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Gestión Del Tiempo: Guía Sencilla Para Gestionar Tu Tiempo

by Ernest Matuson

Este libro es un manual sobre estilo de vida que te guiará a lo largo de tu vida cotidiana. Al terminar el libro deberás ser capaz de comprender las causas que impiden mejorar tu gestión del tiempo y aprender las habilidades y actividades necesarias que te ayudarán a organizar tu tiempo de forma más adecuada. Te daremos consejos para ahorrar más tiempo y realizar más tareas dentro de tu horario; incluso aunque pienses que estás a tope, todavía podrás volver a casa y tener tiempo de calidad con tu pareja, tus hijos o incluso para ti mismo. ¿Estás agobiado en estos días porque esta época en la que vivimos quiere que vivamos más en Internet y cada vez las redes sociales piden más atención cuando en realidad tenemos la oportunidad de “apagarlo”? Este libro intenta abordar los temas básicos de la gestión del tiempo, tanto si se trata de decir un simple “no” como si se trata de identificar exigencias innecesarias, asegurando que alcances tus objetivos o que dejes de hacer muchas tareas a la vez. ¿A qué estás esperando? ¡No te lo pienses más! ¡Haz clic en comprar para empezar el camino hacia la vida de tus sueños!

Gestión Del Tiempo: Los Trucos Para Manejarlo Correctamente.

by Jean Lerner

Libro de autoayuda para manejar tu tiempo de forma efectiva, enfocado en resolver los desafíos más comunes en el lugar de trabajo, que incluyen prioridades poco claras, sobrecarga de información, interrupciones y distracciones, espacio desorganizado de trabajo, reuniones improductivas, intentos de hacerlo solo y desafíos especiales para quienes trabajan desde casa. Fácil de leer, con un formato organizado que facilita la búsqueda de las respuestas que buscas. La productividad y el éxito en el manejo del tiempo se puede explicar con una formúla básica de matemáticas.Hay 24 horas laborables en cada día. Trabajas 8 horas. Duermes 8 horas. ¿Lo que queda? 8 horas. ¿Cómo puedes ser más productivo y administrar su tiempo? Potenciando esas 8 restantes. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡No esperes más! ¡Desplácese hacia arriba y haz clic en el botón comprar ahora para comenzar el viaje a la vida de sus sueños!

Gestion du stress

by Hiriyappa B

Le livre adopte une vision holistique de la recherche et de la gestion du stress, au lieu de s'intéresser uniquement aux symptômes. La gestion du stress permet d'identifier les domaines spécifiques du stress dans notre vie - familier, physique, professionnel, social et émotionnel. Le livre adopte une vision holistique de la recherche et de la gestion du stress plutôt que de s'intéresser uniquement aux symptômes. Il aide les étudiants des collèges et des universités à se concentrer sur la recherche et l'élimination du stress dans le corps et l'esprit. Ce livre examine les causes du stress et la manière dont vous pouvez y faire face, vous enseigne comment gérer le stress de manière pratique et présente des exercices de gestion du stress que vous pouvez faire n'importe où pour gérer votre stress. L'objectif de ce livre est de fournir à ses lecteurs des connaissances suffisantes sur le sujet de la gestion du stress. Il traite du stress, de ses raisons, de ses types, du stress sur le lieu de travail, de la gestion du stress sur le lieu de travail et des techniques de gestion du stress. Les techniques de gestion du stress aident les étudiants, les entrepreneurs et les professionnels qui apprennent à gérer le stress. Vous obtiendrez des outils simples et des conseils pour réduire votre niveau de stress rapidement et efficacement.

Gestion Du Temps: Conseils Simples Pour Augmenter La Productivité Avec Moins De Temps Et Moins De Stress

by Sherung Patterson

Comment Gérer le Temps pour que les choses se fassent rapidement et Immédiatement! Si vous ressemblez à la plupart des personnes dans le monde occupéet stressant d'aujourd'hui, vous ne semblez jamais avoir assez de temps . Il y a 24 heures dans un jour et vous avez valeur de 28 heures de choses à faire. Comment faites-vous le temps pour ces choses qui sont les plus importantes à vous.

