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a levinasian ethics for education’s commonplaces: between calling and inspiration

by To John Nick

Joldersma applies Levinas's ethics systematically to the commonplaces of education - teaching, learning, curriculum, and institutions - and elucidates the role of justice and responsibility and the meaning of calling and inspiration in education.

The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals

by Erlene Grise-Owens Justin Jay" Miller Mindy Eaves

Self-care is imperative for the ethical practice of social work and other helping professions. From A (awareness) to Z (ZZZZ--Sleep), the editors and contributors use a simple A-to-Z framework to outline strategies to help you build a self-care plan with specific goals and ways to reach them realistically. Questions for reflection and additional resource lists help you to dig deeper in your self-care journey. Just as the ABCs are essential building blocks for a young child's learning, you can use the ABCs in The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals to build your way to a happy, healthy, ethical life as a helping professional. Includes a self-care planning form to help you set goals and formulate strategies.

A ver esa lengua: Cómo el habla se adapta a las nuevas realidades: lenguaje inclusivo y otros asuntos espinosos

by Vanfunfun

Usando palabras sencillas y argumentos de perroflauta punki de la lengua, defendidos por la lingüística más actual, este influencer de YouTube va a cambiar tu percepción de cómo se habla. ¡Hola! ¿Sabías que hablar mal es imposible? ¿Que la RAE no tiene la razón en muchas ocasiones? ¿Que el lenguaje inclusivo es bueno? ¿Que çe pue eccribî en andalû y no se acaba el mundo? ¿Y que, de hecho, la gente joven no está arruinando la lengua?

A-Z Guide to Modern Social and Political Theorists

by Noel Parker Professor Stuart Sim

The A-Z Guide to Modern Social and Political Theories is a companion volume to the already published A-Z Guide to Modern Literary and Cultural Theorists. It ranges widely through the social sciences and related areas to identify thinkers who have had a major impact on the development of modern social and political theory and given clear, accessible summaries of their work. While the accent is on the later twentieth century, several up-and-coming theorists are included to ensure a contemporary edge to the volume, classic names in the field from the earlier twentieth century are not neglected, and the collection also delves back into the nineteenth century for such founding figures of the social sciences as Marx and Comte. The volume is therefore both up-to-date and mindful of the sources of modern debates.

Aa is for Aesthetic: Essays on Creative and Aesthetic Education (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by Peter Abbs

This volume reaffirms the indispensable place of the arts in any coherent curriculum. The author hopes that the specific arguments formulated in the book will advance the conservationist post-Modernist aesthetic.

Ab 40 bewirbt man sich anders: Durchstarten mit Lebenserfahrung, Bewerbungsstrategien, Informationen, Mutmacher: mit Musterdokumenten

by Anita Eggert

Es gibt viele gute Gründe, sich mit ,,über 40" auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu bewerben! - Doch vieles ist dann nicht mehr so selbstverständlich wie damals nach der Ausbildung und es tauchen Fragen auf: Wo finde ich eigentlich heutzutage Jobs? Wie bewerbe ich mich zeitgemäß? Wie bringe ich einen roten Faden in meinen Lebenslauf? Wie vermittele ich einen professionellen Eindruck? Anita Eggert begleitet Sie im Bewerbungsprozess und hilft Ihnen, eine selbstbewusste Einstellung zu entwickeln, Ihr Profil zu schärfen und einen erfolgreichen Schlachtplan zu entwickeln. Ihr Buch gibt Tipps für alle Phasen der Bewerbung, von der Stellensuche über das Telefoninterview bis zum Bewerbungsgespräch, liefert Fakten für eine individuelle, zeitgemäße und korrekte Bewerbung und Hilfen für ein überzeugendes Auftreten. - NEU in der 2. Auflage sind Infos zu Arbeitgeber-Bewertungsportalen im Internet, dem richtigen Outfit in Vorstellungsgesprächen sowie neuen Smartphone-Apps. Auf der begleitenden Website www. ab-40-bewirbt-man-sich-anders. de finden Sie stets aktuelle Infos und praktische Arbeitsmaterialien (Lebensläufe, Checklisten und ganze neu: Motivationsanschreiben etc).

