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Showing 16,626 through 16,650 of 36,669 results

Imagina si...: El poder de crear un futuro para todos

by Sir Ken Robinson Kate Robinson

Una llamada a la acción de sir Ken Robinson en la que anima a los lectores a reimaginar el mundo y a mejorarlo. Ken Robinson cambió la vida de millones de personas; sus famosas charlas TED han recibido millones de visitas y sus libros se han traducido a veinticuatro idiomas. Dedicó los últimos años de su vida a escribir lo que sería su manifiesto, en el que integra las claves de su revolución de la educación. Cuando en agosto de 2020 le diagnosticaron un cáncer terminal, pidió a su hija Kate que concluyera ese manifiesto y continuara la labor que él había comenzado. Este libro es, en esencia, un homenaje al potencial de los seres humanos y una llamada a renovar los sistemas educativos y a revolucionar la forma de gestionar la sociedad. Para sir Ken, lo que realmente nos diferencia del resto de los seres vivos es la imaginación: la capacidad para crear en la mente cosas que no existen, para proyectar un mundo diferente al que habitamos y, en definitiva, para recrearlo.

Imaginable: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready for Anything--Even Things That Seem Impossible Today

by Jane McGonigal

World-renowned future forecaster, game designer, and NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Jane McGonigal gives us the tool s to imagine the future without fear. An accessible, optimistic field guide to the future. --San Francisco Chronicle "Reading this book is like sitting down with a creative, optimistic friend--and getting up as a new version of yourself.""--Daniel H. Pink, New York Times bestselling author of When The COVID-19 pandemic, increasingly frequent climate disasters, a new war -- events we might have called ""unimaginable"" or ""unthinkable"" in the past are now reality. Today it feels more challenging than ever to feel unafraid, hopeful, and equipped to face the future with optimism. How do we map out our lives when it seems impossible to predict what the world will be like next week, let alone next year or next decade? What we need now are strategies to help us recover our confidence and creativity in facing uncertain futures.In Imaginable, Jane McGonigal draws on the latest scientific research in psychology and neuroscience to show us how to train our minds to think the unthinkable and imagine the unimaginable. She invites us to play with the provocative thought experiments and future simulations she's designed exclusively for this book, with the goal to: - Build our collective imagination so that we can dive into the future and envision, in surprising detail, what our lives will look like ten years from now - Develop the courage and vision to solve problems creatively - Take actions and make decisions that will help shape the future we desire - Access "urgent optimism," an unstoppable force within each of us that activates our sense of agency Imaginable teaches us to be fearless, resilient, and bold in realizing a world with possibilities we cannot yet imagine--until reading this transformative, inspiring, and necessary book .

Imaginary Crimes: Why We Punish Ourselves and How to Stop

by Lewis Engel Tom Ferguson

This liberating book shows us how to break out of the self-defeating patterns that have been keeping us from attaining our most cherished goals.

Imagina't que...: El poder de crear un futur per a tothom

by Sir Ken Robinson Kate Robinson

Una crida a l'acció de sir Ken Robinson en la qual anima els lectors a reimaginar el món i a millorar-lo. Sir Ken Robinson va canviar la vida de milions de persones: les seves famoses xerrades TED han rebut milions de visites i els seus llibres s'han traduït a vint-i-quatre idiomes. Va dedicar els últims anys de la seva vida a escriure el que seria el seu manifest, en el qual integra les claus de la seva revolució educativa. Quan a l'agost de 2020 li van diagnosticar un càncer terminal, va demanar a la seva filla Kate que conclogués aquest manifest i continués la feina que ell havia començat. Aquest llibre és, en essència, un homenatge al potencial dels éssers humans i una crida a renovar els sistemes educatius i a revolucionar la manera de gestionar la societat. Per a sir Robinson, el que realment ens diferencia de la resta dels éssers vius és la imaginació: la capacitat per construir en la ment coses que no existeixen, perprojectar un món diferent d'on vivim i, en definitiva, per recrear-lo.

