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Having the Time of Your Life

by Allen Klein Loretta Laroche

The big questions come to us at different times. Whether just starting college, about to have a first child, or considering a new house or job, at some point we've all asked, "Why am I here? What is life? What am I doing?" In Having the Time of Your Life, Allen Klein helps us come to terms with these questions and have a few laughs long the way. He has collected 500 inspiring and uplifting quotations on the endlessly fascinating subject of life itself. From Lily Tomlin to Abraham Lincoln, the people quoted in this book have perspective to offer everyone, no matter which of life's many roads they may be traversing. Don't let the heavy questions weigh you down! With selections covering topics ranging from finding forgiveness to making music, this book offers a healthy dose of the motivation and levity we all need.

¿Hay sexo después del matrimonio?: En busca del orgasmo perdido

by Esther Porta

La periodista Esther Porta, aguda y mordaz observadora, recrea en estas páginas cada una de las fases que atraviesan las parejas a lo largo de los años. Y apunta ingeniosas soluciones para revivir tiempos felices. El fascinante mundo de la vida matrimonial es un camino -largo o corto, según la habilidad de los contrayentes para sortear las trampas que la convivencia va dejando caer en cada recodo- a lo largo del cual se van erosionando, inevitablemente, los encantos del noviazgo.

Haz como el gato: ¡ÉL SÍ QUE SABE!

by Stéphane Garnier

La clave para el bienestar: ser un poco más como tu gato. Viven a su ritmo, son curiosos, carismáticos e independientes, saben pedir ayuda y decir que no, tienen mucha confianza en ellos mismos, se adaptan con facilidad y, en general, viven de forma plena: si los gatos se lo montan tan bien, ¿por qué no adoptamos su filosofía? <P><P>Inspirado en nuestros gatos, en este libro se han recogido los puntos esenciales de la buena vida en clave felina. Encuentra todo lo que necesitas para afrontar el día desde su envidiable perspectiva: consejos para cada momento, microcápsulas de sabiduría felina, citas de famosos amantes de los gatos y hasta un cuestionario para descubrir tu coeficiente gatuno. ¡Deja salir al gato que llevas dentro!

Haz lo que importa

by Oso Trava

Turbocarga tu vida de propósito y enfoque para alcanzar tus más grandes objetivos. Todo en la vida de Oso Trava, uno de los emprendedores mexicanos más relevantes en la actualidad, resultaba exitoso según los estándares, sin embargo, él seguía en búsqueda de la verdadera excelencia para lograr llevar su inspiración al siguiente nivel y compartirla con los demás. Fue así como nació Cracks Podcast, uno de los podcasts más escuchados en español, así como una metodología para afrontar la vida intensamente y alcanzar resultados extremos: el método DMS (Do Meaningful Shit o Haz lo que importa). Este no es solo una filosofía o sistema de creencias, es un método práctico que te guiará para dedicar especial atención y energía a las cosas que te mueven profundamente. Con este obtendrás una vida próspera dirigida a los resultados, construida con base en una dirección clara, a la que llegaráscon movimientos inteligentes y dotada de un significado profundo. Haz lo que importa será una gran herramienta de crecimiento personal para ti. Prepárate para decirle adiós al viejo tú y comenzar una nueva vida de cracks

Haz lo que más importa: Lidera con una visión, gestiona con un plan y prioriza tu tiempo

by Steven R Shallenberger Robert R Shallenberger

Time management remains a huge challenge for most people. This book shares the habits and processes used by top leaders worldwide to minimize distractions and maximize accomplishments.In researching more than 1,260 managers and executives from more than 108 different organizations, Steve and Rob Shallenberger discovered that 68 percent of them feel like their number one challenge is time management, yet 80 percent don't have a clear process for how to prioritize their time.Drawing on their forty years of leadership research, this book offers three powerful habits that the top 10 percent of leaders use to Do What Matters Most. These three high performance habits are developing a written personal vision, identifying and setting Roles and Goals, and consistently doing Pre-week Planning. And Steve and Rob make an audacious promise: these three habits can increase anyone's productivity by at least 30 to 50 percent. For organizations, this means higher profits, happier employees, and increased innovation. For individuals, it means you'll find hours in your week that you didn't know were there--imagine what you could do!You will learn how acquiring this skillset turned an "average" employee into her company's top producer, enabled a senior vice president to reignite his team and achieve record results, transformed a stressed-out manager's work and home life, helped a CEO who felt like he'd lost his edge regain his fire and passion, and much more. By implementing these simple and easy-to-understand habits, supported by tools like the Personal Productivity Assessment, you will learn how to lead a life by design, not by default. You'll feel the power that comes with a sense of control, direction, and purpose. En nuestra investigación de más 1260 gerentes, descubrimos que más del 68% sentían que su mayor desafío es cómo priorizar su tiempo, pero el 80% de los mismos carecían de un proceso para organizarlo y centrarse en lo que más importa. Este libro trata sobre los tres hábitos de alto rendimiento que te empoderarán para tomar el control de tu horario, priorizar el tiempo y aumentar la productividad entre un 30 y 50%. Esto se traduce en un mejor liderazgo, un aumento de las ventas, una mayor productividad, más beneficios y una cultura mejorada. A nivel personal, implica un mejor equilibrio vital, mejoras en la salud, menos estrés, mejores relaciones, más dinero y un enfoque preciso en tus prioridades.

