedded in both is a series of Principles by which to measure your progress.Anyone who lives a Twelve Step way of life will recognize the principles passed on in A Gentle Path through the Twelve Principles. They have existed among fellowships as a hidden curriculum of fundamental truths about recovery for decades, but never before have they been distilled into a succinct set of values that, when practiced, help each of us to develop an essential skill set for life. The principles--such universal touchstones for human self-realization as acceptance, awareness, responsibility, openness, honesty, courage, commitment, and meaning--are concepts that enable a deep inner study and focus to make a new life happen in recovery.Recovery means reengineering your life with a focus on renewal. The Twelve Principles are designed to help you get there.

A Gentle Path through the Twelve Principles: Living the Values Behind the Steps

by Patrick J. Carnes

Twelve Steps. Twelve Traditions. And yes, Twelve Principles. The Steps outline the actions that lead to extraordinary healing. The Traditions exist as guides to the functioning of the Fellowship. Embedded in both is a series of Principles by which to measure your progress.Anyone who lives a Twelve Step way of life will recognize the principles passed on in A Gentle Path through the Twelve Principles. They have existed among fellowships as a hidden curriculum of fundamental truths about recovery for decades, but never before have they been distilled into a succinct set of values that, when practiced, help each of us to develop an essential skill set for life. The principles--such universal touchstones for human self-realization as acceptance, awareness, responsibility, openness, honesty, courage, commitment, and meaning--are concepts that enable a deep inner study and focus to make a new life happen in recovery.Recovery means reengineering your life with a focus on renewal. The Twelve Principles are designed to help you get there.

A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps: The Classic Guide for All People in the Process of Recovery

by Patrick J Carnes

A revised and expanded edition of the recovery classic by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., a leading expert on addictive behaviors.A revised and expanded edition of the recovery classic by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., a leading expert on addictive behaviors. The Twelve Steps tap into the essential human process of change and will be regarded as one of the intellectual and spiritual landmarks in human history. --Patrick CarnesIt was out of his reverence and respect for the wisdom and therapeutic value of the Twelve Steps that Carnes wrote A Gentle Path through the 12 Steps, now a recovery classic and self-help staple for anyone looking for guidance for life's hardest challenges.Hundreds of thousands of people have found in this book a personal portal to the wisdom of the Twelve Steps. With updated and expanded concepts and a focus on the spiritual principles that lead to lifelong growth and fulfillment, Carnes' new edition invites a fresh generation of readers to the healing and rewarding experience of Twelve Step recovery.'A treasure chest, a rich and powerful resource for anyone working a Twelve Step program.' --Wendy Maltz, M.S.W.'This book emphasizes the common themes at the heart of all Twelve Step fellowships and offers an especially clear explanation of what `working the program' means.' --Claudia Black, Ph.D.Patrick J. Carnes, PhD, is the founder of the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) and Gentle Path Press. His extensive background in the field of addiction therapy led Dr. Carnes to develop multiple cutting-edge recovery programs aimed at treating addictive disorders. He serves as executive director of the Gentle Path Program, a residential treatment program for sexual addiction in Hattiesburg, Miss.With more than 30 years in the sexual addiction treatment field, Dr. Carnes continues to spread his extensive knowledge as a speaker, presenter and interview subject. His assessment tools and related materials deliver an unprecedented approach to addiction recovery for practitioners of addiction treatment and sexual addicts.

Gentle Persuasion

by Joe Aldrich

Gentle Persuasion is an encouraging appeal of all Christians of all ages and abilities to become part of God's strategy for brings needy men and women to Christ. Join Joe as he explains how cherry pies, hammers and saws, lawn mowers, broken-down cars, chariots of fire, babysitters, duck hunters, llama farmers--and even attack lambs with steel wool--can draw your friends to the Savior.

