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Showing 16,026 through 16,050 of 36,437 results

Hustling God: Why We Work So Hard for What God Wants to Give

by M. Craig Barnes

We work hard at life. We try to get better jobs, better homes, better relationships, and even a better spirituality. We are like Jacob in the Old Testament. His name means "striver, schemer, supplanter, hustler." He could have been the poster boy for the American Dream. But author Craig Barnes says this is not the way we should be living our lives. We should not try to manipulate and hustle ourselves into a place of advantage with God, a position that has been ours all along. After all, God is the one who climbed down the ladder to be with us. Using true anecdotes from the men, women, and families of the churches he has served, Barnes invites hard-running, stressed-out, burned-out people to stop striving. Life is not something we grasp and clutch to us, but a gift God freely gives. Only when we open our hands can God fill them with the blessings he has been waiting to lavish upon us all along.

Huvudprydnad istället för aska

by Gabriel Agbo

En av dygderna som alltid och för evigt uppmuntrar troende att hålla fast vid Gud, även inför en till synes extrem hopplöshet och förtvivlan, är Hans förmåga att ändra de mest obehagliga förhållanden till fördelaktiga vittnesbörd. Du kanske har gjort allt i din mänskliga makt för att komma ur en specifik situation, till ingen nytta. Tyvärr verkar allt dina ansträngningar gav dig vara sorg, smärta, ånger, sorg, skam och tårar. Det är då som att du kan frestas att ifrågasätta Guds kärlek, eller rentav hans existens. Gör inte det, inte än. Läs den här boken först. Gud är fortfarande den som ger oss huvudprydnad istället för aska.

Hygge: A Celebration of Simple Pleasures. Living the Danish Way.

by Charlotte Abrahams

Candlelight is hygge; the smell of freshly brewed coffee is hygge; the feel of crisp, clean bed linen is hygge; dinner with friends is hygge. 'Hygge', pronounced 'hoo-ga', is a Danish philosophy that roughly translates to 'cosiness'. But it is so much more than that. It's a way of life that encourages us to be kinder to ourselves, to take pleasure in the modest, the mundane and the familiar. It is a celebration of the everyday, of sensual experiences rather then things. It's an entire attitude to life that results in Denmark regularly being voted one of the happiest countries in the world. So, with two divorces behind her and her 50th birthday rapidly approaching, journalist Charlotte Abrahams ponders whether it's hygge that's been missing from her life. Is it a philosophy we can all embrace? In a society where lifestyle trends tend to centre on deprivation - be it no sugar, no gluten, no possessions - what does cherishing yourself actually mean? And will it make her happy? In Hygge, Charlotte Abrahams weaves the history of hygge and its role in Danish culture with her own attempts, as an English woman, to embrace a more hygge life. In this beautifully written and stylishly designed book, she examines the impact this has on her home, her health, her relationships and, of course, her happiness. Light a candle, pour yourself a glass of wine, and get ready to enjoy your more hygge life.

Hygge: A Celebration of Simple Pleasures. Living the Danish Way.

by Charlotte Abrahams

Candlelight is hygge; the smell of freshly brewed coffee is hygge; the feel of crisp, clean bed linen is hygge; dinner with friends is hygge. 'Hygge', pronounced 'hoo-ga', is a Danish philosophy that roughly translates to 'cosiness'. But it is so much more than that. It's a way of life that encourages us to be kinder to ourselves, to take pleasure in the modest, the mundane and the familiar. It is a celebration of the everyday, of sensual experiences rather then things. It's an entire attitude to life that results in Denmark regularly being voted one of the happiest countries in the world. So, with two divorces behind her and her 50th birthday rapidly approaching, journalist Charlotte Abrahams ponders whether it's hygge that's been missing from her life. Is it a philosophy we can all embrace? In a society where lifestyle trends tend to centre on deprivation - be it no sugar, no gluten, no possessions - what does cherishing yourself actually mean? And will it make her happy? In Hygge, Charlotte Abrahams weaves the history of hygge and its role in Danish culture with her own attempts, as an English woman, to embrace a more hygge life. In this beautifully written and stylishly designed book, she examines the impact this has on her home, her health, her relationships and, of course, her happiness. Light a candle, pour yourself a glass of wine, and get ready to enjoy your more hygge life.

