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by Julia Cameron

The Artist's Way has helped writers, poets, actors, painters, musicians, and creative people from all walks of life find the courage to create--and to make the act of creating a way of life. This collection of meditations and reflections from this groundbreaking work serves as a daily companion and catalyst for inspiration. Julia Cameron's works reveal that there is a definitive link between creativity and spirituality that can be rekindled and recharged. Inspirations is a powerful resource for fueling the creative spirit.

Inspire Integrity: Chasing an Authentic Life

by Corey Ciocchetti

Inspire Integrity is addicting. It focuses on what it means to live an authentic life. Its chapters encourage people of all ages and circumstances to understand that authentic success comes from the attainment of: (1) a sincere sense of contentment, (2) strong personal relationships, and (3) a solid character. This is much different from worldly success such as excessive wealth, fame and popularity - things which, in and of themselves, do not have the capacity to make a person happy. It is designed to help people look critically at their life, think through their decisions, set priorities and goals, develop a solid character, avoid serious mistakes and discover their true passion in life. It draws on the major ethical frameworks of Aristotle, Mill and Kant as well as the Golden Rule as tools to avoid Benjamin Franklin's warning that people tend to get old too soon and wise too late. It presents a roadmap to accomplish this mission and advocates that each reader start the journey to authentic success now!Inspire Integrity focuses on the story of Cash, the racing greyhound, who is world famous and has won tens of millions of dollars winning races. The biggest race of his life is on the horizon and everyone is there, including the press, to cover history in the making. If he wins the race his owner will receive a million-dollar prize. The night before the race, Cash reveals he's not going to race the next day and that he is retiring completely. Shocked, the owner asks him whether he is hurt, mad at her, or too old? He responds that it's none of those things. In fact, he's been doing a lot of critical thinking about his life and has come to the conclusion that all he's ever done is run around dirt racetracks, and he just cannot do it anymore. He finally understands that those little white rabbits that everyone encourages him to chase day and night aren't even real.

Inspired: A Guided Journal for Spreading Kindness

by Edited by Reader's Digest

A beautiful guided journal for anyone interested in making a difference in the community and in the worldNow more than ever, it&’s important to find new ways to connect and make the world a kinder place. But finding meaningful ways to make change can be daunting. Enter Inspired to Make a Difference Every Day, a guided journal full of easy ideas for spreading kindness to friends, family and strangers; helping the environment; giving back to your community; and focusing on what unites instead of divides us. Inside the journal, you&’ll find small yet effective ways to change the world every day, such as: Smile at a stranger. Donate unused credit card points or airline miles to charity. Write a glowing online review of a local business. Volunteer for a shift at a soup kitchen. Praise a colleague&’s hard work to their boss. Forgive someone who hurt you. Offer to grocery shop or pet sit for a doctor or nurse. Attend a service for a faith that is not your own Give your family the gift of your presence—go screen-free for a day. In addition, the journal includes space to record and reflect on your actions, as well as resources for learning more and doing more. Featuring colorful artwork, inspiring quotes, and true stories of compassion from the pages of Reader&’s Digest, this journal is the perfect way to make a difference.

Inspired: The Secrets of Bob Proctor

by Linda Proctor

We read what motivational speakers teach us, but what do they teach their families behind closed doors?The proctor family shares what they have learned from the Godfather of motivation, Bob Proctor. From his 9 year old grandson relaying how Bob gently explained the meaning of death, to his son's view of money, the Proctor family relay what they have learned from living with Bob Proctor.The chapters are honest, emotional and funny. They expose Bob Proctor's traits as a dad, husband, grandfather and much more!