Haz Movimientos De Dinero: Una Guia Para Conquistar La Deuda Universitaria Con Poco Apoyo Familiar

by Amber Porter Nestora M Salcedo

Con sencillez pero con una gran elocuencia la autora provee formidables estrategias para ayudar a la comunidad estudiantil con todo el peso de la deuda universitaria. Excelente para motivar al estudiante.

Haz que los desconocidos se conviertan en tus amigos: Técnicas efectivas para cultivar amistades con cualquier persona

by Gary Randolph

La comunicación es fundamental en todas las relaciones. No sólo te ayuda a cubrir tus necesidades, sino que también te conecta con otras personas. En los negocios, en la escuela y en la universidad (para las presentaciones) y en la vida personal se valoran mucho las habilidades de comunicación. Comunicarse con desconocidos de forma eficaz implica una buena capacidad de comunicación. Si eres una persona tímida y sientes que es muy difícil para ti comunicarte con extraños, esta guía es para ti. En esta guía aprenderás: - Cómo iniciar una conversación - Lo que SI hay que hacer en la comunicación - Lo que NO hay que hacer en la comunicación - Cómo motivar a las personas para que se sientan libres de hablar de sí mismas - Puntos significativos de discusión - Cómo ser amigable sin ser agobiante - Cómo no sentirse avergonzado - El momento adecuado para finalizar las conversaciones - ¡Y mucho más! --> Desplácese hasta la parte superior de la página y seleccione "Añadir al carrito" para comprar inmediatamente Aviso de responsabilidad: Este autor y/o el/los propietario/s de los derechos de autor no aseguran, ni prometen, ni garantizan la exactitud, integridad o adecuación del contenido de este libro, y no se hacen responsables de los errores u omisiones en su contenido. Este producto es sólo para uso de referencia. Por favor, consulte a un profesional antes de aplicar cualquier medida sobre los temas incluidos en este libro.

Hazla llegar al orgasmo en solo 5 minutos

by Pílula Digital

En este e-book aprenderás POSICIONES INFALIBLES que harán que tu pareja ponga los ojos en blanco de puro ÉXTASIS, aunque no tengas experiencia. ¡Feliz lectura!

Hazte cargo de tus heridas: Sana tu pasado y mejora tu presente Sana tu pasado y mejora tu presente

by Francely Valencia Morales

Este libro te enseña, a través de la neuropsicología, a sanar las heridas emocionales que afectan tu vida hoy y no te permiten avanzar Las heridas profundas de la psique son como cualquier otra: deben cicatrizar. Si no, toda situación dolorosa las hará sangrar de nuevo. Cerrarlas exige que tomes las riendas y seas partícipe del cambio. La neuropsicóloga Francely Valencia Morales te muestra cuál fue su proceso de sanación y cómo puedes aplicar esas herramientas para mejorar tu salud emocional y construir una vida con propósito. No puedes cambiar el pasado, pero sí puedes hacerte cargo del presente. "Solo hay una persona que dirige el mando de nuestra mente y tiene las llaves secretas para sanar cada acontecimiento vivido. Esos somos nosotros mismos". DOCTOR JORGE ENRIQUE ROJAS.

