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La mar de noches

by Raúl González Mar Montoro Sara Gonzalo

Todo lo que necesitas saber para disfrutar del sexo de forma sencilla y satisfactoria. ¿Te gustaría saber si estás enamorado? ¿Desearías conquistar a alguien? ¿Necesitas consejos para superar una ruptura? ¿Te preocupa la falta de libido? ¿No sabes si te gustan las personas de tu sexo? A diario escuchamos en los medios de comunicación diversas opiniones sobre el sexo y sus alrededores. Es muy fácil hablar de ello, pero ¿realmente se explican con profesionalidad los fenómenos químicos y pasionales que tienen lugar entre hombres, mujeres y viceversa? Mar Montoro, presentadora del programa radiofónico La mar de noches, y Raúl González y Sara Gonzalo, sexólogos, te ofrecen en La mar de noches consejos, trucos, soluciones a posibles problemas, o experiencias sobre la pareja, el deseo, la naturaleza masculina y femenina, y más# para que disfrutes de unas relaciones sexuales divertidas, fáciles y placenteras. Deja a un lado tus dudas y descubre todo aquello de lo que no te hablaron... y haz realidad cualquiera de tus fantasías.

Marathon: Runner or not, the enemy is in your head.

by Jorge Cuevas

Red circle: #YourMarathon is what moves you, what gives you hope, and what makes you get out of bed every morning without an alarm clock. What´s your marathon? Are you already running it? Are you about to take off? Are you just receiving the calling? Marathon, the challenge that requires preparation, courage, passion, and guts so that you can face off with yourself. This is not a book about the advantages of running, nor does it contain tips to improve your scores. Rather, these pages get us closer to the war that as a Marathon runner every person fights in their head, which is the same battle that you deal with when you want to go beyond your limits and reach your own goals. The arena for this battle isn´t a track, it´s in the mind: that place where in some moments you´re a slave, an insurgent, a lover, a conquistador, a victim, a criminal, a gladiator, or even a Jedi Knight. Marathon is an intense book, intimate and original, in which you´ll tour Mexico City, Paris, Papantla, Houston, and Rome. You´ll visit the heart of the most emblematic competition in track and field and, between euphoria, frustration, searching, music, and revenge, you´ll run 42 kilometers of learning.

Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible

by John Van Pay

GOD WANTS TO FINISH WHAT HE STARTED IN YOU Surrendering your life to Jesus is the greatest decision you will ever make, but that's just the starting line. Many of us begin a journey of following Jesus without a realistic expectation of the price required to finish our spiritual race. As a result, we lose heart when the road becomes difficult. In Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible, pastor and marathon runner John Van Pay offers help. Van Pay shows how the "endurance runners of the Bible" overcame obstacles on their faith journeys and how you too can finish your spiritual race through their example. By adding personal adventures, humorous mishaps, and grueling struggles from his own endurance races and life experiences, Van Pay shares in vulnerable ways how God helps when things get tough. You too can finish strong.

Marathon Sex: Incredible Lovemaking Experiences Hotter and Longer Than You've Ever Done It Before

by Sonia Borg

"Sonia Borg knows how to put the fun back in sex. Playful, provocative, and practical ways for lovers to put more 'don't stop' into date night." - Lisa Schrader, author of Kama Sutra 52 and founder of www.AwakeningShakti.comGet the toe-curling sex you’ve been dreaming of! The only thing that makes a good thing better is more of it. Marathon Sex gives you scenarios for prolonged lovemaking sessions that deliver incredible techniques and positions that make sex last longer and build to incredible orgasms. From seduction to foreplay to positions one, two, and three, each of these multi-hour scenarios provide a sex date hot enough to put the sizzle back into any relationship.- She Comes Again...and Again...and Again: Blow her mind with multiple intercourse and oral techniques that hit all of her hot spots.- It’s a Tie: Use sensate focus and the coital alignment technique have simultaneous orgasms.- Sexalicious: Spice things up with savory sex techniques that will make your kitchen the second sexiest room in the house.- Going (and Coming) Out on the Town: Build sensation and excitement all night long with your hottest pub crawl ever.Every scenario gives you hours of moves and lets you explore a different side of sex and intimacy from playful to kinky. Marathon Sex gives you inspiration, techniques, and positions from start to finish line.