Hygge: A Celebration of Simple Pleasures. Living the Danish Way.

by Charlotte Abrahams

Candlelight is hygge; the smell of freshly brewed coffee is hygge; the feel of crisp, clean bed linen is hygge; dinner with friends is hygge. 'Hygge', pronounced 'hoo-ga', is a Danish philosophy that roughly translates to 'cosiness'. But it is so much more than that. It's a way of life that encourages us to be kinder to ourselves, to take pleasure in the modest, the mundane and the familiar. It is a celebration of the everyday, of sensual experiences rather then things. It's an entire attitude to life that results in Denmark regularly being voted one of the happiest countries in the world. So, with two divorces behind her and her 50th birthday rapidly approaching, journalist Charlotte Abrahams ponders whether it's hygge that's been missing from her life. Is it a philosophy we can all embrace? In a society where lifestyle trends tend to centre on deprivation - be it no sugar, no gluten, no possessions - what does cherishing yourself actually mean? And will it make her happy? In Hygge, Charlotte Abrahams weaves the history of hygge and its role in Danish culture with her own attempts, as an English woman, to embrace a more hygge life. In this beautifully written and stylishly designed book, she examines the impact this has on her home, her health, her relationships and, of course, her happiness. Light a candle, pour yourself a glass of wine, and get ready to enjoy your more hygge life.Written and read by Charlotte Abrahams(p) 2016 Orion Publishing Group

Hygge: O Segredo Dinamarquês para a Felicidade - Como ser feliz e saudável no dia a dia

by Maya Thoresen

Desfrute a vida de verdade com o hygge! Os momentos mais simples são os mais preciosos. Com “Hygge-  O Segredo Dinamarquês para a Felicidade - Como ser feliz e saudável no dia a dia” você vai aprender os segredos para desfrutar mais a vida e minimizar o estresse. Você vai aprender a adicionar aconchego aos seus dias no lugar de estresse. Acima de tudo, você vai aprender a parar de ficar olhando para o telefone e, em vez disso, criar mais momentos mágicos com seus seres queridos. Pare de perseguir bens materiais. É fácil ganhar dinheiro e comprar coisas novas. Mas e as experiências? As experiências são muito mais duradouras e significativas que carros, roupas, aparelhos e acessórios. Neste livro, você vai aprender a simplificar sua vida e tornar-se mais feliz, escolhendo pequenos momentos em vez  de bens materiais. Você vai aprender a preferir ficar com sua família fazendo coisas divertidas que não custam nada no lugar de estressar-se com a fatura do cartão de crédito. Aprenda com a melhor. Maya Thoresen é uma escritora dinamarquesa e coach especialista em hygge. Ela escreveu este livro para as pessoas que estão presas na pressa da vida materialista e que esqueceram como desfrutar os momentos mais simples. Neste livro ela revela os segredos para uma vida mais feliz e rica. O hygge lhe fará apreciar os pequenos momentos. De repente sua vida se encherá de felicidade com nunca antes. Então, faça sua vida um pouco mais dinamarquesa começando a ler este livro hoje! Vá ao alto da página e aperte “comprar”.

Hygge: il segreto danese della felicità. Come essere felice e sano nella tua vita quotidiana

by Maya Thoresen

Trasforma la tua vita in qualcosa che ami davvero con l'Hygge! Alcuni dei momenti più semplici, sono quelli più preziosi. Smettila di inseguire i beni materiali. Con il libro “Hygge: il segreto danese della felicità. Come essere felice e sano nella tua vita quotidiana”, imparerai i segreti per rendere la tua vita migliore, minimizzando lo stress. Apprenderai come rendere più confortanti le tue giornate. Soprattutto, imparerai a non focalizzarti ore sul tuo smartphone, piuttosto a creare momenti magici con le persone che ami. È facile fare soldi e comprare cose nuove. Ma cosa ne è delle esperienze? L'esperienze hanno un valore più duraturo di macchine, vestiti, gadget e accessori. In questo libro imparerai come semplificare la tua vita e come diventare più felice favorendo i piccoli momenti rispetto alle cose materiali. Saprai spendere il tempo con la tua famiglia condividendo attività divertenti e gratuite anziché stressarti a usare la carta di credito. Impara dai migliori. Maya Thoresen è una scrittrice danese e una mentore dello stile di vita Hygge. Ha creato questo libro per quelle persone intrappolate nella routine della vita consumistica e che hanno dimenticato come godere dei momenti semplici. In questo libro, divulga i suoi segreti per una vita più piena e felice. L'Hygge ti fa apprezzare i piccoli momenti. Improvvisamente la tua vita si riempie di gioia come mai prima di allora. Perciò, rendi la tua vita un po' più danese, leggendo questo libro. Scorri in alto a questa pagina e seleziona il tasto “Compra Ora”.