Gestion Du Temps : Les Astuces De Gestion

by Brian Tracy

Votre capacité à gérer votre temps… déterminera votre succès ou votre échec. »C'est ainsi que Brian Tracy commence son livre sur la gestion du temps. Il donne également «les quatre dimensions de l’efficacité»: désir, esprit de décision, détermination et discipline. Chacun est discuté plus en détail dans le livre. Je suis d’accord lorsque M. Tracy déclare que «la gestion du temps est une compétence métier… une compétence que vous pouvez apprendre, pratiquer et maîtriser». Au chapitre 1, intitulé «La psychologie de la gestion du temps», M. Tracy a déclaré: «La qualité de votre vie dépend en grande partie de votre façon de penser et de vous sentir.» Cela déterminera dans quelle mesure vous allez réussir dans vos entreprises. Il donne des conseils sur les tâches et les activités dans la section «L’important contre l’urgence».

Gestione Del Tempo: 10 Semplici Step Per Aumentare La Produttività

by John Davis

Cosa faresti con un'ora in più al giorno? Non c'è nessuna area della tua vita in cui l'autodisciplina sia così importante quanto nella gestione del tempo. la gestione del tempo è una discipòina fondamentale che determina la qualità della tua vita. c'è una cosa che le persone di successo hanno in comune ed è la loro buona gestione del tempo e gestiscono bene il loro tempo perché sanno che gestire il tempo significa gestire la vita. gestire sé stessi piuttosto che le circostanze. Le persone vincenti e di successo usano bene il loro tempo, i perdenti no. Tutti noi abbiamo obiettivi che vorremmo raggiungere in fretta, ma molti di noi non sono abbastanza produttivi per farlo. Vorresti fare un uso più significativo del tuo tempo invece di perderlo? Vorresti completare tutti i tuoi compiti per la giornata per sentirti gratificato? Vuoi completare ogni obiettivo che ti sei posto? Se sì, è importante che tu aumenti la tua produttività.

Gestione Del Tempo: Consigli Per Incrementare La Produttività In Maniera Semplice E Rapida

by Sherung Patterson

Come gestire il tempo ed essere più produttivo istantaneamente! Se sei come la maggior parte delle persone in questo mondo frenetico e stressante, sembra che non hai mai abbastanza tempo. Ci sono 24 ore in un giorno, e hai impegni che richiedono 28 ore. Come fare spazio per quelle cose che sono importanti per te? Guarda l'ora. Che ore sono? Di sicuro è tardi. Ti precipiti a completare qualsiasi cosa stai facendo, ma prima che te ne accorgi... tempo scaduto! Ti tocca consegnare il lavoro entro la scadenza o fermarti per andare a fare altre cose più urgenti. Concediti una copia oggi stesso cliccando sul bottone in alto in questa pagina!

Gestione Del Tempo - Una Guida Semplice Per Gestire Al Meglio Il Vostro Tempo

by Ernest Matuson

Questa breve guida vi aiuterà a gestire meglio la vita quotidiana: al termine della lettura sarete in grado di comprendere le cause dei vostri problemi di gestione del tempo e avrete appreso capacità e scoperto metodi utili per gestire meglio il tempo a disposizione. Riceverete alcuni suggerimenti per risparmiare tempo e inserire un maggior numero di attività nel vostro programma anche quando pensate di essere già al completo: riuscirete anche ad avere tempo da dedicare al partner, ai bambini e a voi stessi. In un’epoca in cui internet e i social network prendono sempre più piede e richiedono di essere sempre online, quando abbiamo davvero la possibilità di staccare? Questo libro illustra i concetti fondamentali della gestione del tempo, che si tratti di imparare a dire di no alle richieste non veramente necessarie, accertandosi di portare a termine tutti gli obiettivi prefissati, o semplicemente di imparare a smettere di svolgere mille attività in modo frenetico. Cosa state aspettando? Non perdete altro tempo! Cliccate subito su Acquista per iniziare il viaggio verso la vita che avete sempre sognato!