HBR Guide to Coaching Employees

by Harvard Business Review

Help your employees help themselves.As a manager in today's business world, you can't just tell your direct reports what to do: You need to help them make their own decisions, enable them to solve tough problems, and actively develop their skills on the job.Whether you have a star on your team who's eager to advance, an underperformer who's dragging the group down, or a steady contributor who feels bored and neglected, you need to coach them: Help shape their goals-and support their efforts to achieve them.In the HBR Guide to Coaching Employees you'll learn how to: Create realistic but inspiring plans for growth Ask the right questions to engage your employees in the development process Give them room to grapple with problems and discover solutions Allow them to make the most of their expertise while compelling them to stretch and grow Give them feedback they'll actually apply Balance coaching with the rest of your workloadArm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from a source you trust. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

HBR Guide to Coaching Employees (HBR Guide Series)

by Harvard Business Review

Help your employees help themselves.As a manager in today's business world, you can't just tell your direct reports what to do: You need to help them make their own decisions, enable them to solve tough problems, and actively develop their skills on the job.Whether you have a star on your team who's eager to advance, an underperformer who's dragging the group down, or a steady contributor who feels bored and neglected, you need to coach them: Help shape their goals-and support their efforts to achieve them.In the HBR Guide to Coaching Employees you'll learn how to: Create realistic but inspiring plans for growth Ask the right questions to engage your employees in the development process Give them room to grapple with problems and discover solutions Allow them to make the most of their expertise while compelling them to stretch and grow Give them feedback they'll actually apply Balance coaching with the rest of your workloadArm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from a source you trust. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

HBR Guide to Managing Up and Across

by Harvard Business Review

ARE YOUR WORKING RELATIONSHIPS WORKING AGAINST YOU?To achieve your goals and get ahead, you need to rally people behind you and your ideas. But how do you do that when you lack formal authority? Or when you have a boss who gets in your way? Or when you're juggling others' needs at the expense of your own?By managing up, down, and across the organization. Your success depends on it, whether you're a young professional or an experienced leader.The HBR Guide to Managing Up and Across will help you: Advance your agenda-and your career-with smarter networking Build relationships that bring targets and deadlines within reach Persuade decision makers to champion your initiatives Collaborate more effectively with colleagues Deal with new, challenging, or incompetent bosses Navigate office politics

HBR Guide to Office Politics

by Karen Dillon

Don't let destructive drama sideline your career.Every organization has its share of political drama: Personalities clash. Agendas compete. Turf wars erupt. But you need to work productively with your colleagues-even difficult ones-for the good of your organization and your career. How can you do that without compromising your personal values? By acknowledging that power dynamics and unwritten rules exist-and navigating them constructively.The HBR Guide to Office Politics will help you succeed at work without being a power grabber or a corporate climber. Instead you'll cultivate a political strategy that's authentic to you. You'll learn how to: Gain influence without losing your integrity Contend with backstabbers and bullies Work through tough conversations Manage tensions when resources are scarce Get your share of choice assignments Accept that not all conflict is badArm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from a source you trust. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

HBR Guide to Project Management

by Harvard Business Review

MEET YOUR GOALS-ON TIME AND ON BUDGET.How do you rein in the scope of your project when you've got a group of demanding stakeholders breathing down your neck? And map out a schedule everyone can stick to? And motivate team members who have competing demands on their time and attention?Whether you're managing your first project or just tired of improvising, this guide will give you the tools and confidence you need to define smart goals, meet them, and capture lessons learned so future projects go even more smoothly.The HBR Guide to Project Management will help you: Build a strong, focused team Break major objectives into manageable tasks Create a schedule that keeps all the moving parts under control Monitor progress toward your goals Manage stakeholders' expectations Wrap up your project and gauge its success

HBR's 10 Must Reads 2015

by Harvard Business Review

A year's worth of management wisdom, all in one place.We've combed through ideas, insights, and best practices from the past year of Harvard Business Review to help you get up to speed fast on the freshest, most relevant thinking driving business today. With authors from Clayton Christensen to Roger Martin and company examples from Netflix to Unilever, this volume brings the most current and important management conversations to your fingertips.This book will inspire you to: Lead by focusing your attention on the right things Import new management practices into your organization the right way-whether they come from other companies or across the globe Better manage your organization's-and your leaders'-time Rethink vital functions such as HR and marketing Move from a yearly planning cycle to building a winning strategy Make long-term organizational decisions with an eye to national and global economic trends

HBR's 10 Must Reads 2017: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (with bonus article “What Is Disruptive Innovation?”) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)

by Adam Grant Harvard Business Review Thomas H. Davenport Vijay Govindarajan Clayton M. Christensen