Hygge: El secreto danés de la felicidad. Cómo disfrutar de una vida cotidiana feliz y saludable

by Maya Thoresen María José Galdón Galdón

Utilice el hygge para darle un giro a tu vida y realmente disfrutarla. Lo más preciado son los momentos más sencillos. Deshágase del afán de bienes materiales. En Hygge: El secreto danés de la felicidad. Cómo disfrutar de una vida cotidiana feliz y saludable, descubrirá los secretos para disfrutar mejor de la vida y minimizar el estrés. Aprenderá a añadir calidez a sus días en lugar de estrés. Aprenderá sobre todo a dejar de mirar continuamente el móvil y a crear más momentos mágicos con sus seres queridos. Hacer dinero y comprar cosas es fácil. Pero, ¿qué pasa con las experiencias? Las experiencias son más duraderas y significativas que los coches, la ropa, los gadgets y los complementos. En este libro aprenderá a simplificar su vida y a ser más feliz dando prioridad a los pequeños momentos y no a los objetos materiales. Aprenderá a preferir pasar tiempo con su familia y realizar divertidas actividades gratuitas en lugar de estresarse sobre cómo pagar la deuda de su tarjeta de crédito.

Hygge: The Danish Art of Happiness

by Marie Tourell Søderberg

Bring Hygge into your home this year with this beautiful and essential guide to the globally celebrated Danish art of happiness 'At these times it is crucial for me to have hygge. Hygge time with family and friends, hygge moments with myself and a hyggelig home.It's small moments that money cannot buy you, finding the magic in the ordinary.'_______Whether it's listening to the rain with a cup of tea, or going on a long walk with a loved one, hygge can be harnessed all around us.We all know the feeling of hygge instinctively, but few of us ever manage to capture it for more than a moment.Now Danish actress and hygge aficionado Marie Tourell Søderberg has travelled the length and breadth of her home country to create the perfect guide to cooking, decorating and enjoying yourself, inspired the hygge way.Full of beautiful photographs and simple, practical steps and ideas to make your home comforting and content, this book is the easy way to introduce hygge into your life.'Pretty, homey and intimate, scattered with reflections from ordinary Danes' GUARDIAN

The Hygge Life: Embracing the Nordic Art of Coziness Through Recipes, Entertaining, Decorating,Simple Rituals, and Family Traditions

by Jody Eddy Gunnar Karl Gíslason

Equal parts cookbook and lifestyle guide, this cozy little book shows you how to cultivate comfort and contentment and embrace life’s small pleasures with the Danish practice of hygge. Hygge (loosely translated as "coziness") is centered around the idea of inviting comforting elements into day-to-day life while creating warmth, community, and intimacy. The Hygge Life teaches you how small gestures (putting wool blankets and warm cider out for guests) or larger undertakings (building bonfires and making campfire bread to celebrate solstice) can warm the psyche and foster hygge, with more than 30 recipes for cozy and comforting food and drinks.

Hygge Simplified: A Guide to Scandinavian Coziness, Comfort and Conviviality (Happiness, Self-Help, Danish, Love, Safety, Change, Housewarming Gift)

by Tim Rayborn

With Hygge Simplified, learn how to find happiness with this essential Scandinavian mindset!Hygge has taken the world by storm, and now you too can find comfort and safety in the company of others, as well as alone at home. Unlike so much self-help, hygge is fairly simple and straightforward, ranging from different lighting to storage and wardrobe. This lifestyle is about more than reducing clutter, however; it is about personal growth so you are living a life of confidence and balance. While the principles of hygge are applicable to people in all phases of life, start off friends and family in their new home with this ideal housewarming gift. Happiness is here with Hygge Simplified!

Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive in a World of Distraction

by Chris Bailey

Canada's productivity expert returns with a totally fresh angle on how to do more with less.Throughout his experiments and research, Chris Bailey came across many little-known insights into how we focus (a key element of productivity), including the surprising idea that focus isn't so much a state of heightened awareness (as we'd assume), but a balance between two frames of mind. The most recent neuroscientific research on attention reveals that our brain has two powerful modes that can be unlocked when we use our attention well: a focused mode (hyperfocus), which is the foundation for being highly productive, and a creative mode (scatterfocus), which enables us to connect ideas in novel ways. Hyperfocus helps readers unlock both, so they can concentrate more deeply, think more clearly, and work and live more deliberately. Diving deep into the science and theories about how and why we bring our attention to bear on life's big goals and everyday tasks, Chris Bailey takes his unique approach to productivity to the next level in Hyperfocus, while retaining the approachable voice and perspective that made him a fast favourite.

Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive in a World of Distraction

by Chris Bailey

A practical guide to managing your attention--the most powerful resource you have to get stuff done, become more creative, and live a meaningful lifeOur attention has never been as overwhelmed as it is today. Many of us recognize that our brains struggle to multitask. Despite this, we feel compelled to do so anyway while we fill each moment of our lives to the brim with mindless distraction. Hyperfocus provides profound insights into how you can best take charge of your attention to achieve a greater sense of purpose and productivity throughout the day.The most recent neuroscientific research reveals that our brain has two powerful modes that can be unlocked when we use our attention effectively: a focused mode (hyperfocus), which is the foundation for being highly productive, and a creative mode (scatterfocus), which enables us to connect ideas in novel ways. Hyperfocus helps you access each of the two mental modes so you can concentrate more deeply, think more clearly, and work and live more deliberately every day. Chris Bailey examines such topics such as: * identifying and dealing with the four key types of distraction and interruption; * establishing a clear physical and mental environment in which to work; * controlling motivation and working fewer hours to become more productive; * taking time-outs with intention; * multitasking strategically; and * learning when to pay attention and when to let your mind wander wherever it wants to.By transforming how you think about your attention, Hyperfocus reveals that the more effectively you learn to take charge of it, the better you'll be able to manage every aspect of your life.

Hypnosis: The Application of Ideomotor Techniques

by David B. Cheek

Pioneering physician, David Cheek, writes how he uses hypnosis in his medical practice. If you want to learn how the mind can overcome physical problems this book is a great demonstration. Written for those who wish to practice hypnotherapy, this book provides excellent training and insightful information on how to use hypnosis to overcome medical problems. This is an exceptional book written by an exceptional physician.

Hypnosis and Treating Depression: Applications in Clinical Practice

by Michael D. Yapko

Michael Yapko’s seminal 1992 book, Hypnosis and the Treatment of Depressions, was the first book ever written on the subject of applying hypnosis in the treatment of depressed individuals. Since its publication, Yapko’s work has not only withstood the test of colleagues previously dismissive of the merits of hypnosis as a tool of treatment, but has thrived in the face of it. Hypnosis and Treating Depression diversifies the range of topics to consider and increases the number of knowledgeable contributors on the subject of treating depression with hypnosis. The book features chapter contributions by highly experienced and well-known experts on using hypnosis to treat specific forms of depression, with assessment and intervention strategies as well as sample transcripts of the use of hypnosis in therapy sessions. It discusses both broad and targeted applications of hypnosis in treatment, the treatment of depression with hypnosis in special populations, as well as special considerations regarding hypnotic treatment. As a practical guidebook for clinicians looking to add to their treatment protocols, Hypnosis and Treating Depression: Applications in Clinical Practice provides an updated and comprehensive volume on therapeutic uses of hypnosis in the treatment of depression.

Hypnosis in the Service of Meditation

by Osho Osho International Foundation

Can hypnosis support meditation? This is the focus and question of this Osho Talk.Osho speaks about a time when hypnosis was a recognized door towards meditation. In the Middle Ages hypnosis was condemned alongside witchcraft. That condemnation still lingers on. Osho speaks here about hypnosis as a very helpful tool to enter into meditation. he discusses hypnosis and self-hypnosis as useful tools, combined with modern audio recording technology to support the process.


by Dave Elman

Classic work by a professional hypnotist who, for many years, taught physicians and other professionals the use of hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy for a Better Life: Teach Yourself

by Tig Calvert

Would you like to learn self-hypnosis and specific techniques to help you become a more happy and fulfilled person, or to overcome issues such as anxieties or phobias? Are you interested in how self-hypnosis can help you perform better at work, in relationships, at sport or creatively? This book gives you all you need to gain a thorough understanding of hypnosis and, more importantly, to use practical and safe self-hypnosis techniques to overcome problems and improve all aspects of your life. If you want to take things further and become a professional, there is also plenty of practical advice and clear guidance.

