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10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

by Wayne W. Dyer

Is your life path lit by your inner candle flame, or are you stumbling along in the dark? In Dr. Wayne Dyer's new book, he reminds us of what so many people easily forget in the day-to-day grind of life -- that material success isn't what we're ultimately trying to achieve, and therefore it shouldn't be our driving force. Within each of us lies success and inner peace, which can be found once we understand that a deeper, richer life experience is characterized by a burning desire, or as Dr. Dyer describes it, an "inner candle flame." In this thought-provoking book, Dr. Dyer offers simple ways to change your life -- and your outlook on life. The ten principles presented here apply to people who are just beginning their journey of discovery, as well as those who have already embarked on life's winding path. Dr. Dyer urges us to listen with an open heart, and to apply the secrets that resonate with them and discard the rest. By doing so, we'll learn to feel the peace of God that truly defines success.

10 Secrets My Dog Taught Me: Life Lessons from a Man's Best Friend

by Carlo De Vito

Poignant, funny tales about a man and his dog--and the lessons learned about responsibility and enduring friendship.It is love at first sight when Carlo De Vito, an aspiring book editor, first meets Exley, the rambunctious, rescued German Shorthair Pointer he adopts and who becomes his faithful companion. In 10 Secrets My Dog Taught Me, De Vito writes about their experiences growing up together--and the life lessons that invariably result from their adventures. Ultimately, when his beloved friend is gone, De Vito discovers some thruths about love, loss, and lasting friendship."It had been Exley's job to raise me. All that time we had been having fun, going for walks, getting into trouble, being companions and friends in some great adventure. And I had spent so much time teaching him to sit, stay, lie down, roll over. But all along, he had been teaching me. It is the child that makes the man, and in this case it was a dog. All along it had been the dog doing the teaching, not me. How do you like that? And I love him for it to this day and will for the rest of my life."Writing in the heartwarming, bestselling tradition of Pack of Two and My Dog Skip, De Vito captures the spirit of that tie in a way that will resonate with not only dog lovers, but all those who share their heart and home with a pet.

10 Secrets of Time Management for Salespeople: Gain the Competitive Edge and Make Every Second Count

by Dave Kahle

The typical salesperson today is overwhelmed, trapped in a chaotic, pressure-filled environment with too much to do and not enough time to do it. Salespeople need help! This book provides it. Dave Kahle contends that smart time management is not about cramming more activity into each hour; but about achieving greater results in that hour. The content has been honed in hundreds of seminars and refined by the perceptions and experiences of thousands of salespeople. 10 Secrets of Time Management for Salespeople provides powerful, practical insights and ideas that really work, including hundreds of specific, practical, effective time management tips from dozens of salespeople who are on the "front lines" every day. The author, Dave Kahle, has been the number-one salesperson in the country for two different companies in two distinct industries. He's presented seminars throughout the world, published more than 400 articles, and authored three books and 32 multimedia training programs.

10 Simple Secrets of the World's Greatest Business Communicators (Ignite Reads)

by Carmine Gallo

Based on author Carmine Gallo's career as a Fortune 500 communications coach and Emmy Award-winning television journalist, 10 Simple Secrets of the World's Greatest Communicators has been updated and revised to show business people how to achieve their personal and professional goals by mastering the ten simple secrets used by the world's greatest business communicators. The book offers techniques and proven tips that explain how these successful communicators connect with audiences who demand passion, inspiration, preparation, clarity, brevity, command presence, and simplicity, all delivered in a visually compelling package.

The 10-Step Stress Solution

by Neil Shah

A simple, straightforward guide to managing the daily stress in your life. Too busy to get everything done? Lie awake at night worrying and fretting? It is all too easy to feel out of control in the modern world. With so many demands on your time, you can feel overstretched and overburdened. However, there are easy ways to gain control and banish your worries for good. This accessible book from Neil Shah of the Stress Management Society offers a simple 10-step plan with practical solutions for regaining control of your life. Find out how to: Manage your time-at work and at home Improve your concentration and motivation Regain your balance and lift your mood Get a good night’s sleep and stop worrying .