Imagínate si Dios tuviese un celular

by Joanne Enid Díaz Rivera

<P>Este libro nos apunta a enfocarnos en lo que somos y lo que queremos llegará por añadidura. En el transcurso de nuestras vidas, cuantas conversaciones hemos sostenido con Dios. <P>Cuantas veces nos hemos dirigido a ese ser supremo en busca de orientación, apoyo o ayuda y aun sentimos que es una conversación unidireccional. Nos sentimos solos y desprovistos de dirección paternal. <P><P>Como si viviéramos las vidas errantes, con destinos echados a suerte. Mientras tanto, nos apresuramos a trabajar diariamente y no prestamos atención a nada, sobreviviendo, y nos olvidamos de tomar el tiempo para vivir la vida y la pasamos como si fuéramos zombis en este planeta. Este libro es un desafío hacia la reflexión, hacia la re conexión. <P>El volver a disfrutar de la vida. El vivir responsablemente cada día como si fuera el último. Cada día es único y debemos de tratarlo así. El mañana no está garantizado, por lo que debemos de valorar cada momento, nuestro momento.

Imagination in Action: Secrets for Unleashing Creative Expression

by Shaun Mcniff

He's spent a career helping people access their creative potential, and now Shaun McNiff is sharing the secrets he's learned from observing his own creative process as well as that of others--both those who identify as artists and those who don't. The result is nothing less than a master class in creativity by one of the great creative theorists--and practitioners--of our time. "This is intended as a practical text," Shaun says, "a creativity primer, striving to capture the essential things that have been of use to me and others." The wealth of instruction he provides here in these essential things will be indispensable to artists of all stripes, as well as to all who strive to express themselves with honesty and authenticity using any of the media life makes available.

Imagination Transforms Everything: Rewrite Your Life's Story with "Intentional Imagining"

by Andrea Kasprzak

A guide to cultivating and channeling the power of our imaginations at home, at work, in love, friendships, health, and more The Secret for a new generation, Imagination Transforms Everything helps readers to harness the transformative power of our imaginations. Using a voice-driven personal narrative, scientific research, and practical exercises, debut author Andrea Kasprzak introduces the concept of "intentionally imagining," which entails taking time to disconnect and daydream, using journaling to track those daydreams, and turning them into intentions to fulfill our goals. The author draws on her own experiences, the law of attraction theory, and intention research to give practical steps for stopping limiting self-talk, unfulfilling narratives, and the endless digital cycle sucking up our attention. Ultimately, "intentional imagining" promises to result in greater clarity about who we are and what we want, so that we can act in ways that align with that clarity.

Imaginative Sex

by John Norman

In 1974, the author of the controversial and popular Gor novels revealed his vision for an exciting, fulfilling sex life for all. Imaginative Sex outlines John Norman's philosophy on relations between the sexes. In the first nine chapters, from "Imaginative Sex: The New Sexual Revolution," through "Love, Hunters and Evolution," "Marriage, Sex and Normality," "Sex and the Brain," "Marriage and the Ventilation of Emotions," "Privacy," "Disease," "Requirements for Imaginative Sex," to "Imaginative Techniques," Norman details and develops his theories and ideas about sex in the modern age. In the tenth chapter, "Sensuous Fantasies: Recipes for Pleasure," he presents fifty-three scenarios designed to reintroduce fantasy and intimacy to the bedroom. Examples include: the Aphrodisiac Fantasy, the Rites-of-Submission Fantasy, the Lady Fantasy, the I-Am-His-Slave-Girl Fantasy, the Safari Fantasy, and the Blindfolded-Lovers Fantasy, as well as many other sensuous suggestions, detailed for the enjoyment of all truly adult readers. Find out what really lies behind the philosophy of Gor and the ways in which role-playing can spice up any love life. The book ends with an epilogue and a set of appendices that cover these important topics: Garments, Ties, Apparel in Fantasy, Notes on How to Buy a Slave Girl, and Notes on Investments, Documents, and Conception.

