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Il risveglio di Kundalini - pratiche per risvegliare la tua energia shakti

by Rossana Renaldo Smart Reads

Kundalini in sanscrito antico significa “Un’antica forza primordiale che si trova dentro di noi.”Entrare in contatto con kundalini significa raggiungere l’illuminazione, guadagnando la pace della mente. E’ una pratica potente che gli individui con problemi di stress ed ansia possono imparare a sfruttare. Per raggiungere questa energia potente occorre una pratica ed istruzioni adeguate. Una volta ottenuta, Kundalini può diventare una parte influente delle vostre vite. Il risveglio di kundalini –tecniche per aumentare l’energia shakti – è un libro comprensibile, facile da leggere che vi insegna come aumentare l’energia Shakti ed ottenere il risveglio di kundalini. È un libro sia per praticanti seri che per principianti. Come praticanti troverete diverse tecniche con altrettante istruzioni che potrete utilizzare. Se siete interessati allo yoga tantrico, al risveglio spirituale o ad imparare a risvegliare l’energia kundalini che è dentro di voi, prendete questo libro e leggetelo pagina per pagina. Ogni cosa indispensabile per raggiungere l’illuminazione ed il risveglio di kundalini è qui.

Il Segreto del Carisma: Essere carismatico non è così difficile come sembra

by Danilo H. Gomes

Diventare una persona carismatica potrebbe sembrare un obiettivo impossibile per un introverso. Tuttavia, per quanto possa essere una caratteristica rara da incontrarsi oggi, è possibile raggiungere l’intento (ed è più facile di quanto si dica). Con le tecniche corrette, puoi diventare una persona con un carisma incredibile. Il SEGRETO DEL CARISMA raccoglie le più grandi caratteristiche di una persona carismatica con le relative istruzioni per metterle in pratica. Il libro propone tecniche efficaci, con un linguaggio accessibile e chiaro, dividendo il tema in argomenti ben organizzati. Diventa una persona carismatica perché tu sia maggiormente notato, o notata, a partire da oggi stesso.

Il successo non è impossibile: nuovi modi di pensare in modo creativo

by Wael El-Manzalawy Stefano Vazzola

L'e-book di Wael El-Manzalawy: Il successo non è impossibile: nuovi modi di pensare in modo creativo discute di molte tematiche, quali Il cambiamento ha inizio all'interno, Sai davvero ciò che vuoi?, Ostacolo (impossibile), Ostacolo (sciocco), Pensare (con scorciatoie), Pensiero creativo realistico, Cambiare i dettagli, La strategia di Wael per il successo, Non sai dov'è il successo? e Come pensare e agire in modo positivo in 5 passi. Inoltre, quest'opera contiene molte citazioni motivazionali e ispiranti di Wael El-Manzalawy.

Il Time Management Reso (Ridicolmente) Facile

by Elena Holler Michael R. Clarke

Non hai il tempo per leggere un libro che parla di gestione del tempo? Vuoi imparare le scorciatoie e le strategie per (finalmente) incrementare la tua produttività ed essere padrone del tuo tempo? Vuoi conoscere i segreti di livello ninja per fare di più in meno tempo, senza andare fuori di testa? Desideri disperatamente scoprire quella parte di te che è efficace, piena di risorse e libera dallo stress e che muore dalla voglia di uscire allo scoperto? Allora sei nel posto giusto! In "Il time management reso (ridicolmente) facile" imparerai: *Come manipolare il tuo cervello per ottenere la massima strabilianza *Come prioritarizzare (e pianificare) alla grande *Come delegare la robaccia importante (che non vuoi fare) *Come essere organizzato (anche se sei un pigrone) *E molto altro ancora! Ogni capitolo comprende delle azioni passo passo facili da seguire, per aiutarti ad aumentare il tuo IQ della gestione del tempo - senza dover partecipare ad un noioso seminario sull'argomento tenuto nell'università vicina. Quindi, perché non partire alla ricerca del massimo livello di strabilianza in termini di gestione del tempo...oggi stesso!?)

Il Tuo Altro Corpo

by Lisa Wagman

Avete mai incontrato qualcuno e sentito immediatamente di conoscerlo? Perché i nostri sogni quasi non hanno senso? Perché alcune persone si sentono donna in un corpo maschile, o uomini in un corpo femminile? Queste sono solo alcune delle molte domande che potreste avere. “L’altro corpo” vi farà immergere in profondità nella vostra anima: *Anime gemelle, connessioni e guide – chi sono, e il vostro rapporto con loro. *Sogni – tre diversi tipi di sogni, e la loro rilevanza per la nostra anima. *Reincarnazione – il suo scopo, perché continuiamo a reincarnarci, e cosa vi dà il corpo.