10 Steps to Change Your Life: A Step-By-Step Guide

by Marcelo C Troche Annette

Throughout our lives we have encountered different situations making us question ourselves about who we are, what path to follow, and how to achieve happiness. Although it seems somewhat complex to solve, we do not really realize within ourselves are the answers to those questions. You will realize after reading this book, how following these simple steps will enable you to find a path to help you view your life in a positive way, to achieve all your goals and purposes, and thus from inside you finding the answers to those questions that somehow have not allowed you to lead a full and happy life. Do not be afraid to accept yourself as you are, to change, to trust in yourself, to open the doors to a better life with an inner transformation, dare to be happy. What would you think if I told you internally lies the key to change your life? What if I also said that you can be who you've always wanted to be and get everything you want? Surely internally answering these questions you have visualized what you have always wanted to have, what you have always wanted to be, right? What are you waiting for? It is your time to ACT AS IF. If I can, if I have goals, if I get what I want, if I am fully happy, etcetera. ... Break your chains, overcome your fears and let me accompany you in the discovery of changing your current "I" for the successful "I"... I already am, and you?

10 Steps Towards Success

by Georgia Louise Snelgrove Henry Osal

SUCCESS is hard to define. I like to say that success is a matter of each individual, that each person has and builds their own. In my experience as an international coach, I have worked with people who have fame and money, but who feel unhappy. Working together, we have managed (well, they have managed on their own) to find the path towards HAPPINESS. In this brief and easy to read manual, I want to make you think and to understand that this path isn't really that complicated at all. It is at anybody's reach. It is not about money: it is about hard work and hope. Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be successful? THIS MANUAL IS FOR YOU. LET US WALK DOWN THE PATH TOGETHER.

10 Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships

by Laura Schlessinger

Back to her outrageous and humorous best, Dr Laura Schlessinger, still America's #1 radio talk-show host, gives advice on what must be avoided to preserve, protect, and prolong intimate relationships. In Ten Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships, Dr Laura addresses the problems men and women face in finding peace, joy and self-fulfilment in relationships. She identifies the 10 most common reasons that mess up relationships, including: Stupid Secrets, Stupid Egotism, Stupid Pettiness, Stupid Power, Stupid Priorities, Stupid Happiness, Stupid Excuses, Stupid Liaisons, Stupid Mismatch and Stupid Break-ups. Dr Laura has been solving people's problems on the air for 25 years. Filled with letters and phone-in situations from her show, this book offers the sort of no-nonsense expertise that made her a star.

The 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make When Facing Divorce: And How to Avoid Them

by Joseph Cordell

The Knowledge Every Man Needs for a Successful Divorce Each year 500,000 men will face divorce, and most of them make at least one crucial--and often irreversible--mistake. These errors might seem minor, such as moving out while things get sorted out, or thinking of "temporary" orders as being truly temporary. But when they get to court, these men discover they have put themselves in a terrible position. They may have to give up their house, pay impossibly high alimony, or even lose custody. You could be one of these men. But you don't have to be. Joseph Cordell, the founder of the nation's largest law firm focusing on men's divorce and the creator of, has seen the consequences of the mistakes men make. Drawing upon the huge number of cases that Cordell & Cordell has handled, this book identifies the 10 most common mistakes that end up hurting men in divorce. Cordell demystifies the divorce process, explains what judges consider in making their final decisions, and lays out a road map for positive actions men can take to achieve the best possible outcome. No man should face divorce without this book.

10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You: (but Can't, Because He Needs The Job)

by Oliver "Buzz" Thomas

A well-known minister speaks from the heart to all those centrist Christians looking for a way to worship God in today's world"How did it all begin?" "What happens when we die?" These are just two of the questions Reverend Oliver "Buzz" Thomas hears centrist Christians asking as he travels across the U.S. and he knows that their voices are not being heard. They're people of faith, not of politics, and they want more from their religion than a voter's guide. In 10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You (But Can't Because He Needs the Job), Rev. Thomas has written a book that will become the liberal Christian answer to The Purpose Driven Life. He writes sensitively about the reason we were put on this earth, the significance of the Bible and how one pleases God. He answers difficult, contemporary questions like "What about homosexuality?" and "What about other faiths?". Rev. Thomas weaves a Christian theology for today that people will embrace as a guide to sensible, modern living.