Imagine: Using mental imagery to reach your full potential

by Dr. Lydia Ievleva

Much of how we think, feel and behave is dictated by the images of our mind. Imagine is one of the first books on the market to provide a practical and comprehensive guide to understanding and using the power of positive mental imagery to help people achieve goals and reach their full potential. Dr Lydia Ievleva has extensive experience incorporating the application of mental imagery into her work with a wide range of clients, including athletes, business and health professionals. Drawing from her broad experience in Health, Sport and Performance Psychology and Positive Psychology she as effectively used the techniques to facilitate change. She says: You can think of imagery like a screenplay -- you can allow life to play you; or you can take a more active role in your destiny. Actively and consciously creating your inner scripts, by engaging in positive mental imagery will enhance your chances of reaching your full potential, overcoming obstacles, and flourishing. Imagine provides a combination of information and research and practical scripts and guides to show people how to achieve their goals, eliminate obstacles and create their best self. Featuring numerous case examples, it is a practical and accessible book that will appeal anyone wanting to accelerate change and improve their lives.

Imagine All the People: A Conversation with the Dalai Lama on Money, Politics, and Life As It Could Be

by His Holiness the Dalai Lama Anne Benson Fabien Ouaki

If you could sit down with the Dalai Lama and talk with him about anything, what would you discuss? Fabien Ouaki, a prominent French businessman, was granted such an opportunity and asked the Dalai Lama for his thoughts on the everyday issues that fill our newspapers and our lives. This is the record of these varied and remarkable conversations. Covered are a wide spectrum of topics - political, social, personal and spiritual - including the media and education, marriage and sex, and disarmament and compassion. Blessed by His Holiness' buoyant and insightful thoughts, Imagine All the People allows readers to glimpse the spontaneous workings of an extraordinary mind at once of - and above - this world. Includes the full text of The Global Community and the Need for Universal Responsibility.If you could sit down with the Dalai Lama and talk with him about anything, what would you discuss? Fabien Ouaki, a prominent French businessman, was granted such an opportunity and asked the Dalai Lama for his thoughts on the everyday issues that fill our newspapers and our lives. This is the record of these varied and remarkable conversations. Covered are a wide spectrum of topics - political, social, personal and spiritual - including the media and education, marriage and sex, and disarmament and compassion. Blessed by His Holiness' buoyant and insightful thoughts, Imagine All the People allows readers to glimpse the spontaneous workings of an extraordinary mind at once of - and above - this world. Includes the full text of The Global Community and the Need for Universal Responsibility.

Imagine It!: A Handbook for a Happier Planet

by Laurie David Heather Reisman

An inspirational, accessible, and actionable guide for empowering and inspiring you to take concrete steps towards living more sustainably. &“An excellent how-to guide [and] a great read for everyone from the socially conscious family to the most ardent climate activist.&”—Former Vice President Al GoreImagine It! is a handbook for those who want to begin or advance a journey toward living in better balance with our planet. It inspires, supports, and offers easy ways to replace old, planet-hurting habits with new healthy ones. In Imagine It!, the documentary filmmakers behind Writing on the Wall, Fed Up, The Biggest Little Farm, The Social Dilemma, and the Academy Award–winning An Inconvenient Truth highlight the need to change some of our food, clothing, and transportation habits and meaningfully lower our use of plastic, paper, water, and harmful chemicals. They call the changes in these areas lifestyle shifts, and there is a chapter devoted to each one of them in the book. Each begins with a short story on the shift being explored, and then provides clear steps for replacing old habits with new ones to create lasting change. Laurie David and Heather Reisman are no strangers to exposing hard truths and helping audiences understand their part in bringing about change. They know a cleaner, healthier world is ours for the taking—and to start, we just have to Imagine It!