Ab 40 bewirbt man sich anders. Durchstarten mit Lebenserfahrung - Bewerbungsstrategien, Informationen, Mutmacher - mit Musterdokumenten: Durchstarten Mit Lebenserfahrung ‡ Bewerbungsstrategien, Informationen, Mutmacher ‡ Mit Musterdokumenten

by Anita Eggert

Anlässe für Menschen ab 40, sich neu zu bewerben, gibt es viele: Eine Stellenanzeige reizt zu einem beruflichen Neustart, nach einer Erziehungspause steht der Wiedereinstieg an o. ä. Das Buch unterstützt Bewerber, indem es einen systematischen Überblick über alle Phasen gibt: von der Stellensuche über das Telefoninterview bis zum Bewerbungsgespräch. Die Autorin liefert die wichtigsten Tipps für eine zeitgemäße und korrekte Bewerbung sowie Hilfen, um zu einer selbstbewussten inneren Haltung zu finden. Begleitende Website mit Arbeitsmaterialien.

„Ab heute bist du Ausbilder“: Eine qualitativ-empirische Studie zur Rekonstruktion des Übergangs in die Tätigkeit des hauptamtlichen Ausbildungspersonals (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)

by Clarissa Pascoe

In diesem Buch wird der Übergang aus einer Tätigkeit als gewerblich-technische Fachkraft in die hauptamtliche Ausbildungsfunktion in einer betrieblichen Ausbildungswerkstatt untersucht. In einem fallrekonstruktiven Forschungsansatz wird das Erleben und Bewältigen von typischen Herausforderungen während und infolge dieses Übergangs nachgezeichnet. Hierzu wurden hauptamtliche Ausbilder*innen in den industriellen Metall- und Elektroberufen zu ihren Übergangserfahrungen befragt. Ergebnis ist eine empirisch fundierte Beschreibung von fünf typischen Entwicklungsaufgaben, mit denen Ausbilder*innen während und infolge des Übergangs konfrontiert werden und die sie in Abhängigkeit von subjektiven Ressourcen und Orientierungen unterschiedlich deuten und bearbeiten. Die Fallrekonstruktion führt zu vier Typen von Bewältigungsstrategien, die sich hinsichtlich ihres Umgangs mit Erfahrungswissen, ihrer pädagogischen Überzeugungen sowie ihres Reflexionswissens unterscheiden. Darauf aufbauend wird mit Hilfe des Sozialweltkonzeptes die Frage nach der Rolle und Funktion einer übergeordneten kollegialen Bezugsgemeinschaft als potentielle Wissens- und Kompetenzgrundlage der Akteure der beruflich-betrieblichen Bildung vor dem Hintergrund der strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen und Systemspezifika diskutiert.

Abandoned Families: Social Isolation in the Twenty-First Century

by Kristin S. Seefeldt

Education, employment, and home ownership have long been considered stepping stones to the middle class. But in Abandoned Families, social policy expert Kristin Seefeldt shows how many working families have access only to a separate but unequal set of poor-quality jobs, low-performing schools, and declining housing markets which offer few chances for upward mobility. Through in-depth interviews over a six-year period with women in Detroit, Seefeldt charts the increasing social isolation of many low-income workers, particularly African Americans, and analyzes how economic and residential segregation keep them from achieving the American Dream of upward mobility. Seefeldt explores the economic and political obstacles that have altered the pathways for opportunity. She finds that while many low-income individuals work, enroll in higher education, and attempt to use social safety net benefits in times of crisis, they primarily have access to subpar institutions, which often hamper their efforts to get ahead. Many of these workers hold unstable, low-paying service sector jobs that provide few paths for advancement and exacerbate their social isolation. Those who pursue higher education to gain qualifications for better paying jobs often enroll in for-profit schools and online programs that push them into debt but rarely lead to secure employment or even a degree. And while home ownership was once the best way to establish wealth, Seefeldt finds that in declining cities like Detroit, it can saddle low-income owners with underwater mortgages in depopulated neighborhoods. Finally, she shows that the 1996 federal welfare reform and other retrenchments in the social safety net have made it more difficult for struggling families to access public benefits that could alleviate their economic hardships. When benefits are difficult to access, families often take on debt as a way of managing. Taken together, these factors contribute to what Seefeldt calls the “social abandonment” of vulnerable families. Abandoned Families is a timely, on-the-ground assessment of hardship in contemporary America. Seefeldt exposes the shortcomings of the institutions that once fostered upward mobility and shows how sweeping policy measures—including new labor protections, expansion of the social safety net, increased regulation of for-profit colleges, and reparations—could help lift up those who have fallen behind.