10 Ways to Change the World in Your 20S

by Libuse Binder

WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN? Throwing a party. Preparing a meal. Sending an email. These are things you do all the time. How can they really make a difference? Ten Ways to Change the World in Your Twenties shows how to transform these everyday activities into world-changing events: Throw a party with a purpose. Prepare a sustainable meal. Send an email to your representative. An inspiring collection of ideas that can make the world a better place, this book taps into the potential of an energetic, influential generation and lights the path to shaping tomorrow by: Digging into what you love Volunteering in ways big and small Supporting political actions that reflect your values Leading an eco-active lifestyle Simplifying and reducing your footprint Using your buying power to encourage better business practices Eating well locally Hosting a party with a purpose Exploring the world through environmentally responsible travel Turning your passion into a vocation With a rating scale based on the time, money, and lifestyle impact required, and peppered with true tales of twentysomethings who've made an impact, Ten Ways to Change the World in Your Twenties provides resources and opportunities for you to use your talents to help create a history we can all be proud of. *** "Everywhere I go around the planet, I find young people, fresh from college, leading the new green movement. With savvy and heart, they're making a real difference-and as this book shows, you can too!" Bill McKibben 350. org

10 Ways To Write More Effective Ads (Correct Times)

by Amie Wamsley

What is advertising? Is it something to be regarded as a work of beauty or art? Is it clever slogans or amusing prose? Is it workmanship to be judged for an award or recognition? It’s none of the above. Advertising is salesmanship multiplied.?Nothing more.?And advertising copy, or copywriting, is salesmanship in print.?The purpose of a copywriter’s job is to sell. Period.?The selling is accomplished by persuasion with the written word, much like a television commercial sells (if done properly) by persuading with visuals and audio. Enjoy your ebook "10 Ways To Write More Effective Ads"!

10 Years Younger Cosmetic Surgery Bible

by Jan Stanek

10 Years Younger, launched in April 2004, was the first lifestyle series on British television to feature cosmetic surgery. Since then, increased acceptability, availability and affordability have prompted a massive rise in the number of cosmetic procedures carried out each year in the UK, with that number set to top a quarter of a million in 2007. It is now believed that 45% of women and 37% of men in the UK would consider cosmetic surgery.10 Years Younger has undoubtedly influenced the public's perception of cosmetic surgery and here, in the 10 Years Younger Cosmetic Surgery Bible, Jan Stanek openly and honestly discusses the pros and cons of each procedure. All aspects of each process are discussed - what it involves, who should consider it, what will it solve, what it won't solve, the cost, the potential risks, the potential reactions and the length of recovery. There are even before and after photos to show you what can be achieved. So, if you're considering a face lift, a boob job, a tummy tuck, or even just a Botox injection, this is the book for you.

100+1 Ways To Save Money (Correct Times)

by Kathrine Tasch

People are always trying to save money, especially with today’s economy. No matter what your reason for saving, through this e-book, you will discover ways never considered. The price of everything has gone up, requiring people to be more conscientious about money. The problem is that by the time the mortgage, car, utilities, and credit cards are paid, there is little money to put aside. Saving money is not that hard, just a matter of learning all the different options and being creative. In addition to the obvious of putting money into a retirement fund or savings account, there are hundreds of ways to save money. Although some ways of saving may not seem like much, once you add them up at the end of the year, you will see how substantial the savings really are.

100+1 Ways To Stop The Money Leaks (Correct Times)

by Max Michelle

People are always trying to save money, especially with today’s economy. No matter what your reason for saving, through this ebook, you will discover ways never considered. <P> The price of everything has gone up, requiring people to be more conscientious about money. The problem is that by the time the mortgage, car, utilities, and credit cards are paid, there is little money to put aside. Saving money is not that hard, just a matter of learning all the different options and being creative. <P><P> In addition to the obvious of putting money into a retirement fund or savings account, there are hundreds of ways to save money. Although some ways of saving may not seem like much, once you add them up at the end of the year, you will see how substantial the savings really are. <P><P><P> Keep in mind that saving is more than a single lump sum of money put aside. Saving is something found in your everyday life by the way you live and the choices you make.?Rome was not built in a day and neither will your bank account be.?Each penny saved is one more penny than before. If you have the ability to save big, that is great. However, most people are not in that position, which is why this e-book will show you how little savings can add up quickly.?Be encouraged that it is never too late to start saving, regardless of your age. Set your mind that now is the time to start building your future.?Before we start I just want to remind you of the water pot analogy you read on the sales page before purchasing this book…Imagine you have a huge water pot. Each morning you fill that water pot to the brim with lovely refreshing clean water HOWEVER you don't realize that the water pot has numerous leaks in it. Enjoy your ebook "

The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success

by Brian Tracy

The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success explains a series of practical proven methods, techniques, principles and "laws" that underlie virtually all business activity.