Il tuo grande universo interiore: Un viaggio dentro di te

by Manuel Triguero

C'è nel tuo mondo interiore uno spazio libero da ogni pensiero. Occupa un posto nella coscienza lontano dal rumore mentale e da qualsiasi altra distrazione proveniente dal mondo materiale. È privo di qualsiasi influenza proveniente dai sensi percettivi, così che c'è solo il silenzio e una quiete che ti fa ritrovare te stesso, ti fa ascoltare la calma, e entrare in una pace interiore che ti fa dimenticare il caos o qualsiasi altra crisi della tua vita complicata. In una situazione del genere si nota uno scenario completamente nuovo, libero da ogni influenza esterna, in cui ci si ritrova da soli in un mondo senza nome, dal quale è possibile osservare un intero cumulo di immagini ricorrenti che vengono dissolte dalla propria coscienza in pochi secondi, sprecando le proprie energie in un treno infinito di pensieri confusi. Per un momento senti di poter prendere il controllo di ciò che sta accadendo lì; poi tutto si ferma, man mano che la calma cresce e la tua mente rimuove la confusione e la tua coscienza si schiarisce. Inizi ad assistere ad un miracolo che era nascosto in te ma che non avevi scoperto fino a quel momento: la scoperta di te dimostrando allo stesso tempo di essere diverso da quello che pensavi di essere. Una volta scoperto questo mondo, vorrai capire tutto ciò che tu sei. Il tuo interesse è di raggiungere quella saggezza che è stata dentro di te per tanti anni; e da ciò aumenta il desiderio di essere in continuo contatto con quell'universo sconosciuto dove tutto è possibile, dove parli con te stesso e raggiungi tutta quella verità che è rimasta nascosta nel tempo, e che a volte ti è servita per trovare un senso della vita. Allora senti il potere della tua mente, quando focalizzi la tua attenzione su un pensiero che sorge improvvisamente occupando tutto quello spazio vuoto in cui stai solo tu, in attesa di una quiete informe, sentendo una pace interiore che nasce dal vuoto, quando nulla può po

Il Valore del Pensiero

by Brahma Kumari Pari

Questo libro "Il Valore del Pensiero" fornisce una spiegazione chiara, concisa e significativa sui Murli, ovvero sui messaggi enunciati dalla Divinità (Anima Suprema) nel Brahma Kumaris. Questo libro in linea generale delinea una traccia su come tu (anima) dovresti scuotere la conoscenza dell'Anima Suprema e assorbirla per farla tua. Questo apporterà un cambiamento positivo nella tua vita poiché arriva a svelare i profondi misteri della vita e definisce un metodo per adottare un carattere divino; sarai in grado di usare virtù e valori divini mentre affronti qualsiasi tipo di situazione nella tua vita. I contenuti di questo libro ti aiuteranno a gettare i semi nella tua mente che ti porteranno poi in uno stadio angelico puro. Attraverso l'utilizzo del processo di pensiero suggerito in questo libro, tu (anima) diventi come un diamante puro e splendente, tempestato d’oro per metterne in mostra brillantezza e valore. Questo libro "Il Valore del Pensiero" è stato modificato e sviluppato ulteriormente dagli altri membri della "Shiv Baba Service Initiative", una squadra interamente dedita al servizio divino. Il BK che gestisce il team "Shiv Baba Service Initiative", il motore di ricerca Google BK e il sito web ufficiale di Brahma Kumaris avevano chiesto a Brahma Kumari Pari di scrivere questo libro poiché la Divinità stessa (Shiv Baba) aveva ordinato che questo libro venisse scritto. Così Brahma Kumari Pari ha accettato di occuparsene. Il presente è il momento più prezioso dell'intero ciclo del dramma mondiale. Possa questo libro guidarti verso lo scopo più alto e reale della vita umana.