Hypnotic Gastric Band: The New Surgery-free Weight-loss System

by Paul McKenna

More than 50 percent of Americans are overweight and looking for a solution. At last, there has been a weight-loss breakthrough that’s easy and has a significant success rate: Paul McKenna’s Hypnotic Gastric Band.Gastric band surgery, a radical operation that reduces the available space in the stomach, is a drastic—though often highly effective—treatment that’s often a last resort. Hypnotic Gastric Band offers similar results without the risks of surgery: this psychological procedure works to convince the unconscious mind that a gastric band has been put in place, helping the body to behave as if a band were physically present—so it’s easy to eat less and lose weight at last, while still feeling completely satisfied.Dr. McKenna spent years researching this groundbreaking process with leading medical experts in weight loss. He describes it as "the closest thing to real magic I have ever experienced," except this procedure isn’t magic, it’s grounded in solid science. All our decisions about food are made in the mind, which in many ways is like a computer. Hypnosis helps to reprogram the "computer" so that when people eat, they feel full faster.With the Hypnotic Gastric Band there is no dangerous physical surgery, no forbidden food, and no miserable dieting. Instead, the Hypnotic Gastric Band helps people make healthier food choices, enjoy their food more, and eat less without effort and without feeling deprived. The book comes with free digital downloads of guided hypnosis and detailed instructions to install your Hypnotic Gastric Band and to adjust it as the weight comes off. Just read the short book, then download the essential 25-minute hypnotic trance and start reprogramming your mind to eat less.

The Hypomanic Edge: The Link Between (a Little) Craziness and (a Lot of) Success in America

by John D. Gartner

Why is America so rich and powerful? The answer lies in our genes, according to psychologist John Gartner. Hypomania, a genetically based mild form of mania, endows many of us with unusual energy, creativity, enthusiasm, and a propensity for taking risks. America has an extraordinarily high number of hypomanics -- grandiose types who leap on every wacky idea that occurs to them, utterly convinced it will change the world. Market bubbles and ill-considered messianic crusades can be the downside. But there is an enormous upside in terms of spectacular entrepreneurial zeal, drive for innovation, and material success. Americans may have a lot of crazy ideas, but some of them lead to brilliant inventions. Why is America so hypomanic? It is populated primarily by immigrants. This self-selection process is the boldest natural experiment ever conducted. Those who had the will, optimism, and daring to take the leap into the unknown have passed those traits on to their descendants. Bringing his audacious and persuasive thesis to life, Gartner offers case histories of some famous Americans who represent this phenomenon of hypomania. These are the real stories you never learned in school about some of those men who made America: Columbus, who discovered the continent, thought he was the messiah. John Winthrop, who settled and defined it, believed Americans were God's new chosen people. Alexander Hamilton, the indispensable founder who envisioned America's economic future, self-destructed because of pride and impulsive behavior. Andrew Carnegie, who began America's industrial revolution, was sure that he was destined personally to speed up human evolution and bring world peace. The Mayer and Selznick families helped create the peculiarly American art form of the Hollywood film, but familial bipolar disorders led to the fall of their empires. Craig Venter decoded the human genome, yet his arrogance made him despised by most of his scientific colleagues, even as he spurred them on to make great discoveries. While these men are extraordinary examples, Gartner argues that many Americans have inherited the genes that have made them the most successful citizens in the world.

The Hypothyroid Sourcebook

by M. Sara Rosenthal

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common forms of thyroid disease. Myriad symptoms are attributed to this disease, including extreme fatigue, depression, headaches, chest pain, constipation, muscle spasms, weight gain, and more. Written by an acclaimed health author afflicted with hypothyroidism, The Hypothyroid Sourcebook offers in-depth explanations of the thyroid and the disease. The book discusses the pros and cons of possible treatments and provides an extensive list of additional resources.