A year's worth of management wisdom, all in one place.We've reviewed the ideas, insights, and best practices from the past year of Harvard Business Review to keep you up-to-date on the most cutting-edge, influential thinking driving business today. With authors from Clayton M. Christensen to Adam Grant and company examples from Intel to Uber, this volume brings the most current and important management conversations to your fingertips.This book will inspire you to: Rethink the way you work in the face of advancing automation Transform your business using a platform strategy Apply design thinking to create innovative products Identify where too much collaboration may be holding your people back See the theory of disruptive innovation in a brand new light Recognize the signs that your cross-cultural negotiation may be falling apartThis collection of articles includes "Collaborative Overload," by Rob Cross, Reb Rebele, and Adam Grant; "Algorithms Need Managers, Too," by Michael Luca, Jon Kleinberg, and Sendhil Mullainathan; "Pipelines, Platforms, and the New Rules of Strategy," by Marshall W. Van Alstyne, Geoffrey G. Parker, and Sangeet Paul Choudary; "What Is Disruptive Innovation?," by Clayton M. Christensen, Michael Raynor, and Rory McDonald; "How Indra Nooyi Turned Design Thinking into Strategy," an interview with Indra Nooyi by Adi Ignatius; "Engineering Reverse Innovations," by Amos Winter and Vijay Govindarajan; "The Employer-Led Health Care Revolution," by Patricia A. McDonald, Robert S. Mecklenburg, and Lindsay A. Martin; "Getting to Sí, Ja, Oui, Hai, and Da," by Erin Meyer; "The Limits of Empathy," by Adam Waytz; "People Before Strategy: A New Role for the CHRO," by Ram Charan, Dominic Barton, and Dennis Carey; and "Beyond Automation," by Thomas H. Davenport and Julia Kirby.

HBR's 10 Must Reads for New Managers (with bonus article “How Managers Become Leaders” by Michael D. Watkins) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)

by Daniel Goleman Harvard Business Review Herminia Ibarra Linda A. Hill Robert B. Cialdini

Develop the mindset and presence to successfully manage others for the first time.If you read nothing else on becoming a new manager, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you transition from being an outstanding individual contributor to a great manager of others.This book will inspire you to: develop your emotional intelligence influence your colleagues with the science of persuasion assess your team and enhance its performance network effectively to achieve business goals and for personal advancement navigate relationships with employees, bosses, and peers get support from above view the big picture in your decision-making balance your team’s work and personal life in a high-intensity workplace

He Calls Me Friend: The Healing Power of Friendship in a Lonely World

by John M. Perkins

"I believe He Calls Me Friend is one of the most important books of our day, from one of the last living prophets of the Civil Rights Era."–Nick Hall, Founder of Pulse movement, author of Reset: Jesus Changes EverythingWhat if friendship is the key to changing the world?As a follow-up to his landmark work One Blood, Dr. John Perkins helps readers take the next step to make justice and love a reality. Sometimes people ask Dr. Perkins how to make a difference in the world, his simple answer is this, "Be friends. First with God. Then with others—every kind of other you can think of. Because the simple, powerful, messy, explosive truth is: the world is changed one friendship at a time." In He Calls Me Friend, Dr. Perkins argues that God is not distant and disconnected. He is the Friend who woos us, died for us, and lives within us. This Friend fills our empty places and shows us how to be friends with others. Along the way, Dr. Perkins shares his life experiences, explores biblical stories, and features profiles from several of his own personal friendships.In a world that&’s growing increasingly fragmented, isolated, and lonely, discover the power of friendship from a true expert in the art.

He Calls Me Friend: The Healing Power of Friendship in a Lonely World

by John M. Perkins

"I believe He Calls Me Friend is one of the most important books of our day, from one of the last living prophets of the Civil Rights Era."–Nick Hall, Founder of Pulse movement, author of Reset: Jesus Changes EverythingWhat if friendship is the key to changing the world?As a follow-up to his landmark work One Blood, Dr. John Perkins helps readers take the next step to make justice and love a reality. Sometimes people ask Dr. Perkins how to make a difference in the world, his simple answer is this, "Be friends. First with God. Then with others—every kind of other you can think of. Because the simple, powerful, messy, explosive truth is: the world is changed one friendship at a time." In He Calls Me Friend, Dr. Perkins argues that God is not distant and disconnected. He is the Friend who woos us, died for us, and lives within us. This Friend fills our empty places and shows us how to be friends with others. Along the way, Dr. Perkins shares his life experiences, explores biblical stories, and features profiles from several of his own personal friendships.In a world that&’s growing increasingly fragmented, isolated, and lonely, discover the power of friendship from a true expert in the art.