Imagine More: Do What You Love, Discover Your Potential

by Stephanie Nelson

Discouraged that you will never fulfill your dreams? Stephanie Nelson, creator of the wildly successful Coupon Mom movement, provides a road map to achieving dreams that feel too big to come true and using your unique gifts to create a positive impact on the world. For those who feel stuck in life, unable to make progress toward your deepest hopes and dreams, Stephanie Nelson brings a practical roadmap to reaching your full potential. The creator of the Coupon Mom and jump-starter of the coupon craze that started in 2008 with the recession, Stephanie can relate to holding onto dreams that seem bigger than your abilities. Using her story to unpack life lessons, she shares a path to banish fear and embrace opportunity, develop a vision and pursue dreams, identify God's plan to use your abilities to help others, and build community by including others in your success. It's never too late to imagine more, chase your dreams, and have an impact on the world through using your unique gifts and talents, and Stephanie will show readers how to exchange their ordinary for God's extraordinary. Imagine More is a guide for anyone who wants to use their passions and skills to benefit others and fulfill their most cherished dreams.

Imagine the Life You'd Love to Live, Then Live It

by Peg Conley M.A. Maggie Oman Shannon

Peg Conley has been an artist all her life but, like many of us, took a long detour into the working world where she was a "corporate sales queen" in Seattle with a lot of success and a happy, busy family. Art became the thing she did on vacations, weekends and when she could carve time out of her busy life. Something gnawed at her, a nagging feeling that life might hold something else for her in the midst of it all. Then came the big "aha" moment-Peg heard a still small voice inside: "Imagine the life you want to live, then live it. It's that simple!" Her family encouraged Peg to pursue her passion.Despite a great deal of fear, Peg Conley did the thing she thought she could not do and dropped her big job, big house and big life and moved to San Francisco to start a business based on her artisan stationery. From a handful of handpainted cards, calendars and posters, her company Words & Watercolors was born and has been inspiring people, winning awards and raking in the sales ever since. Peg's intention with her work is to inspire and her art and writing all speak to life's great truths and those aha moments for which we all need reminders.What do you "imagine" your Ideal Life to be? It may take some time for it to unveil itself. You will need to have an idea of what it is you are looking to create. Spend some time in contemplation. For some that means a quiet meditation where images might come to you. For others, you might write about something you've always had a longing to create, or a dream that seemed far away and not attainable yet it doesn't go away. The dream nudges at you, asking you to pay attention. Where words work for some people, pictures work for others. You may want to create a vision board. Gather your old magazines and begin ripping out the pictures that appeal to you, or draw your own images. Your Ideal Life will come alive via the images that resonate with you. Don't hesitate to pick up a pen, pencil or crayons even and fill the blank pages with doodles of any kind. Do you still think of becoming a nurse? Don't be disheartened, go online and research classes you can take at your local college to start the process. As someone once said, if you don't start now, 5 years from now you still will be where you are but if you begin with baby steps, in 5 years you could be in a completely different place! So ask yourself the question: "What does the life I long to live look like?" Imagine it! Draw it, write it, collage it and just plain dream it. Believe you can have it and then go about creating it as you take daily steps towards becoming an enhanced version of yourself! All successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.

Imagine the Life You'd Love to Live, Then Live It: 52 Inspired Habits and Playful Prompts

