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haciendo un campeon: ... había un campeón llamado David

by Yinka Akintunde

En esta obra maestra, el Dr. Akintunde, desde las profundidades está llamando a las profundidades en el interior de cada creyente para desarrollar y dar rienda suelta al campeón en su interior. En un mundo de potenciales y potenciales ilimitados, necesitamos ir más allá de nacer con o en algo al reino de hacer que tales potenciales encuentren una expresión clara y traer las estrellas en nosotros hacia la gloria de nuestro Dios salvador resucitado. El libro lo sacará de los bosques de los infractores con un potencial sin explotar al mundo de los campeones con pruebas.

Hack Your Anxiety: How to Make Anxiety Work for You in Life, Love, and All That You Do

by Jon Sternfeld Alicia H. Clark

What if the way we're thinking about anxiety is off base? What if there's something about anxiety that can be used for you instead of against you?In this revolutionary new book, Dr. Alicia H. Clark recognizes anxiety as an unsung hero in the path to success and well-being. Anxiety is a powerful motivating force that can be harnessed to create a better you, if you've got the right tools. Hack Your Anxiety provides a road map to approach anxiety in a new —and empowering — light.Weaving together modern neuroscience, case studies, interviews, and personal anecdotes, Hack Your Anxiety demonstrates how anxiety can be reclaimed as a potent force for living our best lives.

Hack Your Bureaucracy: Get Things Done No Matter What Your Role on Any Team

by Marina Nitze Nick Sinai

In this "deeply empowering and practical book"(Cecilia Muñoz), two technology and innovation leaders reveal dozens of tactics that enabled them to accomplish seemingly impossible reforms in organizations of all types and sizes. Whether you just started your first entry-level job, run the entire company, or just feel trapped by your condo association bylaws, it&’s time to it&’s time to learn how to get big things done and make a lasting impact with Hack Your Bureaucracy. From local government to the White House, Harvard to the world of venture capital, Marina Nitze and Nick Sinai have taken on some of the world&’s most challenging bureaucracies—and won. Now, they bring their years of experience to you, teaching you strategies anyone can use to improve your organization through their own stories and those of fellow bureaucracy hackers, including: Find Your Paperclip: use small steps to achieve big change Set Your North Star: keep your end goal in sight Cultivate the Karass: assemble an adept team and network Don&’t Waste a Crisis: turn every opportunity into a chance for change And more! Change doesn&’t happen just because the person in charge declares it should, even if that person is the CEO of your company or the President of the United States. Regardless of your industry, role, or team, Hack Your Bureaucracy shows how to get started, take initiative on your own, and transform your ideas into impact.

Hackerare l'Aldilà: Consigli Pratici dal Flipside

by Richard Martini

“Tutti coloro che sono esistiti, da sempre, continuano a esistere nel Flipside ed è possibile porre loro domande dirette.” Questa è la strabiliante premessa di “Hackerare l’Aldilà”; nel libro si spiega come sia possibile ottenere “nuove informazioni” da persone non più presenti sul pianeta. Queste “interviste dall’aldilà” sono state condotte, con l’aiuto di vari medium, sia con persone sotto ipnosi profonda sia con persone pienamente coscienti, e tuttavia in grado di accedere e di ricordare dettagli di vite precedenti. Queste testimonianze offrono consigli pratici (“dritte dall’aldilà”) su come navigare tra le nostre vite e migliorare il nostro pianeta. Richard Martini, autore dei best-seller (entrambi al primo posto su Amazon Kindle) “Flipside: Guida Turistica per Navigare nell’Aldilà” (è anche un film) e “L’Aldilà è Meraviglioso” (Vol. 1 & 2), nonché ospite frequente del talk-show radiofonico statunitense “Coast to Coast”, i cui argomenti principali sono il paranormale e le teorie della cospirazione, “intervista” una varietà di persone che non sono più sul pianeta. Interviste con qualcuno che sostiene di essere Edgar Cayce, il “profeta dormiente”, tre medium differenti che sostengono di riuscire a parlare con Amelia Earhart, “conversazioni” con Robin Williams, con l’artista conosciuto come Prince e con persone che sostengono di avere conosciuto Colui che era definito in tutto il mondo “l’Alfa e l’Omega.” Martini esamina queste testimonianze con mente aperta e invita il lettore a fare altrettanto. Citazioni di persone che sono state intervistate: “Questo libro metterà in discussione i dubbi e le credenze delle persone. È una traduzione dell’etereo.” Edgar Cayce tramite la medium Jennifer Shaffer. ( “Buona fortuna a te, per aver fatto l’incredibile affermazione che esiste un aldilà.” Howard Schultz, un amico scomparso di r