The ABCs of Getting Out of Debt

by Garrett Sutton

<p>In difficult times, debt can be a matter of life and death, happiness and despair. Controlling your debt can bring order and calm. Mastering debt can bring wealth and success. As bestselling Rich Dad/Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says, “Good debt makes you rich and bad debt makes you poor.” <p>The ABCs of Getting Out of Debt provides the necessary knowledge to navigate through a very challenging credit environment. A Rich Dad’s Advisor and best selling author of numerous business books, Garrett Sutton, Esq. clearly writes on the key strategies readers must follow to get out of debt. Unlike other superficial offerings, Sutton explores the psychology and health effects of debt. From there, the reader learns how to beat the lenders at their own game, and how to understand and repair your own credit. Using real life illustrative stories, Sutton shares how to deal with debt collectors, avoid credit scams, and win with good credit.</p>

The ABCs of Structured Discovery Cane Travel for Children (Critical Concerns In Blindness)

by Merry-Noel Chamberlain

Structured Discovery Cane Travel (SDCT) is an Orientation and Mobility (O&M) curriculum which focuses on the foundational techniques necessary to develop future independence for students who are blind or visually impaired. The ABCs of Structured Discovery Cane Travel for Children addresses essential non-visual concept development, techniques and mobility skills needed to travel efficiently, gracefully and safely within a myriad of natural environments while using the long, white cane with a metal tip as the primary mobility tool. This curriculum utilizes transformational knowledge and problem-solving opportunities through teachable moments to develop personal reflection and mental mapping which can be utilized post instruction. These students maximize their cognitive intrinsic feedback while completing everyday mobility tasks. Parents and instructors of children who are blind or visually impaired will comprehend the essentials of SDCT by reading The ABCs of Structured Discovery Cane Travel for Children; in addition, they will receive a treasure trove of O&M skill-building activities.

Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens

by Susan A. Clancy

They are tiny. They are tall. They are gray. They are green. They survey our world with enormous glowing eyes. To conduct their shocking experiments, they creep in at night to carry humans off to their spaceships. Yet there is no evidence that they exist at all. So how could anyone believe he or she was abducted by aliens? Or want to believe it? To answer these questions, psychologist Susan Clancy interviewed and evaluated "abductees"--old and young, male and female, religious and agnostic. She listened closely to their stories--how they struggled to explain something strange in their remembered experience, how abduction seemed plausible, and how, having suspected abduction, they began to recollect it, aided by suggestion and hypnosis. Clancy argues that abductees are sane and intelligent people who have unwittingly created vivid false memories from a toxic mix of nightmares, culturally available texts (abduction reports began only after stories of extraterrestrials appeared in films and on TV), and a powerful drive for meaning that science is unable to satisfy. For them, otherworldly terror can become a transforming, even inspiring experience. "Being abducted," writes Clancy, "may be a baptism in the new religion of this millennium." This book is not only a subtle exploration of the workings of memory, but a sensitive inquiry into the nature of belief.

Abductive Analysis: Theorizing Qualitative Research

by Iddo Tavory Stefan Timmermans

In Abductive Analysis, Iddo Tavory and Stefan Timmermans provide a new navigational map for theorizing qualitative research. They outline a way to think about observations, methods, and theories that nurtures theory formation without locking it into predefined conceptual boxes. The book provides novel ways to approach the challenges that plague qualitative researchers across the social sciences—how to conceptualize causality, how to manage the variation of observations, and how to leverage the researcher’s community of inquiry. Abductive Analysis is a landmark work that shows how a pragmatist approach provides a productive and fruitful way to conduct qualitative research.