I'll Be There (But I'll Be Wearing Sweatpants): Finding Unfiltered, Real-Life Friendships in This Crazy, Chaotic World

by Amy Weatherly Jess Johnston

Is it just me? Am I the only one who&’s lonely? Am I the only one without friends?If you&’ve ever asked yourself these questions, Amy Weatherly and Jess Johnston, founders of the widely popular &“Sister, I Am with You,&” are raising their hands to say, &“Yeah, us too.&” And they want to encourage, equip, and reassure you that you have what it takes to build the kind of friendships you want.I&’ll Be There (But I&’ll Be Wearing Sweatpants) provides you with the how of cultivating deep relationships in this messy, chaotic, beautiful life. Through Amy and Jess&’s wisdom, humor, and confessional stories about the ups and downs of sisterhood, you&’ll learn how toadmit you need friends—then go out and find them,dismantle the lies you&’ve believed about friendship,love yourself so you can find people who will love you for you,be a good friend even though you can&’t be a perfect one, andheal from a friend breakup—and find the courage to try again.It&’s time you felt completely accepted as you are—from the top of your messy bun to the tips of your unpedicured toes. Let&’s start making friendships a priority—together.

I'll Quit Tomorrow

by Vernon E. Johnson

This bestselling recovery classic has helped untold thousands of alcoholics onto the road to recovery. Written by the founder of the Johnson Institute in Minneapolis, one of the country's most successful training programs for treatment providers, I'll Quit Tomorrow present the concepts and methods that have brought new hope to alcoholics and their families, friends, and employers. Abstinence is not the only objective of Johnson's breakthrough methods -- his therapy aims at restoring the ego strength of the victim to assure permanent recovery. Johnson outlines a dynamic plan of intervention and treatment that will block the progress of alcoholism and lead to a richer, more productive life.

I'll Run With You: How God's Grace Is Sufficient When Our Strength Is Not

by William Boyd Chisum

I'll Run With You is designed to encourage the reader, that regardless the struggles that they may be going through, that strength can be found. It does this through the real life stories of individuals who while on earth, have struggled physically and although they may limp up to the gates of heaven, they will run on the other side.

I'll See You Tomorrow: Building Relational Resilience When You Want to Quit

by Heather Thompson Day Seth Day

In a culture where people easily and hastily cancel relationships rather than cultivate them, discover what the Bible has to say about how we need to keep showing up for one another—even when we feel like walking away.We are surrounded by choices. If we want to watch a movie, we have multiple platforms we can choose from. If we grow tired of a friend or conversation, we leave them on read. It's never been easier to tune out and make a switch when something doesn't go perfectly or when we are offended. It's easy to cancel something from our lives when it comes to technology, television shows, or choices of food and drinks. But what about canceling friends or family members when we are disappointed or offended by them?In I'll See You Tomorrow, communication professor Dr. Heather Thompson Day and Seth Day tackle difficulties that people face in relationships and help them navigate through relational disappointment, conflict, and fear. The dangers of a relational cancel culture are a timely one. This book will help you:learn to extend grace to yourself and your loved ones in order to forgive and keep showing up,discover how childhood trauma continues to affect your relationships,stop waiting for an ideal and refuse to let it prevent you from what's possible,recognize the value of a healthy (and small) circle rather than a large one, and refuse to let fear of what may or may not happen cause you to miss the beauty of what is.Blending personal stories with data and research in a way that inspires truth and helps people change their everyday mindsets, Heather and Seth encourage you to embrace this valuable truth: relationships don't have to be perfect to be fulfilling.

I'll Start Again Monday: Break the Cycle of Unhealthy Eating Habits with Lasting Spiritual Satisfaction

by Lysa TerKeurst

Have healthy eating plans left you feeling defeated? Lysa TerKeurst offers a new perspective to all those stuck in the cycle of losing weight and then gaining it back, equipping you with the deeper spiritual and emotional motivation you need to make lasting changes.So often we characterize our food cravings as bad, especially when dieting has made us feel even more disappointed and discouraged. But the reality is we were made to crave. We just need to realize God created us to crave more of Him instead of misplacing that craving by overindulging in physical pleasures and unhealthy choices that will never truly satisfy.In the midst of her own personal struggle with this, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst invites us to embrace a new outlook that leads to enduring change. In this newly revised and condensed version of Made to Crave, Lysa encourages you to:Break the cycle of "I'll start again Monday" and start taking steps toward consistency that lastsStop agonizing over numbers on the scale and make peace with your bodyReplace rationalizations that lead to failure with wisdom that leads to victoryReach your healthy goals and grow closer to God through the processThis is not a "how-to" book. This is not the latest and greatest dieting plan. This is the necessary resource to use alongside whatever healthy lifestyle plan you choose that will help you find your "want to" and lead to a spiritual satisfaction that goes far beyond the physical.