Maratón: Corredor o no, el enemigo está en tu cabeza

by Jorge Cuevas

¿Cuál es tu maratón? ¿Ya lo estás corriendo? ¿Estás por arrancar? ¿Apenas estás recibiendo el llamado? Maratón, el desafío que requiere preparación, coraje, pasión y agallas para enfrentarte contigo mismo. Éste no es un libro sobre las ventajas de correr ni contiene tips para mejorar tus marcas. Estas páginas nos acercan, más bien, a la guerra que el maratonista libra en su cabeza, que es la misma batalla que toda persona enfrenta cuando quiere ir más allá de sus límites y alcanzar sus metas. La arena de esta batalla no es una pista, es la mente: el lugar donde por momentos eres esclavo, insurgente, amante, conquistador, víctima, criminal, gladiador y hasta guerrero Jedi. Maratón es un libro intenso, íntimo y original con el que recorrerás la Ciudad de México, París, Papantla, Houston y Roma. Visitarás el corazón de la más emblemática competencia del atletismo y, entre euforia, frustración, búsqueda, música y revancha, correrás 42 kilómetros de aprendizaje.

Maratones del infierno

by Jorge Cuevas

El maratón es el marco en el que se sitúa esta historia sobre la adversidad y la reconciliación con uno mismo. Jorge está a punto de arrancar el maratón de Monterrey, con el sueño de romper su récord personal, pero lo que no sabe es que la carrera no lo llevará a ninguna gloria, sino al infierno de los corredores. En este libro recorrerás Barcelona, San Petersburgo, Monterrey, París y Atenas, mientras te adentras en los espejismos de la mente, demonios en forma de lesiones y hocicos voladores, kilómetros de melancolía, millas de resignación, senderos de trabajo ciego, faros imaginarios, mensajeros atemporales, batallas épicas y puentes de amistad. Será una travesía en la que descubrirás ciudades del mundo y lugares dentro de ti mismo, que te conducirá a hitos de tu propia historia, retará tus sueños y te mostrará caminos para vencer a los demonios que hoy enfrentas. Maratones del Infierno es un mapa de la noche oscura del alma, lo que convierte a este libro en un mensaje esencial para una época donde personas y humanidad estamos buscando respuestas en un territorio desconocido.

A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte: Aventuras Adicionais em Do Outro Lado da Vida: Volume Dois

by Richard Martini

Este é o volume dois de "A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte". Ele também alcançou o primeiro lugar de vendas na (em todos os seus gêneros no Kindle) depois de minha aparição no programa de rádio "Coast to Coast" com George Noory em 12 de dezembro de 2014. Há uma versão kindle de todos os três livros ("Do Outro lado," "It's a Wonderful Afterlife ", volume um), bem como brochura e audível. O livro acaba de ser escolhido para publicação na Índia. Tive vários pedidos para traduzir este material na Europa. Devo alertar o tradutor, entretanto, pois este material não é para todos. É sobre a vida após a morte, é sobre a morte, e é sobre o que milhares dizem sobre a vida após a morte sob hipnose profunda. O que eles dizem é consistente, e nos dois primeiros livros incluo cientistas e transcrições de sessões reais de hipnose, onde as pessoas dizem as mesmas coisas sobre a jornada da alma de todos - não apenas pela vida, mas após a morte também, e então no processo de retorno novamente. Também incluo no volume 2 um capítulo polêmico em que um médium psíquico afirma entrevistar uma das figuras religiosas mais famosas da história - usei esta entrevista para examinar o que essa pessoa estava dizendo não apenas sobre a vida após a morte, mas também sobre sua própria jornada durante a vida deles, e como essa informação se encaixou com tudo o que todo mundo está dizendo sobre nossa jornada aqui. Mas pode ofender algumas pessoas - e eu apenas sugiro que se você conhece alguém familiarizado com termos científicos sobre física quântica, psicologia, mas também sobre espiritualidade - sobre pessoas budistas e, além disso, o que as pessoas dizem sobre consciência - este livro pode ou não ser algo que você gostaria de enfrentar. No entanto, aprendi algo realmente básico nesta minha jornada - afinal, sou jornalista e cineasta e já tive muitas experiências - é que as pessoas que deveriam encontrar esse material o encontrarão.

