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Productivity Dynamics in Emerging and Industrialized Countries

by Deb Kusum Das

The world, of late, has seen a productivity slowdown. Many countries continue to recover from various shocks in the macro business environment, along with structural changes and inward looking policies. In contemporary times of growth slumps, various exits and protectionist regimes, this book engages with the study of productivity dynamics in the emerging and industrialized economies. The essays address the crucial aspects, such as the roles of human capital, investment accounting and datasets, that help understanding of productivity performance of global economy and its several regions. This book will be of interest to academics, practitioners and professionals in the field of economic growth, productivity and development studies. This will also be an important reference on empirical industrial economics in both India and the world.

The Productivity Project: Proven Ways to Become More Awesome

by Chris Bailey

'A fun, interesting, and useful read!' David Allen, bestselling author of Getting Things DoneNearly all of us want to be more productive, but finding the method that works for you among the hundreds and hundreds of different tips, tricks and hacks can be a daunting prospect. After graduating college, Chris Bailey decided to dedicate a whole year to doing just that - experimenting with as many of the techniques as he could, and finding the things that work. Among the experiments that he undertook are: going several weeks on little to no sleep; cutting out caffeine and sugar; taking a daily siesta; living in total isolation for 10 days; stretching his workweek to 90 hours; and getting up at 5:30 every morning, all the while monitoring the impact of his experiments on the quality and quantity of his work. The results were often surprising! This book is the result of Chris's year-long journey, distilling the lessons he learned into a few core truths about how we get things done (or, indeed, don't). Among the many counterintuitive insights Chris discovered that had the biggest impact on his productivity were striving for imperfection; scheduling less time for important tasks; the 20 second rule to distract yourself from distractions; and the concept of productive procrastination. In this accessible and fun guide, Chris Bailey offers over 30 tried-and-tested best practices that will help everyone to accomplish more - and become more awesome.

The Productivity Project: Proven Ways to Become More Awesome

by Chris Bailey

'A fun, interesting, and useful read!' David Allen, bestselling author of Getting Things DoneNearly all of us want to be more productive, but finding the method that works for you among the hundreds and hundreds of different tips, tricks and hacks can be a daunting prospect. After graduating college, Chris Bailey decided to dedicate a whole year to doing just that - experimenting with as many of the techniques as he could, and finding the things that work. Among the experiments that he undertook are: going several weeks on little to no sleep; cutting out caffeine and sugar; taking a daily siesta; living in total isolation for 10 days; stretching his workweek to 90 hours; and getting up at 5:30 every morning, all the while monitoring the impact of his experiments on the quality and quantity of his work. The results were often surprising! This book is the result of Chris's year-long journey, distilling the lessons he learned into a few core truths about how we get things done (or, indeed, don't). Among the many counterintuitive insights Chris discovered that had the biggest impact on his productivity were striving for imperfection; scheduling less time for important tasks; the 20 second rule to distract yourself from distractions; and the concept of productive procrastination. In this accessible and fun guide, Chris Bailey offers over 30 tried-and-tested best practices that will help everyone to accomplish more - and become more awesome.

PRODUKTiver im Homeoffice: Innovative Methoden zum besseren Arbeiten im Homeoffice: Psychologisch fundiert (essentials)

by Magdalena Weber Sandra J. Diller Stephanie Bendrat Carina Berger Julian Ebner

Aufgrund der heutigen Arbeit in einer digitalisierten und globalisierten Welt ist auch das Homeoffice als eine Form von Telearbeit relevant. Um ein besseres Arbeiten im Homeoffice zu ermöglichen, werden in diesem essential Herausforderungen beim Arbeiten im Homeoffice adressiert und basierend auf psychologischen Modellen, Theorien und Forschungskenntnissen Produktideen für die Praxis vorgestellt. Die Ideen sollen innovative Problemlöseprozesse aufzeigen und Anstoß zu eigenen Ideen bieten.