Abenteuerlustig & Hochsensibel: Wie Sie als extravertierter Hochsensibler gut leben können (essentials)

by Cordula Roemer

Agil, gesellig und empfindsam? Hochsensibilität gilt allgemein als eine eher introvertierte Veranlagung. Dennoch gibt es feinfühlige Menschen, die sowohl empfindsam sind und sich zugleich extravertiert durch das Leben bewegen. Wie aber passt dies beides zusammen? Schließen sich die beiden Wesenszüge nicht einander aus? Diesen und weiteren Fragen folgt die Autorin in einem kritischen Diskurs, um mehr Klarheit in den Dschungel unterschiedlicher Zuschreibungen und Erklärungen zu bringen. Dieser Diskurs möchte dazu beitragen, die Gefahr einer möglichen Fehlinterpretation im Rahmen einer fachspezifischen Begleitung in Beratung, Coaching und Therapie bei hochsensiblen Menschen zu verringern. Der zweite Teil des Buches gibt Ihnen umfangreiche und vielfältige Tipps und Methoden zum Umgang mit einer extravertierten Hochsensibilität an die Hand.

Abgründe der Informatik: Geheimnisse und Gemeinheiten

by Alois Potton

Was Sie schon immer über die Informatik und "die Informatiker" wissen wollten, aber nie zu fragen wagten, Alois Potton hat es notiert: Über mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte hat er hinter die Kulissen geblickt und Anekdoten in 80 Glossen gegossen. Schonungslos, bösartig und zum Teil politisch nicht ganz korrekt analysiert er den alltäglichen Wahnsinn und die Absurditäten der IT-Szene. Allgemein verständlich geschrieben, werden sich auch Nichtinformatiker angesichts analoger Vorgänge in ihrem Arbeitsbereich amüsieren - oder aber beleidigt fühlen.

The Abilities of Man: Their Nature and Measurement

by Charles E. Spearman

DR. T. PERCY NUNN IN THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY.—“In the book before us, Prof. Spearman claims nothing less than to have supplied psychology with a body of principles comparable with the first principles of physics. It is a large claim, even though confined to the psychology of cognition, and if substantiated will secure for its author an enviable place in the history of science....A work which, whatever place it may ultimately assume, is unquestionably one of signal importance....A very remarkable and perhaps epoch-making book.”THE HON. BERTRAND RUSSELL IN THE NATION AND THE ATHENAEUM.—“A sober and learned, but thoroughly readable discussion....The book is valuable for its wide knowledge, its lucid discussions, and its thoroughly scientific spirit.”THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT.—“The whole work is excellent, a model of lucid exposition.”PROF. C. W. VALENTINE IN MIND.—“This volume gives us in convenient compass not only the essential conclusions of some of Prof. Spearman’s valuable researches but a very remarkable additional contribution to the psychology of cognition.”THE DAILY NEWS.—“One of the most important works on psychology we have had for some time....A sound and brilliant piece of exposition.”THE SUNDAY TIMES.—“A book of the highest value.”

Abkehr von der Schule für alle: Eine bildungssoziologische Analyse zu privaten Grundschulen (Life Course Research)

by Pia Sauermann

Vor dem Hintergrund eines expandierenden Privatschulsektors einerseits und der Konzeption der für allen gemeinsamen Grundschule andererseits untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit, ob private Grundschulen in Deutschland Bildungsungleichheiten verstärken. Betrachtet werden einerseits die Selektivität der Privatschulwahl und andererseits die Effekte, welche der Besuch einer privaten Grundschule auf die Kompetenzentwicklung hat. Beide Aspekte werden auf Basis von Daten des Nationalen Bildungspanels untersucht. Die Befunde weisen darauf hin, dass die Wahl einer privaten Grundschule insbesondere in städtischen Gebieten und in Ostdeutschland vom Bildungsniveau und vom kulturellen Kapital der Eltern abhängt. Wird die soziale Selektivität der Privatschulwahl berücksichtigt, zeigt sich kein Effekt privater Beschulung auf die Entwicklung von Lese- und Mathematikkompetenzen.