Gestione Dell'Ansia - Capire Come Superare Preoccupazione, Paura, Depressione e Attacchi di Panico

by Stephen Berkley

Una guida dettagliata per comprendere ed eliminare preoccupazioni, paura, depressione e attacchi di panico. Questa guida ti aiuterà a gestire la tua ansia e le migliori pratiche per superarla. L'uso di farmaci per combattere il problema ha molti effetti collaterali spiacevoli. Questo è il motivo per cui questa guida si concentra su tutti i rimedi e metodi naturali al fine di darti i migliori risultati senza effetti collaterali. Basato su una scienza solida e comprovata, questo libro ti insegnerà come: - Fermare attacchi di panico - Gestire stress e ansia - Affrontare situazione che si evitano comunemente - Usare metodi naturali per alleviare preoccupazioni, paura, depressione e ansia - Dormire meglio - Sentirsi più sani e con più energia - Chiarirsi le idee - Vivere la vita che vuoi Se vuoi essere il tuo 'io' migliore con poca o nessuna preoccupazione, paura e ansia, allora questo libro fa per te. -> Scorri fino alla parte superiore della pagina e fare clic su aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente Disclaimer: Questo autore e/o i detentori dei diritti non fanno alcuna rivendicazione, promessa o garanzia circa l'accuratezza, la completezza o l'adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro e declina espressamente la responsabilità per errori ed omissioni nei contenuti all'interno. Questo prodotto è solo per riferimento.

Gestione dello stress

by Hiriyappa B

Il libro Gestione dello stress aiuta ad identificare aree specifiche dello stress nella nostra vita - familiare, fisica, lavoro-correlata, sociale ed emotiva. Il libro assume una visione olistica per scoprire e gestire lo stress, invece che semplicemente descriverne i sintomi. Questo può aiutare studenti di college e universitari a focalizzarsi sull'individuazione e l'alleviamento dello stress di corpo e mente. Questo libro si occupa delle cause dello stress e di come poterlo affrontare e insegna a fronteggiarlo in maniera pratica , delineando gli esercizi di gestione dello stress da poter svolgere ovunque. L'obiettivo di questo libro è di fornire ai suoi lettori una conoscenza sufficiente riguardo al soggetto della gestione dello stress. Esso include stress, ragioni che lo producono, tipologie di stress, stress sul luogo di lavoro, gestire lo stress lavorativo e le tecniche di gestione dello stress. Le tecniche di gestione dello stress possono aiutare studenti, imprenditori, professionisti e consentono di ottenere degli strumenti semplici e dei suggerimenti su come ridurre i livelli di stress in maniera rapida ed efficace.

Gestisci la tua Ansia Goditi la tua Pace: Antidoti naturali

by Laurent Lacherez

Questo libro è diviso in due grandi categorie di antidoti. La prima, mira a prevenire l'insorgenza e l'insediamento dell'ansia nella mente per aiutarti a dirigere meglio i tuoi pensieri e riguadagnare, quindi, un maggior controllo su te stesso. Dato che corpo e spirito sono legati non puoi riuscire veramente a distruggere la tua ansia se non ti occupi di queste parti nel loro complesso. È per questo che, nella seconda sezione del libro, troverai informazioni concise sull'uso della fitoterapia per sostenere e rafforzare il tuo corpo durante i momenti di ansia. L'uso di piante medicinali è una forma di medicina globale che agisce gradualmente sull'organismo. La scelta che farai delle piante, dipenderà dai sintomi che starai vivendo. Questa parte del libro è una guida che permette di fare una scelta più consapevole e ti rende maggiormente partecipe nel processo di guarigione.