Produktiver Umgang mit Spannungsfeldern und Grenzen in der Projektarbeit: Handlungsempfehlungen aus der Praxis (essentials)

by Michael Zirkler Christian Bachmann

Projektleitende erleben vielfältige Spannungsfelder in ihrer Arbeit und sind dabei besonders exponiert. Das Buch erklärt die verschiedenen Spannungsfelder, denen Projektverantwortliche ausgesetzt sind und zeigt, wie ein nachhaltiger Umgang über Grenzmanagement gelingen kann, damit die anspruchsvolle Aufgabe mit Freude, Erfolg und bleibender Gesundheit erledigt werden kann. Praktische Hinweise zur produktiven und nachhaltigen Gestaltung der Projektleitungsrolle werden aus Sicht der Praxis vorgestellt.

Produktivität im „Reich der Freiheit“: Freizeitbudgets im Alltag und im Alter

by Heiner Meulemann

Gewinnen mit der wachsenden Freizeit produktive auf Kosten konsumtiver Aktivitäten? Zeitbudgetbefragungen zeigen, wie sich mit der wachsenden Freizeit die Verteilung der Freizeit auf produktive und konsumtive Aktivitäten verändert – sowohl in der täglichen Freizeit aller wie mit dem Freizeitgewinn durch Alter und Ruhestand. Im Zeitbudget der gesamten deutschen Bevölkerung zwischen 2001 und 2012 und im Vergleich der Altersgruppen unter und über 65 Jahren wachsen produktive Freizeitaktivitäten nicht auf Kosten konsumtiver an, wohl aber im Vergleich von Erwerbstätigen und Rentnern.

Produktivität neu denken: Vom Trennungs- zum Vermittlungsbegriff

by Hannah Schragmann

Der Begriff der Produktivität findet täglich Verwendung, um die eigene Leistung zu bewerten. Darin, so die These, zeigt sich ein problematisches Verhältnis zur eigenen Tätigkeit. Denn was bedeutet Produktivität? Die Autorin geht von dem antiken weiten Verständnis von Produktivität als generellem Wirkprinzip aus und zeigt, wie sich Vorstellungen in Bezug auf das, was als produktiv gilt, gewandelt haben. Heute dominiert das ökonomische Verständnis, das die Beziehung zwischen Input (hervorbringender Natur) und Output (hervorgebrachter Natur) quantifiziert. Produktiv ist der Mensch, wenn er viel schafft – und nicht, wenn er ‚sich hervorbringt‘. Die Autorin entwickelt einen neuen Produktivitätsbegriff, der die menschliche Fähigkeit zu produktiver Selbstwerdung ins Zentrum stellt. So entsteht auch ein neuer Blick auf (humanistisch) produktive Arbeit, der diese nicht an Effizienzmaximen, sondern der Beziehung des Subjekts zur Tätigkeit festmacht. Zugleich soll Systemproduktivität im Subjekt verwurzelt werden: Das (wirtschaftliche) System gilt nicht mehr als produktiv, wenn es kurzfristig Gewinne, sondern nur, wenn es langfristig Bedingungen für Individual(re)produktivität bereitstellt. Der Begriff der Produktivität wird so (wieder) als Vermittlungsbegriff fruchtbar gemacht.

Profane Culture: Updated Edition

by Paul E Willis

A classic of British cultural studies, Profane Culture takes the reader into the worlds of two important 1960s youth cultures—the motor-bike boys and the hippies. The motor-bike boys were working-class motorcyclists who listened to the early rock 'n' roll of the late 1950s. In contrast, the hippies were middle-class drug users with long hair and a love of progressive music. Both groups were involved in an unequal but heroic fight to produce meaning and their own cultural forms in the face of a larger society dominated by the capitalist media and commercialism. They were pioneers of cultural experimentation, the self-construction of identity, and the curating of the self, which, in different ways, have become so widespread today.In Profane Culture, Paul Willis develops an important and still very contemporary theory and methodology for understanding the constructions of lived and popular culture. His new preface discusses the ties between the cultural moment explored in the book and today.