A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte: Aventuras Adicionais em Do Outro Lado da Vida

by Richard Martini

"A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte: Novas Aventuras do Outro Lado da Vida". Minhas aparições públicas sempre trazem um pico às vendas dos livros, enquanto falo não apenas da minha jornada ao material, mas também dos relatos consistentes de que pessoas sob hipnose profunda e durante experiências de quase morte relatam sobre a vida após a morte. Eu fiz minhas próprias versões em áudio dos livros, assim como as publiquei, e recebo e-mails de todo o mundo de pessoas me agradecendo por ajudá-las no sofrimento. Portanto, esse gênero não é para todos, e recomendo considerar o material antes de fazer uma tradução. Tudo o que posso dizer é que é uma alteração da mente e, talvez, dê uma olhada em algumas das palestras do meu livro no YouTube sob MartiniProds, se você puder, para ter uma ideia de como essa pesquisa surgiu. Ele aborda várias áreas diferentes, da ciência (entrevistas com cientistas, neurocientistas) a transcrições reais de pessoas sob hipnose profunda, a entrevistas com pessoas que nunca foram hipnotizadas, não pensavam que poderiam ser, e ainda falam clara e conscientemente da perspectiva de estar do outro lado do véu, por assim dizer. Existem três livros e todos, mas "A Maravilhosa Vida após a Morte" volumes um e dois juntos, então há bastante material aqui. Uma tarefa assustadora para dizer o mínimo! Mas, ao final das contas, esse é o tipo de material que muda a vida de quem o lê e, talvez, de quem o traduz. Obrigado pela sua consideração.

Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoir

by Ellen Forney

Cartoonist Ellen Forney explores the relationship between &“crazy&” and &“creative&” in this graphic memoir of her bipolar disorder, woven with stories of famous bipolar artists and writers. Shortly before her thirtieth birthday, Forney was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Flagrantly manic and terrified that medications would cause her to lose creativity, she began a years-long struggle to find mental stability while retaining her passions and creativity. Searching to make sense of the popular concept of the crazy artist, she finds inspiration from the lives and work of other artists and writers who suffered from mood disorders, including Vincent van Gogh, Georgia O&’Keeffe, William Styron, and Sylvia Plath. She also researches the clinical aspects of bipolar disorder, including the strengths and limitations of various treatments and medications, and what studies tell us about the conundrum of attempting to &“cure&” an otherwise brilliant mind.Darkly funny and intensely personal, Forney&’s memoir provides a visceral glimpse into the effects of a mood disorder on an artist&’s work, as she shares her own story through bold black-and-white images and evocative prose.

The March Baby (Noel Streatfeild Baby Book Series)

by Noel Streatfeild

A treasury of inspiration for every March baby...Find out why you might give your March baby a name to do with war, what is meant by a gift of a nosegay of crown imperials and a bunch of violets, and who your baby shares their birthday with - could it be Albert Einstein, Robert the Bruce, or Michelangelo?Much-loved author Noel Streatfeild originally launched this series of month-by-month baby books in 1959. Recently rediscovered in her publisher's archives, each little book arrives complete with gorgeous illustrations, and includes: - suggested names and games for babies born in each month - characteristics of your baby according to their zodiac sign- famous babies who share your baby's birthday- quotations and rhymes to fit every aspect of babyhood... and much more. With a warm, lively and charming introduction by Noel Streatfeild to every volume, each adorable book in this series is a pleasure to read, and an object to treasure.