by Peg Conley Maggie Shannon

Peg Conley has been an artist all her life but, like many of us, took a long detour into the working world where she was a "corporate sales queen" in Seattle with a lot of success and a happy, busy family. Art became the thing she did on vacations, weekends and when she could carve time out of her busy life. Something gnawed at her, a nagging feeling that life might hold something else for her in the midst of it all. Then came the big "aha" moment--Peg heard a still small voice inside: "Imagine the life you want to live, then live it. It's that simple!" Her family encouraged Peg to pursue her passion. Despite a great deal of fear, Peg Conley did the thing she thought she could not do and dropped her big job, big house and big life and moved to San Francisco to start a business based on her artisan stationery. From a handful of handpainted cards, calendars and posters, her company Words & Watercolors was born and has been inspiring people, winning awards and raking in the sales ever since. Peg's intention with her work is to inspire and her art and writing all speak to life's great truths and those aha moments for which we all need reminders. What do you "imagine" your Ideal Life to be? It may take some time for it to unveil itself. You will need to have an idea of what it is you are looking to create. Spend some time in contemplation. For some that means a quiet meditation where images might come to you. For others, you might write about something you've always had a longing to create, or a dream that seemed far away and not attainable yet it doesn't go away. The dream nudges at you, asking you to pay attention. Where words work for some people, pictures work for others. You may want to create a vision board. Gather your old magazines and begin ripping out the pictures that appeal to you, or draw your own images. Your Ideal Life will come alive via the images that resonate with you. Don't hesitate to pick up a pen, pencil or crayons even and fill the blank pages with doodles of any kind. Do you still think of becoming a nurse? Don't be disheartened, go online and research classes you can take at your local college to start the process. As someone once said, if you don't start now, 5 years from now you still will be where you are but if you begin with baby steps, in 5 years you could be in a completely different place! So ask yourself the question: "What does the life I long to live look like?" Imagine it! Draw it, write it, collage it and just plain dream it. Believe you can have it and then go about creating it as you take daily steps towards becoming an enhanced version of yourself! All successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.

Imagine This: Creating the Work You Love

by Maxine Clair

Maxine Clair, award-winning author of the critically acclaimed short story collection Rattlebone and the novel October Suite, has assembled a deeply inspirational yet practical book to help readers access their inner creativity. Imagine This is a beautifully written set of deeply personal stories from which Clair draws examples of how we can be aware of the now, keep ourselves motivated, and create work of which we are proud.Imagine This explains how some of us consciously choose the vehicle through which we express our magnificence - be it business, art, science, or other - while others of us have dutifully plied a trade in arenas that society has suggested are worthwhile, with self-expression only fixed on a hobby. Both, Clair maintains, can contribute to a good life. Occasionally, however, a moment comes that is sufficiently insistent on deep examination. In that moment we float the possibility for expression of a greater self.Imagine This shows readers how to be aware of these moments and how our inner creativity is always seeking an outlet. By combining captivating memoir with step-by-step advice, Clair helps us find and develop our own unique and personal creative outlets.

Imagine Yourself Well: Better Health through Self-Hypnosis

by Sean F. Kelly Reid J. Kelly

Based upon their extensive practice and clinical research in therapeutic hypnotic techniques, the authors have constructed an effective handbook articulating the therapeutic use of hypnosis by depicting word-for-word what transpires during a session.<P><P> The fascinating series of carefully worded transcripts of hypnotic exercises will enable the reader to correct specific self-destructive habits (e.g., overeating and smoking), common psychological problems (insomnia and various phobias), chronic physical conditions (arthritis, back pain, high blood pressure, and migraine headaches), and performance anxieties (athletics and public speaking). The theory underlying clinical practice, including the key point that all hypnosis involves self-hypnosis, is explained in lay terms, and each exercise is grounded in sound cognitive, behavioral, or psychodynamic principles.

Imagineering Your Life: 7 Principles for Designing and Building an Extraordinary Life

by Siobhan McKenna Dr Ken Blanchard

If we can architect and engineer complex intelligent billion dollar computer systems, why can't we apply the same architectural framework for designing and building extraordinary lives. Based on the simple paradigm; who, what, why, where, when, how, Imagineering Your Life will give you tools to become clear on your ultimate life vision and how to take action for ultimately achieving it.