Inspired: Understanding Creativity: A Journey Through Art, Science, and the Soul

by Matt Richtel

"Remarkable. This profound volume informs and inspires." —PW, STARRED reviewFrom the Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times science reporter acclaimed for “bring[ing] scientific concepts to life” (Bill Gates), a pathbreaking new investigation into the mysteries of human creativity How does creativity work? Where does inspiration come from? What are the secrets of our most revered creators? How can we maximize our creative potential?THIS IS THE STORY OF HOW WE CREATE.Creativity defines the human experience. It sparks achievement and innovation in art, science, technology, business, sports, and virtually every activity. It has fueled human progress on a global level, but it equally is the source of profound personal satisfaction for individual creators. And yet the origins of creative inspiration and the methods by which great creators tap into it have long been a source of mystery, spoken of in esoteric terms, our rational understanding shrouded in complex jargon. Until now.Inspired is a book about the science of creativity, distilling an explosion of exciting new research from across the world. Through narrative storytelling, Richtel marries these findings with timeless insight from some of the world’s great creators as he deconstructs the authentic nature of creativity, its biological and evolutionary origins, its deep connection to religion and spirituality, the way it bubbles in each of us, urgent and essential, waiting to be tapped.Many of the questions Richtel addresses are practical: What are the traits of successful creators? Under which conditions does creativity thrive? How can we move past creative blocks? The ultimate message of Inspired is that creativity is more accessible than many might imagine, as necessary, beautiful, and fulfilling as any essential part of human nature.


by Sir Steve Redgrave

Inspiration, something much needed in these times, abounds as Sir Steve relates the entertaining tales of his fellow sportsmen and women that spurred on his success.From Jonny Wilkinson’s famous dropkick, Roger Bannister’s 4-minute mile and Brian Clough’s self-belief to tales of lesser known characters from his childhood and personal life, Sir Steve narrates with passion and awe, the motivation gained from his heroes and peers. Overcoming adversity, the importance of teamwork, graft and a little bit of luck all contribute to Sir Steve’s overwhelming triumphs, both in and out of the boat, as he strove to overcome diabetes to win his fifth gold medal in spectacular style. Here he divulges the stories that inspired him, roused him and made his wildest dreams a magnificent reality.


by Sir Steve Redgrave

Inspiration, something much needed in these times, abounds as Sir Steve relates the entertaining tales of his fellow sportsmen and women that spurred on his success.From Jonny Wilkinson’s famous dropkick, Roger Bannister’s 4-minute mile and Brian Clough’s self-belief to tales of lesser known characters from his childhood and personal life, Sir Steve narrates with passion and awe, the motivation gained from his heroes and peers. Overcoming adversity, the importance of teamwork, graft and a little bit of luck all contribute to Sir Steve’s overwhelming triumphs, both in and out of the boat, as he strove to overcome diabetes to win his fifth gold medal in spectacular style. Here he divulges the stories that inspired him, roused him and made his wildest dreams a magnificent reality.

Inspired Destiny: Living And Fulfilling A Purposeful Life

by John F. Demartini

Based on a program originally developed for young people seeking purpose and direction in their lives, Dr. John Demartini’s Inspired Destiny has deep meaning for readers of all ages. Whether you’re a young adult or simply young at heart, it will awaken you to your inspired destiny. Do the simple exercises in each chapter and apply what you learn here, and you will come away from this book with an immense vision of yourself, understanding the real difference between being a leader or follower, and see how to set an example for others by doing what you love. You’ll set in motion a far-reaching "ripple effect," beginning the journey of mastering and living a meaningful and inspiring life.

Inspired Every Day

by Patricia Crisafulli

Finding extraordinary grace in ordinary momentsThis collection of short stories and essays celebrates reconnection, possibility, faith, forgiveness, joy, and love, encouraging readers to find moments of extraordinary grace in the midst of ordinary life.

The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind's Capacity for Joy

by Susyn Reeve

Imagine being connected to an infinite source of loving energy. Imagine finally being whole, happy and content. Imagine experiencing life as a source of limitless creative possibility. With Susyn Reeve and Joan Breiner's new guide to upgrading the software of your mind, you can have an inspired life with unlimited joy. Through definitions, quotes, life stories, exercises, and meditations you create your own inspired life vision, and nourish it day-by-day with proven Inspired Life Actions. This book is directed to those of us who need a push to open our minds and hearts to the vast creative potential and possibility alive in each moment. Are you ready to live an inspired life rooted in the sacred union of your heart and intellect and reflected in your thoughts, words, and actions? It all begins with making a choice, with saying: "Yes, I choose an inspired life."