Hacking Happiness

by John Havens

In Hacking Happiness, futurist and contributing Mashable writer John C. Havens introduces you to your "quantified self"--your digital identity represented by gigabytes of data produced from tracking your activities on your smartphone and computer. Harvested by megacorporations such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon, Havens argues that companies gather this data because of its immense economic value, encouraging a culture of "sharing" as they hoard the information based on our lives for private monetary gain. But there's an alternative to this digital dystopia. Emerging technologies will help us reclaim this valuable data for ourselves, so we can directly profit from the insights linked to our quantified selves. At the same time, sensors in smartphones and wearable devices will help us track our emotions to improve our well-being based on the science of positive psychology. Havens proposes that these trends will lead to new economic policies that redefine the meaning of "wealth," allowing governments to create policy focused on purpose rather than productivity. An issues book highlighting the benefits of an examined life in the digital world, this timely work takes the trepidation out of the technological renaissance and illustrates how the fruits of the Information Age can improve our lives for a happier humanity.

Hacking Happiness: How to Intentionally Adapt and Shape the Future You Want

by Penny Locaso

'Penny Locaso pulls no punches to deliver hard-hitting insights for living a more fulfilling life.' Nir Eyal, best-selling author of Hooked and Indistractable 'The world is waking up: we have to change and do things differently. Penny's fearless approach to life, combined with the stories and insights of others she shares, is exactly what we need now. The time to reinvent yourself is here.' Dorie Clark, author of Reinventing You and executive education faculty, Duke University Fuqua School of Business You strive for success. Great! But is it making you happy? There is no such thing as a perfect plan to achieve more, manage change and find true happiness. Hacking Happiness challenges you to throw out the rulebook and leap into what we fear most???—???the unknown???… Author Penny Locaso reveals how to bring happiness back to your life and build a solid foundation on which to innovate and thrive in disruption. Through activities and powerful learning and assessment tools, this essential guidebook will help you find growth, success and ultimately happiness in an uncertain future. Learn how to: redefine success and infuse more of it into your daily life develop a mindset that is open to change and instability increase your focus while living in a world filled with distractions find the courage and confidence to face fear and shape change intensify human connection, self-accountability, and reflection. Hacking Happiness is an opportunity to look at the world through a new lens and see that it's by surfing on the edges of our comfort zone that we???—???professionals, leaders, everyone???—???can intentionally adapt to create a successful and fulfilling future.

Hacking Your Education

by Dale J. Stephens

In his provocative new book, Dale J. Stephens explains why a college diploma isn't necessary for success.

Had mijn moeder me maar verteld dat ... (of ik heb het misschien gewoon nooit gehoord)

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

101 juweeltjes van wijsheid, ontdekt en opgetekend door Dr. Rosie Kuhn. Een boek voor ouders en kinderen.

Haga que su Día Cuente: El Secreto de su Exito lo Determina su Agenda Diaria

by John C. Maxwell

El experto en liderazgo y autor de éxitos de ventas del New York Times y de la revista BusinessWeek John C. Maxwell muestra cómo sacar provecho de su día. HAGA QUE SU DÍA CUENTE ¿Cómo puede saber si usted está aprovechando al máximo su hoy para que pueda tener un mejor mañana? En esta guía compacta y accesible, Maxwell ofrece ciertas disciplinas diarias que causan gran impacto en poco tiempo. El autor muestra cómo tomar doce impactantes decisiones de vida, que al manejarlas en tan sólo unos minutos al día, le ayudarán a aclarar sus propias prioridades y le conducirán a una vida más exitosa y satisfactoria. Aprenda cómo controlar su agenda, expandir su creatividad y pensamiento, administrar su dinero, mejorar y construir relaciones, fomentar su crecimiento personal, y mucho más. Comience ahora mismo y el éxito de mañana estará asegurado cuando haga que su día cuente.