Hysterical: A Memoir

by Elissa Bassist

SEMI-FINALIST FOR THE 2023 THURBER PRIZE FOR AMERICAN HUMOR • &“A fiery cultural critique.&” —Kirkus Reviews • &“…a powerful, beautifully written, and utterly important book.&”—New York Journal of Books &“Hysterical is staggeringly good. … This is one of the most intelligent, painful, ridiculous, awesome, relevant things I've ever read.&” –Roxane Gay&“…an impressive debut. Elissa Bassist wrote it like a motherfucker."–Cheryl StrayedAcclaimed humor writer Elissa Bassist shares her journey to reclaim her authentic voice in a culture that doesn't listen to women in this medical mystery, cultural criticism, and rallying cry. Between 2016 and 2018, Elissa Bassist saw over twenty medical professionals for a variety of mysterious ailments. She had what millions of American women had: pain that didn&’t make sense to doctors, a body that didn&’t make sense to science, and a psyche that didn&’t make sense to mankind. Then an acupuncturist suggested that some of her physical pain could be caged fury finding expression, and that treating her voice would treat the problem. It did. Growing up, Bassist's family, boyfriends, school, work, and television shows had the same expectation for a woman&’s voice: less is more. She was called dramatic and insane for speaking her mind. She was accused of overreacting and playing victim for having unexplained physical pain. She was ignored or rebuked (like so many women throughout history) for using her voice &“inappropriately&” by expressing sadness or suffering or anger or joy. Because of this, she said &“yes&” when she meant &“no&”; she didn&’t tweet #MeToo; and she never spoke without fear of being "too emotional." She felt rage, but like a good woman, she repressed it. In her witty and incisive debut, Bassist explains how girls and women internalize and perpetuate directives about their voices, making it hard to &“just speak up&” and &“burn down the patriarchy.&” But then their silence hurts them more than anything they could ever say. Hysterical is a memoir of a voice lost and found, a primer on new ways to think about a woman&’s voice—about where it&’s being squashed and where it needs amplification—and a clarion call for readers to unmute their voice, listen to it above all others, and use it again without regret.

I 10 comandamenti del marketing digitale: Viaggio verso la terra promessa del successo e del guadagno

by Régis Calheira

Consigi pratici su come cominciare a fare marketing digitale senza commettere i peccati dei principianti. Nonostante non sia una guida definitiva di regole del mestiere, seguiendo questi comandamenti il principiante potrà intraprendere un percorso più sicuro e tranquillo in questo promettente mercato.

I 7 Segreti Della Fortuna

by Sonia Lo Conte Henry Osal

Sette semplici passi che ci avvicineranno ai nostri sogni. Una fantastica guida per una vita felice.Quando incontro persone che si ritengono fortunate, persone cui la Fortuna ha sorriso in una o più occasioni, solitamente tutte concordano su una cosa: la Fortuna o la buona sorte non arrivano per caso.La fortuna richiede perseveranza, entusiasmo e duro lavoro per potersi riconciliare con noi: in altre parole, dobbiamo impegnarci per attirarla nelle nostre vite.Possiamo definire la FORTUNA come un regalo del destino che ci capita una volta nella vita, e noi sprechiamo tutto il nostro tempo in attesa, un atteggiamento il più delle volte vano.Siamo soliti pensare alla nostra CATTIVA STELLA quando, sorpresi, sentiamo notizie di persone fortunate che hanno vinto la lotteria, hanno trovato il petrolio sotto la loro tenuta o il loro bambino prodigio li ha resi milionari. Questi sono casi eccezionali.Tuttavia, non ringraziamo mai la nostra BUONA STELLA quando sentiamo o leggiamo tragiche notizie. Come se a noi non potesse accadere nulla del genere. E la probabilità che, per caso, ci accada qualcosa di davvero positivo come di negativo è la stessa: DECISAMENTE SCARSA.Allora iniziamo a pensare alla fortuna come a qualcosa che possiamo controllare, come ad un cammino che possiamo imboccare per raggiungere un obbiettivo. Ciò richiede di prestare attenzione a una serie di regole, che io ho chiamato SEGRETI, anche se in realtà tutto si rifà semplicemente al buonsenso.Percorriamo insieme questa strada.

I Always Think It's Forever: A Love Story Set in Paris as Told by an Unreliable but Earnest Narrator

by Timothy Goodman

A sweeping, unique graphic memoir about an artist&’s year abroad in Paris and how it gave way to an all-encompassing love affair and crushing heartbreak as he wrestled with trauma, masculinity, and the real possibility of hope.Renowned graphic artist Timothy Goodman planned to do what every young artist dreams of and spend a year abroad in Paris. While there, he fell in love in a way he never had before. For the first time in his life, he let himself be loved and finally, truly loved someone else. But the deeper the love, the more crushing the heartbreak when the relationship eventually fell apart, forcing him to look inwards. He confronted traumas of his past as well as his own toxic masculinity, and he learned to finally show up for himself. I Always Think It&’s Forever is a one-of-a-kind graphic memoir that chronicles it all—the ups, the downs, love lost, and love found—all in the bold illustration style Goodman is best known for, with poetic prose and handwritten wording to accompany the artwork with a touch of humor added as well. It&’s a glimpse inside the heart and mind of a man, first focusing on the time Goodman spent in Paris, including diary entries relating his experiences learning about French food, culture, and language. This touching memoir also explores the painful break-up just six months later in Rome. Goodman artfully describes his attempts at learning to love himself in the end, his scars, cuts, warts, and all in a way no book ever has before.

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