The Inspired Life

by Katherine Woodward Thomas Susyn Reeve Joan Breiner

Imagine being connected to an infinite source of loving energy. Imagine finally being whole, happy and content. Imagine experiencing life as a source of limitless creative possibility. With Susyn Reeve and Joan Breiner's new guide to upgrading the software of your mind, you can have an inspired life with unlimited joy. Through definitions, quotes, life stories, exercises, and meditations you create your own inspired life vision, and nourish it day-by-day with proven Inspired Life Actions. This book is directed to those of us who need a push to open our minds and hearts to the vast creative potential and possibility alive in each moment. Are you ready to live an inspired life rooted in the sacred union of your heart and intellect and reflected in your thoughts, words, and actions? It all begins with making a choice, with saying: "Yes, I choose an inspired life."

Inspired & Unstoppable

by Tama Kieves

“You are meant to succeed in the work you love. Your desire will take you all the way. ” — Tama J. Kieves What if everything you thought you needed to do to succeed was actually standing in the way of your success? Tama Kieves, Harvard-lawyer-turned-career-coach, has spent the last decade crossing the United States and Canada, speaking to tens of thousands of people and sharing her inspiring story of moving from a career that was killing her to a life that has uplifted her, chronicled in her first book, This Time I Dance!: Creating the Work You Love. She has mentored thousands of people who, with her help, have followed their passion, and now live their dream lives. And now she takes us to the next step in our journey… Within you is your purpose—your destiny—that will lead you to your greatest fulfillment, and your greatest success. What Kieves discovered in her own journey is that the way to success is an inspired path, not a linear one. She brings her mentoring ideas and actions together in her latest work, Inspired and Unstoppable. In this motivating book, Kieves teaches that it is only in unleashing this purpose that you can become truly happy and satisfied. Through these teachings, she will help you move into your “brilliant power. ” She shares the mental and emotional impact of this journey—the fears, doubts, and boogeymen that arise—and how to become an unstoppable warrior for your life’s work and desires. This book will help you stay connected to your desires and shift your innermost thinking. When you do, inspired actions will seem to fall directly out of the sky, and onto your plate. You will naturally outpace anything any expert could ever tell you. You don’t need the steps, when you have the moves. Beautifully written, Inspired & Unstoppable also includes success stories from Tama’s life and the lives of others who have made their dreams their reality, as well as practices that will create positive momentum, and “Inspired Successisms”—delightful, quick bites of wisdom peppered throughout the book. It also includes guidelines on how to create your own “Inspired Success Circle”—a way of moving forward with the support of friends and loved ones. Practical, empowering, inspirational, galvanizing—Inspired & Unstoppable is the touchstone to (finally) living your wildest dreams and greatest desires. .

Inspired You: Breathing New Life into Your Heart and Home

by Marian Parsons

Some girls get giddy over a new pair of shoes. Marian Parsons gets giddy over room makeovers. With a lot of ingenuity, a little bit of effort, and a tight budget, she has transformed her home into a beautiful space and filled her heart with a lot more contentment. Thousands have found inspiration at Marian's blog,, and now she shares dozens of new projects, ideas, and DIY adventures in the pages of Inspired You.Marian will remind you that homes don't have to be magazine material to be special, comfortable, and inviting. The goal you're working toward is home. Not a perfect home. Not an "impress the neighbors" home. Just home--one whose walls and rooms tell the story of the family who lives there. Beautiful homes start with inspiration and a willingness to try. So uncover your God-given creativity. Be encouraged, be willing, and be inspired.