Hagakure. El camino del samurái

by Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Un clásico de la cultura japonesa que ayuda a la introspección y la concentración en nuestro mundo cada vez más frenético. Considerado como una de las fuentes de inspiración de Fernando Alonso, el piloto lo cita frecuentemente en sus intervenciones públicas y redes sociales. «Cuando las cosas se hacen despacio,salen mal siete veces de cada diez.El guerrero hace las cosas deprisa.» Hagakure significa «a la sombra de las hojas» y es una obra literaria japonesa escrita por Yamamoto Tsunetomo en el siglo XVIII. Su intención era transmitir a las generaciones venideras las reglas del bushido, es decir, el código guerrero de los samuráis. Se trata de un breviario, un compendio de anécdotas y reflexiones de temática variada y sin un orden preestablecido, hecho con la intención de transmitir introspección y conocimiento filosófico al tiempo que promueve el espíritu del bushido. El texto solo iba dirigido a los guerreros y se mantuvo en secreto durante muchos años. Posteriormente llegó a convertirse en un clásico de la cultura japonesa. Con una esencia que se contrapone al materialismo imperante en nuestra sociedad, este texto ha alcanzado gran notoriedad en nuestros días y ha llegado a convertirse en libro de cabecera de personajes tan admirados como Fernando Alonso, que ha llegado a tatuarse un samurái en su espalda. «¿Yo, en una palabra?», respondía recientemente en una entrevista: «Guerrero. [El samurái] es una manera de recordarme quién soy, de dónde vengo y la fuerza que tengo que tener cada día.» Fernando Alonso ha dicho...«Cierro el libro, respiro 7 veces y me voy a dormir.»

Hágalo con miedo: Ármese de valor frente al temor

by Joyce Meyer

Recognize, confront, and conquer the fears holding you back from living boldly and freely with renowned Bible teacher and New York Times bestselling author, Joyce Meyer.Fear is the devil's favorite tool in the toolbox of schemes he uses to destroy God's good plan for you. He uses it to hold you back and prevent progress in your relationships, career, and more.In Do It Afraid, Joyce Meyer explains that fear is everywhere and affects everyone. It rules many people, but it doesn't have to rule you any longer. She will teach you how to:Understand fear and recognize how it works in your life.Confront those fears that are holding you back.Change your mindset for lasting freedom from some of the most common fears people face.Remember, courage isn't the absence of fear; it is learning how to move forward in the presence of fear. Courageous people do what they believe in their hearts they should do, no matter how they feel or what doubts fill their minds. When you take ownership of your problems and open your heart to God, He will help bring light into darkness so that you can be free.

Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life

by Sharon Blackie

RADICALLY REIMAGINE THE SECOND HALF OF LIFE “There can be a certain perverse pleasure, as well as a sense of rightness and beauty, in insisting on flowering just when the world expects you to become quiet and diminish.” — from the book For any woman over fifty who has ever asked “What now? Who do I want to be?” comes a life-changing book showing how your next phase of life may be your most dynamic yet. As mythologist and psychologist Sharon Blackie describes it, midlife is the threshold to decades of opportunity and profound transformation, a time to learn, flourish, and claim the desires and identities that are often limited during earlier life stages. This is a time for gaining new perspectives, challenging and evolving belief systems, exploring callings, uncovering meaning, and ultimately finding healing for accumulated wounds. Western folklore and mythology are rife with brilliantly creative, fulfilled, feisty, and furious role models for aging women, despite our culture’s focus on youthfulness. Blackie explores these archetypes in Hagitude, presenting them in a way sure to appeal to contemporary women. Drawing inspiration from these examples as well as modern mentors, you can reclaim midlife as a liberating, alchemical moment rich with possibility and your elder years as a path to feminine power.