I’ll Write Your Name on Every Beach: A Mother’s Quest for Comfort, Courage and Clarity After Suicide Loss

by Susan Auerbach

Written by a mother who lost her 21 year old son to suicide, this book deals with the themes of suicide loss through the lens of the author's personal grief. Addressing the process of post-traumatic growth, this memoir provides the bereaved with therapy exercises and creative activities to help them come to terms with their loss. Although it deals directly with losing a child, much of the book pertains to grief generally, especially complicated grief after a sudden death, and thus provides comfort to any reader who has lost a close one to suicide or anyone interested in young people struggling with mental health. Organised thematically, it addresses the many issues and stages involved in the grieving process and ends each chapter with a variety of beneficial yoga, breathing and therapy activities. This allows readers to dip in and out of the book, and go at their own pace - replicating the fact that grief is not a linear journey but an iterative one that goes back and forth. This book is a lifeline for anyone struggling to process loss.

Illogical: Saying Yes to a Life Without Limits

by Emmanuel Acho

From the New York Times bestselling author of Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, a call to break through our limits and say yes to a life of infinite possibility.You may know Emmanuel Acho as the host of groundbreaking video series “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man.” Or as a New York Times bestselling author. Or as an Emmy-winning television broadcaster. Or as a former linebacker for two NFL franchises. What you probably don’t know is that Emmanuel defines his own life with just one word: Illogical. Behind every triumph, every expression of his gifts, Acho has had to ignore what everyone around him called “logic”: the astronomical odds against making it, the risks of continuing to dream bigger or differently. Instead of playing it safe, at every turn Acho has thrown conventional wisdom—logic—out the window. Now, in this revelatory book, he’s empowering us all to do the same.Whether it’s creating the next groundbreaking startup, fighting for change as an activist, or committing to a personal passion, Illogical is the go-to book for all readers ready to become change-makers. With a step-by-step guide to finding our callings and shifting our mindsets, enlivened by stories from Acho’s life and other illogical pioneers, and the Bible, Acho asks us to replace the limits set for us, and which we set for ourselves, with a world of possibility. Our horizons, he shows us, are endless.

Illumination: Poetry to Light Up the Darkness

by Tyler Knott Gregson

An inspiring and beautiful collection of poems to give you strength, arm you for hardship, and remind you that you're always growing, from the bestselling author of Chasers of the Light.Tyler Knott Gregson is the original InstaPoet. With loyal fans across the country and all over the Internet, he breathes new life into this ancient medium and delights fans with his openness and honesty alongside his beautiful photography.This new book will be his first poetry collection in four years, and he returns now with a message of hope. In his elegant and simple style, Gregson will lift your spirits, keep you going when times get tough, and remind you of the inherent inner strength you already have within you.

Illumination: The Shaman's Way Of Healing

by Alberto Villoldo

Illumination guides the reader on a healing journey, forged by the timeless wisdom of indigenous cultures and the latest theories of neurobiology. Through various stages in this journey of initiation, we grow to understand the causes of our suffering and how to free ourselves from the pain and drama of our unhealed emotions. Life itself invites us to be initiated through many means—the possibility of love, the loss of a parent or friend, the birth of a child, or a serious health crisis. True initiation is empowered by facing personal challenges and experiencing the spiritual rebirth—or illumination—that follows. Unifying this book is the sacred process of transforming toxic emotions into sources of power and grace. Illumination shows us how to bid a joyful goodbye to the people and places we have met, discovering a sacred space where the spirit inhabits, uniting the body and soul. When we learn to let go from difficult situations and problems, to accept our lives as they are, we can begin to identify with a self that is eternal. Recounting his own experiences, tracing the mythologies of an array of cultures, and expanding his inquiry into the field of neurobiology, Alberto Villoldo shows readers how they can benefit from these sacred practices.

The Illumination Code: 7 Keys to Unlock Your Quantum Intelligence

by Kim Chestney

“Kim Chestney’s codes bring you closer to the comprehension of a reality that was wholly hidden prior to the quantum discoveries.” — Ervin László, author of Science and the Akashic Field Intuition — the extraordinary ability to access information from the quantum realms — is fast becoming humanity’s most advanced form of knowledge acquisition. The Illumination Code presents seven keys to unlock your inner dimension so you can access expanded states of awareness that exist beyond the limits of the rational mind. Kim Chestney reveals the deeply personal nature of the universe while offering a new way to know the unknowable and experience the seemingly impossible. As you venture inward on this step-by-step journey, you will gain profound insights and discover the true power of your own inner wisdom.