Inspiriere deinen Tag!

by Beatrice Pires-Stadler Ulrike Maria

Es gibt heutzutage im Internet Tausende von Affirmationen, die alle wahr und gut klingen und sicherlich einen Schritt in die richtige Richtung darstellen. Sie bedeuten jedoch nichts, wenn sie nur gelesen und nicht aktiv angewendet werden. Dein Leben wird sich nicht verändern, es sei denn, du wendest diese neuen und verbesserten Gedanken täglich an. Meine Arbeit befasst sich mit der Veränderung meiner und deiner Denkmuster in einer einfachen Schritt-für-Schritt-Vorgehensweise. Sie befasst sich auch mit höheren, universalen Konzepten, indem sie das individuelle und universelle Bewusstsein verbindet; wir realisieren, dass wir alle eins sind. Dies ist ein sehr unterschiedlicher und praktischer Ansatz, der von jedermann mit dem aufrichtigen Wunsch, sein Leben und seine Umwelt zu verbessern, umgesetzt werden kann. Es geht um Anwendung und nicht um Wahrheitsansprüche. Egal wie oft du die Affirmationen wiederholst, sie werden sich nur manifestieren, wenn du sie auch befolgst. Du denkst vielleicht, dass du die universellen Gesetze verstehst und ein Gespür für einige der Ideen der vierten Dimension hast - ... und was dann? Glaubwürdigkeit und Verstehen kommt aus der Erfahrung. Ich beweise mir, und ja, du beweist dir, dass die Gesetze funktionieren und wie sie funktionieren. Es braucht Engagement, um die Wahrheit zu finden. "Suchet, so werdet ihr finden" - es braucht eine starke Sehnsucht, um das Lebenswerk zu verstehen. Es braucht eine Liebe zum Lernen, Lehren und Neugier. Wir sind alle Schüler und Lehrer. Wir lernen voneinander. Wir sehen im anderen, was wir bewundern oder was wir verachten, je nachdem, was wir lernen müssen. Es ist zwingend notwendig, diese Wahrheit zu erkennen und dieses wertvolle Instrument der Selbstverbesserung zu verwenden.

Inspiring Forgiveness: Poems, Quotations, and True Stories to Help with Forgiving Yourself and Others

by Barbara Bonner

An encouraging guide for the angry or heartbroken soul, in the form of uplifting stories and quotations.Sometimes forgiveness can feel unfathomable, unreachable, or even just plain wrong. Inspiring Forgiveness throws wide open the doors of possibility within the human heart with the wise words of philosophers, writers, poets, and great thinkers from across centuries and continents. Each offering can serve as guideposts along the path to bringing greater forgiveness into our lives. This book also tells the stories of real-world people—from the Dalai Lama to Congressman John Lewis and more—whose lives were changed forever by forgiveness, including for themselves. Just bearing witness to these experiences can itself be transformative. One wise teacher quoted in this book, Pema Chödrön, offers a simple practice for cultivating forgiveness: &“First we acknowledge what we feel—shame, revenge, embarrassment, remorse. Then we forgive ourselves for being human. Each moment is an opportunity to make a fresh start.&” This book is a collection of those moments. Inspiring Forgiveness consists of twelve true stories of people who have endured great pain at the hands of others and have found a way to open themselves to forgiveness in its many forms. Each story is followed by extraordinary poems that speak to forgiveness as well as a collection of over 100 inspiring quotations. &“What a wonderful illumination of the power of forgiveness Barbara Bonner has given us. The book&’s unique gathering of personal stories, poems, and quotations shows that forgiveness is not a momentary feeling but an attitude toward life, a practice of deep self-healing, and a path to freedom. Inspiring Forgiveness is aptly titled, for it does more than tell us about forgiveness, it inspires us to live it.&” —John Brehm, editor of The Poetry of Impermanence, Mindfulness, and Joy

Inspiring Generosity

by Barbara Bonner

Inspiring stories and beautifully typeset quotations about generosity. WARNING: This book might change your life.The desire to act generously arrives like an uninvited guest, unexpectedly, like a lightning bolt, in a mere moment. A gesture, a news story, a quotation in a book, a passing remark can change everything. For many, that moment is enough for generosity to move into their hearts and minds and become central to their lives. This book will help readers open their hearts to the power of their own innate generosity, their desire to make a difference in the world, to help make someone's day a little brighter or their world a bit more secure. It will kindle a spark in readers' hearts that moves them into the sunshine of a more generous life. If one life is more generous, we all prosper. That is one of generosity's most wonderful qualities: it is utterly contagious. Inspiring Generosity is an invitation to savor a sampling of the very best inspirations on the subject of generosity. It includes fourteen contemporary stories of "generosity heroes" whose lives have been transformed by the power of generosity. Sprinkled throughout these stories are writings, poems, and quotes from Shakespeare, Hafiz, Emily Dickinson, George Eliot, Wendell Berry, Sharon Olds, Naomi Shibab Nye, Donald Justice, Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, Maya Angelou, Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., John Steinbeck, James Joyce, Leo Tolstoy, Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreau, Goethe, Seneca, Albert Schweitzer, Anne Frank, and many others.