Imagining the World into Existence: An Ancient Egyptian Manual of Consciousness

by Normandi Ellis

Reveals the secret language and words of power that enabled the ancient Egyptians to imagine the world into existence • Reveals ancient Egyptian Mystery teachings on immaculate conception, transubstantiation, resurrection, and eternal life • Explores the shamanic journeys that ancient Egyptian priests used to view the unconscious and the afterlife • Provides the essential spiritual tools needed to return to Zep Tepi, the creative source Drawing from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Pyramid texts, the Book of Thoth, and other sacred hieroglyphic writings spanning the three millennia of the Egyptian Mystery Traditions, Normandi Ellis reveals the magical language of creation and words of power that enabled the ancient Egyptians to act as co-creators with the gods. Examining the power of hieroglyphic thinking--how thoughts create reality--and the multiple meanings behind every word of power, the author shows how, with the Neteru, we imagine the world into existence, casting a spell of consciousness over the material world. Uncovering the deep layers of meaning and symbol within the myths of the Egyptian gods and goddesses, Ellis investigates the shamanic journeys that ancient Egyptian priests used to view the unconscious and the afterlife and shares their initiations for immaculate conception, transubstantiation, resurrection, and eternal life—initiations that later became part of the Christian mystery school. Revealing the words of power used by these ancient priests/sorcerers, she explains how to search for the deeper, hidden truths beneath their spells and shows how ancient Egyptian consciousness holds the secret of life itself. Revealing the initiatory secrets of the Osirian Mystery school, Ellis provides the essential teachings and shamanic tools needed to return to Zep Tepi--the creative source--as we face the transitional time of radical change currently at hand.

La imitación es limitación

by John L. Mason

Con su peculiar estilo, John Mason le inspira a tener el valor para vivir de la manera en que Dios desea que usted viva. Los consejos vitales fáciles de leer y de recordar llenan las páginas de este libro. Con ellos usted encontrará ánimo, reto y motivación para una vida de mayor realización. Algunos de los desafíos son:Atrévase a ser a quién usted es Aprenda a disfrutar de soñar en grande El fracaso espera sobre la senda de la persistencia El éxito llega cuando uno se atreve a dar pasos pequeños Encuentre un camino hacia la meta, no un camino que lo desvíe de ella

Immaculate Conception: Sophia Light Codes for Modern Sacredness

by Thalia Amma Sophia

Miracles and phenomena of mystery between black magic, miracles and phenomena and religion. The first and last parts of Immaculate Conception tell the story of how a girl of the light becomes a real woman and let her wings unfurl. Through trials and tribulations, the reader is invited to reflect on testimonials of an initiate in a patriarchal society of dogma.At its core, this is a tale of a young woman in search of a life filled with love, spirituality, and the simple joys of existence, all while embracing her soul&’s destiny. Her story unfolds amidst the backdrop of stress, drama, &‘a-ha!&’ moments, and deep-rooted family traditions, guided by the steadfast presence of God&’s apostles.The second part is packed with rituals, channelled prayers, affirmations, and angelic protection invocations, to call on for a while or at various times. Special Key phrases have Sophia Codes that are lately coming to humanity for co-creating, healing, and expanding. With the support of Mother Mary and Archangels, Thalia Amma Sophia opens you to receive grace, brings you alignment and activation of your Higher Self; to neutralize the magnets pulling you into dysfunctional behaviour and past Life overlays!Prepare to awaken your innate ability to manifest desires and nurture creative ideas. Immaculate Conception extends an invitation to embark on a transformative journey where miracles, faith, and the boundless power of the human spirit intersect, promising the potential for grace, fulfilment, and profound transformation.