Marea baja

by Dante Gebel

Dante Gebel, el aclamado autor de El amor en los tiempos del Facebook vuelve con una antología acerca de la vida, la muerte, la niñez y los años perdidos.«Finalmente estoy en mi cabaña, frente al faro, en algún lugar del mundo», afirma el autor. «Es mi claro en la jungla, y ahora no hablo del follaje».En esta obra, como si fuera la continuación del exitoso libro El amor en los tiempos del Facebook, se despliega una recopilación de anécdotas —historias pequeñas del barrio, la familia, los amigos— que evocan aquellos valores que hoy damos por perdidos. Se trata de un libro repleto de nostalgia e historias de vida maravillosas que lograrán la empatía con el lector ávido de recordar, o que en el afán de vivir dio por sentado las huellas del pasado.«Ahora la marea está baja y se parece mucho a este momento único en que veo pasar mis días. Sentado en mi silla, a metros de la cabaña que no se cansa de oír los quejidos de las olas del mar, voy destejiendo la maraña de recuerdos que hoy necesitan aflorar», declara Dante. En resumen, tienes en tus manos una pequeña joya literaria repleta de crónicas sencillas, nuestras, pero que te llegarán al alma.Un libro que ofrece una nueva perspectiva de esas experiencias trascendentales de la vida que se graban en el alma.

Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives

by Richard A. Swenson

This book is for anyone who yearns for relief from the pressure of overload. Reevaluate your priorities, determine the value of rest and simplicity in your life, and see where your identity really comes from. The benefits can be good health, financial stability, fulfilling relationships, and availability for God's purpose.

Mariano en tu familia

by Mariano Osorio

Consejos, ejercicios y reflexiones para ser mejores padres, excelentes amigos de tus hijos y también hijos considerados. Para Mariano Osorio, la familia debe rodearse de amor, amistad y lealtad. Este libro ofrece a los lectores profundas reflexiones sobre las relaciones de pareja, la necesidad de ser buenos padres y buenos hijos, y la importancia de brindar amor a nuestros seres queridos día con día y dar buen ejemplo mediante un comportamiento digno y honesto. Un libro escrito con la sencillez y la sabiduría que este hombre entrañable transmite diariamente a sus radioescuchas. Habla con amor del reconocimiento que debemos a las madres solteras, a nuestros padres cuando son personas de edad avanzada y de la importancia que tiene educar a nuestros hijos con buen ejemplo, afecto infinito y comprensión.

Marie Kondo's Kurashi at Home: How to Organize Your Space and Achieve Your Ideal Life (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up)

by Marie Kondo

Transform your home into a haven of calm and achieve your ideal lifestyle with this inspirational visual guide featuring more than 100 photographs, from the Netflix star and #1 bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Inspired by the Japanese concept of kurashi, or &“way of life,&” Kurashi at Home invites you to visualize your best life from the moment you wake up until the end of each day. By applying Marie Kondo's time-tested query—&“Does it spark joy?&”—to your mindset and behaviors, you are invited to take an even more holistic and personal approach to curating your environment by imagining what your life could look like full of connection and free from any limitations. This ideal vision then becomes a touchpoint that helps you make conscious, mindful choices—from how you use every corner of your living space to how you take advantage of every moment. At its core, the KonMari philosophy focuses not on what to get rid of, but on what sparks joy in your life. In this inspirational visual guide, beautiful photographs and Kondo's unique suggestions empower you to embrace what you love about your life and then reflect it in your home, activities, and relationships, like creating a calm nook for working, scheduling weekly get-togethers with family or friends, or having relaxing nighttime rituals that promote a restful sleep. Your newfound clarity will inspire you to clear out the unneeded clutter so you can appreciate the inviting spaces, treasured belongings, and peaceful moments that remain.

Marijuana: The Unbiased Truth about the World's Most Popular Weed

by Kevin P Hill

The leading clinical expert on marijuana sifts through the myths about the drug to deliver an unbiased, comprehensive guide backed by scientific facts to give you the information you need to make informed decisions about marijuana.Marijuana--or weed, pot, grass, MJ, Mary Jane, reefer, cannabis, or hemp among dozens of other names--has a long, colorful history dating back more than 2,000 years as the one of the most sought-after mood-altering substances in the world. Societal opinion about the drug has dramatically swayed over the years, from viewing it as a grave danger to society in the 1930s film Reefer Madness, to a harmless recreational high in the ’60s, to an addictive substance and gateway to such “hard” drugs as heroin today. The myths and misinformation about marijuana have only multiplied over the years as the controversy over legalization and medical marijuana grows.A nationally recognized clinical expert and leading researcher on marijuana, Kevin P. Hill provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the drug in Marijuana: Cutting through the Myths about the World’s Most Popular Weed. Through research-based historical, scientific, and medical information, Hill will help you sort through what you hear on the streets and in the media and cut straight to the facts. Whether you’re a parent concerned about your child’s use, someone with an illness considering medical marijuana as a treatment option, a user who has questions about its effect on your health, or if you’re just trying to make up your mind about legalization, this book will give you the most current and unbiased information you need to make informed decisions about marijuana.