Insta-glam: Your must-have make-up guide to get Instagram ready

by Hani Sidow

'Muslim beauty blogger Hani Sidow is forging her own path, and it's inspiring' STYLISTLet beauty social media star Hani (@hanihanss) show you how to create 15 Instagrammable make-up looks.Hani's friendly and easy-to-follow make-up tutorials will help you create the perfect look every time. Unlock your selfie potential with 15 achievable styles covering everything from how to highlight and contour to creating the perfect nude lip, as well as picking up invaluable make-up hacks, such as using Sellotape to create the perfect winged liner, how you can make your lip colour last and why you should apply your make-up in the right light. Insta-glam wouldn't be complete without a quick tutorial on how to take the ideal selfie to show off your immaculately applied make-up. Find your best angle, pull the perfect pout, and get snapping!

Instant Analysis: How To Understand And Change The 100 Most Common, Annoying, Puzzling, Self-defeating Behaviors And Habits

by David J. Lieberman

Have you ever wondered...Why am I so eaily discouraged?Why do I procrasinate?Why do I stare at myself in the mirror?Why do I keep people waiting?Why do I eat when I am not hungry?Why do I secretly hope other people will fail?Why do I feel alone even when I'm around other people?Why am I constantly misplacing my keys and other things?Why do I enjoy hearing the secrets and confessions of others?Why will I do a favor for someone I don't even like?Why am I so superstitious?Why do I have trouble asking for help?If any of these behavior, habit, and thoughts are keeping you from having the life you want, then you need to know that help has finally arrived in David J. Lieberman's Instant Analysis.

The Instant Anxiety Solution: 5 Simple Steps to Quiet Your Mind & Achieve Calm

by Michelle Biton

An essential resource for every person suffering from anxiety featuring helpful hacks to reduce anxiety, manage emotions more effectively, improve interpersonal relationships and cope with stress.The Instant Anxiety Solution revolves around a 5-step program called A.L.A.R.M. enabling easy, accessible practical skills and techniques for anyone willing to do the work. The essential steps are as follows:Step #1 - Activate Your Parasympathetic Nervous SystemStep #2 - Label &“What&” You Are FeelingStep #3 - Acknowledge That Emotions Are TemporaryStep #4 - Remember to AVOID Layering Your Thoughts & EmotionsStep #5 - Move Forward and Take ActionSupportive worksheets and journal elements are included to better help people practice their new skills.Currently, anxiety is the #1 mental health disorder in the United States, with roughly 40 million people suffering annually and growing rapidly. Sadly, only an estimated 37% receive professional help, largely due to affordability and accessibility issues.

Instant Bargains: 600+ Ways to Shrink Your Grocery Bills and Eat Well for Less

by Kimberly Danger

SAVE YOUR CASH, SAVE YOUR TIME, SAVE YOUR SANITY! Perfect for anyone who wants to buy smarter, spend less on food, and get the best nutritional and economic value for their buck, Instant Bargains offers more than 600 tips and tricks from family savings expert and founder Kimberly Danger. No time for coupon clipping? No room to stockpile? No problem! * Harness dozens of ways to save online * Use technology to make menu planning and shopping easier * Shop and cook efficiently by spotting inexpensive ingredients * Create homemade versions of your favorite grocery items like sauces * Make the most of leftovers * Use couponing in a way that works for you * Beat supermarket marketing tricks and capitalize on loyalty programs * Eat healthier while spending less. A must-have collection that fits in your purse, Instant Bargains features one-stop shopping for savings ideas you can use today.