Profanity, Obscenity and the Media

by Melvin J. Lasky

This is the second volume of Melvin J. Lasky's The Language of Journalism series, praised as a "brilliant" and "original" study in communications and contemporary language, and as "a joy to read." When it was first published, it broke ground in focusing on the comparative styles and prejudices of mainstream American and British newspapers, and in its trenchant analysis of their systematic debasement of language in the face of obligatory platitudes and compulsory euphemisms.Lasky documents the growing crisis affecting honest, thoughtful, and independent journalism in the Western world. He extends the scope of his first volume in the trilogy and deepens the interpretation. He also adds a personal touch of wit and anecdote, as one might expect from an experienced international journalist and historian. Lasky's examination of the use of formerly forbidden language is a triumph of sinuous semantics. In his incisive analysis, we see the tortuous struggle of a once Puritanized literary culture writhing to break free of censorship and self-censorship.This volume on the phenomenon of profanity adds another dimension to Lasky's thesis on mass culture's trivialization of real social and political phenomena. It also underscores our society's embrace of banality, in standardizing politically correct jargon and slang. Readers of the first volume will find here a new range of references to illuminate the detail of what our newspapers have been publishing.

Professing Selves: Transsexuality and Same-Sex Desire in Contemporary Iran

by Afsaneh Najmabadi

Since the mid-1980s, the Islamic Republic of Iran has permitted, and partially subsidized, sex reassignment surgery. In Professing Selves, Afsaneh Najmabadi explores the meaning of transsexuality in contemporary Iran. Combining historical and ethnographic research, she describes how, in the postrevolutionary era, the domains of law, psychology and psychiatry, Islamic jurisprudence, and biomedicine became invested in distinguishing between the acceptable "true" transsexual and other categories of identification, notably the "true" homosexual, an unacceptable category of existence in Iran. Najmabadi argues that this collaboration among medical authorities, specialized clerics, and state officials--which made transsexuality a legally tolerated, if not exactly celebrated, category of being--grew out of Iran's particular experience of Islamicized modernity. Paradoxically, state regulation has produced new spaces for non-normative living in Iran, since determining who is genuinely "trans" depends largely on the stories that people choose to tell, on the selves that they profess.

Professing Sociology: Studies in the Life Cycle of Social Science

by Irving Horowitz

Professing Sociology was originally published at a time when sociology commanded widespread interest and public funding. Written by one of the leaders of "the new sociology" of the late sixties, this volume captures the nature and intensity of the field's intellectual foundations and scope. It reveals the field's post-World War II development as a scientific discipline and as a profession, and includes the author's most significant writings on critical trends shaping the field.Irving Louis Horowitz divides the life cycle of sociology into three main sections. The first deals with the inner life of sociology, covering basic theoretical issues uniting and dividing the profession. In a second section, Horowitz shows the institutions and sources from which the struggle of ideas is nourished. A third section shows how political life shapes the inner life of American sociology. Horowitz gives a great deal of attention to international social science, to the relationship of social science to public policy, and to federal projects and grant agencies and their effects on research.Irving Louis Horowitz was undoubtedly influential in shaping his field, and Professing Sociology offers valuable insights into how ideas become part of the fabric of professional life. As the new introduction by Howard G. Schneiderman shows, Professing Sociology provides a clear picture of sociology at the height of its importance.

Profession 2011 (Profession Ser.)

by The Modern Language Association of America

This issue of Profession contains Sidonie Smith's introduction to her Presidential Forum (held at the 2011 MLA convention) and the essays of forum participants Hillary Chute, Marianne Hirsch, Leigh Gilmore, Craig Howes, Françoise Lionnet, Nancy K. Miller, David Palumbo-Liu, Brian Rotman, Leo Spitzer, Robert Warrior, and Gillian L. Whitlock. The issue also features a section on evaluating digital scholarship. Introduced by Susan Schreibman, Laura Mandell, and Stephen Olsen, the section includes essays by Steve Anderson, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Jerome McGann, Tara McPherson, Bethany Nowviskie, and Geoffrey Rockwell. The issue's other essays are by Reed Way Dasenbrock, Gillian Gane, Laurie Grobman, Joyce Kinkead, David Porter, and Richard Yarborough. The issue concludes with two sets of MLA guidelines--on professional employment practices for non-tenure-track faculty members and on evaluating translations as scholarship--and a listing of reports, surveys, statements, and other resources recently added to the MLA Web site.