100 Awesome Hair Days: Perfect Buns, Braids, Pony Tails & Twists, Whatever Your Hair Type

by Jenny Strebe

Struggling to tame thick and unruly curls? Tired of having limp, lifeless tresses? Hair can be a temperamental thing, but with 100 Awesome Hair Days as your guide you can learn styles that work with your hair, not against it. Whether your hair is fine, flat or frizzy, you will find styles suited to your particular type in chapters dedicated to different types of hair days: Stay-at-Home, Busy, Sporty, Dress-up and Special. A follow-on from the international best-seller Braids, Buns & Twists, this book will ensure you never have a bad hair day again!

The 100 Best Business Books of All Time: What They Say, Why They Matter, and How They Can Help You

by Todd Sattersten Jack Covert Sally Haldorson

Thousands of business books are published every year-- Here are the best of the best After years of reading, evaluating, and selling business books, Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten are among the most respected experts on the category. Now they have chosen and reviewed the one hundred best business titles of all time--the ones that deliver the biggest payoff for today's busy readers. The 100 Best Business Books of All Time puts each book in context so that readers can quickly find solutions to the problems they face, such as how best to spend The First 90 Days in a new job or how to take their company from Good to Great. Many of the choices are surprising--you'll find reviews of Moneyball and Orbiting the Giant Hairball, but not Jack Welch's memoir. At the end of each review, Jack and Todd direct readers to other books both inside and outside The 100 Best. And sprinkled throughout are sidebars taking the reader beyond business books, suggesting movies, novels, and even children's books that offer equally relevant insights. This guide will appeal to anyone, from entry-level to CEO, who wants to cut through the clutter and discover the brilliant books that are truly worth their investment of time and money.

The 100 Best Volunteer Vacations to Enrich Your Life

by Pam Grout

Travel industry experts report that more and more people are combining vacations with volunteer work—the growing phenomenon called "voluntourism." Professionals predict this will be a key growth area for years to come; the voluntourists themselves find it a rewarding activity, good for body and soul. And nobody provides such a fun, inviting overview of the possibilities as savvy travel writer Pam Grout in the latest title in our 100 Best Vacations series. With its elegant two-color design, playful cover, and winningly positive goal, it’s a travel guide with heart, inexpensive yet inspiring—an ideal gift book for people who care to share. From building houses in Appalachia to saving sea turtles in Costa Rica to teaching English in Thailand, this book is a rich resource of ways to use your skills to help out the world and reap some lasting benefits yourself. Like its two predecessors, it includes an engagingly descriptive menu of choices for tastes and talents of all kinds, along with detailed specifics to turn good intentions into satisfying reality. Throughout, sidebars describe nearby places to visit, little-known facts, and more, providing depth and variety, while a comprehensive resource listing gives additional information about the different organizations offering volunteer vacations.

The 100 Best Worldwide Vacations to Enrich Your Life

by Pam Grout

The author of the North American destination-centered 100 Best Vacations to Enrich Your Life (2007) aims to shake up travelers' preconceptions about other countries and themselves, by detailing the why's and how's of such vacations as learning to belly dance in Turkey, test-driving a fantasy career as a chef in culinary hotspots, or assembling wheelchairs for land mine victims in Cambodia. Chapters on arts & crafts getaways, volunteer vacations, learning retreats, and wellness escapes include a resource or two. Annotation ©2008 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