Instant Calm: 2-Minute Meditations to Create a Lifetime of Happy

by Karen Salmansohn

Lifestyle guru Karen Salmansohn presents a colorful gift book of two-minute meditations and mindfulness tips that help reduce stress and improve focus, clarity, productivity, and sleep. You're just a few minutes away from a more Zen mindset! Almost 40 percent of Americans admit they worry every day, and the media has pegged today's millennials as "The Anxious Generation." Although interest in meditation and mindfulness is ever growing, many of us don't have the time or patience to develop a serious practice. Health and happiness guru Karen Salmansohn's unique brand of fun mini-meditations use the power of focus and the five senses to achieve the same results as more standard meditation techniques in far less time. Packed with full-page illustrations, fascinating scientific studies, and Salmansohn's patented wit, Instant Calm helps you tap into stress-releasing topics like forest bathing (sound), essential oils (smell), earthing (touch), dot meditations (sight), and more—in just two minutes. Soon you’ll be swapping your aarghs for ahhhs!Advance praise for Instant Calm“Instant Calm can help anyone redefine and expand their meditation practice. She shares a range of unique sensory meditations—which tap into all five senses—and offer a quick, fun approach to reset your mind and refocus your energy. I personally have begun to use these mini meditations whenever I just want to feel a mental boost throughout my day. I love the illustrations and Karen’s fun and lighthearted voice! I highly recommend this book as a helpful guide to decompress from life’s challenges.”—Kristine Carlson, New York Times bestselling author of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff For Women “If you’re feeling stressed and looking for ways to relax and feel focused (and pretty much everybody in today’s world is!) well . . . then . . . this book is a game-changer for you. It makes doing meditation feel so easy and fun. It’s great for beginners to meditation—and also helpful for advanced meditators—because there’s something for everyone. What I especially love about this book is the wide range of sensory meditations Karen offers. Open up the book anywhere—and you will find a useful fun two-minute tool you can use to relax and feel grounded again. Plus the illustrations are gorgeous.”—Christina Rasmussen, bestselling author of Second Firsts: Live, Laugh and Love Again

Instant Confidence

by Paul McKenna

Would you like to have the confidence to go for anything you want?Would you like to feel strong in difficult situations?Would you like to feel powerful determination to improve your life?Then let Paul McKenna help you!In this groundbreaking book, Paul McKenna, Ph.D., reveals the secrets of mastering your emotions and living with a greater sense of ease and certainty than ever before. You will learn how to push the "off" switch on fear and desperation and create huge amounts of confidence and motivation in just a few moments. Before you’ve even finished the book, your whole attitude towards life will begin to change!Whether you want to feel totally confident in business, romance, or any other area of your life, Dr. McKenna will walk you through a series of simple yet powerful techniques to transform your outlook. You’ll also receive a guided hypnosis download that uses the latest psychological techniques to fill your mind with positive thoughts and feelings. Each time you listen, you will be reinforcing optimism and programing your mind for success.If you’re ready to feel completely comfortable in yourself and achieve what you are truly capable of, this book is for you!

Instant Emotional Healing: Acupressure for the Emotions

by Peter Lambrou George Pratt

This groundbreaking book will show you how to give yourself instant relief from negative emotions. Drawing on a combination of the meridian systems of Eastern acupuncture and Western cognitive ideas, the authors give step-by-step instructions in how to use key pressure points on your body, breathing techniques and focussed thought to overcome such feelings as heartache, loneliness, anger and fear - as well as more specific problems ranging from addictive urges to stage fright.

Instant Guides: Organising a Staff Conference

by Liam O'Connell

Top business guru Liam O'Connell tells you all you need to know about organising a staff conference. Packed with great tips and practical advice on how to plan and organise, this book will help you ensure your conference is a big success.

Instant Guides: 1 - Organising a Staff Conference

by Liam O'Connell

Top business guru Liam O’Connell tells you all you need to know about organising a staff conference.Packed with great tips and practical advice on how to plan and organise, this book will help you ensure your conference is a big success.

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