Marijuana What's a Parent to Believe

by Timmen L Cermak

As a parent, if you're not sure what to believe about marijuana, how will you handle the subject with your child? Maybe you smoked pot as a teen, or you use marijuana today. Maybe you never tried pot, or you don't even know what it looks like. Maybe you're simply confused over conflicting claims about the drug whether it's addictive, how harmful it is, why some think it should be legalized. The best way for you to help your teen make healthy choices is to be informed. This much-needed book about America's most widely used illegal drug helps parents sort through the latest facts, the known risks, and the divergent perspectives on pot. The basic message? For teens, marijuana use equals risk. Your basic message? That's up to you.

Mark Twain on Common Sense: Timeless Advice and Words of Wisdom from America?s Most-Revered Humorist

by Stephen Brennan Mark Twain

Revered as one of America's greatest humorists and author of the "Great American Novel" (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), the words of Samuel Langhorne Clemens-more commonly known as Mark Twain-resonate as strongly today as they did when he wrote them more than a century ago. A close friend of Nikola Tesla and heralded by William Faulkner as "the father of American literature," Twain's wit, wisdom, and influence continues through the present day.Printer, typesetter, steamboat pilot, miner, reporter, journalist, author, inventor, humorist, investor, publisher, lecturer-Mark Twain was known as many things during his lifetime and has had at least as many titles thrust upon him since this death, but perhaps what he is best known for is being a source of good old-fashioned common sense. Whatever the topic-whether science and technology, life and love, history and culture, travel and exploration, civil rights and human rights, labor and politics, or ethics and religion-Twain had much to say and many ways to say it. Here, culled from his greatest novels, speeches, letters, conversations, and lectures is the best wisdom and advice-humorous, sardonic, and insightful as always.

Mark Twain's Helpful Hints for Good Living: A Handbook for the Damned Human Race

by Mark Twain Lin Salamo Victor Fischer Michael B. Frank

"This handbook -- an etiquette guide for the human race -- contains sixty-nine aphorisms, anecdotes, whimsical suggestions, maxims, and cautionary tales from Mark Twain's private and published writings. It dispenses advice and reflections on family life and public manners; opinions on topics such as dress, health, food, childbearing, and safety; and more specialized tips, such as those for dealing with annoying salesmen and burglars. Culled from Twain's personal letters, autobiographical writings, speeches, novels, and sketches, these pieces are fresh, witty, startlingly relevant with Twain's characteristic ebullience. They also remind us exactly how Mark Twain came to be the most distinctive and well-known American literary voice in the world."--BOOK JACKET. Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Mark Zuckerberg: Mark Zuckerberg In His Own Words (In Their Own Words Ser.)

by George Beahm

Billionaire Boy: Mark Zuckerburg in his own words is a revealing insight into the mind and vision of the worldOCOs youngest billionaire and founder and CEO of Facebook. The Mark Zuckerburg most people know is the one depicted in Academy AwardOCowinning film The Social Network: a nerdy, insecure and socially awkward young man OCo hardly the image of a topflight CEO in command of one of the worldOCOs largest and most successful companies. Achieving the growth of Facebook as fast as Zuckerburg has is no mean feat, especially when you consider he had never raised a dollar from investors nor managed a single employee before. At the helm of Facebook, Zuckerburg not only has to run fast to maintain the companyOCOs high profile success, but also needs to fight to stay ahead of some of the richest, most talented and most aggressive companies in the world. In this collection of quotations taken from interviews, presentations, media announcements and more, we see a new breed of business leader with a new way of thinking about business and success in a constantly changing world. "