100 Bullshit Jobs

by Stanley Bing

The scholarly discipline of Bullshit Studies has blossomed in the last several years, fertilized by a number of critical works on the subject and the growing importance of the issue across a wide range of professions. Now, best-selling author and lifelong practitioner Stanley Bing enters the field with a comprehensive look at the many attractive jobs now available to those who are serious about their bullshit and prepared to dedicate their working life to it. What, Bing inquires, do a feng shui consultant, new media executive, wine steward, department store greeter, and Vice President of the United States have in common? What, too, are the actual duties performed by a McKinsey consultant? Other than sitting around making people nervous? Could that possibly be his core function? Likewise, what does an aromatherapist actually do, per se? Sniff things and rub them on people, for big fragrant bucks? Is that all? The answer in all cases is "Yes." They all have bullshit jobs. These few, of course, are just the beginning. Across the length and breadth of this shrinking globe, skillful bullshit artists have secured pleasant, lucrative employment, and are enjoying themselves more than you are. In virtually every occupation, from Advertising to Yoga Franchising, lucky individuals who "work" in these coveted positions enjoy the best lives imaginable -- they are paid well, they rarely break a sweat, and their professions are highly respected, because nobody really knows what they do. At once funny, useful, and tolerably philosophical, this groundbreaking work takes a close look at 100 bullshit jobs -- the money they bring with them, the actual tasks and activities involved (if any), and famous and successful examples of each position, who will provide the neophyte with inspiration. Most crucially, Bing goes on to offer what others so far have not--a clear, concise strategy to help job-seekers at every level reach for that brass ring, knowing full well that it may be attached to the nose of a bull.

100 Business Tools for Success: All the management models that matter in 500 words or less

by Jeremy Kourdi

The world is full of business ideas.But how do you know which the best ones are?And how do you find time to read them?100 Business Tools for Success may be a little book, but it contains the very best business tools that have come from the very best business brains on the planet. Each is summarized over just two pages, so that you can quickly gain access to the insights which are driving the most successful people in all walks of life.A must for all business professionals...

100 Consejos para Motivarlo a Entrenar Más

by Pílula Digital

La palabra MOTIVACIÓN proviene del latín 'motivus', que significa ‘causa del movimiento’. La gran IMPORTANCIA de la motivación es que ella es el COMBUSTIBLE que nos impulsa a REALIZAR las actividades DIARIAS. Asimismo, INFLUYE en el comportamiento humano para ALCANZAR objetivos, satisfacer necesidades y obtener sensaciones placenteras. Una persona puede tener múltiples MOTIVOS para ejercitarse, tales como PERDER PESO, mantener un buen estado de SALUD, sentirse mejor consigo MISMA, entre otros. Todas esas razones son MOTIVOS que nos IMPULSAN a realizar la actividad física. Además de ello, cuando la persona comienza a SENTIR y a ver los RESULTADOS, eso la ESTIMULA a mantener la CONVICCIÓN para continuar EJERCITÁNDOSE.

100 Contradictions found in the Bible (Correct Times)

by Tameka Navarrette

As it is with religion everyone has their own beliefs and not everyone will agree with all of the listed "contradictions" here. It is up to the reader to use his/her own judgement and decide for himself/herself what s/he will accept as a contradiction. In any case, lists such as this can be useful in discussions and can serve as a helpful reminder to check out some of the discrepancies for yourself.

100 Days of Self-Love: A Guided Journal to Help You Calm Self-Criticism and Learn to Love Who You Are

by Mary Jelkovsky

"For those who want to journal but don't know where to start, these prompts will gently guide you toward greater self-awareness and deeper self-love." -Alexandra Elle, author of After the Rain: Gentle Reminders for Healing, Courage, and Self-LoveIf someone asked you, &“Who do you love?&” would you ever think to reply, &“Myself"? For too many of us, the answer would be no. That's why Mary Jelkovsky, author of the bestselling book The Gift of Self-Love, created this guided journal to help you give yourself grace even on the hardest days. Through the 100 prompts and encouraging stories on these pages, you'll explore self-love in all aspects of your life and learn how to:• Dig into your passions to discover your purpose• Process your feelings with compassion, not judgment• Reexamine your thought patterns and develop a lasting self-love practice• Learn how to better cultivate relationships, both with yourself and those around you• Reconnect with your body, mind, and heart to treat yourself more tenderlyAuthor Mary Jelkovsky has inspired millions of individuals to love themselves unconditionally by sharing heartfelt personal stories via her top-rated Mary&’s Cup of Tea Podcast: the Self-Love Podcast for Women, worldwide self-love retreats, and featured articles in Teen Vogue and Health Magazine. Now in 100 Days of Self-Love, she offers heartfelt stories and thought-provoking journaling prompts that encourage you to reflect on the attitudes, experiences, and habits that shaped who you are today. Use the lined writing pages to record your thoughts and start building a solid, foundational practice of self-love in your everyday life.

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