The Illumination Process: A Shamanic Guide To Transforming Toxic Emotions Into Wisdom, Power And Grace

by Alberto Villoldo

The Illumination Process guides the reader on a healing journey, forged by the timeless wisdom of indigenous cultures and the latest theories of neurobiology. Through various stages in this journey of initiation, we grow to understand the causes of our suffering and how to free ourselves from the pain and drama of our unhealed emotions. Life itself invites us to be initiated through many means —the possibility of love, the loss of a parent or friend, the birth of a child, or a serious health crisis. True initiation is empowered by facing personal challenges and experiencing the spiritual rebirth —or illumination —that follows.Unifying this book is the sacred process of transforming toxic emotions into sources of power and grace. The Illumination Process shows us how to bid a joyful good-bye to the people and places we have met, discovering a sacred space where the spirit inhabits, uniting the body and soul. When we learn to let go from difficult situations and problems, to accept our lives as they are, we can begin to identify with a self that is eternal.Recounting his own experiences, tracing the mythologies of an array of cultures, and expanding his inquiry into the field of neurobiology, best-selling author Alberto Villoldo shows readers how they can benefit from these sacred practices.

The Illusion of Money: Why Chasing Money Is Stopping You from Receiving It

by Kyle Cease

New York Times best-selling author and comedian-turned-motivational speaker, Kyle Cease, shows how your obsession with money is actually preventing you from living the life of your dreams."I can't afford that." "Now's not the right time . . . I need to save up." "Quit my job? Are you nuts?!" Sound familiar? Money is one of the biggest excuses we make to not go after what we really want. Our fixation with money--the desire for more of it, and the fear of not having enough of it--is often really just a longing to feel safe. But this obsession with money is coming at a much bigger cost: our sanity, our creativity, our freedom, and our ability to step into our true power.This book is about eliminating the need to seek safety through the illusion of money, and learning to see ourselves for the perfection that we are--so that we can bring our gifts to the world in an authentic way, and allow ourselves to receive massive, true abundance as a result.Kyle Cease has heard excuses like the ones above countless times at his live events, and he has shown people how to completely break through them. In The Illusion of Money, he shares his own experiences as well as practical tools to help readers understand their ingrained beliefs and attachments to money, and how they can tap into our infinite assets and talents."After 25 years as a successful comedian, actor, transformational speaker, author and junior-league amateur bowler, I've experienced many times how chasing money is not an effective way to create an abundant and fulfilling life. The most alive I've ever felt was after I left my comedy career at its peak to become a transformational speaker. I left tons of guaranteed money and so-called security for a complete unknown. It was terrifying--but what was on the other side of that terror was a completely different life that is not only more abundant financially, but has more freedom, more ease, more passion, more impact and more joy." -- Kyle Cease

The Illusion of Money: Why Chasing Money Is Stopping You from Receiving It

by Kyle Cease

New York Times best-selling author and comedian-turned-motivational speaker, Kyle Cease, shows how your obsession with money is actually preventing you from living the life of your dreams."I can't afford that." "Now's not the right time . . . I need to save up." "Quit my job? Are you nuts?!"Sound familiar? Money is one of the biggest excuses we make to not go after what we really want. Our fixation with money--the desire for more of it, and the fear of not having enough of it--is often really just a longing to feel safe. But this obsession with money is coming at a much bigger cost: our sanity, our creativity, our freedom, and our ability to step into our true power.This book is about eliminating the need to seek safety through the illusion of money, and learning to see ourselves for the perfection that we are--so that we can bring our gifts to the world in an authentic way, and allow ourselves to receive massive, true abundance as a result.Kyle Cease has heard excuses like the ones above countless times at his live events, and he has shown people how to completely break through them. In The Illusion of Money, he shares his own experiences as well as practical tools to help readers understand their ingrained beliefs and attachments to money, and how they can tap into our infinite assets and talents."After 25 years as a successful comedian, actor, transformational speaker, author and junior-league amateur bowler, I've experienced many times how chasing money is not an effective way to create an abundant and fulfilling life. The most alive I've ever felt was after I left my comedy career at its peak to become a transformational speaker. I left tons of guaranteed money and so-called security for a complete unknown. It was terrifying--but what was on the other side of that terror was a completely different life that is not only more abundant financially, but has more freedom, more ease, more passion, more impact and more joy." -- Kyle Cease