A Gentleman at the Table: A Concise, Contemporary Guide to Table Manners (Gentlemanners)

by John Bridges Bryan Curtis

Gain the knowledge you need to maneuver any dining situation - from a casual meal of fried chicken at mom's house to a seven-course dinner at the finest restaurant in the world.A Gentleman at the Table will give any man the knowledge he needs to maneuver any dining situation - from a casual meal of fried chicken at his mom's house to a seven-course dinner at the finest restaurant in the world. It includes. . .How to set a tableHow to pronounce more than 100 unusual food namesHow to use obscure eating utensilsHow to perform the Heimlich maneuverHow to eat more than 25 foods that are challenging to eat gracefully such as lobster, snails, fried chicken, and pasta.In a society where more and more people eat with plastic forks and spoons at fast food restaurants, it is still important that a man know proper dining etiquette. There are still situations where not knowing what a finger bowl is or not knowing how to pronounce an item on a menu can have an effect on what others think of you. Showing he has little working knowledge of table manners at a lunch meeting or on a job interview over dinner may have an important impact on a man's life.Like all the books in the GentleManners series, A Gentleman at the Table is easy to use, non-threatening, and an entertaining read.

The Gentleman's Guide to Life: What Every Guy Should Know About Living Large, Loving Well, Feeling Strong, and Looking Good

by Steve Friedman

Whether you're a sensitive, bookish type or a beer-guzzling Cyber-jock--or just an average guy--The Gentleman's Guide to Life is a perfect and indispensable primer on looking, living, and feeling good, answering all your questions about clothes, career, fitness, love, and lust. How do I move up without selling out? How do I help my friends (and crush my enemies)? How do I feed and care for my boss? What kind of suit should I wear? What kind of shoes do I wear with the suit? Socks? Do I really need to take my vitamins? Is this impotence or lack of interest? How much sleep do I need? How can I bluff my way through a wine list? What is Cubism? How much should I tip? What CDs should I have to relax? To seduce? Do I like her? Do I really, really like her? What does she mean I don't listen? How do I propose (or ask for the ring back)? Am I the best man I can possibly be?

The Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette: A Manual of Politeness from a Gentler Time

by Cecil B. Hartley

What should you do if you find a bug on your plate? How do you ask someone to dance? What's the least offensive way to enjoy your cigar? These and other questions of social decorum are answered in this classic etiquette book. Published just before the Civil War, this volume offers enduring advice for courtesy-challenged men. Common-sense suggestions for socializing, exercise, flirting, dining, and dressing reveal that the basics of proper behavior haven't changed all that much ― and in situations where they have, today's gentlemen may find something worth learning from their predecessors.Suggestions for the best way to behave, as well as how not to behave, include conduct in the street ("Avoid striking your umbrella against those which pass you"); making calls ("No man in the United States, excepting His Excellency, the President, can expect to receive calls unless he returns them"); and dating ("Any lover-like airs or attitudes, although you may have the right to assume them, are in excessively bad taste in public"). These and other etiquette tips provide intriguing glimpses of nineteenth-century society in addition to a wealth of timeless counsel on behaving with sincerity, dignity, and kindness in our own day and age.

Gently Down the Stream: 4 Unforgettable Keys to Success

by Luke Barber Matt Weinstein

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream... <P> The popular round song now becomes the key to success, as it embodies the primary principles for job fulfillment: work hard, go with the flow, have fun, and create a personal vision. Reinforcing personal and professional values Weinstein (dubbed the "Master of Playfulness" by People) and Barber's simple revolutionary program is already working wonders with organizations and individuals.

Gently Down This Dream: Notes on My Sudden Departure

by Hugh Prather Gayle Prather

A beautiful final note from the pioneering author of the classic Notes to Myself Gently Down This Dream is a book for those who are tired of striving and suffering and want to awaken to the peace and love that are within us all. When bestselling author Hugh Prather completed this book in 2010, he gave it to his wife and writing partner, Gayle, to shape and edit. He died the next day. The book’s essays, poems, and aphorisms — bravely self-revelatory, relentlessly compassionate, and born out of a lifetime of contemplative practice and counseling work — make for a lovely, and loving, PS to his millions of fans and a winning introduction to his beautiful mind for new fans to come. They present the self-improvement practices that Hugh and Gayle learned in their long life together and later taught. The Prathers’ authentic humor, comfort, and spiritual insights are perfect for the divisive times we live in, offering a way through what can often seem the prison of the self, a reliable means for navigating a world that sometimes feels out of control, and a path to love.

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