Get a Freelance Life

by Laurel Touby Margit Feury Ragland

Write Your Own Check. Considering a career in freelance writing? Already a freelancer but seeking practical, solid advice on the basics of the business? Get a Freelance Life is the complete guide to all aspects of a freelance writing career, straight from the creators of nation's most connected, authoritative source for media professionals. Learn how to:* Write compelling pitch letters * Network with the best in the magazine and newspaper industry* Understand the freelance market and detect its changes* Self-edit and rewrite your work* Manage tight deadlines* Negotiate contracts* Survive the financial ups and downs of the freelance lifeWith plenty of insider advice and tips from the most successful freelance writers and editors in the country, Get a Freelance Life is a must-have resource for turning your freelance gigs into a full-fledged writing career. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Get a Great Career: Flash

by Bernice Walmsley

Do you feel that your mojo has definitely headed over the hill and hasn't even sent a postcard? We all have moments when we feel that life has become boring or tedious and though a chnage of job or career might seem the answer that's noty always possible, especially in these tough times.There are lots of reasons why anyone might feel constrained by thier job and long to break out but there are just as many solutions. This book will help you to understand who you are and what you need and, from there, how to get what you want whether it's moving on or making the most of where you are. With lots of practical tools to understand your own motivation and identify opportunities it will help you find your mojo and maybe even fall back in love with your job!

Get a Great Career: Flash

by Bernice Walmsley

Do you feel that your mojo has definitely headed over the hill and hasn't even sent a postcard? We all have moments when we feel that life has become boring or tedious and though a chnage of job or career might seem the answer that's noty always possible, especially in these tough times.There are lots of reasons why anyone might feel constrained by thier job and long to break out but there are just as many solutions. This book will help you to understand who you are and what you need and, from there, how to get what you want whether it's moving on or making the most of where you are. With lots of practical tools to understand your own motivation and identify opportunities it will help you find your mojo and maybe even fall back in love with your job!

Get a Life!: Creating a Successful Work-Life Balance

by Rick Hughes

Is work taking over your life? Is your life interfering with your success at work? Work-life balance is ever-evolving and can be hard to find and maintain, especially as your career develops and circumstances change. Get A Life! is a highly practical handbook to help you do just that. Written by experienced coach, counsellor and wellbeing consultant Rick Hughes, this book covers everything from assessing your own needs, delegation and workload management and the myths of perfectionism, to managing and investing in relationships at work and at home, considering professional and personal development, and creativity and self-worth. With a wealth of advice, case studies and useful action plans founded in over 25 years of real-world experience, Get A Life! will help you find the balance that works for you, now.

Get a Life That Doesn't Suck: 10 Surefire Ways to Live Life and Love the Ride

by Michelle Deangelis

<p>Life can really suck. But it doesn't have to. With the help of esteemed consultant and coach Michelle DeAngelis, life can really rock. <p>DeAngelis serves up a combination of street-smart wisdom and cheerful irreverence as she shows readers how to enjoy the "ride of their lives," regardless of the roadblocks or potholes along the way. <p>By providing the specific mechanics to joy, DeAngelis shows that joy is a repeatable by-product of living one's life in integrity and of making conscious choices every day that kick misery, worry, and guilt to the curb. <p>She explains how most people are not naturally equipped to deal with life's challenges and then introduces foundational tools and effective techniques to take readers from crappy to happy. <p>She starts with a Joy Quotient Quiz that gives readers their "JQ" score and identifies their "Gap"--the measurable difference between what people think and what they do--which is where life sucks. <p>She then teaches a four-step, fast-acting process that provides "suck relief" to solve everyday problems. The centerpiece of the work is DeAngelis's 10 Life-Changing Ahas. <p>From the title to the very last line, Get a Life That Doesn't Suck is not your everyday self-help book. <p>Through humor and real-life examples, DeAngelis explains how readers can reduce their stress, improve their outlook, and get rid of whatever is holding them back. She provides the formula for readers to make joy real and accessible so that the journey from "life sucks" to "life rocks" is worth the trip.