Immigrant Saint: The Life of Mother Cabrini

by Pietro Di Donato

Francesca Maria Cabrini was born in 1850 in a small village on the Lombard Plain of Italy. At the moment of her birth, a cloud of snow-white doves appeared and circled the village, an augury of her future sanctity. Tiny frail and sickly, she was enthralled as a child by tales of the adventures of missionaries to faraway lands, and grew up with one burning desire: to join a religious order and tend to the physical and spiritual needs of the people of China. But no order would have her—her health was deemed too precarious. But her dream remained, and she set out to see it realized. Her first step, a formidable one, was obtaining an audience with His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII. This she did, after overcoming many obstacles. It was a meeting that would change her life, and the lives of so many in America. Mother Cabrini was granted her wish to start an orphanage abroad-but not in China, as she had requested. “Not East, but West, my child,” said Pope Leo, and her path was set.PIETRO DI DONATO’S Immigrant Saint: The Life of Mother Cabrini is a powerful nonfiction account of a woman whose gripping story of perseverance, courage, and profound godliness serves as a paradigm for the new age of faith. Written in the fluid prose that made it a huge popular success upon its initial publication in 1960, Immigrant Saint is a book that makes us re-examine, and ultimately reaffirm, our belief in the possibilities of prayer, the validity of miracles, and the crucial importance of good works.“…eloquent, fascinating, miraculous”—Saturday Review

Immortal for a Moment: Small Answers to Big Questions About Life, Love and Letting Go

by Natasha Badhwar

If you are in love, afraid of being in love or in love but don’t quite know with what, then this is the book for you. If you are unhappily married, happily unmarried, or vice versa, then this book is the distraction you need. If you have children, don’t have children, or ever plan to be a child yourself, then hang on to the monkey bars this book is. If you have one life, infinite loves and time management issues, then you are holding the essential field guide to sorting out the clutter. Or wreckage. Or whatever it is you call yourself.

Immortality: Immortality

by Loraine Boettner

In this concise, comprehensive, and hope-filled study of death and immortality, which was first published in 1956, author Loraine Boettner addresses a wide range of existential questions, including what happens at death, prayers for the dead, burial versus cremation, soul sleep, annihilation, purgatory, and eternal life.“ enriching, wholesome and comforting book.”—The Evangelical Christian“It is doubtful if any monograph on this subject has ever been published that treats it in a more convincing and challenging manner.”—The Southern Presbyterian Journal“...well written, carefully documented, Scripturally sound, logically presented, and most helpful.”—Sunday School Board, Southern Baptist Convention

The Immortality Code

by Dermot O'connor

The Immortality Code provides a structured programme to maintain and promote health and vigour, develop self-confidence, improve mental clarity and enhance youthful appearance. This code draws upon powerful time-proven health approaches from the East together with established and cutting-edge evidence-based methods from Western medical science.Dermot argues that ageing no longer means a decline in physical and mental health. By following his tips and techniques, it's possible to extend and even develop good health as you grow older. The code reveals how to strengthen hearts, reduce the risk of cancer, revitalise your brain, improve physical appearance, prevent and overcome a variety of degenerative diseases and, therefore, to avoid many of the major causes of aging and premature death. This comprehensive plan integrates approaches to stress reduction, enhancing emotional health and life contentment, achieving optimum nutrition, rebalancing hormone levels, fortifying immunity and creating good physical fitness.This life-changing guide offers everything you need to stay young and in peak condition for decades to come.

The Immortality Code

by Dermot O'Connor

The Immortality Code provides a structured programme to maintain and promote health and vigour, develop self-confidence, improve mental clarity and enhance youthful appearance. This code draws upon powerful time-proven health approaches from the East together with established and cutting-edge evidence-based methods from Western medical science.Dermot argues that ageing no longer means a decline in physical and mental health. By following his tips and techniques, it's possible to extend and even develop good health as you grow older. The code reveals how to strengthen hearts, reduce the risk of cancer, revitalise your brain, improve physical appearance, prevent and overcome a variety of degenerative diseases and, therefore, to avoid many of the major causes of aging and premature death. This comprehensive plan integrates approaches to stress reduction, enhancing emotional health and life contentment, achieving optimum nutrition, rebalancing hormone levels, fortifying immunity and creating good physical fitness.This life-changing guide offers everything you need to stay young and in peak condition for decades to come.

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