Abläufe verbessern - Betriebserfolg garantieren (ifaa-Edition)

by Institut für angewandte Arbeitswissensch

Der Leitfaden »Abläufe verbessern – Betriebserfolg garantieren« unterstützt Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter, Verbesserungen betrieblicher Abläufe im Alltag erfolgreich voranzutreiben und nachhaltig zu sichern. Ziele sind, den Wertschöpfungsanteil betrieblicher Abläufe stetig zu erhöhen und Verschwendung in den Produktions- und Arbeitssystemen des gesamten Unternehmens zu erkennen und zu vermeiden. Die Grundlagen hierfür sind eine klar strukturierte Vorgehensweise und die konsequente Nutzung von Zahlen, Daten und Fakten. Die Vorgehensweise berücksichtigt erfolgsrelevante Elemente bewährter Verbesserungsmethoden – wie Six Sigma, PDCA-Zyklus, 8-D Report, REFA-Planungssystematik u. a. – in pragmatischer Form. Zu den einzelnen Arbeitsschritten sind bewährte Werkzeuge in direkt anwendbarer Form verfügbar. Anschauliche Beispiele aus der Praxis ergänzen das Angebot. Seit der ersten Auflage dieses Leitfadens im Jahre 2008 haben zahlreiche Unternehmen die im Leitfaden beschriebene Vorgehensweise erfolgreich umgesetzt. Die Anwender bestätigten den Mehrwert des Leitfadens sowie ihre positiven Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse in einer begleitenden Befragung.

Ableism: The Causes and Consequences of Disability Prejudice (Contemporary Social Issues)

by Michelle R. Nario-Redmond

The first comprehensive volume to integrate social-scientific literature on the origins and manifestations of prejudice against disabled people Ableism, prejudice against disabled people stereotyped as incompetent and dependent, can elicit a range of reactions that include fear, contempt, pity, and inspiration. Current literature—often narrowly focused on a specific aspect of the subject or limited in scope to psychoanalytic tradition—fails to examine the many origins and manifestations of ableism. Filling a significant gap in the field, Ableism: The Causes and Consequences of Disability Prejudice is the first work to synthesize classic and contemporary studies on the evolutionary, ideological, and cognitive-emotional sources of ableism. This comprehensive volume examines new manifestations of ableism, summarizes the state of research on disability prejudice, and explores real-world personal accounts and interventions to illustrate the various forms and impacts of ableism. This important contribution to the field combines evidence from multiple theoretical perspectives, including published and unpublished work from both disabled and nondisabled constituents, on the causes, consequences, and elimination of disability prejudice. Each chapter places findings in the context of contemporary theories—identifying methodological limits and suggesting alternative interpretations. Topics include the evolutionary and existential origins of disability prejudice, cultural and impairment-specific stereotypes, interventions to reduce prejudice, and how to effect social change through collective action and advocacy. Adopting a holistic approach to the study of disability prejudice, this accessibly-written volume: Provides an inclusive, up-to-date exploration of the origins and expressions of ableism Addresses how to resist ableist practices, prioritize accessible policies, and create more equitable social relations with pages earmarked for activists and allies Focuses on interpersonal and intergroup analysis from a social-psychological perspective Integrates research from multiple disciplines to illustrate critical cognitive, affective and behavioral mechanisms and manifestations of ableism Suggests future research directions based on topics covered in each chapter Ableism: The Causes and Consequences of Disability Prejudice is an important resource for social, community and rehabilitation psychologists, scholars and researchers of disability studies, and students, activists, and academics across political, sociological, and humanistic disciplines.

Ableism in Academia: Theorising Experiences of Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses in Higher Education

by Nicole Brown Jennifer Leigh

Rather than embracing difference, academic ecosystems seek to normalize and homogenize ways of working and of being a researcher. As a consequence, ableism is an endemic experience in academia, though to date no attempt has been made to theorize those experiences. Ableism in Academia provides an interdisciplinary outlook on ableism that is currently missing. Through reporting research data and exploring personal experiences, the contributors explore the concept of what it means to be and to work outside the so-called norm. The volume brings together a range of perspectives, including feminism, post-structuralism, Derridean and Foucauldian theory, crip theory, and disability theory, and draws on a number of related disciplines. Contributors use various schools of theory to raise awareness and increase understanding of the marginalized. These theories are placed in the context of neoliberal academia and used to interrogate aspects of identity and how disability is performed, and to argue that ableism is not just a disability issue. This timely collection will be of interest to researchers in disability studies, higher education studies, and sociology, as well as to those working across the social sciences.