Get a Life, Then Get a Man

by Jennifer Bawden

The key to enjoying the single life is to lead a full and rewarding existence. For dating to be successful, single women must first acquire the most attractive quality--a fun, happy, and productive life. From setting goals, nurturing friendships, and being kind to oneself, Jennifer Bawden provides both practical and inspirational guidance for women who desire a whole new outlook on their singlehood. Once they have gained esteem and support, readers are ready to apply Bawden's frontline tactics for meeting men. From the first approach in a crowded room and strategies for "the call back" to handy icebreakers for the first date, Bawden shows how to proactively pursue a variety of interesting prospects. Get a Life, Then Get a Man inspires women to take back their dating destinies--to get confident in their actions and smart about their choices. In the process, they'll discover that being single can truly be fun, free, and satisfying. .

Get Anyone to Do Anything: Never Feel Powerless Again--With Psychological Secrets to Control and Influence Every Situation

by Dr David J. Lieberman

Get Anyone to Do AnythingThe legendary leader in the field of human behavior delivers the national bestselling, must-read phenomenon that changed the rules. Utilizing the latest advancements in human behavior, Dr. Lieberman's critically acclaimed techniques show you step-by-step how to gain the clear advantage in every situation.Get anyone to find you attractiveGet the instant advantage in any relationshipGet anyone to take your adviceGet a stubborn person to change his mind about anythingGet anyone to do a favor for youGet anyone to return your phone callStop verbal abuse instantlyGet anyone to confide in you and confess anything

Get Back to Work: Smart & Savvy Real-World Strategies to Make your Next Career Move

by Melissa Washington

Job hunting: a phrase that might conjure up bleak images of firing off résumés into a void , only to have to wait, and wait, and wait blindly for a catch . . . Well, it's time to step into today's smart and savvy real-world strategies to make your next career move! In this cutting-edge guide, recruiting, career and social media expert Melissa Washington kicks the myth of the "dreaded job hunt" to the curb, and shares the most effective current-day methods that put the unemployed back into the driver's seat. Get Back to Work is a no-frills book designed with practical, straightforward, and innovative tips to keep you ahead of the pack. --Learn how to effectively use social media to set yourself apart from the crowd. --Leverage your existing network and how to build a stronger network. --Find out how to tap into commonly overlooked employment outlets to get a leg up on the competition. Whether you're a fresh college graduate, a military veteran, transitioning back into the workforce, or just someone, like so many, who is between jobs, this book lays out the essentials candidly and in a simple, step-by-step fashion to help you maximize your shot at securing your ideal position. Now it's all about getting you back to work! BONUS! LinkedIn Checklist, Looking for Work Checklist, Job and Networking Resource list, Veteran Resource list.

Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work

by Todd Davis

‘A toolbox full of wisdom, an urgent starting point in finding possibility, potential and power in the people around you’ SETH GODIN, bestselling author of LinchpinAn organization’s greatest asset is the relationships between its people (their ability to build and sustain great working relationships). This is the greatest predictor of personal, and company, success and efficacy.Todd Davis, the Chief People Officer at FranklinCovey – the organization behind The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The 4 Disciplines of Execution – provides the practical tools for improving your relationships at work.In an approachable and engaging style, using real-world stories, Davis describes the common relationship pitfalls that negatively affect personal careers and organizational results. From his 30-year experience observing, leading and coaching others, Davis identifies the 15 proven practices that influential leaders at any level of an organization use to improve the quality of their interactions with others and master the skills of effective relationships.

Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work

by Todd Davis

A practical guide for anyone looking to create a competitive advantage in any size and type of organization by building effective relationships—from the performance improvement experts at FranklinCovey.In Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships, FranklinCovey’s Chief People Officer Todd Davis explains that an organization’s greatest asset isn’t its people; rather, it’s the relationships between its people that is the greatest predictor of personal effectiveness. In the end, employees’ ability to build and sustain great relationships is an organization’s ultimate competitive advantage. Ideal for professional people at all levels of business, government, and education, from the front-line supervisor to the president and CEO, Davis describes the most common relationship pitfalls that negatively affect personal careers and organizational results. Get Better draws on real-world stories in an approachable, engaging style—and Davis’s thirty-year experience observing, leading, and coaching others brings those relatable experiences to life. He identifies fifteen proven practices that influential leaders at any level of an organization use to take ownership of their work, improve the quality of interactions with others, and master the skills of effective relationships.

Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery

by Scott H. Young

The author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller Ultralearning explores why it’s so difficult for people to learn new skills, arguing that three factors must be met to make advancement possible, and offering 12 maxims to improve the way we learn.Life revolves around learning—in school, at our jobs, even in the things we do for fun. Yet learning is often mysterious. Sometimes it comes fairly effortlessly: quickly finding our way around a new neighborhood or picking up the routine at a new job. In other cases, it’s a slog. We may spend hours in the library, yet still not do well on an exam. We may want to switch companies, industries, or even professions, but not feel qualified to make the leap. Decades spent driving a car, typing on a computer, or hitting a tennis ball don’t reliably make us much better at them. Improvement can be fickle, if it comes at all.In Get Better At Anything, Scott Young argues that there are three key factors in helping us learn:See—Most of what we know comes from other people. The ease of learning from others determines, to a large extent, how quickly we can improve.Do—Mastery requires practice. But not just any practice will do. Our brains are fantastic effort-saving machines, which can be both a tremendous advantage and a curse.Feedback—Progress requires constant adjustment. Not just the red stroke of a teacher’s pen, but the results of hands-on experience.When we’re able to learn from the example of other people, practice extensively ourselves, and get reliable feedback, rapid progress results. Yet, when one, or all, of these factors is inhibited, improvement often becomes impossible. Using research and real-life examples, Young breaks down these elements into twelve simple maxims. Whether you’re a student studying for an exam, an employee facing a new skill at work, or just want to get better at something you’re interested in, his insights will help you do it better.

Get Career Fit: Healthcheck Your Career and Leap Into Your Future (Be Your Best)

by Michelle Gibbings

Future-proof your career and plan your leap forward Gone are the days of slowly making your way up the corporate ladder to retirement. Now, with the rise of freelancing and the gig economy, the workplace is becoming more flexible and independent — which can leave hardworking people scrambling to find a way to stay relevant. Author Michelle Gibbings addresses your worries and gives you a way forward. This book sheds light on what you can do to reignite, reshape and liberate your career and offers a fool-proof plan for getting your career back on track. With Get Career Fit, you can build a career ready for any change the future may bring.

Get Changed: Finding the new you through fashion

by Kat Farmer

Get Changed is for the countless women out there who are wondering whether they know who they are anymore. Loss of identity is an experience all too familiar to Instagram style guru and professional stylist Kat Farmer. In her own life, she found that fashion helped her regenerate herself and rediscover her confidence. In Get Changed, Kat's authentic, down-to-earth voice, trademark humour, and insights into some of her personal anxieties make you feel like she's right there in the room with you. The book delivers the personal stylist experience to readers, a step-by-step practical guide to building the ultimate new wardrobe. Borrowing from the structure of a recipe book, the prep, the ingredients and the method, Kat breaks down the process with easy-to-remember tips and tricks; the reader will come away inspired and confident that they can build a wardrobe of clothes they love. Most importantly, Kat will show that finding your confidence again and discovering the new you can be as simple as getting changed. The book covers all the basics - sorting out and assessing your current wardrobe, working out what works for your body type and your lifestyle, how to shop successfully, key wardrobe pieces (crucially that will work together) all tackled with Kat's helpful, warm and funny approach.

Get Clark Smart: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Rich from America's Money-Saving Expert

by Clark Howard Mark Meltzer

With practical tips and on-line resources, the book answers all questions and helps readers to get rich by saving money in unexpected places and investing those savings creatively.

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