Hai vissuto? Hai amato? Ha avuto importanza?

by Bernard Levine

Ogni mattina, Dio manda due angeli dal cielo per venire a trovarci. C'è una storia che dice che ogni mattina, Dio manda due angeli dal cielo per venire a trovarci. Chi sono questi angeli? Incontriamoli ... Il primo angelo si chiama "Chiedi" ... e il secondo angelo si chiama "Preghiera". Entrambi gli angeli portano dei cestini. Quando guardiamo cosa c'è nel cestino del primo angelo, troviamo che il cestino è pieno, fino in cima, traboccante delle nostre richieste di preghiera a Dio, come "dammi una grande casa, voglio una macchina nuova, trovami un lavoro migliore e voglio un sacco di soldi". Ora, quando guardiamo per vedere cosa c'è all'interno del cestino del secondo angelo, troviamo che è vuoto ... dicono, che solo a volte, proprio in fondo al cestino ci sono una o due parole di lode. Pensate a Dio ... ogni giorno, Dio ha molte e molte delle nostre richieste di soddisfare sempre di più le nostre "richieste" e "desideri". Saremo mai soddisfatti e grati per ciò che già abbiamo? Ditemi, abbiamo pregato tutto questo tempo supplicando Dio di soddisfarci e, tuttavia, non abbiamo quasi mai tempo per ringraziare Dio che siamo vivi, e lodarLo per ogni battito di cuore ed ogni respiro. Non sarebbe meraviglioso se volessimo cercare, e dirigere le nostre preghiere per dare lode e gloria al '"Donatore" prima di concentrare così tanto del nostro tempo di preghiera sulla ricerca dei "Doni" e di ciò che possiamo ottenere da Dio. Ogni giorno facciamo di Dio il nostro piacere ... perché Dio è tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno!

Haircutting For Dummies

by Jeryl E. Spear

Your short cut to stylish home hairdressing Ever wondered if you could hack it at cutting your friends' and family's hair, or could even make it as a full-blown stylist? If you've got a little creative spark—a love of crafting or painting or a talent for home makeovers—and an obsessive yen to redo the dos you see around you, it's more than likely you can make the cut. The new edition of Haircutting For Dummies shows you how to draw out your inner artist and bring your ideas to glorious life on the heads of your nearest and dearest—and will help shave dollars off your beauty budget into the bargain! In a free-spirited, chatty style, master stylist and social media corporate beauty consultant Jeryl E. Spear sits you down for a comprehensive snip-and-tell overview of how to reproduce the latest short, medium, and long hairstyles, as well as fancying things up with cutting-edge techniques like slicing, notching, and layering. Jeryl also provides a drawerful of tips on the tools you'll need to get started. Get a grip on men's and women's styles Set up shop at home Choose your tools and keep them sharp Take the first steps to embracing a beauty career Packed with detailed illustrations and model shots to guide your work, this book has everything you need to begin the creative work of making everyone you know—and the world—a smarter, more beautiful place!