The Illusion of Well-Being: Economic Policymaking Based on Respect and Responsiveness

by Mark D. White

The use of measures of economic output to guide policymaking has been criticized for decades because of their weak ties to human well-being. Recently, many scholars and politicians have called for measures of happiness or subjective well-being to be used to guide policy in people's true interests. In The Illusion of Well-Being, Mark D. White explains why using happiness as a tool for policymaking is misguided and unethical. Happiness is too vague a term to define, and too general a concept, to measure in a way that captures people's true feelings. He extends this critique to well-being in general and concludes that no measure of well-being can do justice to people's true interests, which are complex, multifaceted, and subjective. White suggests instead that policymaking be conducted according to respect and responsiveness, promoting the true interests of citizens while addressing their real needs, and devoting government resources to where they can do the most good.

The Illustrated Bestiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Inspiring Animals (Wild Wisdom)

by Maia Toll

People across cultures and through the centuries have felt a spiritual, symbolic connection to animals. In The Illustrated Bestiary, author and spiritual wellness guide Maia Toll turns the insight and wisdom that birthed The Illustrated Herbiary — her best-selling volume on the mystical power of plants — to the animal kingdom. Through profiles highlighting 36 animals&’ most meaningful traits, Toll explores how those qualities can illuminate our habits, guide our intentions, and inform our actions. Spring Peeper&’s ability to reemerge from frozen hibernation can inspire us to reinvent ourselves. Katydid&’s five eyes can lend clarity of vision when we need to see the bigger picture. Rituals and reflections guide readers in cultivating each animal&’s energy, while 36 oracle cards featuring art by Kate O&’Hara further shape readers&’ meditations. From the humble House Mouse to the magnificent Elephant, this beautifully illustrated guide to animal spirits provides new ways of connecting with the creatures that walk, crawl, slither, swim, and fly. This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

The Illustrated Crystallary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Magical Gems & Minerals (Wild Wisdom)

by Maia Toll

In the ancient world there were three medicine kingdoms: animal, vegetable, and mineral. Following her previous acclaimed volumes on animal (The Illustrated Bestiary) and vegetable (The Illustrated Herbiary), Maia Toll fulfills the call for mineral with The Illustrated Crystallary, exploring the mystical qualities of 36 fascinating crystals and minerals, including amethyst, hematite, mica, smokey quartz, emerald, ruby, and more. Combining bits of ancient wisdom with her own insights, Toll illuminates the aspects and energy of each stone and, through rituals and reflections, the life guidance it might offer contemporary readers. Obsidian&’s shiny surface and sharp edges reflect the shadowy corners of the self and serve as the tool for cutting them loose. The sky-like color of earthly turquoise provides balance between opposing forces. Stunning illustrations by Kate O&’Hara magnify the symbolism of each crystal. This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA. Also available: The Illustrated Herbiary Collectible Box Set and The Illustrated Bestiary Collectible Box Set.

The Illustrated Guide to Assistive Technology and Devices: Tools and Gadgets for Living Independently

by Suzanne Robitaille

"A Doody's Core Title 2012"This new illustrated guide to assistive technologies and devices chronicles the use of AT/AD - technology used by individuals with disabilities to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. This book empowers people to use assistive technologies to overcome some of their physical or mental limitations and have a more equal playing field. It includes real-life examples about how people with disabilities are using assistive technology (AT) to assist them in daily tasks, and discusses emotional issues related to AT/AD.

The Illustrated Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living

by Russ Harris

The practice of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is made even more accessible in this fun, easy-to-understand, and illustrated companion to The Happiness Trap There&’s this idea going around that we&’re always supposed to be happy—and it&’s making us miserable. The good news is, if you can learn to let go of that impossible expectation, your life will be a whole lot happier. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a simple, self-administered therapy that uses mindfulness to enable you to do just that. In this follow-up to his bestselling The Happiness Trap, Russ Harris shows how you, like millions of other people, can use ACT to start living a life that&’s far richer, fuller, and more meaningful. You will learn how ACT can help you:• Reduce stress and worry• Handle painful feelings and thoughts more effectively• Break self-defeating habits• Overcome insecurity and self-doubt• Recognize and treasure the whole range of emotions that make up a satisfying life

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