Marketing: 7 Ways To Maximize Your Profits In Any Market (Brian Tracy Success Library)

by Brian Tracy

The success or failure of your business depends on the success or failure of your marketing efforts. If you can identify what your customers want, need, and can afford--and then give it to them--you will achieve outstanding results. Filled with Brian Tracy's trademark wisdom, this indispensable guide contains 21 powerful ideas you can use to immediately improve your strategic marketing results. You'll discover how to: Build your customer base Set yourself apart from the competition Answer three crucial questions about any new product or service Use market research and focus groups to fuel better decisions Fulfill a basic emotional need for buyers Determine the correct price point for your offerings Become truly customer-focused Make the most of your distribution channels Master the concepts of specialization, differentiation, segmentation, and concentration Give customers a reason to switch from your competitors And more Packed with time-tested marketing strategies, this practical and portable book shows you how to overcome the competition, increase sales and profitability, and dominate your market niche.

Marketing: Manga for Success (Manga for Success)

by Takashi Yasuda

LEARN THE BASICS OF MARKETING WITH MANGA FOR SUCCESS!Do you want to increase sales? Improve customer satisfaction? Or are you looking for a basic understanding of marketing to ace your class or improve your outlook in the job market? Whatever your reason for picking up this book, Marketing: Manga for Success makes essential concepts easy to understand using practical examples and situations. You’ll learn about: Branding, viral marketing, and advertising and promotions The importance of customer relationships The 4 "P"s of marketing The story follows Marimo, a young woman who wants to help her aging parents save their specialty pastry business. There isn’t much she can do but she wants to help them find new opportunities. Just then, she meets two mysterious characters who teach her how to rebuild the family business through marketing, step-by-step. Find out why the Manga For Success series—now available in English for the first time—is so popular in Japan, Korea, and beyond.

Marketing Afiliado: Las Mejores Técnicas Probadas Para Ganar Dinero Extra Online

by Thomas Allen

Si estás listo para comenzar en el mundo del marketing afiliado, te recomiendo este eBook, ya que podrás aprender mucho de él, sobre todo en cuanto al tráfico, la columna vertebral del marketing afiliado. Pruébalo y verás el resultado positivo. Este libro basado en resultados está orientado a ayudarte a alcanzar tu potencial y conseguir tus metas. Si eres nuevo en esto o has tenido dificultades para empezar antes, esta guía de marketing afiliado te ayudará a establecer un negocio online excepcional. El experto afiliado Connie Ragen Green te enseña el método paso a paso de la construcción de un negocio online mediante la recomendación de los productos y servicios que a él le encantan con el marketing afiliado.

Marketing and Promoting Your Own Seminars and Workshops

by Fred Gleeck

Gleeck provides a readable introduction to getting started in the seminar business.

Marketing De Afiliación: Hacer Dinero En Línea De Forma Rápida Gracias Al Marketing De Afiliación

by James McAllen

El marketing de afiliación es una de las mejores oportunidades y, de hecho, la forma más fácil para que cualquier persona pueda hacer dinero en línea. El auge de Dot Com y el creciente interés y uso de Internet como la principal fuente de información ha creado varias oportunidades para vender productos en línea. La verdad es que podemos lidiar con el estrés ante una situación financiera desfavorable presente en la vida diaria y reducirla de manera sistemática. Fije una rutina diaria para elaborar un método de recuperación financiera personal que lo pueda llevar a cabo desde la comodidad de su hogar. Este libro le brinda una visión de 20,000 pies sobre el marketing de afiliación de manera apropiada, desde el principio hasta la posesión y operación de un negocio de Internet altamente exitoso y rentable. ¡Lleve su copia hoy haciendo clic en el botón, en la parte superior de esta página!

Marketing De Afiliación: Los Secretos De Ganar Dinero Con Marketing De Afiliación

by Anthony Breyer

Este libro le enseñará mi método para crear un ingreso en línea que pueda proporcionar todo eso y más. Olvídate de conseguir otro trabajo, ¡trabaja por ti mismo en TUS términos! Lleno de consejos, fórmulas y súper atajos, este libro explica la historia del marketing de afiliación, ¡y cómo puede usarlo para crear un futuro mejor!

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