Hairlooms: The Untangled Truth About Loving Your Natural Hair and Beauty

by Michele Tapp Roseman

Words have power, and those that Black women often use to describe their hair are derogatory: nappy, steel wool, out of control. They often personally inherit these terms and pass them along without even realizing the crushing effects these words have on their feelings about the person they see in the mirror. While many books on the market address the practical ways of styling Afro-textured hair naturally, Hairlooms asks: Why is it so difficult for Black women to embrace their hair? and How can Black women overcome the multi-layered challenge of embracing their natural hair and beauty? Author Michele Tapp Roseman helps readers answer these questions for themselves, to write a new story that they can pass along. A recent Huffington Post article "Natural Hair Becoming Even More Popular Among Black Women" revealed a marked increase in the number of Black women who do not chemically treat their hair, yet also struggle to accept their natural hair and beauty. Through personal, revealing stories Hairlooms examines the issues behind these struggles. Guided exercises throughout help readers "comb through" their self-perceptions and form a plan for self-acceptance and personal empowerment. Hairlooms includes 32 compelling personal stories about those who have embraced their God-given hair and beauty, including: Major General Marcia Anderson—Senior advisor to the Chief on policies and programs for the U.S. Army Reserve, and the first woman to earn the distinction of a two-star general in the U.S. Army Reserve. The late Dr. Maya Angelou—World-renowned poet and author. The recipient of 30 honorary degrees and former Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University. Lisa Price—Founder of Carol's Daughter hair and beauty brand, a favorite of celebrities, and now sold in stores from coast-to-coast. Now owned by L'Oréal, Price is still at the helm of this growing business. Jane Carter—A professional hair stylist/colorist and salon owner, she founded the Jane Carter Solution after an allergic reaction caused by prolonged exposure to chemicals in traditional hair care products. Today, Jane Carter Solution sells millions of dollars' worth of products in Whole Foods Market, Sally Beauty Supply, Walmart, Target, CVS, and Walgreens stores. A'Lelia Bundles—Great-great granddaughter of the first Black female millionaire and hair-care creator, Madam C. J. Walker. She has teamed with Sephora and Sundial Brands to launch the Madam C.J. Walker Beauty Culture product line. A'Lelia is also a seasoned journalist, public speaker, and author of the New York Times bestseller, On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker. Kim Coles—Hollywood actress, comedian, and featured guest on Dr. Drew's Lifechangers "Good Hair Debate" episode. Tomiko Fraser—The first African-American woman signed exclusively to Maybelline, and the longest-serving spokesperson for any cosmetics company.


by Anne Thoumieux

Spruce up any outfit with your best accessory--your hair!You don't need to be a professional to get show-stopping hair. Hairstyled presents 75 deceptively simple techniques for creating your favorite high-fashion hairstyles. Dress up your everyday look with a ballerina bun or accessorize with a scarf bow. Turn heads at special occasions with the woven crown braid or a regal bouffant. Each style has how-to photographs that are easy to follow, and chapters dedicated to a variety of hair lengths and textures help you update your look whether you have a pixie cut or long, curly tresses. With product tips and countless ideas for accessorizing your 'do and inventive variations on classic styles, Hairstyled is your guide to getting gorgeous hair every day.

Hairstyles: Stunning Styles for Weddings, Proms, and Other Special Occasions (Idiot's Guides)

by Kylee Bond

Packed with 50 DIY hairdos, from classic coifs to today's hottest looks, Idiot's Guides: Hairstyles demonstrates every loop, twist, braid, and tuck needed to create dozens of sensational styles — at a fraction of the cost of a salon visit! Featuring full-color, step-by-step photos, this book helps any hairstyle novice create stunning styles for every day, as well as weddings, proms, and other special occasions. Also included are simple solutions for creating volume, adding shine, taming frizz, and caring for all types of hair.

The Hairy Bikers Eat to Beat Type 2 Diabetes: 80 delicious & filling recipes to get your health back on track

by Hairy Bikers

THE NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER.The bestselling, big-hearted and down-to-earth chefs, The Hairy Bikers, return with 80 of their very best Dieter recipes. Contains previously published recipes - brought together in a collection that's designed to help tackle type 2 diabetes for the first time.In this smaller-format black-and-white paperback, first of a new healthy eating series, the Hairy Bikers prove that you can still eat your favourite foods while staying healthy and losing weight. With their delicious, low-cal versions of traditional classics and family favourites, the Bikers take the deprivation out of restrictive diets and are here to help you shift the pounds.This book is full of information to digest and dieting hits to enjoy. The Bikers also share their own personal stories of their battles against type 2 diabetes, and hope to inspire readers as they start their own weight loss journey.Whether you've been struggling with type 2 diabetes for years or have recently been diagnosed, there's no better time to take action and make a change.'The Hairy Bikers continue their mission to bring sunshine and variety to the notion of 'diet'. People need to eat food. People with type 2 diabetes also need to eat food. In this book Si and Dave apply their magic to square health needs with varied, enjoyable eating. If you are looking for new and interesting ways to eat, then this book is for you.' Professor Roy Taylor, bestselling author of Life Without Diabetes.