He Came First: Following Christ to Spiritual Breakthrough

by Rod Parsley

Ask any person to name the first man to walk on the moon, and most can tell you it was Neil Armstrong. And almost anyone could tell you Charles Lindberg made the first solo transatlantic flight. Few would know that Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay first successfully scaled Mt. Everest, but our admiration is no less because we don't remember their names. As a society, we reward, revere, and respect firsts and the courageous men and women who achieve them. Rod Parsley calls these individuals breakers."Breakers look at barriers as merely building blocks to further feats of achievement," Parsley writes. "They refuse to take life at face value, believing that greatness lies beyond the next barrier. With fierce determination and fearless courage, they break through what others believed was impenetrable."Parsley contends that God is raising a modern generation of breakers to achieve His purposes. We have the perfect model in Jesus Christ, the "First of all firsts" who shattered the barrier between divinity and humanity, proving Himself to be "the Breaker who goes before us." Through Scripture and insight, Rod Parsley passionately urges Christians to break out in obedience and become modern-day Samsons, Deborahs, Esthers, and Stephens.

He decidido vivir 120 años: El antiguo secreto de la longevidad, vitalidad y transformación de la vida

by Ilchi Lee

Viviremos más tiempo que nunca. Pero, ¿podremos mantenernos felices, saludables y plenos hasta el último momento? Ilchi Lee, autor bestseller de The New York Times y uno de los más renombrados profesores de meditación de nuestra época, te retará a repensar radicalmente tus ideas sobre el envejecimiento, la salud, la plenitud personal y lo que es posible para tu vida

He estado pensando: Reflexiones, oraciones y meditaciones para una vida plena

by Maria Shriver

Un libro de reflexiones para aquellos que buscan sabiduría, orientación, ánimo e inspiración en el camino hacia una vida plena. Como mujer prominente que asume diferentes roles, Maria Shriver sabe perfectamente cuán sorprendente, impredecible y estresante puede resultar la vida diaria. En este emotivo y poderoso libro, la autora comparte pasajes inspiradores, oraciones y reflexiones creados para hacer pensar, hacer sentir, hacer reír y ayudar a los lectores en su viaje a lo que ella llama “El campo abierto”—un lugar de aceptación, propósito y pasión—un lugar lleno de alegría. He estado pensando... (I've Been Thinking...) es ideal para cualquier persona en cualquier momento de su vida. Ya sea porque crees que todo está bien o porque el mundo se te cae a pedazos—sea porque estás evaluando tu vida o simplemente porque necesitas recargar energías, este es el libro al que te dirigirás una y otra vez. Es como hablar con un amigo cercano, es la compañía perfecta—un regalo excepcional para alguien que busque seguir adelante en la vida con gracia y esperanza.

He estado pensando: Reflexiones, Oraciones Y Meditaciones Para Una Vida Plena

by Maria Shriver

Un libro de reflexiones para aquellos que buscan sabiduría, orientación, ánimo e inspiración en el camino hacia una vida plena. Como mujer prominente que asume diferentes roles, Maria Shriver sabe perfectamente cuán sorprendente, impredecible y estresante puede resultar la vida diaria. En este emotivo y poderoso libro, la autora comparte pasajes inspiradores, oraciones y reflexiones creados para hacer pensar, hacer sentir, hacer reír y ayudar a los lectores en su viaje a lo que ella llama El campo abiertoun lugar de aceptación, propósito y pasiónun lugar lleno de alegría. He estado pensando... es ideal para cualquier persona en cualquier momento de su vida. Ya sea porque crees que todo está bien o porque el mundo se te cae a pedazossea porque estás evaluando tu vida o simplemente porque necesitas recargar energías, este es el libro al que te dirigirás una y otra vez. Es como hablar con un amigo cercano, es la compañía perfectaun regalo excepcional para alguien que busque seguir adelante en la vida con gracia y esperanza.

He Gathers Your Tears Words of Comfort for a Widow's Heart

by Phylis Moore

This is an excellent book written through the grieving period of a widow. Phylis Moore intersperses daily journal reflections with Scripture to offer comfort for the hardship described.

He is Enough: Living in the Fullness of Jesus (A Study in Colossians)

by Asheritah Ciuciu

Discover the Secret to a Full LifeWe live in a world of scarcity. We say, &“I don&’t have enough time… maybe when we have more money… if only I had a little more help…&” But Scripture says if we have Jesus, we have enough. In this 6-week study of Colossians, Asheritah Ciuciu leads readers to discover the life-altering importance of Jesus&’ sufficiency and sovereignty. And you don&’t need hours a day to enjoy this Bible Study. Each day&’s study contains two paths:Snack on the Go: a bite-size morsel of truth to chew on throughout your busy day FEAST: a dig-deep guide to maximizing the &“meat&” you&’re getting out of your Bible studyPLUS! a supplemental "Serving and Leading" section that includes service challenges for making theory a realityYou can enjoy this study in whatever way works best for you. Discover the joy and freedom that abounds when we know deep in our hearts that Jesus truly is enough.

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