Profession 2012 (Profession Ser.)

by The Modern Language Association

This issue of Profession contains Russell A. Berman's introduction to his Presidential Forum, Language, Literature, Learning, held at the 2012 MLA convention, and the essays of the forum participants Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Christopher Freeburg, Jack Halberstam, B. Venkat Mani, and Imani Perry. To mark the journal's thirty-fifth anniversary, the issue also features a retrospective sampling of articles that illustrate the evolution of the profession and of the professional issues the journal has addressed since its inception in 1977. The retrospective section includes articles by Leon Anderson; Wayne C. Booth; Heidi Byrnes; James A. Castaeda; Erik D. Curren; Reed Way Dasenbrock; Henry Louis Gates, Jr.; Gerald Graff; John Guillory; Carolyn G. Heilbrun; Mara Holt; Dorothy James; Claire J. Kramsch; George Levine; Philip Lewis; Alan Liu; Helene Moglen; Christopher Newfield; Mary Louise Pratt; Judith Ryan; Jack H. Schuster; and Domna C. Stanton.

Profession 2013

by The Modern Language Association

This issue of Profession contains Michael Bérubé's introduction to his Presidential Forum, Avenues of Access, which was held at the 2013 MLA convention, and the essays of the forum participants: Joshua A. Boldt, Beth Landers, Maria Maisto, and Robert Samuels. The issue also features a section on a statistical study documenting the participation of people of color in humanities doctoral programs. Curated by the MLA Committee on the Literatures of People of Color in the United States and Canada, the section includes an introduction by Ifeoma Kiddoe Nwankwo and Richard T. Rodríguez; articles by Frances R. Aparicio, Robert Warrior, and Dana A. Williams; and a conclusion by Doug Steward. The issue's four other essays cover a variety of topics. Disability and access in higher education is the subject of a collaborative article by Brenda Jo Brueggemann, Jay Dolmage, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Susan Ghiaciuc, Stephanie L. Kerschbaum, Craig A. Meyer, Sushil K. Oswal, Margaret Price, Ellen Samuels, and Amy Vidali. Rogelio Miñana writes about a curricular experiment; superliteracy and doctoral programs are the focus of Joseph R. Urgo's article; and Julia M. Wright's topic is faculty governance.

The Profession of Social Work

by Karen M. Sowers Catherine N. Dulmus

An expert introduction to the foundations of the social work profession-from its historical roots to its evolution in an era of evidence-based practiceThe Profession of Social Work provides a broad overview of the history, scope, values, ethics, and organizational framework of the social work profession. Exploring professional ethics and human rights, evidence-based practice and practice-guided research, as well as emerging trends and issues, this important book presents topics of critical importance to anyone considering a career in social work.Each chapter in the text offers an array of pedagogical features, including Key Terms, Review Questions for Critical Thinking, and Online Resources.Ideal for introductory courses for both undergraduate and graduate students, The Profession of Social Work features coverage closely aligned with social work accreditation standards (EPAS) and includes chapters authored by established scholars on topics including:Social work historySocial work educationProfessional credentialing and regulationsValues and ethicsThe strengths perspective in social work practiceEvidence-based practice and improving the scientific base for social work practiceContemporary issues in social workWith a wealth of insider insights into and guidance on the profession of social work, this book is essential reading to prepare for a career in this field.

Professional Boundaries in Social Work and Social Care

by Frank Cooper


Professional Burnout: Recent Developments in Theory and Research (Routledge Library Editions: Human Resource Management)

by Wilmar B. Schaufeli Christina Maslach Tadeusz Marek

A rapidly growing number of people experience psychological strain at their workplace. In almost all industrialized countries, absenteeism and turnover rates increase, and an increasing amount of workers receive disablement benefits because of psychological problems. This book, first published in 1993, concentrates on a specific kind of occupational stress: burnout, the depletion of energy resources as a result of continuous emotional demands of the job. This volume presents theoretical perspectives that had been developed in the United States and Europe, discusses methodological issues, and examines organisational contexts. Written by an international group of leading scholars, this book will be of interest to students of both psychology and human resource management.