The Hairy Bikers Eat to Beat Type 2 Diabetes: 80 delicious & filling recipes to get your health back on track

by Hairy Bikers

THE NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER.The bestselling, big-hearted and down-to-earth chefs, The Hairy Bikers, return with 80 of their very best Dieter recipes. Contains previously published recipes - brought together in a collection that's designed to help tackle type 2 diabetes for the first time.In this smaller-format black-and-white paperback, first of a new healthy eating series, the Hairy Bikers prove that you can still eat your favourite foods while staying healthy and losing weight. With their delicious, low-cal versions of traditional classics and family favourites, the Bikers take the deprivation out of restrictive diets and are here to help you shift the pounds.This book is full of information to digest and dieting hits to enjoy. The Bikers also share their own personal stories of their battles against type 2 diabetes, and hope to inspire readers as they start their own weight loss journey.Whether you've been struggling with type 2 diabetes for years or have recently been diagnosed, there's no better time to take action and make a change.'The Hairy Bikers continue their mission to bring sunshine and variety to the notion of 'diet'. People need to eat food. People with type 2 diabetes also need to eat food. In this book Si and Dave apply their magic to square health needs with varied, enjoyable eating. If you are looking for new and interesting ways to eat, then this book is for you.' Professor Roy Taylor, bestselling author of Life Without Diabetes.

Half-Assed: A Weight-Loss Memoir

by Jennette Fulda

After undergoing gall bladder surgery at age twenty-three, Jennette Fulda decided it was time to lose some weight. Actually, more like half her weight. At the time, Jennette weighed 372 pounds.Jennette was not born fat. But, by fifth grade, her response to a school questionnaire asking "what would you change about your appearance" was "I would be thinner." Sound familiar?Half-Assed is the captivating and incredibly honest story of Jennette's journey to get in shape, lose weight, and change her life. From the beginning-dusting off her never-used treadmill and steering clear of the donut shop-to the end with her goal weight in sight, Jennette wows readers with her determined persistence to shed pounds and the ability to maintain her ever-present sense of self.

Half Broke: A Memoir

by Ginger Gaffney

A top-ranked horse trainer’s gorgeous, life-affirming memoir that offers profound insight into the fascinating ways both horses and humans seek relationships to survive. At the start of this remarkable story of recovery, healing, and redemption, Ginger Gaffney answers a call to help retrain the troubled horses at an alternative prison ranch in New Mexico, a facility run entirely by the prisoners. The horses are scavenging through the dumpsters, kicking and running down the residents when they bring the trash out after meals. One horse is severely injured. The horses and residents arrive at the ranch broken in one way or many: the horses are defensive and terrified, while the residents, some battling drug and alcohol addictions, are emotionally and physically shattered. With deep insight into how animals and humans communicate through posture, body language, and honesty of spirit, Gaffney walks us through her struggle to train the untrainable. Gaffney peels away the layers of her own story—a solitary childhood, painful introversion, and a transformative connection with her first horse, a filly named Belle—and she, too, learns to trust people as much as she trusts horses. As her year-long odyssey builds toward a dramatic conclusion, the group experiences triumphs and failures, brave recoveries and relapses, as well as betrayals and moving stories of trust and belonging. Resonant, smart, and beautifully written, Half Broke tears at the heart of what it takes to find wholeness after years of trauma and addiction and offers profound insight on how working with animals can satisfy our universal need for connection.