Abnormal Hemoglobins in Human Populations (Technical Reports #No. 3)

by Frank. B. Livingstone Jonathan Marks

Research on abnormal human hemoglobins (protein in blood that carries oxygen), has taught us about the inheritance, biochemistry, and distribution of these traits. This knowledge, coupled with mathematical research using computer models of population genetics, has enabled researchers to marry biological fact and genetic theory. This volume places medical understanding in an evolutionary framework. Using published data on the frequencies of abnormal hemoglobins in the world's populations, Livingston analyzes and interprets these frequencies in the light of world distribution of different forms of diseases such as malaria. He further develops the genetic theory of the evolutionary homeostasis. Livingston discusses the relation of abnormal hemoglobins to endemic malaria and, shows how natural selection pressures explain the known distribution of these traits. Where non-coinciding distributions arise, the book presents other genetic, anthropological, evolutionary, and epidemiological evidence to explain these discrepancies. This classic work remains a useful sourcebook for professors and graduate students of anthropology, genetics, epidemiology, and hematology.

Abolish Social Work (As We Know It)

by Craig Fortier Edward Hon-Sing Wong Mj Rwigema

Abolish Social Work (As We Know It) responds to the timely and important call for police abolition by analyzing professional social work as one alternative commonly proposed as a ready-made solution to ending police brutality. Drawing on both historical analysis and lessons learned from decades of organizing abolitionist and decolonizing practices within the field and practice of social work (including social service, community organizing, and other helping fields), this book is an important contribution in the discussion of what abolitionist social work could look like. This edited volume brings together predominantly BIPOC and queer/trans* social work survivors, community-based activists, educators, and frontline social workers to propose both an abolitionist framework for social work practice and a transformative framework that calls for the dissolution and restructuring of social work as a profession. Rejecting the practices and values encapsulated by professional social work as embedded in carceral and colonial systems, Abolish Social Work (As We Know It) moves us towards a social work framework guided by principles of mutual aid, accountability, and relationality led by Indigenous, Black, queer/trans*, racialized, immigrant, disabled, poor and other communities for whom social work has inserted itself into their lives.

Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation

by Sophie Lewis

What if we could do better than the family? We need to talk about the family. For those who are lucky, families can be filled with love and care, but for many they are sites of pain: from abandonment and neglect, to abuse and violence. Nobody is more likely to harm you than your family. Even in so-called happy families, the unpaid, unacknowledged work that it takes to raise children and care for each other is endless and exhausting. It could be otherwise: in this urgent, incisive polemic, leading feminist critic Sophie Lewis makes the case for family abolition. Abolish the Family traces the history of family abolitionist demands, beginning with nineteenth century utopian socialist and sex radical Charles Fourier, the Communist Manifesto and early-twentieth century Russian family abolitionist Alexandra Kollontai. Turning her attention to the 1960s, Lewis reminds us of the anti-family politics of radical feminists like Shulamith Firestone and the gay liberationists, a tradition she traces to the queer marxists bringing family abolition to the twenty-first century. This exhilarating essay looks at historic rightwing panic about Black families and the violent imposition of the family on indigenous communities, and insists: only by thinking beyond the family can we begin to imagine what might come after.

Abolition. Feminism. Now

by Angela Y. Davis Gina Dent Erica R. Meiners Beth E. Richie

This book is a celebration of freedom work, a movement genealogy, a call to action, and a challenge to those who think of abolition and feminism as separate--even incompatible--political projects. In this remarkable collaborative work, leading scholar-activists Angela Y. Davis, Gina Dent, Erica R. Meiners, and Beth E. Richie surface the often unrecognized genealogies of queer, anti-capitalist, internationalist, grassroots, and women-of-color-led feminist movements, struggles, and organizations that have helped to define abolition and feminism in the twenty-first century. This pathbreaking book also features illustrations documenting the work of grassroots organizers embodying abolitionist feminist practice. Amplifying the analysis and the theories of change generated out of vibrant community based organizing, Abolition. Feminism. Now. highlights necessary historical linkages, key internationalist learnings, and everyday practices to imagine a future where we can all thrive.

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