Professional Communication: Consultancy, Advocacy, Activism (Communicating in Professions and Organizations)

by Louise Mullany

This edited book presents contemporary empirical research investigating the use of language in professional settings, drawing on the contributions of a set of internationally-renowned authors. The book takes a critical approach to understanding professional communication in a range of fields and global contexts. Split into three parts, covering Business and Organisations, Healthcare, and Politics and Institutions, the contributors explore how and why academics engage in workplace research which takes the form of 'consultancy', 'advocacy' and 'activism'. In light of an ever-changing, ever-demanding global landscape, this volume offers new theoretical and methodological ways of conducting professional communication research with real-world impact. It will be of interest to linguistics and communication researchers and practitioners, particularly those working in sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, business communication, health communication, political communication, language and the law and organisational studies.

Professional Competition and Professional Power

by Yves Dezalay David Sugarman

Examines the ongoing efforts of lawyers and allied professionals to construct, police and redefine their boundaries. Focusing on the newly emerging large multinationals, it explores the relationship between professions, the economy and the state.

Professional Development and Institutional Needs (Monitoring Change in Education)

by Gillian Trorey Cedric Cullingford

The tension between institutional needs and those of the individual has rarely been higher. Increasing demands on institutions to deliver set targets and value for money whilst adhering to set expectations and external constraints has led to an erosion of the notion of staff development. This book looks at how the conflict between the two outlooks emerges and what can be done to overcome it. Based on empirical evidence, the authors reveal what is happening in a range of institutions and explore the tensions between the personal needs of the individual and the demands of managers. They examine the reasons behind the conflict and discuss what measures can be taken to overcome it. The book will provide a central text on an important but relatively neglected subject of interest to all engaged in the profession.

Professional Discourses, Gender and Identity in Women's Media

by Melissa Yoong

This book examines the professional discourses produced in women’s media in Malaysia and the subject positions that they make available for career women. Drawing on feminist critical discourse analysis, critical stylistics and feminist conversation analysis, it identifies a range of gendered discourses around employment and motherhood that are underpinned by postfeminism and neoliberal feminism. Through close linguistic analysis of magazine and newspaper articles and radio talk, the study reveals that these discourses substitute balance, individual success, self-transformation and positive feelings for structural change, and entrench the very issues hindering gender workplace equality. Chapters discuss topics such as sexism, work-family balance, extensive and intensive mothering, breadwinning, gender stereotypes, beauty work, ‘synthetic sisterhood’, media practices and gender equality policies. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of language and gender, discourse analysis, and media, communication and cultural studies as well as policy-makers, media practitioners and feminist activists.

Professional Dominance: The Social Structure of Medical Care

by Eliot Freidson

In the United States today we are confronted by a number of serious social problems, not the least of which concern the character of our basic human services. In each of the broad public domains of welfare, education, law, and health there are crises of public confidence. Each in its own way is failing to accomplish its essential mission of alleviating material deprivation, instructing the young, controlling and righting criminal and civil wrongs, and healing the sick. The poor, the student, the offender and the victim, the sick-all have in some way protested the failure of the institutions responsible for them. And these protests occur at a time when the human services are absorbing an increasingly massive amount of money and manpower. Awareness of that crisis intensified in the second half of the twentieth century. Increasing energy has been invested in research designed to determine what can be done. Each of the human services has long had its own research tradition, but during the sixties each has also made a concerted effort to mobilize and use the skills of such comparatively new disciplines as sociology. Owing to these new demands, sociology itself has grown. The hitherto obscure specialties of the sociology of law and medicine and the established specialties of criminology and educational sociology have taken on new vigor. In applying themselves the task of studying the human services, however, these segments of sociology have had to choose between two different strategies. Rather than dealing with the details of the human services for their own sake-and this lack of detail in a characteristic limitation of the second approach-this book shall instead attempt to stand outside the system in order to delineate one of its critical assumptions and a strategic feature of its basic structure. This book deals with the concept of profession, for the concept rests on assumptions about how services to laymen should be controlled and is realized by a special kind of