The Half Known Life: In Search of Paradise

by Pico Iyer

From &“one of the most soulful and perceptive writers of our time&” (Brain Pickings): a journey through competing ideas of paradise to see how we can live more peacefully in an ever more divided and distracted world. &“Nothing less than a guided tour of the human soul…A masterpiece.&” — #1 New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert &“Immersive and profound…. Iyer matches penetrating insights with some of the most transportive prose around. This further burnishes Iyer&’s reputation as one of the best.&” — starred Publishers WeeklyParadise: that elusive place where the anxieties, struggles, and burdens of life fall away. Most of us dream of it, but each of us has very different ideas about where it is to be found. For some it can be enjoyed only after death; for others, it&’s in our midst—or just across the ocean—if only we can find eyes to see it. Traveling from Iran to North Korea, from the Dalai Lama&’s Himalayas to the ghostly temples of Japan, Pico Iyer brings together a lifetime of explorations to upend our ideas of utopia and ask how we might find peace in the midst of difficulty and suffering. Does religion lead us back to Eden or only into constant contention? Why do so many seeming paradises turn into warzones? And does paradise exist only in the afterworld – or can it be found in the here and now? For almost fifty years Iyer has been roaming the world, mixing a global soul&’s delight in observing cultures with a pilgrim&’s readiness to be transformed. In this culminating work, he brings together the outer world and the inner to offer us a surprising, original, often beautiful exploration of how we might come upon paradise in the midst of our very real lives.

The Half of It: A Memoir

by Madison Beer

A memoir from singer-songwriter Madison Beer, chronicling the past decade of her life spent in the spotlight—the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens that you won’t see on social media.Discovered at twelve years old, Madison Beer was one of the first artists to have her entire life documented online. Over the past decade, she has navigated the spotlight as a child, through her teenage years, and now as a young woman in her twenties.In The Half of It, Madison pulls back the curtain to show the behind-the-scenes of her journey, from reckoning with mass hate online and the time her private pictures were leaked, to battling suicidal thoughts while making her highly acclaimed debut album, Life Support, and her recovery since then. This memoir is an honest and unflinching account of self-love, mental health, and advocacy from one of the fastest-rising musical voices and most influential social media presences of her generation. It hammers home the point, more striking and urgent than ever, that no matter how close the internet may make us feel to people, we truly don’t know the half of it.

Half-truths And Brazen Lies

by Kira Vermond Clayton Hanmer

<P>Do you believe in telling the truth? Sure you do. But even that's a lie -- because we all lie. Whether to protect a friend, to make someone feel better, or to avoid telling even bigger lies later, lying is actually central to human nature. Usually we're taught that lying is bad, and that's that. But in reality, it's rarely so black and white. <P>Kira Vermond's latest book answers questions like: Why do we lie? What types of lies are there? What are the consequences of lying? What methods are used to detect lies? And when is it okay or even good to lie? <P>From forgeries and hoaxes to plagiarism and placebos, Half-Truths and Brazen Lies offers historical anecdotes, scientific studies, and sociocultural analyses to help unpack the complex world of untruths. Told in a witty, conversational tone with an index and full-color illustrations, the book takes a thorough, nuanced approach to a fascinating aspect of human behavior.

Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy

by Anne Lamott

<P>From the bestselling author of Help, Thanks, Wow and Bird by Bird comes a powerful exploration of mercy, its limitless (if sometimes hidden) presence, why we ignore it, and how we can embrace it. "Mercy is radical kindness," Anne Lamott writes in her enthralling and heartening book, Hallelujah Anyway. <P> It's the permission you give others—and yourself—to forgive a debt, to absolve the unabsolvable, to let go of the judgment and pain that make life so difficult. In Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy Lamott ventures to explore where to find meaning in life. We should begin, she suggests, by "facing a great big mess, especially the great big mess of ourselves." It's up to each of us to recognize the presence and importance of mercy everywhere—"within us and outside us, all around us"—and to use it to forge a deeper understanding of ourselves and more honest connections with each other. <P>While that can be difficult to do, Lamott argues that it's crucial, as "kindness towards others, beginning with myself, buys us a shot at a warm and generous heart, the greatest prize of all." Full of Lamott’s trademark honesty, humor and forthrightness, Hallelujah Anyway is profound and caring, funny and wise—a hopeful book of hands-on spirituality. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

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