Professional Emotions in Court: A Sociological Perspective

by Åsa Wettergren Stina Bergman Blix

Professional Emotions in Court examines the paramount role of emotions in the legal professions and in the functioning of the democratic judicial system. Based on extensive interview and observation data in Sweden, the authors highlight the silenced background emotions and the tacitly habituated emotion management in the daily work at courts and prosecution offices. Following participants ‘backstage’ – whether at the office or at lunch – in order to observe preparations for and reflections on the performance in court itself, this book sheds light on the emotionality of courtroom interactions, such as professional collaboration, negotiations, and challenges, with the analysis of micro-interactions being situated in the broader structural regime of the legal system – the emotive-cognitive judicial frame – throughout. A demonstration of the false dichotomy between emotion and reason that lies behind the assumption of a judicial system that operates rationally and without emotion, Professional Emotions in Court reveals how this assumption shapes professionals’ perceptions and performance of their work, but hampers emotional reflexivity, and questions whether the judicial system might gain in legitimacy if the role of emotional processes were recognized and reflected upon.

Professional Empowerment in the Software Industry through Experience-Driven Shared Tacit Knowledge: A Case Study from China

by Hui Chen Miguel Baptista Nunes

This book addresses the identification and classification of knowledge acquired through experience that results from engaging in professional activities within the software industry. As a result of this study, the book presents an ontology of such professional activities that require and enable the acquisition of experience and that, in turn, are the basis for tacit knowledge creation. The rationale behind the creation of such an ontology was based on the need to externalize this tacit knowledge and then record such externalizations so that these can be shared and disseminated within and across organizations. The book discusses the very concise manner in which experienced software development practitioners in China understand the nature and value of experience in the SW industry, effectively communicate with other stakeholders in the software development process, are able and motivated to actively engage with continuous professional development, are able to share knowledge with peers and the profession at large, and effectively work on projects and exhibit a sound professional attitude both internally to their own company and externally to customers, partners, and even competitors. The book also discusses the ontology and the qualitative process that are generated by bridging two extremely topical aspects of practice in the software industry, namely, employability skills and competencies. The book is of interest to academics in the areas of knowledge management and information systems, as well as human resources practitioners concerned with selection and development and knowledge and information professionals in software organizations.

Professional Error Competence of Preservice Teachers

by Eveline Wuttke Jürgen Seifried

This book discusses competence, teacher competence, and professional error competence of teachers, and emphasizes the need for a training programme that supports the latter. The book starts out by presenting results from previous studies that underline the necessity to train professional error competence of teachers, especially in the field of accounting. The studies analysed include research in the field of accounting, and on the efficacy of teacher training. Next, considerations on training programmes are presented. From these analyses, a training programme was designed to support professional error competence in accounting. This training programme aims for increased knowledge about students' errors (content knowledge) and offers strategies to handle these errors (pedagogical content knowledge). Both are central facets of professional error competence. The book describes the development, characteristics, implementation, and evaluation of this programme. It details the test platform that was developed and used for the assessment of professional error competence, and critically discusses the results from the evaluation of the training programme from various perspectives. The current discussion on teacher training and expertise is influenced by empirical results obtained in international large-scale studies such as PISA and TIMSS. The findings of the studies underpin the discussion on teaching quality and teachers' professional competences. The key issue is that teacher competence has an impact on teaching quality and this, in turn, influences students' achievements. International comparative studies reveal that teachers often lack central competence facets, and therefore it is assumed that standard teacher training programmes may fail to successfully prepare student teachers for their tasks. Therefore, customized training programmes are currently being discussed. Their focus is mostly on pedagogical content knowledge and classroom practices, because these competence facets are essential for teaching quality.

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